Dragonheartless moon/lady

Adrien started a little, laughing."I amaze YOU?How?'Adrien said sounding truly confused, ignoring for a moment his boyfriend's arrival, grabbing at the man's arm wincing as his hand landed lower, before smirking, tightening his grip on the blond's thigh. Demanding a answer before he left. Slightly amused at hte idea of muggles law system. And wondering how draco stood it. But still, he wanted a answer. "And we're not kissing!Though I might if he doesn't give me a answer."Adrien growled, loosening his grip on Draco's thigh for a moment.
Draco smirked a little and gasped as the hand found his thigh, jerking lightly in the others grip. A.. adrien. not fair... and for your information THIS is exactly how you amaze me. even sick and blind you STILL manage to take complete command of a room and be powerful, now let me go before Harry asks you to molest me! "too late." Harry growled, amusement in his voice. "Hey Gabriel, can you make him cum on command?" Harry teased Draco groaning in their minds, waiting to see if Adrien would comply to the question or release draco.
Adrien smirked a little, even not seeing he could imagine the look on Draco's face, and harry's."Of course I can. Would you like to see?"he said slender fingers playing along the blond's thigh."And I wont even touch his cock."He smirked, sounding more like himself then he had since he'd gotten sick. He smirked wider as he tilted his head towards where he heard his lover.

Not really waiting for a answer as he reached out, pulling the blond against him, settling the man in his arms, holding him captive so the blond couldn't touch himself he nuzzled his ear, a hand resting on Draco's thigh, gently sliding his fingers along the blond's thigh."You are such a slut Draco, tell me how you want it and how hard you want it. Just think of my hard hot cock buried in your ass, and my fingers on your thighs, driving you wild."He muttered softly. After all, he'd taught Draco the finesse of dirty talk, it was only fair play to use it on him. Nuzzling the blond's ear he raised blind eyes towards harry, waiting to see how he'd react.
Draco hissed softly, he should have known that harry was as perverted as the twins, he jerked against Adrien's hold a small gasp falling from his lips as he writhed in Adrien's grip, arching at the hand on his thighs, his legs tansing as he moaned loudly in their heads shuddering at the Dirty talk, Draco had always been a sucker for dirty talk. want it....want it hard, want it fast with you on top of me, pinning me to the bed like some common dirty animal draco whimpered wriggling in Adriens grip, going beat red as harry panted as well the sound of a hand sliding against cloth. harry was fondling himself.

"that's right." Harry murmured sounding horny and lustful. "make him cum." he murmured, a smirk in his voice. "and then fuck him so i can watch." he was aware he might be skating on thin ice, but he really wanted to see. he'd been with the twins, and they'd gotten him all horny, honestly he'd been hoping that Adrien and Draco had been fucking so he could play Peeping Tom...how sick was he? hoping his lover was cheating on him just so he could watch.
Adrien looked startled,"What?"He said before giving harry a small worried look, even if he couldn't see the man, he needed to know he was okay. Smirking a little as he took in the quality of Harry's voice, nuzzling draco's ear softly."You hear that Draco?I get to spread you out on the bed, fuck you until you can't walk and make you come until you hurt. Come. Now. Because I want to be buried in you."He growled the order biting down on the blond's neck as his fingers dug hard into the blond's leg.

Half wondering if he would get in trouble for this, but harry was okay with it....he was involved. He couldn't get angry. Shuddering a little he swallowed hard, raising his head to look at the brunette, a action more to shift his attention out of habit then actual need to see. "Then I'm fucking you Harry.After you watch and can't touch while I do him."He growled waiting for the blond to come.
Draco whimpered in Adrien's head, gasping loudly as he jerked in the others grip, spilling into his own pants with a tremble and a heavy pant, Harry whining at the order not to touch sulking a little. but Adrien was ALWAYS going to be able to boss harry around, even when harry fancied himself the dominant.

"But Adrien." Harry whimpered pathetically his hands already moved away from himself. "can i touch Draco?" he asked hopefully, a smug smirk on his lips. no, oh god no please.. he's going to use that Devil tongue, i know he is! Draco had never felt it himself, but he'd heard harry's few one night stands rant about the brunettes mouth and how damn evil and pleasing it was.
Adrien smirked, as he shoved the blond off him, sliding out from under him, undressing them both before looking at harry."Lay there."He gestured absently towards the head of the bed, waiting till he was settled before picking the blond up. Laying the blond on his back in Harry's lap, smirking a little sadly as he thought about how they must look."and no. No touching Draco more then you already are harry. Keep your hands away from him and yourself."He growled the order before going to his knees between the blond's legs, slowly sliding his fingers into the blond. Biting his lip. having not realized how much he'd relied on his sight to tell him if his partner was enjoying themselves.

Looking a little lost and confused as he finger fucked the blond, listening intently. The look on his face having almost nothing to do with sex, and everything to do with the concentration it was taking to make sure he didn't take things to far.
Harry groaned a little as Draco settled into his lap and he bucked into the other a little. "your cruel." he whined lightly to Adrien, amusement and lust evident in his voice as he gripped the bed to keep from touching panting softly as Draco moaned in Adrien's head, his lips opening and closing in pleased as he felt the fingers inside of him. "oh fuck Adrien." Harry groaned, clearly having trouble containing himself. "he's squirming on my dick, he's gonna make me cum.." that only made Draco moan again and wiggle more.
Adrien smirked as he squirmed, pulling his fingers out he slid the blond's legs wide, fingers digging into pale thighs as he slid home, fucking the blond hard. Harder then he normally would, making the blond squirm as he rocked back against harry, adding more friction to harry's cock, not realizing he was crossing that line between a good hard fuck and truely painful fucking, he bit his lip as he stared blindly down at the blond,feeling lost and out of sync, without being able to see what was going on."If you come potter,you better be prepared to beg for me to fuck you."He growled cruelly at the man, knowing there was no way he could resist coming with them practically fucking in his lap. Pausing when he realized he was hurting the blond he looked down at him out of habit biting his lip."You okay?"He muttered nuzzling the man's cheek.
Draco whined and moaned in their heads, Harry groaning as he struggled to contain himself both of the little ukes panting hard as Harry's hips bucked into the friction, unable to help himself as he tossed his head back moaning again. yes, yes Dri, fuck me hard, fuck me hard make me the slut i am! a..aaah there, yes it's so good, please fuck me harder, fuck me like i'm worthless! fuck me like you want to break me! god Draco was a little glutton, Harry moaned at Draco's words panting harder than before. "please, please gotta cum, Adrien please." harry whimpered, his voice filled with need, just the friction wasn't enough, it was keeping him close to the edge, but it wasn't shoving him over, he was so hard, so wanting, he wanted to cum!
Adrien smirked a little as he went back to fucking the blond, leaning up, his lips finding harry's shoulder, whining frustrated as he worked his way up to the brunette's lips, kissing him hard as he slid a hand between Draco's back and Harry's front, fingers curling around the man's cock, jerking him off as he fucked the blond. Losing himself in the kiss, kissing harry like he was the last piece of chocolate in the world and he was determined to have it."Come. Both of you."He growled the words into the kiss, as he snapped his hips forward, moaning as his cock brushed against the blond's prostate.
Harry moaned as the lips found his shoulder, then neck then lips, kissing him needfully his tongue winding around the others as Draco whined in their heads, arching hard as Harry forgot his orders, and trailed his fingers along the blonds inner thighs. Harry cried out in pleasure as his cock was grabbed, jerking in Adrien's grasp Draco calling out Adrien's name as he arched hard into Harry, both of them screaming their pleasure as they came, Harry's cum staining Draco's back, as Draco spilled his seed across Harry's hands and Adrien's belly.
Adrien shuddered as he came, collapsing ontop of them both, trembling as he rested his head on Harry's shoulder. Closnig his eyes as he pulled out of the man, laying easily on top of them, panting to breath, a look of peace and sorrow on is face. Wishing he could seee what the two of them looked like. Though he could imagine it, it wasn't the same.

Shifting to lay on his side, he sighed softly, closing his eyes as he let the the thoughts chase each other, dispeling his good mood. He'd enjoyed himself, but it wasn't enough to keep him from mourning that he couldn't see hte sight of them tangled together. Resting his head on the curve of harry's stomach he sighed, "Love you..."he muttered, nuzzling the skin under his cheek, once again, so out of it he didn't even realize he'd said it.
Draco moaned lightly harry panted hard shivering a little as he snuggled into Adrien a smirk in his voice. "were gonna have to do this again." he mumbled snickering a little. "and have Fred and George watch." he mumbled Draco squawking in indignation. Never! they are NEVER watching Adrien fuck me! they'll learn all sorts of shitty ass tricks and i'll never be left in peace! Harry snickered again. "so i shouldn't have set up that recording spell?" you did WHAT!? where is it! harry i'm gonna kick your ass! "you couldn't kick my ass if you had a wand and i had both hands tied behind my back."
"If you two don't shut up, I might beat you to death with my shoe."Adrien growled grumpily from where he weas laying. Nuzzling harry's arm he yawned, before lifting his head."Wait, you recorded that?"He asked curious. He poked the blond smirking a little."And the twins, well, I could just tell them."he said with a smirk, still sounding grouchy as he laid back down, his head pillowed against the other two side's.
Harry chuckled a little. "well George told me about you making Draco cum on command." he admitted sheepishly. "and i was hoping that you might, you know, be fucking "up here and i wanted to see this time without, you know being a pervert.. sept i kinda am, so i set up a recording spell... i was thinking of sending it to the twins just to make Draco's life hell." he admitted snickering a little shaking his head. "are you mad at me?" he asked sounding a little nervous, Draco pausing next tot he two of them lifting his head to stare at harry.
"I don't care, I can't watch the damn thing."Adrien said sulking, his eyes closed as he relaxed. "And of course your a pervert your friends with the slut, and dating me. Its a natural thing to assume your a pervert."He said, not angry at being recorded, but angry because he couldn't enjoy it as much as the others. Rolling on his back he sighed as he crawled under the blankets, blindly groping for the bracelets before grabbing Harry's wrist, snapping it in place before putting his own on. Sighing grouchily though he sounded relaxed."Don't take that off."he growled rolling on his side as he fake went to sleep, in no mood to have the argument of why Harry had to wear it. Figuring if the brunette wanted to know, he'd ask Draco. For once, his mood was truly foul and he didn't want to take it out on the two in bed with him.
Harry relaxed and he laughed a little smiling a little kissing Adrien's eyes. "your vision will come back." he promised softly. yelping as he found a bracelet around his wrist, blinking at it and glancing at Draco. "wha?" harry paused listening to Draco explain what it was for and harry gaped a little before wrapping his arms tightly around Adrien. "thank you." he murmured happily. "no ones ever cared about my safety enough to ever gift me such a thing." he admitted softly. "i have something for you too, if you want it." he admitted smirking a little as Draco gasped lightly as Harry pulled something out of his pocket.
"If its a pair of socks, no I don't."Adrien said grouchily as he leaned back into the man, even annoyed he couldn't help but wanting to be close to him."What is it?"he said after a few moments, biting his lip to keep fom growling angrily. He was frustrated and annoyed, but it wasn't Harry's fault. He was going to be kind to his boyfriend he vowed to himself. Turning his head as if he could see what it was, he waited for the brunette to answer.
harry chuckled softly and gently kissed Adrien's neck as he slid something onto the others pinky finger. "it's a 'promise' ring." he murmured softly. "one that my family specifically created, we have an entire Vault full of them, but i've never been able to use them before." he admitted softly. "it can protect you against any magic, even the Evada Kedavra, though it's useless against physical attacks." he admitted sounding mildly annoyed. "i tried tampering with a few but they just blew up." he admitted snorting a little. "so don't try to mess with it or anything." he murmured. it was also handed out in the potter line as a promise to stay true to the person they gave it to, it's almost like a wedding ring, only it magically binds the potter to the person they give it to. if you where to go missing, Harry would always be able to find you, only you can remove the ring, Harry can't even take it off now. Draco supplied sounding astonished. Adrien i think Harry just proposed to marry you! "...i was going to say that." Harry growled at Draco playfully. "and yes, i am asking Adrien if he would like to marry me."
Adrien shuddered a little under the other's lips, smirking slightly at Draco's explaination."h, potter, your stuck with me now. There's no way in hell I'm giving it back.."He said smiling as he pulled the man down for a kiss, wincing as his lips found his cheek instead of mouth. "And don't worry about a physical attack. Blind I may be, but I can still kick someone's ass."He growled, wrapping his arms around harry."Thanks."he muttered holding him tightly.Before blindly reaching out to smack the blond."You needn't sound so shocked that he'd want to be with me."
Harry chuckled a little and shook his head snuggling into the Dragonheatless. "well that is why i gave you the ring." he teased smirking. "so you could keep me forever." he teased smirking. "and this way, i won't be jealous when you sleep with Draco, or if the twins molest you, because i know your always mine." he admitted smiling a little snickering as Draco got smacked across the belly. your always so violent! your going to bruise my perfect skin! and i wasn't surprised that you two LOOOOVE each other. i was surprised that Harry would use the ring that's all.
"Shut up, you dont mind being bruised,slut."Adrien growled, nuzzling harry's neck. though he had no intention of sleeping with the blond again unless Harry asked, it did make him feel a little better to be wearing the ring."And I never admitted to being in love with him."Adrien said raising his head, frowning. Not remembering, that he had in fact admitted it, twice in fact.
Harry purred lightly at Adrien and Draco chuckled in their heads. just because i like it, doesn't mean you should do it. he teased as he slipped out of the bed. and now i'm late for my meeting, thanks a lot, if i get fired i'm holding you both accountable. Draco grumbled Harry snorting a little as he snuggled into Adrien, sighing softly tucking his nose into the others neck. "you don't have to admit it, for it to be true." harry murmured, silently ordering Draco to keep his slutty mouth shut. love was a dangerous word in times like these, someone could make love a weapon of mass destruction. they could confess their love after Voldemort was dead.
Adrien smiled a little, wrapping hsi arms around his lover tighter starting to fall asleep. "We'll beat him soon...need to...."He muttered falling asleep."Then we can say it."He muttered a soft snore escaping.

The next week was hell as the man sorted out being blind, snapping at anyone that came near him, and today, having finally got frustrated with harry pointing out things that he knew where they were, locked himself in the bedroom. And having given in to having sex with Draco and harry had been the last time he'd had sex, having not quite gotten the hang of being blind, he didn't want to take the chance of hurting harry, so he'd refused to fuck his lover. Which he knew was driving both of them insane, but he couldn't help but worry.

"Potter.What do you want?"He growled when he heard the man ope the door, recognizing the soft fall of feet.
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