Jugger x Sippie

And the crowd had heard the crash and began too howl, signaling the presence of those unlike them. Nathan grabbed Zoey's hand and began to run. "Run! Don't look back!" He said as he made for a door on the other side of the building that would head down into the building.
Zoey could almost hear the adrenaline pumping in her veins as she held onto Nathan for dear life, following him across the roof and into the building. God, there were so many stairs. At least they were going down instead of having to run up. Even the sound of their footsteps on the metal stairs couldn't drown out the howls of the Infected as they hunted their next meal.
"Keep going, keep going! That marker on the wall said a safe room up ahead, go go go!" He yelled to Zoey as he descended down the stairs quicker and quicker. On the last few bits of stairs, he nearly stumbled as he made a U-turn to open the safe room door. The infected could already be heard descending down the stairs from the top after breaking down the door.
Zoey had to stifle a curse as she heard the Infected infiltrate the building. She followed Nathan, damn near on his heels as they ran towards the safe room. Thank God for the people who had tried to hold this building against the Infected and their wisdom in establishing a safe room. She darted into the safe room, pulling Nathan in behind her before she slammed the door shut and secured the lock.
Nathan slumped against the wall with a sigh of relief. He looked at her, then to the safe room door before letting out a small laugh. "What a rush...hahaha...can you check around...the place for weapons of sorts? Theres usually some in the safe rooms...I haven't ran that hard for the longest."
Safe rooms were usually dimly lit, so she actually had to search around for weapons and health kits. She moved slowly, trying to catch her breath as she headed towards the back of the room. Her pelvis connected with the edge of a table. Zoey reached out and touched something cool and metallic. She closed her hand around it and cursed as a blade cut through her flesh. "Found weapons." She said, picking the weapon by the blade. Was it a sword? Where the hell were those people able to get a sword? "I found a sword. A sword." She shook her head in disbelief.
"A sword? Thats good, melee weapons are quiet...look, if we're traveling together there's some stuff you need to know. For instance...we only use guns against special infected, the melee are for regular zombies. We have to conserve ammo, its been a month and the world is taken in by the zombies...I'm pretty sure most survivors used up clip after clip of ammo, so we have to keep ammo as long as we can."
Zoey knew that made sense, but she was so good at using guns. They made her feel safe. Maybe because she'd been practically surrounded by them since birth. "Alright." She leaned against the edge of the table and looked in his direction, her eyes almost completely adjusted to the almost nonexistent light. "I think we should sleep here. Give the zombies time to forget about us." That sounded like a good enough reason besides the fact that she was exhausted, having only slept for two hours the last time she was actually able to fall asleep.
"Okay but...where to sleep at? This place is too cramped and the bathroom is definitely a no..." He looked around as he began to move some stuff around, some of it being used to barricade the door they came in from. He made a little more room, but it still was kind of cramped for a place to sleep in rather than sit around in. "Well, you go ahead and sleep. I'll...sit on the table and lean against the wall, maybe I'll fall asleep."
"Watch out." She said, pulling his arm and moving him out of the way. She moved the weapons and ammo off the table, arranging them neatly and safely in a corner. Then she moved the table until it was secured against the wall with its legs facing outward. There wasn't much more space, but there was enough for her to lay down. And him, if he so chose. "You're always welcome to lay with me." She offered, not bothering to put much thought into her words. "It'd be nice to feel another body next to mine after all this." She stripped off her jacket so that she was wearing a black tank top and relatively baggy jeans before she laid down on the floor, using her balled up jacket as a pillow.
Nathan's jaw dropped just the slightest bit upon hearing her. He was about to say something, but he shut his mouth and shook the feeling away. He knew he had to get a good rest otherwise he'd just slow the two of them down when they'd wake up. "A-Alright then..." He stuttered as he saw her use her clothing as a pillow. He laid down on the floor and tried to give her room to sleep and that their bodies weren't touching as they lay. He seemed relatively comfortable, though the table poking into his side as he lay there wasn't too comfortable.
Zoey smiled as she noticed how he was trying to give her her space, and she was grateful for that. She had grown to nearly resent Francis for his repeated attempts to get into her pants. Soon her smile faded as she drifted into a shallow slumber. In her sleep she rolled over and curled her body against his, instinctively attracted to the warmth of his body.
Nathan had stayed awake that night, paranoid that those zombie freaks might actually somehow break through the safe room door and devour them in their slumber, but upon feeling Zoey curl her body against his, he blushed a bit and seemed to relax some more. He didn't push her away or pull her closer, her just laid there relaxing even more as time went on until he fully fell asleep. During his sleep, he turned over and faced her.
Zoey didn't know how long she slept, but when she woke up she actually felt rejuvenated. She opened her eyes slowly and saw that Nathan had turned to face her. She smiled to herself, thinking he looked so peaceful as he slept. She stared at him as she sat up slowly, not wanting to disturb him while he slept. She wondered how he would feel if she decided to play the "man role" and cop a feel while he was out of it. She stifled a laugh at the thought and decided to rest a bit more, laying down on her side so that she was facing him.

Though she had laughed, dirty images continued to play in her mind. She bit the corner of her lip as she lifted her leg and slid closer, gently draping her leg over his hip. She wondered if he could feel anything in his sleep as she lifted his arm and laced it across her side.
Nathan shuffled a slight bit as he felt her leg rest over his hips. He mumbled something in his sleep that was inaudible, yet obvious it wasn't of importance as it seemed like gibberish. His hand moved from laying in front of him to resting on his side, his palm on her leg. He still slept through this, though he might wake up if this went on.
Zoey gasped, laying absolutely still until she was sure that he was still asleep. He was a deeper sleeper than she was. She prided herself on being able to jump awake at the slightest stimuli. It was part of how she'd survived so long. Now curious to see how far this could go before he woke up, she moved his arm until he was laying on his back with her leg draped across his pelvis. She lifted herself up carefully and slid over him until she was straddling him. "Nathan?" She whispered so softly she barely heard herself.
(Gotta go, talk to you tomorrow)

Nathan did not move other than when she moved him. HE still seemed to be sleeping like an elephant until he heard the noise, which caused his eyes to shot open. He woke easiest to sound, rather than physical contact. His eyes focused into view as he saw that Zoey was on him, which made him blush and go wide eyed as he looked at her. "W-What're you...?"
"I'm sorry!" Zoey slid off and stood up, scooping her jacket off the ground and putting it back on. Her body screamed in protest- she had gone that far, she might as well have gone all the way. She took her hair out of the ponytail and shook her head, allowing her scalp to breathe as she let her hair fall.
Nathan rubbed the back of his head as he looked away from her, feeling a bit embarrassed. He cleared his throat because it clenched up with stress before he looked at her. "No harm done Zoey. No worries...you must've...been sleep walking or something and I woke you up." He said, trying to help calm her a bit.
Zoey made a low grunting sound in the back of her throat as she grabbed the sword and moved to the safe house door to check for any lingering zombies. There were a few milling about in the hallway, but the crowd had dispersed for the most part. They were probably still in the building, but as long as they didn't draw any attention to themselves they should be fine. Contemplating an escape route seemed better than dwelling on her actions. He assumed she'd been sleepwalking or something, so she didn't think anything good could come of her telling him otherwise.

What would she have done if he hadn't reacted the way he did? She wished she'd reacted differently, having wanted to kiss him in the worst way. Was she attracted to him, or did she just want to be touched by something that wasn't trying to eat her flesh? Zoey shook her head to clear her thoughts and turned to Nathan. "I think we should be getting out of here."
Nathan nodded as he stood up. He looked around the room trying to find a weapon, all the while the thought of what had just happened lingered in his mind. He shook it away as he moved over to the table and looked around, the only thing he found was a metal pipe. He shrugged and grabbed it, it was better than nothing and pistol whipping the zombies might damage their guns if it happens too much. He turned to her with a determined look. "Who will lead? Me or you?"
"I think we should still check out that weapon supply at the pawn shop, so I'll lead." She took two of the health kits out of the locker mounted on the wall and tossed one in his direction, then strapped the health kit to her back. She slid the sword carefully between her back and the health kit, snagging the hilt of the weapon on one of the straps. She jumped up and down to make sure she wouldn't lose it while she was running. She grabbed an SMG, checked the clip, reloaded the weapon, and grabbed extra ammunition before doing the same for the pistol she already had.
Nathan walked over to the ammo stack and began to reload his pistol and grabbed a few extra clips as well. He held the metal pipe in his hand and nodded to her. "I'll be right behind you Zoey." He walked over to the door and awaited for her to leave.
Zoey looked through the bars, nearly pressing her face against the bloodstained things so that she could see as far into the dark hallway as possible. She'd been right before when she'd assumed that there were more than a few lingering throughout the building. If they moved fast enough, they should be able to kill the few that were still around and get the hell out of Dodge before the rest came to check out the commotion.

"I'm going to open the door on three." She said, looking in his direction over her shoulder. "One. Two. Three." She grunted the last number as she kicked the door open. The zombies growled as they turned around and lunged at them. She kicked an infected woman back into the open chest of an infected man before she swung the sword and beheaded them both. "Come on!" She said, hoping Nathan followed her as she ran.
Nathan followed her out, taking the opposite side of where she turned before bashing the pipe into the head of a zombie that was sitting down by the door, where she couldn't see. He turned upon hearing her yell for him to follow, which he did as he ran after her, making sure to watch his sides and listen for running coming behind him. "How far is the pawn shop Zoey!?" He called as he bashed another one's head in that came out of an alley.
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