Dragonheartless moon/lady

Adrien laughed, awkwardly pushing up out of the bed, walking downstairs, looking delightfully mussed and sleepy."I was sleeping.You woke me up."He pouted, bending the truth just a bit. Knowign they'd leave faster if he appeared on the verge of tears.
Draco snorted a little but George and Fred looked guilty. "sorry man, you never showed up and we got worried." Fred muttered sheepishly as Harry staggered down, looking just as tired as he yawned. "well were up, we might as well start getting ready." Harry stated rubbing his eyes George wrinkling his nose. "nah, we'll all have dinner some other time, you guys go back to sleep, your going to need it no doubt when the screaming, crapping, puking bundle of joy finally comes." "...thanks George...thanks for that." harry muttered with a scowl George smirking. "well i aim to please."
Adrien smirked,"You could please so much better on your knees weasley."He said tilting his head,"No, we'll go to dinner. I'm up and moving, might as well go."He said, that'd been his major problem with going, he would have had to get out of bed.
Harry snorted a little and flicked his wand at Adrien, changing the man into his favorite 'comfy' outfit so that he wouldn't have to try and get dressed manually, it was a right pain in the ass for the both of them. Harry's own outfit shimmered and left him in black skin tight pants and a loose shirt that made him look entirely too delicious. "ok, were ready." Harry stated with a small grin. "this place better have the proper accommodations for my husband, were gonna need a lot of strange food." "we called ahead and let them know, their well stocked."
"I do not eat weird food, and we're not married."Adrien sulked poking harry, "Okay can we go.Lets go."he said looking down at the loose jeans and hoodie he was wearing. It was perfect because it hid some, just how fat and pregnant he was. Before frowning, looking at harry."You can't go like that. Change."
Harry blinked a little. "but you love looking at my ass." he pointed out before his clothes shimmered again, leaving him in loose fitting jeans and a sweater, a weasley sweater no less, ick. "better?" he asked smiling lightly at the other his head tilted.
Adrien wrinkled his nose at the sight of a weasley sweater before nodding."Better."He said, feeling decidely more attractive next to that damned sweater. Slipping a hand through Harry's arm."elts go."
Harry chuckled a little and snuggled into Adrien the twins snorting a little as they rolled their eyes and led the way out the door, well aware that they where going to have to walk there, since Adrien couldn't apparate so close to his due date. it would suck of he went into labor three months early.
Adrien pinched him lightly, wrapping his arm round the brunette as they walked."Not kind to laugh at me."He said sulking giving the waiter a glare as he stared openly at Adrien's very pregnant stomach."What?Never seen a pregnant person.Just get me a table.I want to sit."Adrien bitched laughing evilly as the young man squeaked, and lead them hurriedly to a table before leaving them with menus.
Harry bit back a giggle and shook his head, looking both amused and pleased at the same time as the waiter gave them a good table, one where Adrien could hide his belly under the table and avoid being stared at. "speaking of pregnant." George suddenly piped up. "Draco and i think we may have found a way to duplicate the process." George admitted grinning. "we'll know in two to three weeks if Fred is carrying Draco's baby."
ADrien stared at the blond."That's a scary thought. Draco with a kid."He teased before smiling, his hands resting on his stomach."Look dragon, you're going to have another dragon to play with maybe."Adrien said wincing a little as the baby kicked his hand."I...I want everything."He said looking over the menu.
Draco smirked, looking FAR too smug as Fred went beat red with embarrassment shaking his head a little as he looked down at Adrien's belly, a clear want plastered on hi face. Fred really wanted to be pregnant. "then get everything." Harry stated grinning a little. "i can afford it." he promised nodding as he glanced at Fred who already knew what he wanted.
In about a half hour the table was laded down with food from Adrien's meal, barely leaving room for everyone else's food, smiling slightly as he looked at harry eating some pickles and spagetti."What?This is not weird."He said looking at everyone."And make everyne stop staring at me."He whined looking at the rest of the resturant.
Harry smirked a little as he nibbled on his own meal, a ravioli dish, Fred stole small snippets of food from Adrien's meal and George struggled to cut a steak with the crappy restaurant knife. Draco didn't eat anything of his own, he just stole what he wanted from everyone else. Harry turned to glare at the tables around him. "Mind your own damn business!" he demanded hotly everyone quickly going back to their own meals.
"So fierce."Adrien said with a smile, kissing Harry before looking at the twins."How's...your dad doing?"He asked, nervously. Because he didn't want to bring it up, but he wanted to know if he should be watching his back.
the twins hesitated and glanced at each other before Fred bit his lip hard and George looked down at his plate. "he...ran off." he finally admitted. "he's gone mad...we can't find him anywhere..." "we don't know whats going on in his head but it.. it can't be good.." i think he's been hanging out with my mother. Draco informed Adrien and Harry silently, the twins seamed to show no sign of being in on the conversation. you two need to be very careful, and don't tell the twins, their in enough pain.
Adrien gave Draco a look, cold fury in that look because he didn't like the idea of the two teaming up.You'll watch yourself to? "No, it can't be good, but he'll be fine. We'll find him...well harry will, I can't really do anything."Adrien sulked as he looked at the twins.
Draco nodded simply looking just as troubled as Adrien felt glancing at Harry who nodded the twins smiling a little at Adrien. "your far from useless mate." George stated simply looking amused. "you kicked my ass just last week remember?" he asked Fred snickering a little as he remembered the scene Harry struggling to keep a straight face.
Adrien frowned at him, looking confused."No I don't."He pouted, truly confued. He had those days were he just kind of went through the day in a haze. "What was it over?You know me. I'm useles somedays."He pouted, having a vague recollection but he wanted to hear about it. It'd make hiim feel less useless, and more like himself.
George chuckled a little. "i poked your belly one too many times and you got annoyed and slammed me into the wall." George reminded him. "and not with magic either, you wrapped your hand around my neck, hauled me into the air and told me if i touched you again you where gonna gut me." George laughed again. "i nearly wet myself!"
"Oh yea."Adrien grinned, rubbing his stomach as he finished eating. Having just finished about half of the food he'd gotten."Well good. I don't feel so bad anymore."He said smiling a little, resting his head on Harry's shoulder, yawning. Feeling content and lazy now that he ate.
Harry chuckled as Fred devoured what was left of the food, Harry snorting a little. "i cannot believe four of us ate that much food." he admitted looking rather amazed as Draco snorted. we didn't, i sent the leftovers to the Dragons Den, my house elves will store them. i hate wasting food and George loves leftovers. .
Adrien laughed, before levering himself to his feet stretching as he reached for harry's hand."You going to stay here for awhile?I'm heading home."He said leaning down for a kiss, and before he could protest."I'll be fine. Its just a few blocks over if you dont want to come."
Adrien sighed"You heard George, I'm not totally useless. Sit enjoy, I hate that you're being tied to my pregnant sulky ass."He said with a smile.
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