Dragonheartless moon/lady

Draco smiled a little. "only because she totally deserves it." Draco purred grinning as he tickled Dracen's feet, in her brand new Lacey pink booties and Harry snorted a little as Draco nuzzled her with the two new toys he had bought her. "How many outfits this time?" Harry demanded Draco looking up at Harry. "er... six..." harry tossed his hands in the air and shook his head. "Draco your impossible!" "but they look so GOOD on her!!!!"
"I told you!And, leave him alone. He's to much of a princess not to want to not dress up the only girl around."Adrien laughed kissing Harry softly. Looking at his friend, tensing a little. ebcause he was waiting for Draco to have a fit about him being there. Relaxing after a few minutes."Now, can I have my dragon back?"He said looking at his friend.
Draco glared at Adrien about being called a princess...again. "look you! Harry's the Drag queen here not me!" he complained and there was a soft huff as Fred walked in from the fireplace wearing a fancy skirt and blouse. "you got something against cross dressers all of a sudden!?" "no!" Draco protested. "i just have something against Adrien mocking me." He complained pouting now. "Fred, molest him for me!" Fred just snorted and looked at Adrien. "George gives you permission to have sex with Draco anytime he annoys you." Draco went beat red and held up the baby. "Hey now! there are innocent ears here!!!"
"When she understands what your saying, then I'll watch it."He smirked walking over taking the baby, cuddling his daughter, giving draco a look."I'd be nice to me. I can make sure you have.....issues having sex."Adrien smirked as he played with his daughter, laughing as she smacked his face."And I was dressed in a dress earlier. Don't hate, princess."
Draco paused to stare at Adrien, Fred gaping at him as he heard the news, both their eyes flicking to Harry for confirmation who smirked and nodded. "this is GREAT!" Draco cheered leaping to his feet Fred laughing. "i'll get the dress!" "i'll get the shackles!" "poor George isn't going to know what hit him." harry mumbled a smirk on his lips. "come on love, before they ask us to help."
"Are they really putting George in a dress because I was in one?"He asked before apparating home, looking at his husband for a answer. If so, he was so expecting George to come after they were done, and berate him for being a pussy and wearing a dress.
Harry snickered a little. "that's what their going to claim anyway, but they won't get him into it, George is the dominant of the three for a reason." Harry admitted looking amused. "i bet Draco is going to end up being the one dressed up like a girl, pretty bows, makeup, pantyhose and all." Harry admitted gently tickling Dracen. "Daddy is so silly isn't he?"
"I'm not silly."Adrien said smirking at the idea of Draco dressed up like that."And just so we're straight, I'm not mommy either."He said wrapping his arms around harry,"Whens the pictures being published?"
Harry chuckled a little grinning brightly. "in three days, they have a prototype for us tomorrow and if we don't like it we can ask them to use another." he admitted smirking. "but i bet were going to like it." Harry admitted with a small snicker as he kissed the others cheek. "and we all know your not mommy."
"Good."Adrien said kissing him softly, resting his head on Harry's shoulder, enjoying being with his family.

"You know...my ass looks amazing in a skirt."Adrien said as he looked at the prototype three days later, reclining on Draco's couch, having come to show george that yes, he'd dressed up and Draco wasn't making it up.
Harry smirked a little. "damn i look good." he teased looking over the picture, which showed Harry arched against the bed, blushing hard looking so pleasured it hurt, Adrien laying next to him, dragging the flaming whip across Harry's belly. "damn, this caught Adrien's dark side well!" George teased grinning. "and your ass DOES look good in a skirt." then he smacked Adrien upside the head. "and that's for making my boys think they had even the slightest chance of getting me in one you dork." "well we certainly suffered for it." Draco bitched looking down at his own skirt, Fred snickering as he tried to keep the many hickeys on his neck covered.

"Anyway." Fred murmured sounding almost sad. "i have news..." he admitted glancing at George and back to the floor. "i went to the doctors last night, because i was having some pretty bad stomach cramps and i was getting sick and stuff..." his tone grew more and more pained with every word. "turns out, i'm..." "oh god your dying aren't you!?" Draco demanded, flying into a panic. "i knew we shouldn't have tested things on you! George this is all your fault!" "my fault!? he volunteered!! besides he's not dying!...are you?" "i'm not dying." Fred promised closing his eyes. "i'm pregnant." and then he was laughing at Draco, George, and Harry's faces who all looked stunned and relieved. "You Arse! i was really worried!" George complained snuggling Fred. "were gonna have a baaaaaby."
Adrien laughed softly rubbing his head where George hit him,"I am so spoiling the baby.And you're such a drama queen draco."He said grinning, "Congradulations you guys.Just think we'll have kids almost the same age.And I wont be the only mommy."Adrien said before he thought about it, paling slightly when he realized what he'd just called himself. Giving them a look as he cuddled Dracen as she rested on his chest."None of you heard that. Fred's mommy. I'm not."
all four people in the room had shit eating smirks, but they wisely said nothing as they cooed and gushed over Fred the way they had been too fearful to do to Adrien. "i hope it looks just like Draco." Fred admitted looking overly pleased and Draco blushed a little. "how do you know it's not George's baby?" "because he always pulls out before he Cums." Fred pointed out. "incest is hot but never very good for breading." that made harry snort and glance at Draco who coughed a little and blushed, because most of his family had married cousins, even half siblings in order to maintain their pure blood status.
"Hey, there's nothing wrong with cousins marrying. Though they do end up insane most of the time.....maybe that explains Draco."Adrien said thoughtully, smirking at the man, before grinning."If it looks like draco, it better be a girl, otherwise someone's going to give him a hell of a time for looking like a girl."
Draco glared at Adrien as furiously as he could as Draco George and Harry snickered behind their hands before Fred glared at Adrien too. "Are you saying you don't want my little boy to be pretty!?" he demanded, suddenly very moody and Draco and George inched away from him. Fred rarely got mad, or even annoyed but when he did it was explosive. "What if i want him to be pretty huh!? if i want my little baby to look like draco then it will and you better never say anything about it or i'll take that broom and shove it so far up your...ooh my.." Fred murmured leaning back into Georges hands as he gave his brother a massage Harry staring wide eyed at the pregnant weasley. "...that was new..." "that was hormones." Draco grumbled. "he goes off like that sometimes, don't pay it any mind. he nearly cut off my dick when i made a comments about sex." he admitted grimacing as he cupped himself. "it still hurts sometimes, even if George healed it right away."
Adrien snickered a little, looking at the angry weasley tilting his head. If Fred wanted to start that pissing contest, he'd win. There was no question about it, but he wasn't going to get pissy when he knew what it was like to get moody."You okay?"he asked looking at the blond, concern on his face.
Fred was silent know, just enjoying the shoulder massage his brother was giving him Draco chuckling a little. "yeah i'm fine." Draco promised. "the doctors warned us that Fred might get violent if the pregnancy took." he admitted shaking his head. "something about a hormonal imbalance or something, in any case i know he didn't really mean it." he admitted smiling lovingly at Fred who had fallen asleep on the couch. "this is going to be a very long nine months though."
"It could be worse princess. You could be the one pregnant."Adrien pointed out, shifting to wrap his arms around Harry."We better be going. You have to drop off the template to the magazine and tell them the pictures are fine, and Dracen's getting ready to fall asleep."He said looking at the girl almost sleeping in his arms.
Harry chuckled a little and smiled down at the baby girl, looking overly happy as Narcissa, still in Ferret form yawned and got to her feet, using Harry's pants as a ladder crawled up to wrap around Harry's neck, a flash of what almost looked like Jealousy rose in Draco's eyes, quickly smothered and hidden behind gray orbs as he grinned and tickled Dracen's toes and shoved a bag into Harry's arms. "these are all Dracen's new things, take pictures!!!" he demanded grinning brightly as harry laughed a little and nodding, missing the blonds unusual behaviors. "i will Draco." Harry promised looking through the outfits.
Adrien raised a eyebrow catching the unusualness,"Come on draco, you can come babysit with me.You'll get used to having a baby."He said, wanting to talk to him, studying the blond before looking at harry, taking the bag from him, shifting it over his shoulder as he held dracen.'"You go take cae of your pictures, me and Draco got the baby."
Draco brightened at the idea of more time with Dracen and George chuckled a little as Harry hesitated, uncertain about leaving without Adrien before grinning, deciding he would be safe with Draco as he apparated out of the house, taking the protesting Naricissa with him as Draco headed over to the fireplace cooing and giggling at Dracen who giggled back.
Adrien rolled his eyes as they flooed back to the house, setting Dracen's bag on the table as he tried not to fret about harry being on his own.he was harry potter, savior of the wizarding world, surely he didn't need Adrien Dragonheartless looking over his shoulder. Though the tight feeling in his stomach told him he was being a idiot, and that he should go check and come off pranoid.

Shaking his head he cleared it, looking at the blond holding his giggling daughter."When you have your own, are you going to stop spoiling mine?"
Draco smirked a little. "no." he admitted looking highly amused as he tickled Dracen's toes again making her giggle some more grinning brightly. "i have plenty of money to spend now that mother..." he paused at the word and then cleared his throat. "is gone, me and father got all of the money, so i have tons to spend, i might as well spend it on Dracen, because the twins hate it when i give them expensive things and so does harry, and you'd just find it annoying."
Adrien wrinkled his nose as he made a face at the blond."I only find it annoying cause you always manage to make it seem like I don't have money of my own."He said shaking his head, biting his lip a little."And I'm so spoiling you tyke. So many clothes and toys."He said smirking as he sighed."Are you bothered by what I did to your mother?"He asked suddenly, worried. Having seen the look Draco'd given harry.And while Harry might miss it, he'd spent to many yeas reading Draco to miss it.
Draco hesitated a little and then shook his head. "no... it suits her." he admitted softly, his voice pained. "i'm bothered that...she...even still she...doesn't even care about me." he admitted sitting on the couch and hanging his head. "she's always curling up next to Dracen, and snapping at flies that get too close to her...i'm.... she's just..." he sighed and buried his face in his hands. "why can't she love me? she loves Dracen...so why can't she love me too?"
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