Dragonheartless moon/lady

Harry snickered a little as he stepped out behind Adrien, listening tot he irritable ferret hissing and spitting and carrying on about her new name. she seamed to be getting used to everything else, and often ran about her cage like a gymnast. she would never admit it but she rather liked being a ferret. she hissed at Harry when he strayed to close to her cage, and he retaliated by picking it up and giving it a firm, but gentle shake.
Adrien smirked a little as he cuddled the baby on the couch, watching his husband."She'll get used to it. It not like she's going to see other people."Adrien smiled starting to fall asleep with the baby on his chest. Still having not recovered all his endurance from being bedridden.
Harry snorted and set the cage down, the ferret laying at the bottom of it looking rather nauseated as Harry flopped down onto the couch next to Adrien, smiling as they fell asleep gently covering him with a blanket and cradling Dracen himself now, humming a soft lullaby.
Adrien smiled slightly, curling up falling asleep peacefully.

A few days later Adrien gave his boyfriend a look, the baby cradled against his chest as he laid back on Draco's couch, having come to keep him company instead of being at home alone while Harry went to model."You'll be careful?And no touching."He scowled looking at the other man, looking adorablely protective and anxious.
Harry smiled and nodded. "i'll be VERY careful." he promised. "the only person touching me will be me, i won't even let the makeup people touch me." he promised grinning a little. "i promise." he stated with a nod Draco chuckling as he lifted the Cage that had narcissa in it to examine her. "she does make a pretty ferret." Draco agreed blinking as the woman looked up at him calmly her head tilted, as if waiting for him to extract his revenge.
"She does. And she's calmed down enough so I don't have to keep silencing her."Adrien said smiling as he relaxed.Leaning up to drag harry down."Come here. I want a kiss before you go."He said smiling softly, "I love you."
Harry grinned as he bounded over to Adrien, kissing him intently Draco setting the cage down and opening the door, pulling his mother out and settling her into his lep, gently stroking her long body. "i always thought she felt rather uncomfortable as a human." draco admitted Narcissa relaxing in her son's lap, ignoring their comments as Harry chuckled and vanished with a crack. "are you sure your alright with this? you know harry wouldn't go if you asked him not to."
Adrien stretched out on the couch with Dracen on his stomach, nodding slightly."I know he wouldn't. But he wants to, and there's no harm in it." He said smiling slightly at narcissa sitting in her son's lap. She really did look more comfortable then she had as a human.
Draco smiled a little as he gently played with Narcissa's ears. "she really has calmed down hasn't she?" he asked sounding rather curious, "it's almost as if she couldn't control herself as a human." he wrinkled his nose. "she's always been a bit mad but when Voldemort came back she just went completely insane." he admitted watching Adrien closley. "you know.. you could have gone with him, he wouldn't have minded, he probably would have enjoyed showing off for you."
"Maybe."Adrien said looking at the baby laying on his chest, a small worried frown on his face."But...I feel like that....I'm shoving her off onto you to raise."He said with a sad look on his face."Hell you've spent more days with her then I have. I didn't want to leave her, and crowd him.He's perfectly capable of doing something by himself."
Draco chuckled a little and shook his head. "please Adrien, that's just an excuse and you know it. your worried that Harry's not going to come back after the fame hits him, and you don't want to be there to witness it." he stated sternly lifting Narcissa into the air, the Ferret grumbling at being disturbed from her nap. "whats with you?" he asked her his head tilted. "you wouldn't tell me even if you could, would you?"
"She's a evil bitch. That's here issue."Adrien scowled a little, staring at the floor. Because he wasn't about to admit that Draco was right. "He's already famous. Its not like he's not used to it."Adrien rationalized, because it'd been what he'd been telling himself.
Draco smirked a little. "that's why i was surprised he'd agreed to this." he admitted. "all through school he hated the publicity, the fame... i guess he wants to shake off the lingering effects of being Harry Potter, by doing something that a Gryffndor Golden Boy would never do. he's proving to himself, to you, to the world that he is not who he was supposed to be... he's trying to break out of the cage that the world put him in, and become his own person...besides he is a kinky little fucker, he's probably going to bring all the pictures home for you to approve, and keep the rest to leave about the house when he's feeling vindictive and evil."
"Oh god, don't say that. The kinky fuck probably will."Adrien said growling a little, laughing as Dracen responded to it."Ignore daddy, he's being all dragonany."He said smiling as she settled down again."He has nothing to prove to me. I know he's not the golden boy."
Draco smiled a little then. "maybe you wouldn't think so, but deep down inside, he's just as afraid your going to leave him, as you are that he's going to leave you." he admitted letting Narcissa curl back up on his lap and resume her nap. "he has to prove to himself that he's sexy enough to hold your interest." Draco admitted his eyes closed as he ran his fingers along the Ferrets fur. "and prove to himself, that he is capable of getting, and keeping a job, no matter how degrading or humiliating it might become... he's terrified that he's going to run out of money, and have no way to support you and Dracen."
"Moron. I could live well for the next century."Adrien smiled closing his eyes, relaxed with his daughter and best friend.

That evening Adrien pouted, looking at the twins, sulking as Dracen slept in Draco's arms, waiting for Harry to come home. More anxious with each passing minute as the sun started setting."Don't laugh at me you guys. I can still kick your asses."Adrien said looking at his friends. Not amused they were laughing at him for worrying.
the twins had finally come home, when they realized that they where making Draco worry, and where lounging on the couch watching Dracen intently, Fred setting a hand on his belly now and again, as if trying to MAKE there a baby be there. they still didn't know, but Fred was showing the symptoms, it was the third day in a row where the smell of eggs had sent him upchucking. they all turned to the fireplace when harry finally stepped out, looking tired, but well pleased with a large manila envelope in hand. "i'm back!"
Adrien grinned, biting his lip and gripping the edge of the couch to keep from bounding over and wrapping harry in a hug. Not anxious enough to give in and be that cuddly. Yet anyways."A good day?"He said, smiing. Hoping that the anxiety of the day wasn't showing. Truly wanting harry to enjoy himself.
Harry paused and then pouted a little at Adrien. "no hug?" he whined reaching out to the other. "people where staring and gawking at me all day and the one person i LIKE won't even come give me a kiss when i walk in from the fireplace." he complained Draco snickering a little. "see, i told you, harry's just as afraid... mmmph.." the twins both slapped their hands over Draco's mouth to shut him up.
"I don't know what you're talking about blondie."Adrien said before bounding out of his seat, hugging Harry tightly."Was it really that bad?" He asked kissing him softly.
Harry chuckled a little and shook his head. "no it wasn't." harry admitted grinning. "i just pretended i was showing off to you." he admitted. "the photographers said i was a natural and very comfortable with my body." he fought the urge to burst into laughter. "for some reason that seamed to surprise them... but i told them they weren't allowed to publish any of my pictures without me checking them over first, so you can look through them and decide which ones are ok for the public to see, and which ones you want to keep for yourself."
Adrien smiled, kissing him again, relaxing even more."I'm glad I get some for myself. Draco was coming up with torturous ideas of what to do with them."He said smiling."And maybe I'll go next time, then you really can show off for me."
Harry chuckled a little leaning into the other sighing softly. "i'd like that." he admitted smirking as he reached into the envelope and fished around it for a moment before flicking one to Draco. "that one is for you, i picked it out specifically." he admitted snickering. "so you and Fred known how a REAL uke is supposed to look. the two where too busy staring to answer, and George peeked over Draco's shoulder and choked a little.

it was harry, in a school girl outfit, laying on a bed one hand crawling up the blouse, the other down the skirt, blushing hard as he stared at the camera his mouth open as he pretended to pant, he looked utterly sinful.
Adrien smirked as he leaned over to look at the picture, kissing harry softly."Draco, want to babysit and ferretsit tonight?"He asked, figuring he'd go the next day with Harry to see these pictures. Needing to personally inform everyone that Harry had a tall dark and dangerous lover who'd take offense if they tried anything. Th eneed growing when he saw the picture.
Draco nodded still staring at the picture until the suddenly awake Dracon snatched it out of his hands and began to gum it to death harry laughing a little as George smirked a little. "you are one lucky son of a bitch Adrien, you really are." he teased nodding to show that they would take care of Dracen and the ferret. "come on lover." harry murmured licking along the others neck. "lets go take care of 'buisness.'
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