Dragonheartless moon/lady

Harry hesitated again, worry evident in his eyes before he nodded. "well...alright.." he muttered hesitantly. "i'll be home after a half hour then.." he agreed gripping Adrien's hand tightly. "you'll be extra careful? wand out all the way home?"
"Yes mommy."Adrien said smiling kissing him making a show of pulling out his wand."I'll be fine."He said before walking his very pregnant ass out of the resturant, making his way slowly home. Almost asleep on his feet as he walked, though he kept his wand out.
there was a sudden movement out of the shadows and Narcissa darted out without warning, driving another blade hard into Adrien's belly, grunting with the effort as she attempted to avoid stabbing the baby within as well. "Arthur sends his love." she growled smirking darkly. "and i am going to enjoy spreading your body parts about. "and your babe will become my new, PROPER son, he will grow to be a dark lord even more mighty than Voldemort."
"No!"Adrien snarled raising a hand, blasting her with a stunning charm, stumbling, as he hit his knees, twisting to stop his stomach from htting the ground, whimpering as his body fell awkwardly. "You bitch!"he growled searching for his dropped wand, kicking out at her as she got close to him again.
she hissed furiously as she broke the paralysis charm, moving forward to claw at his face, knife still in hand as she tried to stab him again, this time in the chest, well aware that Adrien would probably go into labor from the trauma, she had to kill him quickly, and cut the baby out of him before someone came. "just die you worthless pile of trash!"
"NO!Fuck you!"Adrien yelled slamming his fist into her face even as the blade sank into his chest, feeling it slide off his breast bone, sinking deep just below his ribs, grinning a little at the feel of bone snapping under his fist, moments before his body tightened, his stomach cramping, it hurt so much. DRACO! He sent the silent scream to the mute man, struggling to hold the woman off him even as he weakened.
she screamed in pain as she dropped away from him, clutching her face the blade jerking out of Adrien as a loud crack filled the air, then a second, a third, a fourth. "ADRIEN!" Harry screamed in terror as Draco gasped, looking horrified as Fred, forgetting that Narcissa was related to Draco, lunged forward and began to grapple with her for the knife as Fred rushed over to Adrien and tried to stop the bleeding.
Adrien smiled slightly up at harry, blood flecking his lips, the knife had managed to nick a lung. Swallowing around blood he closed his eyes, passing out without saying the words he'd been tryin to say. Draco...take care of my dragon okay.... he flung out to the blond moments before he was dragged completely under, his heart slowing, his whole body slowing his as his heart struggled to beat.
they where all screaming now, Narcissa bound and gagged as they fought to heal Adrien George screaming to get them to St. Mungos, that Adrien was going into labor! Draco apparated them both, Harry following along behind with Fred as Adrien was rushed into a room where four doctors and George struggled to save Adrien and the baby.
10 hours later the doctor smiled wearily as he walked into the waiting room, shadows under his eyes as he held the small bundle in his arms."Mr. Potter?"He said smiling, shifting his hold on the small time girl in his arms, looking at the twins and Draco, shaking his head slightly. Amazed that Adrien Dragonheart had managed to live going through labor and losing that much blood.
Draco was pacing and Harry was being held by Fred and George, George had been kicked out to rest almost two hours ago and they where all trying to keep harry calm and hopeful. Harry leaped to his feet as soon as his name was called. "Yes! Adrien!? is he ok!? is he awake!? is that.." he froze suddenly, staring at the bundle in the doctors arms. "b..baby?"
The doctor nodded smiling softly."She's perfectly fine. Though small, she's fine."He said before looking at the man."Adrien is....alive. We've healed him, but..."He struggled to come up with words to describe what was wrong with Dragonheartless.
Harry hesitated and then gently took the bundle from the doctor and gently moved the blanket to look at her. "she's perfect." he whispered softly before looking up at the doctor, panic in his eyes. "whats wrong with Adrien!?"
"He wont wake up. He's alive, he's there. But his mind's retreated into... a safe haven."he said struggling discribe the condition."He should be waking....but we can't get him to respond to us. If you want to try nwo ...or get some sleep first..."
Harry shook his head hard. "i won't rest." he snapped snarling at the doctor, annoyed at the assumption that harry would put his needs over his lover. "take me to Adrien now!" he demanded gently rocking his baby girl so she wouldn't wake up Draco gently touching Harry's shoulder and carefully lifting the baby from his arms, Harry nodding to him a small thanks, knowing Draco wouldn't let anything at all happen to his baby.
The doctor nodded, leading them into the hospital bedroom, looking at the pale frame of Dragonheartless before leaving them alone. Disgust in the move, he couldn't believe the hero of the wizarding world was shacking up with Voldermort's second.

Adrien's chest rose and fell slightly, paler then normal, black hair hanging around his face as his hands curled in fists at his sides before relaxing, every now and then trembling, a soft whimper on his lips. Looking absolutely miserable, and totally unlike the man who was a nightmare for many.
Harry gently moved into the bed with Adrien, cradling the mans head in his lap before he bent down and gently pressed his lips to the others mouth. "there there." he murmured softly gently stroking the mans forehead. "i'm here." he said softly. "i'm here, i love you, please wake up Gabriel, i need you."
"Harry...narcissa...art...."He muttered sleepily, as he turned his head, pressing his face against harry's leg, shifting from the unnatural stillness of a coma into regualr sleep, harry's scent nad presence reassuring the man even though he hadnt seen him, he could feel him, that he was safe.
Harry sighed softly, relaxing as the other came out of it. "just sleep." he ordered gently biting his lip. "we have Narcissa." he promised. "Draco's got her locked up tight." he admitted smiling a little. "just sleep, alright lover? sleep." he demanded. "i won't leave you."
"Good..."Adrien breathed softly, going back to sleep.

Early in the morning, nearly dawn, Adrien jerked up, ignoring how much the action made his body ache, looking confused and panicked, shaking harry, "Harry!harry!Where's dragon?Narcissa wanted her!Where is she?!?"He demanded on the verge of a total panick attack.
Harry grabbed him and forced him back to the bed. "easy!" he demanded. "easy, Draco has her." he promised. "he's sitting right next to you, see?" he asked indicating Draco who was holding the little girl in his arms while he fed her, longing in his face, it seamed fred wasn't the only one who wanted a baby. "calm down." harry demanded softly. "Fred and George are watching Narsissa so she can't escape." he promised smiling a little. "see? everything is alright."
Adrien stared at him, trembling lightly, shivering slightly before nodding, starting to calm down, shivering as he laid back down, cuddling into Harry's arms, after a few long minutes he raised his head to look at the blond."You look good with a baby."He said, making no move to take his daughter, knowing he wasn't steady enough to hold her yet. His body was kicking his ass for moving so much.
Draco smiled a little, looking pleased. "Fred isn't showing any signs yet." he admitted biting his lip. "but i really hope, i really really do." he admitted gently nuzzling the little girl. "have you really named her dragon? Dragon Dragonheart sounds a little..." he waved a hand. "i mean, if that's really what you want to name her, it's just.." "shut up Draco." Harry ordered smirking a little. " "don't pick on Gabriel when he isn't feeling well."
Adrien whined, "Don't pick on me.we're naming her emma."He whined sotly burying his face against Harry's chest, crying because of the teasing and stress. Weepy as it hit him. He could have lost his dragon. Shivering harder he swallowed hard."...Narcissa was working with Arthur."he said softly, trembling harder. Because he could beat the living shit out of Narcissa, but he couldn't with arthur, not when the twins loved their father.
Harry closed his eyes. "i know." he admitted softly stroking the others forehead. "it's alright love, Draco didn't mean it." he promised draco looking mortified that he had upset Adrien. "i'm sorry." Draco declared quickly. "i really didn't mean it." he promised smiling. "Emma Dragonheart." "Emma Draco Dragonheart." harry decided nodding Draco going red. "because Emma harry dragonheart just doesn't sound right, and Draco IS the godfather obviously."
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