Dragonheartless moon/lady

harry stalked over to the other and grabbed his chin tightly. "we both need to fuck." he stated simply. "and since your being too much of a bitch to give me what i want, then i guess i'll have to be the one topping this time around." he stated simply, but sternly. harry had been growing increasingly frustrated, despite popular belief he needed the physical connection with his lovers to reassure himself that everything was alright. no sex, meant that everything was not alright, and that pissed harry off, so he was going to fix things. he had already banished Adrien's cloths, sending them to Merlin only knew, his tongue stroking along the others neck, his fingernails stroking along his ribs, sighing softly, already feeling better. and if Adrien struggled, well, harry had thought of that too.
Adrien whimpered softly as his head fell back, shivering as he fisted his hand in Harry's hair kissing him hard. Just as frustrated as Harry, but he was more scared of himself then he was frustrated without sex. At lest he had been...now he wanted what the man had said. Wanting someone to take care of him for once. "Who says you can?"He growled, his teeth sinking into Harry's lower lip as he ran his hands over the brunette. Needing to touch him, having not realized how much he'd just enjoyed touching him.
Garry growled lightly, smirking as the other touched back panting softly. "i say i can." he stated simply his fingers stroking and teasing the neck, well aware of how to gain the advantage, blind or not harry was going to fuck Adrien until he just couldn't be fucked anymore. "now lay still and behave or I'll tie you to the bed again." he ordered tugging his lip free and running his tongue along the others neck, his hand stroking along Adrien's cock, touching, tasting, beginning to calm already now that they where being intimate once more.
Adrien whimpered under the other's lips, trembling ever so softly as he ran his fingers through Harry's hair. Relaxing even more as Harry touched him, once again feeling himself. "Why did I think not being with you was a good idea..."He muttered melting under th eother's attentions. He just had been so out of sync with being blind, that he'd forgotten that some things were better when you just allowed other people close. Feeling better as he touched his lover, he closed his eyes, focusing on what the brunette was doing to him.
Harry smirked a little. "because all your life you've run away when there where problems." he murmured softly his fingers dancing down the others chest now. "but i won't let you run away from me, no matter how grouchy you get." he promised smirking a little as he sucked on the neck before abandoning it for a nipple, stroking it playfully with his tongue. "your never going to be rid of me, even if your completely immobile and have to wear adult diapers." he stated simply his mouth traveling lower and lower, sucking on the ribs. licking all around the belly button, only to completely ignore Adrien's cock and teased the inner thighs instead.
Adrien whimpered louder as his cock was ignored, spreading s legs a little as Harry played with his thigh. Like draco they were over sensitive to touch. Tossing his head a little he growled, hands fisted in brunette hair, feeling out of sorts because he couldn't tell where the man was going next. Bu it was a good torture."I'll kill myself if I wear adult diapers."he said as he growned, enjoying being the one tortured for once.
Harry laughed a little at Adrien's comment, shaking his head as his fingers slowly stroked up the others ass, touching the cheeks before slowly sliding in to the crack to fondle the entrance. "if you had to wear adult diapers you probably wouldn't be capable of killing yourself." he pointed out shaking his head the very tip of his tongue stroking the head of the others cock a smirk on his lips. "besides, i'd still love you." he admitted chuckling.
Adrien moaned as his hips pushed up trying to get more friction on his aching cock.Well you can love my grave. I'd find someone to commit suicide."he growled, tensing a little as Harry stroked his ass swallowing hard. Using the riddiculous coversation to keep from tensing up even more at the touch.Swallowing as he squeezed his eyes shut, relaxing. Gently stroking his fingers through harry's hair."Okay....I'm okay."he muttered relaxing more when harry said he loved him. Taking comfort in the words.
harry snorted a little and shook his head. "no you wouldn't because you'd still be living here with me, only i'd find a better house, a nice cottage out in the middle of a grassy field, with the ocean nearby and a lot of woods and empty air all over so we can fly and play quidditch." he murmured his tongue strolling along the others cock languidly, a soft, unspoken spell gently coated the others ass with lube a single finger gently touching now, trying to keep adrien calm. "i love you, you know." harry murmured softly, smiling a little. "no matter where we live, who we are, or how damaged we become i will always love you."
Adrien moaned softly as he lost himself in how good Harry was making him feel, closing his eyes. Starting to relax, and even not freak out about not being able to see what he was doing. Shivering softly as he ran his fingers through harry's hair. "I love you to."He said, his eyes opening, startled to find it true."No matter what....I love you."He whispered, totally relaxed again, because with that love, came trust. And he trusted Harry not to hurt him, so he could relax. Shifting a little he bit his lip as the brunette's finger brushed against his entrance."I trust you. Harry..."He whined softly, squirming. Wanting more. Needing it, because he needed to reconnect with the man.
Harry Grinned a little as he finally heard the words he had been dying to hear, a happy sigh falling from his lips as he grinned, gently nibbling on Adriens cock as the single finger slowly slipped inside of his lover. "i love you." he murmured again sucking on one of the balls his finger slipping in and out of Adrien, touching here, and stroking there, just exploring the inside of his lover, trying to find that perfect little bundle of nerves, harry was new to the whole topping business after all. "shh lover." Harry muttered again smirking. "just feel it, i'll give you what you want later."
Adrien moaned when Harry explored, his hips jerking up as harry sucked on him, eyes going wide when harry's exloring fingertips found his prostate. Hands tightening in the brunette's hair as he resisted shoving hi down, so lost in the pleasure is he didn't pay attention to what he was doing, just that it was amazing."Harry!"he whined softly, pleadingly.
Harry murmured lightly gasping, startled when he was forced down, snickering a little as he pulled his head out of the others grip and swallowed Adrien cock head, sliding down and down, pausing halfway before pressing on the prostate again, wondering if Adrien would push his head down again, he liked the thought of Adrien still having some control, and he was sure Adrien would like it too.
Adrien growled softly,tightening his grip on the brunette's hair, holding him down, though giving him enough room to get off him if he was choking. Sighing softly as he felt harry's nose brush against his skin."Make me cum."He growled, having every intention of being in charge...or at least having some control
Harry groaned around Adrien's cock, deep throating the heavy meat with long sensual sucks, and slow vibrations as he moaned and hummed, trying to overload Adrien's senses. he smirked a little, his tongue slipping out of his mouth to stroke along Adrien's balls, a very advanced move, harry didn't even gag. he swallowed, his finger pressing down on the prostate once more, highly pleased with himself. not many could last long against harry's self named 'devil tongue.'
Adrien moaned, hands fisting hard in Harry's hair, swallowing hard as he came, a soft scream on his lips as he spurted into the man's mouth, trembling as he laid bak onto the pillows. "Draco was right...thats demonic..."he muttered in pleasure, shuddering as he closed his eyes, basking in his afterglow. Wrapping his fingers in the brunette's hair he urged him up, wanting a kiss. Kissing him hard as he wrapped his arms around the brunette.
harry groaned lightly as he swallowed down the others cum sucking hard at the cock to make sure he got every last drop, a second finger wiggling up inside of the other, stroking and teasing a smirk playing his lips as he kissed Adrien with all the need that had built up over the week. "i'm gonna fuck you so hard your ancestors feel it." he hissed slowly pressing a third finger into the other, lube rolling off of them in Harry's excitement. at least Adrien was going to be well prepared.
Adrien squirmed little kissing him hard, just as needy after a week of not having sex. Kissing him he bit down onto the brunette's lower lip smirking."You don't have that kind of skill."He taunted, purring. Sounding well pleased and content as he pushed down against the other's hand before growling, pulling his fingers out of him he tightened his grip on the man's wrist, fumbling a bit this his cock, biting his lip as his fingers brushed against Harry's hip before finding the hard length. Strokng him with a tight grip he smirked."Now Harry."He growled. Even bottoming, he was demanding.
Harry growled lightly into the kiss as he felt himself being controlled again, not that he minded but he needed to fight back, even if it was just vocally, it gave them both a sense that Adrien had more control than he really did. harry liked that Adrien was in control, because harry always had to be in control. and he didn't doubt that Adrien felt the same, after having been under Voldemort's control for so long. "nng, make me." harry hissed softly, panting in the others ear, letting Adrien's hand get him even hornier than he already was.
Adrien moaned softly as Harry's voice ghosted over his ear, tightening his hand as he nudged the man between his legs."I will."he growled shifting, moaning as he started sliding harry's cock into him,blindly gripping his hips, pulling him down. Moaning softly as he rested his head against Harry's shoulder, biting his skin lightly."Finish it."He ordered holding him tightly.
Harry moaned softly as he was literally, forced into Adrien's tight head, groaning at the pleasure of having his cock engulfed. Adrien was, by far the only man harry had ever topped without getting the squeemies. "n..nng, your so goddamn tight." harry groaned his hand wrapping around Adrien's cock panting hard as he thrust into the other gently, careful not to hurt Adrien, shuddering at the bite. "nnng fucking hell your a bossy sub." he growled, sounding both amused and annoyed.
ADrien moaned softly, hips jerking up into Harry's hand as the brunette stroked him, laughing softly as he bit hi again."And a even bossier top."He growled holding onto his lover tightly, feeling so much more relaxed and happy then he had in days. Nuzzling the man's neck he tensed a little as he heard the annoyance in Harry's voice. Leaning back to 'see' the man's face, even though he couldn't see, it was a habit to try and to do so.Raising hesitant fingers he touched the man's face,"Harry?"He said nervously, shifting against him.
Harry groaned softly panting, moaning as his neck was nuzzled pausing. "it's ok." Harry promised softly. "just a cramp." he admitted sheepishly. "topping is harder than it looks, i pushed wrong and my dick didn't like it very much." he admitted, needing to reassure his lover as he pushed into the other again, moaning softly. "better, ah that's much better." he mumbled, beginning to move properly now, pushing and pulling into Adrien, groaning softly with every movement.
Adrien laughed softly at the reason, kissing the brunette gently. Moaning as the brunette fucked him,holding onto him tightly. Feeling reconnected, burying his face against the brunette's neck he bit down moaning. With ever movement, he found himself losing control. Whimpering as he came, a soft scream on his lips as he clung to the brunette, cum splattering both their chests.
Harry was moaning and groaning as he thrust, panting hard in Adrien's ear as his fingers trailed along the others neck, arching into him as he thrust one last time, spilling deep inside his lover with a small, satisfied call of Adrien's name and a quick collapse onto the larger male. "fuck." Harry mumbled softly, sounding both pleased and exhausted. "Topping is hard." he murmured smirking. "i'm tired." he complained kissing the others neck. "it was so worth it."
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