Jugger x Sippie

"Hell no you aren't a distraction...more like a priority." He said with a smirk, his tongue still hanging out. He held his hands out to her as if he were a stalker about to pounce his victim. Eventually he grabbed her and began to playfully pull her down with him to the ground of the shower and laid her under the faucet, her legs getting hit by water rather than her body. He smirked and opened her legs and began to lick her pussy while the water poured down on his head and her thighs.
Zoey almost screamed at how good she felt. Instead she bit her bottom lip, something she had gotten into the habit of doing when she was trying to be quiet, and grabbed the edge of the shower. Her fingers slipped and she ended up leaning on her elbows, watching what he was doing. She moved her ground her hips on her tongue, practically fucking it as she balled her hands into fists so tight she could feel her own nails digging into her palms.
When she fell, Nathan made sure to catch her somewhat and bring her down gently. Once down, he continued to lick her pussy again, though he felt her hips bucking into his tongue like she had done to his cock the night before. "Mm...you taste so good..." He said to her with a smirk as he continued to lick up and down her pink cave. "Scream for joy if you want...not like the zombies can get in...And if they crowd the doors, we'll kill them from here..."
Almost as soon as he said the words Zoey let out a broken scream. Even if the zombies did break into the safehouse, at that moment Zoey wouldn't care. She could live with dying like this. "I love the way your tongue feels on my clit." she moaned, dropping her head back as she closed her eyes. "I think I'm going to come..."
"Go ahead Zoey...!" He said as his face was practically pushing into her pussy as his mouth worked her. He was trying to give her that relief that she'd need before they'd head out to the next safe house, which he hoped wasn't too far. His tongue hit all the right spots inside of her where his cock couldn't quite get, and his fingers began to tease her asshole, rubbing against it but not penetrating her as he tried to get her to orgasm.
Her orgasm hit her so hard that she was unable to make a sound or move for a few moments, and then her body convulsed. "Oh my God..." She whispered, her body shaking as she pulled him up so that she could kiss him and taste herself on his tongue.
When she began to kiss him, he offered her her wish and kissed her back, the water still hitting their bodies as his tongue entered her mouth and began to swim with her tongue. Eventually, he slowly pulled away, a small strand of saliva connecting their lips until it broke when he pulled away enough. "Damn..." He said, amazed as he looked at her with a smile.
"Yeah." She smiled back, laughing to hide her blush under his awestruck gaze. "We should really be heading out now." Zoey felt like she could stay in this shower forever, or at least until they starved to death or the zombies got to them. Frankly, she'd rather starve.

Jolted out of her euphoria by her macabre thoughts, Zoey gently pushed Nathan off of her and stood up, her legs feeling like limp noodles as she stumbled out of the shower. She grabbed her clothes from their hanging places and began putting them on, her cheeks slightly red with embarrassment.
Nathan was amused with her, and seeing how she seemed embarrassed when she began to put her clothes on only interested him. Getting up, he began to clothe himself as well until he finally got dressed and went out to get his new shotgun. "Alright Zoey...whenever you're ready...I don't think those fuckers outside heard you. They aren't walking around outside the door."
Zoey finished dressing, and then went to prepare herself to get back to the real. "Could you imagine a voyeuristic zombie?" Zoey chuckled as she checked the clips of her SMG and her pistols. "Something like a Hunter standing outside the door getting his decayed jollies listening to us having sex. Ew." She shuddered at the thought as she strapped a health pack to her back and secured her sword on one of the straps after reloading her guns and stashing extra ammunition.

"I still need a silencer." She said, more to herself than to him. She looked around for one and found nothing. "You said you know how to make one?" Zoey turned to Nathan expectantly.
"Yeah...I do actually, though its moreover a home made one, so it won't be as good as an actual silencer..." He walked around the pawn shop, looking some something specific...until finally he came across a soda can. He smirked and walked over to her, taking the sword out of her strap and began to cut off the end of the can and walking over to her smg. Taking some duct tape, he began to tie the cut end of the can to the barrel of her SMG. "If what I heard was true...this is a home made silencer...careful though...It'll probably wear off fast depending on how much you fire, so try and stealthily use this to kill zombies off one by one from the shadows or something." He put her sword back. "Ready?"
"Well, there should be an abundance of cans out there should we need to make another one." Zoey replied as she secured the sword on the strap of her health pack once again. She also grabbed what looked like a pipe bomb. She liefted the gun and fired a test shot into the carpet. The bullets came out with a low, muffled 'pew' sound. "Thanks, Nathan." She kissed him before stepping back and reloading her gun once more for good measure. It was always good to go into a fight with a full clip. "I'm ready. Lead the way."
Nathan nodded and began to silently open the door...no zombies. He motioned for Zoey to follow him and he began to crouch-walk along the floor, staying in the shadows and listening out for any kind of special infected, all the while he watched Zoey to make sure she was keeping up. It was all good so far...until he saw a bus begin to head toward them at full speed. They were in the dead middle of the free way without any sort of way to dodge. Squinting, he could see the bus driver being attacked by infected by his passengers...as well as some passengers being attacked and trying to get away. "Shit! Move Zoey run!" They had to hurry to the end of the tunnel and get the hell out of there before they were hit by the bus.
Zoey followed Nathan closely, but not close enough that she was stepping on the back of his shoes every few seconds. Zoey heard a low rumble, and looked around for the source of the sound. She'd been about to ask Nathan if he heard what she heard when he screamed for her to run. Zoey couldn't see what he was screaming about, but the frantic tone of his voice made it irrelevant. Zoey immediately broke into a full blown sprint, following towards the end of the tunnel. She maneuvered her way through the sea of cars and debris that filled the tunnel as she heard the sound of a large vehicle crashing into something, possibly another vehicle. Zoey didn't dare look over her shoulder. The silly white girl always tripped over some unseen thing when she did that in the horror movies.
Nathan continued to dash through the sea of cars as he tried to outrun the speeding bus, but it was gaining up on them. If it weren't for the mass amount of cars to slow the speeding metal bull down, they'd probably already been dead. Eventually he managed to get to the end of hte tunnel and jumped to one side of the road into some bushes only to see the bus drive before getting totaled as it crashed into a bus that looked similar to it. Blood and bodies shot out the neighboring windows upon impact and it was a gruesome scene with no survivors. Nathan got up and began to limp out to see if Zoey was alright, all the while he listened for if the horde was coming...he knew they were. "Zoey...Zoey are you alright...!? We can't stop here...We have to get inside that bus to defend against the horde...hurry Zoey...!"
Zoey dove out of the path of the speeding bus and stood up in time to see Nathan jump into the bushes at the end of the road, and she cringed at the sound of one metal monster colliding with another.

Where the fuck did the bus come from? What was the driver doing? Where did they come from? More importantly, did he or she survive that final sickening crash into another bus? As Zoey watched bodies fly out of the shattered windows she undoubtedly got her answer. She shook her head, doubling over in order to catch her breath.

Zoey looked up when she heard Nathan yelling for her to climb into the bus in order to make a stand against the coming horde. Shit! Zoey finally looked over her shoulder and wished she didn't. The first Infected she saw was special, a Hunter in a tattered black hoodie. Shit! Zoey turned and made her way to the bus, the hunter a few cars behind her jumping from hood to hood.

"Hunter! Nathan, shoot it! SHOOT IT!"
Hearing her begin to yell, he cussed at himself and began to limp toward her, aiming his shotgun through the iron sight as he waited for the hunter to get closer until Nathan was next to Zoey and the hunter made the last leap before a shot rang out and went through its body. It made a loud yelp and began to jump away, only to return later when the horde had its assistance, though by now Nathan had helped Zoey inside the bus and was aiming his gun at the door. "Get the back door while I hold them! they can't get in through the windows except the windshield, I'll be fine!" He shot out, shooting a zombie away from the closed door of the bus and he began to shoot rapidly fast until he had to reload, but instead he just slid the gun down and pulled out his old one and began to fire only when the situation called for it to save ammo and time for reload. when he was out of ammo for that shotgun, he didn't have time to reload so he pulled out his pistol and began to alternate between head shots from ones in the door and the windshield. They had come faster than he thought.
Zoey scrambled to the back of the bus, pulling the sword off her back as she moved. Encounters with Hunters always shook her up more so than her encounters with other Special Infected. Once she regained her composure, she felt more confident in her survivability, thus being more lethal to her undead adversaries. "Back off!" She growled as she slashed the arms off of the zombies who reached through the shattered windows of the heavy double doors. She thrust her sword through the door repeatedly, impaling anything stupid enough to get in her way until one of the Infected thought to grab the sword and attempt to yank it from her hands. Zoey pulled out her pistol, shooting the zombie between the eyes, before she dropped both the sword and the pistol and pulled out her SMG.

She let a spray of bullets loose through each window until her view of the zombie littered ground was clear. After popping a bullet into the skull of a few stragglers, it appeared the no other Infected had made their way to the back of the bus.

"All clear back here." Zoey said as she put her SMG away, picking up her pistol and sword before she backed towards Nathan with her eyes firmly planted on the back of the bus.
"Damn...I've been cut and scratched a bit but I'll be alright...thank god we're fucking immune to these assholes..." He said as he stood up. "Don't worry, I know I'm immune. I've been bitten before and I haven't changed yet." He said with a smile. "Anyway...My leg's still pretty fucked up...we might have to wait a bit...unless there's some wood around, we could just tie it to my leg to help me walk."
His comment about immunity would have surprised her, but she suspected that Bill had had an immunity to the Infection as well. Bill had died before she had obtained any real proof that immunity to the Infection actually existed, so she was a bit skeptical. Of course there is no immunity to the razor sharp claws of a Witch, or the raw strength of a Tank or his smaller charging counterpart. Nor was there an immunity to the strangulation of a Smoker's tongue or having one's face ripped off by a Hunter. She sure hoped what he said was true. She didn't know if she'd be able to put a bullet between his eyes otherwise. She'd see though, now wouldn't she?

"There are small branches from the bushes, but I don't see anything nearby that's strong enough to support your weight." Zoey said, looking around for anything larger than a twig.
"Thats fine..." He murmured as he pulled himself over to lay on her blood-stained lap. "Can we just rest for an hour? Its just sprained is all, not broken...I should be fine once the pain goes away. Don't waste that med-kit on me." He said jokingly. "I'm still green, trust me." Closing his eyes, he began to breathe in slowly, in and out as he rested and listened for any sort of attacks from the horde or any specials. "Maybe less than an hour...We can't stay here for long..." He said before opening one eye to see her.
"If it were anyone else, I sure as hell wouldn't." Zoey said as she took the medical supplies kit off her back and unzipped it, reaching inside and rummaging around until her fingers closed around a roll of ace bandages. "It'll heal faster if we use these." She said, gesturing for Nathan to readjust himself so that she could apply the material to his leg.
"Dammit you really don't have to waste the supplies on me now. Its just a sprain, really. I'll be fine if you give me just ten minutes of rest, alright?" He held her hand away from him so that he didn't feel like a burden. "Just...be my watchout in case some more of these damned zombies come back after us, alright?"
Zoey stared at him expressionlessly for a few moments before she sighed and put the ace bandage away. "I suppose you know you your body better than I do." She shrugged and put the med-kit back in place. "Where do you suppose the bus came from? The military bus?"
"No...What happened was that the bus was being attacked...I guess that there were survivors on it and such and they became infected somehow...The disease spreads within about ten minutes of being infected and then you turn...So it was probably a quick death for them all when they got attacked. The bus driver was getting eaten as some of the other passengers began to try and climb out of the tiny windows, only to be eaten in half or pulled back in. A horrible sight to behold...the inside of this bus can just tell you pretty much what went on..." HE said as he looked at the bodies from within, most of them losing body parts or just the body all together, leaving limbs. "My vision's pretty good when it has to be. Haha..."
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