Dragonheartless moon/lady

Draco laughed silently at the others reactions shaking his head a little. yeah no, you really don't wanna know the things i do with the twins, if you thought i was bad in school then you'd be horrified to hear what i'm getting into now! he admitted with a smirk before he paused realizing what the other had said. wait...you Bottomed? you hate bottoming! who's idea was it? Harry's? i've never heard of him topping.... this is weird!
Adrien laughed at the idea of what they got up to. Truly not wanting to know. Amused that it'd taken him a moment to realize what he'd said. Stretching his legs out in front of him."Yes, I bottomed.And...it was mine."He said blushing harder.
Draco stared at the other his eyes wide before he tilted his head. and...did you..like it? is that why your here? you didn't like it and freaked out and Harry got scared and you ran away and.... he silenced himself with a shake of the head and tossed Adrien a confused look. you look fine... seam fine... your not panicked at any rate...
Adrien laughed softly at the man's rambling, biting his lip." I really am here to get a potion."Adrien sighed softly. "Harry was worried he really hurt me, and since he never tops I wasn't going to make him feel bad by letting him know just how sore I am."He said even after the potion he was still stiff somewhat.Sighing softly."I...I enjoyed it. But I prefer topping...but harry really enjoyed it."He said, starting to circle the real reason he'd come. Because he was really afraid Harry would want to keep topping, and while he could do the occasional bottom, he couldn't see himself as a permnant one. "I trust him...more then anyone else. Because he was the only man I think who could have kept me from panicking....and I'm not for the most part."he said smiling a little.
Draco grinned a little as he listened to the other talk his head tilted a little, nodding now and again to show he was listening. it sounds as if your in love. Draco teased smirking a bit. look, you wouldn't have come here if you weren't worried about something, right? so why don't we start with that, of course it'll end up with me telling you to explain to harry about whatever it is your worried about. which is probably about being bottom, harry liked it a lot i'm sure and i know you did if that smug look you where wearing when you came in was any indication. your just not a very bottom person, sure it's nice once and a while but you'd rather top, that's a good thing because harry, he likes to bottom, that's why he's never topped. he finds it awkward and messy and uncomfortable and he finds the idea of sticking his germ free dick into a mess riddled hole pretty bad in all honesty. aaah the perks of being able to go into peoples heads, i always know what their thinking. he flashed the other a smirk and several dozen miles away the great golden gryffindor sneezed violently.
Adrien blushed a little at Draco saying he was in love."You know I'm not in love.I don't like the emotion."he said wrinkling his nose, for a man who knew he was in love, he found it discerning to find himself there. After all, Draco'd been hurt for him being in love with the blond.And he'd loved his parents once, and they abandoned in him in favor of their insane master. No, he just wasn't overly comfortable with the fact that he could have a weakness that obvious, and a blind spot that he couldn't protect. Relaxing as the blond's words sunk in. Grinning, he started laughing at the description."Don't think to read me so easily you blond slut, you might find something you don't want to see."He teased relaxing as he stretched out on the couch.
Draco smirked a bit at the other his head tilted. being in love isn't a bad thing Dri. Harry for instance, when he's in love he's twice as powerful, because he has something to protect and defend. back when he was dating Oliver i once saw Potter blow up half of the Malfoy manor because Voldemort had kidnapped Wood's parents. it was rather funny really, it was mothers side of the house, completely devastated, looked like the muggles had bombed it. he laughed silently remembering the first day he'd seen the golden boy truly pissed off. he shuddered, resolving to never have to ever see that again before grinning at adrien. Love can be one of the greatest strengths you have, as long as you believe it's a strength.
Adrien frowned staring at the floor, thinking about it."...thanks for reminding me that he loved someone else. And that he nearly blew me up. I was sleeping in that side of the house if you remember."drien sid making a face t the man."And I don't need him protecting me.I'll do fine by myself."he said arguing because he wasn't ready to admit to being in love, to needing harry so much. Even knowing the golden boy wouldn't use it against him,and loved him back, it wasn't easy for dragonheartless to admit to having a heart.
Draco smiled a little watching him closely. harry never loved Olliver. he stated simply. he used to tell himself he did, but he never really did, he was fooling himself, but he does love you, that much is very obvious. it's alright if you don't love him back, he doesn't care so long as you stay with him. he sighed a little and shook his head. you need to stop fooling yourself too, you'll only end up hurting yourself.
Adrien smiled a little,"I'll live with that chance...for a little while at least."He stood, stretching slowly. His body ached but he felt better having talked to him. Crossing the room to where he was sitting, leaning down he kissed his forehead softly, giving him a hug."Don't push me....there's only so much changing I can do in short amount of time."He said leaning back to look at the blond, love and fear in that look. Knowing he was slowly losing the fight with himself to not say anything to harry about being in love. He might not trust love or himself, but he did trust harry.
Draco smiled a little as he watched the other his head tilted. are you going to stay for breakfast? Fred makes the most amazing pancakes, their not as good as Harry's but i bet he's still sleeping. Harry has this thing where he sometimes refuses to wake up in the mornings, especially when he's feeling safe and happy. back at school Fred and George used to have to dump cold water on him, because they where the only ones he wouldn't attack for it. Draco's face was crossed with laughter. i remember the time Ron had to walk around with neon pink hair for a week because he woke harry up on a Saturday.
ADrien winced grinning."Yea I'll stay I don't look good with pink."He said running his fingers through hi hair. FEeling better now that he'd talked to draco and he was getting food. Maybe just being with them the twins would like him little more.
Draco grinned a little as he stood up and stretched yawning a little as the twins poked their heads in grinning a little. "hey Adrien! i almost forgot! how did it go with Draco last night?" George asked wagging his eyebrows a little. "Draco won't tell us." it...it's non of their business! they don't know about my thighs yet and i don't intend them to know so DON'T tell them! Draco demanded glaring at Adrien before glaring at George who just laughed and vanished again to help Fred with breakfast.
Adrien grinned,heading for the kitchen, shaking his head. Draco was right it was none of the twins business even if they were sleeping with Drac."Sorry guys, none of your business."he said sitting down at the kitchen table smirking at the idea of draco's lovers knowing about his thighs.
George pouted a little and sulked while Fred just rolled his eyes Draco looking smug as he settled into a kitchen chair, not even attempting to help. "Vagabond!" George complained glaring at Draco who just smirked and shrugged. "Don't give me that ' i'm used to servants crap! you could at least set the table!" Draco sighed and dragged himself to his feet stalking sulkily over to a cabinet to pull out plates and silverware George looking smug.
Adrien smirked, "You know that sulks familiar. Though I usually made him do the chores naked."He teased watching Draco beore looking at George. Smirking. Draco'd only said not to tell them about his thighs...there were so many other thigns to tell.
Draco turned to glare furiously at Adrien as George paused blinking a little a look crossing his face. "reaaally?" he asked the jealousy gone in favor of lust as he looked Draco over a smirk on his lips. "i'll have to remember that. i am gonna KILL you Adrien! Draco hissed glaring furiously as he stared setting the table, still obeying George. in all of history only one person had ever been able to boss Draco around and that had been adrien. the fact that Draco was doing what George said, said something about the man.
Adrien smirked a little,"No you wont, unless you want him to know EVERYTHING you did for me."He said smirking, happ that the blond had found someone. Two someones he was happy with. Because he'd never seen Draco obey someone like he did george, besides himself, so it made him think better of the man."Of course, I should be kind since you were kind this morning to me."He said grinning.
Draco glared harder at him looking about ready to murder something and George snickered leaning forward. "i wonder if he knows about your kink with the..." Draco slammed his hands hard into the table and his lips curled up into a snarl, George bursting into Laughter as Fred went beat red. "oh god... PLEASE stop! your making me horny!" he complained scowling at the pancakes, Draco and George staring at him before both of them burst into laughter.
Adrien smirked looking at the red head reaching out and tugging draco into his lap with a sharp yank, fingers absently sliding up his back to tangle in his hair.Tugging his head back in a painful angle, a arm around his waist to keep him where he was."What kink?That you like fire?Or that your ribs are ticklish?"He teased."So what's the kink, or I'll keep guessing."
Draco blushed harder and swallowed thickly shaking his head blushing hard at the position he was in George snickering as he watched licking his lips. "he likes to be fucked by strangers while we watch." he informed Adrien, Draco blushing harder, looking almost mortified as he squirmed in Adrien's lap, trying to get free Fred groaning a little and shaking his head. "Dammit, now i have to go jerk off again." he complained handing George the spatula and heading for the bathroom. "remembering that blond fellow four days ago are you Fred?" George teased and Draco shuddered a little, great now HE was remembering too.
"Stop!"Adrien odered, his grip tightening around the blond to keep him from moving. Growling softly, he rested a hand on Draco's thigh, muscles rippling a little as he squeezed hard, smirking."Keep it up and I'll take my chances waking harry up and inform him why hes getting fucked awake."he growled forcing himself not to react to the squirming blond in his lap.
Draco froze at the order still blushing George looking a little startled that Draco had listened smirking a little as Draco's breath hitched at the fingers on his thigh, trembling a little in Adrien's grip George snickering a little. "well well whats this?" he asked moving over, glancing at Adrien for permission before running a finger along Draco's thigh Draco moaning loudly in their heads flushing harder as he started to bitch and cuss and curse the both of them George snickering a little. "how interesting, i wonder how you managed to hide this spot from me for so long."
"Probably same way he hid it from me till I bit him."Adrien sighed softly "Now stop it draco, you know like it, and unless you want to explain to harry what you were doing in my lap, you'll stop bitching. You know I enjoy it."He said wrapping his arms around the blond's waist, pulling him snugly against him, more just needing the comfort then sexual purpose. Taking a reassurance that Draco didn't hate him, was actually very much alive, and that he had someone who loved him despite everything he loved. Feeling more at ease and at peace then he had in awhile, and looking easier and more like gabriel then the harsh dragonheartless then he had the day before.
Draco whimpered lightly, panting hard as the blond trembled harder his eyes fluttering closed his cock hard against his pants George snickering a little as his fingers trailed up and down the blonds thighs, Draco struggling to stay still his hips bucking now and again into Georges fingers as the red head snickered a little. "their so sensitive, Merlin three years now and i never knew that this was here." he snickered again looking immensely pleased. "Draco, your coming all unbound, i'd almost say you where about to cum." he taunted the blond whimpering again his fingers digging into Adrien's thighs, struggling not to, struggling to stay sane and keep his pants dry.
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