Dragonheartless moon/lady

Harry laughed a little and shook his head. "your not the girl in the relationship." he agreed smiling a little gently rubbing the others belly again. "but it's probably better that your carrying the baby, i'd hate to have my 'can't stay the hell out of trouble' gene to pass on to it." he admitted smiling lovingly at Adrien before he hesitated. "but.. i..if you..want to..." he couldn't even finish it, he didn't want to get rid of the baby or let Adrien have an abortion. he wasn't sure if he could handle it.
Adrien scowled at him."Oh shut up.I'm only upset cause I'm going to get fat and moody, and fucking hell I'm crying!"Adrien sniffled, sulking as he rolled on his side, facing away from him."Fuck.Who's ever heard of a pregnant male dragon. This is so not happening."He sulked.
Harry laughed a little. "you know, the male seahorses and Seadragons are actually the ones that give birth and raise the babies." he admitted grinning a little. "so it's not all that uncommon." Harry admitted grinning happily. "besides, your adorable when your moddy, and you'll get to boss me about and make me get you things that you won't want ten minutes later and make me suffer just as much and i won't even be able to complain."
"I am not adorable!"Ardrien growled as he looked at his lover, though a small smile curled his lips.

Which, is exactly what he was still saying 6 months later, when his ankles were fat, his stomach huge, his back sore, and the crankiness and moodiness had grown 20 times worse."I am NOT adorable!Stop smiling. Me wanting pickles and peanut butter is not weird!"Adrien sulked as he looked at the people around him, wrinkling his nose at the sight of Mr. Weasley in the house. Not even knowing why the man had even wanted to talk to harry. All they did was argue about him anymore. Frowning at Draco."Stop making that adorable look. I am not moody, stop it."He said keeping a eye on harry, though he knew Harry could take care of himself,and was hell of a lot better at protecting himself then him right now, he still worried.
Draco just looked a great deal amused as he listened to Adrien bitch, Arther listening in with a growing scowl on his face as he hissed a whisper to harry, both of them arguing furiously, but keeping their voices as low as they could get so that the twins, Draco, and Adrien couldn't hear him. your totally adorable. "yeah, especially when you start bitching." "makes me wanna pinch your cheeks." the three teased, trying to keep an eye on their father, the twins had been growing more and more worried about Arthur's level of sanity, the man had been doing some very strange things as of late.
"I am not a fucking dog, or a child.STop it!"Adrien said moodily as he awkwardly pushed himself up, before giving up on getting up to leave the room. It just wasn't happening. Sinking back onto the couch sighing he looked towards harry."Would you two just come over here and argue, you're making me nervous over there."He growled, glaring. Even more moodily dragonheartless now that he was fat and pregnant.
Harry just waved at Adrien letting him know everything was alright, snarling at Arthur who grimaced and glared darkly at Adrien, rage and insanity brewing in his eyes, never a good combination. the older man hissed angrily and vanished from the house with a loud CRACK and harry groaned a little, rolling his eyes and shaking his head. "fucking hell." he complained rubbing the bridge of his nose. "that man is going to drive me insane myself." he admitted the twins chuckling nervously, "Go on guys, he's still your dad." they relaxed, looking relieved and vanished with Simultaneous cracks Draco sighing a little and gently squeezing harry's shoulder, trying to comfort him.
Adrien whined softly, growling as Draco touched harry. Even though his jealous tendencies intensfied with the pregnancy, he tolerated Draco touching harry most of the time.Today..he didn't want to."Hands off Malfoy."He growled angrily, because Arthur's look had left him feeling edgy and insecure, even after all these months, he wasnt' still if Harry wanted him, wanted Dragonheartless. Which was mostly just the hormones talking."Get over here."he growled looking at harry."Dont make me get up."
Harry grinned a little and obediently bounded over to Adrien and snuggled into him kissing his lover on the neck. "you know i'm only yours love." he murmured smiling, it was true, no matter how much George had begged, or Draco had looked the only person harry ever slept with was Adrien. though Harry had often convinced Adrien to fuck the twins and Draco Harry only allowed them a few touches, and once a blow job with Adrien's permission. Harry was, without a doubt, Adrien's and only Adrien's.
ADrien smiled,"I know.'He said relaxing, closing his eyes to take a nap. Content to just be with him. Hours later he blinked slowly, frownign a little when his back cramped as he shifted, he really was getting to old and pregnant to sleep on the couch.Sighing softly he poked Harry, smirking."Hey. Potter."He growled, wanting up. And wanting him to go tell weasley where to shove it. The pain in his back being blamed on the other man. And he wasn't going to put up with that. So...it'd only do to rid himself of the man.
Harry muttered that he would get the olives and the nacho cheese in a moment and snuggled tighter into Adrien, determined to continue sleeping sighing softly as his hand found Adrien's belly and gently rubbed. "mm gonna be a daddy 'n marry the mommy.." he mumbled sleepily, giving away his surprise, the very one that he and Arthur had been fighting about for weeks now. Harry had been carrying the ring for almost a month, waiting for the right moment to ask Adrien, wanting to wait till the man was in a good mood before asking, in case Adrien went into one of his 'i am not the woman of this relationship' speals.
"Oh for gods sake, I AM NOT THE MOMMY!"Adrien yelled shoving him off the couch. Getting up without waiting, stomping upstairs as fast as his pregnant body would allow. Collapsing on the bed with a sigh, a small smile curling his lips. Well...that explained why the man had been so nervous recently, but he wasn't about to make it easier, because well...he was so not being called mommy.
Harry yelped as he found himself on the floor blinking stupidly up at the ceiling before groaning as he sat up and rubbed his eyes. "i never said you where!" harry complained staggering after Adrien, clearly having no recollection of what he'd just said. "Adrien come back!" he pleaded racing after the other. "i'm sorry! whatever i did i'm sorry." he whined taking the others hand and gently kissing his lovers neck. "does someone need a blow job?" harry teased smiling a little, being pregnant Adrien couldn't really partake in sex, so harry eased any sexual need through hand and blow jobs, often completely ignoring his own libido.
"No."Adrien sulked sighting softly as Harry kissed his neck, relaxing as he was touched. He knew he wasn't being a whiny bitch,but he couldn't help it!Tears welling in his eyes. Swinging from pissed off to weepy within moments. Looking at harry with a sigh."Yes."He said gently running his fingers through the brunette's hair. "I'm sorry....I know you don't...get as satisfied..."He said tearfully.
Harry smiled a little as he kissed the others neck again. "shh love." he murmured softly running his fingers over the others belly. "i'm fine." he admitted smiling. "i jack off to the sight of your belly and your sweet innocent face while your sleeping." he teased gently running his fingers into the others pants. "besides, i know you'll fuck me good and proper when you have the baby and your feeling better." he admitted smiling. "right now, making you happy and comfortable is all the satisfaction i need." aaaaw harry was sweet, in a weird..perverted sort of way.
"Pervert.And I'm not innocent."Adrien sniffled a little, rubbing his eyes."Fucking hel, I hate crying."He sighed relaxing even more. His face red and splotchy, his head stuffy."But you know what would really help right now?"He sid gently stroking harry's hair.
Harry smiled a little as he gently kissed the others cheeks. "peanut butter and pickles?" he guessed looking both grossed out and amused as he watched the other, running his fingers along the others length, trying to pleasure his lover and help him relax. "or maybe a foot rub would be better?"
Adrien sighed at the idea, shifting against Harry's hand."Maybe later. Not all that hungry."He bit his lip,wondering if he was going to piss the other man off."I don't want arthur here anymore....at least not until after the little dragon's born, and..." I'm dragonheartless again. was the silent unspoken end of that sentence. The longing to be himself again showing on his face. As much as he loved the baby dragon growing in him, he hated being as clumbsy and uncoordinated as he was.
Harry nodded against the others neck, still kissing and stroking, pausing at the others question and then chuckling a little. "i told Arthur today he wasn't allowed back in this house again, his home or not." he admitted softly. "i don't like the way he's been looking at you, Family or not no one looks at my lover like that." he admitted sighing softly closing his eyes. "and don't worry, you'll be back to kicking everyone's ass in just another couple of months." he promised grinning a little. "and hopefully fucking mine eh?"
Adrien relaxed when he said he'd told Arthur not to come back. That was nice. So much better. Shivering a little he wrapped his arms around harry."As soon as I can. And I'm kicking Draco's ass for calling me adorable."He pouted kissing Harry, yawning after a moment. Which brought up something else he didn't like. He got tired so easily.
Harry yawned back and groaned a little. "stop that, you make me tired." he complained snuggling into Adrien a little, he knew his lover enough now to know when to make being tired seam normal as he nuzzled the others neck. "i think i'm ready for a nap, how about you? it's been a long ass morning."
Adrien smiled relaxing more."A nap sounds good."He said before snuggling back into him, going to sleep. That evening he stretched, looking tired and amused."Harry, come on. You promised the guys you were going to dinner."He said, well he'd been included to, but he had almost no desire to go to dinner. All he wanted to do is sleep.
Harry huffed a little and dragged the blankets over his head. "fuck the guys." he grumbled sleepily. "i wanna stay home with you." he mumbled nuzzling Adrien a little more. "besides i can already tell you would rather not go."
"How?"Adrien laughed, even though it was true."And you probably should tell them, otherwise they're liable to show up, ready to fight whatever kept us from coming. We're late, I'm surprised they're not here yet."
Harry snorted a little and sighed a little as he heard three loud cracks. "HARRY!?" George yelled, sounding worried and Harry shook his head. "you HAD to jinx it." he complained playfully to Adrien. "Were fine George, stop yelling!" harry called back down the stairs shaking his head. "we where napping dammit!"
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