Dragonheartless moon/lady

Adrien nodded, pressing his face into harry's neck moaning as harry tickled him, shuddering. Squirming after a few minutes he bit the skin under his lips smirking a little."It doesn't hurt."he said, though it was still weird and hurt a little, he wanted Harry to enjoy it more then he cared about hurting when it was done.
Harry groaned panting softly as he slowly started to move, taking his time as he pulled out and pushed back in, gradually getting faster and harder as he got used to the motion. harry wasn't used to topping, but he'd be damned if it didn't feel really damn good. "hah... m..mm this feels, really good." he groaned panting hard thrusting into the other at a steady, heavy pace now, his cock stroking the prostate at every other thrust.
"Yes it does."Adrien panted his eyes closed, trembling every so often. Whimpering with each brush against his prostate, squirming as his rehardened cock brushed against harry's stomach with every motion. "You're not lying, its good?"Adrien said, sounding nervous squirming, biting his lip as pleasure crashed over him.
Harry moaned moving a little faster. "fucking yes." harry hissed in response to the others question, moving with more desperation now. "ah... ah your gonna make me cum." he groaned his fingers digging into the others hips now, using them as leverage to thrust even faster panting hard. "gonna cum, a..aah Gabriel i'm gonna cum."
Adrien whimpered softly as he arched against his lover, hands fisted against his back, digging into the man's back, leaving claw marks on the man's skin as he came at the words, splattering both their chests with come as he tightened painfully hard around harry's cock.
Harry screeched into the clawing tossing his head back as he came, panting hard jerking into the other as he spilled himself dry panting hard. "hah... fucking yes." Harry groaned falling still, still buried in James. "that was good, that was so good." he mumbled softly his eyes closed. "how do you feel? ok?"
Adrien was shuddering a little, curling his body around Harry's, his face pressed into his neck, swallowing hard. "...I'm okay."he said softly, shivering a little. His body torn between pleasure and pain his mind shying away from thinking about what they'd just done, because while amazing, it didn't ease all the memories. Holding onto the brunette tightly to keep from thinking to hard.
Harry smiled and slipped out of the other, slowly pressing himself into the other kissing him, being as gentle as he could. "your alright." he promised softly gently stroking the others hair kissing his neck gently using pleasure to help keep the other distracted.
Adrein smiled slightly, closing his eyes as Harry kissed his neck, shivering lightly. Slowly drifting asleep as pain didn't follow the pleasure. Trusting Harry enough to sleep easy in his arms, for once not dreaming as he laid curled up in Harry's arms.
Harry smiled a little and gently nuzzled the other before falling asleep himself, drained beyond all belief. he hadn't imagined that topping would have been so much work! "love you Gabriel." he murmured softly his eyes closed as he slowly fell asleep.
The next morning adrien smirked a little against Harry's neck, nuzzling him for a moment before stumbling out of bed, wincing as his stiff and sore body refused to cooperate for a minute, nearly falling as he headed for the bathroom. Looking at himself in the mirror he smiled a little, brushing his fingers through his hair, wondering if he could stand up long enough to take a shower.Studying the object in question even as his legs trembled. While it hadn't been rough sex, it was still something he didnt do every day and his body was having a bad reaction to having something shoved into a area that was usually an exit.
Harry was still sleeping when Adrien woke up breathing softly his fingers curled into the bed red marks spread across his back a small giggle falling from his lips as he squirmed on the bed. "mm Gabriel." he mumbled softly as the other left for the bathroom sighing softly.
Adrien smiled, deciding he couldn't shower, dressing slowly before walking back to the bed sitting down slowly, gently stroking harry's back, smirking at the nail marks."Harry."he whispered, wincing as he bent to kiss his head. Wanting to do something, but not sure if Harry'd let him go.
harry sighed softly his eyes fluttering open looking up at the other and smiling. "hey, morning." he murmured leaning up and gently kissing the other grinning a little. "how are you feeling this morning? not too sore are you?" he asked sounding a little worried. "i got a little carried away last night."
Adrien smiled a little as he kissed him back,"Don't worry I'm okay."He sid not mentionig just how very sore and stiff he felt. Just glad harry had enjoyed it, finding peace with that. Kissing him again he leaned back,gently stroking harry's hair."I want to go visit draco."He said smiling a little. Needing to see the blond, because he knew draco would understand even more about how much he'd trusted harry.

He knew Harry knew what it had taken him to let him top, but Draco'd been there for each painful step, for the creation of the man known as dragonheartless. And becusse he was sure Draco had a potion to relief the stiffness of his body. Not wanting harry to know just how sore he was, worried the man would feel guilty and not do it again. and he didn't want that. Surprised at the thought of wanting to be topped again he grinned a little at his boyfriend waiting for a answer.
Harry smiled a little and snuggled into him sighing softly as he closed his eyes. "i'm glad." he murmured smiling a little. "i've never really topped before so i wasn't certain." he admitted biting his lip a little. "well i don't mind you visiting Draco but make sure you fire call first, they have a bad habit of running around the house naked molesting each other hen their not expecting company." he admitted turning beat read. "so for future discussions that is in fact how i know that George has a tattoo of a serpent wrapped around his cock and how i know Fred has his balls pierced."
".....that is more then I ever wanted to know."he said smiling as he kissed Harry."Sleep. I'll be back in awhile."He said tucking his boyfriend back into bed before slowly heading downstairs, only limping after he got out of sight. Tossing some floo powder into the fireplace he stepped through,despite the warning, there wasnt overly much that they could be doing to embarass him."Guys?"He called smirking a little as he waited for a answer.
there wasn't much of a wait as the twins and Draco where tangled on each other, as naked as the day they where born staring wide eyed at him. "uuuh...." Draco muttered looking over at him, Fred blushing hard and George beginning to snicker a grin playing on his lips. "nice timing, we where just about to put Draco in his place. wanna help?" "NO HE DOESN'T!" Draco squealed blushing suddenly. "i don't need him taking home all kinds of idea's to try on harry who will in turn punish US!" George paused and frowned a little. "ok fine he won't help."
Adrien laughed softly shaking his head. "No I wont, but I would like to steal draco for a talk."He said blushing a little. Not so much about because they were naked and asked him to join, but because of why he was here and what he wanted to talk to Draco about. Trying to keep the stiffness out of his body, trying to stop his trembling legs from shaking. He really,really wanted to sit down.
the twins paused and then stood giving him a clear view of pierced balls and a green serpent before they laughed and bounced away yelling for Draco to have a fun time Draco sitting up, covered in hickeys hiding almost all of his scars, he coughed a little grinning a bit. "your standing a little stiff there." he pointed out. "need a potion?" he offered reaching for his pants. hanging off the back of the couch. "you know, you really should have called first." he teased. "if i hadn't protested George would have tried to molest you."
Adrien blushed more, shifting a little on his feet before walking around colapsing onto the couch with a relieved sigh."A potion would be nice.And he wont be molesting me if he wants to keep all his parts intact. Which I'm sure you want him to."He said teasing. Shaking his head at the hickeys covering his friend. It was like being back in school again.
Draco chuckled and silently summoned a pain potion handing it over to Adrien his head tilted a little. so whats up? do you need to talk?" did something happen? Draco asked, a little worried as he yanked his pants on and brushed imaginary dirt off of himself, as if he was trying to brush away all of hickeys.
Adrien blushed."I didn't want to worry harry about getting the potion."He said smiling slightly, sipping the potion sighing. Blushing harder as he avoided his friend's gaze. Trying to come up with the words to say what he'd come to talk about.
Draco snorted a little and rolled his eyes shaking his head a little. go on spit it out man, there's nothing you can tell me that i haven't already been through, what did harry fist you? ask to bear your baby? told you he wanted to be turned into a woman? what!?
Adrien blushed, looking at the floor."He topped me."he whispered, blushing harder. Relaxing as the potion took affect."I so don't want to consider the thigns you do you slut. And we'd have cute babies if we deided to have one. And...ewwww..."He said teasing his friend, shuddering at the idea of harry as a woman.
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