Dragonheartless moon/lady

Harry snorted a little. "i will never beg again." he stated simply waving his hand at the food, all of it suddenly steaming once more as he rewarmed it with a spell he'd made himself. "there, all better." harry stated simply digging into his stew again, ignoring the blistered flesh and the whip marks across his back, ignoring also that he was naked.
Adrien smirked, well pleased with himself as he looked at the brunette, liking seeing his marks on the man's skin. Swallowing hard as he ate the food he laid with harry in companionable silence. And enjoying the rest of the day was easy and good for him, as he rediscovered part of himself, the part that had been destroyed, or so he thought.

Though in those moments, the seeds for his dreams that night were sown. Tossing and turning in his bed as the blankets wrapped around his legs tighter, trapping a man who was used to being held by deadiler things then just fabric."Dray!No!Master, please no....please, I beg....please..."The screams were frantic and loud at first, then a whimpering beg as the man relieved the day he'd last actually cared for who his victim was.

While he cared abut the people he killed, and long given into grief that he couldn't change it, who they were really hadn't mattered to him. Not after Voldermort had made him kill Draco. Gutting him and leaving the blond to the elements had taken more then he could stand, but he'd left while the blond still lived, in hopes someone would find him. Pain and fury in those years after was what had driven him to be as viciously cruel as he was. Harry was right, his sadism was a way to protect his fragile heart, and here he was with another man he had a feeling could steal his heart. Which terrified him into dreaming about the last time he'd cared.
there was suddenly a sharp pain that flared across Adrian's face, no doubt jerking him awake harry leaning above him, worry in his eyes. "you where screaming." he whispered softly gently touching the others face. "i couldn't get you to wake up so i slapped you." he admitted shaking his head. "you where yelling for Draco." he admitted looking sad, almost whist full. "are you going to be ok?" he asked softly gently touching the others hair and face, as if looking for a fever.
Adrien swallowed hard, sitting up as he rubbed his arms, shuddered as he shifted, cuddling into harry's arms, needing the comfort. And having seen the look on harry's face, he needed to tell him there was nothing left between the blond and him."...I killed him. The only person I'd ever cared enough to be gentle with....and I slaughtered him because it was a kinder way to die then be given up to Voldermort."He whispered, finally talking about the pain that had created Dragonheartless, a man without mercy or conscience."Voldermort wanted him...because I cared. He would have lived, had I not cared."He shuddered crying softly."Even if he was alive...I can't be the man he loved even more. Even if he'd lived then, I'm dragonheartless, and incapable of loving him like he needs."HE said sadly, wishing there had been a way to save him, yet hed been through in his butchering, because he'd been truly afraid of what Voldermort would do."I...I want you."He muttered nuzzling the brunette's neck."I don;t know for how long or if we'll ever live beyond this, but...I need you now."
Harry gently stroked the others forehead again laying a soft kiss to it as he listened to the story his arms wrapping around the other tightly sighing a little. "Draco didn't die." he admitted suddenly. "he's way too stubborn for that... he's living with the twins." he admitted his lip quirking into a grin. "molesting them too from what i hear." he admitted running his fingers along the others sides. "you have me." he admitted softly. "you will always have me." he promised smiling a little leaning into the nuzzles. he was still uncertain, he couldn't be certain that Adrien wasn't still up to something... but he could hope.
Adrien cried harder, before he had hoped so desperately had held the thought of the blond alive close to his heart. Swallowing hard he snorted laughing at the idea of Draco molesting the twins."...are you sure we're talking about the same Draco Malfoy?"He asked, smirking slightly, raising his head, looking sad because he knew what Draco had to know, had to hate him...but he couldn't help but ask. His breath coming hard and fast as he rested his head on Harry's shoulder."...Can you....see..."He struggled trying to voice a need that was bone deep."..will you invite him here?"He asked softly.
Harry chuckled a little. "well, the twins did start it." he admitted gently kissing the others neck as he held him close. "Draco can't talk anymore though." he admitted biting his lip. "the twins where the only ones willing to take him in, i think they just wanted a chance to get back at him... in the end he just liked what they did to them and is extracting his own revenge." he admitted looking amused. "he's turned into someone who's very..." he paused looking for the words. "he's become calm.." he admitted nodding. "i can invite him." he promised his head tilted at the other. "i will invite him whenever you want."
"Seeif he'll come...tomorrow afternoon?"Adrien said sftly shivering under Harry's lip, closing the door on the memory of what he'd done to the blond, and wondering if it was a physical muteness or if he just chose not to. Shivering a little he leaned bak to lok at Harry, gently tugging on his arm as he laid back."Stay with me tonight."He asked before paling a little as something occurred to him."Will the twins let him come by himself?"
Harry chuckled a little and smiled a bit. "yes." he admitted nodding. "Draco might have changed but he's still a pompous ass." he admitted shaking his head. "besides usually if i call him it's to relieve some stress." he admitted. "the twins don't like it when we duel because we don't hold back, sometimes we really beat the shit out of each other." he admitted. "so he doesn't always tell them where he's going." he admitted chuckling a little. "your going to have to scoot over if i'm going to sleep with you."
Adrien laughed softly as he scooted over, curling up around the man, resting his head on harry's chest as the man settled onto the bed."I'm so glad you duel. I'd hate to have to kill him for having sex with you."HE said seriously, starting to drift to sleep. "And Draco will always be a pompous ass, there's no changing that."He yawned, saying it sleepily.
he chuckled and nodded closing his eyes. "yeah, he's a pompous ass... but at least he's a NICE pompous ass on occasion now." he admitted sighing as he started to drift off to sleep. "besides, Draco would slit my dick if i ever tried to sleep with him." h admitted sleepily. "he might tolerate me now...but he still hates me."
Adrien laughed softly at the idea, falling asleep.

The next day Adrien was actually hiding in his room. Having kicked the brunette out so that he'd invite Draco over, he'd regretted the action as soon as harry had, and locked the door. Hiding for lack of a better word, sitting with his back against the door so the ever so worried harry, or god forbid, draco could open in. Stiting there stubbornly as he listened to see if Draco'd arrived yet. Wondering if harry'd told him why he was coming over, or if the twins had told him Adrien was here. Wondering... fear clawed at his stomach as he waited.
Harry found Adrien's fear rather amusing and he fixed a light lunch for them to share as he waited for Draco to show up, the fireplace flaring as Draco stepped out. "Hey Dray!" Harry chirped loudly, letting Adrien know that Draco was there. "i have lunch ready." there was a long silence and then. "oh he's hiding like a little baby, he's afraid you hate him." there was another silence. "hey i'm the one taking it up the ass here i can call him a baby if i want to!" another pause. "yeah go on up, i'll get lunch finished." there was more silence save for the soft footsteps heading up the stairs and then a knock at the door.
"I AM not a baby. Tell him to go fuck himself."Adrien scowled at the door, before getting up, angry and nervous enough he pulled open the door without thinking about it."Never mind I'-"He stuttered to a stop when he stared at the man he hadn't seen in 4 years. Fear and pain sliding over his face before it was hidden behind a cool collected mask."dray."he muttered softly eyes searching the man's face.
Draco was so beautiful now, his hair falling in long strands to his hips his face longer, narrow, feminine and beautiful, an earring dangled from his left ear, a crystal dragon shimmering in the air his gray eyes staring at Adrien looking amused and worried. the soft lips parted for a moment as if he was going to talk before the closed again, a look of rage crossing his face for a moment before he looked down and sighed motioning for Adrien to follow him back down stairs looking almost pitiful for a moment, pleading heading into the kitchen and looking at harry who paused. "Draco wants to know if you would be alright if he used Legilimins on you." Harry explained glancing at Nik. "it's how he talks. goes into your mind and feeds you his thoughts." he explained nodding.
Adrien tilted his head following him into the kitchen, staring at Draco's ass for a moment, nodding without thinking about it. He'd given everything to Draco once, he was willing to chance getting screamed at if only t hear that deeply cultured pleasnt voice again."If he wants to feed me something, it should be more then his thoughts."A wickedly sensual smirk flashed over his face, being sexy because he was nervous, and trying to not be cruel. Which limited his ways of reacting to things. Sighing sofly he sat down at the table, after the first staring at Draco's ass he'd gone back to not looking at him, stubbornly staring at the floor.
Draco flashed a smirk at the other his mind slowly slinking into Adrien's. "<I>Really now, i'll have you know i'm not into the same things that Potter is. you'll have a much tougher time making ME beg Dragonheartless. that name doesn't suit you at all you know. </I>" Draco's voice, the same as always in the others head, as cultured as always but much more in control, calmer, more refined. "<I>i missed you, i was afraid that i might never see you again.</i>" Draco didn't sound at all Angry, though he had been at first. he had been furious at everything.
Adrien looked surprised at the words.."It suits me now Dray."He muttered, eyes going over Draco's shoulder to look at Harry, looking torn and confused. Having not realized that as much as HE had changed, so had draco."nd i could always make you beg, don't lie."He growled softly before paling a little.
... apparently i can't make letters italic in thread. i didn't know that.))

Draco smirked a little looking amused again. 'Should you really be saying that in front of harry?' Draco demanded his head tilted his lips never moving. 'Aren't you guys lovers? Harry won't admit it, but he's afraid to get close to people now.' he leaned forward his gray eyes laughing at Adrien. 'you never change Adrien, so demanding.' he teased running his tongue along the others cheek. 'but i have changed a great deal, i'm almost afraid you might hate me for the fool that i have become.' Draco purred kissing Adrien's ear harry suddenly snarling and slamming a lid down hard, Draco tossing his head back to laugh, showing the hideous scars that marred his neck. it looked as if it had been ripped apart by a wild animal. 'even without admitting it, harry is very possessive over you.'
((ou can you just have to use to do it

Adrien smiled slightly at the idea of being claimed, "You were always a fool Draco."He purred,his hand clapping over Draco's neck, fingers brushing against the scars as he stood, looking startled. Having not realized he'd even moved ."I'm sorry."He muttered, closing his eyes as his muscles trembled."Sorry."He muttered forcing his hand open to let Draco go, afraid of hurting him again.That this broken body was his fault, and he knew it. Had he not cared....draco might have made it out of the war whole.
use what? XDD)

Draco paused a little and touched his neck looking a little startled. 'Sorry for what? my neck? you didn't do this.' he admitted simply. 'i got this because i was an idiot and tried to go after Voldemort on my own after i healed... i was stupid, if the twins hadn't noticed i was missing i would have died... i have a bad habit of getting into horrible situations.' he admitted sighing a little. "Fenrir i think it was, my memories of that night are a little fizzy, i was mad with rage and half drunk on firewhiskey but i'm pretty sure it was Fenrir, i'm certain he's the only one who can go after a mans neck with his teeth even though he's in human form.' Draco admitted turning to focus on Harry who paused to listen and then nodded. "yeah it was Fenrir, the filthy animal." he bitched scowling a little. "the twins patched him up again after that, and then chained him to the bed for a month as punishment."
Moon Struck Fox said:
([ ] instead of <> tags XP)

"Now that is one person, I don't regret killing."Dragonheartless surfaced in his eyes, cold and cruel as he remembered it. Having laughed when he'd cut the werewolf to pieces, made him watch as he fed his body bit by bit to a werewolf pack. "I'm still sorry."He muttered looking down again, alm and collected despite his hands shaking a little bit. Giving Draco a smirk."I'm sure you loved being chained to the bed. You always did like bondage."he smirked a little, half tempted to send a note to the twins and tell them about the fire handcuff spell. Then winced, remembering that they'd probably just send back a howler or a curse.
Draco smirked a little as he watched the other his head tilted Harry gagging a little as he remembered seeing the Carnage that had been Fenrir Draco pausing as Harry raced for the bathroom. don't worry about Harry. Draco ordered softly watching harry rush off. Fenrir is a touchy subject for him, he had to watch his friend Lupin, who was another werewolf, get eaten alive by Fenrir, and then he saw what you did you him... it's just one of the few things that actually gets to him. it's less of an emotional response and more of a physical. he remembers Fenrirs body and just..pukes. it's strange because he's seen a lot worse than Fenrir... but he's still the only person he pukes over. he doesn't even react when he remembers the Mungo's massacre. a year after they had all graduated, death eaters had rushed into Saint Mungo's and slaughtered everyone using horrid spells, painful ones. Harry himself had gone in to look for survivors but even the babies in the cradles had been murdered violently. this also gives us a chance to talk in private.
Adrien turned his head watching harry go, sighing softly as he ran his fingers through his hair, remembering the slaughter. ST. Mungo's had been a mess, a cruelty not even he would have committed. Sighing softly he looked at Draco, smiling slightly, "You look....good."He said slowly, the memory of the bloody broken mess he'd left him as showing in his eyes for a moment before he shoved it away."I missed you dray."He muttered standing, wrapping the man in a loose hug, giving him the option of moving away.
Draco smiled as he hugged the other back resting his head against the others shoulder. ' i missed you too. ' Draco admitted his arms wrapping tightly around Adrien sighing softly. ' you will always be my brother, no matter what we had to do to survive. ' he promised gently giving the other a kiss on the cheek. ' promise me you are not going to go back to Voldemort... i fear you won't survive if you do. Potter told me the state you where in when you showed up... i thought you where going to die.'
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