Dragonheartless moon/lady

George snorted a little and shook his head. "ask? why the hell would i ask?" he demanded looking amused. "or where you just waiting for the opportunity to get your hands on me? i know i'm hot and all but honestly Adrien i didn't think you'd be so desperate." he teased looking amused. "i could definitely use some help at the shop. i had to fire my two helpers because they where stealing." he admitted shaking his head. "besides, you know very well that Harry is only modeling because it pisses off the world." he admitted smirking as he slowly sat up. "now if you'll excuse me... i need a shower asap." George admitted shaking his head. "and no you can't join me!" George bitched as Draco opened his mouth to say something. the blond pouted at George but was ignored as the red head stalked up the stairs. "well he certainly looks better." Draco admitted smiling a little. "are you sure you'll be alright working at the Shop? it gets very busy..."
Adrien gave him a look."If I can handle death eaters, voldermort, and your mother, I'm sure I can handle a store."He said grinning a little getting up, kissing Draco's forehead."I better go before Harry realizes I'm not at home."
Draco chuckled a little and shook his head. "go on then, the shop opens at Eight tomorrow, but people don't usually go in until a little after noon. George probably won't need you until then. if he needs you any sooner, i'll fire call you." he promised smiling at Adrien. "and thank you, for giving him a hand, it's really very kind of you."
Adrien gave him a look."You tell anyone I'm kind, I might injure you."He said before apparating home, sneaking into his house as he walked inisde, hoping that Harry hadn't noticed."Harry?"He called looking around.
Draco smirked and tossed Adrien a wink when he vanished. "oh Adrien, i don't HAVE to tell people, they already know." he teased grinning. Harry was still upstairs, taking a shower it sounded like, and singing at the top of his lungs some weird song about a yellow submarine, as if he was trying to annoy someone. there was a lot of giggling, so apparently dracen was in there with him, and enjoying the show.
Adrien laughed softly as he stepped into the bathroom, smirking slightly as he looked at the baby."Enjoying yourself princess?"he said bending to pick up the baby, cuddling her close.
Harry was sitting cross legged on the floor of the shower, keeping the spray off their daughter as she played happily in the little puddles that the mist, and the half plugged Drain caused making Harry chuckle. the brunette looked up and beamed brightly at Adrien. "about time you got home." he teased chuckling a little as he tickled Dracen's toes. "how are the twins doing?" when Harry hadn't found Adrien in bed, he'd assumed he'd gone to see Draco.
Adrien winced at the words."Good. George got a back massage, and we've decided I'm going to go help him with the shop while Draco watches Dracen...if you don't mid."He said sitting down next to the tub smiling as he watched his daughter play in the water.
Harry grinned and pulled Adrien down for a kiss. "good." he purred smiling a little as he nuzzled the others neck. "i hate the idea of you sitting home all alone playing housewife." he admitted. "because you certainly aren't one." he pointed out grinning as he handed soggy baby to Adrien. "dry her off would you love? i need to finish getting the soap out of my hair."
Adrien grinned as he started drying off the baby."Definately not a housewife.I don't do house work."He said grinning as he tickled the baby."Aww you had fun with daddy didn't you."
Harry laughed as he rinsed out his soapy hair and grinned at Adrien. "she had more fun with the water than she had with me." he joked looking very amused. "she's gonna be a swimmer, you just watch!" he demanded chuckling a little, unwilling to tell Adrien about the threatening letters he had received, or about the other letter that had chilled Harry to the bone. "so your really going to help out at the shop?" harry asked, sounding a little skeptical. "do you have any idea how busy it gets there?"
"Yes, and no. But like I told Draco, if I can handle narcissa, voldermort and being his second, I'm sure I can handle a store."He grinned kissing the baby's stomach, tickling him. before looking at the other man."What's wrong?"He asked sensing something was wrong, but not sure what.
Harry chuckled a little and nodded. "you have a point." he agreed pausing when the other asked what was wrong and he frowned a little and looked away. "i guess i'm just...i'm not sure if your really alright with me modeling is all.." he admitted. "i'm afraid that you'll leave me if i get too famous, i know it's stupid because no matter what i'm still the bloody Boy-Who-Lived-and-then-killed-Voldemort." he sighed a little and shook his head. "i dunno, i'm just worrying again."
Adrien sighed as he cuddled his daughter, looking at his lover."You're such a worry wart. If it didn't amused me I'd be annoyed."He said, not mentoning the fact he was just as bad. Smiling as he shifted the baby into Harry's arms, he cuddled them both, kissing him softly."You are the boy-I-love-who-happens-to-be-the-father-of-my-daugher. That's more important then voldermort."He teased kissing him again.
Harry smiled, relaxing into the reassurances and snuggled his daughter and cuddled into Adrien happily closing his eyes a little. "your the most important too." harry promised smiling a little. "tied exactly with Dracen.." he paused. "well Dracen might have a few points over you, since she's cuter," he paused. "then again she can't abuse me the way you do so maybe it's still tied." he smirked a little at Adrien and offered him a wink. "of course, i do so love it when you abuse me, so maybe that counts as double points hmm?"
Adrien pouted a little as he looked at the man."I see how it is. Not cute. Hmph."He said before walking out, with his nose stuck up, a action so on target, that it would have done any malfoy proud. Amused as he stalked out looking like a spoiled draco.
Harry burst into laughter as he watched the other, Dracen giggling and clapping her hands at 'daddy's perfect imitation of uncle'. "aaw Adrien you know that your not cute." he teased smirking. "drop dead gorgeous, a hunk of a man, sexy to the point of implosion, but never cute." he teased winking at the other as he pulled on his pants humming a little. "i have to admit though, your Draco impersonation is perfect." he teased snickering a little.
"Thanks."Adrien smiled plushing slightyl at the compliments, laughign at his daughter as he cuddled her."It took me years to learn to do it right. He just has such a wounded prideful thing going for him."He snickered.
Harry snickered a little and nodded. "that he does." he agreed grinning a little as he wrapped his arms around Adrien, gently nuzzling the others neck. "i think we should giver her a brother or a sister." harry admitted smirking a little. "don't you?" he teased smirking a little at his lover his head tilted as he judged Adrien's reaction.
Adrien looked startled,but not put out at the idea before he thought about it."....does that mean I get to be pregnant again?"He asked, not sure if he was thrilled with the idea or not. He'd love another kid but being pregnant...that was something different.
Harry grinned a little. "well if you really wanted to i suppose, but i was thinking adoption." Harry admitted smiling. "i know you didn't like being pregnant." he admitted smiling as he kissed Adrien's neck. "what do you think?" harry had always wanted a houseful of children, a houseful of family. a big, big family to make up for his own crappy one. a perfect little family.
"I like it."Adrien grinned cuddling him, "And...I can deal with being pregnant. After all Fred's pregnant. I can stand to be mommy again."He said starting to warm up to the idea. As miserable as it had been, being pregnant had had its moments.
Harry snorted a little. "you just wanna boss me about and make me make you gross food again." he teased, smirking a little to himself as he tilted his head at the other. "if you wanna carry another baby i'm all for it." harry agreed smiling as he kissed the others neck giving it a gentle bite. "but you know, that means i get to own your ass for a few days." harry growled, smirking at the other.
Adrien shivered as eh was bitten, giving his love a look."That's totally not fair to do while I'm holding a baby."He growled, shifting Dracen in his arms giving his love a look."Poor george. Going to have to put up with a pregnant me while I'm at the shop."He snickered at the idea.
Harry laughed a little and grinned a bit as Dracen scrunched up her face and let one rip, Harry snorting a little. "well, i guess i got told." Harry teased grinning a little as he grimaced. "good god, poor George. he'll never have a moments peace!" he snickered a little. "i like the idea though, then if i have to go out, or go and get groceries i know your always safe with George."
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