Dragonheartless moon/lady

"IT really doesn't. And of course he is."Adrien muttered sniffling a little."Though I kinda like Dragon Draco Dragonheart."He muttered, snickering a little, shifting to get comfortable."But Emma it is...."He muttered sniffling again."Damned blond, gotta harass me when I'm feelign bad. Bastard."he whined, sounding just as moody as ever
Harry chuckled a little. "well then, maybe Emma Dragon Draco Dragonheart?" harry asked grinning a little before pausing and then grinning. "or maybe, Dracen?" he offered smiling. "dracen means dragon you know." he admitted grinning. "Dracon Draco Dragonheart. hows that sound?" he asked smiling his head tilted Draco pausing then. "wait.. Dracen James Dragonheart." Draco added smirking a little. "James was the name of your fathers right?"
Adrien nodded,"Yea it was.Dracen..."He muttered yawning sleepily, before looking at Draco."I want to deal with your mother myself."He said, dragonheartless looking out those cold blue eyes, starting to fall asleep as he laid his head down on Harry's chest.
Draco nodded. "good." he admitted sounding rather odd. "i...i tried.." he admitted looking down at his hands. "but i... i couldn't do it." he admitted sighing. "it's better if you do it." he admitted smiling at the little girl. "hello Dracen, your named after me AND your daddy, what do you think of that?" he asked smiling as she giggled Harry grinning a little.
ADrien smiled falling asleep. Content now that he knew everything was fine.

Two days later Adrien pushed up out of bed glaring at the blond standing there next to him, harry having taken Dracen home already."Dracen was allowed going home, I'm going home to. And dealing with your mother."He scowled darkly, willing shaking legs still.
Draco shook his head. "don't make me put you in the full body bind again." he demanded crossing his arms. "your still very weak, it's better for you to stay here and recover, my mother isn't even at your house, she's at mine being guarded by the twins." he stated sternly. "your only going to worry Harry if you go home like this, and harry's already stressed from trying to find Arthur."
Adrien frowned at him, sitting on the bed again,"I don't want to stay here."He said looking at the man, "I want to go home..."He said looking at him, hating hospitals. Hating this. But will to stay if it'd help harry."It'll make it worse for harry?"He said before laying back down.Trembling ever so slightly, closing his eyes, exhausted from the attempt to go home.
Draco smiled in his small victory, hating his small lie as he gently tucked Adrien back into bed. "their starting you on Strengthening potions today." Draco admitted. "when their finished, tomorrow i think they said, then you can go home and help Harry, alright?" he offered smiling as he glanced at the crib that held the snoozing Dracen. harry had decided to leave Dracen with Adrien, to try and keep the other man more calm and less panicked. "i hope Fred is pregnant." Draco admitted, a strange note of NEED in his voice.
Adrien smiled slightly, reaching out for him."Me to, I don't want to be the only pregnant man."He smiled pulling him into the bed, needing to hold someone and not feeling strong enough to hold dracen."I want to go home."He muttered nuzzling the man's neck, sighing softly. Frowning when he heard a odd note to Draco's voice, hearing the lie but not knowing what it was. the man always squeaked when he lied."You'll just have to keep trying if he isn't."He muttered yawning, having exhausted himself with the small trip out of bed.
Draco smiled and nodded holding Adrien back gently kissing his forehead. "just sleep." he ordered, refusing to be worried about harry, who was so immersed in work, trying to fight against hysteria and worry about leaving Adrien and Dracen at the hospital. Harry was beginning to worry Draco a little, he almost seamed to take Narcissa's attack on Adrien personally, and was hunting Arthur the same way he had once hunted any and all death eaters he could find, almost on the verge of obsession. he had tried, and failed to make harry calm down, but his words where ignored, only Adrien would be able to help Harry, but in the mans state, he might only make it worse.
Adrien whined softly, holding the man tightly."I want to see harry...miss him..."He muttered, because if his fiancee had seen him, it'd been awhile since adrien had actually been awake when harry was there."You'll let him know?"He muttered falling asleep peacefully, though a small wrinkle between his eyebrows as he fretted about his husband.
Draco gently rubbed the others back and nodded.

the next morning, after almost four strengthening potions and two pepper ups the doctors informed Adrien that it was alright to go home. "Adrien." Draco said softly. "i need to tell you something before you go home." he admitted. "i didn't want to tell you last night because you would have freaked out..." he shook his head a little. "Harry's obsessing, i know that doesn't mean much to you, but when he obsesses it's never a good thing, it hasn't gotten to the point where he's forgetting to eat yet but unless you snap him out of it he won't stop until he's found, and killed Arthur Weasley." he admitted softly. "and if that happens he might break beyond repair."
"Fine, I'll kill arthur, and deal with your mother."Adrien frowned before looking at the baby in his arms, before handing her to Draco."Get her home, I don't want to apparate with her."He said, not waiting for a answer as he apparated out, using the bracelet as a homing device to get right to Harry's side."Hey."He said softly, looking worriedly at the man.
Draco shook his head. "that wasn't what i meant." he grumbled lightly before rolling his eyes. "oh never mind," he complained when he was ignored, gently cradling Dracen and smiling lightly at her. "your going to be a man killer, yes you are."

harry was sitting at the Burrow, in front of a desk pouring over tips and hints and clues, paperwork all over as he struggled to try and decide where Arthur might be hiding, he didn't even pause at adrien's voice, thinking it was Draco before he paused and turned to look at him, small bags under his eyes indicated at least two sleepless nights. "they let you out?" he asked, sounding surprised. "i thought they where going to keep you until Wednesday?" he looked very glad to see adrien though, even if it WAS Wednesday.
"It IS wensday."Adrien said pressing against Harry's back as he leaned against his back, pressing his hands into his wrists to keep him from doing anything."You need to stop."He said leaning down to nuzzling his neck."Come lay down sweetheart."He said.
Harry leaned back into Adrien sighing softly, glad to have his lover back, scowling when he realized he was trapped to the chair. "i can't." harry complained softly. "Arthur is still a danger, he might go after you again! i have to find him before he comes back and manages to hurt you or our little Dragon again." he complained squirming against his lover. "Gabriel... let go..."
"No.You're going to lay down and go to sleep with me for a little bit. Then we'll find arthur. He wont be a danger to the little dragon."He said nuzzling his neck,"After we deal with Narcissa, we'll find Arthur. Please harry, take care of yourself."He begged a little.
Harry hesitated looking at the scattered papers before he sighed and sagged, nodding. "alright." he agreed, letting Adrien's sense wash over him, resting his head on the others arm. "i'm sorry, i must look terrible." he mumbled softly as he slowly began to get to his feet offering Adrien a hesitant smile before panic flew into his eyes. "Dracen!? where is she? how come she's not with you!?"
"Draco's bringing her home, I didn't want to apparate with her, and I wanted to get you in bed."He said wrapping his arms around the man. "I love you, we're fine. Draco'll take care of dracen.She's as much his little dragon as ours."He said helping the man upstairs, dragging him with him, kissing him hard."Dont worry."
Harry relaxed at the others explanation sighing softly as he leaned into Adrien as they maneuvered the stairs harry smiling sheepishly. "i'm sorry... i guess i just let this all get to me more than i thought it would." he admitted shaking his head. "i haven't obsessed over something since the lestrange brothers." that had been memorable. they had killed the twins, George and Fred and harry had gone after them with the vengeance of a god. what had taken the entire auror society five years to do, harry had done in a month, finding, and then slaughtering both the lestrange brothers, and Bellatrix as well.
"I remember that, I drank myself silly when I heard."He said before crawling in the bed with him,wrapping himself around him,holding him tightly, trembling slightly."I've missed you....I don't like sleeping by myself."He muttered, wondering where Draco was going to get there with Dracen. Trying to stay awake wanting to mae sure they got there before he slept.
Harry smiled a little and tucked his face into the others neck. "i missed you too." he admitted softly gently stroking the others arm as the front door opened, Draco yelling that they where home and not to get up, that he;d feed Dracen and watch her while they napped. Harry sighed softly, relaxing completely when he heard that Dracen was home, and passed out right then and there.
Adrien smiled falling asleep. A few hours later getting up, tucking harry in bed as he headed downstairs leaving harry asleep for the moment, smiling softly as he smirked at the sight of Draco with his daughter."You can't take her home."
Draco smiled as he held her gently tickling her feet and making silly faces so she would giggle and wriggle in his arms, making Draco laugh and do it more. the blond pouted as he looked up at the other. "aaw come on." he whined softly making baby eyes at the other. "but Adriiieeeeeen, she's soooo cuuute!" he stated pathetically, making the little dragon giggle again.
Adrien laughed softly, walking over, gently picked the baby up, cradling her close."She's my daughter, of course she's cute. And no, not yet."He said loking down at her, making faces to."Oh no, uncle draco can't take you. No he can't.Your my little dragon."He cooed smiling.
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