Dragonheartless moon/lady

Adrien laughed softly as he stilled the tire, before pulling his fingers out, sliding his cock in, though he took his time making love with him, refusing to be quick about it until he begged more."Beg for more."
Harry whimpered, arching into the fucking, the tire swing moving to the left and right with every thrust making Adrien's cock go all over inside of harry, only increasing the pleasure that the brunette felt. "a..ad.....rien..a..aah m...more.. please more please." harry begged obediently panting hard as he heard a couple laughing as they walked past, thankfully both Adrien and harry where hidden by the tree.
Adrien laughed at the sound of the couple as he fucked the brunette harder, smirking as the tire swung under them. Amused before this was more then what he'd thought it'd be."Such a pretty little whore."He said leaning down to press his lips to the back of Harry's neck, biting down softly.
Harry moaned arching into it bucking and writhing as best he could. "a...ad....adri...nnn.." he groaned his fingers twitching with the pleasure. "g..gunna...cum, gunna... a..aah!" he needed to cum, he needed to cum so bad!
Adrien moaned as he reached under Harry stroking him hard as he moaned,"Harry..."He moaned as he came, gripping the man hard in his hand.
Harry arched, crying out as he came all over the tire, shuddering and panting looking almost confused for a moment as he trembled against the swinging tire panting lightly leaning against the tire as he squeezed his ass tightly around the others cock, trying to make Adrien cum too.
Adrien moaned softly as he came, biting down on Harry's shoulder to keep from yelling as he slumped against the man's back. Panting for a few long moments he nuzzled his lover's neck, gently easing out of him."Public enough?"He muttered letting the bonds go.Tugging his pants up he smiled slightly as he waved his wand to clean up their mess. No need to scar the kiddies wouldn't be playing on it later.
Harry groaned and smirked a little panting against the tire. "fuck yeah." he growled grinning a little. "this has been a fantasy of mine since... since... god at least sixth year." he admitted sounding amused. "now untie me you jackass." he wined smirking a little. "the tire is leaving imprints on my chest."
Adrien laughed smacking his ass he undid the bonds, letting Harry up."It's not nice calling me names.I might decide not to screw you all the time."He said as he tossed harry his pants, straightenig his own clothes.
Harry groaned into the smack and snickered a little. "that's the plan." he teased winking at his lover as he yanked on his pants and sighed softly. "man i feel good, i was certain those people where gonna catch us." he admitted laughing a little as he looked around the park watching it slowly fill up. "a few minutes longer and we would have been."
"Yea, but it was fun."Adrien said wrapping his arms around the brunette, tensing a little as he felt people staring at him, lowering his head to kiss the man.Takng his time doing it, before apparating back to the house, looking around from dracen and draco."She better not have more toys boytoy!"
Draco just laughed wickedly and Harry groaned a little at the end of the kiss. "ten bucks he turned Narcissa into a plush toy." there was a pause as Draco came in holding a ferret plush toy, staring wide eyed at harry. "how did you KNOW!?" he demanded Harry bursting into sudden laughter. "oh Dray that's MEAN!" Harry stated still laughing. "amusing, but mean!"
Adrien stred, bursting out laughing doubling over as he looked at the plush toy."That...is priceless."he giggled, not that he'd ever call them giggle, but they were."Change her back Draco."
Draco pouted a little. "but Dracen was having fun sucking on her head." he complained letting Narcissa turn back into a screeching ferret, her teeth sinking hard into Draco's hand, who yelped and dropped her, cussing as he held his now bleeding hand, watching her scamper into the living room once more. "damn that hurt!" Draco complained making a face Harry snorting a little. "you can't say you didn't deserve it." "doesn't mean it doesn't hurt!"
"You are such a baby.I've bitten you worse."Adrien said walking over, taking the blond's hand, calling in a healing salve, spreading it over the wound before kissing him slowly and throughfully before drawing away."Better?"He said looking down at him amused.
Draco snorted a little. "yeah but it's a little more insulting when it's mmf." he was cut off by the others cock kissing him back for a moment Harry snickering a little as Draco blinked a bit. "..." Draco said nothing, he just blushed a little and nodded. "right, i'm gonna go find something to fuck then." he decided heading over to the fireplace Harry grinning a little. "that wasn't nice love." he teased Adrien. "Fred said that if he couldn't have sex then Draco and George couldn't either." he admitted smirking. "Draco has to go home and use his hand in the shower no less."
adrien smirked swallowing.He hadn't known that. NOw he felt bad."Well, it wouldn't be the first time he usedd his hand.Though he probably could convince George to watch...have a good wank session."
Harry snorted a little looking amused and he shrugged a little. "it only serves him right." he teased heading out into the living room to check on Dracen and Narcissa, who was curled up on the little girls belly, tolerating fur pulls and slobber alike. "don't you think it's strange?" harry finally asked watching Narcissa. "she never seamed to care about Draco in the least, but she adores Dracen...do you suppose it's because Dracen is a girl?"
Adrien nodded slightly."Most likely. She said Draco was to much of his father's son to ever love."He winced a little."She loved no one but herself...she probably seens dracen as someone she can train to be like herself."
Harry grimaced a little as well and then rolled her eyes. "well she's not going to be able to do much training considering she's a FERRET." he teased looking amused. "hell she can't even trick someone into changing her back." he admitted shaking his head. "at least she's a good guard for Dracen, no ones going to get to her without Cissa raising a hell of a fuss."
"True."Adrien smiled picking up the baby,"Come on sweetheart,time for bed.Daddy wants to get some sleep before nasty letters start coming."He cooed disappearing into her room, smiling as she snuggled down into the crib, plopping cissa down with her."Night girls."
Dracen giggled and Narcissa chirped at him and followed after him Harry snorting a little. "somehow, i have a bad feeling a brunt of the disgusted letters are going to be for me." he admitted yawning a little. "they expect this sort of behavior out of someone like you." he teased winking at Adrien. "but me why i'm supposed to be PERFECT!" he made a gay looking motion and snorted. "in any case i burn any mail that isn't directly from one of my freinds."
"But that's no fun.Can I at least listen to the first howler?"Adrien said walking out with him as he headed for their bedroom, stripping before crawling into bed with a yawn. Snuggling down into the blankets as he started falling asleep.
Harry laughed a little. "well, i can't stop the howlers, usually i just blast em with a silencing spell to mute them down a little." he admitted snuggling into bed, blankets and Adrien as well smiling a little. "mmm in any case, it was well worth a few early morning wake up calls." he admitted chuckling a little. "you look so sexy in your Devil outfit."
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