Naruto-Another World~me and Jugger

Darian smirked as he soon saw Kira alone. He moved toward where she was heading and got ahead of her and did a genjutsu trick. Something a bit low, but something to really piss of Kira to see what she was really capable of. He made an illusion of Nathan raping Aki, with Aki crying out and calling for her Sister's help. Darian just sat back and watched Kira until she would come to the genjutsu trick.

Though not far off, Nathan was pretty much right around the corner, yet he heard nothing.
"A squad leader should be able to do better than that." Said Kira, doing a few handsigns which dispelled the fause images.

"Isn't that right, teach?" she asked with a confident smirk as she turned to face Ichiro in his hiding spot.

((Who's Darian? I thought the teachers name was Ichiro.))
(Dammit my bad. If I say Darian I mean Ichiro. I get the two mixed up a lot, Darian was supposed to be the Teacher name but I changed it to Ichiro since the Hatake part.)

Ichiro shrugged and jumped down. "You're better than I thought Kira. Hell, you didn't even look like you were fazed by it. Well, cmon then. You want these be-" He was cut off as he quickly side stepped to grab a lunging Nathan. He spun around quickly and launched Nathan toward Kira, landing head first into her forehead and fell over to the ground holding his head in pain. "Ow! What the fuck! Dammit Kira! Ow ow ow..." Ichiro was long gone by now.
((Don't worry. I do it too on occasion.))

"That was your fault." Kira replied, casually pushing him off of her before getting to her feet.

"Don't be so noisy next time." she told him before dissapearing, going after Ichiro again, determined to be the first to nab a bell. She had a strategy in mind that she was fairly certain would work, but considering what it involved, wanted to save it as a last resort.
Ichiro wondered how Aki would take to that genjutsu that he had used on Kira. He rushed off toward where the box was sending her, and soon later found her. He did the same as he did to Kira and did a genjutsu of Nathan and Kira doing it, though this time Kira seemed to be into it. "I wonder how the little sister will take this, perhaps she's better? It could be like that one Ichi Ichi chapter..." He said chuckling as he hid in wait.

Nathan sighed and rushed off after Kira. "Wait! Cmon we gotta work together Kira! Wait up!"
Unlike Kira, Aki was caught off guard by the jutsu. But, she too knew it was a fake.

"Lets see........the handsigns are........" she said, closing her eyes and trying to think of the dispeling jutsi Kira had taught her. Still, while she knew it was just an illusion, it was awfully distracting/
Ichiro sighed seeing the new students were hopeless for tricking, though it was a good thing. He just sighed because he thought it was boring. Perhaps the idiot boy will fall for one?" He threw a kunai toward where Aki was and it had a miniature paper bomb attached to it. Soon, the seal burnt away and a small explosion occured, just strong enough to send a shockwave to knock over Aki if she was caught off guard and to cover her in soot. He then sought off to find Nathan. One hour before lunch.

Nathan had lost sight of Kira and cursed. "Dammit...we obviously can't do this alone..."
Indeed it did, with Aki sitting up, her entire front black from the soot.

And while Kira seemed to be ignoring Nathan, she was actually kind of going along with his idea. She intentionally went ahead of him so that he was left all alone, so that she could use him for bait.
Ichiro soon found Nathan sitting alone, though he was actually unaware of Kira's plot. He smirked as he performed a genjutsu ahead, of Kira waiting for him in the nude in a flirting way. Nathan got up and began walking but his eyes lit up seeing the figure before him. "Woah baby!" He cried out seeing it, Ichiro chuckled to himself and crept behind Nathan with a kunai in hand, ready to strike down the distracted boy. When he was ready, he fell from the trees trying to attack the distracted boy.
And at that moment, Kira came out of her own hiding place behind Ichiro, hand outstretched, as she just barely manage to snatch away one of the bells.

"You're thinking with the wrong head there boys." talking to both males as she stood there, twirling the bell on it's string around her finger with a triumphant grin.
Ichiro smirked, allowing her to get the bell as he struck down Nathan. Nathan fell to the ground unconscious and Ichiro turned to Kira and laughed. "Guess again, thats no bell...thats a rat." True, the bell suddenly turned into a rat that began to squirm around as it tried to get free of its captor. "You stupid girl. You sought your own desires rather than to save your own team mate? Tsk tsk."
"Oh, like you're any better. Using your students image in such a vile trick. That's not any better." Kira replied, hips cocked sexily to the side as she crossed her arms under her huge rack, pushing them up and causing them to visible strain against the black material of her top.
"Yes, well in the ninja world there are dirty tricks and there are dirtier tricks, you just have to be ready for them all. A true ninja tries anything to get what they need to do to accomplish a mission, what are you gonna do?" He said noticing how she was. His eyes perfectly portrayed toward her breasts seeing them push against her top, as if trying their best to come out.
"I guess that means, I must do ANYTHING to get that bell?" Kira asked with a raised eyebrow. She knew full well how she sounded, and itw as intentional. It was her last resort plan. Seduce him, screw him if need be, and nab the bell when he finished.
Ichiro shrugged. "Sure, why not. Go nuts, though...if you're thinking of seducing me, forget it. I'm not into doing my students, I don't need a connection of any sort with them other than a Student/Teacher kinda thing...Besides, I prefer Tsunade if you catch my drift." He said motioning of her breast size and laughed as he darted off into the woods. The next test would be if she would follow or tend to Nathan's wound.
Kira was quite surprised by his reaction, never expecting him to turn her down.

"Incompetent ass......." she muttered to Nathan as she kneeled before him, checking his wound. She would have followed Ichiro, if she had any other plans in mind.
Nathan's injury involved a bleeding wound to the back of the head due to him getting bashed wit the handle of the kunai. He was mumbling in his unconscious state about the pain in his head and how he had to get the bells.

"I guess all thats left is Aki before lunch time...I wonder where the girl went off to?"
Kira sighed at his mumbling but went about bandaging him up. Knowing she could leave his head lying on the ground, she look around and with a sigh of annoyance, sat on the ground and laid his head on her lap.

Aki meanwhile, was just trying to find someone, whether it be her sister or anyone else.
Ichiro soon found her and laughed as he did a transformation jutsu to turn into Nathan. He walked over to her and spoke to her. "Hey seen Kira? I lost her a while ago...hey...I know we still got another half hour to lunch, but wanna see if we can snatch a quick snack from the lunches he put out?"

Nathan groaned a bit but seemed more relaxed as he laid in something more soft than the ground. It wasn't long before his eyes slowly opened up, though the first thing he saw was Kira's breasts and her face. "K-Kira...?"
"But, he said not to, and I don't want to get into trouble on our first assignment." Aki replied, apparently falling for his disguise. But, she could be quite devious, so it was possible that she knew it was him, but was an expert at hiding that fact.

"Good, you're awake. Now I don't have to keep your head off the dirty ground anymore." Kira replied, looking down at him.
"Oh cmon bite won't hurt. Cmon, I bet we can find Kira. She probably gave up or something and is already waiting for us." He took her hand and began to drag her toward the wooden poles that had the lunches up top on them.

"Gah...w-what happened Kira...? I remember seeing you...and then I blacked out...just what the hell happened?"
"H-Hey!" Aki cried out as he dragged her back to the poles.

"I said no. Teacher said not to eat them, so I won't eat the." Aki added, adamant in her decision to follow the rules.

"That pervy old teacher of ours used a trick on you and knocked you out cold." Kira explained.
"Oh cmon Aki...I know you're hungry. Fine, if you don't eat your lunch, I'll eat it for you. More for me." He said as he went ahead and climbed up to a pole to pick up one of the lunches.

"Oh...I see...S-Sorry Kira...I didn't mean to be such a clutz....damn..." He closed his eyes and sighed. "Maybe I'm not cut out to be a ninja...dammit...I fell for the simplest of tricks...twice...dammit I hate genjutsu..." He sighed and sat up, but he was in severe pain and his face showed it as he tried to get up.
"Teacher said not to, so I won't let you. One person fails, the whole team fails." Aki replied, like a true team player, unlike big busty sis.

"Oh, don't be such a pessimist." Kira replied, grabbing his shoulder and forcing him to lay back down, head in her lap.

"Not everyone starts out good. I mean, I had to train my ass of to get to where I am. Quitting is not the thing to do. Just, set a goal for yourself and work your ass off to reach it." she went on.
"Not person is gonna fail anyway remember? He said whoever doesn't get the bells will fail. Besides, just eating the box lunch will just get you without had us waiting all morning without anything to eat...aren't you hungry?"

"Work to reach it..." He said as he laid relaxingly in Kira's lap. "Ha...I guess you're right...I think the only thing I'm actually good for is stealth and range...haha...maybe one day I'll teach you how to use my signature technique, the camouflage. It could be useful one day, y'know? Haha..."
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