Naruto-Another World~me and Jugger

"Heh, sounds like you think that you're the hokage here." Tsunade replied, moans getting louder and breathing getting quicker as he almost had her to the brink.
"'re right, I'm just happy to be then..." He pulled his hands out and did a few handsigns. He slammed his palm on the ground and a dildo appeared. He picked it up and went back over to her. "Lets use this now shall we? My fingers are oh so wet and numb." He gripped the dildo and slowly stuck it into her pussy until it was all the way inside. He left it there and let her pants keep it in as he flipped the vibration on and left it there, vibrating inside her pussy while he stood there going back to massage her breasts with his wet fingers.
((For future reference, I'm not a very big fan of sex toys.))

Tsunade was quite surprised by his actions, so much going on at once, pleasure coming from all sides.
(Oh my bad. Sorry sorry.)

Ichiro smirked and began to kiss up and down her neck as all that was on went on. "Go on...release, I know you want to Lady Tsunade...release the pressure building up."
Tsunade could no longer talk. All her will power was going to holding back and prolonging this as long as possible. But, it was just building up more and more and would soon be like a dam breaking.
Ichiro reached down to her nipples and began to play with them as he continued to kiss up and down her neck. He could feel them hardening between his fingers because of his touch and he could tell Tsunade wouldn't last any longer. He just had to keep this up until she would finally orgasm.
And he finally got his wish. Crying out in pleasure, body jerking and twitching violently, the dam broke and her juices just gushed forth, coating his fingers and her pants.
Ichiro smiled and snapped his fingers, the dildo disappeared and he turned Tsunade's chair around so he could see her. "Well well...seems like you had a lot of pent up pressure...I'm glad I could get it out for you Tsunade." He smiled and padded her cheek. "Now then...anything else we should discuss before I might head home Lady Tsunade?"
((I'm gonna go ahead and skip ahead to the team heading out for their mission.))

"Our first mission......and it's to help build a bridge. I'm all for doing what I'm told..........but doesn't this seem very......un ninja like?" Aki asked Kira, as her, her sister and Nathan stood at the gate leading out of town waiting for their teacher to arrive. As usual, he was late. Aki figured it was importany business, as he was hanging around Tsunade an awful lot. Though, Kira and Nathan weren't naive enough to believe that and knew full well that the reason he was always with her, was because the two did it like rabbits.

"I agree. But, you never know. Could be more important than it seems." Kira replied, leaning up against the gate. They had been a team now for a couple of weeks, and were already becoming a close knit group. Kira was still determined to get Ichiro between her legs after he turned her down earlier, but had yet to succeed. She had come close a few times, and was wearing him down. But, he had yet to take the plunge.

((For that last part, Kira won't neccesarily pair up romantically with Ichiro. Just, she's use to her flirting always working, so she takes getting Ichiro in the sack as a challenge. She will eventually succeed as Ichiro will try resisting her, but say to hell with it and ravage her eight ways from sunday. She could very well still end up with Nathan, but she's definitely gonna be banging Ichiro as well on multiple occasions. So, the pairings are still up in the air at the moment.))
"Ninja like or not, we've still gotta follow what we're ordered to do. You don't want to end up like...those KIA do you? You remember how that day of 'training' with Ichiro was just...him reminiscing about his old fallen comrades and such. I doubt we'll be on that list so long as we do as we're told like good little ninja." He said smirking a bit as if trying to tease Kira. He was leaning against the gate as he looked off trying to see if Ichiro would arrive.

Minutes later Ichiro still had not arrived. Nathan sighed as he looked around to Kira and then Aki before sighing. "Forget what I two can wait on him, I'm gonna go. We already know the checkpoint to meet the bridge builder so, I'll meet you all there." He said as he turned to leave. Several minutes later Ichiro arrived, reading one of his books. He looked up and saw Nathan was gone. "Where'd the runt go?"
"He got tired of waiting, so he went on ahead. Kira followed him soon after. Guess it's just you and me for now master." Aki replied, smiling sweetly at him. In the past weeks of her training, she now looked a tad different. Her body was now more tight and trim. That, and she now wore a skimpier outfit, showing plenty of legs and cleavage. The skimpyness wasn't entirely intentional, as it was meant to give her increased ability to move, as Aki's style was all about speed.

She made a great combination. Sweet and innocent personality in a body just as good as her sisters. Not to mention, she always SO eager to please.....
Ichiro blinked hearing that the other two went on. He sighed and shook his head. He guessed traveling with Aki wouldn't be so bad, though he'd still have no relations with his students...though Kira came dangerously close several times before, he almost gave in. Shaking those thoughts out of his head, he smiled at Aki and nodded as he patted her shoulder when he passed her. "Lets get going then. Lets walk slow and piss em off by making em wait longer huh? Haha." He said as he continued to walk, though he waited for Aki by walking slowly.

His students...all having unique personalities of their own and specialties. Kira, the physical fighter and seductress. Nathan, the ranged master and perverted hot-head. And Aki, the speedy devil that puts a beast tamer to shame. He smiled as he thought about all this.
"Hehe, good idea master." Aki replied, giggling as she ran to catch up, settling into a pace just ahead of him, her firm behind wiggling with each step. She didn't do it on purpose. Just how she walked.

((I agree that him hooking up with Aki wouldn't be a good idea just yet, but I got an idea for when they eventually reach the other two and set up camp, he has a naughty dream...........surprised that it's about sweet little Aki, instead of the sucubus Kira, who's actually trying to get him in bed. Just a playful little nod to how the pairings seem likely to work out.^_^))
(Ooo that sounds fun! lol. Want to RP out the dream or just say he had a dream so he'd act all surprised and distant around Aki, nervous also to a point to cause a lot of mishaps and such lol.)

Ichiro raised an eyebrow. In so little time it seemed little Aki had grown up into a woman, she even walked like it now. He chuckled as they approached the shack at the nearby checkpoint that they'd be meeting Kira, Nathan, and the bridgebuilder in.

Nathan and the bridgebuilder Misato were in a heated conversation about how ninja were important and not useless beings that are good for nothing but destruction. They were literally head to head as they growled at eachother, arguing and not even caring what Kira was saying.
((Play out the dream, and have him act all ackward around Aki the next morning as he tends to dream about Tsunade and he wonders why she replaced Tsunade in his dream. Sure, the pairings are still in the air, but based on events so far, it seems likely KiraxNathan and AkixIchiro will be the eventual couples.))

"Uh-oh, sounds like Nathan's arguing with the bridge builder guy.........Should we stay out of it?" Aki asked as her and Ichiro stopped a ways before the shack where the arguement was taking place.

Kira had tried to calm the two down, but since they both seemed to not even hear her, she stopped and just leaned up against the wall, waiting for them to eventually run out of steam.
(Pretty much ha, though like you said. Pairings are still in the open and we still have the possibilities of bringing in more main character/side character OCs. I know I will later but its your choice if you want to.)

Soon there was a loud thud within the shack and Ichiro shook his head. "Cmon, lets stop it not before another body drops I guess." He said chuckling as he walked in. Looking inside the shack, he saw Kira against the wall with the bridge builder Misato holding a bar stool in his hands with Nathan on the ground with a goofy, dazed look. "Aye...guess you didn't like the fish joke..." He said as he rubbed his head. Ichiro shook his head. "Kira, what went on? Aki, wrap Nathan's bandages. And you Mr. Misato, are you ready to begin departure for the Village Hidden in the Mist?"
((I don't think I'll make any more OC's myself. But yea, Kira and Nathan had that sweet little moment earlier and there's definitely a spark there. Ichiro and Kira will have a kind of father, daughter type thing where she really looks up to him, and he has a soft spot for her, both of which can very easily turn into romantic feelings. Plus........Aki already has a crush on Ichiro.^_^ She'll have developed it during this past few weeks of training. ))

"I honestly don't know. We got here, I stepped out for a moment. When I came back, they were at each others throats." Kira explained with a sigh while Aki went about doing what she was told.
(Ah I see I see. Alrighty then. Though you might have to bring in OCs for new events we make up, though you don't have to keep em or nothing. I got a kinda plot we can do for the next mission but lets wait on discussing it seeing as how we just started this one lol.)

Ichiro shook his head. Misato growled and nodded. "Yeah, I'm ready to go. Lets just get this over with..." He said as he left out the door, forgetting about Aki and Nathan. Ichiro walked out and followed Misato. "Sounds like you're pretty eager for a D-Rank mission to be over. Its just a simple escort buddy, you should take some time to enjoy the scenery in the leaf Village area. Cmon you three, lets go." Misato just growled as he kept on going.
((Yea, I'll probably bring in some temporaries. I just meant these two girls will be my only main OCs.))

The two sisters followed after soon after, Kira half dragging Nathan with them as Aki hurried to walk with master.

"He's sure..........cranky." she whispered to him.
(Ah okay)

Ichiro shook his head. "He', I agree. There's probably a reason for such though. Hm...well, if you think about it, the Village Hidden in the Mist isn't a very strong country, devoid of power and war. They don't really think of ninja as human beings, more of tools for war but apparently they can make exceptions for escorts." He said as he continued. Nathan was mumbling some stuff in his head as Ichiro took the rope dragging Nathan. "So...Mr. Misato, how long before we get there?" Misato shrugged. "A day or two if you don't slow me down, especially that one." He said referring to Nathan.
Aki giggled at how they made fun of Nathan.

"So mister, what's it like building bridges for a living?" Aki asked curiously, moving to walk next to the man. Being shorter than he was, just looking down, he'd have a GREAT view down the top of her shirt.
Looking down, Misato's jaw dropped a bit but not noticeably as he saw her massively large cleavage due to her outfitting. Hiding the blush with his tanned face in the afternoon sky, he looked forward again, not really showing as much despise to her like he did the others. "It pays the bills...Its moreover a job you're only worth doing if you manage to survive how dangerous it is." He said a bit ominously as Ichiro raised an eyebrow to his statement.
"How's it dangerous?" Kira asked, very curious as she moved closer, her silky smoothe thigh ever so lightly brushing against his leg.
Misato noticed what he said and shook his head, looking away from her as she felt her thigh against his leg. "Nothing, its nothing don't worry about it...we're about to approach the checkpoint, just let me talk to the Mist Guards alright? They'll let us through once I tell them of who I am." Ichiro nodded and ordered Aki to take Nathan again as he and Misato approached the three Mist Guards at the gate.
"Ah, I wanted to talk with him some more." Aki replied, pouting.

"It's alright. I'm strong enough to drag his moronic ass." Kira chimed in, causing Aki to smile brightly as she hurried ahead, standing with Misato as he talked to the guards. she was always like this, especially with older men as she took their fathers death especially hard.
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