Dragonheartless moon/lady

"He really is."Adrien smirked kissing him.

Which is why, a day later, adrien was staring at the floor, hiding behind harry, having put the brunette between him and draco."I dealt with your mother."Adrien said, pressing his face into Harry's shoulder to keep from laughing. Just imaging little nicca at the house.
Draco tensed at the mention of his mother and nodded, ticking the toes of little Dracen, who had been offered up by Harry, hoping the baby would keep Draco calm. "she's... she's dead then?" Draco asked softly, pretending to be calm. he knew it was for the best, but it still hurt to lose his mother.
"No.Shesaferret."Adrien said from behind harry, before giving into the giggles that had been threatening. Collapsing onto the couch as he laughed.
Draco paused in his tickling the giggling dracen's foot to stare at the snickering harry and then the laughing Adrien. "you... turned my mother... into the one animal we both hate the most?" he demanded lifting an eyebrow before he started to chuckle himself. "oh my god..."
"Yes!She's a pretty black ferret, who wouldn't shut up so I put a silence charm on her so I don't have to hear it. And she's a good little pet."Adrien said as he laughed harder, which only made Dracen giggle more.
Draco was laughing too now, Harry leaning against the couch for support as he laughed. "she,...s he certainly lo..loves those c..carrots we give her though!" he stated snickering a little. "carrots are her favorite." Draco stated still giggling wildly. "i guess now that she's an over grown Rat it suits her well!" that caused Draco and Harry to burst into fresh laughter, Dracen just a giggling away.
Adrien stopped laughing after awhile, his stomach aching from laughing so hard."That...you'll have to come see her sometime. I'm sure your mother would love to squeak at you."He giggled getting up and picking up dracen."Your being very calm pretty girl. The rest of the worlds gone goofy, but your a pretty pretty dragon."He cooed.
Dracen giggled again and shoved her fist in her mouth as she kicked her feet happily Draco snorting a little. "i would love to see my mother as a ferret." he admitted smirking. "lord knows i got my ass chewed when she found out i let Mad Eye turn ME into one." he admitted shaking his head. "and it's not our fault you turned the world goofy."
"I didn't turn the world gooy did I dracen?Tell uncle draco he's wrong."Adrien said cuddling the baby, laughing softly."Well, you couldn't help it, and neither could she."He said before looking at Draco.Abruptly changing the subject."Harry wants to model."
she just giggled and made a messy in her diaper her face wrinkling up, the warning signs of a screaming fit Harry snickering a little. "if that isn't a disagreement i don't know what is." Harry teased Adrien a smirk on hi lips as Draco gaped at Harry. "you HATE having your picture taken!" "no, i hate the press taking my picture, there's a difference, i actually find getting my picture taken while i'm on display in a sexual manner very erotic." he admitted smirking. "i like it when people film me too." hint hint Adrien, hint hint.
"....DAmmit I am not making a porno!"Adrien said looking at his lover, tilting his head laughing.Adrien said rocking the baby as he got ready to change her diaper, doing it like a old pro before looking at the two men."Next time daddy's doing that. I'm not good at the diaper thing dragn."
Harry looked about ready to burst into laughter, but Draco beat him to the punch line. "you just said that Harry's the daddy. doesn't that mean that your the mommy?" he asked laughter laced in his voice as harry snorted and shook his head, he knew better than to say such stupid things, Draco apparently had yet to learn.
Adrien raised his head to stare at the blond, dragonheartless showing in those cold blue eyes."No, but if you want to be, I can see that its arranged."He said his eyes flickern down to the mans cock before back up
Draco went still and silent and he cupped his hands over himself and inched over to hide behind harry who had gone breathless with laughter as he patted Draco's head. "if you castrate him George would be upset." harry reminded Adrien. "and you owe him for saving your life, twice remember?" he teased grinning. "you can say you letting Draco keep his cock be the first payback or something."
"Fine. The pretty ferret can keep his cock."A smirk played at Adrien's lips as he looked down at the baby in his arms, holding her close,"But he better be careful shpouldn't he?tell uncle draco he should be careful ofwhat he calls daddy."Adrien cooed laughing softly as she grabbed at his hair.
Draco sighed softly in relief Harry snorting a little. "so your really going to be a model?" Draco asked sitting back at the table harry looking hesitant. "i don't know for sure yet." he admitted. "i'm going in tomorrow to check it out and see what it's like. i might not like it." he admitted wrinkling his nose. "but i can't expect to live off my parents money forever, eventually it's going to run out and i will need to get a job. especially with our little poop maker there." he admitted watching Dracen affectionately. "she goes through a box of diapers in two days! it's insane!"
"And he seems to think we can't live on my estate forever, so he wants to model.And dragging me with him."Adrien smiled tilting his head as he sat down on the couch, Dracen laying easily against his chest as she sucked her thumb.
Harry snickered a little. "your going to enjoy molesting me in front of the camera and you know it." he teased yawning a little Draco rolling his eyes a little. "i get where Harry is coming from though, he wants to make sure Dracen has a good future, even if it means he has to do nasty things." "i am going to beat you with one of her dirty diapers."
"No no no beating with poop.Thats just gross. We'll sic the ferret on him."Adrien snickered from the couch, looking at the two."And I most certainly will enjoy molesting you. And you better make sure they know I'm the only one who gets to."
Draco snorted a little looking amused. "can i bounce her up and down a few times?" he asked looking Far too amused that his mother was a ferret. it was better than her being dead, or locked up in Azakaban anyway. "of course they'll know, i already made very certain that everyone there knew that i was off limits." he stated smirking little. "and anyway mostly they want me in cute scenes, wearing short dresses and blushing at the camera's in half nude shots that don't actually show anything."
"Good."Adrien smiled slightly, rocking dracen to sleep."And yes you can, as long as I get my ferret back. I'm starting to like her as a pet."He said looking at the other two.
that started Harry and Draco laughing again Harry grinning as he leaned against Adrien, smiling a little. "speaking of Pets." he stated softly. "we should go feed her." he pointed out smirking a little as he rubbed up against Adrien kissing his neck Draco shivering a little as he watched. "after all, as soon as we get all of our 'shores' done we get to play."
Adrien shivered, his eyes fluttering shut as he stood."True."He said leaning over to kiss Draco's cheek."Thanks for being cool with me making her a ferret."
Draco snorted a little. "it's better than any of the other options, i'm sure she even realizes it herself." he admitted shaking his head. "you where very lenient with her considering the things she's done...you could have killed her, probably should have, but you where merciful, and a woman like her... she never forgets things like that, she's indebted to you now. and there's nothing the bitch can do about it. her fate, is in your hands." he stated simply before kissing his cheek gently. "but... thank you, for not killing her, even if you should have."
"Ah well, I can always feed her gross things as revenge."He grinned."Bye draco."He said before flooing home with the baby, smirking as he looked at the cage sitting on the table."Morning Nic."
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