Dragonheartless moon/lady

"Lets."Adrien growled,wrapping his arms around Harry."And I know I am."He said before apparating them back to their house. Knowing he was going to enjoy the coming photo shoot.Looking for a evening alone with Harry.

Well, okay, so he wasn't enjoying getting up the next morning. Pressing his hardening cock against Harry's leg he sighed."Do we have to get up?"He growled rubbing against the man.
Harry snickered a little as he slid out of bed, completely naked and headed for the doorway. "yes we do." he stated simply. "they wanted me to take more pictures this afternoon and i want you to be there this time." he admitted smirking a little. "besides you haven't looked over the pictures from yesterday yet." he pointed out shaking his head a little intending to tease Adrien just a little more.
"Well come here while I look at them."He said before summoning the pictures, starting to look them over."Dammit harry, None of these are apporiate for public?"He growled as he got out of bed his cock hard and aching.
Harry snickered a little, a great deal of the pictures had nothing actually showing, though one had him pulling his panties down revealing his ass and balls, though the cock had stayed hidden, and another showed the very tip of his cock peeking out of the lacy black underwear that was struggling to restrain it. "your just too picky!" harry complained picking up one, that had Harry arched, a hand down the back of his pants, eyes closed and blushing hard. "look, this one doesn't show anything at all, we could easily let the public see this!"
"No we can't!"Adrien said scowling at him, kissing him hard."Come on. We're going. And I'm going to explain this to your...your whatever!I'm protesting to this pictures."He said kissing him again, hands holding hte man close to him, pressing his harden cock against him. Enjoying the pictures.
Harry snorted a little. "so your saying my idea's are bad!?" he demanded, refusing to be pulled into the kiss. "i'm the one who was posing, they where my idea not his." he smirked a little running his tongue along the others neck. "what if you where in the shots with me? would that be more suitable?"
Adrien moaned softly at the lick, tilting his head back."Yes."He said shivering a little, "And n-no,"Adrien stuttered a littel as he was licked."They're good ideas, just not for public viewing."
Harry snorted a little looking amused. "Adrien, you do realize that there aren't wizards taking pictures of me right? i'm in a little room all alone when i'm being photographed." he pointed out, lifting an eyebrow at the other, feeling massively amused. that was actually the only reason why he'd agreed, he wouldn't have been able to do it if someone other than Adrien had been watching.
"Oh....I knew that."Adrien said blushing, kissing him as he buried his face against the man's neck, holding him close. "Come on, we better be going."He muttered pulling away so he could dress.
Harry snorted looking immensely pleased with himself. "no you didn't." he teased kissing the others ear. "if you don't want to go, you don't have to," harry admitted smirking a little. "i could always let them publish one of these less erotic ones." he admitted holding up a picture that had harry bound and gagged, blushing hard wearing the same school girl outfit, splattered with what looked like cum. "like this one."
Adrien gave him a look."No. I'm posing, and they can have those."Adrien growled possesively, not liking the idea of some kid looking at the magazine and jerking off to the sight of his lover like that. Dressing he looked at Harry."Come on. Lets go."
Harry scowled darkly suddenly. "so i should be more ok to people jacking off you you!?" he demanded crossing his arms and glaring at Adrien. "besides, it's my job!" suddenly Harry was being defensive about his job and his position in it, if Draco was there he'd be able to tell Adrien why, but since he wasn't the Dragonheartless was going to have to figure it out on his own.
Adrien looked surprised, tilting his head a little."I know it is. I told you to do it."He scowled, before sighing."You know what, do what you want, you will anywys. I'm going to get a shower."Adrien said stomping to the shower, glad Dracen wasn't home as he slammed the door as hard as he could. Not liking the feeling Harry was just humoring his bad mood over the pictures, and feeling insecure about it.
Draqco winced a little and groaned running a hand over his face as he turned and followed after Adrien, grabbing him around the waist before he'd even made it across the room. "please don't." harry pleaded, pressing his face into the others back. "i'm sorry i just... i don't have anything to offer you.. and i'm.. i'm scared." he admitted softly. "i've never been good at anything but whoring myself out to the person who claimed to love me.. and now that i have someone who does i... i don't know how to do anything to make sure you don't fall out of love with me... i thought.. if i could at least be pretty for you, and make some money while i was doing it.. that you might stay with me forever...but it just upset you.."
Adrien frowned a little, turning in his arms, wrapping his arms around the man,pressing a kiss to his head."YOu don't have to do anything. I promised forever, and I intend on giving it to you.How could you think I wouldn't stay in love with you?You took care of me, you kept me sane, or...gave me dracen.Harry...you are pretty, but you don't have to do anything for me to stay in love with you."He said shvering,"I....you doing this made me realize how afraid I was you'd find someone else."He whispered into the man's hair, trembling ever so slightly.
Harry shook his head a little. "i could never leave you.. your the only person who would truly love me, and not just want me for my money, or for my fame." he admitted closing his eyes. "your the only thing i have in this world, save Draco and the twins... i won't ever find someone else who can make me so happy like you do." he admitted softly. "but.. i..." he sighed a little. "i don't want you, to get bored with me either."
Adrien snorted at the idea of getting bored."I have my best friend's mother as a pet, and the hottest man on two legs in my bed, and a bouncing baby girl, I'm pretty sure I wont be bored. But lets go do your damned pictures.I want to go."He said kissing the man again pulling away to dress.
Harry hesitated now. "are you sure? i can stop." he admitted staring at him a small scowl on his face. "i don't want to do it if you don't like it..." he admitted shaking his head. "if you don't want people to look at my pictures, then i won't become a model." he promised. "i could easily get pretty much any job i wanted."
Adrien sighed, running his hands through his hair."One time. We'll do this once, and I promise if I really can't stand it, I'll tell you."He said kissing harry lightly, pulling his shirt on.
Harry grinned a little and wrapped his arms around the other, pressing his lips to Adrien's neck purring lightly. "alright." he agreed nodding as he gently nibbled down the others neck. "now stay here." he ordered gathering up all the pictures. "i have to hide these so i can use them against you later." damn Draco and his correct hypothesis.
"Gonna kill the blond."Adrien growled softly."No...gonna castrate him."He growled to himself, knowing draco was right. Sitting down on the bed to wait for Harry to come back so they could leave.
Harry paused and blinked at him his head tilted. "why are we castrating Draco?" harry asked setting the pictures into a dresser drawer for later shaking his head a little. "it doesn't matter." he decided. "come on, were going to be late, and i wanna molest you in front of a camera!"
Adrien laughed wrapping his arms around Harry, apparating to the photo studio, swallowing hard as he looked around, slipping a hand into Harry's. Nerves in the action. Because despite the calmness in his features, he didn't like being around people. Especially other wizards,because he knew they knew him as Dragonheartless, didn't like the judgement in their faces, because he really was afraid Harry'd change his mind."So, your molesting me?"He asked, staying cloe to harry, his voice not betraying the uneasiness.
Harry grinned as he tossed a handful of floo powder into the fire, calling out the name of the studio and stepping through, dragging Adrien along with him, stepping out into a studio that was filled with people taking pictures of other people...non of whom where naked. "Ah! Mr. Potter, are you ready to begin the formal pictures?" a man asked heading over to shake Harry's hand Harry nodding. "i think it might have to stay formal for me Mr Takanashi, my husband wasn't too thrilled about the nudes."
"I was thrilled, just not enough to share them with the world."Adrien said sliding his hand into Harry's,fingers absently playing along the top of his knuckles, nervous and trying to stay calm.
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