Dragonheartless moon/lady

Harry blinekd a little his head tilted. "..oooh kay..." he muttered biting his lip a little glancing at Draco who shrugged a little and harry followed after Adrien. "love? you alright?" harry asked softly gently holding the others free hand. "you know nothing is going to happen don't you? it's just a crazy person trying to scare us..." it was working, at least in Harry's case...but Adrien didn't need to know that.
Adrien sighed looking at him,resting his head on harry's shoulder."I know. I...I'm no good right now. I can't protect you."He said hugging the man."You need to be careful.Take draco with you."
Harry scowled a little and kissed Adrien lovingly. "you can protect me, you do protect me." he reminded the other lifting the 'all powerful' ring and giving his fingers a wiggle. "i'm protected by everything, even poisonsthanks to Draco." he admitted lifting a charm off the necklace hehad taken to wearing. "see?"
Adrien swallowed hard smiling slightly."Oh...right."He said, feeling stupid for having forgotten it even as he was wearing harry's all powerful ring. Though he was sure there were ways around it. Just because it hadn't happened, didn't mean it couldn't."Draco can be helpful sometimes I guess."He pouted, blushing ever so slightly.
Harry laughed a little and gently cupped Adrien's cheek. "i love it when you get all overprotective of me." he admitted, love shining in his eyes. "before you, no ones ever done that for me." he admitted kissing the others neck. "in any case, i've decided to take a small...er, vacation from work for now."
Adrien perked up a little bit, smiling."Good."He said kissing him slowly."Come on I want to lay down and sleep."He said wanting an excuse to cuddle his husand and cuddle his daughter more than he was actually tired.
Harry chuckled and nodded offering the other a huge, but rather fake yawn. "yeah me too. i think we could all use a nap." harry admitted grinning as he carefully tickled Dracen's feet, watching the little girl giggle a little as he let Adrien lead the way humming softly as he moved the covers out of the way and let Adrien in first before joining him. "i love you."
Adrien smiled at the man's indulgence."I love you to."He said cuddling close, dracen laying in his arms.

A few days later Adrien swallowed hard looking at harry, smiling."Me and draco are going out to lunch.Are you sure you'll be okay here with dracen?"He said fretting.
Harry nodded. "no prob." he chirped grinning as he glanced at the ferret. "besides Cissa won't let anything happen to Dracen." he admitted smirking a little watching as Draco tried to shove his foot into the wrong shoe, he had woken up late and was still half asleep, it was cute. "and remember, if you end up fucking Draco in the park again, don't get caught!" harry demanded sternly amusement flashing in his eyes at Narcissa's horrified squeals of protest.
Adrien snickered wtching the sleepy blond, he was so cute. "Oh I was thinking the table at lunchbut maybe I'll do both."He said smirking at the ferret before wrapping his arms around harry."I'll see you in awhile."He said before wrapping his arms around draco, helping him get the right shoe on."Come on darling, we'll get you some food."
Draco grumbled a little, not yet realizing what Adrien and Harry where talking about. poor Draco had been up all night trying to sooth an over emotional Fred, who was still in bed...Draco Definitely needed the break. "i can do it." Draco complained as Adrien helped him with his shoes, getting to his feet. "where are we eating? can we go to that Cafe? the one with the tables outside? i wanna eat in the sun." Draco admitted, starting to wake up a little.
"Fine by me."He said kissing the blond's head, apparating them to the cafe, walking in.Dragging the man after him he headed for the outside table, sitting down. Looking tired himself. Fretting about harry and dracen were wearig the pregnant man out...and he just wanted to have a break from everything.Which meant a lunch with draco.
Draco grinned as he was dragged around and settled himself primly onto the chair humming softly. "this feels nice." he admitted looking a great deal more relaxed now that he was out of the house. "it's warm and the wind is blowing...and Fred isn't yelling at me." that sounded horrible he knew, but he just couldn't help it. Fred and George where both overly grouchy, one being pregnant the other being overworked there wasn't much time for bonding for any of them. "i'm glad you suggested this."
"Well its my fault george is overly grouchy since I'm not going to work. And youre living with the moody one. I thought you'd be happy to ogt out."He said smiling, not saying was as much for his benefit as draco's to get out of the house for awhile. Knowing he was probably driving harr insane by being a overprotective whiney moody bitch.
Draco chuckled a little and shook his head. "it's good for everyone i think." he admitted smiling. "i can get pretty bitchy myself when i don't get the proper attention i need." just sitting down and talking was enough attention for draco, as long as he got SOMETHING. "besides i'm surprised Harry is letting you go off on your own like this, the way he's been permanently attached to your belly and all." he teased snickering a little. it wasn't an overstatement, harry had been cooing and talking to Adrien's belly for almost two days now. he had done the same thing to Dracen too, Harry loved being a daddy.
Adrien gave him a look sipping his water when the food arrived."I informed him if he didn't stop cooing over me, I was going to put my foot somewhere uncomfortable."He sulked smirking a little, starting in on his platefuls of food."Aww dray, I'll give you all the attention you need."He teased
Draco snickered a little and nodded as he took a bite of his Salad humming a little. "you know you enjoy the attention he gives you." he teased grinning at Adrien as he nibbled on a lettuce leaf watching him closley. "aaw Dri, i know you will." he chirped smiling a little looking ever so playful and mischievous.
Adrien rolled his eyes at the look, lushing ever so slightly."I do not enjoy being told I'm getting fat again."He pouted."And it doesn't help that I didn't feel good this morning."He said eating his own salad and ribs. Yes, he was having a moment of extreme different tastes. Something healthy and something....decidedly not.
Draco chuckled and nodded. "your not getting fat." he stated simply. "your getting a baby in your belly, that's not fat, that's amazing." he admitted smiling a little. "Fred loves it when i go all gaga over his belly." he admitted chuckling a little. "of course, that might just be because it's overly sensitive right now." he admitted stuffing a green pepper into his mouth. "do you know the sex of your baby yet?"
Adrien smirked slowly."Yes."He said simply, knowing the other man would want to know. But it gave him a guilty pleasure to keep it from everyone even harry for now. "...you're such a freaking princess.You really should have been the one pregnant."He said amused as he looked at Draco.
Draco chuckled a little and nodded. "i really wish i had been." he admitted softly, taking a sip f his water. "but the potion doesn't work on me." he admitted shaking his head. "too much testosterone or something i dunno." he admitted shrugging a little smirking at Adrien. "you where lucky to be able to become pregnant naturally, i don't think George's potion would have worked on you either."
Adrien snickered."Probably not."He said smiling a little."I wouldn't trade the kids for anything, but I hate this helplessness I feel when I'm pregnant. Especially now with harry's stalker. A month ago I would have nailed the man's hide to a rock and let a dragon have his intestines."
Draco laughed a little and shook his head. "your only feeling helpless because you think being pregnant means you can't do anything, and that's not true. Fred does everything he always had, including beating the shit out of me when i piss him off." he admitted looking amused. "but in your case, i'd say stay low for now, we don't know who this guy is. eventually he'll fuck up, and then we'll get him." he promised nodding. "and we'll let you have first dibs at him."
"Good.Cause I want a up close and personal inspection of his heart."Adrien said finishing his food before looking at draco."It's not kind laughing at me because I feel helpless. You're lucky I don't start crying like I did this morning because harry offered to get me breakfast like I couldn't do it myself."
Draco chuckled a little. "yeah that was kind of funny." Draco teased smiling at Adrien looking rather amused. "and anyway you know Harry was just trying to be romantic, of course you can get breakfast yourself, Harry just wanted to do something nice for you." he admitted nodding a little as he finished his salad. "hmm, should we get desert?"
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