Naruto-Another World~me and Jugger

"Yes I am, but rules are rules." Aki replied, refusing to abandon her positoin.

"Yea, but somehow, I get the feeling you use for.........less than savory means." Kira replied, laughing lightly.
"Damn you really are a goody goody two shoes." And with that Ichiro transformed back. He hopped down and handed her the box lunch. "Go on, take it. You've earned it...ha, if only there were others like you. We'd have a lot more good ninja."

"Haha...a laugh...thats a slight first I've seen for you Kira...not bad...and no, I'm not that low...All my techniques and jutsu are for survival purposes only...well, mostly anyway...haha..."
"And if only you acted more like Nathan, you might have fooled me." Aki replied, playfully snatching the box lunch from him with a big a smile.

"Well, considering you've known me for all of twenty minutes, it's not a surprise." Kira replied.
"Oh really? And how exactly does Nathan act? Do you think he is nothing but a pervert?"

Nathan chuckled a bit and nodded. "Don't forget about the years we've spent in the academy...Even then, though I think now is actually one of the only times we've ever had an actual conversation...its kind of nice."
"Nah, he's just.........different." Aki explained. She had always had a keen eye, able to spot even the slightest quirks a person had.

"True. I tend to just stick around with Aki." Kira replied with a shrug.
"" Ichiro asked as he wondered. He had never met these students before, though he knew what was dwelling within them hidden. He wondered if it was more of a coincidence that they got picked together or if Tsunade had set it up.

"Yeah...You kinda do haha...Gah...we're wasting time...listen, go ahead and go get one of those bells. I'll be fine...just gimme a few minutes to rest, don't wait for me."
"Don't know. One of those things I can't quite put my finger on it." Aki replied.

"Sorry, not gonna happen. I might miss supper if I let you die here." Kira replied, obviously joking.
"I see...well then, perhaps if you all figure out if you would pass or not, you could actually get to know him better. Well, time to go see if Kira left Nathan to die. Wanna come see?"

"Man...I'm sorry Kira, you got stuck with a crappy team mate like me. Haha...I promise if we actually pass this thing together, I'll try my best alright? Though...I bet Aki probably has one of the bells now as we speak."
"Nah. If he tried to cop a feel of her or something, he's likely missing some body parts." Aki replied.

"Oh, just shove the whole I suck routine. Have some confidence. Girls tend to like that. And as for her.......who knows. She's an idiot savant. Sometimes I wonder how her head stays on, other times she makes me look like a first year student." Kira explained.
"Well then, I'll see you when I get back." He chuckled and began to walk off into the forest toward where he had KOed Nathan, to see what would be going on.

"Yeah, you're right. Maybe I should feel more confident bout all this...and believe me, you are nothing compared to a first year student. Skill wise and physically." He joked as he managed to get into a sitting position. He held his head but seemed to be alright. "Alright...thanks for the nice cushion for me, but I think there's some bells I'll have to help you get."
"Watch out though. I grabbed one, but it turned out to be a damn rat. God only knows what other things he keeps in those pants of his." Kira replied as she stood up and striaghtened out her outfit,.
"That....was really an unpleasant thought." He stood up and regained balance as he looked around. ", how're we gonna do this? Are there any tricks of his that we might have to be careful for?"

Ichiro soon approached, though he hid in the bushes again to listen in on their conversation to see what they were planning.
"Well, he used this weird jutsu on me and Aki that sent us to different parts of the forest. Other than that, I haven't seen much of his stuff." Kira replied/
"Hm...I, tell me...if its just us two, then perhaps we're in trouble. We don't know where Aki is, so...the only choice we can go with is if you know shadow clone...hopefully? I don't sadly, but maybe you do?"

Ichiro smirked seeing that they were now working together rather than making one or the other just a lure. "Perhaps there's some hope for them after all." He thought.
"I'm not so sure how well that'd work. He'd likely easily be able to see through it and spot the real me. Plus, he'd be able to take out the clone before I could do anything." Kira replied.
"Damn...damn damn....there's not much we can do right now, is there? Gah...I guess I gotta try out that new jutsu...Its not tested to fully work, 100% chance of it actually workin right...its risky, and you might be harmed in the process. But it could actually injure Ichiro to a point where you can snag a bell or two from him."
"I would advise against it. Sure, it sounds powerful, but there's no telling if it'd even work on him. If he manages to fool us, you'll not hurt him and we won't be at full strength. What we should do is find Aki first and then take him on with our full strength. If we fail........Well, at least we fail with style." Kira replied with a light grin.
"But see, I was thinking...since you can use shadow clone though, just try and make as many copies as you can without tiring yourself out. Then just try your best while I charge up the jutsu and wait for my signal, then having your clones...if any are left, pin him so the jutsu will hit him. Its a surefire win, if not, well...we can go with getting Aki...if we find her anyway."
"Oh, I know a surefire way to find her." Kira said, with a mischevious smile on her face.

"OH AKI! I got sweets here! Tons and tons and you can't have any!" Kira called out. For a while it seemed like nothing happened, but all of a sudden, something came tearing through the bushes off to their side, with Aki skidding to a stop in the clearing they were at.

"Meany! you know I like sweets!" Aki called, pouting. Kira sure knew how to motivate her sister.
Nathan and Ichiro stared dumbfounded at Aki suddenly find them. Nathan shook his head. " now that we're all and your sister need to distract Ichiro while I charge up my newest jutsu. Do you think you can handle it Aki?"
"Sure. I think he likes my ass or something. He kept staring at it earlier." Aki replied, wiggling her butt, unwarare Ichiro had a perfect few of her little wiggle.

"Seduction might not work though. I tried that and he shot me down cold. He's got a thing for Tsunade though." explained Kira.
Nathan hatched a bright idea. "I got it! I have a plan might risk your sister to some...touchy touchy bit from Ichiro. Are you two alright with that?"

Ichiro raised an eyebrow seeing Aki wiggle her butt, and by now their voices had gotten so low that he couldn't hear them. If he moved now, however, he'd be found easily.
"If she's fine, I'm fine." Aki replied.

"Just tell me your plan and I'll tell you if I'm willing to do." Kira asked, the three coming in close like a huddle.
"Well, its like this...Kira, you seem to me more like the physical fighter type, I'm more of an illusionist and ranged kind of type, and I'm not exactly sure what Aki is, but given her innocence I bet she could manipulate a hell of a lot of its like this...what if I use a transformation jutsu on Aki and turn her into Tsunade, use her as bait, and Kira, you get your shadow clones to pin down Ichiro when he is distracted. Then I'll unleash my attack on him, simple right?"
"Sounds good." Kira replied.

"I.......guess. Just as long as Tsunade doesn't find out about it. She'd beat me something fierce if she finds out we did this." Aki replied.
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