Dragonheartless moon/lady

Voldermort sighed softly as he looked dodwn at the man at his feet, "Ah, so you've learned your place boy."He said gently stroking his hair.

Adrien smirked slightly as he raised his head, looking down at the woman."You my dear, are a bitch."
Harry smiled softly and nodded. "yes my lord." he murmured softly his eyes down, one never looked their masters in the eyes. "i wish to please you my lord." he murmured softly gently nuzzling the others ankle, any higher and he was well aware he risked being punished. he had learned a great deal from Draco, who had been Voldemorts personal pet at one time.

Narcissa gulped thickly and glanced at the Dark lord and whimpered when she realized he was paying no attention to her. "please my lord." she muttered softly. "do me no harm, i was only following orders..."
"Then please me."Voldermort said pulling hiim higher, sighing softly as the man nuzzled his ankle.

Dragonheartless smirked slightly,"You harmed others. Just because you could. You made me beg like a dog...and your son.You watched me slaughter him and laughed."He said tightening his hold in her hair, his lips brushing over hers,slowly letting the spell sink into her sink. It'd kill her, after torturing her...but it'd take awhile to set in. A perfect ending for the woman who caused so much pain.
Harry smiled and obediently crawled higher along voldemorts lap, feeling his own Bile rise as he thought about what he was about to do, laying tender submissive kisses along the Dark lords legs, letting magic gently seep in with every kiss, all of it unnoticeable as harry sighed softly pausing at the others crotch, waiting for 'permission'.

she whimpered again trembling harder in his grip as she struggled to be free of his grip tugging at his wrists. she was good at magic, not at physical fights trembling as she fully realized that he intended to kill her. "please, spare me, i won't harm another, i swear it."
"You may."Voldermort said moving his robes out of the way, cock straining as he studied his second's date. eyes raising to watch the drama unfolding.

Adrien kissed her gently again, drawing out the death enjoying torturing her."If it was up to me, I would.Because you are Draco's mother. But....your son sends his well wishes."He whispered as his mouth slid over hers, letting her feel the spell take hold, letting her know that every beat of her heart, every breath was going to push her closer to death.
Harry gently ran his tongue along the others cock tasting and teasing, pretending it was Adrien's humming softly. "you taste good my lord." he murmured softly, gently suckling on the others head, letting more and more magic seep into the other as his mouth encased the others head and sucked, hoping Adrien wouldn't hate him too much for this.

Narcissa whimpered again, trembling visibly now as she felt herself growing weaker and weaker and closer and closer to death, panting softly. "please....please..." the pain had started, every pulse of her heart sent bolts of agony through her, making her knees buckle, only Adrien's grip kept her from falling to the ground.
Adrien was ignoring the show going on behind him,ignoring his lover giving his lord head, ignoring the moans of pleasure. Looking at Narcissa he smirked, letting the spell break."Fine.But you are mine Malfoy, from this moment on, your mine."He said holding her.
her lips quivered with unshed tears but she nodded, well aware to refuse meant death, and narcissa was as much of a coward as she was cruel. Harry watched out of the corner of his eye as he used his 'devil tongue' on the dark lords cock, sucking and stroking, slipping him deep down into his throat, which convulsed around him as harry resisted the urge to gag, his tongue slipping out to stroke along the vile snakes balls, still pouring magic into the Dark lord, slowly poisoning him. by the time the filthy thing realized it, he was going to be too week to do anything about it.
Adrien smirked as the posion started taking effect, closing a hand over Narcissa's arm, smirking as his lord started fading, already seeing the posion taking effect."Love, time to go."He said walking towards the two, still holding onto his captive. Having every intention of giving her to Draco.
Harry slipped off the Dark lord, who's eyes had closed in exhaustion as both his magic, and his life force drained from him, gagging loudly as he grabbed someones glass of alcohol, using it to swish his mouth clean before spitting it onto the floor. "yuck!" he complained wrinkling his nose snarling at the dark lord smirking a little. "sweet dreams in hell you sick bastard." several of the people in the room had paused, looking around them as if they'd woken from a dream, freed from various controlling spells, the others had begun to vanish, Narcissa hissed and shoved a blade into Adrien's belly, the blade reeking of physical poison and magic. "die like the mutt you are!" she demanded, yanking herself free and vanishing with a loud CRACK, Harry yelling in terror as he rushed forward, grabbing Adrien in his arms and setting his hand on the wound, trying to stop the bleeding.
Adrien doubled over, clinging to harry as his knees giving out on him, the posion quickly spreading, the magic rebounded against the shield, all he had to do is survive the posion. Swallowing hard he concentrated enough to apparate them out, not realizing they were in their own kitchen, with the twins and draco, collapsing to his knees as he fell against harry, passing out.
Harry was screaming, apparating them before he'd even realized what he was doing, George and Draco rushing over, leaving Fred tied tot he table, the red head squalling in protest at being so suddenly abandoned George grabbing Adrien and running his fingers along the others wound. "...this is a muggle poison!" George hissed, sounding horrified. "i..i don't know how to treat this!" "fucking hell!" Harry howled shaking his head. "we need to get him to a muggle hospital! Draco take him! i can't go like this! George help me get out of this costume!" Draco gathered Adrien into his arms and apparated them about ten feet from the muggle hospitals doors and started to drag him into the building, panting hard. hang in there Adrien! hang in there! were going to get you some help!
Adrien didn't respond, only moaning slightly as the doctors took him from the blond, rushing him into the ER. When the others arrived he was still in surgery, after about a hour a very weary looking doctor smiled as she walked out, looking at the blond covered in blood."Mr. Malfoy?'She questioned, studying him and the others sitting with him."Are you who brought in Mr. Dragonheart?"
Draco paced the room, still covered in Adrien's blood as he waited for news, jumping as he was approached by the nurse. nodding furiously before lifting his head to show her his neck, so she'd understand that he couldn't talk, he knew better than to try and talk in a muggles head, if she was a muggle, he didn't know, and was too panicked to tell. his eyes pleading with her to tell him that Adrien was ok.
The nurses look was sympathic, muggle born, preferring the muggle world to the wizarding one, and smiled slightly."He'll be fine...but...there was something irregular...Mr. Dragonheart is..."She lowered her voice."Pregnant. I was able to hide it from the rest of the doctors, but you need to get him out of here before someone else notices.He's safe to move, he just needs bedrest.Him and the baby, just need rest to heal."
Draco gaped at her his eyes wide. he's WHAT!? is that even POSSIBLE!? is he going to live!? he just needs bed rest? i can just apparate him home then? oh my god Harry is going to DIE when he finds out his boyfriend is pregnant... oh god... i think i need to sit down. Draco was more than just a little shocked. he gathered himself together as quickly as he could and headed for Adrien's room, using a disillusionment charm to keep from being seen as he 'kidnapped' Adrien from the hospital and back to the Burrow, laying Adrien gently on his and harry's bed before heading down to the kitchen where harry and the twins where waiting.
Adrien groaned a little, before tossing and turning, finally curling up on his side, holding Harry's pillow against him, falling asleep peacefully. yawning as he settled into sleep. At peace, and not realizing just how much his life was about to change.
Harry and the twins waited patiently for Adrien to wake up, the stitches in his side replaced by a faster healing by Draco, now that the poison was out they didn't need to fear Adrien's death, though Draco was worried about Narcissa coming back to 'finish the job' and the twins where worried because Harry just couldn't manage to stay out of trouble. even with the madman dead and most of the death eaters turning themselves in, explaining that they had been be-spelled and forced to take potions to control them, all of them had been tested for it, and had been put in hospitals to clear them of any lingering side effects there where still a few handful out there ready to cause problems. harry was worried because he thought the baby wouldn't like him, harry had never been very good with kids.
Within weeks Adrien stirred, his body having finally recooperated enough to recover and not wear him out, his body accomodating the baby growing inside him. Opening his eyes he winced, looking at the blond sitting on the edge of the bed."You keeping bedside vigil?Not something I'd thought I'd see."He said with a weak smile, sitting up. Wincing. Wondering why he felt so weird.
Draco smirked a little at him. only because Harry wouldn't lay down and sleep unless i promised to stay at your side, and wake him up the split second you woke up. he glanced at the clock nd looked back down at his book. that was almost ten hours ago, do you want me to go and get him? he has some...interesting news for you.
Adrien frowned at him before nodding."Please. I'm almost scared of whwat could be interesting."He said looking at the blond worriedly. Wondering what had happened while he was out.
Draco smirked a little. oh, your going to enjoy this bit of news. you should have seen Harry's reaction when HE found out, i recorded it for you." he paused and rolled out another recording scroll next to the bed before leaving and fetching Harry, he wanted to watch Adrien's reaction later. Harry bounded in a few seconds later, looking half asleep and like he'd just gotten shagged. "your awake your finally awake! i thought you where never going to wake up!" he admitted rushing over to Adrien and hugging him tightly. "i'm so glad!"
Adrien hugged him back frowning."Potter, I've gotten fat. Don't look."He pouted before frowning again."And you look like you just got shagged.What the hell?I might beat the twins if they've been having fun."He frowned,truly worried about what Harry had to tell him.
Harry grinned a little at him and rubbed the others belly. "mm yeah." he murmured looking pleased, but worried. "listen, Adrien there's, er.. some...interesting news that i need to tell you." he admitted smiling at the other, trying to comfort him. "er...well you see... that curse that voldemort put you through, combined with the cure for your blindness, well it..er, altered your body a little." he admitted biting his lip hard. "you...your pregnant."
"What?!?"Adrien jerked, string down at his stomach."No way. I am so not the girl in this relationship."He scowled. Not exactly unhappy about the idea of kids, but he didn't want to be the one who was sufering the pregnancy.
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