Dragonheartless moon/lady

"Ohhh, more stew.And bisquits"Adrien said getting himself some, absently running his free hand through Harry's hair, wrapping a arm around his waist as he ate, glancing at Draco."So glad you sitll have the talent....even if you are a little whore he'd screw a dog."He said teasing, absently touching his embarassed boyfriend. Needing the touh, to assure himself Harry wasn't angry. HAving only realized belatedly that he could very well piss off his boyfriend with the game.
Harry flashed Adrien a look and blushed harder and silently began to get his own meal, no he wasn't angry, he was too aroused to be angry. he shivered a little with every touch panting softly Fred wasn't moving, his lips red as Draco did something to him, eating with one hand, the other under the table. harry knew what they where doing, he could feel Fred's foot twitching against his. and he was still hard, so hard. he wanted lunch to be over so he could beg Adrien to fuck him.
Adrien smirked as he wrapped the spell around his hand, holding the feel of barbed wire in his hand which would cause the sensory response of pain without actually doing any damage, smirking as he slid his hand down harry's back, casually sliding a hand into harry's lap as he undid his pants, discussing books and things with George as he slipped a hand into Harry's pants, stroking his still hard cock as he ate and talked, for all the world not appearing to be jerking off his boyfriend. Having long perfected the art of doing something totally different while having sex or doing something sexual. Because it'd been the only way to survive. Smirking as he ate and played with harry, his arm twitching ever so slightly the only hint to what he was doing.
Harry gasped softly his eyes closing as Fred clawed silently at the table, Draco shooting Adrien an amused smirk as his fingers twitched lightly under the table as Harry bucked lightly into the table, gritting his teeth hard his fingernails scraping against the table for a moment as he tried not to make any movement to betray what was happening under the table. only George seamed to be completely oblivious, though how much of that was an act no one knew. Harry bit his lip hard his nostrils flaring as he struggled to restrain himself his cock bobbing in the others hand, so close to an orgasm and struggling to hold it back, because if he came Draco and Fred would know. and harry didn't want to ruin Fred's nice clothes... yeah that was it.
Adrien gave Draco a amused smirk, tightening his grip around Harry's cock as he ate, tilting his head at his old lover."You know, its amazing we survived each other.We're to competitive for our own good."he said smirking, intent on making harry come, turning his head, lips brushing over harry's ear."Come."He growled the words softly, tightening his grip painfully biting down on his lobe.Having relized harry's ears were like his neck.
Draco snickered silently and nodded as Fred gasped, jerking lightly as he struggled to contain himself Harry whimpering biting his lip hard as Adrien's lips brushed his ear, arching as he came like an obediently trained dog, gasping softly as Fred let out a low groan, wet splattering along Adrien's hand from the other side of the table, George laughing. "ANOTHER tie!" he chirped looking FAR too pleased. "well this IS interesting dinner." he teased taking a sip out of his glass Fred beat red, Harry shooting a glare at Adrien. "your gonna pay for this." he warned, face as red as the twins hair trembling lightly from the force of his orgasm. yeah, harry was starting to get annoyed now.
Adrien sighed sofly,"Sorry."he muttered resting his cheek against harry's shoulder, wrapping his arm around him, pulling in against him snugly, trembling ever so slightly. Having realized the man was annoyed, he was nervous and frightened of what he'd done. Sipping his water he kept his eyes on his plate as he finished his food. To well trained to react to Voldermort's violence, that he couldn't help but tremble as he waited for Harry's annoyed reaction. Because he knew Harry was more powerful, and could chain him and leave him vulnerable without magic. While Voldermort could chain him, he'd still had magic. Harry could destroy him.

"I'll pay whatever price."He said trembling a little nuzzling the man's neck, but otherwise not reacting to the growled words.
Harry blinked looking startled at the other before his eyes softened as he leaned into Adrien. "calm down love." he murmured softly shaking his head gently stroking the others wrist. "i won't ever hurt you. i might be similar to Voldemort, but i will never act like him. i won't hurt you for doing things that i like, i won't hurt you when you annoy, or even infuriate me. alright? i'll even take a wizards oath if i have to." he admitted sounding so very serious, Draco and the twins had frozen, staring wide eyed at harry. "if that is what it takes, i will make a wizards oath." he admitted gently touching the others lips. "i love you Adrien."
Adrien swallowed hard as he kissed harry's fingertips, gently biting one."No....you don't have to."He muttered so totally focused on harry he forgot about the others."I'm going to go take a shower. And relax."He muttered kissing him lightly, wiping his hand off on his jeans before quietly slipping back inside. Not even realizing he'd rudely left without saying goodbye. Caught in the memory, he was trying to not sream, or break down. Just wanting the time to himself for a few minutes
Fred flushed hard as he and harry sorted themselves out George snickering a little as they continued eating. when Adrien finally came out of the bathroom it was not Harry who was waiting for him, but George leaning against the wall his emerald green eyes flicking up to meet the others. "i was hoping we could talk." he admitted softly. "about Harry."
Adrien started running his fingers through his still soaked hair, the strands a dark gold waterlogged, his skin still pink from the hot water. Nodding."Fine by me."He said stepping into the guest bedroom across the hall he waited for george to come in before closing the door. Turning to face him, and waiting for him to talk first.
George followed after him and settled cross legged onto the bed staring at Adrien for a long moment then. "Harry won't hurt you Dragon heartless... sorry i don't know your name." he admitted scowling a little. "Draco just keeps calling you Fire Spitter." he admitted flashing the other an amused smirk. "Harry is a very complicated man." he continued,. "he's been betrayed by almost all of the people he's ever cared about, even me and Fred betrayed him once, though it was an accident and we never meant to. harry has a hard time trusting people, and that bastard Wood was Harry's last straw. he just... shut down, started taking suicide missions, started drowning himself in the war. he stopped doing that when he started writing to you." George admitted. "harry would never hurt you,because he can't. he would rather hurt himself then hurt the only person who hasn't betrayed him."
"It's adrien. Or adrien gabriel if I'm not paying attention and you need to snap me out of it."He said, tilting his head, trusting the man with the trust, that he wouldn't abuse his name, because being called Gabriel would startle him enough to snap him awake. Because no one before Harry had ever called him gabriel."But fire spitter works to."he said smirking before nodding, amazed that he'd affected harry with just writing him. When the letters had saved him more then once when he thought about ending it all."I know that....mentally I do. I just can't help the reaction sometimes. Maybe with time...the reaction will fade, I just..."He shrugged helplessly before smiling."And on that pleasant note, is this where you demand that I take care of him?Cause I have a threat to go along with it about draco if it is."He said, smirking, trying to lighten the mood as he opened the door again. Intending to go downstairs.
George grabbed the others shoulder to stop him. "no, no warnings. harry can take care of himself." he admitted. "i just...wanted to thank you." he admitted softly. "harry explained... about..my family." he admitted softly. "i don't know if i can ever truly ever forgive you... but i have to thank you for making it easy on them." he admitted softly giving the shoulder a squeeze, "Voldemort is a horrible, horrible monster. i don't even want to imagine the things that...thing, has done to you...if you ever need to talk, come over to Draco's place anytime, it's the Dragons Den." he informed him smiling a little. "Draco and i will always be willing to listen...Fred has the attention span of a flea though so he'll probably get bored and wander off." he admitted cracking a rather feeble joke.
Adrien smirked a little."Not if Draco's hands down his pants."He smiled weakly before nodding."I might take you up on that sometime....there's just some horrors I wont tell harry. Or draco."He winced at the memory of the blond's evil bitchress of a mother. Smiling slightly."We better go down and make sure Draco's not torturing fred anymore."He said smiling wider as he slipped out of the man's hold, heading downstairs. Smirking a little as he searched for the other three.
Harry was screaming, sounding pissed, he was red faced a look of rage on his face as he yelled furiously at a shocked Fred and a smug looking Draco. it was very apparent as to why harry was yelling, concsidering harry was soaking wet, covered in feathers, and had a 'capfull' of pudding sitting on his head. George gaped for a moment and then sighed and shook his head. "Flog im Harry." George demanded. "smacking Draco upside the head. "didn't i tell you to behave dammit!?" now Draco looked properly chastised, harry snarling a little as he glared at the blond. "Adrien!" Harry demanded rounding on the Dragonheartless pointing at Draco. "Sic em!" as if Adrien was a dog...
Adrien growled the friendliness in his eyes from moments before fading at the sight of his boyfriend so pissed, stalking over to the blond, curling his fingers around draco's neck that just promised to be cruel, letting the fire spell wrap around his hand, just enough to burn Draco slightly but not cause any real harm."Leave him alone."He growled looking down into the blond's grey eyes, no hint of adrien in those cold cold eyes, only Dragonheartless, a man who wouldn't think twice about serving Draco's heart to harry on a platter if he asked.
Draco looked startled and so did harry, George and Fred tensed visibly until harry gently set his hand on Adrien's wrist. "i mean dump him in the pond." harry mumbled softly, looking a little nervous. "Gabriel..." he muttered softly touching the others cheek. "let Draco go ok?" he asked softly Draco gripping Adrien's wrist tightly Fred and George moving forward to try and tug Draco free.
Adrien tensed at the touch, fighting the instinct to injure dracp for upsetting Harry before pulling his hand away, shoving the blond away from him, horror and pain in his eyes."sorry."He muttered before backing out of the room. Practically running upstairs in the bedroom, and hiding there. Shutting the door as he sank to the floor, resting his head on his knees. Feeling horrible about threatening his friend, and a man he'd once loved. It was a horrible feeling, his heart breaking a little as he cried softly.
Harry and the twins swallowed hard before Draco and Harry followed after Adrien Fred and George deciding to head home early, so that Draco and Harry could have their time calming Adrien down. Draco went in first, gently knocking on the door and striding in, his neck already healed by Fred as he settled down next to Adrien, silent for a long moment then. Adrien, you need to be more patient with yourself. your still recovering, you can't expect for everything to just fix itself overnight. it will take a long time for you to stop reacting the way you do. no one blames you for it, and no one hates you for it, so you need to stop hating yourself as well, because if you don't, you'll never get better.
Adrien trembled a little, closing his eyes."But I do hate myself. There's just so much....I shouldn't have done. I've already hurt you Dray, I could have done some serious damage."He shuddered a little swallowing hard. Knowing he was being hard on himself, but feeling bad anyways. Not willing to take the comfort because it'd been so long since someone'd cared enough to offer it, he found it hard to accept. He swallowed hard, needing to tell Draco part, of why he'd reacted before he'd thought it through,"....your mother treated me like a well heeled dog for months.So when harry said sic I reacted, on instict because she'd treated me like attack dog."He shuddered a little, shifting to rest his head on Draco's shoulder.Regretting telling him a moment later, but another heart wound healing some at admitting it. Even if he knew he was hurting the blond, he felt better with sharing.
Draco listened silently a strange look in his eyes as he mentioned his mother. she used to do that to Father too. and me, we where to obey at all times. sometimes she'd take a green branch from the willow outside, and she'd strike it across my back until i was bruised. she was a horrid bitch, even my father admits it. she used to use Imperio on my father when he started 'falling out of line'. Draco admitted shaking his head as he took the others hand and held it tightly, offering comfort. when the time comes, i'll be holding a willow branch in hand so that i can make her suffer the way she made me and my father suffer. he sounded so...hateful. Draco had never sounded Hateful before, not even when he'd been in school, or when Voldemort had taken over Malfoy Manor.
"I'll be there to help."Adrien said shifting to wrap his arms around the man, sighing softly."Your mother is a evil bitch. Truly."He muttered trying to forget those weeks he'd been chained like a dog forced to sleep on the ground, eating out of a bowl, and kill narcissa's enemies. Sighing softly he trailed a hand over Draco's side."I missed you."he said nuzzling the man's neck, shifting a little, hearing his boyfriend waiting out in the hall."How long do you think he'll stay out there?"He said, wondering if harry had been listening. Disliking the idea because he didn't want to have harry thinking of him as week, and knowing he'd probably take george up on the offer to talk.
Draco smiled a little and turned to the door, holding a silent conversation with Harry, when Harry's voice filtered through the door. "Adrien, i'm going to go for a walk." he chirped, forcing himself to sound cheerful. "if you.." there was a long pause and surprise fluttered across Draco's face. "if you need to get... intimate, with Draco, please make sure it's.. it's done with...before i get back ok?" Harry was willing to let Adrien have an affair. now THAT was love. Draco rolled his eyes though and shook his head looking amused. he only says that because he knows in the end, were both going to go back to who we belong with. Draco admitted flashing Adrien a playful smirk, though there was no lust in those gray orbs yet.
Adrien pitched the blond's arm."I...I will."Adrien said sounding surprised at the idea of Harry letting him have a affair."Its not fair qouting my own words back at me."he pinched the other man's arm, looking at Draco.What did he say to you? he thought the question to draco, sending the thought burst to keep it private, torn between the two. Because he wanted, needed and loved harry, yet Draco was his unfinished business, almost needing the closure of one last time to end it. Looking sad, torn up, and confused as he looked at the blond, biting his lip. Wanting nothing more then to get up and let Harry in

."Harry?"He asked after a moment, wondering if he was still out there. More then anything, more then he needed closure with Draco, he needed harry. his heart breaking at the idea of cheating on harry, even if he had permission. Gently cupping the blond's face in his hands, gently stroking his skin, biting his lip. Because Draco was the man who's 'death' had broken him, he had a feeling that to start healing more then he already was, he needed to do this...yet....harry.

He swallowed hard, staring at the blond in front of him, tears trembling on his eyelashes, slowly falling from his eyes. So very torn, biting his lip as he looked at the blond sitting next to him. Love and confusion showing on his face before he looked at the door. Waiting for them both to answer his questions. Needing to know that if he did this, if he sought to find closure, some healing in the blond's arms for a moment, that he wouldn't be turned away. The fear showing on his face, the fear and the pain because he could see voldermort being the cruel, as to punish him for something he'd been told to do. It'd happened before. Yet...harry wasn't voldermort...and he trusted the brunette. Yet the gut reaction to this,was to turn away.

Trembling as he wrapped his arms around himself, confusion, pain, and submission in every line of his body as he waited for answers.
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