Naruto-Another World~me and Jugger

Nathan seemed to regain consciousness and looked around confused. "Where am I...why does my head hurt?" He said as he tried to rub it, but couldn't. "Why am I tied up...?"

Ichiro and Misato continued to talk to the guards, telling of who he was and one went in the back to try and confirm this with listed residents while the other two stayed and kept them out for now.
Aki stood between the two men, making an odd sight for such a sweet little thing to stand between two such grizzled looking older gentlemen. But, she didn't mind, smiling away as she just stood there and listened.

"Got your ass knocked out........again." Kira explained with a sigh as she let the rope drop, leaving him just laying on the ground.
Nathan began to untangle himself as he squirmed about in the dirt like a worm. Soon he was up and brushing himself off. "That damn bridge builder hit me with a damn stool when my back was turned...Gaaah..." He said disappointed in himself for letting such a feeble and low attack hit him. He crouched down and began to play in the dirt feeling shame.

Ichiro sighed and turned to Misato. "How much longer?" Misato shrugged. "It doesn't usually take this long..."
"Could something be wrong in there?" Aki aske curiosuly, looking between the two men, completely unaware of the lecherous glances she was getting from the guards.

((If you're up for it, I was thinking we could possibly have the guards invite Aki back to check on things, only to start fondling her and then tell her they won't let them through unless she does them. So, she takes one of the team, does all three guards, and things go on fine, with her of course, never telling the other members of the team what happened.))
(Sure if you want.)

One of the guards sneered but it was hidden by the masks they wore to cover their face except for their eyes. "Perhaps we could use someone's assistance." The other guard came back. "We need someone small to fit into a hole that I dropped the safe key in...can you come and help us miss?" The guard said to Aki, the three of them smirking under their masks. Ichiro didn't find anything weird about this, though Misato was growing annoyed.
"Sure." Aki replied, always willing to help.

Heading in, once the door was shut, she was a lead to a room off in the back, where all three guards were in with her, shutting the door behind them.

"Where's this hole?" she asked, not worried or anything.
One of the guards began to perform a jutsu to turn the shack into a soundproof one. The other two walked over and each grabbed Aki by her arms, smirking and chuckling. "Right here." The third guard said as he walked over and began to rub Aki's pussy.
"H-Hey.......stop th......." aki objected, but gasped when he touched her naughty nethers. Unlike Kira, she wasn't use to this type of stuff, and couldn't do a good job of holding back involuntary moans.
"See, just recently we put up a little...toll for pretty girls that walk by...let us have our way with you, and we won't have to kill your friends. 'Misato' as he calls himself, isn't a part of the Mist village..." He said as he continued to rub her, though he reached into her undergarmets now so he rubbed her bare pussy.
"C-Can you at least.........let my arms go.......if I agree?" Aki replied, finding it even harder to keep herself quite when his hand slid into her panties.

"I'll do what yall long as you let all of us through......." she added.
"All huh...might want to convince us to let 'all' of you in. That adult ninja looked rather intimidating, and the woman in the back seemed like a good catch as well." He ordered the guards to let her go as he walked over and began to slowly slide a finger into her.
The other guards began to strip down but kept their masks on to hide their identity. The guard molesting her reached down and zipped his zipper down to pull out his erect cock. "I can think of a few ways...three of us, one of you...oh yeah..." HE said as he took her hand and forced it up and down his cock, but made sure she wouldn't try anything to harm him.
Aki had no intention of harming him, as she always stuck to her word. So, she willingly started to give him a handjob soon after.

"A-Alright......." Aki replied, stilling pleasuring the man before her a she dropped down to her knees, other hand going to another mans cock while her mouth went wide open and accepted the remaining into her mouth,
The men crowded around her and stood there as she pleasured all three. The one she was blowing had his hand on her head and helped her go back and forth on him. "Cmon, you can go faster than that can't you? Gah your hand is so boring." The third guard said as he reached down and grabbed her by her undergarments off. "Well well...looks so delicious down there." Though the whole time this went on, the guards made sure her mouth never left the other guard's cock.
It took her a while to get into a groove, but soon, Aki was pleasuring them all like a "pro", hands moving at a furious pace, mouthing working the other, her tongue getting involved for added pleasure. It would seem miss nice and innocent had some secret, naughty talents.
The men smirked as one went down to her waist and began to feel up her pussy before slowly he went and stuck his cock into her. "How's that feel virgin ninja?" He said as she continued to blow and rub the other guards.

Nathan was sitting against the wall of the gates as they waited. "Whats taking Aki so long to pick up a damn key from a hole...?" Ichiro shrugged and Misato continued to grumble. "I say we go on without her, she can catch up." Misato said as he was slowly growing more and more impatient.
((You know, that would make a great skip scene. I am enjoying the sex scene, but I think it might work better to skip to them just about to leave without her, only to have the doors open, with her and the three guards with big smiles on all their faces as they let them through, with her winking and blowing them kisses as the group passes through.))

"So........good........" Aki replied, taking charge and going right to grinding her hips against the man beneath her.
(Wait so go ahead and skip this then? Just making completely sure I got that.)

The guards smirked seeing she was getting into it and continued to do as they did.

Nathan finally got up after a few moments and sighed. "Regretably...I'm all for going with Misato. This is taking too long and I just want to get started on the next mission Ichiro." Ichiro shrugged. "You all go on then, keep Misato safe. I'll stay and wait for Aki, she doesn't know the way probably."
((Yea, skip it. Great scene and all, but the primary focus is still the team and their relationship with each other.))

Kira nodded, taking Nathan and going with Misata.

It was quite a while later that the doors finally opened and Aki came walking back out, the three guards behind her. Whatever went on, they all seemed very happy about it, as they were all smiling brightly.

"See you guys later." she excitedly proclaimed, blowing them kisses as she went to stand with Ichiro.

"Shall we go then?" she asked. A skilled pervert like Ichiro would probably be able to guess what she did in there with those men. And with the smiles on their faces, he'd also know that she must have been VERY good at it.
Seeing them off, Ichiro turned to the doors into the shack and waited.

When they finally came out, Ichiro's eyebrow raised seeing all that went on. The smell of sweat burst through the doors when they opened and they were all smiling to one another. He didn't say anything yet, he simply went ahead and walked with Aki. When they were gone, he chuckled at her. "Seems little miss innocent isn't as innocent as we seem. So, your first time being with three guys at once? Damn." He said with a smile, knowing.
"Hehe, yea. And only my second time with any guy. Well, at least full on sex....." Aki explained. Being only her second time, Aki obviously had a great deal of natural skill.

"Don't tell Kira though. She always gets in such a huff when it comes to me and this type of stuff." she added.

"Wasn't too bad. Though, I'm not sure how I feel about having it up the butt. It's hard to walk right now." she said, gently rubbing her somewhat sore behind.
Ichiro chuckled. "I expect you would be, your first time is always your worst, or so I hear from girls. Just...give it a while. If you need to, I can carry you over to the others until you can walk. Just say your sprained your ankle or something."
"Hehe, you're so sweet master. But it's alright, I can walk fine. Just, if Kira asks why I'm walking funny, just say something like since I took so long, you spanked me as punishment." Aki suggested as they continued on down the road, chatting away.
"Er..." He began to wonder about the punishment HE might receive if he said that. The fact Kira was trying to get him between her legs and the fact he had make it seem like he spanked her, Kira might be angry...but he was a gambler. "Yeah...sure..." He said as he approached the others. They were at a bridge over a large ravine, the bridge was a rope one that would sway in strong winds. "Why'd you stop here?" Nathan pointed across. "Two ninja...they're just standing there, we thought we'd stay here until you got here Ichiro."

(Whether they're those puddle ninja or Zabuza and Haku is your choice, I can RP the puddle ninja.)
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