Dragonheartless moon/lady

"I'll apparate you naked to the burrow if you don't get moving."He teased pressing against he man, moaning softly as his cock pressed against harry. Shivering a little. Despite wanting to spend time with the twins and Draco, he didn't much care for the idea of locking himself in the house with mr. weasley.
Harry growled a little and moved himself against the others cock. "didn't you get enough last night?" he teased smirking a little looking back at the other sleepily. "christ, we fucked almost five times last night." he teased grinning a little. "and you even let me top twice. god how can you still be horny!?"
Adrien moaned softly, rolling the man under him pinning him there as he leaned down to kiss him."I'm waking up with you, naked as the day I was born, and you ask how I can be horny?"He said nuzzling the man's neck."And I can never get enough of you."he said gently nipping hte man's ear.
Harry moaned softly as he found himself pinned, smirking a little as he kissed back and then leaned his head to the side, groaning softly as he was nuzzled. "thats good, because i can never get enough of you." he mumbled before gasping and arching into the ear nip. "fuck Gabriel, your going to make me horny now too? you cruel bastard."
Adrien grinned, nipping his ear again."Never said I wasn't."He said before shifting the brunette a little, moaning as he slid into him, despite the time they'd been fucking all night, he still needed the closeness, the good memories to hold onto if he was goign to be facing Voldermort in a few hours.
Harry moaned, arching into the others cock, panting softly. "mm yeah, fuck me good." Harry ordered softly shivering lightly as he pressed back ont he cock. "mmm fuck 's good." harry needed it too, he was terrified that one of them was going to die, he could only hope that it was him, Adrien needed to live, Draco could MAKE him live.
Adrien nuzzled his lover's neck, fucking him slowly harder, holding onto him tightly."How are you thinking about?"He panted, looking down at him."You're looking to serious."He said slowly stroking the man's cock.
Harry groaned softly as he was fucked panting softly. "sorry." harry murmered softly. "it feels good, it really does but i can't make my head shut the hell up." he admitted grimacing a little as he shook his head. "i guess i'm just worried." he admitted bucking into the hand. "a.aah fuck." he moaned arching into the others hand. "nnng.. remind me, to get that spell from ah Draco, when we come back. i want, nnng to use it on you someday." or have Adrien use it on harry, either worked.
"I will."Adrien promised, moaning softy as he came, holding the man tightlyl against him as he buried his face against his neck,shuddering ever so slightly. Fear eating at him, but he was trying not to let it show.
Harry moaned as he spilled across the bed panting hard. "oooh yeah that's good." he moaned softly his eyes fluttering before he grinned a little. "you know." he mumbled softly. "were going to win." he admitted looking at Adrien. "we are going to win, and were both going to make it out alive." he promised cupping the others cheek. "i dreamed it." he admitted nodding. "we both survived and we had a happy house with two dogs and a huge field of flowers. and we had sex every night and the twins would come over with Draco and we'd have a ton of Orgy sex and George and Draco would have competitions to see who could make you and Draco cum first." he admitted grinning brightly. "it was a gooood dream."
Adrien growled as he raised his head,"No orgies."He growled angrily, possessively as he pulled away, getting dressed, tossing harry's clothes to him."Come on, we have a breakfast to get to. And those dogs, yea they're going to be big and going to take a bit out of Draco if he flirts with them."He said with a grin leaning down to kiss harry.
Harry laughed and grinned at the other. "not even with Draco?" he teased pouting at the other tossing him a wink as he got to his feet slowly stretching liberally to ease the soreness of his back from thrusting. he was'nt a very good top, but he did enjoy it, and after all practice makes perfect. he still preferred bottom but he wouldn't mind the top now and again. "besides if our dogs bit Draco we'd never hear the end of it from anyone!"
"Okay,maybe draco."Adrien said with a smile watching harry get dressed, a self satisfied smirk on his lips."And they wont bite him, just give him a good scare."He said before standing himself, stretching.
Harry laughed a little and tossed a scroll of paper over to the other. "it's the recording spell." he teased winking at him. "you unroll it and say 'play' and it will start up, like a muggle telivision." he admitted nodding a little before he looked around a bit. "where the hell are my pants!?" he wondered scowling a little as he bent over to look under the bed since his clothes where not in sight. "you hid them again didn't you!?"
"I am soo showing this to george."Adrien grinned pocketing the scroll before smirking."Why would I hide your pants?They're in teh bathroom. You took them off in there."He said looking up at Harry."You were in a hurry to get undressed remember?"
harry blinked and then smirked. "oh that's right." he agreed hoping off to the bathroom and grabbing his pants tossing another scroll at the other. "and this is you making George Cum." he admitted snickering a little shaking his head a little as he found his shirt and yanked it on, yawning a little. "shall we go and get breakfast started? i'm sure Draco and the twins are going to come over to try and convince us not to go one last time."
"Most likely.I'll just make them watch Draco and George coming, that'll put off their lecture."He said grinning as he walked downstairs with HArry, kissing him softly as he walked into the kitchen. Wondering if they'd drag mr. weasley along to try and convince them not to go. Granted, he'd want to send Adrien back, but he'd try to convince harry. looking slightly amused at the idea.
Harry snorted looking amused as he headed over to the kitchen to start making breakfast his head tilted as the fire roared into life, the twins coming out with Draco all three of them looking tense and nervous as they sat down at their respective spots at the table. "your really going to do this?" George demanded, his voice low. "even now that your not suicidal anymore your really going to walk right into a trap?"
"Yes."Adrien said simply, waving the scroll at him."And if you don' stop the lecture, I'll show you just what's in the recording."He said looking at harry."What's for breakfast?"
Harry smirked a little. "Cum?" he suggested snickering as Draco and Fred zeroed on the scrolls looking curious. "and what is on the scrolls?" they asked in unison their heads tilted Harry snickering a bit as he poured pancake batter into the pan shaking his head.
"Nah, to early in the morning for that.I want bacon."Adrien said before lookign at the twins and Draco. Trailing a finger over one."Well, this one has a...moment with Draco."He said smirking wider,"And this is George's meltdown yesterday."He said pointing t the other.
Harry laughed and got the bacon out of the fridge grinning a little as all three guests went beat red, Draco diving for the one with him on it, trying to rip it apart, but Fred beat him to it with a laugh yanking it open and yelling play, him and George both watching it intently Draco groaning and slamming his head against the table, lifting it only to glare at Adrien. you are a dead man, you hear me!? i will kill you!
Adrien laughed, patting Draco's head."No you wont. After all, you like it when I'm mean to you."He said laughing softly."And you came here to talk me out of being a dead man."He said seriously, the smirk fading a little, true fear showing on his face before he hid it.
Draco's glare faded in an instant and he took Adrien's hand gently and gave it a comfroting squeeze. no i came here to keep the twins from saying stupid things. you and harry will be fine at the ball. i know it. because if he couldn't believe in his two oldest friends, who could he believe in?
"We will."Adrien grinned, squeezing Draco's hand."You sticking around to help me do my makeup then?You were always good at doing the girly thing, princess."He teased
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