Naruto-Another World~me and Jugger

Aki dug right in, while Kira ate a good bit more lady like. Though, it was still a sensual show to see her suck up the noodles past those sultry lips of hers.
Ichiro raised an eyebrow as he watched Kira but chuckled. Then he remembered how Nathan had to leave so suddenly. "Hey...either of you two know where Nathan went? I would've figured he'd jump at the chance for free ramen."
"Not a clue. He didn't say anything about it." Kira replied, shrugging her shoulders as Aki worked on her second bowl.
"Would one of you mind go checking on him when you get a chance? Tell him that we're all meeting tomorrow at the academy, alright? The instructors have a little gift for teams that pass. The headbands and a special 'nickname' you can go by. They thought genin would think it cool to have their own nicknames."
"Ugh........I'll go. I can't eat another bite." Aki replied, groaning from being too full as she got up from her seat and went off to find Nathan while Kira was left alone with their pervert teacher.
"Well, how're you enjoyin the food Kira?" He said feeling a bit awkward now that they had nothing to talk about pretty much. Ichiro was just trying to make small talk, though before she could answer, he pulled out his Ichi Ichi book and resumed reading.

Nathan was at the cemetary and standing over a grave. He smiled and kneeled down as he spoke to the grave. "Well...I did it, I finally fulfilled our dream...I'm a ninja Zack..." Zack was Nathan's best friend. Growing up, they had always wanted to be true ninjas, though over time Zack was caught with an illness and later died. Nathan continued on their dream and now finally it came true.
He pulled out the book before Kira could answer, but she didn't seem to mind. Glancing over at him, she smiled a bit.

"This issue any good? I found the last one to be a tad on the boring side." she said, a secret fan of the series herself.

"Zack a friend of yours?" Aki asked as she came up behind him, a gentle smile on her face.
"It was alright, it was more like a kids version weird as that sounds. What I mean is that there was just minor things. Kissing and hugging, all that blah. They didn't even mention any of the good stuff."

Nathan turned to see Aki and then turned back to the grave. He sighed before standing up. "Yeah...he was my best childhood friend until he died of a sickness. The best medic ninja couldn't do a thing to help him...said it was something they've never handled before. He's the reason I've been trying so hard to be a ninja."
"I know. It's at it's best when they get right to the action. I particularly like the one where the guy and girl have ramen for supper, then end up doing it right there in the stand." Kira replied with a nod of her head. not caring that they were in the same type of scene, but without the sex......for the moment.

"I know what you mean. Mine and Kira's parents died when we were young, and we both try out hardest to become ninja to make them proud. It's our whole reason for training as much as we do.' Aki explained.
Ichiro put the book away and got up. He moved over to sit beside Kira and smiled. "Yeah...I particularly like that scene. I like it even better when I get to see a reinactment of it in my travels at special kinds of plays...want to join me in one?" He said, pretty much offering to have sex with her right then and now.

Nathan smiled. "You two would've made your parents proud. I'm sure of it." He smiled and patted her shoulder. " you think....Kira and I have a shot at it.......?" He said wondering. HE felt he really connected to her in the forest earlier, so he wondered if things could actually happen.
"Hehe, I don't think lady Tsunade would be too happy about that." Kira replied, smiling lightly, not moving away........and not saying no.

"Hard to say really. She never really talks about that type of stuff, so I don't really know anything about her taste in men." Aki explained.
" I already said nothing ever happened between us...besides...what good is a dick if you can't even use it...y'know?"

"I see...well, thats pretty understandable...I thought she would've told you though. She told me about how she always hangs out with her little sister and such." He chuckled. "Where are they? Still at Ichiraku? I could go for a bowl of Ramen right now."
"And I take you REALLY know how to use it, hmmm." Kira asked, stilling playing it cool and eating her ramen while they continued to flirt.

"Well, we do, but she doesn't talk about that kind of stuff. And as for ramen.........I already had like five bowls. I'd prefer some sweets or something." Aki replied.
"Yeah...I do actually...perhaps I could show you just how well I can use it?" He said as he moved closer to her on the seat.

"Eh...I'm hungry. I'm bout to head to Ichiraku. Here." He pulled out of his pocket some money. "Go buy something from the candy store, on me. Or whatever you want to spend it on." And with that, he headed toward Ichiraku at a slow pace.
"I hope so. I don't give myself to just any man." Kira replied, smiling as he scooted closer.

"Have fun with that. Don't be surprised if the place is packed with guys from our class hitting hitting on her." Aki replied.
Ichiro smiled as he wrapped an arm around Kira and pulled her closer. "So...shall we get straight to business then Kira?" He said as his hand reached under her large breast and moved it up and down.

Nathan chuckled. "I wouldn't be surprised either." He called out to her as he continued to walk.
"If you're brave enough to do so with the risk of being caught at any time." Kira replied, smiling. Since this was just a stand and not a full resteraunt, they weren't really hidden at all. Anybody who might be out walking at night could easily spot them.
"Of course..." He said as he slowly leaned his head in close to her lips, but suddenly jerked back with a smile. "Just playin. I already told you. I don't want relationships with my students. You've still got nothin on Tsunade." He chuckled and patted her shoulder before getting up to leave Ichiraku, but after he left, Nathan had walked in from the side entrance. "Hey....where's Ichiro? Damn...I wanted my free ramen..."
"Annoying little......" Kira cursed under her breath at the old man getting her so turned on, but pulling this crap.

"He just left. Probably to go read those books of his." Kira replied, reluctantly going back to finished her meal since the naughty plans she had had fallen through.
"Damn..." Seeing he was now alone with Kira, he took a seat next to her and ordered a bowl of ramen and paid for it with his money. "Well, there goes this week's cash...haha. So, the food good today Kira? Hm...whats wrong? You seem a bit annoyed."
"Nah, I'm fine. And yea, it's good. Good as it always is." Kira replied, smiling lightly at him. Though, in her mind, she was thinking how she was gonna seduce her teacher. She liked a challenge and having him turn her down twice just made her determined to get him in her pants one way or another.
When the food came, Nathan began to eat but things were a bit quiet and awkward. He wondered if he should ask? "U-Um Kira...I was wondering...wh-what kind of guy are you into...?" After he asked that, he stuffed his mouth with a large amount of ramen due to his nervousness causing him to freak out a bit because he'd actually asked that.
"Hmmmm, never really thought about it before. Don't really have time with that type of stuff with all the training and studying and what not." Kira replied with a shrug, not thinking too hard on it.
"W-Well...Ahem..." He cleared his throat and took a deep breath before looking at her seriously. "Would you like something sometime maybe Kira?"

Ichiro headed back to Tsunade's place to report on the success of Squad 4 and how they would await for the next mission they would be assigned to.
"Like what?" Kira asked, rather unskilled in the matters of dating.

"How'd the exam go?" Tsunade asked Ichiro when he reached her awesome, a few candles keeping her office lit, as she found the more relaxing than a lamp.
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