Naruto-Another World~me and Jugger

"Yes cmon, we need to find a more secluded spot to do this. He could be watching for all we know...wait, I have an idea. Hold onto my shoulders and I'll put us into camouflage mode, thats the only time we can safely turn you into Tsunade all the while finding a new place to put this into action."
Both twins nodded and did as he asked, grabbing onto each shoulder and waiting to enact to their plan/
Nathan performed his camouflage jutsu and stood up. Carefully, he led them deep into the woods. Ichiro was dumbfounded and cursed himself for letting them do this. He got up and went in the opposite direction as he tried to find them.

When there, Nathan uncloacked everyone and immediately went to transforming Aki into Tsunade. When she was, he turned to Kira. "Okay Kira, now perform you shadow clone jutsu and hide in the bushes...I'll be over here charging my chakra."

He went over to the deep underbrush as he began to charge his chakra for his jutsu.
Kira did as she was asked, leaving Aki in Tsunade form left alone.

"Ichiro? I need to talk with you!" Aki called out in Tsunades voice, trying to get him to come to her.
Ichiro's ears perked up as he heard Tsunade. "Tsunade?" He walked through the woods until he saw her. He wondered what she was doing here. He walked over to Tsunade and spoke to her with a confused look on his face. "Lady Tsunade, what're you doing out here? I'm training my students. What do you need of me?"
"Just bored. So much damn paper work and Shizune won't get off my case. So, I snuck out came here. I knew you were here, so I figured........couldn't hurt to have some company." Aki replied with a smile.
"Some company? Why me of all people? Eh, doesn't matter now're here right now so might as well make the best of it. So Tsunade, what do you want to talk about or do? You want company, I'm sure I can give my students some time off...besides, I think now is their lunch break."
"Anything but paper work sounds good to me." Aki replied, laughing lightly, making sure Tsunades famous breasts jiggled as she did so. Despite being innocent, she was putting on a damn good show.
"Oh...right right...then perhaps we know, for old times sake?" HE said as he moved over to her and placed a hand on one of her breasts. He began to play with them to please Tsunade. "You saved me a few years ago, and right afterwards we had the best night of our lives...want to relive that moment Tsunade?"

(Brb. I gotta take a quick shower.)
Him and Tsunade? Aki couldn't believe it she did that, but she stayed in character.

"Awfully daring, considering wer're in the middle of the woods with your students possible coming across us at anytime." Aki replied.
"I know...isn't it the perfect little scene for us?" He continued to massage and play with her breast. Nathan saw the whole thing while he was charging and hoped Kira wouldn't snap and attack too early, nor would he hope that Aki would lose control of her keeping the costume on. "Just a little longer..." Nathan mumbled to himself.
"Oh yea. Me bent over a log, screaming your name in pleasure." Aki replied in a seductive tone, hoping Nathan hurried. But if she had to, she'd "take one for the team" and do him as Tsunade if it came down to it.
Ichiro smirked and grabbed the cleavage of her clothes and gently brought them down to reveal her large breasts. Ichiro smiled and began to play with the nipples of each breast. Nathan was almost there. Just a few more seconds of charging and then he'd be ready. "Kira...don't snap...don't snap..." He mumbled to himself as if wishing.
Kira kept er cool, but was surprised to hear Aki letting out true moans of pleasure. Even the most innocent girls need love.
Ichiro smirked as he suddenly moved her breast up to his mouth and began to lick and suck on her nipple, but to his surprise, Nathan suddenly called out. "Now Kira!" This was the signal for Aki to get the hell away from Ichiro and for Kira to send the shadow clones to pin down Ichiro. All the while, Nathan began to do hand signs until finally he yelled out. "Water Style: Icicle Storm Jutsu!" Above Ichiro, a large cloud began to form and small, spiked hail began to fall violently from the cloud. Nathan fell to his knees tired from the chakra consumption and hoped that this would work.
Aki didn't seem to hear for a bit, letting Ichiro have his fun, but she jumped back in time just as a swarm of Kira's pounced on Ichiro and the jutsu hit.

"Did we get him?" she asked, still in Tsunade form as she pulled the loose top over her breasts./
"Not quite" Ichiro said as he appeared behind Aki and attacked her from behind, sending her off into the bushes. "Not bad kid, thats a pretty good jutsu, but I'm faster than you think I am, and more cunning. You think I actually slept with Tsunade? Ha, in my dreams. Though I have to adm-" He was cut off with him being attacked from behind by Nathan. Though, in doing so he grabbed the bells and smirked. "Ha! This is my water clone! Not as good as a shadow clone, but still just as effective! Hey girls, we got the bells!"
"YAY!" Aki exclaimed, hopping out of the bushes and running to Nathan, holding him in a big hug, and since she was still in Tsunade form, her large chest was pressed against Nathan firmly.

"Not bad kid." Kira added, coming up and doing the same, pressing he chest up against him. She was doing this to just tease Ichiro though.
Nathan blushed and seemed to melt between the two sets of large breasts pushing together against him. "Oh ladies please...I'm breathless over really...ack...this was fine at first but..." He started to turn a bit blue.

Ichiro stood up and brushed the dirt off of him before smiling. "Good job you three. You all learned how to work together, and thats something every ninja needs to know. For now, how about I treat everyone to a bowl of ramen at Ichiraku?"
"Sounds good." Both girls replied in unison, casually stepping away from Nathan and letting him drop to the ground, Aki turning back to herself in a puff of smoke.
Nathan soon regained composure and stood up. Wiping away the blush from his cheeks, he turned and nodded. "Of course. Thanks Ichiro..." Though in the back of his mind, he was saying "Old pervert...". "Hey guys, I gotta head somewhere though...maybe some other time I'll take you up on that offer." Nathan smiled and turned before walking off back toward Konoha. "Huh...wonder where he's going." Ichiro said before turning to the girls. "Ready to go?"
"Sure." Kira replied, Aki happily nodding her head as she locked arms with her sister, ready to go with him to the ramen stand.
Ichiro nodded and began to walk back toward Konoha as well, though when they got there, he turned and headed for Ichiraku. After paying for the food, he sat back and watched as the bowls of ramen were placed in front of the girls. "Dig in." He chuckled and sat back to watch them.
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