Dragonheartless moon/lady

Harry paused and nodded. "i'll Fire call him." he promised kissing the others temple gently helping him back into the bedroom, without actually helping him, if that made any sense at all. he paused, startled at the words and he smiled holding his lover tightly. "i love you too." he murmured softly kissing the others neck. "now lay down." he ordered softly. "you need to rest and i'll get Draco. i need to go out and buy some things anyway." he admitted grinning, giving a lame excuse so that Adrien and Draco could have alone time.
Adrien smiled a little at the lame excuse, wondering if he'd hurt harry by asking for draco, but let it go. Settling back against the pillows to wait for Draco.Wondering how he was goign to live. There just was so many little things that required sight. Pain lancing his heart at the idea of never again seeing Harry's face as he came, of seeing the pleasure he'd caused. Sighing softly he closed his eyes, waiting patiently.Welll...as patiently as he ever did anything.
there was a sudden Whoosh of flames as Draco stepped into the house and Harry declared loudly that Adrien was upstairs and that he was going to be gone for no more than two hours before there was another whoosh of flames, Draco heading up the stairs. hey Dri. how are you feeling? better? hesitant, uncertain of the others mood.
"I'm blind, how do you think I'm feeling?"He growled. His temper snappin the leash, having struggled not to be angry with harry around, because he was afraid to scare him. Rubbing his face he sighed, turning his head slightly when he heard the blond get close to him.
Draco smiled a little and shrugged. well i guess your pissed. he admitted settling onto the bed next to Adrien. you know it's not the end of the world, George says your vision will come back, it shouldn't last more than two years, and that's a worst case scenario, you can survive that long right? for harry's sake if nothing else.
"Yea, I can survive."He growled softly, disliking the handicap, but for harry more then himself he was willing to hold out that long. Frowning a little he swallowed."...Is your father still alive?"He said, praying the elder malfoy was. Because he needed the prize he'd left in the elder malfoy's holding, having left it with him because he trusted lucius not to betray him, if only for Draco's sake.
Draco smiled a little as he patted the others hand, pausing a little. well he's alive but barley so. Draco admitted sadly. Voldemort cursed him with a blood draining curse, he's under the care of dozens of healers, all employed by Harry. he admitted shaking his head. they can't find a cure. they say he might die within the next few years.
Adrien winced, gently touching Draco's hand."I'm sorry."He said softly, sitting up as he swung his legs over the edge of the bed. Remembering what harry had said about being gone."Come on. I need to see him."He said,slowly pushing up off the bed. Swaying a little on his feet. He really shouldn't be out of bed, but he was desperate to get the bracelet he'd left in Lucius's keeping, because if he couldn't protect Harry he needed the artifact that could in his steed.
Draco nodded and gently took the others arm and slung it over his shoulder, helping to support him. "come on then, he might not be too happy to see you though, he hates looking week in front of other people...that sounds almost familiar." he admitted with a small smirk as he tossed green powder into the flames and called out for the Emerald Tower stepping through and coming out into what looked like an extravagant hospital room. "Draco." Lucius's voice, week, pitiful, but still somehow commanding respect. "You've brought company."
"Hey,I look weak in front of no one.And he can't LOOK weak in front of me, I can't SEE him"Adrien growled angrily pinching the man's arm even as he leaned into the blond, smiling slightly."Lucius.It's good to see you.Well, after a fashion."Adrien said with a weak smile.
Lucius chuckled a little at the others lame joke. "i don't recall you being blind." he admitted softly the sound of ruffling blankets filling the air. "Draco, help me sit up." Lucius demanded after a long moment Draco smiling as he helped his father into a sitting position. "are you here for pleasure or business then?" Lucius asked after he'd gotten himself all arranged.
"This is a recent, and temporary problem."Adrien said groping for the chair beside the bed before sitting down."And business. Though it is good to see you among the living."I need my bracelets back Lucius.I gave them into your keeping because Voldermort nearly took my hands off with them, so he could have them.I need them."he said, not adding that he wouldn't be using them for himself, but to protect harry.
Lucius nodded and turned to Draco. "go and get the safe will you?" he asked Draco nodding. "i've been storing them in a sealed safe, it needs my blood to open it, mine or yours." he admitted coughing a little. "Draco knows where they are, i told him that if i where to die then the safe was to immediately be sent back to you." he admitted smiling a little. "Voldemort got you good i heard. i was amazed to hear you where still alive, and relieved."
"Me to. I do like breathing."Adrien said rubbing his blind eyes."and I don' like being able to see my heart. though that did prove I still had one."He said smiling slightly, glad that the man still had them. "I assume your still alive for the same reason I am?"He asked, tilting his head as he listened to the sounds of the hospital machines. Knowing that Lucicus had to be alive because Harry had let him live."I'm sorry Lucius..."He shuddered a little, regretting that he hadn't been able to save the elder malfoy from this, a slow lingering death.
Lucius chuckled a little. "yes well, at least you can still stand." he admitted smiling at Adrien. "besides, it's my own fault i'm like this, i never should have let the dark lord catch me. i should have known he was suspecting me of being a spy, but i got cocky and i felt certain i couldn't be caught, it was my own ego that doomed me, and you shouldn't feel the least bit responsible." he stated sternly as Draco walked in with a box in his hands, wrapped in so many protective and locking spells it was almost frightening. "three drops of your blood will open it." Lucius stated as Draco set it into Adrien's hands. "Be careful Adrien." Lucius warned. "The Dark lord is planning something big, i can feel it in my bones."
Adrien frowned a little as he shifted his hold, wishing that he thought lucius was being overprotective with the safe. But if Voldermort had managed to get them...he shuddered at the idea. Nicking his finger he let the blood well and fall onto the lock, "I'll be careful but I am the one man he never suspected of being Harry's spy. I'll be able to go back...if I have to."He said, having no intention going back unless they were left with no other options. Blindly groping for the bracelets, he sighed as he pulled them out.

The finely wrought silver bracelets were almost delicate, yet there was no question of them being for a man. The dragons chased each others tails, the clasp caught between its teeth, the tail the clasp itself. "I feel it to, and I'll be careul."He said to the man as he blindly reached for Draco's hands,slipping the bracelets into his hold."Hang on to those for me. I'm afraid I'll lose them."He said standing up."Thank you Lucius. For the warning...and for hanging onto those for me."
Lucius smiled a little. "i was once the one man that voldemort never suspected." he whispered softly. "he's not sane adrien, you've seen that for yourself. even if you weren't spying, he might make some up in his head and kill you for it, just because he's paranoid, or because he wants to see the blood. you should know that better than anyone." he coughed a little and sighed softly. "go away.. i'm tired." he ordered sinking back into the pillows, a nurse coming in as if on cue.

"Come on Adrien." Draco ordered softly, clutching the bracelets tightly in his hand turning to the fireplace as he tossed green powder into the flames sighing softly. "i'll see you again soon Father." Draco promised, hiding his pain. Draco was honestly very glad that Adrien couldn't see, because Lucius was so thin, you could count his ribs, so pale he was almost transparent, so week, he couldn't even lift his own hand. Draco was very glad Adrien hadn't seen.
"Goodbye Lucius."he said letting Draco get him through the floo, pausing on the other side, shuddering a little."I'm glad I can't see....I don't want to see what would make Lucius Malfoy sound so bad."He said shuddering a little leaning on Draco. Because Lucius was right. He knew better then anyone just how insane Voldermort was, and he'd already suffered just so he could see Adrien's blood run.

Shivering a little he let Draco get him back in bed before he said anything else. "Come here."He ordered softly, pulling the blond down onto the bed with him,wrapping his arms around him tightly, holding him. Even not being able to see, he knew the blond had to be in pain, and wished there was something he could do. yet as powerful as he was, as powerful as harry was, there was nothing they could do. Pressing a kiss to the blond's head he held him closer.
Draco curled up Adrien's arms pressing his face into the others chest, struggling to keep himself together. because unlike Adrien, Draco would never, ever allow himself to break down in front of anyone, he couldn't afford to. not even in front of Adrien had Draco ever cried, but the blond did stay close, tucking himself tight into Adrien, accepting the comfort that he offered. "thanks." Draco murmured after a long moment pulling away and coughing a little, uneasy about his own weakness. "so what are these for then?" he asked slipping the bracelets back into Adrien's hands, changing the subject.
Adien sighed softly, letting the man change the subject, shfting the braelets to lay on his stomach so he could play with Draco's hair he petted the blond, kissing his head again."They're protection."Adrien smirked a little."My family created them centuries ago, as a way to protect their fragile war brides from the would be captors and attackers. The bracelets have a shield built into them, and once its activatated teh only person who could get you to is the other person wearing the bracelet."Adrien smirked a little

"This is the last set in existance, and I used to wear both of them....which is why Voldermort nearly took my hands off to get them."He shuddered a little at the idea of Voldermort with a shield no one could get through.'I haven't found anything that can shatter the shield, and I've had people curse me with their dying breaths with the worst things they had.You're untouchable behind them."He said, absently biting his lip, wondering how much talking he'd have to do to convince his boyfriend to wear them, and he really would feel more at ease with Harry having them instead of himself.
Draco nodded poking the bracelets around the others belly chuckling a little. well i can see why Voldemort would want them. he never questioned why it suddenly vanished? he asked curiously his head tilted a little. i take it that Harry is going to be the one wearing those bracelets? your going to have a job convincing him to wear them instead of you, you know that right? or does it work both ways? they can both make shields? he asked frowning a little.
"He questioned. And wondered....then decided attacking St. Mungos was a good idea. He probably would have remembered eventually, but his insanity was holding his attention."Adrien said with a wince, laughing softly as Draco poked him. Wondering if he could lie to the blond, and glancing at the door he sent the thought, because he didn't want to have Harry hear in case he came home soon.No, just this one.He said his fingers lingering over the slightly smaller one.The other's just a promise, a way to pass through the shield.I'll convince him, because I need to have him protected now that I'm blind and not able to help him, then I need to protect myself. Adrien smiled."And I am no fragile war bride in need of protection. If anyone's going to be the bride in this relationship, its harry."He said with a light grin, trying to make the man laugh. Feeling bad for making him see Lucius.
Draco grimaced at the reminder of the Mungo's massacre shaking his head as he watched the other. your not going to lie to harry are you? if you lie and he finds out, he might never forgive you, especially if you get hurt. besides, just you being here is helping him more than anything else in the world, he loves you, and you being sick, hurt, blind, handicapped, or a vegetable incapable of any movement will make him think any different. besides Harry likes having someone to take care of, he was feeling useless before, now he has a specific role in how to help you, it makes him feel a lot better about himself. Draco paused and then smirked. you know, he did go through a stage where he was wearing Loli and other kinds of dresses, i think he still has a few hidden here and there.
Adrien stared, shifting a little as his body reacted to the idea Harry in a dress.Swallowing hard as he reached down to adjust himself, he hoped his boyfriend would be coming home soon. "I wont lie to him. I'll just inform him I need him to wear it more then I need to."adrien said, his voice husky with lust as he swallowed."Now that we've decided me being totally useless and blind is a good thing, don't you have someplace else to be?"He asked turning his head towards draco, though his aim was a little off and he ended up looking over the man's shoulder. Shifting a little as his body reminded him that he had a handsome boyfriend somewhere,even though he was feeling useless and horrible, he wanted to be with harry.His mind not being overly helpful at the idea of Harry in a dress. Really it wasn't helping his concentration to be picturing that.
Draco chuckled a little in the others head and patted Adrien's hand as he got to his feet. i do actually, i have a meeting again, i'm in a big case, some poor muggle is getting blamed for a muggle massacre that a couple of death eaters did. it's easy enough to prove him innocent but it's eating up all my spare time, muggles have no sense of priorities. he complained glancing at Adrien. just remember, in harry's mind, and in mine, you are never useless, and NEVER pathetic as you seem to think. even blind you continue to amaze me. he admitted a smile in his voice as the fire downstairs flared into life. "I'm Home! Stop kissing you two!" Harry ordered laughing a little Draco rolling his eyes.
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