Dragonheartless moon/lady

Harry smirked a little. "i'd like to see you try to make me." he stated simply his teeth biting harshly at a nipple, punishing him for ordering harry around before kissing it all better a chuckle falling from his lips as he licked his lips. "mm no i think i'll play with this some more." he admitted biting at the others neck again sucking on it now stroking and rubbing with his tongue in-between sucks.
Within minutes Adrien was a moaning puddle of goo under his lips, totally undone and begging for release, for anything more then this slow torture. The image of the ice cold dragonheartless vanishing under the need in the tone, for once he was just gabriel, a angel with slowly healng wings and a broken heart.
harry giggled at the other his fingers slowly dragging over the others trapped cock his fingers stroking the head, gathering the pre licking along the others neck again. "mmm what was that? did i hear you beg? let me hear it again Love, tell me how badly you want it." he ordered running his tongue along the others neck once more.
"Please harry let me ome, please!It hurts!Please oh please..."Adrien whimpered, begging as his hips jerked up at the touch,his head falling back , biting his lip so hard that he bleed, a small trail of blood falling down his chin.
Harry chuckled a little and suddenly pulled away from the other, humming as he moved into the box digging through it and pulling out a dildo, examining it before shaking his head and tossing it to the side, pulling out a vibrating egg and pausing examining that too before shaking his head and tossing it to the side. making sure that Adrien could see him very clearly as he pulled out a variety of toys and discarding them, taunting the man before holding up a vial of Lube. "here it is!" he purred tossing a smirk to the other as he leaned over and wiggled his ass at the other, uncapping the lube and smearing it all over his fingers before he began to press them inside of himself, moaning and groaning much more than usual, putting on a tantalizing, and taunting show for Adrien.
Ardien whimpered watching him, swallowing hard."Harry please."he begged softly, not quite beliving he was dongi it, but not to proud to beg, his whole body was hurting that much. He just wanted to be buried in the brunette. He didn't think that was to much to ask.
Harry moaned again pushing his fingers in and out of himself before panting as he slipped out of himself and stalked over to the other smirking a little as he straddled the other. "i told you i would make you beg." he teased flashing a smirk at him before slowly bringing himself down on Adrien, moaning as the cock buried deep into his ass. "a..aaah ye.esss feels so good, your dick is so swollen." he purred smirking a little as he started to move on the other, up and down. "a..aaah yess."
Adrien moaned as he looked up at the brunette, his eyes dark and hazy with lust as he growled, jerking at his hands."Harry. let me go."He growled, a begging tone to the words even though it sounded like a command
Adrien growled sofly but staying silent as he bucked his hips up, begging softly."Harry, you have me ringed, you ARE leaving me like this. Please...let me come. Please harry."He whimpered jerking at his hands harder as he raised his head to kiss the brunette.
harry just giggled again running his tongue along the others neck instead of kissing him, tormenting for another few minutes riding the others cock as he neared his own climax, panting hard his ass squeezing the other tighter and tighter before harry suddenly unclasped the ring, allowing Adrien to release as harry tossed his he'd back, spilling all over Adrien's chest. "u..uuh yeah that's good." harry growled panting softly.
Adrien moaned, hips jerkng up sharply as he came, jerking at his hands hard, wincing as he felt blood trailig down his arm, panting as he closed his eyes. Loving the feel of harry around his cock, but in the afterglow he wanted to hold him, needed to hold him. To assure himself that it was him, that it was real and he wasn't going to wake up and find himself with Voldermort instead of this oh so pleasant man."Harry, my hands."He begged softly, pleadingly.
harry panted softly enjoying the feeling of having Adrien under his power for a moment a smirk on his lips as he licked his lips looking down at the other, pausing for a moment a calculating look in his eyes before nodding and untying Adrien's hands. harry could handle the punishment he was sure his angel was going to dish out.
Adrien smiled a little rubbing his wrists before shifting, pulling out of the brunette as he rolled on his side, cuddling into harry's side, resting his head on his chest, a hand absently playing over Harry's ribs, taking comfort in the man's steady breathing, nuzzling the man's chest a little. Letting the silence fall between them, though it was comfortable. Just enjoying being with him as he yawned little, content and pleased for the moment, though he was absently plotting his revenge. "...The twins can come tomorrow....I wont hex them or something. I just want to visit with Draco.And with you...and maybe, get to know your friends.IF they let me."He said sleepily, though he'd started to recover, his endurane wasn't what it'd once been
Harry looked a little startled at the cuddling and then a little confused, as if he wasn't entirely sure what to do, so he just lay there watching the other nuzzle him and tickle his un-ticklish ribs, it was his feet that got to him, but he would never tell. he began to relax into the others embrace, getting more comfortable with the cuddling as he gently took one of the others hands and traced the lines on it a small smile on his lips. "they won't like you much at first, but they'll treat you better." he admitted. "Draco's telling them all sorts of fun stories about the times you saved him. and the times he saved you." he admitted chuckling a little. "they won't trust you, but they will tolerate you."
Adrien shuddered a little as Harry traced lines on his hand,"Draco lies. He doesn't know anything."He growled sleepily, peacefully drifting to sleep, no longer worried about the idea of the dinner tomorrow. Actually loking forward to it. Yawning sleepily he fell asleep, wrapped around harry as tigtly as he could, his head tucked up under Harry's chin, sleeping peacefully, for the first time in years.
Harry laughed a little and nodded. "yeah Draco's a terrible liar, and an even worse Nympho." he admitted smirking a little as he closed his eyes sighing softly as he started to drift off to sleep. "mm. tomorrows g'nna be fun." he mumbled sleepily resting on the others arm. "'s been a long time since i had a boyfriend."
Adrien smiled a little as he got ready for dinner. Looking forward to see the blond again, and this time he was hiding in the bedroom to make himself look amazing instead of fear. Transfiguring the clothes Harry'd gotten him he sighed as the familiar feel of dragonleaher hugging his lower frame and soft finely woven silk carressing his chest, the dark blue of the shirt bringing out his eyes. Tilting his head as he heard Harry walk into the room he smiled, turning to face him."Well?Do I look good?"he said nervously, finding he needed comfirmation on the subject like he'd never needed before.
Harry had dressed as Darkly as he could, black dragon hide pants, a black silk shirt and a black leather jacket with a collar around his neck, he had even put on some eyeliner to accent his blazing green eyes his hair hung all over his face making him look almost demonic, beautifully demonic. harry loved to dress like that, and did as often as he could get away with it. "you look gorgeous." he purred grinning at the other. "c'mere n gimme a kiss." he demanded grabbing the front of the others shirt and pressing their lips together. harry was still waiting for Adrien's revenge, and the suspense was killing him.
Adrien smiled taking his time kissing his lover, a slow gentle kiss that just held the edge of turning violent, of being cruel. He knew he was killing harry by waiting to get his revenge for the night before, and making harry wait, by driving him insane was going to be part of the revenge and cruelty. Smirking as he raised his head he smiled down at him."You're beautiful."he said pressing another kiss to harry's lips as he heard the three in the kitchen, nervousness showing on his face fora moment. Actually sorta worried about the twins. Worried, because he was still slightly afraid that they'd harm draco because he cared forthe blond.
"Draco Goddammit get your hand OUT of my pants!!!" "aaw but Fred, you know Draco can't help himself!" George chirped laughing as Fred yelped downstairs. "George!! don't Encourage him! Draco Stop it! we're in someone else's house! show some restraint man!" George laughed again and harry snorted a little. "lovely." he groaned rolling his eyes as he headed for the stairs. "DRACO WHAT HAVE I TOLD YOU ABOUT RAPING FRED IN MY HOUSE!?" he yelled George just laughing harder at Harry's words.
"To let you join in and enjoy the little blond tart?"Adrien quiped from behind harry, smirking as he walked into the kitchen, eyes looking for the said blond tart, wanting to know if his fashion sense had gotten any more outrageous then what it had been before. Apparently he'd foud the....freer side of himself. And adrien was curious if the clothes matched up. Mostly ingoing the twins that were with Draco, more amused as he waited for Draco's reaction.
Harry turned to glare at Adrien. "Not...Helping." he warned George just laughing at Adrien's remark Fred blushing hard as he struggled to get Draco's hands out of his pants and redo the button as Harry and Adrien walked in. Draco was wearing a pair of low riders, showing off a little bit of hip, and a shirt that was a little too short, flashing a great deal of belly, a belly button ring gleaming in the light, another Dragon pendant, Draco smirking at them, lipstick spread across his lips, eyeliner on his eyes and eyeshadow over his eyelids, he looked dashing...and slutty at the same time.
Adrien laughed softly, walking across the room, cupping Draco's cheek in his hand, curling his fingers slightly, a promise of pain before gentling again."But he's such a blond little slut. He just begs to be used."He slanted a smile at Harry, cruelty showing on his face. Hoping Draco'd go with it, because this was going to be part of his revenge, along with making him wait for later. Pressing a kiss to the blond's forehead he straightened, before looking at his lover."What's for dinner?And can we eat outside?"He said a smirk playing on his lips. Thiking about the last time they'd eaten outside.
The twins and harry all snarled at the same time, Fred and George yanking Draco away from Adrien before he'd even gotten to lay the kiss, looking very, very possessive, harry just looking furious as he turned on his heal and stalked into the kitchen, Draco laughing. ooooh Adrien your in troooouble! he taunted smirking a little. "you know, Harry's last boyfriend cheated on him." the twins stated sternly glaring at him. "and we'll kill anyone who does it again." George hissed furiously. "touch OUR boyfriend, and we'll cut your filthy balls off." Fred snarled glaring darkly at Adrien Draco laughing silently. aren't they so ADORABLE when their pissed?
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