Dragonheartless moon/lady

George shuddered in Adrien's grip and squirmed intently, trying to break free. "let go! i don't want you to 'do pleasurable things' i have Draco for that!" "attack his..." "SHUT UP FRED!" George demanded squirming in Adrien's grip again, growling when he realized he really was trapped. he arched lightly against the fingers trailing over his body, and hissed, feigning displeasure, his body betrayed him however from the little twitches and heavy pants falling from the mans lips. George was staring to get very aroused, you could see it with the way his body was starting to relax into Adrien's.
Adrien smirked as he slid his hand under the red head's shirt, sliding his hands along his ribs before undoing his pants slowly, fingers slipping inside of his waistband slowly, though not going south, not touching. Just a tease. Smirking as he nipped George's ear."But you want me to pleasure you don't you?"He smirked, feeling the red head relax against him.
George shuddered again panting a little harder, lifting himself a little bit, trying to get Adrien's hands to go lower. "fucking hell." George whimpered softly laying his head back against the others shoulder. "i can fix your eyes." he suddenly admitted. "now fucking do something!" he demanded, hard against his pants, eager for Adrien to touch him, pleasure him, something, anything!
Adrien's nails dug into his hips as he held him against his chest, smirking slightly."Good."He growled hands tightening even harder on the man's hips, shifting against him for a minute before his hand closed around the red head's cock."Come."He demanded, his teeth sinking into the man's neck.
George groaned arching into the other, trembling against the others grip his nails digging into Adrien's knees at the attention, but did not cum. "a..aaah f..fucking... i am not some,, a..aah Uke dammnit!" George had kept himself from cumming through shear force of will, not an uke indeed. Harry laughed and grinned as he kissed Adrien's neck, silently egging him on. it was going to take a lot more than just a firm word and some stimulation to make someone like George humiliate himself.
Adrien shuddered a little under harry's lips, his hips bucking up against the red head's ass, moaning at the friction on his hardening cock."Not fair Potter."He growled tightening his grip on George's cock before shifting his hold,"Draco, come here.Now watch George, and think, I could be kissing you like this."He ordered, holding the red head away from him, drawing the blond into a harsh full mouthed kiss as he jerked the red head off. Wondering if George enjoyed the sight of his Uke being dominated.
Draco moved over obediently, after George nodded an ok, panting softly as he bucked into Adrien's grip, shuddering with need a small whimper falling from his lips as he watched Draco get kissed leaning towards the two, bucking into Adrien's hand now like a wanton whore. "Draco... nnn fuck." he groaned, wanting his own kiss from the blond, panting softly as Draco smirked and ran his fingers along George's arms. George was strange like that, it was not his neck or thighs or ears or anything normal, it was his arms, along the shoulders and around the upper arms that where so sensitive. "a..aaah!" George cried arching hard in Adriens hands, trembling as he fought the need to cum. he was close to losing his cool, and letting it all go.
Adrien laughed softly letting the blond go, trapping the man against him, wrapping his arms around the red head as he trailed his fingers over his arms, scrapping his nails over the sensitive skin."No, no kissing the blond."He growled hand clamping down hard on George's arm, hand tightening on his cock and kissing him.Shivering as he felt Harry leaning against him. Shivering ever so slightly. Feeling in control once again. Feeling up to facing off with Voldermort.
George whimpered at the nails on his arms, jumping and twitching, bucking and writhing in the others grip as he felt himself kissed his tongue slipping into the others mouth to stroke the tongue, almost docilely as he arched hard and came, spilling across the floor with a soft groan, shuddering in the others arms. "a...ah.." Fred snickered a little and George smirked as Harry clapped. "that was impressive." Fred admitted. "i've never seen anyone dominate George before. sept harry but that was only once and he used Draco to do that."
Adrien smirked a little drawing back from the kiss, letting go of the redhead shifting to curl up in Harry's arms, nuzzling his enck."Well, this is only once to. And I used draco to."He said, wiping his hand off on Draco's clothes, before sighing cuddling into his lover.Needing the feel of belonging to someone.
Harry snickered a little as George staggered to his feet, looking almost confused as he began to put himself back together, putting his dick away and zipping his pants back up before glaring at Fred who was still snickering Harry chuckling a little as he wrapped his arms around Adrien. "that was so hot." he murmured grinning. "this is the first time i've ever actually seen you dominate someone." he admitted chuckling. "it's sexy, very sexy."
Adrien laughed softly, nuzzling Harry's neck."Did you miss the scenes with Draco?What would you call that?"He said before sittng up."Weasley!I want my sight back!"He said looking to where he could hear the red head standing.
Harry chuckled. "i was distracted by Draco." he admitted grinning. "i forgot to watch you." he admitted licking along the others neck. "anyway, we still have that recording of the three of us together." he admitted smirking. "and now i have this one of you and George, so you can watch the red heads reactions later." he admitted snickering a little as he licked along Adrien's ear again nibbling at the lobe. "why the hell do you think i would just give you your sight back after you molested me!?" George finally demanded, recovering his senses.
Adrien smirked, shivering as harry nibbled on him."1, you enjoyed yourself. 2, harry will kick your ass if you don't, and 3rd and finally, I am not going to a party blind. I need to be Dragonheartless not a blind moron."
George sighed and shook his head grabbing a vial off his pocket. "tilt your head back then and open your eyes as wide as they will go." he demanded pulling Adrien's eyelids open as far as they could go as harry gently steadied Adrien's head. George gently dripped three drop of liquid into one eye, and then the other. "now blink and wait." George ordered capping the vial as everyone waited to see if the potion would work.
Adrien blinked, wincing slowly."Damn...its bright out."He cringed squeezing his eyes shut before craking a eye, laughing happily pulling the red head down for a kiss, not even thinking about it."Thanks."He said before pouncing on his lover, kissing him hard."I can see!"He laughed happily, almost giddy as he laughed.
Harry laughed as George growled in Adrien's mouth, and then yelped as he was attacked grinning happily. "George, you ARE a miracle!" Harry purred hapopily nuzzling his lover a little hugging Adrien tightly. "now we can all watch you dominating me and Draco." he teased smirking. "and then have a big Orgy!" "NEVER!" George and Draco chorused at the same time and Fred pouted a little.
Adrien growled possessively, holding Harry tighter."No."He snarled biting the brunette's neck."Now out you three. I want some peace and quiet before the party tomorrow."He growled,cuddling up to harry. Looking more like a cute cuddly puppy then the fearsome dragonheartless.
Harry pouted with Fred at adrine's final decree and Draco and George smirked a little and they got up and vanished with loud CRACKS of the air, Harry had dropped the wards just enough for them to Apparate out. "lover... would you laugh if i told you i was afraid?" harry asked softly, looking worried as he watched Adrien his head tilted.
Adrien pressed closer to him, nuzzling his neck."No.I'm scared to."Adrien admitted quietly, holding onto him tightly."I don't want to lose everything, now that I've found something to live for.You're my reason for fighting Harry."HE muttered holding him tighter."we'll finish this, and then plan our wedding."
Harry smiled a little and nodded, leaning up to Kiss Adrien's lips tightly. "will i be able to get in without an invitation? i don't want anyone to realize who i am, and if i take my invite then everyone will know." he admitted biting his lip a little his head tilted. "it would be stupid to think that Voldemort didn't have an assassin waiting in the crowds to take me out, if i where to show anyway." he snorted a little. "i probably would have except for you." he admitted shaking his head. "and now here i am, going because you invited me, how sick is that?"
Adrien smiled kissing him back."You'll be able to get in. It's my party, no one will think it odd I've brought a date. They know I was hurt, they'll expect me to repay however helped me by bringing them."He sighed softly."And it is sick, but I wouldn't change it for the world."
Harry chuckled and gently kissed Adrien smiling a little. "lets take a nice hot bath together." Harry demanded. "i just want to relax with you tonight." he admitted nodding. "relax and just be together before we go out and risk our necks again."
Adrien nodded."Lets just be together."He said running his fingers through the brunette's hair. Dreading what tomorrow would bring.

The next morning Adrien rolled on his side, watching harry sleep, gently stroking his hair. pressing a kiss to his lips."Love...time to wake up."He said, wanting to have breakfast with the twins and draco before they had to get ready for the ball.Needing to spend time with friends, and with draco.
Harry groaned a little his eyes fluttering open. "i don't wanna." harry whined softly squirming backwards to press himself into Adrien's chest sighing softly as he closed his eyes, ready to go back to sleep in an instant. Harry didn't much care for mornings.
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