Dragonheartless moon/lady

Harry grabbed Adrien's wrist suddenly and locked a bracelet around it a long silver chain attached to it, Adrien's magic suddenly dimmed away leaving him useless, or nearly so, and the silver chain had attached itself to the floor Draco looking amused the twins looking startled. "uh...Harry you just." "shut up!" harry snapped at them, rage in his voice and they cringed and nodded, more than ready to obey harry when he was in a 'mood'. "your not going." harry ordered Adrien. "i'll 'clip your wings' if that's what it takes to keep you from going." he stated simply. "for now that bracelet and chain will keep you here."
Adrien snarled, relieved that he didn't have to go, but hating to be ordered not to do it. Snarling he jerked his wrist, pulling at his hand as he reached out, pulling harry against him, anger showing in his eyes, not willing to let it hurt that Harry'd clip his wings for this. Not liking that he could. Fear making him shudder for a moment, the emotion showing on his face as he snarled."Let me go."He said, meaning from the chain, not to the party. Snarling as he let his fear feed the anger.
Harry snarled back and suddenly slapped Adrien hard across the face, tears in those emerald green eyes. "i tell you i love you, and the first thing you do afterwords is ask to go and get yourself killed!" he yelled at Adrien's face, his own fear showing, fear that Adrien would go...and die. "Your not going! even if i have to fight until i'm dead to keep you here!" the twins and Draco where gaping at harry now looking astonished and shocked and they slowly started backing away, wanting to give them privacy, hoping that harry wouldn't notice them and turn his temper on them instead.
Adrien snarled,"I didn't mean that, I said Id go before I thought better of it.!I meant let me go. I'm not going."HE said, fear and begging in the tone. Fear because unlike the night before, he couldn't break this shackle without doing serious arm to himself."Harry please. Don't keep me chained."He said sinking to his knees when the man didn't answer, his shoulders rounded as he waited. Pain and submission in the motion, his pride and will shattering under pain as he remembered times, moments where he'd been shackled, bound to a man he longed to kill, bound phyisally close to his abuser. Trembling ever so slightly as the house faded from his view, all he could see was Voldermort's bedroom within Malfoy Mano, feel the pain ripping through him from the shackle.
Harry looked startled and the chain and bracelet faded away as harry dropped to his knees dragging Adrien into his arms, holding him tight but gentle stroking his hair. "i'm sorry." he whispered softly. "i'm sorry i forgot." he whispered gently kissing the others neck again. "i didn't mean to hurt you." he promised the twins watching with baffled eyes. they hadn't realized that someone like the dragonheartless could be so...broken. "man..." Fred muttered softly. "two broken people in a relationship...i don't think that's going to end well." he admitted softly Draco shrugging. it will be fine, they have what each other needs.
Adrien trembled in his arms as he pressed his face into Harry's chest, tears shimmering softly on his face as he fought the memories, swallowing hard after a few minutes, shifting a little to hide his face in Harry's neck, closing his eyes."What are you staring at?Don't we have a dinner to eat."he said scowling, though their were tears in his voice, but he sounded serious. And he was trying to hold off the memories even though he knew he'd be screaming that night in his dreams, he needed to not do this now, not in front of two men who hated him.
Harry gently kissed his lovers forehead the twins still staring then. "we forgive you." they chorused suddenly. "we can't speak for out father," "but we at least, forgive you." they promised turning away and heading into the kitchen harry sighing as he shook his head, gently stroking the others hair away from his face. "i'm sorry Adrien.. i overreacted." he whispered softly. "i'm sorry..."
"It's fine. Don't worry about it."Adrien said with a fragile looking smile, sounding so sure, so whole except for the smile. A broken child looking out a grown man's eyes, he sighed softly as he pushed away from harry after a few minutes, not saying anything about his breakdown. Knowing he'd need it later, knowing he'd need the comfort later he didn't take it now. Standing he smirked though it was a little off."Think they'd forgive me if I flirted with Draco?"He said before he thought better of it, gently kissing harry as he wiped his face off."Not that I'm going to but..."He shrugged helpign Harry up.
Harry smiled a little and gently took the others hand. "go ahead and flirt with Draco." he murmured softly. "i think i understand your guys relationship a little bit now." he admitted nodding. "but try not to touch him too much okay? then i might get jealous anyway." he admitted gently licking the others tears away smirking a bit. "they don't mind much in any case, Draco flirts with EVERYONE."he admitted rolling his eyes. "and does it on purpose too so George will punish him."
Adrien pouted a little taking comfort in the touches, and the idea of doing something familiar. of flirting with draco,because it was something normal."Draco!I have permission to flirt. Where are you you little slut?"He said smirking as he headed for the kitchen. The mask firmly back in place and he had no intention of letting himself fall apart agan anytime soon.
Harry laughed a little and smiled, looking relieved that Adrien was at least Acting normal as he followed after the other The twins laughing as Draco bounded over like an excited puppy at the word 'food' oh really? well now mayhaps i might even talk your lover into letting me have at that fine ass of yours? harry outright laughed at this, almost hysterically. "as if you could Draco! Adrien doesn't bottom!" he admitted laughing again. "just ask my poor sore ass!" oh Adrien how could you!? have you forgotten MY hot tight ass so soon!? "Draco, your ass is as loose as you are." Harry taunted smirking. harry and Draco still seamed to enjoy picking on each other too.
Adrien laughed smirking,"I'm sorry Dray, but he's a much better bottom. He lets me do whatever I want, and does as I ask.Instead of flirting with everything that comes near him. Including my dog."Adrien said looking deadly serious as he looked at the blond, setting the table for dinner.
Draco sulked a little and pouted hard. well your dog was cute. besides we ALL know harry doesn't do a THING you tell him too, he's a stubborn jackass. "damn straight i am, ONE of us has to have self respect." harry taunted flashing a smirk at Draco, Fred choking on a glass of water he'd been drinking as George burst into laughter. "anyway were going to eat out in the garden." harry admitted grinning a little. "it's better eating out in the sunlight."
Adrien relaxed even more heading outside, enjoying the feel of the sun on his face as he sat atthe table, smirking at Draco."The dog was ugly. You know he was ugly. And so was that witch you felt up at the last death eaters gathering you attended. She was so ugly I didn't even want to get close enough to torture her."He said smirking a little more himself as he let the sun warm his skin, letting it warm his heart to, even knowing that night would bring dreams, he was enjoyng this.
Draco laughed silently and shook his head. i wasn't pretty then he stated simply giving his long hair a flip. i couldn't afford to be picky, but now i am a god and i get good looking fellows like Fred and George. "Aww malfoy that was almost sweet." Fred teased Harry snickering a little as he shook his head. "he just wants to get laid." "yeah, he ALWAYS wants to get laid." "but that works because I always want to get laid." George growled smirking at Draco who smirked back and licked along his middle finger seductively, winking at George Harry pretending to gag.
Adrien smirked as he leaned towards his boyfriend, lips brushing over his ear."Can I screw with him please?Put the man whore in his place?"He said fingers trailing along harry's thigh, fingers clamping down hard as he waited for a answer, cold, oh so cold in that touch. Smirking as gave the blond a sidelong look across the table, really wanting to see how wound up he could make the blond before he admitted defeat and that Adrien was just better at the torture seduction.
Draco lifted an eyebrow as harry gasped blushing hard as he tried to move Adrien's hand away. "a..adrien not in front of people." he hissed softly, but his cock had become Firm and the twins smirked. "don't listen to him." they chorused. "Harry loves it when people watch." they admitted snickering. "we've never been allowed to touch but we did get to watch once." they admitted smirking at Draco who was glaring at Adrien grabbing Fred George laughing. "i get to be the judge!" he chirped. "first one to make their slit beg wins!" "what!? no!" Fred protested, harry too speechless to do anything at all.
Adrien snarled sofly as his hand tightened, fire in the touch."You let them watch?"He asked dangerously, his lips brushing over the man's ear before he bit down, his free hand sliding down Harry's arm, catching both wrists in a steely grip as he pinned the man's hands to the table, his palm burning like fire as his fingers burned with cold."Beg."He ordered tighteing his grip as he slid his hand up, cupping the man in his hand, letting the feel of the fire, of the pain witout actually burning him play across the man's cock.
Harry groaned at the other shuddering a little. "j..just o..once, back in s..s..school." he gasped breathlessly George snickering as Fred moaned by something that Draco was doing the red head shaking his head hard at the order to beg. Harry gasped and moaned at the flames in hand jerking against the other his face crossing with pain and please. "Adrien." Harry gasped tossing his head back bucking into the others hand. "n..nng!" harry wouldn't beg! never! not in front of the twins and Draco! poor Fred was thinking the same thing. they where going to have a lot of work ahead of them.
Adrien smirked as he leaned back, sitting casually in his chair as he cast, letting the fire bonds slide over harry's body, binding him to the spot as he tangled his fingers in Harry's hair, jerking his head back in a painful angle as he kissed him harshly, cruelty and pain in that kiss."Beg."He said again, sinking his teeth into harry's lower lip."Otherwise I will be gentle and caring for a week."He said pulling his hair harder as he slid a hand into the man's pants, gently stroking him, a teasing touch with nothing more then the warmth of his skin.
Harry gasped arching into the hair Yank George whistling, impressed as Fred cried out in pleasure at the other end, tears springing into his eyes as he trembled, his lips moving as if he was about to beg, but Fred hadn't broken yet.. harry had. "no.. no please." harry pleaded bucking into the others hand. "not that, please. Adrien please." he pleaded, he BEGGED panting hard his face bright red from the humiliation, which only made his cock twitch again. "please... hard... do it hard."
"later."Adrien said kissing hiim slowly, smiling as he pulled away."Patience is a virtue....and this is revenge for last night."A smirk played over his face as he looked at george, a superior look on dragonheartless's face as he waited to be declared winner. Glancing across the table to see what Draco was doing.
Draco was stroking along Fred's legs the Weasley's mouth opening and closing as he jerked and writhed in the others grip panting hard, too aroused to even talk! Harry panting blushing hard as he watched Draco tormenting Fred, a wet stain suddenly visible in the red heads pants George whistling. "well, since it was a begging contest Adrien won... but damn Draco you didn't even touch his dick, that's just cruel." Draco shot Adrien a smug smirk, looking so proud of himself as Fred pressed his burning face into the table. "i am...gonna..kill you all." he complained, ashamed at having cum in his pants and rather enjoying the humiliation.
Adrien smirked, raising his eyebrows at Draco, tilting his head as he brushed his lips over Harry's ear, tugging the lobe between his teeth biting down."Come for me."He growled the order, not to be outdone. Really, him and Draco were like five year olds who needed to prove who was the strongest bully on the block. Fingers tangling in harry's hair as he jerked his head back."Beg as you come, and make it soud good. Maybe I'll even touch you tonight."Adrien said, smirking, just as smug for making the proud self controlled golden boy beg him.
Harry groaned jerking lightly against the ear bite flushing hard as he did was ordered feeling rather humiliated and aroused and needy a whimper of need falling from his lips, it was all he could manage of a Beg George laughing a little. "i think we'd call this a tie." he admitted snickering a little looking amused as harry panted hard his eyes fixed on the table Fred coughing in embarrassment, George and Draco smirking at the two embarrassed little ukes. "so, whats for eats?" George finally asked pulling the lid off the pots.
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