Jugger x Sippie

Nathan was right. There was no need to panic. They couldn't hurt her. There was no one else she cared about to kill. She took a few deep breaths, then calmed down as she exhaled. She followed him into the back room, staying low to avoid being seen. Did Infected have peripheral vision? "How long do we have to wait?"
When she was in, he closed the door and moved the locks into place. It was like a safe room, the door was metal and securely fastened. HE turned to her and shrugged. "Dunno. Though I can check through the roof whenever you want me to." He pointed to a ladder that led to a hatch in the ceiling that would lead to the roof.
Zoey looked up, wondering why they couldn't escape from the roof. Then she wondered why the hell she would be wondering such a thing. The roof and underground were the last places anyone wanted to be. Special Infected, specifically Hunters and Smokers, loved rooftops while it was easy to make noise and be vomited on by Boomers underground. "Sounds like a plan to me." She pressed her back against the wall and crossed her arms over her chest. "Looks like we've got some time to kill. Want to tell me your story?" She cocked her head and lifted an eyebrow, genuinely interested in where he came from and how he made it to Center City, Philadelphia.
Nathan sat down on a chair that was near the door. He moved it in front of it, as if using himself as a second barricade for the door as he thought over what he'd say. "Lets see...where to start off...Well, I lived in Atlanta since a month ago when the infection first came. It wasn't even too bad over there, just one or two zombies here and there that were easily taken out by anyone with a decent weapon nearby or knew how to fight. Though...when they started changing two weeks after that, thats when everything went to hell and the whole city of Atlanta became infected...in the shelter, there were only seven of us, including me...we all tried to find various military fallouts but...each one was either infected or too dangerous because the military is becoming corrupted...they shoot on sight, be you zombie or human....thats how most of us died. Right when I arrived in town, there was another person with me but...damn Tanks..." He said, looking to the corner of the room as if grieving.
The pain he felt was almost tangible, she could almost swear she felt the radiating waves that reminded her of the pain she felt when she thought about the deaths of her family and her companions. She used to hate when people she met and told her story to said they were sorry, so she decided not to say it to him. "How have you survived this long alone?" She asked, clearing her throat of the emotion that threatened to bubble up and choke her.
"I wasn't alone until two days ago." He said as he looked at her shrugging. "No one I knew on a personal level, none of them. Though...it was still nice to have company while we went on with this little journey to refuge we did. Now I ask you the same thing. How are you surviving all alone what with all the special infected out there that can constrict you until you die."
"I've been using guns since I was old enough to walk." Of course that was hyperbole, but she did have extensive weapon training thanks to her father. "My intelligence has also helped me survive. I've been living in my childhood house since I returned to Philadelphia a couple of weeks ago. I know this city like the back of my hand, so I have the homefield advantage. You know, if such a thing still exists." Zoey shrugged her shoulders and glanced at the ladder that led to the ceiling.
Nathan nodded. "I'm surprised I made it as far as I did. I'm horrible with a gun that isn't a sniper. I've loved using long-scoped weapons like them for a long time...too bad I don't have one during these hard times haha."
"Hopefully you'll find one in the pawnshop. I know there has to be a long range weapon there somewhere." Zoey had no guarantee of that, but how could a weapon seller not have a long range weapon? Zoey was mainly interested in something that shot a lot of bullets really fast. "So what do you plan on doing once you reach the military base? Where will you go?"
"I don't know, I'm not going to plan too far ahead because if I do, when one thing goes wrong prematurely the whole plan will fuck up and I'll just panic." He said as he looked to the ladder. He wondered if he should check if the coast was clear.
"That's a nice philosophy to have." Zoey mused. "How long has it been?" She asked. It probably hadn't been that long, but staying in one place for too long made her nervous. That was why she never slept for more than four hours at a time. The nightmares tended to become worse the longer she slept. "I think you should go check." She said as she reached up and took her dark brown hair out of its ponytail. Before the zombie outbreak began her hair had been cut in a fashionable bob. With no one around to cut it for her it had grown back and fell in soft waves over her shoulders before she bunched it up and secured it in a ponytail.
Nathan watched her undo her hair from its ponytail and nodded to her. "Alright." He grabbed the cracked baseball bat and began to climb the stairs. Silently, he opened the hatch and got onto the roof to look at the crowd before him. The zombies were still there, and they knew that their food was inside the restaurant. Seeing as how there was no hiding anymore, he called out to Zoey. "They're still here, and they know we're here!"
Zoey cursed and nearly hopped out of the chair. She looked around for a silent melee weapon but found none lying around. Unless she wanted to alert the horde she would have to run like hell to get to the shop. "Maybe we should go out the front way?" There had only been the lone zombie in that direction, and it had probably moved on by now. Of course that was just a shot in the dark. If she had no other choice she would just have to shoot her way out of trouble...
"Hm..." He climbed down from the ladder and closed the hatch. "Well...more than likely one of us isn't going to make it...so, I'm gonna go distract them while you run back home, alright?"
Zoey's heart skipped a beat at the thought of being alone after spending time in the company of another human being. "What? That is utterly ridiculous! I'm not going to let you sacrifice yourself. Not now." She shook her head, taking her gun out of its holster. "We're going to get out of this together. Is it really that big a crowd?"
"Its...a crowd that we can't beat without using your guns or my cracked bat. At best we could take out half of em before their yelling sounds the horde. Worst of all, I saw a boomer hangin out around the back alley."
Damn it! She hated Boomers. Even if they didn't vomit on you, the smell one emitted when it died still attracted crowds of Infected. Shit. There had to be a way to get out of here and past the horde. There almost always was. "You ever did any free-running or roof jumping?"
Nathan blinked before shaking his head. "Roof...jumping? Free running yes but...there's far too many for free running. But...I guess roof jumping could do though there's a ledging of the building next to us. If we can manage to jump to the ladder of the billboard next to us, climb to the top, it'll be an easy drop onto the roof."
"Then go." Zoey crossed the room quickly and grabbed onto the ladder, climbing up rung by run until she was right beneath him. "We need to go before they lure a Hunter or a Smoker." And it there was a Hunter or a Smoker around, the chances of them surviving this escape were drastically reduced.
Nathan followed her up the ladder and heard her speak. "Damn, lets hurry. Go, jump to the ladder and climb up." He said as he walked over to the side of the building near the billboard.
Zoey emerged on the roof and looked at the billboard ladder. It was a good ten foot jump, and the thought of falling and cracking her skull open scared her almost as much as being devoured by a horde of Infected. She'd take the cracked skull any day. She took a deep breath and took a running head start off the roof, barely catching onto a rung of the ladder. The cold metal bit into her palms as she hung on her dear life, trying to steady herself before she began her ascent. She glanced back at Nathan before she began climbing.
Seeing the chance to grab onto the ladder, he dashed for it and jumped to grab it. He made it with slightly more ease than she did, though he hung a bit longer than her as he panted, afraid for his life from what he just did. "Go, hurry!" He whispered.
Zoey reached the top of the billboard in what seemed like forever. She looked down, her fear lessening slightly when she felt his body collide with the ladder. The jump from the top of the billboard to the next roof was a lot less intimidating than the previous one. She tucked her legs into herself and rolled as she landed safely on the other side. Only from there could she see how big the horde had become in that short time they were holed up in the storage room. They must truly be the last two warm blooded creatures alive if their scent had drawn that many...
Seeing her jump, he took a deep breath before running down the billboard, but he slipped on the iced metal and fell over off the billboard. He landed halfway on the roof and clung to dear life, his baseball bat falling and landing on trash cans causing a loud clanging. "Shit! Pick me up, Pick me up!"
Zoey cringed as he landed in a way that just had to be painful as hell. She instinctively moved to help him up, drawing on all the times she had had to pull Bill, Francis, or Louis out of a similar predicament. She grabbed his hand as she planted herself firmly and pulled until his body was squarely on the roof. She took a step back to allow him to reorient himself. Zoey looked towards the horde, wondering if any of them had heard the loud clanging of the trash cans. Damn if a part of the crowd hadn't disbanded and were heading towards them.
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