Dragonheartless moon/lady

Adrien gave Draco a look, sliding a arm over Draco's shoulder as he pulled him back against him,looking at the twins."About as adorable as voldermort. I don't see if Draco. Really."He said looking at the man in the crook of his arm before slipping away to head into the kitchen."I don't cheat, though I'd be amused to watch you try to come after me."He said arrogantly, for a moment Dragonheartless showing out of Gabriel's bitingly teasing face. The differences between the two was almost a split personality, though being with harry was starting to blur the lines between the two
the twins glared furiously at him though they didn't go for their wands, they did look about ready to star a muggle duel with Adrien. i made them leave their wands at home. Draco admitted with another silent laugh as he kissed Adrien's cheek and wagged his eyebrows at Fred, who groaned. "leave my dick alone dammit!" he demanded trying to button his pants before Draco could attack him again. Harry was in the kitchen, already calmed down as he struggled to pour the contents of a heavy pot into a smaller bowl. "Adrien gimme a hand here." he ordered. "i need you to hold the bowl still, it keeps moving."
Adrien smiled slightly holding the bowl still, raising a eyebrow."Anything else you want my hand for?"He said laughing softly, looking amused. "Draco, leave the man's pants alone. I don't want to be scarred into not having sex in the near future by seeing his dick."Adrien said over his shoulder laughing as he looked over at the blond.
Fred blinked at Adrien but Draco ignored the Dragonheartless completely laughing silently as he pounced on Fred who squawked loudly. "DRACO! not my ass dammit! just because someone told you no to one place! you don't move to another!! hey, Listen to your boyfriend goddammit!" "he won't listen to you." harry stated simply smirking a little. "he only listens to George, and me if i get angry." he admitted shrugging as George finally told Draco to knock it off through his laughter. Draco sulked but did as he was told as harry poured a thin broth into the bowl smiling a little. "and if you ever flirt with Draco again, i WILL leave you hard and helpless... for DAYS!" he warned his eyes viscous and jealous as they glared at Adrien before gently sprinkling the broth full of various herbs.
Adrien growled softly, catching his boyfriend's chin his hand, sliding his mouth over Harry's, kissing him harshly, before raising his head."But Ive missed him, and we flirt like we breath...totally harmless, because, when the nights over, we're going home to the ones who-"He stuttered a little kissing Harry again before he could finish the sentence as he'd intended,"who are the ones we really want."He said before pulling away turning to look at Draco."And you wil listen to me if I tell you to keep your hands to yourself right?"He asked politely though his eyes were dark and for a moment pain filled before it faded into a carefully blank look.

Because with any touch to the blond, despite his teasing and enjoying touching him, he couldn't get past the memories of the years, of the pain that had followed Draco leaving his life.
Harry gasped as he was suddenly kissed, kissing back a little scowling darkly at the others words before relaxing a little the twins looking startled Draco's head tilted a little. it almost sounds as if you've turned into a romantic Adrien. he teased a small smirk on his lips. or is it that you LOVE harry?" and of course i'll keep my hands to myself, George will punish me if i grab something of yours. his eyes flicked down to Adrien's crotch and smirked a little George scowling, not at Adrien but Draco. "your fixing to get punished NOW bitch." he warned Draco smiling innocently.
A smirk played at Adrien's lips."Shut up Malfoy. I am not romantic, though I do have my moments."He sadi brushing his fingers through his hair, tilting his head at Draco, his smirk widened."Ah but dray, you always liked something of mine, and you ALWAYS enjoyed being punished."He said, knowing he was flirting with danger, but he'd really missed Draco, and he missed their easy friendship that had meant to him more then the sex.
Draco giggled silently and smiled at Adrien and nodded as Harry snorted a little and then smirked a little. "maybe we could all get together and have an orgy sometime?" he offered licking his fingers seductively. "i always did like the way the twins fucked me." said twins caught on to Harry's play immediately and they snickered. "christ, when was the last time we fucked? seventh year wasn't it?" "mm i think so." harry agreed. trying to make Draco and Adrien jealous now instead. Draco looked shocked as he looked from harry and then to the twins and back again, blinking a little, trying to decide if they where lying or not.
"If you want."Adrien said calmly as he leaned back into the counter, hands resting on the edge, fingers curling under. Muslces taunt in his arms as he gripped the counter. Though he looked relaxed he wasn't, though only draco could tell because he'd long been able to read Adrien's moods,even the ones that he didn't show. Feeling like he'd been suker punched without warning. Not jealous....just in pain at the idea of having to share, having to have a orgy to keep harry, wondering if his sanity would survive going through something like that again. Quietly excusing himself with the excuse of needing to go pee he headed to the bathroom, wondering if he could hide out with appearing a coward until everyone left. Or...if he was well enough to leave. It seemed harry didn't need him after all. Sighing softly as he looked at himself in the mirror he wondered if his wings, so newly healed and beginning to trust, had shattered under his teasing. A teasing he'd started.
Harry blinked a little as he sighed a little, suddenly feeling guilty Draco gently squeezing Harry's shoulder and sharing words that only Harry could hear. "sorry guys, please excuse me." he stated simply turning and walking up the stairs into the bathroom opening the door and closing it looking sad. "it seams...we're both idiots aren' t we?" he asked softly. "hurting each other without meaning to, and not even realizing it until the times too late." he mumbled softly. "i would never sleep with anyone else...you know that right?" he asked softly his eyes flicking up to meet the others. "there is only one person i love, and i.." he froze as the words left his mouth his eyes widening before squeezing shut tightly. when he'd told Oliver those words... the man had laughed, pleased that harry was so foolish, and it was then that harry realized Oliver had not only had one, but three other lovers...he was half afraid Adrien would do the same.
Adrien smiled sadly, not meeting the other's eyes, staring stubbornly at the sink."You?"He asked, waiting for him to finish the sentence. Not responding otherwise, hands resting on the counter, wondering if Harry was just trying to make him stay. Knowing Harry knew him well enough to know if he didn't like it,he'd walk back into the life he had before, and forget he'd ever been Gabriel. Wondering if harry was just keeping him in one place, while he had the twins and Draco. Not wanting to say the words that'd he'd almost said in the kitchen. Not with his heart in shreds by the teasing, wanting to feel more whole, more sure of himself when he admitted to Harry that he loved him.

Not because he thought Harry's laugh at him, or do anything negative, he just wanted to be....Gabriel when he said it, which would take time. And he hoped, desperately harry wouldn't get tired of him in that time. The need, the words showing on his face as he finally looked at harry. Though he didn't say it, the words were there in his eyes, and the silent pleading for time, time to be himself. To stay and be with him.
"i..." Harry muttered trembling a little as he forced himself to continue. "i need you." he whispered softly, raw emotions in every word now, hope...and fear. "i need you to be with me, to be only with me because when you flirt with other people.. even when i know you don't mean it, it feels like my hearts being ripped apart." he admitted a tear dropping down his cheek though he quickly tried to hide it. "i love you and that scares me.. because if your just using me, i'm going to be hurt again... or if you just think it's a game, or you don't think it's serious, or..or any thing like that then i won't have any reason to live again, and i'll start doing stupid things again." he admitted hugging himself tightly, the usually calm and poised, emotionless golden boy showing his insecurities for the first time in almost..twelve years.. not since the day that he had yelled at his friends during fifth year.
Adrien smiled a little as he walked over, pulling the man into his arms, pressing a kiss to Harry's temple, holdin him tightly"I'm not playing, and I'm serious.And if it was a game, I wouldn't have come to you when I was bleeding to death. I would have just let it happen."He said hugging him tighter, forcing Harry's arms off his own body, wrapping them arund his waist, "Don't be stupid harry."he muttered softly closing his eyes as tears hit the man's hair, because he was truly afraid."Just...promise me...even if I accidently flirt, I'll try not to...but its draco, and he's a flirt. He can't help it....but...please if you want someone else...don't make me watch.Please...anything but that."He whispered, his heart hurting at the idea of what he was willing to keep the brunette in his life, even sharing, but he wasn't sure he'd survive having to watch the act.
Harry flinched away from the other for a split second before leaning into the others hug wrapping his arms tightly around the other sniffing a little. "i would never want the twins." he admitted softly. "their as good as brothers to me." he admitted softly clinging to Adrien. "i don't want anyone else i want YOU....i want only you and i know it's impossible but i want you to only want me." he admitted burying his face into the others shoulder. "i was just jealous of you and Draco.. and i thought i'd get back at you." he admitted softly sniffing again. "it didn't work very well did it?"
Adrien nodded a little, nuzzling the man's neck."No, it didn't."He shuddered a little genty biting down, "It's not impossible.I only want you...me and draco, its been long done. Any teasing we do now, is just that. Teasing."He sighed softly, "I don't know if I'll ever be better then this, but...I only want to spend my days with you."He said, the closest he could get to a admittance of love. the ability to say it and really mean it, though his face said the words, he couldn't say. The willingness to say so had died with draco's torture, because a overheard I love you is wha had lead to it."We probably should get back downstairs."He muttered.
Harry relaxed into the other his eyes closed a little wrapping his arms tightly around him. "eh, Draco's raping Fred anyway." he mumbled softly. "we have a moment of peace.. just..hold me alright?" he asked hopefully gripping the others shirt. "i need to feel that you care." he admitted softly gently kissing Adrien's neck. "i'm so glad, you didn't laugh." he admitted softly holding him tightly. "just promise me...that you will never leave me hanging onto a broken relationship." he pleaded softly. "if you lose interest in me...please tell me so that i won't be hurt when you go to someone else."
Adrien shifted, leaning back against the counter, holding him tightly. Bristling a little at the idea that he'd be moving on. Though he wasn't sure where this was going, he disliked the assumption that he'd be moving on. "I DO care.And I wont."He muttered shuddering under Harry's lips, shivering a little as he ran a hand up and down harry's back,shifting a little as his pants tightened at the kiss.
Harry snorted a little. "everyone always moves on." he whispered softly biting gently at the others neck before sighing and sliding off the others lap turning to look at the door. "..someones at the door..." he stated calmly his eyes suddenly completely serious. "stay here." he ordered softly as he summoned his wand with a snap of his fingers, the entire house suddenly falling silent even of Fred's moans and Georges soft grunts of pleasure, they had noticed the intruder too.
Adren growled softly as he straightened, easing the bathroom door open."Go. I'm coming with you."he said, his voice cold and emotionless, unlike the man from minues before. Glancing at harry as he looked around, Dragonheartless in those eyes, and promised a painful and early grave for whoever dared interrupt his moment with his boyfriend.
Harry shook his head a little waving Adrien back. "don't let them see you." he whispered suddenly flinging something over the Dragonheartless. Harry's invisibility cloak, "don't come out unless it turns out to be a threatening situation." he whispered softly. "we don't want certain people knowing your with me now do we!? that would end very badly for the both of us." he admitted inching to the door as someone finally knocked.
Adrien scowled before staying where he was under the invisiblity cloak, disliking the idea of not being able to help Harry, wondering where the twins and draco was. If he couldn't be with Harry, they could. he gritted his teeth as he struggled to obey the command to stay put.
there was a soft pressure at Adrien's elbow and a soft whisper. "calm down." it was Fred! "Harry's not alone here, if it's someone dangerous Draco will have them Cursed before Harry even gets a scratch, you can't see him but he's standing right next to harry." he whispered gently stepping away from the other to focus on the door as harry yanked the door open and paused blinking. "yes...Goyle?." Harry stated his eyes fixed on the Death eater who held out a letter to Harry a smirk on his lips. "an invitation to my Masters Ball. he's celebrating his victory." harry didn't even wait to hear the rest, he just slammed the door in the others face setting the letter on the floor and stepping away from it, staring at it. clearly waiting for an explosion or...something.
Adrien calmed at Fred's words before baring his teeth in a snarl at the idea of harry getting invited to teh ball. But staying put, because he didn't knwo if it was safe to take it off yet, he waited for harry to say somehig."....open it. They're not spelled."He said softy, swallowing around the words, knowing what they'd find. A wickedly elegant hand writing those invites...his own. Knowing the seal on the back of hte evenelope was a dragon in midflight, the sweeping wings elegant and yet held a promise of cruelty. So much like the man himself."I wrote those months ago...."He muttered staring at the envelope, wondering what Voldermort was up to.
Harry stared at it and motioned with his hand, Fred's glamor falling off as he flicked his wand at the invitation the envelope falling open to reveal the letter, Georges glamor also falling off as he stared at the letter for a long moment then. "not cursed." he informed and finally harry reached down and picked up the letter, flipping it open running his eyes over the words a scowl on his face. "not going." he stated simply. "i hate parties." Draco laughed a little as he carefully removed an invisibility cloak of his own watching harry. "of course your not going, it's clearly a trap."
"It's a trap. And you guys can't go...I can."Adrien said staring at the letter, already imaging what it would be like."He wants you to go for a reason. I can go."He said staring at the letter and refusing to look at any of the men in the room with him. Knowing that at least to of them would phyiscally injure him to keep him from going, and the other two would probably let him go with smiles on their faces.
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