Dragonheartless moon/lady

Draco pouted but it was playful as he handed her over to Adrien and stood, stretching with a small groan as Dracen giggled and tried to grab Adrien's nose, giggling every time she swung and missed. "so how was harry?" Draco asked curiously. "was it very difficult to pry him away from his 'work'?"
"Not really. I just declared I wanted to sleep and needed him there. And that I wanted to be there when he dealt with Arthur which required sleep."He said smirking as he lowered his head to let his daughter get his nose. Smiling slightly as she smacked him in the nose, beore looking at Draco."Do you want to be there when I talk to Narcissa?"He asked softly, studying the man.
Draco looked relieved. "good, he nearly strangled me when i tried to pry him away from that damn desk." he admitted chuckling as Dracen burst into more happy giggles before he tensed completely. "i want nothing to do with that bitch of a woman." Draco stated through gritted teeth. "i don't want to see her, i don't want to hear about her, i just want her dealt with and out of my life."
Adrien smirked,"Fine by me."HE said, and for a moment Dragonheartless showed in that look, which was even more disturbing with the baby cradled in his arms. "When he gets up, I'll go....take care of her."he said gently rocking the baby."You're daddy's little dragon sweetie, and no one's going to hurt you."He said smiling down at his daughter, before looking at Draco."How's fred and george doing?"He asked, having not seen the twins since he had woken up, and he was afraid that they blamed him for their father's insanity. which it was, and guilt showed on his face. Even though he'd had no choice but to destroy their family, he was still feeling so guilty about it.
Draco hesitated a little then. "their torn." he admitted sighing softly and shaking his head. "they want so bad to be on your side in this." he admitted. "to help you find him and take out the threat, but...he's still their dad, and the last family they have. they don't know what to do... they've been trying to find him on their own, they hope that they might be able to get him into Mungo's insane asylum... maybe make him better but... i don't think Arthur is going to recover, even if we don't kill him."
Adrien nodded slightly."He probably wont."He swallowed hard."tell them not to worry, I wont...I'll take him to St. Mungo's when we find him. And tell them not to search...even though they're his sons, they like me. He wont listen to him. I don't want them hurt because they still love him."He said softly.
Draco shook his head. "they haven't...come home yet." he admitted softly, worry straining his voice. "they went out as soon as they knew you where safe and recovering and they just...never came back." he admitted sighing softly as he closed his eyes. "are you...going to kill narcissa?" he asked hesitantly. "or have her tossed into azakaban?" he didn't want to know, but he had to ask.
Adrien gave him a look."Do you have a opinion on what you want?"he asked, he had been goign to kill her, but if Draco didn't want him to, he was willing to forgo the need to do so. Leaning over he kissed him softly, smiling as Dracen reached for her uncle.
Draco hesitated looking a little lost then. "i...don't know.." he admitted before smiling at Dracen and gently took her finger cooing at her. "part of me..still loves her." he admitted softly. "even if she was a horrid bitch i... she's..." he didn't know how to explain it. "just do what you want to.. i didn't even mean to ask it just slipped out." he admitted. "it would be better if she died, she might come after us again otherwise.."
Adrien nodded slightly shifting Dracen into his arms."I'll deal with her."He said softly kissing him softly, before turning his head to look harry as he stumbled in."Feeling better sleepyhead?"he said walking over, wrapping his arms around the man.
Draco nodded his eyes closed as he smiled a little at harry when the man walked in, Harry blinking sleepily at them before crawling int Adrien's lap, shoving a laughing Draco onto the floor. "Harry has momentary bouts of jealousy and possessiveness." Draco teased the brunette. "get ready for a clingy little bitch." "fuck off blondie and go suck a red headed dick." Harry demanded sounding sleepy and grouchy.
Adrien smiled, holding Dracen shifting her in his arms before wrappign hsi arms around Harry."You know you don't have to worry about. No need to be a clingy bitch."He teased kissing the man's temple as Dracen reached for her father, gigglign happily.
Harry huffed a little and smiled at the sight of his daughter, gently cradling her in his arms. "i am a clingy bitch." he growled, clearly in a sour mood, though why, no one could know. even Draco didn't know that it was Harry's birthday today. harry hated his birthday, it was a miserable day filled with bad luck and worse memories. "who's daddy's little look alike?" Harry cooed grinning happily. "you are, oh yes you are!"
Adrien frowned softly,Whats wrong sweetheart? He said to harry, resting his cheek against Harry's shoulder, truly scared he'd done something. Holding him tighter. Trying to figure out what he'd done wrong.
Harry shook his head. "nothings wrong.' he replied scowling darkly. "can't i be in a bad mood for no reason? maybe i just wanna be pissy today!?" he demanded, even Draco looked a little startled by this as he frowned at harry. "this isn't like you.... Harry whats wrong?" he demanded gently scooping Dracen out of Harry's arms. "nothings wrong! i said that already! maybe you should all just mind your own business!?"
Adrien looked hurt as he studied harry."Fine. IF you don't want to talk just...fine."He said pushing the man out of his lap, starting to cook. Angrily slamming the cupboards and fridge, ignoring the two men and the fussy baby behind him.
Harry growled and stormed up the stairs and slammed the door shut Draco hesitating. "Adrien, somethings not right.." Draco murmured softly as he glanced at the calendar. "June thirteenth." he mumbled scowling a little. "you know... come to think of it last year he did this too, and the year before, he gets pissy and refuses to talk to anyone... i can't be sure of the date but i'm fairly certain..." he sighed a little. "i wish i could ask the twins..."
"Take Dracen home with you, I'll come by and pick her up later."He said before walking up the stairs after Harry using magic to pass through the door, staring at him."What. The. Hell, is your problem?YOU demand I tell you whats wrong with me, but wont do me the same courtesy of talking to me?If you wan to fight, just tell me. I'll give you a hell of one."He growled watching him.
Harry was sitting on the bed his face pressed into his knee's his arms curled around his shins as he listened to the door open. "it's June thirteenth." Harry stated softly, anger suddenly gone, replaced with an awing depression and regret in his voice. "today is the...it's..." he shuddered a little. "June thirteenth...my parents, slaughtered by voldemort... June thirteenth, the dursleys, slaughtered by voldemort....june thirteenth, Lupin murdered by Fenrir, who was being controlled by voldemort through imperio, June thirteenth, the slaughter at Saint Mungo's... June thirteenth, the slaughter of the weasley clan....June thirteenth...happy fucking birthday to me..." harry whispered softly, not even willing to go into the details of his birthdays at the dursleys, which usually consisted of yelling, a beating or two, heavy chores, and more often than not, no dinner.
Adrien sighed softly walking over, pulling the man into his arms as he sat down on the bed, pressing a kiss to his head, guilt and shame on his face. Pain for him and guilt because more than half the events he'd said were his fault, or at least his making."I'm sorry."He said shuddering every so softly, holding him tighter."We'll make it a good birthday frm now on.I promise."he whispered holding him tightly
Harry didn't move, he just shook his head. "i don't want my birthday." he spat softly before leaning into Adrien, a few tears trickling down his face. "all it is, is misery." he whispered softly. "i just don't want it." he wanted the day to disappear completely, he wanted to never be reminded of his family and freinds, and the bloody battles, he wanted June thirteenth to completely disappear from existence, but he knew better than to think that was possible. June thirteenth, was a day to be forgotten in Harry's mind, and every year he tried his damnedest to ignore what it was.
Adrien nodded picking him up,turning him to face him."Fine. We'll forget what today is."He said kissing his lover slowly, harsh and unforgiving, hoping to distract him a little bit. "Do you want to top?"He asked looking at the man, shame and need showing on his face, ashamed of his part in making this day hell, and willing to take whatever pain harry dished out because of it.
Harry shook his head and curled into Adrien, closing his eyes. "i just want to forget." he whispered, pain in his voice. "forget my weaknesses and my failures." he murmured pressing his face into Adrien's chest. "i don't want to see their dead faces, staring at me, blaming me for their deaths..." Harry blamed himself for all of those pains! not Adrien but himself! as if he should have been able to save them, of course, for all of his life he had been expected to. every time harry closed his eyes, he saw the dead faces, staring at him, demanding to know why he hadn't been there in time, demanding to know why he hadn't saved them...it was no wonder harry had been a suicidal mess before Adrien had come into his life.
Adrien held him tightly, pressing a kiss into his head."It's not your fault. Stop."He said before laying back on the bed, hlding him closely, stroking his hair."Sleep."He said wrapping a spell around his voice, letting the sleep spell take harry,"I'll be here when you wake up."
Harry sighed softly and struggled against the spell, pushing against it with his own magic, he didn't want to sleep, he wanted to get roaring drunk and forget everything. but he failed against Adrien's spell and drifted off, sleeping softly curled into the other his head resting against the others shoulder his fingers resting on Adrien's inner thigh, twitching lightly, as if punishing him for making him sleep.
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