Dragonheartless moon/lady

Adrien shuddered a little as he wrapped his arms around the other man, nuzzling his ear as he sighed softl."It was."He muttered holdng the man close, "I feel better."He muttered kissing Harry's head."You?"He asked closing his eyes, startng to fall asleep. All was well in his world, harry loved him, he didn't need any more than that.
Harry smiled a little. "yeah, i feel a lot better." he admitted yawning lightly. "mmm but now i'm sleepy." he admitted softly smirking a little. "i'm going to need my rest if i'm going to molest you again int he morning." he admitted nodding to himself. "and every hour on the hour after that." he snickered a little. "i'm going to tease you aaaaall day. and never let you cum, just to punish you for making me worry about you."
"Fine by me."Adrien yawned, going to sleep.

The next evening Adrien frowned as he listened to the twins,draco and harry talk. Before frowning harder."Wait, the owl, is it a eagle owl?Draco is it my owl?"He frowned as they talked about the letter that had just arrived wishing he could see what it looked like. Because if he'd guessed right, he knew what the unopened letter said. After all, tomorrow was halloween. And there was only one thing death eaters did on halloween. A party. "I think I know what it is."He said tilting his head.Running his fingers through his hair.
Harry and Draco paused in their convorsation, the twins yelping in surprise as they suddenly heard Adrien's voice calming when they realized they wherent being attacked. "i don't like it, i don't like it one bit!" Fred hissed. "this letter is no coincedense!" there was a heavy smell of fire smoke in the air, and Freds voice was shaking with fear.

Death eaters came and burned down the Dragons Den. Draco informed Adrien silently. Fred was still inside, it's a good thing he can apparate. Draco sounded FAR too calm, and that meant that he was barley keeping himself from slaughtering something in a rage.

"Calm down." harry murmured softly grabbing Adrien's hand and tugging the larger man onto his lap, needing the physical connection to keep himself calm. "do you mind if we open the letter Adrien? or is it personal?
Moon Struck Fox said:
Adrien tilted his head at the blond's comment, leaning back into harry's arms, needing the touch."Draco, I think you're going to get your chance to slaughter something, if we can convince them to go along with it."He said blindly reaching for the letter, running his fingers over it."It's a invitation to a ball. But double check."He said handing over the invite to harry, cuddling against him, taking comfort, and needing to relax because he was worried about facing voldermort again.
Harry wrapped his arms around Adrien tightly kissing the mans neck softly as the Twins paused. "convince us of what?" they chorused at the same time, sounding suspicious, as if they knew Adrien was thinking of doing something completely stupid. Harry just shook his head and carefully opened the letter, wary of any spells or curses that might be on it, but not very concerned thanks to the protection bracelet around his wrist. "yeah, it's an invitation to the ball, exactly identical to mine....you wrote your own invitation?"
"Months ago, yea."Adrien sighed softly."I was bored okay?"He said, sure he ws getting weird looks from them,"Its a masquerede ball, everyone will be in masks. And I am Dragonheartless, and it is my ball.We can go."He said poking Harry's arm."We have the world's best defenses."He said pointing to harry's wrist...well in the general direction anyways.
Harry bit his lip hard staring at Adrien, even though he knew that he couldn't see it. "are you MAD!?" he demanded his voice barley above a whisper. "we finally have a moments peace... and you want to go to a ball hosted by the wizarding worlds most least popular homicidal MANIAC!?" he demanded Fred and George chuckling nervously. "it...er, wouldn't be a bad idea..." George pointed out. "i mean... Voldemort... he'll be defenseless... and..." "NO! no way in HELL!!!" "it would be a good chance to kill him, and a good chunk of his followers." Fred stated nervously and Harry snarled. harry, if you don't go with him he'll just go of on his own, you know he will... "But...but were damaged!" he tried to protest. "Adrien can't see well and i have a hole in my lungs!" "no you don't." "ARE YOU CALLING ME A LIAR!?" "yes.." "....ok so i don't... but, i, er.. pulled a muscle?"
"Potter, I'm going with or without you.I'm going to make a end of this, I'm tired of having the world ripped apart because of his madness.Just come with me...and you can watch Voldermort die with your hand wrapped around his heart."Adrien said sighing."He wont bother with me, after all, I am his favorite. But if you don't come, one of the twins can, or draco. We'll all be disguised enough no one will notice."
Harry whimpered a little and Draco coughed a little. right, Harry me and the twins are going to go fuck in your bed. Draco stated the twins getting up and heading for the stairwell Draco following to offer Harry and Adrien some privacy. "i don't want you to go." harry whispered softly. "i don't want to go, i'm scared.. he'll kill you, and then i'll be all alone." he murmured, fear and pain in his voice. "i don't want to be all alone Adrien..." he felt no need to tell the other about the dreams he'd been having, of seeing Adrien's chest, his heart beating his blood flowing everywhere as voldemort stood above him cackling as Adrien died.
Adrien shifted a little, wrapping his arms around the brunette, resting his head on Harry's shoulder."I don't die that easily. And you wont be alone. I wont leave you. And he'll never stop hunting you harry, I cant stand the thought of you beinghurt. Please harry, lets end this."He said holding him tightly."I wont leave you, I promise. After all, you hold my heart. I wont die after I learned to love again."
harry sniffed a little and closed his eyes and then nodded. "alright." he whispered softly, his voice hoarse. "alright, but... Draco can't come with." he ordered softly. "or the twins, and i'm going to dress up in head to toe disguise, even my magic so that no one even suspects that i'm there." he mumbled trembling lightly in Adrien's arms. he couldn't stop, he was willingly going to face the man that had murdered his life... who had nearly killed him so many times, and destroyed everyone he had ever loved. and had almost killed adrien before they had even gotten a chance to be together.
"Fine by me.We'll be together."he tightened his arms around Harry, kissing his temple. Knowing that he was just content to be with him. Needing the time to come to terms he was actually goign to go face Voldermort. After a few minutes he smiled."We better go stop Draco and the twins. I don't want them fucking somewhere where I sleep."He said sounding strainedly amused getting up, holding a hand out for Harry.
Harry nodded and then snorted a little. "they know better." he stated simply, shaking his head. "George tried that once and ONLY once." he stated simply. "i almost gutted him." he admitted a smirk in his voice. "and then i tied him to the bed and let draco have his way with him, that blond is so mean." he admitted snickering again. "i believe he strapped on a cock ring, and used magic to make it feel as if Draco was getting fucked in the mouth and in the ass and getting a blow job all at the same time. it was awesome. George wouldn't look me in the eye for a week."
Adrien looked thoughtul as they walked upstairs."I'm going to have to ask for that spell."He said smiling a little, knockign on the partially closed door."We're coming in. Everyone better be dressed."He warned before pushing open the door and walking in.
only one of them had any article of clothing off, Fred, who was sitting on the bed with his shirt off, letting his brother tend to a burn on his arm. your going aren't you? your going to the Ball. Draco asked as soon as Adrien walked into the room both twins freezing. "WHAT!?" they both yelled, sounding infuriated as they leaped to their feet. "ARE YOU INSANE?"
"Yes."Adrien said simply before sitting down on the bed."but that's not why I'm going.We can end this, Voldermort will let me get close enough to kill him, and Harry gave me the worlds best protection.We're going."He grinned a little, insanity in that smile."And I'm dressing as the grim reaper. I figure its fitting."
"no fair! i wanted to go as the grim reaper." harry pouted snuggling into Adrien's side Draco snorting with amusement. "fine, you go as the grim reaper, i'll go as the Angel of Death instead." he decided the Twins looking like they wanted to murder harry on the spot. "you can't go! it's a trap!" "it has to be!" "we'll tie you to your own goddamn bed!!!" wow Fred, that was kinky. "THAT IS NOT WHAT I MEANT!" "Your not helping Draco!" George snarled the blond shrugging. i wasn't aware i was supposed to be helping. "You can't honestly think that it's ok for them to go!?" of course not, but their the two strongest wizards in the world, how in the hell do you plan on stopping them? that certainly shut the twins up.
"Hey, think Draco'd let us tie HIM to the bed?"Adrien said kissing Harry's head, ignoring the protests. Because they were going ,there wasn't much anyone else could do to stop them. Acting a lot less worried then he relly was. Because the idea of Harry and voldermort in the same room scared him to death.
Draco went beat red and George sputtered indignantly, realizing harry had told the story about the time. Harry snickered a little and looked Draco over and nodded. "with as hard as he just got, i'd take that as a yes." Harry admitted with a snicker and Fred and George both chorused. "we get to watch!" they complained and Harry laughed, the twins knew that they couldn't stop Harry and Adrien, and where coping with their 'soon to be deaths' the only way they knew how, by being perverted.
Adrien smirked, willing to be preverted if it helped the twins relax."Hey, who said you get to watch?I think I'll kick your ass out, lock the door, and let you listen."He grinned hugging Harry tighter, amused at the looks he was imagining on their faces."It'll be a learning experience.You can be the ones blind for awhile."
the twins pouted a little and crossed their arms. "well fine then, maybe i wont give you the good news then." George complained shoving his nose in the air Harry blinking. "there's good news?" "nope, i won't tell you." George stated loftily Fred giggling a little as Harry smirked and turned to Adrien. may i have permission to molest George a little? he asked hopefully in Adrien's head. i can make him talk. it won't even take that much effort at all really. he promised smirking viciously at George who swallowed thickly Draco tilting his head a little.
Go for it. Adrien said amused absently running his hands over Harry's body, waiting to be told what the good news was. "You know, I bet I could make him cum on command.I've never tried on a dom before.Might be interesting."Adrien said sounding curious as he waited. Wanting to know what George knew.
George sputtered again, this time indignant and insulted. "there is no fucking way you could make me cum on command! do i look like some Uke to you!?" "yes." Harry Draco and Fred chorused George sputtering again. "now your NEVER getting the good news! jackasses!" he complained glaring at them all with a superior Air and Harry smirked grabbing George and shoving him into Adrien's arms, holding him there with a paralysis spell until Adrien had a good hold on him. "show him his place lover." Harry demanded, smirking a little.
Adrien looked startled to find his arms full of George, before shifting, sliding the man between his legs, pinning the red head close to him, nuzzling his ear, lips brushing against his skin."But you want to tell me don't you?Just think, if you tell me I'll do wickedly pleasing things to your body."Adrien said, running his fingers over the man's body lightly.
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