Naruto-Another World~me and Jugger

"If it'll make you feel can spank me later so you're no lying." Aki replied with a wink, hopping in front of him, bending over and wiggling her firm rump to him before giggling, blowing him a kiss and then hurrying on, finding Kira and Nathan a short ways down the road, listening to ther explanation about why they were stopped there.

((I'd go with the puddle ninja. Save fem Zabuza for later for a funny, pervy intro.^_^))
(lol alright then.)

Ichiro frowned and ordered for the three genin to stay back with Misato. He walked over and glared at the puddle ninja, them smirking and explaining about how they were there to kill them and some nonsense about them being the toll keepers for the bridge. The whole time they were talking however, Ichiro began to perform a jutsu that sent out leaves at them, piercing them and leaving them weak. He chuckled and ordered for the genin to bring Misato over the bridge while he went over to deal with them.

(I have an idea, they get separated from Ichiro that way later on when you do bring them in, they'd have to go 3v1 on Haku and 1v1 Zabuza. Though the pervy intro can be there still with the minus of Nathan, though he's still gonna be the same for Haku lol.)
((Yea, the pervy intro will mainly involve Zabuza and Aki. So Nathan not being involved won't matter much. When they get seperated, Kira and Nathan will end up running into Haku while Aki runs into Zabuza in a way like Naruto did with Haku where Aki has no idea Zabuza is an enemy and they have a fairly pleasant time together. It'll happenw hen Aki just happens to accidentally wander upon Zabuza bathing in a hot spring, and will find herself unable to look away from her marvelous body.))

"Wow, he's such a greaty ninja........" Aki said in admiration as she watched Ichiro dispatch the ninjas with ease, with Kira looking over and rolling her eyes, knowing full well that Aki had a crush on this old perv. She didn't say anything, as she knew there was nothing she could do about it.
When they seemed down and across the bridge, one of the puddle ninja threw a shuriken, cutting one of the ropes of the bridge causing it to tumber. Nathan reacted immediately and grabbed Kira and Misato as they fell, using his body as a cushion for them. Ichiro turned but it was too late the save them, he turned around and quickly disposed of the ninja maliciously. "Crap!" He said as he looked over to the ones that fell down.
In the chaos, Aki managed to jump to safety, but ended up tumbling down a hill to a small river below, leaving her a good ways away from the rest of the group.

"Thanks." Kira asked, standing up off Nathan when they landed, immediately look around for Aki. She didn't freak out, as she knew full well Aki could handle herself, but she was still worried.

((Up for playing Fem Zabuza in a bit? I'll intro her soon, then you can take over if you want. Personality wise, she'll be really nice and warm, like Haku was in the anime. And she'll also be like Tsunade in that she knows she has a mega nice body, and doesn't mind showing it off.))
(Yeah sure, I don't mind.)

Nathan groaned under the weight above him as they had landed. Misato got up and thanked Nathan with a gruff voice as he helped the young ninja up. They began to follow Kira, though Nathan was limping. "Damn...can't believe we got caught off guard liek that..." Misato was helping him walk, though Nathan might not last well in a fight.

Ichiro meanwhile, cursed at himself for being fooled. He began to seek out the rest of his squad.
((Which'll be now, and since the other will just be trying to find each other, we can just focus on playing Aki and fem Zabuza and the naughty fun it could easily lead to.^_^.))

"Ow, that's smarts......." Aki muttered to herself as she stood up, looking around at her surroundings. It was hard to see much, as there was alot of fog everywhere for some reason. Soon though, she got some signs of human life, hearing the faint sound of.......humming. So, she began to follow it to it's source, running into alot of stuff as it was very hard to see. But soon, a shadow appeared in the distance, looking quite like a human figure. Walking forward, the fog suddenly cleared and she found herself on the edge of a hotsprings, looking at the source of the humming.

She was surprised to find it was a VERY beautiful woman. Aki couldn't help but gasp at the womans incredibly beauty. Tsunade was famous for her looks, but this woman put even her to shame. Especially in the bosom department. If Tsunades breats were huge, then these were MAMMOTH. They were even bigger than Aki's head.

"Oh my......" she suddenly said out loud, unable to look away from the naked beauty bathing in the hot springs.
Zabuza heard the sudden murmur and looked up slowly and cautiously, though she still seemed just as peaceful as she was earlier. Turning her head, she saw Aki and a gentle smile came to her face as she looked at the girl, shying out about her presence in the springs. "Do not be alarmed young one...come...take a dip with me, it is exactly what these hot springs are for, cleansing. I heard a loud thud...was that you perhaps? You must be aching, come. Sit in the springs with me."
"Y-Yea, I had a bit of a tumble and now I'm sore all over......." Aki replied, casually taking her clothes off as if in a trance before slowly stepping into the hotsprings.

"OOO, so warm and relaxing." she said a with a smile, looking Zabuza's curvy body up and down, before looking down at herself, a little shy when comparing her body to Zabuza's.
Zabuza smiled, seeing she was sizing her up with herself. She swam over to Aki and patted her gently on her shoulder. "Its fine young're still young, you have a lot of growing to do...and by the look of you, I'd say you might one day even put me into the dirt." She said referring to Aki's breasts. She smiled and placed her hands gently on them. "And they're soft too...enough to make any man melt to the touch."
"I-I don't think I'll ever grow to that size. My sister Kira though, her's are almost bigger than yours and she's still growing." Aki replied, gasping softly when Zabuza gently started touching her,.
"Really...? Oh how the young have grown this are your wounds young one?" She said smiling as she removed her hands from her breasts as Zabuza got a little closer to her, a friendly smile on her face. Her breasts were almost brushed against Aki's arms.
"Just some bruises and soreness, nothing serious........" Aki replied, breathing quickening just from Zabuza coming closer. She was getting shivers of pleasure just from Zabuza looking at her.
Zabuza smiled and floated on her back, her wet breasts plainly visible. "This water is so's said to be heated from the underground volcano channels to the Village hidden in the fire but...I could care less...this water is relaxing....if you're fine, you should go back to your sister...I'm sure she's worried about you for being gone so long." She said smiling to Aki; her body having floated so that her head lay beside Aki's breasts.
"She'll be fine. I'd rather stay here with you........for a bit at least......." Aki replied, smiling down at Zabuza as she floated around her, reaching out to run her hand over the older womans flat stomach.

"Wow, your skin is just so soft and smoothe." she said, playfully running her fingertips gently over her stomach,.
Zabuza giggled as her fingers rubbed along her stomach. She sunk into the water and landed on her feet before starting to tickle Aki. "Tickle tickle young one. Haha." She said as she continued to tickle her, smiling she had made a friend to add to the list of the few she had that weren't sex-crazed men or people who hired her. Someone she could truly call a friend.
"Hehe, hey, that's not fair." Aki replied, laughing up a storm as she started to playfull splash Zabuza to get her to stop.

((I was thinking, since we're gonna have Zabuza survive by Ichiro blackmailing her into sex, we could have Zabuza be a reoccuring character after a bit. You know, gets held prisoner for a while the eventually released to help serve the village.))
(Sure if you want. Just let me know whenever you want me to RP as her, she's moreover your character so just let me know.)

Zabuza laughed and splashed back to Aki, having a wonderful time. She soon sank into the water until her head was the only bit above surface. She smiled and let out a deep, relaxed and joyous sigh. "This has been my favorite spa day yet. Thank you young one." She said smiling as she gave Aki a large hug, her breasts squishing into Aki's.
((Yea, I'll primarily control her.))

"Hehe, I'm enjoying it as well miss Zabuza." Aki replied, arms wrapping around Zabuza's waist, returning the hug, before looking down at their pressed together breasts, looking back up at Zabuza with a smile.
Zabuza smiled, and finally noticed that their breasts were mashed up together. She pulled away and blushed a bit to her friend. "Sorry...haha...they just get in the way a lot, and sometimes I forget just how big they really are." She reached over and placed her hands on Aki's again. "Yours are just the right size for most men who don't think bigger boobs are better. Though, its hard to find those these days. They're the more...trustful ones." She hid the fact that the ones who did like her for her body were her sleazy employers. Even now, she was on a mission and was relaxing before she'd set off.
"Hehe, I can understand that. Still, I get my own share of unwanted attention. Just earlier, I had to fuck three bridge guards to get me and my friends across the bridge. They were quite pervy men." Aki replied, hands resting on Zabuza's shapely hips.
"Really be young and a virgin...thats how I wish I was still. Though, the first time wasn't all that bad either. In fact, I had to do it...being a'll have to do things you may think you'd regret but believe should work out for you in the end...thats what I believe young one." Zabuza smiled and placed a hand gently on Aki's head.
"Heh, no need to tell me. I'm actually a ninja myself. Though, only a Genin. Just got out of the academy. Got stuck with a pervy teacher that seems to really like my perky little ass." Aki replied, laughing.
Zabuza giggled and patted her gently on the head. "Maybe if you play your cards right, there might be a little...event where you two switch places...he be the genin and you the teacher." She said jokingly as she sank down to Aki's level to lay her head gently on her shoulder. "Ah...I wish I had someone of my own...someone truly to be mine."
"Yea..........sounds good........" Aki replied, smiling as she held Zabuza, nuzzling her cheek with her own.

"To have someone to this........all the time......." she said with contentment.
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