Dragonheartless moon/lady

Harry smirked, pleased with himself as he headed through the flames, Draco coming at Adrien's call, a diaper on one hand and a bottle of milk in the other, yelping when he saw harry in the dress and going beat red. "oh...well... uhmm..." he silenced himself and then. "i...er, have a meeting right now.." he admitted moving over to the crib where a sleeping Dracen was laying smiling softly at her. "Draco, are you finished Fawning over that cute girl yet?" a man demanded stepping through. "she's sleeping! your supposed to let babies... oh hello." he stated staring at harry. "i'm Mr. Tamanari." he stated and Harry went beat red. "t..the owner,.. er, creator of that famous all gay..." "magazine? yes, i'm being sued and Draco here has agreed to help me, i wonder." he murmured looking Harry over head to toe, not one of those 'my i wanna see what you can do in bed' but rather one of interest and contemplation. "i doubt harry is going to want to model for you Jensen."
"Who sas I'd let him model?"adrien asked smirking a little,"Are yo done disturbing my baby?Like the man said, she's spposed to sleep.God knows she doesn't do enogh of it."Adrien smiled walking over, nudging draco away from the crib."Hey pretty girl.Whos daddy's little girl?"He said smiling at the sleepy baby, picking her up as she reached up for him.
Harry scowled a little at Adrien and accepted the man's business card, just to be obstinate Jensen looking greatly pleased as he pouted at Draco. "are you going to help me with my lawsuit or not?" he complained Harry snorting a little and rolling his eyes a bit as he tucked the card into his breast pocket as he watched Adrien coo at Dracen. "come on love." he purred grinning at Adrien. "you haven't made me your bitch yet." he teased chuckling a little.
Adrien gave him a look."You're looking the part bitch."He growled, anger in the words. Even knowing Harry'd had other lovers, hell he shared with the twins and Draco on a regular basis, he did not want to be sharing him with the world. Some fantasies were supposed to be Adrien's alone, and if he wanted to keep it that way, he'd sulk over it till he got it. And aruge and whine...he frowned looking at Draco."Where's your mother?"
Draco tensed visibly at the mention of his mother and scowled darkly. "...she's at the twins place." he growled softly. "their shop... i didn't want her here." he admitted shaking his head. "she's been bound and stuff." he admitted closing his eyes as Harry hesitated and kissed Adrien's forehead. "you go get her." he murmured softly. "i'll take Dracen home."
Adrien nodded, cuddling the baby to his chest for a minute before passing her off to Harry."See you at home."He said before apparating out, smirking as he walked into the twins' place, smirking."Hey guys.Narcissa."He said looking at the blond woman.
the twins where hunched over a parchment muttering to themselves, jumping when Adrien arrived and they quickly stuffed the parchment but of view. they both looked terrible, dark bags under their eyes, thin from missing meals, Fred looked rather ill but they both offered Adrien a small smile. "hey." they chorused Narcissa snarling lightly as she lifted her hand, raking her perfect nails through the air, a glimmer of metal shining at her wrist, showing that Harry had loaned the twins one of his magic binding bracelets.
Adrien smirked, "Hey. I like the jewelry Narcissa."He said crossing to stand in front of her, careful to stay out of reach."As amusing as it is to see you like this, I have a better idea.See, your son makes a pretty, pretty ferret. I'm sure his mother will be so much more."He said before tranfiguring the woman into a sleek black ferret,with the magical bracelet still on."There. Now I have a pet."
the twins watched silently, smirking a little at the ferret with hissed and spat and squeaked with rage, biting every hand that tried to pick it up, clawing with sharp claws and biting with sharp teeth, struggling to change back into human form. it was embarrassing! it was traumatic! it fit her well.
"Well, this is going to be good."Adrien smirked transfiguring one of the twins sheets of paper into a cage, before casting a levitation spell to put her in it, before picking it up, before looking at George and Fred."Guys... don't worry about your dad. I'll find him...make sure he gets to St. Mungo's."He said smiling slightly
they glanced at each other and then focused on him, nodding a little. but you could see it in their faces that they weren't going to stop looking until he was found, either by them, or Adrien. they watched Narcissa, screaming and bouncing about her cage in a violent rage, trying to claw Adrien's hand through the cage and squealing when she couldn't reach.
Adrien nodded slightly, before apparating home, smiling as he put a silencing charm on the cage, setting it on the table as he looked around for Harry or Dracen."Love?"He called smirking as he watched the ferret.
Harry moved into the room, holding a wailing Dracen the little girl seaming to have something very akin to a temper tantrum as harry tried to give her a bottle only to have it knocked away by her tiny fists. "ugh, she's a fusspot today." harry stated looking affectionately at her red face. "here love you try." he ordered dumping the squalling baby into his arms as he bent down to look into the black eyes of one pissed off Ferret. "when you said you where gonna get Narcissa, i was expecting her to be human." he admitted voice thick with amusement.
"aw sweetie, you're just a fussy firebreathing dragon aren't you."Adrien cooed at his daughter as he rocked her, and managed to get her to contentedly drinking out of the bottle before he looked at his love."She was human when I did that. This way she looks like what she really is. And its ironic,malfoy family members keep becoming ferrets."
Harry snorted a little. "somehow i don't think Draco is going to appreciate this." he teased snickering a little as he stared into the cage. "now you listen up Niccy." he stated, Naming the ferret himself. "if your a good girl, we'll let you out once and a while, maybe even let you become human now and again." he stated sternly. "or, if you'd prefer, i could let Adrien Stab you in the belly like you did him, or even better, throw you into Azakaban with Fenrir and let him have a go at you, hows that sound? raped AND torn to pieces, and if you manage to survive that then the Dementors will get you.' he informed the now silent, cowering in the bottom of her cage Ferret.
Adein snorted laughing as he cooed at his daughter."Aw sweetie, your father's being protective and cuddly, I think I'm going to kiss him, yes I do."He said smiling as he looked up, leaning over to kiss harry."Come on, lets put her down, and talk.If your going to model, I want to know whats going on."He sulked kissing him softly.
Harry grinned as he kissed the other back eagerly, Nicca chattering in annoyance but curling up in the bottom of the cage and began to sulk as Harry grinned and kissed Dracen's forehead before pausing. "model?" he asked, already having forgotten about the offer. "oh yeah, that." he smiled a little. "it would be fun, but i won't do it if you don't feel comfortable with it."
Adrien studied him before sighing."YOu promise to keep coming home?"He said, a hesitant wary look in his eyes. Knowing if harry pormised, he'd keep it. unsure if the man got so much attention, he'd need adrien anymore. Poor damaged broken adrien.
Harry blinked and then smiled wrapping his arms around Adrien. "every night." he promised kissing the others neck. "even if it's at three in the morning, i will come home every night. even if i have to learn how to apparate, that's what i'll do." he admitted gently nipping at the others neck. "i promise."
Adrien moaned softly, shuddering a little as he turned his head to kiss him softly as Dracen reached for her father giggling."Good.That's all I needed. DO it if you want to."He said kissing him softly again, stepping back.
Harry hesitated and then. "are you sure?" he asked softly, needing to be certain that Adrien was really alright with it. "i'll make sure i'm only in solo shots.." he paused. "unless i'm in with Draco or you...mmm no not Draco, i can't have someone prettier than me in the shot.' he smirked at Adrien. "but your not pretty, your utterly handsome." he teased. "your so hot you set things on FIAH!" he teased snickering a little shaking his head, trying to lighten the mood a little.
Adrien snorted laughing a little as he leaned over, kissing him again."You're silly."He said before heading for Dracen's room, to put the sleepy baby down for the night. Returning in a few minutes he wrapped his arms around harry,"I'm fine with it. Do what you want...just come home."He muttered holding him tightly
Harry smiled as he leaned into Adrien closing his eyes a little. "i will. every night." he promised gently running his fingers down the others neck. "i love you too much not too." he promised again smiling a little. "maybe we could even become models together? i saw that...jensie....whatever is name was, checking out your ass."
"Really?"Adrien said twisting to look at his ass."It is nice isn't it?"He said before looking at the brunette."Yea, we'll go visit draco tomorrow...I should tell him his mother's a ferret before the twins do...and we'll go see jensie or whatever."He said smirking a little.
harry snickered a little and pulled the card out of his pocket, looking it over. "hmm, this could prove to be quite fun." he admitted smirking a little. "Draco is going to die when he find's out what we've done to his mother." he admitted looking far too amused about Narcissa being turned into a Ferret.
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