Dragonheartless moon/lady

Adrien smirked looking at George."Watch this.Stop touching him."Adrien said waiting till the red head listened, his hands clamping down hard on Draco's hips to keep him still, tightening his grip painfully as he turned his head to nuzzle draco's ear with his nose."Ah sweetheart, you look all sexy and hot coming unbound in my lap. Now come."He ordered softly a hand clamping down hard on the blond's thigh tightly."Now Draco."He growled again.
George snickered a little and stopped touching him, curious to see what was going to happen his head tilted as he watched closely, committing everything to memory for later use, clapping, impressed as Draco arched in Adrien's grip and Came on command panting hard, his face bright red, moaning and whimpering in their heads as a large stain appeared in draco's pants George snickering. "oh my god that was cool." George admitted smirking. "i'm going to have to try that... hey you did that to harry too." He remembered nodding. "i've never seen harry to listen to anyone like that before." he admitted snickering a little as he got the food to allow Draco to recover his dignity.
"What can I say, I've ordered alot of people around.And they both like being dominated."He said shrugging a little.Pressing a kiss to Draco's head before setting him on his feet."Go change."He muttered leaning back in his chair, brushing a hand through his hair as he thought about how he'd gotten so very good at ordering people around. Torture tended to make people easier to order around and he was good at figuring out people's weaknesses and using them as a weapon. A shadowed look crossing his face, though he usually avoided rape, sometimes it hadn't be able to be avoided. So wrapped up in his thoughts he did't realize both George and Draco were staring at him.
George tossed Draco a silent thought and Draco shook his head and then glanced at Adrien, both of them communicating silently before Draco vanished to change his pants while George snapped his fingers in front of Adrien's face, trying to snap him out of it. "you alright there?" he asked, actually sounding worried. now that George wasn't so angry at Adrien for killing his family, he found he rather liked the Dragonheartless.
Adrien started blinking at him, "Yea I'm good."He said smiling slightly, tilting his head as he looked at the red head. He swallowed hard, running his fingers through his hair rubbing his face before sighing."I think I'm gonna head back."He said, feeling the fierce need to crawl in bed with harry and stay there. Smiling slightly as he got up, glancing towards the door. Waiting for Draco to come back so he could say goodbye.
George smiled a little and nodded pausing a little. "hey listen." he stated looking around conspiratorially. "i'm only gonna tell you this cus you gave me some good pointers on Draco." he teased flashing adrien a smirk as he leaned forward to whisper into Adrien's ear. "harry loves to be tortured, strap a ring on him, tie him down, and tease him till he's gone insane, toys, whips, whatever you can find, he loves it." he admitted smirking as he pulled away. "you never heard ot from me." he ordered smirking at Adrien. "harry would kill me if he knew i was spilling his drunken spewed secretes. oh and if you get him drunk, he forgets how to lie."
Adrien laughed, "Thahnks."He grinned shaking his head before flooing back to harry's after a quick goodbye to Draco, heading back up to the bedroom, looking at the brunette as he sat on the edge of the bed with a soft look on his face as he bit his lip, sighing softly as he laid down next to him, shivering a little as he cuddled up to him. Feeling warm and tired, content. Even with memories driving him insane, he felt better with just being with the man."Harry."He muttered nuzzling his neck.
Harry was still sleeping, looking peaceful and happy as he snuggled into the other sighing softly. "mm Gabriel." he mumbled flipping around and pressing his face into the others chest snuggling in tightly. harry had no intention of waking up, but he was glad that the other was back, he'd been getting a little cold.
Adrien smiled going to sleep. Later that day Adrien laid on his back,his arms around the brunette pressing him snugly against his chest, shivering a little. Cold even buried under the blankets and with the brunette in his arms, even though he was burning up. Black hair curling around his face, clinging with the sweat that was on his face. Tossing a little, fevered memories chasing each other around his mind.
Harry yawned as he finally woke up blinking sleepily at Adrien and then frowning. "Gabriel?" he asked sounding shocked touching his forehead. "shit! your sick!" he hissed, sounding terrified as he raced out of bed and into the bathroom, grabbing some medicine and a damp cool cloth using the cloth to try and cool the others face. "Gabriel? can you hear me?" he asked softly frowning a little. he was going to have to call George, he was training to be a healer.
Adrien whimpered softly, turning his face into the feel of the cloth, shivering a little. Stirring a little before it faded, a panicked look on his face as he tossed and turned, his dreams getting worse the higher his temprature spiked.
harry hissed Darkly as he turned to the fire and tossed green powder into it sticking his head through and yelling that he needed George NOW! it didn't take long before George and harry where sitting next to Adrien Harry fidgeting nervously as George examined the Dragonhearltess with his wand frowning. "it's a curse." "a curse!?" "yeah...Adrien's magic is fighting it off, that's why the temperature but it's not enough, you'll have to feed him some of yours." harry nodded and settled next to adrien, clasping their hands together biting his lip hard. "please don't leave me."
Adrien's fingers were limp in his, pale skin hot and feverish, flushed as he struggled to fight it off.

For a week after,even with Harry helping him, Adrien's body became the battleground that Voldermorts curse had caused, his usually sleek and lithe body becoming thin and haggard. His ribs and bones standing out sharply against flushed skin, he looked bad, but for every day that he didn't give in to it, it was better. Shivering a little the man blinked slowly, for the first time in a week he woke, blnking stupidly. whimpering softly. He felt so warm.And he was alone. He felt weird.
Harry was i the kitchen making a thin broth to carefully feed to adrien, he looked just as bad his hair limp his skin pale and splotchy, he had dark bags under his eyes from not sleeping and he was also loosing weight from not eating and giving up all of his magic to Adrien. he opened the door a few minutes after Adrien woke up. "ok Gabriel." Harry murmured softly gasping when he saw the others eyes open rushing over. "Gabriel1 your awake!"
Adrien whimpered softly at the noise, swallowing hard he looked up at him, shivering a little. even though he was awake, and his fever'd broke, he was still warmer then normal."....harry?"He asked, realizing something was seriously wrong with him. Blinking slowly. There was either something wrong with his eyes, or it was really super dark in the room.
Harry rushed over and gently lifted the other into a sitting position, using himself as a rest so that adrien didn't have to support himself. "yes, it's me love." he murmured softly kissing the others temple. "you've been sick but it's ok, your fevers starting to break. can you manage some food?" he asked picking up the bowl of broth and a spoon gently holding it to Adrien's mouth. "you need to eat to stay strong."
Adrien smiled slightly eating, leaning back into the brunette's chest, frowning slightly."Why's it so dark?Shouldn't you have a light on?"he asked softly, eatng the other bit of broth, blind eyes looking around the sun bright room.
Harry paused his fingers twitching lightly cursing as he burned himself with the hot soup. "Gabriel it's... it's the middle of the day." he stated softly gently pulling two of the others eyelids open as far as they would go so he could examine the eyes. "shit." he mumbled softly helping the other lay down again. "i need to call George again." he murmured softly. "stay in bed alright?" he ordered softly. "i'll be right back, rest a little."
"Harry?"Adrien struggled to sit up, starting to look panicked, needing the man. But letting him go, for once tears and panick welling in his eyes by the time they got back, struggling to get up, needing to know what was going on. "Harry?"he said when he heard the footsteps coming back, panic lacing the words.
Harry gently took the others hand. "it's ok love." he promised softly. "i brought George, he's going to look at your eyes." he promised. "don't worry, it's alright." he murmured kissing the others knuckles as he gently stroked the others neck, trying to keep him calm as George shone a bright Lumos into the others eyes. "... i have bad news." George admitted shaking his head. "Adrien's eyes are not reacting to light, he's blind harry." "..b..blind!? b..but it was just a fever!" "it should be temporary, but it could last years.. there's no telling..."
Adrien swallowed hard, cringing way a little, fingers tightening on harry's, painfully hard. Shivering softly as Harry touched his neck, but not even the pleasure could distract him."Go away."He growled softly at the two,closing his eyes. Feeling the loss like a death. Because even among those who made death a living, were the predators that hunted the weak, Adrien Gabriel Dragonheart was a law onto himself and made death itself tremble. So...being deprived of his sight made the man feel out of sorts like he was useless, and feeling the blow like death wound. Because if he felt useless to himself, he couldn't see Harry having any use for him. Sighing softly he tilted his head a little, listening t see if the two had let yet
Harry hesitated, biting his lip hard as he gently stroked the others hair shaking his head. "i'm not leaving." he whispered softly. "it's only temporary, a side effect of the curse." Harry promised gently kissing the others forehead George sighing softly. "i'm sorry Adrien." the red head stated softly. "i did everything i could, i guess i still need more training." "oh George... he's alive, he would have suffered a great deal more if you hadn't come." harry tried to console the guilty George who just shook his head. "i have to go, sorry guys, call me if anything happens." Harry nodded his hand still wrapped in Adrien's. "we will."
"It's nothing George. Don't worry."He said reching up, rubbing his eyes as he slowly sat up. Swinging his legs over the edge of the bed he looked at harry, well in the direction that he knew harry was in. "I'm going to the bathroom."He said slowly getting up, his legs shaking a little bit as he stood, slowly starting to walk towards the door. Wincing as his foot hit the door jab."Harry?"He asked softly, holding out a hand towards him.
Harry smiled a little as George left and stood up with Adrien, letting him try on his own first, gripping the others hand as soon as his name was called. "i'm right here love." he murmured encouragingly. "your right in front of the door." he admitted gently tugging Adrien over so that he could get through the doorway.
Adrien sighed softly walking through, making his way to the bathroom without error. Wincing slightly as he stumbled on the slightly lower tiled floor, catching himself on Harry, wrapping a arm around his neck."Oh fuck.I have to piss like a girl.Fucking hell."Adrien said undoing his pants sitting down, after taking care of everything he sighed, looking towards where harry was, shuddering a little."Will you see if Draco'll come visit?"He asked, wincing a little as he stood. Hoping his lover would understand.

He loved Harry enough to want to not appear weak in front of him. Even if Harry didn't care, his ego wasn't able to handle the idea of not being able to protect the man. So he needed the friend who'd tell him that harry didn't care, because he knew harry could tell him till he's blue in the face, but it wouldn't stick. He trusted draco not to lie to him...that and he needed something from the blond. Hopefully the elder male malfoy was still among the living.

Feeling the ache of the loss like a physical wound he wrapped his arms around harry, swallowing hard."Love you."He muttered nuzzling the man's neck, not even aware he'd said the words, still sick enough that he wasn't totally with it.
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