Jugger x Sippie

"Just around the corner from the restaurant." She huffed, her senses on high alert for any shrieks, grunts or howls. There were a few still wandering the streets, but most of the horde had moved on. Hopefully.
"Then lets g-" He was cut off as he turned around to the sound of feet stomping on the ground. His eyes went wide as he tried to duck out the way but was grabbed by a rushing Charger that rammed through Zoey, throwing her to the side as it crashed into a wall. It began to slam Nathan down as he cried for help and began to hit the thing's head with the pipe, which wasn't doing much.
Zoey rolled on the ground for a moment before she crashed into a group of metal trash cans. Cursing loudly at the pain, she stood quickly and turned in the direction the special Infected had charged. "Nathan!" She screamed, adrenaline coursing through her system so fast she could hear the blood rushing in her ears. She gripped the hilt of her sword in her hands as she ran towards the zombie slamming the man into the ground. She jumped into the air with a loud cry, burying the sword in its back.
The charger growled as it tossed Nathan into some trash cans before turned to the girl to attack her, the sword had pierced through its spine but because of the way it was built, did not need it and the sword was stuck inside its body.
Zoey quickly let go of the sword, rolling onto her feet once she hit the ground. Her eyes widened in horror as the thing tossed Nathan into the very trash cans she had just left and turned towards her. The sight of her weapon lodged in its spine only served to make it more terrifying. She quickly unholstered her SMG and fired a barrage of bullets into its face. It collapsed to the ground as its fist closed around her body.

"Nathan!" Zoey ran over and crouched down beside him, rolling him onto his back.
He grumbled a bit as he opened his eyes, the first sight being Zoey. He smiled as he was still in a daze before remembering she just fired gunshots. He shot up and looked around as a howl or two could already be heard. "Crap, we need to hurry now or else we'll be facing a horde. Lets find that gunshop and make it into a safehouse." He said as he picked up the metal pipe. "Lets go, lead the way, don't worry about me right now."
Zoey narrowed her eyes at him, wondering if he was really okay. As the howls got closer she decided that she couldn't afford to worry about him. She ran back tot he charger, struggling slightly to pull the sword out of its back, then quickly led the way to the pawn shop.
When they arrived to the pawnshop, it couldn't be anytime sooner as a hunter dropped down behind Nathan before he slammed the door shut and immediately went to barricading it with the nearby soda fountain. He slumped against it, sighing a breath of relief. "That...was close."
Zoey stood a few feet behind Nathan, doubled over and panting. "I've been in and out of Center City for two weeks and I haven't come across this many of those bastards." She stood up straight as she caught her breath. "Something has lured them back." Zoey took the health kit off her back and placed it on the dusty counter, then placed her sword and guns beside it.
He panted hard before shaking his head. "This is actually minor compared to what my old group used to face. But I'm glad you were there to help me, that charger would've killed me quicker than anything else out there...minus a tank." He said smiling to her as he walked around the pawn shop, moreover checking it for no lingering zombies that might've dwelled in before they had got there. He found the back exit, which was good to note for later as he returned. "Room's clear but it looks like this place has been looted the hell out of."
"That's just it though. You were in a group. Maybe there really are more survivors out there?" She said, her heart slowly filling with hope which was just as dangerous as have one's face ripped off by a Hunter. "Maybe we'll run into other people on the way to that military base you mentioned?" She moved until she was standing beside him and looking around at the thinned out inventory. "Please tell me they didn't take all the silencers and laser sights."
"If not we'll have to make makeshift silencers...using soda cans." He said looking over to the vending machine he used to barricade the door with. "Lets hope its still got at least a soda or two in. Anywho..." He looked around and sighed. "Cleared out. Maybe they've got some stuff in storage but...meh...Lets rest here for a bit...maybe the night, it was a long, quiet trek here until that last bit of zombies we found." He said as he hopped up off the counter. "At least there's more room here, right?" He said chuckling a bit.
Zoey smiled weakly. The thought of laying next to him again made her heart beat nervously. Why though? Maybe he would be wary of her touching him again. Maybe he didn't want to be anywhere near her. Oh God, was she attracted to him? She'd already told him that she liked having him around, but this was just weird. He hadn't expressed any uncomfortable feelings, so she maybe she should just let it go. Okay then. "I'll go find some place to rest." She said, knocking softly on the counter with her knuckles before pushing herself away from it and walking away.
"There's some supplies in the back. I'll rummage through, maybe there's some food or something." He said as he went back into storage for food, weapons, ammo, and possible sleeping/makeshift sleeping materials. "Hey...I found a sleep bag if you want it." He said as he came out with a rolled sleeping bag. He noticed it had a zipper on it. "Hey...I think this is one of those sleeping bags that can open up into a blanket or a sleeping mat."
Zoey found an area that looked like it had been used as living quarters. There was no bed or anything, but there was a rectangular area on the ground that was less dusty than the surrounding floorboards. She turned around and went back to report her findings to Nathan, who held up a sleeping bag as she turned the corner. "I found an empty room upstairs." She hitched her thumb in the direction she had just come from.
"Alrighty then." He said smiling as he walked over, handing the rolled up sleeping bag to her. "I'll sleep out here then." He turned and moved over to the counter of the pawnshop before laying down on it, though the counter was barely large enough to actually function as a bed for him as he had to rest his arms on his body while he slept, otherwise they'd just dangle down.
Zoey could feel the crinkle between her brows as she made a face. "Why? Are you feeling weird about this morning?" She cursed inwardly, knowing that the not talking about it could only last but so long.
"Hm?" He looked over to her upon hearing her speak of the incident that morning. "No, I'm not feeling weird. I just thought maybe you'd like your own space rather than having a cramped up area to sleep in like back in the safe house." He said smiling to her. "Though if you want me to, I can always lay with you like this morning, you seemed to like having me closeby, especially when you were asleep. Before I woke up to find you the way you were on top of me, I saw you had gotten a lot closer to me anyway while you were sleeping, you also seemed happy, so I didn't wake you."
Zoey smiled slightly when he spoke. It seemed like she wasn't the only one feeling a bit weird, in a conflictingly good way, about what had happened. Maybe it was just her. Probably. Whatever. "We'll decide who is sleeping where when it's time to go to sleep."

Now that the adrenaline levels in her body were back to normal, her temperature regulated and she realized that she was covered in sweat and zombie blood. "Oh, dear God. We're filthy." She remarked as she looked up at Nathan. Her stomach had been rumbling furiously, but just then it became quiet. "I desperately need a shower."

With that Zoey turned and walked away, pulling her tank top over her head as she left the room in search of a bathroom. Hopefully there was still running water. She could feel her heart soar at the thought of a hot shower.
Nathan watched her walk away, even to the point where he saw her upper body in nothing but a bra from the backside before she left the room. "Some kind of girl..." He said to himself before he looked down to see he was covered in blood as well. The stench finally got to him slightly, but it wasn't as strong a stench as it should have been. He was used to the smell. standing up, he took his shirt off and tossed it in a corner as he sat back against the counter of the pawn shop, listening to the moans and rants of the zombies outside. "Meh...We're probably going to die sooner or later with just the two of us...but..." He looked to where she had left. "I hope I cherish these moments before I die."
Zoey wandered through what she know thought had to have been the apartment of the former pawnshop owners. She found a bathroom near the end of the hall. It was small, but there was a rectangular standing shower inside. That was all that mattered to her. Zoey stepped inside, started to close the door, then thought better of it and decided not to. Something might happen, and she couldn't chance getting stuck in such a tiny room.

She put her tank top down in the basin of the sink, then began taking off the rest of her clothes. Zoey found a relatively clean, if dusty towel, on a shelf. She put her pistol down on the toilet seat, making sure it was within arm's distance of the transparent glass sliding shower door. She reached inside and turned the different knobs until the slightly rusted showerhead sputtered to life. Zoey continued fiddling with the knobs until the water was hot enough to burn the scent and feel of vanquished zombies off of her skin.

Zoey washed her skin, and then her hair. She tried to ignored the images of her straddling Nathan that flashed before her when she closed her eyes, but that didn't make them go away. Zoey sighed as she turned around and lifted her face to the spray of hard water.

She had to admit, to herself at least, that for whatever reason she found herself drawn to Nathan. Maybe it was because she was so glad to be in the company of someone with a pulse. Maybe because he wasn't a panicky good-for-nothing like Louis had originally been, old like Bill, or pervy like Francis. He was something new, and she liked that. Did she mention that he was alive?

Zoey decided not to think about it anymore. She shook her head and pushed her thoughts aside as she opened the glass door enough to grab her clothes, then washed them, and then got out.
Nathan sat back against the safe, metal door that held the zombies out of the safe house. He clutched the shotgun he had found in his hands and began to listen quietly, as well as think and relax. Today was...stressful to him since the morning he saw Zoey atop of him. He began to have lewd thoughts about her in his head as he began to doze off, but eventually his head shot up when he heard the shower turn off. Yawning, he placed the shotgun down and laid down behind the counter of the pawn shop. When she'd walk in, she wouldn't be able to see him...but he was simply sleeping soundly.
Zoey hung her clothes up to dry, wrapped the towel tightly around her body, grabbed her gun, and made her way back to the room wearing nothing but the aforementioned towel and her boots. She didn't spend nearly half an hour in the shower only to be plagued by dusty wooden floors. She ran her fingers through her hair as she walked through the doorway, into an empty room.

"Nathan?" Zoey dropped her hands, and turned around towards the hallway. "Nathan?" Zoey lifted the gun as she crept down the hall, checking every room until she got to the stairs. He was nowhere in sight. "Nathan?" She raised her voice, her heart starting to pound in her chest. Who needed adrenaline shots when it spiked as much as hers did?

She slowly crept down the stairs and back into the safe room. Still no sign of him. "What the fuck?" Did he leave? That seemed unlike him. Then, on a second thought, she realized she didn't know him well enough to be making such assumptions. "Nathan?!"
Upon hearing the last name being called, Nathan finally got up from behind the counter and grumbled. "What is it? What?" He murmured to her as he rubbed the back of his head. He didn't know that she was so worried about him...and he was too tired to really think about why she was calling him in the first place. Given if he were wide awake, he'd have known she wouldn't have seen him behind the counter. Going around it, he walked over to her and yawned as he spoke to her. "Whats wrong Zo? Did something happen?" He said before he started to sniff. He held his nose and looked at her. "You may be clean...but your clothes still reek of zombie, girl." He teased.
Zoey felt her face heat up at her own stupidity. She still had abandonment issues, issues she thought she'd conquered after the deaths of Louis, Francis, and Bill. Cursing at herself inside, she smiled outwardly and looked down at the only zombie smelling clothing she was wearing, her shoes.

"Didn't want my clean feet covered in dust." She put the lowered the gun and stared at him, realizing that he didn't have a shirt on. His other clothes, however, still carried zombie taint. "It may not be me that you're smelling. The shower's free." She grinned and stepped out of his way, waving her gun toting arm in the direction of the stairs.
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