Dragonheartless moon/lady

Draco smirked and nodded the twins pausing in their movie watching to scowl. but they said nothing, they knew that they couldn't stop them, there was no way to talk harry out of something once he got his mind set on it. "we'll help harry with his costume then." George said with a small sigh. "harry was always terrible at fashion sense." "....haha, very funny." Harry grumbled. "you don't get pancakes."
"well, at least one of you wont be as blind as a bat on heroin picking out his clothes."Adrien grinned."I love you dearly, but you suck as a fashion person."Adrien said smiling at Harry.
Harry scowled at Adrien darkly. "you don't get any pancakes either." he growled lifting his nose proudly into the air and Fred snickered a bit looking amused as he continued to watch the scroll. he always loved watching Draco get dominated, mostly because he was such an uke he couldn't. not that he really wanted to, it just amused him. after a long few minutes Harry presented them all with pancakes and bacon shaking his head. "i am far too nice to you people."
"You are but I love you for it."Adrien grinned pulling the other ma down into his lap, kissing him hard before starting to eat. A arm around Harry's waist, holding him close. Needing the connection of having him there.
Harry snorted and rolled his eyes settling into Adrien's lap and stealing bites of his food, focusing on the bacon so that his lover usually never got more than a bite at a time, just to be an ass Fred and George snickering as they watched Draco and Harry get dominated at the same time George studying it closley to pick up tips to use on his brother and Draco. "alright, i'm going to go get ready." harry decided, grinning a bit. "come on Twins, lets go!" he demanded once the two had finished eating. "and you don't peak!" harry demanded of Adrien smirking. "i have an idea in mind that i just know your gonna love."
Adrien grinned."Fine, me and draco will start putting me together."He said dragging the blond to the bathroom shutting the door, before summoning the clothes he wanted. The soft velvet pants, the dark blue shirt that brought out his eyes, but was so dark it looked black. And a pair of thigh high boots, so high they brushed the top of his thighs, almost made the pants useless. And they laced up the back, with a cord."So.You were always better at makeup princess. Make me pretty."He said puckering up after he dressed.
Draco snickered a little and started working at the others makeup obediently shaking his head as he used liberal amounts of black eyeshadow and rouge to make the other look very much like a living Grim Reaper. "there you go dumb ass, all pretty." Draco promised smirking a little tilting his head. "Harry needs about another hour." he admitted nodding a little. any attempts that Adrien might make trying to sneak a peek where foiled by the twins and the spells they put up to keep him out of the room.

forty five minutes later Harry stepped out of the bedroom smirking, he was dressed completely in leather, buckles and straps everywhere, leather pants clung tight to his body, straps and belts loops around his legs making him look dangerous and hip. he wore no shirt, instead he had black leather straps crossing his chest and back, looping around his arms. twins wings, as black as ink had been attached to his back, and his hair had been grown long enough to brush the floor, and forced to lay flat. his green eyes had been dyed crimson, black lipstick stained his lips, and his scar had been completely hidden by water proof makeup. turning all of Harry's available flesh pale like snow. he looked lethally beautiful. "so lover, what do you think?"
"Oh hell."Adrien stared looking at him."I'm fucking you in that when we get home."He decided as he pushed away from the counter, looking him over he smirked as he raised a hand, creating his own final piece of the costume. Smirking as the scythe became solid in his hand, "Watch this. George, try and grab it."He said holding it out, knowing the trick. It was a shadow, as easy as grabbing water for someone else, but for him it was a solid weapon, but totally useless, a mirage for someone else.
George paused and looked the scythe over. "what will it do to me?" he demanded Draco clicking his tongue and reaching out to grab the scythe his eyes widening when it passed right through, looking astonished and then amused, Harry laughing a little as he tapped his neck, his voice changing into a very deep rumbling one, so deep it made your chest tremble from it, like playing a base too high in your car. "ready to go lover?" he asked grinning at the other, now almost a foot taller, making him an exact height of Adrien smiling at him. "please be careful." George demanded. "if you get caught, promise you will apparate out right away."
Adrien nodded,"We will."He said finding it odd to find his lover as tall as him, but grinned."You're so staying that tall while I screw you."He said lightheartedly before reaching out, brushing his fingers over Harry's bracelet, triggering the shield letting it settle into place before letting his own snap up."Ready to go?"He said looking at harry.
Harry grinned and nodded, kissing Adrien hard leaving traces of black on the others lips his high healed shoes clicking on the floor as he nodded. "lets go." he agreed swallowing thickly. "lets teach that bastard a lesson." he murmured clinging to Adrien before looking at the twins and Draco. "you behave! no fucking in my house!...well i suppose technically it's your house but still!"
"Not in my bed either!"Adrien yelled before taking harry's hand, apparting them to Dragonheart Manor, where Voldermort had moved after Lucius had been revealed as a traitor. Stepping through the door he smiled as he made their way to the ballroom, stepping through the door, eyes silently looking over the deatheaters. By far him and harry were the youngest, and the best looking.

"Dragonheartlessss...welcome, it is good to see you alive."Voldermort hissed as he watched the two arrive, gesturing to Narcissa."Narcissssa, go greet our returning companion and his guest."
Harry smirked and offered Voldemort a low boy, acting loyal to him and he took Narcissa's hand and gently kissed the back of her knuckles. "a greeting to you, Lady Malfoy." he murmured pleasantly, making the woman blush and giggle pleasantly. "when you told me we where going to a party, i never expected to be around such highly established persons Lover." he complained pouting lightly at the Dragonheartless. "or i would not have dressed so extravagantly." acting the part of a rather spoiled, but well into knowing his place supporter of voldemort.
"Ah, bu you do extravagate so nicely."Dragonheartless purred as he brushed his hand down harry's back, tilting his head towards Narcissa, but not bowing.Dragonheartless bowed to no one...except maybe harry."Have you found my seat comfortable Narcissa?"he drawled, looking towards her recently vacated spot at Voldermort's side.
she blushed at his statement and glanced at the seat before smiling. "someone must be at voldemorts side, to save face if nothing else." she recovered quickly. "i was merely keeping it warm for you." Harry chuckled a little and kissed Adrien's neck. "please, it is only a chair, everyone knows that you are Our Lords favorite." Harry murmured smirking as he tugged on the others hand. "won't you take me to the dance floor? i have always wanted to dance with you."
Dragonheartless gave him a pleased, indulgent smile."I shall."he said before leading him out to the floor, starting to dance with him to the ball waltz,ignoring the eyes on them he tightened his hand on Harry's hand tightly, feeling the bones grind together."You'd let me hurt you wouldn't you?"He teased, making a brilliant, deadly game of it. Knowing Voldermort would be focusing on him instead of harry.
Harry winced lightly at the tight grip of his hand as he danced along side the other, a soft smile breaking across his lips. "i would give my life to you, if that is what you desired." he murmured softly. "i would give you my heart, still beating with life from my very body if that would please you." he admitted his eyes shining with adoration and love, almost bordering on bespelled, as if Adrien had fed him a love potion or had him under the imperio, it just made more sense, so Voldemort and everyone else wouldn't ask so many questions.
"Be ready."Adrien muttered,smirking as he stepped away as the song ended, bowing slightly before looking at Narcissa, tilting his head, the arrogance in that move obvious. He'd bowed to someone else...his own date, someone unknown before he'd acknowledged her position. Let that beat the bitch into the ground he made his way to Voldermort's side, bowing slightly."My lord."He muttered wincing as Voldermort's fingers tangled in his hair, tossing him into his seat."Behave Dragonheartlesss...I would like to sseee your guest dance with the others."He said absently stroking Adrien, making the man whimper softly in pain, because even with the shields in place, the barbed wire spell of his own making got under it, causing pain, both physical and mental.
Harry smiled a little at the other, pure adoration on his face as he bowed back to Adrien gasping as Fenrir pulled him into a dance looking astonished and then pleased to be payed attention to as he allowed the werewolf to swing him around the ballroom, though his eyes kept flicking back to Adrien as he danced with person after person, gliding effortlessly and gracefully over the dance floor, putting on a show for Adrien and Voldemort alike before finally managing to break free, and settled himself by Adrien's knee, lowering himself to common slave status, startling nearly everyone. it was hard for them to get a bead on adrien and the Death angels relationship.
Adrien trembled a little, both in pain and pleasure as he wrapped his fingers through harry's hair, pulling him down for a kiss, ignoring the look his lord was giving him before he found harry tossed back, and the vicious edge of a punch landing in his ribs. Gasping as voldermort through him to the floor.

"You are no one but mine Dragonheartless."Voldertmort growled,"And I did not give you permission to be with your guest."
Harry gasped lightly and leaned into the kiss before he yelped loudly as he found himself tossed back hitting the edge of a wall and sliding down it, grimacing in pain as he slowly staggered back to his feet and then dropped to his knees crawling over to voldemort like a dog. "forgive me my lord, i meant you no disrespect." he groveled, god he was an actor wasn't he?
Voldermort stroked his hair smiling slightly."You are forgiven."He said before looking at the dragonheartless, before raising his eyes to Narcissa."Narcissa, punish him for being gone so long, and for treating his lover better then me."He said looking down coldly at the man.
Harry swallowed thickly as he glanced at Adrien and watched silently as Narcissa raised her wand and tossed a severe crusio at him, pausing when nothing at all happened, Harry's promise ring sucking up the spell effortlessly. "what!?" she demanded her eyes wide as she flicked her wand again, another spell sucked up by the ring. "what the... what are you doing!?"
Adrien smirked as he pushed to his feet, walking over, cupping her face in his hands, kissing her with a hard edge of cruelty."You're not strong enough to tame me Narcissa dear."He said tightening his hands, laughing as he felt her heart race under his hands.
Harry watched looking amused as Narcissa whimpered under the kiss, trembling in terror as he gripped her Jaw harry smiling a little as he gently kissed Voldemorts ankle, trying to get the man interested in him instead of the Dragonheartless, harry needed to have a close physical contact for the spell he had in mind, it was like a slow acting poison, it wouldn't kill the Dark Lord until later. a spell that Harry had created himself.
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