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𓍼 E N S N A R E D ‎ IN ‎ D E S I R E 𓍼 ɴsғᴡ » ᶠᶦᶜᵏˡᵉⱽᶦˣᵉⁿ ˣ ᴷᵉᶦᵗʰ ᴸᵒᵍᵃⁿ «

Mark raised an eyebrow as Aliyah brushed him aside when he suggested that she left her number behind. He honestly hadn't expected that. The man wasn't often met with rejections. So when Aliyah shunned him, he was actually stumped for a couple of seconds.

Not only was he rejected, but he got rejected by a freshman initiate! And that in turn, spurred Mark into wanting to try harder. The idea of chasing a girl so fine and seemingly defiant like Aliyah, would bring the sort of adrenaline rush to men like him.

Her experiences with Roderick and Bentley, though brief, had provided her with some new found knowledge of how men generally worked. Though there was still much to learn, she seemed to be able to pick up the scrambled puzzle and then piecing them together to figure out how the cogwheels of the opposite gender worked. And in Mark, she seemed to have read his game to a certain extent.

It was a bit of a tug of war however, as Mark delighted in the fact that his groping was eliciting strong reactions out of Aliyah, judging from the way she uncontrollably dug her nails into his thigh. Just the satisfaction of seeing her in her moment of weakness, he figured was worth the pain. But it seemed Aliyah was out for his blood.

It was admittedly quite uncomfortable for the captain, when he felt the girl bite down on his digits. It reminded him of his one year old nephew, who loved grabbing hold of his fingers, only to munch down hard on it. The power behind her bite was threading a fine line, so much so that he couldn't tell if it was actually pain that he was feeling. Whatever it was, it was enough to make him flinch. But being the man that he was, he held steadfast, not wanting to let the girl feeling like she was getting to him. He ended up giving Aliyah a forced smile, as much as he tried to make it seem like everything was alright.

"Tastes like sun tan lotion to me."

"I don't think I would like it here. This chair doesn't seem to be very comfy."

Mark snorted. "You are some girl, aren't you?" The captain was more amused than he was annoyed, for his ego wasn't exactly as wavering in a way that Bentley was. Plus, he could see the humour in it, and in general, saw that there wasn't a need to take life too seriously. The captain didn't have a lot of time to dwell on 15's responses, as by the time he handed over the sum of $500, Aliyah had begun taking the initiative to pounce upon him.

"You call that a kiss?"
"If you're going to demand I kiss and tell, at least kiss me right."

Gold digger.

It was easy for some of the nearest observers to interpret the scene that just transpired, as that. The culture of judgement and toxicity meant that people were always going to be prone to making false assumptions, based on what little they knew of the people that were involved. And not many people truly knew Aliyah for who she was.

For Mark, he didn't so much care whether she initiated the kiss because of the draw of money, or that she was simply trying to prove that she was going to excel in Hell's week. All that mattered to him, was that it was $500 well spent. The passionate exchange lasted for barely two minutes. But he soaked in all that he could. His hands, reciprocating by giving her butt frame really tight squeezes, nails digging into them as a returning favour for the marks she had left on his thigh just moments earlier. His hands would occasionally roam, once again, savouring the touch of the hour glass frame of hers.

When she finally pulled away from the kiss to begin telling him of her hypothetical plans for him, his face was that of astonishment. Never had he come across, nor expected an initiate, who was as gutsy as the one that was sat on his lap. By the time she was done, he leaned in towards one side of her neck to pepper a line of kisses along the stretch of it.

"You intrigue me. I wonder, if you're as good as how you pitched yourself to be when in bed."

"I bet she is." Victoria chimed in. Her voice pierced through the air out of nowhere. She must have been listening in to the exchange for quite a while. She turned a 90 degrees and gestured for the pair to look towards a wide stage screen located at the opposite side of the pool.

The next moment, the projection came on, as the scene of Aliyah's tryst that fateful night with the four lads from the rugby team, was put on display for the entertainment of all that was in the vicinity.



"You can't! The others are watching, a-and I really do have a boyfriend!"
"No, he would never dare. But… you're right, this stays between us, and them."
"I haven't ever… done anything in front of someone else before."
"Oh God."
"Yes, yes I do, but I want more, please."

The clip consisted of her act by the sofa, before she was being dragged to the neon-lit tables. Aliyah's latest semi-whispering exchange with Roderick was inaudible to the rest of the guys behind them that night. But it had been picked up the recording device that captured the clip, albeit slightly muffled. Based on the camera angle, it was taken from just around the bend, close to where Roderick was dry humping her by the table. And what a stark contrast Aliyah looked to be that very night, as opposed to the present morning's version of her.

Aliyah's dirty secret was out. Her consolation, was that the phones of all guys were taken away from them prior to stepping into the interior space, for the reason of protecting the modesty of the girls from being leaked out of the ACO premise, and not risk putting themselves under the media spotlight. And while oblivious to the rest, Victoria made it a point to hold on to the only copy of the clip, which meant that the value of the clip - the only clip that contained the actual evidence - was retained.

"Our dear 15, can be won over."
"Despite the fact that she's... already taken."
"She's pretty willing, even eager, as you can see, Captain."
"My role is to provide you boys the opportunity to court some of our girls."
"But, at the end of the day, it is you boys that need to step up when it matters."
"Unfortunately, our 15 has got some very refined taste in men. You do, don't you, 15?"
"And Mark, it seems like you haven't quite met her bar."

Victoria turned to Aliyah with a smile. The irony, was that she was siding her through the mockery. Aliyah was still pretty much in the dark as to how the video even existed in the first place. On certain shots, it could be seen that whoever who was filming the scene, had on multiple occasions, tried to dodge and hide behind the wall, whenever one of the lads seemed like they were going to be looking towards the camera's direction. It would be safe to say that whoever who filmed Ali, probably wasn't in cahoots with the boys.

"Is that right, 15?"
"You let those guys fucked you despite already having yourself a lover boy?"
Mark didn't so much take it as an ego bruiser. If they had met in a different circumstance, he might have been more motivated to give chase to the girl. But time was running out. And Mark and the boys would be on a domestic flight back to their home university later in the evening. Judging by the restrictions he had to be dealing with, coupled with the minutes ticking down the clock, it seemed unlikely that he could win over the rather stubborn girl.

Instead, he figured that the best way he could milk the girl, would be to just do what boys were meant to do on a trip like that to the ACO - fuck around with them.

"Not an exhibitionist, you say?"

Mark pushed Aliyah back up onto her feet, one hand wrapped around her shoulders to pirouette her around and face the frontal crowd once more. His other free hand slip down to pry her legs wider apart, only to then scoop up an unmistakable massive amount of her own viscous produce. "But she's fucking drenched, everyone." He smirked, wiggling his fingers around to showcase the many various strings of her sacred nectar.

"You're fucking turned on, aren't you?" Mark, then recklessly smacked another stack of two $100 bills against one side of her facial cheek condescendingly, blatantly suggesting that her answer had just been paid for, and a satisfactory due reply was expected. He then tossed it to the floor however, expecting 15 to pick them up for herself... once he was done messing around with her.

The next moment, he broke the rule, by plunging his middle and ring finger into her pussy from the rear, and immediately picked up on the pace of his assault. "Excuse m-." Victoria looked like she was about to step in a few seconds later, when Mark motioned for the president to halt in her tracks. With his other free hand, he fidgeted around with his wallet, to withdraw... two $1000 bills, and handed it over to Victoria.

That zipped the president's lips instantly.

It seemed like rules could be broken... as long as the price was right.

"Do you wish to cum, 15?" The captain taunted with a tease, while the strength of his finger work never relented for even a second, the sounds of her wetness slushing to the assault could be heard obscenely loud.

"Also, you must be really thirsty from the heat." He grabbed a handful of Aliyah's hair, and yanked her down until her lips were by the length of his shaft. He thrusted his pelvis, and before she knew, the 6'2 was bolted into her mouth. "Work for your beverage, 15." Mark smirked. There was no point in playing Mr. Nice at this point, especially since 15 was the one who started the aggression.

And no one else around seemed to be intervening. Instead, all eyes were on the ongoing spectacle, with the periodical cheers coming off from some of the other Harvard boys.


She might not have felt an attraction towards Mark, but even Aliyah had to admit that the harder he grabbed her ass as they made out, the longer she wanted to keep going. He had hardly given her a reaction when she had bitten him, but that alone told her that it seemed to make him the slightest bit uncomfortable. It was rather hard to pull away from him when she did, had it been just the two of them she likely wouldn't have hesitated to bring her body closer, to feel his chest against her own as she straddled him properly.

But pull away she did to give him an idea of what she might be willing to do to him. Clearly her response wasn't one he had been expecting, and that certainly stroked her pride quite a bit. Enough, in fact, that as he leaned in to kiss along her neck, she willingly tilted her head to offer more of her flesh to him with a soft laugh.

Aliyah could've forgotten about anyone else around, if it wasn't for Victoria's voice cutting through the fog that had started to cloud her mind. Almost regretfully, she had to lean away from Mark in order to allow herself to look over her shoulder towards her president, as if her subconscious knew she couldn't simply ignore her despite how much she wished otherwise. Maybe if the drug hadn't been in her system, the bells would have been ringing in her head as Victoria flashed her a smile before directing everyone with a single hand to look towards the screen that had set up.

The moment the screen flickered to life, Aliyah gasped in horror at the sight. That… that was her, that was last Sunday. “What the fuck.” The flush that had formed on her cheeks all but faded as she paled at the sight, and to make matters worse, everyone could hear her. Suddenly Aliyah was grateful for the lack of food in her stomach, as the humiliation brought with it a crushing wave of nausea. The sheer panic had practically frozen her in place on Mark's lap, as her eyes slowly drifted to Victoria as she spoke up again.

It had been quiet on the film, but for anyone who might've missed it, Victoria made sure that the entire crowd knew that Aliyah wasn't single despite how she had been carrying herself. She was struggling to process exactly what was happening, but her eyes immediately darted to Sabrina at the thought that maybe it was her who had taken the recording, but her friend looked just as surprised as Aliyah did. That left the only other person to be Victoria, considering they had all heard Sabrina call out her name that night.

She wanted so badly to be angry, to be furious, that Victoria would do something like this. But it was hard to do so when all eyes shifted to her with varying looks from amusement coming from most of the guys, disgust from a few of the ACO girls now that they knew she had lied to Victoria, and downright pity from Casey and Myah. Her bottom lip trembled just the slight bit as her lips parted, trying to think of something to say, anything to try to explain, before her head quickly snapped back around to Mark.

“No! No, I didn't fuck any of them!” The panic in her voice could easily be blamed on the sudden situation, and not another lie. But at this point would anyone even believe her anyway? Mark suddenly pushed her back to her feet, causing her to stumble just the slightest bit before he caught hold of her, turning her to face the crowd to make a display of her as he swept his fingers along her lower lips. Aliyah curled her fingers into fists so tight that her nailed were threatening to break the skin on her palms. “Stop Mark.”

It wasn't a request, it was a weak demand before he questioned her arousal, slapping her with more money that she knew was for her answer. Her body had started to shake by this point. She had never felt humiliation like this before, and Mark was just making it worse for her. “I was turned on.” While her response insinuated that she no longer was, that wasn't exactly the whole truth, despite how badly she wished for it to be. What she didn't expect, however, was for Mark to break the rules Victoria had set in place for them.

As he drove two of his fingers inside of her, Aliyah lifted up onto her toes, wincing at the sudden intrusion, though he was met with no resistance from her body, making his task of setting a quick pace easy. There were tears beginning to form in her eyes as she gritted her teeth, bringing herself back down flat on her feet. Despite the little show Victoria had put on, she actually started to speak up. Started to, but ultimately stopped when Mark handed over $2,000 with no hesitation.

Fucking bitch.

She was doing her best to choke down every sound that was trying to escape, but the only real way to do that was to hold her breath. Her head was starting to spin as she lowered it quickly, letting her hair fall like a curtain around her face to create some sort of shield to protect her. “N-No I fucking don't want to cum.” She spat her answer out with as much venom as she could, even as the obvious shine was beginning to form between her thighs as the proof of her arousal dripped down her legs.

Between her frantic gasps and heavy panting, her throat was beginning to dry out to the point that not even swallowing was enough to soothe it. She wasn't ignorant enough to think that his mentioning her growing thirst had anything to do with a real drink, especially not as he grabbed hold of her hair and forced her down to her knees. If it wasn't for the fact that she was still gasping for a breath, she would've kept her mouth closed, but the thought came too late as Mark shoved his cock straight into her open mouth.

Aliyah's shoulders twitched as she coughed, her hands immediately jumping up to his thighs where she should have given him a sharp shove as a stray tear trickled down her cheek. The humiliation was too much, and who was she to try to stop him when her own president, the leader who was supposed to ensure the safety of her girls, so easily changed her mind. For a moment, her fingers twitched against his thighs, as if she were considering digging her nails into him. But the taste of him on her tongue… the way her body was practically vibrating from being driven towards an orgasm…

Her fingers slowly relaxed as she squeezed her eyes shut, swallowing his length down wasn't too hard after being able to practice on Roderick, but she was absolutely torn. Giving Mark what he wanted was only going to make things worse for her, but she wanted to hear the sounds of his moans. She wanted to taste more of him. Her throat constricted as she swallowed, her tongue rubbing along the underside of his cock, but the bravado she had displayed just moments prior? That was nowhere to be seen.

She pushed herself forward, keeping her eyes closed tight, refusing to look at him or anyone else for that matter as she forced herself to keep going down slowly until she felt her nose brush against his pelvis. Once she did, she withdrew her head until just the tip was between her lips, her tongue in constant movement when she was able to. The tip of her tongue teased against the slit of his glans, as if subtly trying to coax the cum out of him, before letting her head bob down his shaft again. Her goal had suddenly shifted. This situation could turn much worse, but if she got Mark off first, she felt as if she could live with this much shame at least.

"What the fuck."

The reaction from Aliyah, was priceless. Mark thought that after playing it tough so convincingly right from the beginning, it was highly amusing to see her demeanour took a 180 turn within a matter of seconds. It was like her facade just instantly crumbled after a wrecking ball crashed right through her. A good number of the ACO girls certainly found the entertainment value in it, regardless of what light they perceived Aliyah to be in. Even Sabrina couldn't help, but be stumped in speechless awe and disbelief, as much as she felt bad for Aliyah. And needless to say, Victoria and her closest allies saw that as a resounding victory.

Aliyah had just been given a full taste of what Sabrina and Jason had been warning her about right from the start, the same people that she dismissed their warning, naively and very confidently told them that she has got what it took to handle the politics and toxicity of the UCB frat culture. She was served, the humble pie.

"No! No, I didn't fuck any of them!"

"Stop Mark."

"I was turned on."

What were the chances of a random bystander, who had just watched Aliyah so brazenly initiated a pouncing kiss on a guy whom she had barely met, then watched the clip of her straddling on top and grinding her way against someone else's dick, also allowed herself to be dry humped, believing that she ended up not taking the D, or Ds for that matter, later that night?

She pleaded for Mark to stop. But it didn't sound as convincing. What was inferable, was that she had asked Mark to stop not because she didn't appreciate the physical touch per se, but that her mood had completely been dampened, no thanks to the sudden humiliating bomb shell that was dropped upon her. Had her dirty little secret not been revealed, it wasn't far fetched to think that Aliyah could well have been more receptive to Mark's sexual advances.

And thirdly, she did not do herself any favour, by admitting that she had been turned on, which, to many of the observers, was pretty much a case in point as to why her plea for Mark to stop, was not something that needed to be taken too seriously. If it was humiliation that was driving her reluctance and protest, it was okay to the crowd. Because humiliation had always been one of the central themes of Hell's week. And this was just, a rite of passage in the eyes of many.

"I'll make an exception just this once, for you, Captain. But, strictly, no penile penetration." Victoria's reply was at least over a good five seconds delay after she received the $2000.

Victoria's decision to let Mark proceed was a bit of a tough call. Yes, she abhorred Aliyah. But she still had the duty to protect her members - or at least, show that she cared for the welfare of her members -, as allowing Aliyah to get hurt in front of the eyes of so many other ACO girls might well cause an uproar behind the scene, that could balloon into unnecessary discord, if members started to fear that the abuse of power was an indication that they themselves could also potentially be unfairly abused like 15.

As such, Victoria struck a compromise between upholding the responsibility of being an ACO president, and the impulse of her selfish desire to want to keep Aliyah restrained under a leash - In the grand scheme of things, fingering and a blowjob weren't all too bad. Thus, she would think most of the ACO girls would turn a blind eye to that. Seperately, if only all of the ACO girls were in the knowing of a darker plot that existed, involving some few ACO girls that had been individually, and discreetly targeted by the frat's blackmailing scheme, which was one important stream of revenue for the fraternity. Fingering and a blowjob would be tame in comparison to what those girls had to endure.

On that note, Aliyah had no idea she was about to be the latest addition to the unfortunate pool of cash cows, to be roped into the scheme in the weeks to come.

"N-No I fucking don't want to cum."

Again, the streams of wetness trickling down along both sides of her inner thighs really dampened the weight of her plea. It was clear to everyone, how turned on she was. And the only reasonable explanation for her protest, was that she was still panicking from the effects of her most recent humiliation.

If only Aliyah had the guts that she used to have before the clip was played to be able to bring herself to look at anyone else in the eye. She would otherwise be able to see the delightful smugness that was plastered on the faces of Victoria, as well as the rest of her executive committee members.

The final nail in the coffin for Aliyah's fight to hold onto any shred of reputation left, actually came from the girl herself. Observers could see that she tried. But her innate disposition to lust - or so everyone without the knowledge of Rhapsody assumed - clearly overwhelmed the logical brain. She looked a true born slut. And there was no doubt about that. That conclusion was pretty much set in stone, the moment Aliyah relaxed herself on her knees, and actually began to cooperate, taking the initiative to engulf Mark's cock in its entirety. She didn't only take him whole, but her tongue could be seen caressing and dancing against the captain's tip.

Her first sudden graze against his glans that caught Mark totally off guard, eliciting his loudest moan yet, followed by the temporary bucking of both his knees. And what ensued, was a deafening wave of cheers from the boys, at Aliyah successfully drawing Mark's first ever sound of lust. It was as if it was some kind of an inside joke amongst the boys, whatever it was. Subsequently, every brush of her tongue against the vulnerable stretch of his shiny head would induce an involuntary jerk across his body, some times, accompanied by a restrained and less embarrassing groan.

"Ooohh fuck. She's so good..."

The vice captain joined in, and decided to give 15 a bit of motivation - if she was not already passionate enough. He squatted down beside her and slip one hand south to latch his digits against her cunt. His three central fingers pushed in, while his thumb and pinkie spread to a wide V, the strength and pace of his fingering, picking up from where Mark left off.

"Fuck I'm cumming!"

It was so fucking intense, Mark had to clamp down both his hands on the entire upper half of her head, blindfolding her in the process, simply because he needed to grab onto something, anything. The man unloaded a healthy dose of five thick spurts. Each release, was accompanied by his entire rod contracting and releasing vigorously.

Within five seconds, Mark had lost his balance and plopped back down onto the tanning chair. Him looking clearly spent.

The vice captain abruptly pulled away his fingers after seeing Mark withdrew himself from 15. None of the two boys, nor anyone else would realise that Aliyah had been driven to a point where she might well be so close to a forced orgasm, only to be denied, simply cause the man came first.


The blowjob Aliyah gave wasn't exactly what one could call out of arousal or desire, but rather necessity and survival. Though her tongue never stopped working against him, she didn't exactly look like a girl willingly going down on a man. It seemed to be out of obligation, but she was putting in effort at least. No one would be able to deny that truth, and Mark especially couldn't as he sang so beautifully for her the moment her tongue tracked over top of him.

With her eyes closed, she didn't see the vice captain moving to her side, nor was she expecting anyone to try to drive her humiliation any further. When she felt fingers on her body, her eyes immediately opened, releasing a frantic whine as he took up the mantel that Mark had left unattended. Her thighs tightened around the vice captain's wrist, to lock him in place or to try to close him out, even she couldn't tell, but the way her hips twitched in an attempt to drive her further down onto his fingers weren't helping her to look like she wasn't enjoying the feeling.

Her eyelids had only just started to flutter when Mark announced to the crowd that he was cumming. He grabbed onto her head, essentially locking her into place and forcing her to take his entire load or choke on it. For a moment, Aliyah's cheeks puffed as it looked like she might refuse to swallow down everything he had so generously offered her, before finally doing so just before he released her as he dropped back down onto the chair behind him.

She was little more than an object for Mark's pleasure and nothing else. Once the vice captain had pulled away, Aliyah slumped forward, her hands planted firmly on the cement as she panted for air, wanting so desperately to curl in on herself. She was the very image of someone on the verge of shattering until she felt hands on her shoulders. Casey, at some point through the ordeal, had made her way towards Aliyah and rather than letting her sink further she helped pull her back to her feet after collecting the fallen bills and placing them in Aliyah's pouch. She at least saved Aliyah from the humiliation of picking them up herself.

“You just let him break your new little rule, you didn't specify what he was restricted to penetrating, so technically that's another broken rule.” Sienna broke the silence, helping to pull some attention off of Aliyah for a moment.

Excuse me 13? I didn't hear anyone address you. Do I need to remind you of your own rules that the initiates have?” Victoria frowned as her eyes shifted to the younger girl littered with tattoos, despite the sharpness to her tone, she could clearly see a small ripple forming among the initiates.

“What, so he can break your rules twice because he paid you? But I can't even point that out to you? Hypocritical much? Sienna mumbled the last bit under her breath, from her spot across the pool Victoria would have difficulty hearing her, but the initiates around her heard her just fine. There weren't many initiates who looked comfortable, even Alexis who had been able to see the silver lining in everything Victoria had said and done so far seemed on edge. Once Aliyah had gotten her breath back, she approached Victoria and held out her hand without a word.

“What's wrong 15, do you need someone to hold your hand now?”

“No, I am simply waiting for you to hand me the money I'm owed. 13's right, after all, you let him break your rules twice. It's the least you can do. You wouldn't want the other girls thinking you can be bought off so easily, do you? Aren't we supposed to feel safe under your guidance?” Aliyah spoke quietly, for Victoria only. She could turn the situation into a large spectacle and further ruin the mood of the party but had chosen to leave that up to Victoria instead. There was no look of defiance in her eyes as she held the older woman's gaze. In fact, Aliyah still looked as if she were on the verge of tears and was doing all she could to hold it in. Victoria scoffed at the freshman's attempt to demand anything from her.

“It'd be a true shame if other future ACO prospects were to find out about this too, wouldn't you say? If you want me to keep my mouth shut, I would think a fair price of $2,000 will suffice.” Victoria wasn't the only one who could blackmail. She might have a video of Aliyah in an unsavory light, but Aliyah did still believe that if she asked the guys to, they would deny that anything had happened beyond the clip. Five denials were stronger than one, and while it wouldn't completely squash rumors, it could prevent Aliyah's reputation from truly becoming nothing at all.

Victoria and her allies could start to feel an air of tension brewing all around them. In all of her three earlier years of experience, this was the first time she sensed a certain divisiveness amongst the ACO girls. In a normal circumstance, Victoria would have called out 4 for once again trying to assist 15 whilst they were still in the middle of Hell's week, like how she did the previous day.

But Rachel held her back, by discreetly giving her wrist a squeeze, before giving her a soft shake of her head. They were threading on thin ice, and it did not seem logical for Victoria to continue pushing her luck. The president did eventually relent. It seemed there was a bigger issue of discord that was starting to surface, and there was an unspoken sense that all things in the name of Hell's week seemed essential to be placed on a temporary halt.

Sienna's bold attempt at trying to talk back would have typically resulted in a punishment. But it was clear that games aside, it was a strong cue that she needed to speak up and address the girls in a bid to stifle the growth of an emerging unrest.

Victoria clapped her hands twice, before announcing through a loudhailer. "I apologise boys, but the lady here has to call for a brief recess to speak to her initiates. In the meantime, feel free to mingle around with the older girls for a bit before the initiates return."

It was a matter in which she didn't wish to air the frat's dirty laundry to the rest of the non-members, to avoid making things awkward, dampening the atmosphere. Plus, she needed to choose her war field to try to steer the battle to her advantage.

With that, she snapped her fingers, as the executive committee herded the initiates, to lead them away from the pool area, towards the laundry yard in a more discreet corner of the mansion, away from the hustle and bustle of the party. The ACO girls were strategically divided, such that any of the sophomores who had traditionally been known to be a bit resistant and defiant to her rule in the past, but were still kept well within her control, were left behind to entertain the guests. She needed to prevent those hanging by the fence from getting anymore exposure to the problematic few that was attempting to lead some kind of a revolutionary charge.

In the end, the distribution of girls by the laundry yard were disproportionately ratio-ed such that camp Victoria of about twenty one girls, comprising of the executive committee, along with a number of hand picked sophomore understudies touted to be the next batch of ACO leaders, surrounded the fifteen initiates, serving as a means to intimidate the group through the use of physical numbers. And the true distribution hadn't even accounted for any numbers who were still unconvinced about the Aliyah and co. party, or about being at a side that stood against the incumbent frat government that wielded so much influence, even if they didn't like them.

"Now let me get this straight. Unless all of you girls are willing to forfeit your privileges, I suggest you not try to get smart with me."

"How else do you girls think you will able to bask yourself in the luxuries that ACO provides? Do you numbers think money falls from the sky for us all?"

"We work for it all. We all fucking worked for it. We were all once in your shoes. And by the end of four years, we should all have jointly contributed to the growth and sustainment of ACO. There are no free meals around here. And if you think you're here to simply ride on the benefits of being a coveted ACO girl, without wanting to give an ounce in return, you do not deserve a spot with us."

"I've carved out opportunities like this morning for us to ensure the continuation of our lifestyle. Do you think it's easy for me to find and draw the right people to provide for us? Well, I'm telling you now. It's NOT."

"If you want to be an ACO girl, you need to start working for the girls. And Hell's week is meant to be an opportunity for us seniors to weed out the leeches, or those who do not have what it takes to step or keep up."

"So don't try to tell me being fingered and giving out a blowjob is a mountain of a task, considering the likelihood that 99% of you will probably end up letting some boys finger or receiving blowjobs regularly from you, and perhaps even more, in your own private lives over the next four years to come."

"I've ensured none of these Harvard guys would ever get to fuck anyone of you girls during my watch. Is that not good enough?"

"I hope I've said enough and provided sufficient context for me to not need to justify my decisions today, and any subsequent ones that I'll make for the rest of the academic year ahead."

"Now, back to matters of Hell's week."

Victoria's supporters started a huge round of applause to affirm their support and agreeableness to her ruthless CEO-esque ways of running an organisation, which often involved making the tough decisions. Once she was done addressing the group of numbers, the president then walked over to where Aliyah was stood.

"Just for context everyone, 15 whispered to me earlier, questioning my integrity, which I have already made my point clear, the nature of running ACO as a business, and the harsh realities of it. Next, she demanded that I return the $2000 to her."

Victoria paused. She decided she was happy to engage her head on, by letting everyone know what was transpiring between the two of them.

"15. Let me ask you a couple of.. questions."

"Firstly, did the captain hand the $2000 over to me, or did he intend to slip into your pouch?"

"Because the last I remembered, if he intended for the money to go to you, it would either be stuffed into your mouth, or dropped onto the ground around you. We can all agree here that Mark, made the extra effort to reach out to me with the cash. I'm sure you girls are smart enough to infer who the money was rightfully intended for."

"Secondly, since you want to make this personal by questioning my integrity, I'm sure you girls remembered Aliyah's response to my question about her on the topic of gangbang, and she said she was never enticed into engaging in one. Granted, there is no clear evidence of her doing that. But come on, I'm sure we're old enough to not be this naive to believe that, given the evidence we have on our hands. It would have been better, if an ACO girl knows how to lower her pride and admit the truth, than to deceive to a fellow ACO girl. Is this what we all want? Sisters who lie to one another for their own selfish egos?"

"Some of the senior girls here have got dirt on me, and know the things I had done to get to where I am today. And trust me - 15 getting fingered and giving a blowjob, is childs-play in comparison. So stop whining, get the fuck on my level, or get out."
It was starting to become clear that threatening a woman like Victoria, who was pretty thick skinned and had a rep for being unabashedly shameless, wasn't going to be easy. It was going to require more than just the threat of hurting her reputation to get to her. And if it was Aliyah's game plan to try to get on the nerves of Victoria, she would need bide her time and study for any apparent weakness that she might have, if any, before she could launch her assault.

"I'll give you girls the rest of the week to mull over the things I've said. And I hope this is the first, and the last time we need to talk about this."

It wasn't long, before the hours flew by.

When the Harvard boys finally left, the initiates were gathered around the pool side to the announcement of the results for the day. Of note, Casey managed to make enough to earn back her uniform.

"Our top performer for the day, is 15, with a total yield of $1880." Rachel revealed, and the group gave a resounding round of applause. "However, as much as we appreciate 15 for her talent and efforts, the full members of the ACO had ended with a majority vote of 44% to 31%, with 25% of votes abstained, in which they felt 15's behavior - as we all know - today was unacceptable. Reasons include brazenly talking back against a senior member, and a questionable sense of integrity by lying to a fellow frat member. As such, she will not be able to reclaim her uniform for the day."

"Having said that, Victoria was graceful enough to decide to grant 15 a full meal with the rest of the girls, despite her still being under punishment status. Victoria recognises hard work. And the least 15 deserves, is an opportunity to fully recuperate, so she can take on the rest of Hell's week without a handicap."

"With that said, you girls are all dismissed for the night. Feast, and rest well. And we look forward to seeing you girls again by 5am sharp, the same place, tomorrow morning."

Interestingly, Victoria wasn't around for whatever reason, with Rachel in charged with taking control of the brief. But the president's decision to not turn up was probably a cautionary measure of not wanting to fan the flames of tension. Victoria was tactical enough to realise when to push and pull. And she decided there had been enough drama for the day. And the last thing she wanted to do, was to trigger a very precarious situation of making the girls who were sat on the fence, think that Victoria was unfairly targeting Aliyah. As such, she decided on the various cooling off measures to allow everyone to settle back down, and very conveniently, tried to place herself in a good light, whenever possible.

Later that night after dinner...

"Ali..." Sabrina stood up to walk over to Aliyah to give her a hug when she first stepped back into her room. "I'm sorry today had been tough on you."


"Are you still holding it in well?"


Victoria had so far been a woman who seemed unshakable, she had remained passive aggressive in most of her dealings, but as she had all fifteen of the initiates led to the laundry yard she gave them the first look at the real Victoria. The woman who had painstakingly made her way to the top of the ladder, who would do what it took to keep that power.

Her little speech did exactly as was intended, the initiates who seemed to be on the fence about how to feel about everything were forced to choose a side, drawing a clear divide between those who seemed to accept where Victoria was coming from, and those who felt she had taken things too far. Aliyah knew it would be a long shot to try and get that money from Victoria, but she would have loved having just a moment of coming out on top. Victoria was making it oh so clear, that wouldn't be happening.

She had managed to hold her tongue since they had been brought to the yard, but the moment Victoria tried to make it sound as if she was the one who had turned this personal she finally snapped. Victoria had to be delusional if she really thought that no one would be able to see who had turned things personal first. Maybe her followers would be blind enough to simply agree and carry on, but not all of the initiates were swayed like that yet.

"I'm sorry? You made this personal the moment you decided to play that cute little home movie of yours. You have evidence that I gave one guy a lap dance and three others a show. If you really want to know if I fucked them then why don't we just ask them huh? Because you've clearly made up your mind to paint me as a liar. Since you feel like I can't be trusted, and that dodgy video doesn't show anything else, wouldn't it be best to get the answer from one of them?"

Aliyah had told Darius that night that she wasn't a gambler, yet here she was trying to make the biggest gamble of all in order to save face. For the older girls all they would be able to see while looking at her was someone panicking, trying to bluff her way out of the situation, but it did beg the question; what would the boys say if questioned?

Everyone tried their hardest to ignore the way the mood had shifted at the party, for some it was easy to put on a fake smile and carry on as if they never really heard anything. For others like Aliyah, the hours dragged by and she was clearly avoided going anywhere near Mark by this point.

By the time the party finally did come to an end and the boys had to leave one of the older girls had brought out Casey's uniform after everyone had turned in their pouches. Aliyah had been keeping track of how much she had made, she knew she had earned more than enough and yet no clothes were brought to her. Rachel, as she announced the results of the day, was kind enough to explain why it was no uniform had been given back to Aliyah. As much as she wanted to fume about it, she had to admit that they had a point. She had snapped, in only two days Aliyah had been driven to the point that she had fought back, but she chose the wrong place and time to do so. All she could do was simply listen, and be grateful that she was at least going to be allowed to eat.

She didn't miss the fact that Victoria was no where in sight during the little gathering. How amusing that when they had to acknowledge that Aliyah had at least pulled in the most cash she wasn't present. It was small, but it was something for Aliyah to use to her advantage, and use it she did as she pointed it out to Casey. Their dinner was tense and filled with silence, with Aliyah joining them this time around no one seemed to really know what to talk about.

"I'm sorry everyone, for the way I acted today. I didn't mean for all of you to get pulled into any of that, heck, I didn't even mean for any of it to happen." As Aliyah dipped her head down, seemingly in shame, the flood of girls trying to comfort her was overwhelming. Or it would have been, if she was truly apologetic.

"Victoria took things way too far today. Even if she did have a point in the fact that everyone needs to pay their due at some point, she could've been more tactful about it. And the fact that she decided to publicly shame you like that, but couldn't be bothered to show up at the end of the party? Almost makes me question what she cares more about, the money or ACO itself." God how Aliyah just wanted to throw her arms around Casey and hold her tight. She couldn't have worded it more beautifully herself, and the responding murmur of agreement from a majority of the girls was exactly what Aliyah had been hoping for.

"This is the first real meal that we all get to have together, let's talk about something better, yeah?" She insisted on the topic change, knowing good and well that the doubt had already been planted. She didn't need to try and push anyone more than what they had. The group of fifteen ended up sharing interesting little tidbits about themselves, facts that usually wouldn't come out until you really got to know a person. They had spent hours at the table talking and laughing among one another before finally someone pointed out just how late it had gotten.

By the time she made it back to Sabrina's room, Aliyah felt well and truly exhausted. Everything that had happened had been just so mentally draining that all she wanted was to collapse in her bed. As much as she loved Sabrina, she didn't want to talk to anyone anymore today, but her hopes that Sab might either be asleep or not present was dashed the moment she opened the door to find herself enveloped in arms. She wanted so desperately to continue being strong but it was just so hard. She shamelessly buried her face into the crook of Sabrina's neck as she looped her arms around her.

"I was." Her response was playful but in the face of the unexpected comfort she couldn't hold the tears back anymore. Feeling her start to shake, Sabrina hugged her tighter before leaning back to take hold of Aliyahs face, wiping at her cheeks with her thumbs. "Why didn't you tell me about that night Ali? I could've..." She trailed off while Aliyah unwrapped herself from her arms, pulling away completely as she pressed the palms of her hands to her eyes.

"Could've what? Warned me? Stopped Victoria? There's no point in stressing over what could have happened is there? And I didn't tell you because no one was supposed to know. Do you think if I had any idea someone had followed us I would've done any of that? I just... I don't understand what's happening to me. I'm not this kind of person, I would have never said yes to any of it. So why did I?" Aliyah shoved her fingers through her hair before making her way up to the loft portion of the room as she spoke. Luckily she was allowed to be dressed for bed, in case of emergencies, and didn't feel like having this conversation with Sabrina while she was still nude.

"I mean, no I couldn't have done those things, but I could've looked a hell of a lot less in the dark about it all. I mean with how close we've gotten doesn't it really look like you have something to hide if even I didn't know about it? Did you really not fuck any of them? I mean you know who they are right, that they're all on the rugby team with Jason? Does he know about this? Maybe you really were this kind of person all along Ali I mean you said you've been with your boyfriend for four years so have you ever had a chance to really experiment and explore before coming here?"

How had the conversation turned from trying to make sure Aliyah was okay, to a downright interrogation? Ali frowned as she pulled her shirt over her head before taking a seat at the top of the stairs, clearly not wanting to join Sabrina again. She had made a promise not to lie to Sabrina, and while technically she didn't since the topic of Sunday night hadn't come up yet, did she really want to tell her the truth of what happened?

"Yeah I kinda pieced that all together, and I don't know. I didn't tell him and he didn't ask me about the last time we talked. So unless one of the guys did no he doesn't know. But... yes, I fucked them okay? It's not a big deal or anything it was just a one time thing." The was Aliyah lowered her voice as she admitted to how far the little affair of Sunday had gone was a clear sign that she didn't trust the things she said in the house to be private. Maybe she was starting to become paranoid after seeing the clip, but it was better to be safe than sorry.

The after effects of the pool party and Casey's comment at dinner had been felt the next day. When 5am rolled around four of the girls had turned in their uniforms, packed up their things, and left the house. Aliyah, just like the remaining eleven, looked shocked at the revelation. While she needed people on her side she had really begun to realize that if no one left on their own Victoria and her girls were going to have to choose who to weed out by the end of the week. The pool party had made it clear to Aliyah that no matter how much she put up with, she would likely be on that chopping block. So the next best thing was to try and get girls to drop out on their own.

She had been much more tactful over the remaining three days of how she interacted with her budding group of friends, and by the fourth day had even managed to earn her uniform back though she was sure Victoria had at least tried to find a way to keep that from happening. But she let Victoria believe that the pool party truly had humbled her, she played the role of being an obedient initiate. She stopped trying to fight her in every little way, it was why when the time came for her to get her uniform back there was no excuse in the book Victoria could come up with. It was a small victory, but a meaningful one to finally have clothes again.

Aliyah spent the third and fourth day employing Casey and Myah both, most of the older girls were keeping an eye on Aliyah trying to find fault in everything that she did. But they didn't truly have eyes on them everywhere, and it was so incredibly easy to play the role of the victim especially after Victoria had so kindly set the stage for her. It didn't take long before Casey and Myah had worked through the other six girls, pointing out how different Aliyah was being treated, had been treated from day one.

By the time Hell Week finally drew to a close the group that had started at fifteen had dwindled down to seven. Majority of the girls had left on their own, with two being the exception to having been kicked out by Victoria and Rachel for breaking rules on campus. Friday night Victoria had gathered every ACO member and their remaining initiates into the main hall of the house. Placing the girls in the same spot they stood to find out if they had even been selected during Bid Day.

"Numbers, on behalf of the entire ACO house we want to take a moment to sincerely congratulate you all on surviving Hell Week. We know that it hasn't been easy on you, but we believe that this is merely the first step in helping to guide you all into becoming stronger women. Normally we would use this time to announce who of the initial numbers would be joining our ranks, but seeing as how less than half of you are left we have decided that you seven have done more than enough to prove you are worthy of being called ACO girls." Victoria paused as she glanced to her side, her eyes on the clock, watching the hand tick down until finally it hit midnight.

"Welcome to the family girls, we have no doubt that each and every one of you will make us proud!" On Victoria's welcome the hall erupted into a chorus of cheers while Rachel and Victoria made sure to hand everyone their phones back. Aliyah had noticed that Victoria purposely avoided looking at her during her announcement, at first giving Aliyah concern that she still might be about to lose her spot. But as the president handed her phone back over to her Aliyah couldn't stop her triumphant smile.

Victoria hadn't released the phone yet though, leaning closer towards Aliyah so she could be heard over all of the noise. "You skated in just barely, so don't get too comfortable. No first year is truly safe with their spot, not until the annual reviews are up. So be on your best behavior Ali, and try your hardest not to piss me off, okay?" Victoria grinned as she patted Aliyah's arm as if the two were simply putting aside their squabble they had, before she walked away.

"I'm sorry? You made this personal the moment you decided to play that cute little home movie of yours. You have evidence that I gave one guy a lap dance and three others a show. If you really want to know if I fucked them then why don't we just ask them huh? Because you've clearly made up your mind to paint me as a liar. Since you feel like I can't be trusted, and that dodgy video doesn't show anything else, wouldn't it be best to get the answer from one of them?"

That elicited a wave of laughter from camp Victoria. And it took Victoria speaking out to point the irony in some of her statements.

"Firstly, my little cute video? The last I remembered, you were the star of the show, 15. And second, I guess it'd be entertaining to hear from the perspective of the boys, now that you've brought it up."

Victoria smiled, before she slipped her phone out of her back pocket to dial up one of the boys - of course she would know them and have their numbers in her contact list. Of the four, she felt that Darius was probably the weakest link in the sense that he was the most reckless of the lot, and probably had no qualms exposing sensitive details as long as he wasn't implicated, which others would have been more cautious to divulge. In just under ten seconds, Darius picked up the call, and the sound of his voice came through the speakers on maximum volume.

"Hey boss madam, what's up?"

"Hi Darius. Hope your day's going swell. Listen. I've got a favour to ask of you. So it's Hell's week, as you know. And we have a little bit of an issue with a certain initiate by the name of Aliyah Walker, which I'm sure you know her? Because a couple of girls caught you boys hanging out with her."

"Uh huh."

"The girls saw what you guys did, last weekend? But Aliyah here is claiming she hadn't end up doing a gangbang with you boys later that night. Obviously, we're dealing with a serious issue of trust and integrity here. So I just wanted you to vouch for Aliyah, that she's telling the truth, and just to check if what you say corroborates with the tales of my girls?"

"Ah. No gangbang, boss madam. It was Rod's birthday that night, so Aliyah was exclusively his."

"So… Roderick and Aliyah fucked later that night? Our eyes reported you lot headed for the BOB house."

"Maybe? I don't know for sure madam. They shared a room, yeah. But the room was fucking quiet, so god knows what they were up to. Uno cards or chess maybe? Or Rod fucked up and couldn't get himself hard or something." A few senior girls exploded into giggles at the last bit. They knew based on their experience with the vice captain, that that scenario was unheard of, and likely implausible.

"I see. Well thank you so much for your input. It's been really helpful."

"Anytime, boss madam!"

It was almost impressive how Darius answered Victoria without a hint of hesitation in his voice, as if he had reported his side of the story as a matter of true fact. Darius had to respond with his quick wit, almost instantly, and answered as vague as he possibly could. That was bro-code in action, boys practicing what they preached. And only Aliyah was privy to it. When the call disconnected, she turned to Aliyah, took a moment to gather a deep breath, exhaling hard, before speaking on.

"I apologise for my wrongful accusation regarding your defence about the orgy, or lack there of."

"Still, that did not justify your outbursts and the breaking of the core ACO rules."
Victoria had to reason for a more balanced perspective of the situation. After all, their conflict was being witnessed by a crowd. And behind all the back and forth, it was becoming increasing evident that the debate was turning into a stage and means to gather the unspoken vote of confidence from the witnesses, which would eventually translate to the fate and standings of the parties involved, cum the ACO's annual general meeting down the road.

"15 will get to rejoin the ranks and be fed tonight. But she'll still be under watchful probation, hence the holding back of her uniform. As for the $2000, I'll be putting that into the ACO shared fund." She compromised. It would be hard to argue with her decision. If she wasn't going to get to keep the two thousand, neither would 15.

By the time the initiates were dismissed, Victoria and co. believed they had just about managed to contain the proverbial wildfire before it could get a chance to spread out of control. If anything, Aliyah emerged the fight with a dent to her repute - the irony that while Aliyah won her fight in justifying her innocence and that she hadn't been a liar about the topic of a gangbang, that she most definitely was still capable of lying to her apparent boyfriend, and she had willingly allowed another man toy with her body, even looking like she had enjoyed it. Most crucially...

"... this stays between us, and them."

Those whispered words of Aliyah from that very night had come to haunt her, and would certainly continue to be an irremovable stain on her for the rest of her UCB life, and possibly, even beyond. But if there was any consolation, it was the fact that she might have started to form some budding and meaningful friendships over the eventual dinner.

Sabrina really wanted to console Aliyah that night after she completely let loose her apparent desperation onto her. But in order to do so, she needed her to see first and foremost, that the main problem - she thought -, was that Aliyah was still struggling to let go of her former self. And it has clearly taken a toll on her, meandering between her guilty conscience, and that deep seated inner desire of hers that was first evident in the way that she even allowed herself to entertain Jason the first time round. That predisposition was bound to emerge, sooner or later, especially since she was increasingly being surrounded by a buffet of intriguing and very attractive personalities.

Sab could empathise and acknowledge the reason why Ali had been so torn. She also believed that she had to eventually bring herself to let go one or the other, or risk losing her own sanity.

It wasn't too difficult to try to lighten up the mood however, as Ali just teased that little bit of juicy news to her.

"... I fucked them okay?"

Sabrina couldn't help, as a grin emerged from her face. She had tried her darnest to keep it in, knowing that it probably wasn't appropriate to do so given the circumstance and the state of stress Aliyah was in. But, alas. Ali wouldn't understand how gobsmacked Sab felt about the whole situation, being the girl that was fortunate enough to be given a front row seat to the unveiling of The Life of Aliyah Walker. Just over two weeks ago, Aliyah was a rather reserved girl when it came to the dating department. Two weeks on, she had turned into a girl that even surpassed all logical expectations Sabrina had of Aliyah.

"O. M. Gee." Sabrina was biting down her bottom lips by now. "Did you actually...? Like all in one go? Who was your favourite? How did it feel?!"

The blonde cooed, then sighed. "I'm jealous, in case you hadn't notice." Her starry eyes were telling. Sabrina was clearly expecting a bedtime story.

Hell's week concluded with Aliyah earning her spot as an official ACO junior. The triumphant smile that Aliyah let out was a testament to her naiveté, believing that the worst of the storm was over. Aliyah survived. But she had a chip on her armour, and the rumours would always persist. And Victoria now had not one, but two videographic evidences of Aliyah in her most despicable state. The president was just waiting for the right moment to stick her tendrils into Aliyah, so that she will be irrevocably bent to her will.


6.57pm <Jason CGB>: Evening, fair lady.
6.57pm <Jason CGB>: I heard you're now an official ACO girl. Congratulations. This calls for a celebration.
6.58pm <Jason CGB>: Please pack yourself a luggage for three days, two nights.
6.58pm <Jason CGB>: You'll be skipping your Monday classes, if you have any. No excuses.
6.58pm <Jason CGB>: I'll come pick you up at about 6.45am tomorrow morning - at your dorm, not your frat house.
6.59pm <Jason CGB>: I take it that you wouldn't wish to draw too much attention to you. Don't be late.
6.59pm <Jason CGB>: Kisses.


Benji had intended to message Aliyah the evening before, but stopped himself from doing so. He had expected that surely, his girlfriend would wish to reach out to him first hand - like she always used to update him about every little event that happened in her life. A deal as big as Hell's week would most certainly top the chart and warrant a call. He wanted Aliyah to reach out to him, for he felt like he had almost always been the one to do so over the past two weeks. And so he waited.

But by one in the morning the next day, Aliyah still hadn't reach out to him. Benji fell asleep with his phone by his side, only to wake up the next day to find out that... he still hasn't received any new messages. He finally decided he couldn't hold it in any longer, and relented by reaching out to Aliyah first, again.

7.01am <Benji Boo 💗>: Hey babe! How did your frat week go? 😀
7.02am <Benji Boo 💗>: Shall we find a time to face time over the weekend?
7.03am <Benji Boo 💗>: Would love to hear your stories!


Though Aliyah had been the one to suggest Victoria question the guys, she really didn't expect her to do so in front of everyone. There was a small concern in the back of her mind as she pulled her phone out, that if she called Bentley, he might actually tell the truth as a way of getting back at Aliyah. After all, she didn't know him well enough, or any of them for that matter, to know who would really side with her.

When she heard Darius on the other end of the line, she could feel her palms beginning to sweat. She hadn't even said a word to the other three after leaving Bentley behind, she had simply slipped out of the house before they would realize she had left. Her stomach turned into knots, but she refused to look away from Victoria as she questioned him, refused to let her gaze shift to the side and show concern as he doubled down, confirming her story.

She was going to owe him big time for that, but that was a price she was more than willing to pay if it helped her save face. The prospect that she had slept with just Roderick alone wasn't nearly as bad, and technically wasn't what she had been questioned about, so no one could still say she was lying. What she wasn't ready for, as Victoria ended the call and took a deep breath, was to hear her apology. But it wasn't as if Victoria was truly sorry, she was simply playing the game, and teaching Aliyah quite a bit in the process.

“You're right. Thank you for your apology, and I'm sorry too for my outburst. It was really immature of me, it won't happen again.” It was a disgusting feeling, apologizing to Victoria, but it seemed that they had come to a stalemate, for now at least, and anymore pushing from either one would paint them in an unfavorable light. Aliyah was able to at least walk away with a small sense of victory at the fact that her reputation had been somewhat saved, but that didn't mean the video had simply disappeared. Just because this group of girls knew the story that Aliyah wanted them to, didn't mean anyone else would.

As frustrated as she was at the way Sabrina peppered her with questions, and the way she so clearly was trying to contain the excitement bubbling over as she revealed that she had in fact slept with the four guys, Aliyah really couldn't blame her one bit. After all, how often were people given that kind of opportunity? And how often did anyone really take it?

“I mean, no, not all at once, but they were all there and very present. Like, I blew Rod while Daniel fucked me, I took Rod and Darius at the same time, and saved Bentley for last. I can't really say I had a favorite, they all had their own little perks that I enjoyed.” There was heat creeping up her face as Sabrina stared at her wide-eyed before finally letting out a sharp squeal and bounding up the steps. Sabrina grabbed hold of Aliyah's arm, pulling her up from her seat and into the bed so they could settle down together.

“Come on now, that can't be all the detail you're willing to give me! Spill! Sabrina shook Aliyah's arm like a desperate child, drawing a laugh out of her before finally she gave her the details she so clearly wanted, starting from where the video left off. She explained how they had gone back to the bar, where Rod had flashed her to the bartender before fingering her there without a care of who might've seen. Of the little show the BOB boys had put on before she was taken up to Rod's room. She was at least kind enough to skip the little detail about how she had handcuffed Bentley to the bed, figuring that was one little detail she could keep between just the two of them.

The little warning from Victoria as she was handed back her phone was quickly forgotten about, as were the previous day's concerns, once she saw the messages waiting for her. That familiar heart fluttering sense of excitement and anticipation, knowing that Jason hadn't forgotten about their date. She didn't even care that she was going to be missing classes again, any excuse to get away for even just a day sounded absolutely perfect to her.

12:02AM: Just got my phone back, but wow does word travel fast around here!
12:02AM: I did promise to agree to the spontaneity, so don't you worry your pretty head about it, I'll be there in the morning!

She didn't even hesitate to message Jason as soon as she had the opportunity to, and she really did mean to message Benji too. She had even opened up his messages, but before she could even start a message to him, she was pulled into the foray of the party that the ACO had put on for their new members. Needless to say, it was a mandatory attendance event, but given that she was supposed to be meeting with Jason in just a few hours, she didn't have the time. With a quick scan of the room, she spotted Sabrina and quickly pulled her off to the side.

“Sab, big sis, my best friend, remember how you said you would always be willing to help me out if I needed it?” Aliyah grinned while Sabrina narrowed her eyes in what would have been a suspicious gaze if it wasn't for her smile. “I do.”

Great, so here's the thing. I need you to come up with an excuse for the coaches tomorrow because I don't think I'm going to make it to practice. I also need to go back to my dorm tonight, like… now.” Knowing Sabrina would likely pounce with questions, Aliyah offered her phone, displaying the messages from Jason telling her to pack her things.

“Oh my God. Yes! Yeah, I can definitely do that for you! And please, please, take clothes from my closet. Whatever you want, put it to good use because I swear if you come back, and you don't have a juicy story for me as payment I can't promise to cover for you again.” Sabrina was practically bouncing on her toes as if she were the one going on a mystery date. She ushered Aliyah off quickly, promising to cover for her as long as she needed to.

Knowing she wasn't going to have much time to sleep, Aliyah made quick work of grabbing her small duffle bag and starting to pack before stopping midway through. She had nearly forgotten about the ink that still stained her skin. She had spent hours scrubbing away at it the moment she had gotten her uniform back, and while it had lightened up, it was still perfectly visible. Even Casey, who had gotten her uniform days before Aliyah, had complained about the fact that hers was still visible as well.

Aliyah wasn't naive enough to think that an overnight trip with Jason wouldn't result in them winding up naked at some point, not after the flirtatious display he had given her over dinner. But remembering the writing on her body, the bullseye on her, suddenly doused that fire of excitement she had felt. As much as she didn't want to let Victoria ruin the first bit of fun she was able to have since putting her through hell, she couldn't exactly pretend it wasn't there. Covering it with makeup wasn't an option either, as it would take hours and rub off eventually. She supposed she could try to act as if it didn't phase her, but this was a different kind of embarrassing.

With an annoyed groan, she finally finished packing her things before making her way out of the ACO mansion and back to her bare freshman dorm. Thoughts of texting her boyfriend had completely slipped her mind, as she tried her best to get as much sleep as she could before her alarm was going off at 6 am.



By the time 6:30 had rolled around, Aliyah was already seated on the steps of her dorm with her bag beside her. Strictly because of the markings on her skin, Aliyah had opted into wearing an outfit similar to what she had worn when she first met Jason. She was sure he would make some comment about it, given the fact that he had the first time around, but at least this time she had a much more valid reason.

With her knees pulled up toward her chest she rested her head on her arms, her hair still slightly damp from the shower she had taken to give herself another attempt at scrubbing at her skin until it practically felt raw. She likely could have fallen asleep there on the stairs, it was really the first morning she had woken up not having to stress about what new torture would be awaiting her, and the relief that it was finally over? It was truly as sweet as everyone said. Knowing that she still had a few minutes until Jason was supposed to arrive, she couldn't resist the urge to just close her eyes, just for a bit.


Coming in early in the morning meant that there weren't many eyes prowling around, as most were pretty much still in deep slumber on a Saturday morning. Jason arrived in a cozy, posh black Mercedes limousine. He stepped out from the automatic sliding door when the drive finally arrived by the dorm's porch.

There, stood the man, dashing as ever, surprisingly dressed in quite a very similar fashion - jeans and long sleeves with a pair of sneakers. He had his top two buttons undone, showcasing a generous amount of his deep plunging chest line. And the manner in which his apparels hugged against his form? They looked like they could burst anytime. It wasn't wrong to say that as much as he was well clothed, he almost looked like he had nothing on, given how the traces of his physique could easily be made out from his choice of wear.

The first time their eyes met, his smile was soft, but warm. He was nimble on his feet, brisking over to where Aliyah was, helped her with her cabin sized luggage, before ushering her into the limousine with his large palms guiding her forward by her lower back.

The moment they got themselves into the passenger compartment and the door slid shut, Jason wasted no time, guiding her by her wrist to tug her over to the stretch of back seat, settling her down, with himself to her right, before his dominant large palm very brazenly reached for her closest tit, giving it a firm squeeze.

"I love."

Jason whispered into her ear. If Aliyah was bold enough to bare the protrusion of her buds, he figured there was no reason that he should hold back. After all, she must have known that her feminine features were very much visible on display from her choice of wear, and that she must have intended for him. And Jason was one to not be unabashed about reaching out to take what he wanted, especially if that something was already meant for him.

"I'd say I forgive you this once for still refusing to dress down as I've requested of you the last time."

The captain lifted her chin with the fingers of his left hand in the same manner that he did the last time round they were at the beachside restaurant. His lips, hovering dangerously close, occasionally grazing against her lips. But he didn't press in for a kiss. His hot breath, sensually gushing against her lower face, beckoning, almost taunting her to make the first move to press down into him.

"I missed you." Jason brushed the back of his dominant hand against the length of her cheek tenderly. His eye gaze, transfixed down onto hers. "What have you been up to the last weekend? And did anyone bully you during Hell's week?"

Jason kept his fondling of her tit on, even alternating to the other breast just so neither of them were neglected for too long - and all of it was happening in clear view of the rear view mirror of a suited, rather pleasant chauffeur that was a little boyish on the face, but looked to be somewhere around in his mid thirties. Jason didn't seem to mind the presence of another.


The crunch of gravel underneath tires encouraged Aliyah to lift her head, watching the unfamiliar vehicle pull up. She already knew it would be Jason who was stepping out before the back door even opened, but just the sight of him was enough to wash away that lingering sense of exhaustion as she picked herself up with a smile. “Morning.” She naturally moved to grab her bag, but Jason had beat her to it, taking up her duffle with ease as he guided her into the awaiting Mercedes. As soon as the door had shut behind the two of them, Jason pulled her decisively to his side.

Unlike during their first date where his touches had been fleeting and minimal, he showed no restraint this time as he helped himself to her breast, eliciting a soft gasp from her in the process, though she made no attempt to pull away. Of course, she had chosen not to wear a bra on purpose, but she hadn't expected to receive this kind of response from him. The timber of his voice was enough to drawn shivers down her spine, and direct that familiar heat between her legs as he whispered into her ear. “Well, you didn't specify that I couldn't dress my way this time around. But I have my reasons for doing so.”

The sincerity in his voice, the way he touched her cheek, how could Aliyah not get swept away by it all? “I missed you too.” It was true, she had regretted the way they had ended things their first night together, but he had been on her mind several times throughout the week. Even when she was with the other guys, she had drawn comparisons between them. But how was she supposed to think of a proper answer to give his next questions when he hadn't moved his hand off of her just yet? For a moment, her eyes darted away from him, looking towards the front of the vehicle where the chauffeur was dutifully keeping his eyes on the road, before brining her gaze back to Jason as she squirmed in her seat.

“Nothing exciting really, I just went out to the club with Sabrina, and of course I was bullied.” Aliyah's eyes lowered towards Jason's lips. Her right hand strayed up to his chest, with her fingertips barely touching his exposed skin, just like how he kept his lips from barely touching her. Which of the two would be willing to cave first? The way his palm rubbed against her harden nipples through her shirt was enough to cause her breathing to deepen just the slightest bit. With a teasing smile, she slowly leaned back, pulling her body from his hands as she angled herself better so her back was toward the door. “It was a really bad week, do you want to see what happened to me on the first day?”

Could he see the way she was trying not to shake in his hands, the way she was trying to keep up that confident persona she had built by their first interaction together? Underneath the buzz of excitement and attraction was also nerves and doubt. He knew that she was already taken, so his opinion of her must be rather low, but if he was simply trying to get into her pants, why go to such lengths to do so? Jason wasn't as easy to figure out as what she had originally thought.

But the biggest difference between him, and every other guy she had interacted with thus far, including Benji? She just couldn't think straight around him. If she crossed that line with him as well, she knew it would be different from sleeping with the other four, she was already becoming addicted to the way he could make her pulse race with the softest touch. She hated knowing that there were likely other women at Berkeley who felt the same way about him, hated that he might've looked at another the same way he was looking at her. But what right did she have to be jealous? Jason wasn't hers, but that didn't mean she wanted to share him with anyone else.

When his hand first connected against her feminine mount, the lovely gasp that escaped her lips was pitch perfect. It was laced with sweetness and allure, and the man could find himself listening to her in that manner all day. If his display of brazenness was anything to go by, it would be that Aliyah was about to be acquainted to the unrestrained, true and raw version of what that man was all about.

It was almost as if her previous warning that she was 'off the dating market' was all forgotten, or, that it had fuelled him to act even more aggressively. After all, Jason was a man of action. And he endeavoured to show Aliyah that she had made a huge mistake by removing herself off the shelf.

"Well, you didn't specify that I couldn't dress my way this time around. But I have my reasons for doing so."

"Do you? I wonder what reasons they are." Barely just a minute in, the pair was already sinking into a natural chemistry that had them unable to resist diving right into an exchange of mischievous banters. "I would only hope that you have more surprises lined up in store for me, then. For I'm liking what I've seen so far."

"But I still reckon you could have pulled this off without all these sleeves on. I don't understand why you're denying my eyes a treat, especially since I'm sure I've already told you before that you've a body to die for."
Seeing that she put up not a singe ounce of resistance, his other hand took further liberty, reaching down to her peachy rear to give it a hard squeeze, displaying his eagerness for her.

"I missed you too."

The trip had only just barely begun, but Jason could already claim himself the easiest of wins. The manner in which Aliyah ended their first date? All was forgiven. Perhaps she had over the cause of the week, realised that she had regretted pushing him away in that final moment. Seeing her throwing herself back at him without a second thought, brought him immense satisfaction.

"Nothing exciting really, I just went out to the club with Sabrina, and of course I was bullied."

What none of them realised, was how much a natural liar Aliyah was. She could tell one without even batting an eye. And Jason believed her. This display of hers was almost unfathomable only weeks ago when her innocence still hadn't yet been tainted. Benji, or any of her friends and family back at Oregon, would have been bamboozled by the new Aliyah, if they were privy to what was happening in the recent times.

"If you ever need a hand to get back at your bully, or bullies, know that you can always reach out to me. I'll do my best to pull the strings to ensure your time in frat would be as smooth sailing as possible."

"And what happened to you?"
Jason had to ask, when Aliyah so temptingly invited him to put forth that question. At the same time, Jason has got a hunch that Aliyah was possibly playing some kind of mind game with him. The way that she threaded her finger tips against his bare chest felt deliberate, and perceivably effortful with hardly any returns, if her intentions were to actually get a feel of him. That had him concluded that the girl was likely trying to draw a reaction out of him.

If this was the game that she wanted to play, then he would take her up on it, and through his actions, convince her that she was foolish to think she could come up tops. He didn't only just wish to get into her panties - because that was easy for him. He didn't just want the sex. He wanted to win her heart and mind over as well in its entirety, and was already fairly certain that Aliyah encompassed the kind of girl that he had been looking for quite a long time coming. He wanted to make Aliyah beg and plead for him to be hers.

And while that was not the primary impetus that was driving his motivation, the prospect of experiencing that triumphant feeling that he was able to pry a girl away from another guy in a happy relationship as an icing on the cake, to convince her that she would be even better off with him, was very intoxicating.

"It was a really bad week, do you want to see what happened to me on the first day?"

When Aliyah released her fingers from his chest, it was cue for his turn to begin his strategic assault. "Do tell. I had anticipated that you would have a lot to update me about on your week." At the same time, his left palm rested down against her upper, inner right thigh, sensually caressing the region to and fro. Occasionally, his fingers would give it a gentle squeeze of affection.





+9 hours later - 4:35pm

Jason had chartered them a private jet, which the limousine eventually dropped them right by the tarmac runway once they arrived at an executive airport. A quick passport check was done right before boarding, and the pair were on their merry way. The ensuing flight time was close to a good 7 hours, before they found themselves arriving at an isolated Isla Pasion just off the South East coast of Mexico.

The man checked in the pair once they arrived at the reception, before they were transported to their private island on a speed boat, which dropped them off along with their luggage, by the front of their villa that was facing the ocean view.


“I might have a few more surprises, but it depends on how well you behave. Don't worry, I brought other outfits that'll be more to your taste. But since you didn't want to tell me where we were going, I felt like it was safer to dress comfortably. I could've shown up in an oversized sweater instead. Should I do that next time?” Aliyah couldn't help but tease him with the prospect of wearing even more the next time they meet up, knowing good and well that he seemed to prefer her wearing less instead.

Perhaps the act of forgoing the bra was a compromise of sorts. If she was going to cover up, at least she was revealing herself in a different manner. One with the intent to entice Jason, which seemed to be working, as he had a hard time keeping his hands to himself. His other hand snaked around her body to grab a handful of her ass which pulled her toward him just the slightest bit. It would be so incredibly easy to simply close that small gap and place herself on his lap.

But that would subsequently end the little game that they had started. As much as Aliyah wanted to simply let Jason do what he pleased with her, there was a thrill at the idea of him chasing after her. The effort he was putting in to draw her to him was incredibly enticing, and she felt that the moment she caved, it would all end. “If I remember correctly, the last time you told me you'd help me, and I did ask for your help, your response was that I could handle it on my own and not to disappoint you.”

She pointed out that small fact with a smile, but was also hesitant to go too far into details. The fact that Victoria had so easily called up Darius meant she knew these guys, and of course she would. She was a beautiful woman, she had been around the campus for a few years too, so Aliyah had no doubt that she knew Jason. But the important question was how well did she know Jason. For a moment, Aliyah's smile faltered, the unpleasant idea that Jason and Victoria might've been a couple or even just a fling at some point entered her mind. While she hated to admit it, they would look good together.

Aliyah dropped her eyes to her hand as she tilted her head with a soft hum, brining her smile back just as quickly as it had fallen. “Victoria basically made into public enemy number one. I didn't get my uniform back until the fourth day, which was pretty rough.” She offered to show him what had been done to her, and she knew he would ask to see. While his hand slowly rubbed along her inner thigh, she sat up straighter, puling herself away a bit more as she removed her hand from his chest to tug down the collar of her shirt just enough to barely reveal the beginnings of what looked like ink.

“Oh, I guess you can't really see it like this, huh?” She sounded genuinely confused for a moment, but knew exactly what she was doing as she glanced once more at the driver to ensure his eyes were still on the road before grasping the bottom of her shirt and lifting slowly. Aliyah didn't fully remove the top, simply gathering the material up to her neck as she boldly bared herself for him under the pretense of trying to show the marker on her skin. “That's better. So yeah, day one, I was basically branded. There's another one on my back too.”

She was able to laugh about it now that it was all over, but during those four days with no uniform, it was torture. Before Jason could move to touch her bare skin, Aliyah pulled her shirt back down to its rightful place with an innocent look on her face. “That's why I wore a bit more clothes this time.” She did have clothes packed that she felt Jason would like, but she had also packed herself clothes to keep herself covered, just in case he had a negative reaction to what Victoria had done.

At some point during the drive to the airport, Aliyah had been able to get onto her phone. It was far too easy to forget about everything else going on around her when Jason was involved, and that was going to end up spelling disaster at some point. For now at least, she had enough sense to remember and text Benji, but not before going into her contacts and changing his contact name from Benji Boo💗, to Benji. She might not have been keeping it a secret from Jason that she wasn't available, but the truth of the matter was that she didn't know what she was.

8:13AM: Hey babe, sorry, I just woke up. They definitely don't call it Hell's week for nothing. It was terrible! I ended up missing classes a few times, so I really need to use this weekend to make sure I don't fall behind.
8:14AM: How about we try to FaceTime Tuesday or Wednesday, before your flight? You are still coming, right?

Jason had said it during their first date that he could just pick up and travel on a whim, but Aliyah never really imagined that she would have a chance to go with him. So when they had pulled up to an airport, she was a little skeptical at everything going on around them. She had been able to tell from their first date that Jason had money, but just how much did he really have to be able to afford this?

To say that she had been speechless was an understatement. Aliyah was really trying her best not to look too surprised as she took everything in, from the private charter, to a boat ride over to a private island. If someone had tried to tell her that by approaching Jason during that stupid event would lead to this, she would've laughed. This wasn't the stuff of reality, people their age couldn't do this, and yet… here they were. “I don't know if maybe I fell asleep back at the dorm, and I'm dreaming right now, but I really hope I don't wake up.”

Her eyes were practically locked on the most crystal clear water she had ever seen in her life. She thought California had beautiful beaches? She had been corrected very quickly on that opinion. “Is there really no one else here? You really just decided, let's go to a private island because why not?” Honestly, in today's society, the situation was a little scary. Here she was, 18, fresh out of high school alone with a man she hardly knew with no one aware of where she had gone.

Maybe that was a part of the allure to Jason, he didn't treat her like she was a naive little 18-year-old who didn't know the first thing about anything. He treated her like a woman meant to be desired, and she thrived off of that far more than she had even realized yet. It wasn't just him, either, his four teammates had all treated her the same way. If she knew that she had been drugged, would she react kindly to the fact? Most certainly not, but would she change anything about what happened that night? No, probably not. But every reaction and action with Jason had been 100% sober, there was no shield to hide behind for acting the way she was.

"I might have a few more surprises, but it depends on how well you behave. Don't worry, I brought other outfits that'll be more to your taste. But since you didn't want to tell me where we were going, I felt like it was safer to dress comfortably. I could've shown up in an oversized sweater instead. Should I do that next time?"

"How well I behave?" Jason led out an amused scoff. "You have sky high expectations if bringing you out for the weekend hasn't already topped your meter, whatever you have going right there." A soft smile ensued.

"If I remember correctly, the last time you told me you'd help me, and I did ask for your help, your response was that I could handle it on my own and not to disappoint you."

"That I did. But I also know that you are only human. There comes a point that you'll be needing a hand. I only said the things that I said because you were barely a week in. And those 'troubles' that you were mentioning about were considerably trivial in the context of college, and I would think you have what it took to take on them. But there will be people out here vying for your neck. And in such instances, you'll inevitably need to find the right support system to keep yourself afloat."

"I suspect Hell's week might have been an informative introduction to the social climate and culture of UCB."

Jason was all ears, when the girl began to reveal the details of the events that transpired over the course of the week. At first, he was a little puzzled when Aliyah tried to tug against the upper rim of her jumper. But it became clearer over time, when she started to lift her top to bare her slightly tanned nubile form. There was not the slightest bit of surprise on his face when he noticed the brandings, as if he had seen worse. He even looked calm and composed in the face of Aliyah baring herself for him, suggesting that he might be no stranger to the sight of a naked female.

He did want to reach out to her to very conveniently cup a feel. His fingers even lifted a few inches off from her thigh. But Aliyah was quicker to react, denying him of the opportunity. But the man had enough restrain to not press her. After all, they have the entire weekend ahead of them to address each other in a much more private and intimate setting.

"Victoria, you say?"
"She can get a little... intense and overzealous at times, I agree."
"I'll see what I can do to make things a little easier for you."
"You have my word."

"But I have to admit though. Those markings do look... quite good on you. That calligraphy is top notch and done in taste. Whoever who drew on you is a proper graphics person, or an artist."
Jason paused, only adding on his opinion a couple of long seconds later. A soft smile emerged as he put in a word of twisted compliment.

Yes, Jason was a man like no other.

8.46am <Benji>: Awww.
8.46am <Benji>: I hope it all settles down in no time for you.
8.46am <Benji>: If the socials are taking a toll on you... maybe you should consider dropping out?
8.47am <Benji>: I mean, joining a sorority isn't really that important for you, is it?

Even though Hell's week was over, Benji had the sense that the obligations to the fraternity had only just begun, if the tales that he heard from from his side about frats were true. Personally, the boy didn't feel a need to fit in with the cool kids. A frat membership really wasn't much more than a luxury, a flaunting of social status. He didn't think the Aliyah that he knew was the sort that needed to indulge in such form of opulence. Plus, her extra curricular activities seemed to be taking up a lot of her time; time that he wished, could be better spent on their relationship - even if it was just fifteen minutes a day, which Aliyah could not even spare.

"I don't know if maybe I fell asleep back at the dorm, and I'm dreaming right now, but I really hope I don't wake up."

"This is real. And it probably won't be your last. So don't worry about the time and just soak this in. Maybe during one of the term breaks, we could try somewhere further out, like the Maldives." Jason was already loosely planning for the future. Precious time that could be used to visit her loved ones back at home, Jason was vying to take them away.

"Is there really no one else here? You really just decided, let's go to a private island because why not?"
"I won't exactly say that no one else is around in the vicinity. This resort holds a couple of artificial islands, which are not spaced too far apart from one another, as you might have noticed during the speedboat ride. But at least from our view into the open seas, it does look like we're quite isolated."

"But I'd expect it'd be common for some people to be engaged in sea sports. And we'll definitely see a number of such by the waters every now and then."

"Why? Wouldn't this be the ideal place for us to truly get to know each other, without distractions?"

Jason had been pulling both their cabin luggage over to their open concept bedroom. He then began to pull the glass sliding doors to enclose the space, before he turned on the air-conditioning, for the humidity of the place was already starting to make the man sweat a thin sheet over his form, with specks of sweat imprints showing through here and there on his white shirt.

Once the door was slide shut, he turned his attention back to Aliyah, and didn't bother with the curtains - because why would he?

Without a word, he reached for the lower hem of Aliyah's jumper, pulled it off her body, before tossing it aside onto the floor. He was almost as quick to unbutton her jeans, slipping it down, until it was off her ankles, leaving her in nothing more than her lacy thong. He first grabbed hold of her tits, then lashing out proper hard smacks across each of her breasts.

It didn't take long, before his hands roamed down south to her ass, giving them firm squeezes, with his mouth replacing his hands by her bosoms, suckling her nipples in alternation. Jason was clearly handling Aliyah's body as if he already assumed that he had the full license to do all that he wanted with her.

Four minutes on, he pirouetted Ali around, pressed her against the wall, and began to rain down unrestrained slaps against both sides of her butt cheeks. The rugby captain clearly didn't hold back, as a reddish hue started to form across her rear from the consecutive impacts rained down on her bass.

"I'm sorry. I just felt it's a pity to let the brandings go to waste. Plus, I would love to have been a part of your Hell's week journey. I suppose this would be consolation for me." The man nibbled against her left earlobe, the air from his vocalisations gushed against her skin in the process.


Aliyah could barely contain the smirk on her lips when she felt Jason's fingers twitch off of her thigh, knowing he wanted to reach out and touch her before she had denied him that opportunity. There was no doubt in her mind that he would get that chance eventually during their weekend, but she was in no need to rush that inevitability. Hearing that Jason did indeed know who Victoria was, was a little unsettling. She meant to tell him not to say anything to her, that this needed to be something she took care of on her own, but she was surprised to hear his compliment regarding the lettering on her skin. For a moment, she simply stared at him in awe, before letting out a soft snort as the laughter bubbled out.

“I… I will never try to guess how you are going to react again. Of course, you're totally unfazed by it.”
She had to wipe at her eyes as a few tears threatened to form from laughing so hard and suddenly. She had been worried over nothing, it seemed.

8:47AM: I mean, no it's not really, and I really didn't plan on joining this year if I was going to join at all.
8:48AM: There are a handful of the girls on the cheer team in this sorority, so it can be very useful in the end.
8:48AM: But, I had to wake up at 5AM every day this week, so I think I'm going to get some more sleep before I work on catching up on classes. I love you!:heart:

For the first time in weeks, Aliyah was actually quick to respond the moment Benji's messages came in to her. Though her reason for doing so wasn't because she missed their conversations, but she wanted to be sure to have a solid excuse in place as to why she wasn't able to get to the phone. Once they had arrived to the tarmac, she put her phone on silent before dropping it into her purse. She wanted no distractions from this weekend, because after all of the bullshit she dealt with, she did believe she had earned this.

Aliyah hadn't offered Jason a response to his suggestion that they might be able to travel again during one of their breaks. A part of her didn't believe that he meant it, why would he still be interested in her at that point? To her, it seemed like he was simply talking up a big game to help further lower her guard, which was totally unnecessary if that was the case. “You might be right about that, but why do I have a feeling we have two different definitions for getting to know each other?” She couldn't help but tease him with a smile as she followed him along into the bedroom.

She was doing absolutely everything wrong, from agreeing to the trip, to flashing him in the limousine, to not even batting an eye at the sight of just one bed. If she had never told him beforehand that she was already taken, she certainly wouldn't look as if she was now. But she could admit that there was an attraction to the idea of Jason still treating her as if she were single. As if he either didn't care about her relationship status, or was wholly unworried about it. He was constantly displaying confidence that Aliyah didn't see often from guys, and she was loving every bit of it.

The moment Jason turned to her after making sure the door was shut, Aliyah stopped in her tracks, having been on the verge to explore the villa while she could. It was a natural instinct to simply freeze as he approached her, though there was a part of her that wanted desperately to retreat a step or two. “Jason, w-wait a second!” She gasped as her top was swiftly pulled up and over her head before she could even consider pinning her arms down. Despite her complaint, she clung to his upper arms to ensure she didn't lose her footing as he pushed her jeans down to her ankles, where she swiftly kicked them off.

If she didn't try to stop him, would she seem like nothing more than a desperate slut? She couldn't truly take the time to consider that when Jason delivered what were easily the hardest smacks she had received all week long across her breasts. Aliyah winced as she finally did make an attempt to stumble away from him, but she had only taken a single step when his arms wrapped around her body. His large hands taking hold of her ass to prevent her from moving further.

Aliyah naturally wrapped her arms around Jason as the warmth of his mouth helped soothe the slight sting that had settled across her chest, her fingers lacing through his hair as her head tipped back towards the ceiling. Each heavy breath was laced with soft whimpers. She had managed to contain any sound, just like she had through the week, but it was much harder given the difference in force Jason was willing to use. At least he was willing to help ease the pain, guiding that feeling expertly to the point that Aliyah was shifting her weight from foot to foot as she squeezed her thighs together.

Her hands slowly untangled from his hair to work their way down to his chest. She refused to be the only one in a state of undress. Picking her head back up, she allowed herself to look down at Jason while her fingers worked the buttons of his shirt. Her hips continued to squirm on occasion, grinding her ass against his hands in the process as she managed to start popping open the buttons.

By the third time she had fidgeted against him Jason finally pulled away, she had been two buttons shy of completing her task, and for a moment she thought that he might take her over to the bed. Instead, he spun her around, pressing her to the wall, forcing her hands up to help catch herself with her hips naturally stuck out. She wanted nothing more than for Jason to just pull her thong aside and finally fuck her, but it seemed he had other plans in mind, as the first solid smack to her ass nearly echoed in the room.

“Ah! F-Fuck… it hurts, Jason.” Aliyah's knees buckled, but rather than allowing her body to drop and avoid the next swing, she stubbornly widened her base as she spread her feet apart. For the first time in the week, she had finally voiced her complaints against the hits, but Jason was swinging hard. Each smack drew either a sharp cry or a whimper out of her, depending on if she was trying to hold her breath to contain the sounds as much as possible. Even with a fire sparking across her skin, Aliyah could feel just how soaked her thong had become each time her hips shifted, trying to soften some of the swings by subtly ducking in towards the wall as best as she could until she felt Jason lean down to her ear.

“And I thought Hell week was over. Just promise me you don't plan on doing this every day the writing's still on me?” There was a clear whine to her voice as she pressed her hands harder against the wall, allowing her back to arch even more in a bid to give her an opportunity to look at Jason. She could have easily turned her request into a demand, but would there be a point in trying to demand anything from him?

"You might be right about that, but why do I have a feeling we have two different definitions for getting to know each other?"

"I mean, getting to know you inside out, the whole package. Do you not have similar intentions as well?" Jason calmly responded, highlighting the irony that she insinuated she had pure, unadulterated intentions of getting to know him, but had no qualms going on an extended trip, alone, with him. Did she really think it was going to be all talk, and no actions?

He suspected that if anything, he thought he might already know Aliyah better than she knew herself. The obvious elephant in the room, was how she had ended their previous date on a bit of a sour note, by declaring her emotional unavailability - or was it? Her every action and response to him were perplexingly contrasting to her awkward proclamation, that Jason could only conclude that she did that in a moment of panic.

But Jason's half cup full saw it as a promising sign instead, that her resolve was starting to waver. He knew she was secretly loving the attention. He knew she wanted more, judging from the fact that she was standing right there in front of him, on their little impromptu trip. He just needed to nudge her further over the fence that she was sitting on. And his confidence to do so stemmed from every little sign of slip up into temptation that Aliyah had displayed thus far, eagerly lapping them all in.

"Jason, w-wait a second!"

Case in point. She protested. But that was as far as she went. She could have pushed him away. Instead she was clinging onto his beastly biceps for her dear life. If she was truly stunned, she could have just remained passively still. Instead, she side stepped her jeans after it was dropped onto the ground, and kicked it aside on her own accord. There was no way Jason would believe any more of her verbal protests made from that point.

What was impressive, was the way Aliyah firmly held her footings in spite of the force that came along with each and every smack of his. He could swear that Ali even seemed to be putting on a bit of a brave front, by pushing her chest forward to receive him. There was something highly arousing in the way that she unyieldingly presented her body out for him to play and torment to his heart's content. It was a brief display of unconditional submission that warmed the heart of the man who was so obsessed with the notion of control. And Ali was satiating his desire for that.

And it wasn't just that. Aliyah actually seemed to be positively receptive to him despite his physical aggression, when she hooked her arms around him to keep his face nested close to her bosoms. Did Aliyah perhaps, have a... sadomasochistic streak? Jason was particularly keen to find out. Every whimper, every loll of her head, every time she tried to push herself closer into him, emboldened the captain to want to take things to the next level, to test Ali's boundaries.

"You sound.. so fucking sexy." His voice was hush, breathless, as he was devouring her breasts like a hungry canine, desperate for a taste of her.

Jason smiled, when Aliyah began to play a more active role in their passionate exchange. He allowed the girl to undo a couple of his buttons. But seeing that she was taking a little too much time, he decided to take matters to his own hands. When he first pirouetted her around to face the wall, he even guided her to have both her hands raised above her head to support herself in place. He unworked the rest of his buttons, and then even peeling his own pair of jeans off, before tossing the two apparels of his on top of her pile.

The was already an apparent bulge minutes before he removed his jeans just earlier. And on multiple occasions, Jason had tried to adjust his leg wear, as he seemed to be in some discomfort. So when his jeans finally slipped off, the source of discomfort was conspicuously evident.


If Aliyah had thought no one could possibly beat the boys she had slept with over the past weekend in terms of raw, sheer virility, how wrong could she be. Jason's bulge, was monstrous, fitting of a true captain, a true alpha.

"Ah! F-Fuck... it hurts Jason."

"I know, baby."
"But you will still bear the pain for me, won't you?"
"Because this makes me really, really hard."

He needn't have to state the obvious.

"And I thought Hell week was over. Just promise me you don't plan on doing this every day the writing's still on me?"

"Technically, the week hasn't ended. Your frat's done with you. But don't you reckon our fun has just... only begun?"

"What's the matter with this, though, that you wished for me to stop?"
Jason smiled calmly, lashing down another two hard slaps on each side of her rear cheeks, before his fingers slipped over to the front of her thong, to point out an emerging patch that he had noticed on her, to her. "From what I'm seeing, you're getting damp from the work of my hands."

"But I promise this is not going to be happening all the time. My idea of Hell's week, is a bit different from that of the girls of your frat house."
Jason's dubiously innocent smile persisted, as he closed in on her from behind. The next moment, the mind boggling length of his bulge began sensually slicing back and forth against the length of her butt crack, which was barely protected by a thin lace lining.

"You reckon you would last the day with me, darling?"
It was almost as if he had already assumed her to be his lover through his words, and his actions. His face, nested side by side against her cheek, as his teeth nibbled along the edge of her pinna. If there was anyone who could put a stop to the rapid, illicit development between the pair, it was Aliyah, and only Aliyah who would care for doing so.


“No, I mean, that's not what I meant. Usually there's a certain order people go in, you just seem like the kind who goes in whichever order he prefers to get to know someone.” If only Jason had seen some of the clothes inside of her bag, then he certainly wouldn't think she had come along on this trip with the innocent ideal that things would be ending on a similar note to their first date.

He just made her feel so flustered, it was hard to know how to conduct herself properly. She wanted his attention, and while she wasn't necessarily acting like someone she wasn't, she was trying to contain that more innocent and unexplored side. She felt that after her foray with his teammates, she had a better handle on pretending to be more experienced than she was, as she was at the very least able to snap herself out of the slight daze he had set her in to start unbuttoning his shirt. But she had been slow to start, and her fingers weren't moving with confidence, which meant it took her a few tries per button.

The sound of his husky voice against her chest was easily the most alluring sound she had heard in her life. She would be willing to do anything just to hear it again. But rather than speaking further, he pulled away without a word. She was almost disappointed when he turned her towards the wall, knowing that it meant she wouldn't be able to see him as easily without craning her neck and would essentially need to place her body in his hands. Of course, there was nothing stopping her from simply turning herself back around, nothing except her determination to show him he wouldn't come to regret bringing her on this trip.

Aliyah pushed herself back from the wall just the slightest bit, allowing her spine to arch as she looked over her shoulder to watch as Jason finished the last few buttons she had missed. It was her first opportunity to see him undressed, of course she was going to watch. As he lowered his jeans down, she did her very best to keep her expression as neutral as possible, but her lips parted just the slightest bit as for a moment she held her breath.

The shock and awe she felt at the sight of Jason's bulge was only a short-lived distraction before he turned his attention to her ass. She tried her best to hold in her discomfort just like she had moments before, but it wasn't long before she cried out her complaint, a near unbearable heat practically radiating off of her skin. “I-I can, I can take it.” Aliyah gasped as she closed her eyes. Could she really? Her voice had quivered in her response, but since Jason asked her to take the pain, then she would.

“So, what? I have to go through an initiation with you too?” She was simply trying to joke, but the idea that he might try and put her through his own personal twist of Hell's week was admittedly frightening. Frightening, but thrilling at the same time. She opened her eyes once more to look over her shoulder with a slight pout on her lips as he questioned why she wanted him to stop. “Because at this rate, I might not be- AH!” As his hand connected again, Aliyah yelped in pain as she leaned into the wall, gritting her teeth to help give her some sort of distraction. Just as quickly as it started, the second round of spanks came to an end with Jason's fingers so casually drifted over the little thong she had chosen.

Just that small bit of contact was enough to send a tremor through her body, she wasn't sure what would give out first; her determination or her knees. “I don't need you pointing it out Sir, trust me, I'm aware.” Aliyah huffed softly, throwing in a sarcastic little title for him as she rolled her eyes. It was a slightly confusing and embarrassing situation to be in. She was hurting, so why was she so turned on? Even when Bentley had grabbed her and smacked her, it had been nothing more than amusing, but at this moment, she was aching for him to touch her more regardless of how he decided to do so.

“And I was really thinking we were out here to celebrate my survival, not to torture me further.” She might've sounded as if she was continuing to complain, but there was an undercurrent of excitement in her voice. The hell she went through with the sorority was a one-sided kind meant to only entertain the established members. This, whatever this was, was different.

She didn't trust his smile one bit, but that smile alone would have been enough to get her wet. Her eyes narrowed in suspicion as they tracked his movements until he stepped behind her where she couldn't see him anymore. The moment his body made contact with her own, she had to bite down on her bottom lip to help swallow down the moan that tried to escape. She wanted nothing more than to insist he stop playing games with her, for the first time she was the one growing impatient. Her lips pressed together in a firm line as her brows twitched together. The way his body was practically cradled over her own, his teeth on her ear as he spoke softly to her. It was as if he hadn't just set her body on fire, like he wasn't littering her skin with his hand prints.

Aliyah didn't respond to him right away as he asked if she could last the day with him, it wasn't just the feeling of his very prominent bulge that served as a distraction from her answer. It was the internal turmoil as well. Yes, no, stop, more, please, quit it. She knew what words she should be saying, but every instance that her lips parted, they were met with only the sound of her heavy breathing as she balled her fingers into tight fists. After a moment of hesitation, she finally uncurled her fists, pressing her palms firmly into the wall as she slowly waved her hips back and forth, grinding herself against him as she took a quiet breath.

“I guess there's one way to find out if I can last, right? I don't like backing down from a challenge so easily.” And just like that, she had made her stance clear. They both knew that she was involved with someone else, yet she had no intentions of trying to shy away from Jason now. Even though she did have the belief that there was no humanly way possibly, her body could handle a man of Jason's size. She certainly wasn't about to vocalize that fear, though.

"No, I mean, that's not what I meant. Usually there's a certain order people go in, you just seem like the kind who goes in whichever order he prefers to get to know someone."

"Would you like for me to be just like the other guys, then?" He calmly retorted with a smile. "We could grab a burger for dinner, and then I'll stroll you back to the doorstep of your dorm, bid you fair goodnight, then seal it with a kiss, like a gentleman. If that's what you prefer, let me know." He wondered if she had actually gave it a careful thought before, whether normality was what she was looking for during courtship, or rather, was normality really the sort of thing that made her excitable? If she was really certain that her breath had been taken away by the idea of being in the scenic environment they were going to be in for the weekend, he wondered if she realised the irony, that her delight was exactly driven by the fact that he did not follow a 'certain order'.

Perhaps it was her nerves starting to act up. Watching her fumble against his buttons was frankly, adorable. It was amusing for Jason, considering the fact that Aliyah had for the most part, tried to portray an image of a young woman with a good grip over herself. He was convinced the first few times round. But it was in instances like that that provided a glimpse of the vulnerable side of her. Jason was starting to see what was actually lying beneath the strong facade that she had been putting up all these while.

But that was fine. Jason believed he was patient enough to guide and groom Aliyah, to transform her into the idealised goddess that he mentally foresaw her to be.

"I-I can, I can take it."

And that was her, showing her first sign of conviction and willingness to take on what he had in store for her.

"So, what? I have to go through an initiation with you too?"
"Because at this rate, I might not be- AH!"

"Would you not be keen to prove yourself worthy of being my trusty sidekick? If you could bring yourself to weather against five days of unreasonable Hell, surely, two more of that is not much to ask of you?"

"Unless of course, being my partner in crime is not as appealing to you as being a pawn for a group of senior girls, whom I feel, possess an illusion of control over what they think they have under their greedy talons."

"And, sorry. You were saying.. you might not be..?"
With that, he lashed the hardest smack that he had connected against her perky rear yet, which landed with perfect clean contact, skin on skin.

"I don't need you pointing it out Sir, trust me, I'm aware."

"I'm sorry, again. Maybe it's the lack of sleep I had from last night. But I need you to be a lot more explicit when you're telling me things. My brain is exhausted from trying to tie the strings together to help formulate my comprehension. You were saying that you are aware that...?" Jason pulled off a flawless look of genuine innocence, wanting to make her speak all forms of lewdness uncensored, in a bid to make her remind herself that in this scenario, she was aroused by the very thing she had just pleaded for him to stop.

The captain also noticed her apparent sarcasm. For a moment, he seemed nonplussed. But when she least expected, he raised his dominant hand up to her neck to lock her in a chokehold. "I appreciate that you have taken the initiative to address me properly, as you should. What I have a bit of an issue with, is the manner of your tone."

"This is not how you should be talking to the man who had painstakingly set aside time to plan for a weekend getaway to celebrate your accomplishment for the week, do you reckon?"

His nose brushed through her hair streaks, as he took in the aroma of the residue scent of her shampoo. His tone, wasn't so much menacing, as it was teasing. But it can be difficult to tease apart the demeanour of someone who had been known to be a natural at pulling straight faces regardless of the circumstance.

"And I was really thinking we were out here to celebrate my survival, not to torture me further."

"Is it really torture, if you're.. enjoying it? Tell me, honestly."

Jason then got down... on his knees, behind her, before he slipped himself down under beneath the girl. In no time, his two massive arms coiled around each of her thighs to lock her in. His lips connected with her folds, as his tongue began to graze playfully along the circumference of her slit. He took his time, and very occasionally slipping the thickness of his pink mold two to three inches deep for a couple of seconds, only to then retreat back to lapping the perimeters of her womanhood.

About five minute in, the captain very abruptly pulled himself away from Aliyah, then slowly getting back up to his feet. With an innocent smile, he spoke. "Your words are lingering in my mind. I feel bad. I want this trip to be enjoyable for you. Perhaps I should stop this torture."


“I don't think you could be like other guys, even if you tried. There's nothing wrong with that though. Being so different is just a part of your appeal.” It wasn't as if she didn't believe he could be a gentleman, after all, their first date had been very romantic. Though he had tested the boundaries that night, he had immediately backed off the moment she revealed she had a boyfriend. In truth, it had been the perfect date, until she ruined it. It was a bit hard to believe that the same Jason in front of her now was the one from that night. From the moment they had stepped into the vehicle together, he had shown little concern for needing to restrain himself.

But why should he? Agreeing to go on this trip with him was practically waving the green flag for him to do as he pleased, and Aliyah had already crossed the line four other times. What was once more going to hurt? But just because she had unwittingly given him the permission to press forward didn't mean she had expected him to do so as quickly as he had.

She couldn't help but scoff at the idea of being his sidekick. Just who did he think he was? “Do you know what a sidekick is, Jason?” Her brows lifted slightly in question, “A sidekick is comedic relief. They are nothing more than entertainment, is that all you wish for me to be? Just a bit of entertainment for you?” She had a feeling that was what he was after this whole time. Just a bit of temporary fun, but hearing him confirm it for her would make walking away from him in the end much easier on her part. Her cheeks puffed just the slightest bit as she exhaled sharply, he had cut her off the last time she tried to speak, and as her lips parted to try to answer him again, his hand lifted for another swing.

“Fuck!” Aliyah's body lurched toward the wall as he smacked her once again, an impressively perfect swing that delivered an optimal amount of pain against her redden cheeks. Tears sprung to life in her eyes as she gasped for air while forcing her body to relax back into the proper position with her hips out. Her fingers alternated between clenching into fists and attempting to dig into the wall for something to hold onto, it had gotten to the point where the ache in the digits nearly rivaled the throbbing pain radiating from her ass. “I might not be able to sit at this rate.” Her answer came quietly, trying to hide the way her voice shook from the urge to cry.

Aliyah had to look over her shoulder to see if Jason really didn't understand what she had been talking about when she told him she was aware. He looked to be serious, but she found it hard to believe a guy like him didn't know what she meant. She frowned for a moment before finally turning her head back towards the wall. “I am aware just how aroused I am, because of you. It hurts, but it feels so good at the same time.” For the first time, she was glad that she had her body facing the wall. It was easier to hide her face when he drove her to admit such embarrassing things.

There was a moment of silence between the two, and at first she was sure he was about to spank her again, when suddenly his large hand was planted firmly across her neck. On instinct, Aliyah pushed herself from the wall just the slightest bit, arching her back down to try to pull herself closer to Jason as her lips parted in clear surprise. There was no sense of alarm as he spoke to her, in fact the more aggressive and domineering he seemed to get the more it turned her on. Aliyah's hands inched down the wall with the growing desire to touch herself, to try to give herself some bit of relief.

“No, Sir, you're absolutely right. I shouldn't have talked to you that way, and it won't happen again. It was an honest mistake because I really am so grateful for this trip you've planned for us.” Her throat vibrated softly against Jason's hand as she spoke, the sarcasm was nowhere to be found as she swayed her hips again. She was doing her best to contain her frustration, but it was getting harder with each passing minute. He clearly seemed to be in no rush, and yes, they did have the whole weekend, but she wanted him now.

“Well, honestly speaking, I'm pretty sure that there are different kinds of torture, not just the painful kind.” Aliyah paused when she suddenly felt Jason pull away from her. In a sharp spike of anxiety that she might've said something wrong, she looked over her shoulder to find him lowering himself to his knees. She gasped softly before he had even touched her, knowing exactly where he was headed before he slid between her widened legs with ease. Her body was already starting to tremble in anticipation as he wrapped his arms around her thighs to keep her in place before finally allowing her to feel the warmth of his mouth on her.

Unlike what she had experienced with Roderick who could hardly contain his impatience, Jason was the epitome of patience. With her right hand threading through his hair and her left holding onto his wrist, Aliyah tried several times to roll her hips against his tongue. But his hold on her refused to budge, and what had started as soft pants and faint moans were turning into slight growls of frustration. The tears that had formed from his latest spank were barely being held back, and after a few minutes of him ruthlessly teasing her, he pulled away with a smile as he got to his feet.

She had to take a few deep breaths to steady herself, to try to calm her racing heart down and relax her nerves before she turned her body around to face him, placing her back against the wall. “If you really feel so bad, then you should stop teasing me and just fuck me already.” Aliyah pushed herself off of the wall to close that small gap between the two of them as she tilted her head back to keep her eyes on his, her fingers sliding into the waistband of his briefs. “Or are you just waiting for a bit of attention for yourself?” Her fingers pulled his briefs down slightly, and so long as he didn't stop her, she had no issues with dropping them to the floor.

Jason was heartened to hear the girl speak her thoughts out loud, mentioning of his appeal, which she seemed unabashed about doing so. But it really wasn't too much of a surprise, given that she was the one with enough confidence and attitude to walk up to him the first time round over two weeks back to initiate that fateful conversation.

It seemed like she was onboard the compliment wagon, happy to return the favour to him. It was an encouraging emerging dynamics of taking and giving. And if they were to form a meaningful relationship, it was certainly looking like they were off to a good start.

Jason knew the role of the gentleman well. And that was what he was all about during their first date. It was precisely the reason why she pulled that wet blanket at the end of their date, which motivated Jason to think that he needed to speed things up - just a little. In her conflicted moment of uncertainty, he wanted to show Aliyah, the person that he could be by night, which was an entirely distinctive persona to the day's. He wanted to show her what she could be missing out, if she ever decided to walk away, the next time she stumbles onto her moment of doubt again, to lure her towards his dark side of the fence, before the window of opportunity closes - which he honestly hadn't got a clue how or when that might happen.

Women can be unpredictable at times, after all.

"A sidekick is comedic relief. They are nothing more than entertainment, is that all you wish for me to be? Just a bit of entertainment for you?"

Jason tilted his head to the side a little. "I agree to disagree. Saying it's for comedic relief is a bit stretching it. I would have asked you to work with me towards turning us into... lovers. I'm more than keen, in fact. But I'm afraid at least one of us seems to be off the shelf." He smiled, very innocently bringing back up the predicament that Aliyah raised the first time round. She started the mess. And Jason thought it was only right that she was the one to remedy the matter. "Should I ask you then in this case, me being the third wheel, who is actually nothing more than a mere entertainment to the other?" It was bound to happen. The topic needed to be addressed, sooner or later. And Jason wasn't one for beating around the bush.

But his hands persisted with feeling up her body ever so sensually despite them engaging in the talk, groping her breasts, leaving trails of kisses along the length of her spine, hands kneading her ass cheeks, and on rare occasions, dug his digits against the fabric of her thong by the entrance of her sex, which restricted his contact from thrusting more than half an inch deep, acting like a fabric condom. He was trying to coax Aliyah to surrender, to confess, while his hands worked on poisoning her body and mind, with the unspoken promises that he had to offer.

It was also not long after that he landed his eventual hardest spank.

"I might not be able to sit at this rate."

"It's okay. I much prefer you to be on your hands and knees. Alternatively, I could lift you up mid air as you straddle around my waist. However manner you'd rather me take you. Tell me, what would be your preference?"

"I am aware just how aroused I am, because of you. It hurts, but it feels so good at the same time."

"I know, darling. Would you trust me, then? Trust me enough to give me the limitless license to show you things you never knew you needed?" Jason smiled, immediately making a mockery out of her buying his earlier innocence. Of course he already knew. It warmed the cockles of his heart that Aliyah was at least, willing to admit that she was having a thoroughly good time with him so far. And he endeavoured to milk her even further, to force her to admit every lascivious thought that she might have. Perhaps that might compel her to truly settle down to think and analyse her relationships, of what she truly wanted, needed, out of them.

Jason gently grinded his immense bulge against the width of her butt frame when she arched her rear against him from his chokehold, simply because the fabric of his modal underwear had largely constrained and slightly contorted his manhood to position it in an awkward protrusion.

"No Sir, you're absolutely right. I shouldn't have talked to you that way and it won't happen again. It was an honest mistake because I really am so grateful for this trip you've planned for us."

It was monumentally satisfying to see the girl, who tried to play it all composed and cool since the beginning of the courtship, to have her now reduced to willing, and near unconditional submission. None of her closest friends, especially from high school, would have believed that someone had managed to bend the ambitious, unwavering girl, into yielding. That itself, was a colossal feat, that even Jason wasn't even aware of the significance of his achievement.

"Sir, is right, in the times my lover deserves to be punished. And since you were doubting my intention earlier, I'd have you explicitly made known that I'm looking at... much more than entertainment, from you. What would you have liked to call me, on the night of say, our wedding?" It was far fetched, no doubt. But it was hypothetical, and exactly what college romance was about - unbridled passion, living in the moment, experimental, inconsequential, nonsensical as it might be at times. But that passion, would always never be forgotten, nor regrettable.

"Well, honestly speaking, I'm pretty sure that there are different kinds of torture, not just the painful kind."

"Very true indeed. You're a sharp one. The bad news is that, with me, you're going to be in for a rollercoaster ride. The good news however, is that I reckon the high is worth the pain. You're just going to have to trust me on that."

When he got down to teasing her beneath, Jason found great joy in the manner that she was gyrating her entire pelvis in desperate attempts to want to feel more of him. It was also evident in her increasingly frustrated whimpers, and the tightening of her grips against his hair and his wrist. But that was not enough for him. Aliyah was still holding back in various manners.

"If you wish to cry, cry. You should know that when you're with me, you're in a safe space. When you're with me, I give you honesty, unconditional, and uninhibited passion - no distractions. I could only ask that you give me the same in return, that is, if you're serious about us." Once again, he was subtly hinting that the elephant in the room was still in their way.

"If you really feel so bad then you should stop teasing me and just fuck me already."
"Or are you just waiting for a bit of attention for yourself?"

Jason smiled. "Oh, I wish to fuck you too, so badly, alright. But I don't think you're ready, yet. I wouldn't wish to do something that would have you regret once the deed is done. I want you to be sure that you want this. I want you, to tell me, that you're mine, and mine only."

The captain then grabbed hold of Aliyah's hands, stopping her from tugging the waistband of his form hugging underpants further, before pulling them away, denying her of even the opportunity to be acquainted to his prized asset. "But until that happens, I'll do my best to try to win you over." The man then slipped back into his jeans, and started to dress his shirt back on.

He then went over to his luggage, and pulled out a paper bag, before handing it over to Aliyah. "It's my first gift for you. I hope you like it. Why don't you fit it on?"

In the bag, contained The Vulse from Lovense.


The rest of the day involved Jason taking Aliyah out on a proper date. They strolled the beach. They went for a snorkelling session. They had dinner in the face of the cool summer breeze. There was nothing too rated about those hours that passed by, except for the periodical pairing of thrusting and vibrations that would get activated out of nowhere deep inside her. Sometimes, it was met with a soft grin on the man's face. Other times, he feigned innocence.

It was particularly amusing for the man to watch her stumble on her steps, or had her accidentally swallowed a mouthful of sea water one time, when he turned the device on whilst he watched her from the speedboat, after being the first to get back on it. He laughed, when the boatman believed Aliyah to be drowning, and tossed her a float.

Jason had managed to conserve the battery life of the hot pink device through the day. But by the time dessert was served, he decided to blast the toy on maximum with two percent battery remaining, and let the battery run its remaining course out. Most amusing for the man, was that just when Aliyah was all bent forward onto the dining table, looking like she was about to explode, that the toy just died on her.


Jason let out a soft smile. If he were to be honest, he would have turned off the device if the battery hadn't run out in time. He was not going to give Aliyah the pleasure of getting off - not until she gave him what he wanted - her official hand in love.


Listening to Jason admit to her what his goal for this trip would have been if it weren't for the fact that she was already taken had caught Aliyah off guard. She had been wondering for a while now what his real intentions were, and yet she never could have imagined his interest in her went that deep. When he suddenly her question around onto herself, she found herself stuttering and stumbling over a proper answer. It wasn't just the deep, hypnotic lull of his voice or the way his hands worked along her body that was making it difficult to properly think. Being unprepared for the sudden shift in topic had completely thrown her.

"W-Wait a second! You aren't some sort of entertainment. I never… I didn't… that isn't what's happening here." The sense of guilt that came crashing down on her was met with the sharp spank he gave her. There was the sudden realization that she had been so selfish this entire time. Not once had she considered how Jason might've felt about the fact that she had agreed to come on this trip knowing she had a boyfriend, or why he might've asked her out here.

But despite her clear hesitation and uncertainly, Jason continued to push. Every opportunity he had, making her question what they could have been, what they should have been. She tried her best to keep quiet and ignore his taunting, after all, how could she truly respond to him? She had told herself from day one of meeting him that there was no possible way Jason was interested in her on a deeper level, she had convinced herself that was the truth. So to be told something different now? To be shown a glimmer of the possibility that he could be hers was shaking her resolve in more ways than she liked. It wasn't until he mentioned their wedding that Aliyah finally broke her silence.

"If you're just trying to joke around with me, it isn't funny, Jason." That's right, Jason mocking her for the sake of his own humor was the only thing that could make sense. Because there was no possible way, he was being serious about anything he was saying. She looked, well and truly, hurt as she convinced herself that her truth, was the only truth. Jason saw her as nothing more than a game… right?

Aliyah's brows furrowed as she frowned at the suggestion that she wasn't ready for Jason to fuck her. Her lips parted as she nearly cut him off to insist that she was, and that she already knew she wouldn't come to regret it in the end. But no words came out of her mouth as he told her what he really wanted to hear from her, her fingers had loosened their hold on his waistband just the slightest bit, allowing Jason to pull her hands away with ease. "Wait, are you serious right now?" She watched in disbelief as he started to get himself dressed, and if she had thought she wanted to cry before? It was easy to tell from the way her face and chest had flushed that she was trying to keep herself calm now.

She dragged one of her hands across her face slowly as she took a deep breath before picking her clothes up from the floor. She wasn't exactly sure what had just happened, was she just rejected even though he was the one who started it? And the rejection came with stipulations? She was so wrapped up in her own head that she hadn't even realized Jason was holding a bag out to her until he spoke up. With a skeptical gaze, Aliyah took the bag from his hand and peered inside before finally the confused and slight distraught expression she had on broke as she laughed.

"Your gift to me, is a sex toy?" Aliyah's shoulders trembled from her laughter as she pulled the small box out of the bag. Her laughter quieted as she read along the description of the toy, one particular feature catching her eye; the fact that it could be controlled simply through an app on the phone. Her eyes immediately jumped up to Jason, what a wicked man to leave her so clearly desperate for his attention, just to offer her a different sort of distraction.

But she was truly curious to know just how well the toy would work, it was why she had been so willing to stop herself from dressing to take a seat on the foot of the bed as she opened the box. With how wet Jason had made her it was an easy task to slip the toy into place, and while it was an odd feeling to have something of that size inside of her as she stood back up, it wasn't uncomfortable. In fact, as she resumed getting dressed, she found that bending her body in certain directions helped to push and rub the toy against her just right.

To say that their first day would be one that Aliyah would never forget was a very big understatement. She had thought that after the mood in the villa had taken a turn, the rest of their day would become awkward and even a little uncomfortable. But Jason's surprise gift for her had helped shift her mood in the right direction and as he began to pick and choose the most inopportune times to turn the toy on, even she could find the amusement in the situation. Whenever they were walking together, Aliyah had learned the hard way that she needed to keep Jason within arms length, as the first time he had suddenly turned the toy on had nearly caused her knees to buckle. If it wasn't for the fact that he had been next to her and allowed her to cling so desperately to him, she would have let herself drop to the sand.

She had made a comment at one point during their ride out in the ocean about how mean she felt he was being. Always giving her a taste, but never fully letting her enjoy the gift he had given her. He hadn't even need to say a word, Jason made sure to show her just how mean he could be during their little snorkeling expedition. Though he had returned to the boat first, Aliyah thought that surely he wouldn't make an attempt to use the toy now. How wrong she had been. The sudden vibrations had naturally caused her to gasp, sucking in the water, causing her to cough and splutter as Jason laughed from the boat.

She could have gotten angry at him for it, especially when the boatman threw a life preserver her way. But how angry could she really be when she was listening to him laugh? The worst moment had been during their dinner. Their dessert had been brought to the table, but she didn't pick her fork up just yet, having learned to be cautious around Jason by this point. Her skepticism had been correct however, as with a simple touch of his finger he turned the toy on, hard and fast, just how she liked it. Aliyah had lurched in her seat, thighs desperately squeezing together before she had no choice but to bury her face into her hands.

She had thought that Jason might've finally felt a bit of pity for her, as by the time her hips usually starting to roll he would shut the toy off on her, but this time he let it keep going. Tremors worked their way through Aliyah's body as her shoulders curled just the slightest bit, trying to keep her body tense so she didn't make it too obvious just how close she was getting, in hopes that maybe she could unwittingly slip an orgasm past Jason before he realized what was happening. Finally, finally, she was going to get that sense of euphoria he had been denying her all damn day.

She sank her teeth into the heel of her hand to try to bury the rising moans that were doing their best to slip out, when suddenly the toy stopped. “Oops.” Aliyah repeated Jason slowly as she lowered her hands from her face, her eyes wide with both disbelief and misery. At this rate he was going to drive her to the brink of madness, and given the conversation they had in the villa, she felt she knew why it was he was teasing her so much. It was during the quiet lulls of their first day together that Aliyah was able to actually think about what she was doing, and maybe even what she wanted for herself in the future. But how far off was that future truly?

With a pout on her lips, Aliyah finished off her dessert, looking like a child who had just had their favorite toy taken from their hands. But despite the torture this evil man had put her through during their day, she would be lying if she tried to say she didn't enjoy herself. Their day had been filled with so many firsts, and though they could have had more, he had every right to draw the line that he did and pull away from her. It hurt that he had, but she hadn't come on this trip with the intention of simply trying to use Jason for relief. Maybe there was a chance she really had been wrong earlier in the villa. Perhaps Jason wasn't simply trying to see how far he could pull her into the deep end before abandoning her.

It was during their walked back to the villa that Aliyah grabbed his wrist suddenly, pulling him to a stop so he couldn't walk away. “Jason hang on, I need you to listen to me for a second okay?” Her eyes darted out toward the ocean as she hesitated. She had grabbed him on instinct without an explanation prepared. “Look, I'm sorry if I've put you in an uncomfortable situation by agreeing to come out here despite… everything. I didn't come with the idea that I was going to string you along, and I certainly didn't approach you those weeks ago with that intent either. I do like you, I think that talking with you is incredibly easy. I feel more like myself with you than I have in a while.”

She sighed softly as she let go of his wrist to drag her fingers through her hair. She was glad that the sun had nearly finished setting by this point, as it helped to hide the way her face was thoroughly flushed from embarrassment as she finally turned her eyes from the water back to him. “But what you want me to do, you want me to end four years of a relationship like it meant nothing? I-I just need some time, please. I know, after thinking about it today, that I can't keep moving forward in that relationship, but I can't just end it through a text or a phone call. That isn't me. He's supposed to come and visit next weekend. Can you… be patient for just one more week?” There was a hint of desperation in her voice as Aliyah clutched her fingers tightly.

She wasn't just saying what she thought Jason might want to hear, in truth since accepting the offer from UCB this breakup was an inevitable thing that had been creeping up on the both of them. She hadn't even tried to fight for their relationship, and that for her was the biggest sign that she needed to let him go. But how would he take it when she broke the news? It was that concern that made her want to tell him in person rather than over the phone. It was kinder, and perhaps he would be able to see the sincerity in her if he was here.

There wasn't even a concern that Jason's interest in her might stem from the fact that she was taken, and the moment she left Benji, Jason would leave her too. After all, he had invited her on the first date under the impression that she was single. But it was even less than a concern given the fact that she didn't feel as if she would come to regret breaking up with Benji. Whatever was happening between her and Jason was so clearly up in the air, but regardless of these end results, it was only fair to herself and Benji both that they finally let each other go and move on with their lives.

That was what Aliyah kept telling herself, that she was doing the both of them a favor by finally making her mind up. It would be better to simply end it with him rather than continuing to hurt him if he were to ever hear about her infidelity, right? Jason was just a larger piece of the puzzle that had helped to drive Aliyah to that final conclusion. Netting a man like him in the process would simply be a bonus, and for her, would help cushion the pain of losing a dear friend.

"W-Wait a second! You aren't some sort of entertainment. I never... I didn't... that isn't what's happening here."

The little panic mode that she had displayed tugged his heartstrings a little. At least she was invested enough to feel guilty about the whole situation. So that was a relief to him for a start. Call him toxic, but he wasn't going to give her the peace of knowing he was okay - maybe, just yet. He wanted her to dwell on that guilt, unsettle her a little more, so that the next time, it would come more instinctually to her that his feelings do have a part to play in all matters of deliberations pertaining to them. With how much heart and soul he was prepared to give when invested, he too, expected the same intensity in return.

So he returned no more than a look of ambivalence to her response.

He needed her to know that she needed to try harder.

"If you're just trying to joke around with me, it isn't funny Jason."

"Am I? Is it wrong to talk hypotheticals? I don't do half fucks when I set my sight on a girl. Very premature as it is, the end goal has always been to work towards marriage when going into a relationship. Are you, though?" It was becoming increasingly apparent that Jason was very adapt at diverting her words back at her. Or maybe it was also because she had been filled with ironies and hypocrisies that enabled him to easily pick out his arguments which relative ease.

"Wait a second, are you serious right now?"

The look of gob smack on her face? Priceless. Only a man with enough patience and restrain would have been capable of playing such a game of tease and denial. And Jason was one such. He wanted to make her feel pain, the pain of being apart from him, away from his touch. He wanted to give her a taste of his ecstasy, and then take it all away from her. He wanted to make her see for herself, that she needed him, craved for him, can't live without him.

He wasn't going to give her the air that she needed to breathe, until she bind and sold her soul to his devil.

And the fact that Jason had rejected her latest advance on him even though he was the one who started it all? It was a testament to how well he was able to masterfully manipulate her psyche.

Aliyah was truly dealing with a man like no others.

"Your gift to me, is a sex toy?"

"Be nice now. It wasn't cheap. Or would you rather a ring around your finger?" The irony, was that for a man who could afford a private charter, that he thought the toy to be expensive. Objectively speaking, that might have been the truth amongst general ground sentiments. And for all the unknown riches that he possessed, it was clear that he was still very much in touch with the real world. After all, he started off as one of them.

As Jason watched Aliyah curiously slipped on his new gift for her right in front of his eyes, a soft smile creeped from the sides of his lips. If this was the sort of perversion that was going to become a common theme in their relationship, he was most certain that he is going to marry her, one day.

The following hours between the pair provided them a glimpse of just how perfect they might actually be for one another. There was no doubt that they were confronted with one of the most difficult questions to address right at the start of the trip. But they were able to move pass that, or at least, set it aside and not let it get in the way of each other for the time being. Credit to Jason, as he was able to take charge with finesse, and credit to Aliyah, for being so spontaneous with the flow of things.

If there was one more thing that Aliyah would come to realise - if she realised she had been a victim of it, or would come to realise in time -, it was that despite Jason's toxic tendencies that could be somewhat classified as emotional blackmail, he was able to nullify that less desirable trait of him, by constantly sweeping Aliyah off her feet with the unexpected, and showing her that there was a vast, whole new world that she has yet to experience for herself. And Jason was more than willing enough to patiently handhold her, to guide and walk alongside her on the exciting new journey that laid ahead of them. What they had going between the both of them was illicit and should not typically be condoned. But the sweetness, exhilaration and allure of the passion and desire that they shared, however brief, was simply too much of a draw.

The toy as it turned out, was such an ingenious idea. Virtually almost all of the time when he activated the vibrations, she would cling onto him like a long lost sweetheart, reunited with the love of her life. Each time she leaned so firmly onto him, her grips on him so tight, it elicited warm and fuzzy goosebumps all over his skin.

It was all fun and games. But the dessert scene in particular, had him quite aroused. It was clear she was trying her darnest, not to let slip the euphoria that was wrecking through her core. And the restaurant was particularly crowded that night, with all adjacent tables filled up. He found it highly amusing, when the waiter who served their dessert, reapproached Aliyah some minutes later, while she was mid way through the spiked thrusting and vibrations, and asked if she needed her cup of water refilled. It was honestly rude to those none the wiser, that she had her face buried into her palms the whole time when someone else was speaking to her. Or, she might have even come across as looking.. a bit unwell. She was trembling a little, that was evident. And the waiter even casted Jason a look, before he asked.

"Is the Miss alright?"
"It's a couple thing."
"She's having one of those moments."
"Don't worry. I've got it all covered."

"Baby. You are alright, right?"

Jason so casually responded to the man, even hooking Aliyah into the conversation. It would have been interesting to learn of what the man thought. Did he think that he was emotional abusing her? Did he think that he had upset her? Or was that her awkward way of expressing... uncontrollable joy?

Aliyah couldn't have capped their dinner any better with that singular pout hat he elicited from her. It was just a pout. But it conveyed a thousand words. It contained all the reasons that made him want to just leap across the dining table and give her his tightest hug ever. She looked so vulnerable and pamper-able at that split moment in time, which stirred the alpha dominant in him to want to just wrap his arms around her and shower her with all the comforts he could offer.

But no. He was still acutely aware of his game plan. That needed to wait for a little longer.

"Jason hang on, I need you to listen to me for a second okay?"

"Look, I'm sorry if I've put you in an uncomfortable situation by agreeing to come out here despite... everything. I didn't come with the idea that I was going to string you along, and I certainly didn't approach you those weeks ago with that intent either. I do like you, I think that talking with you is incredibly easy. I feel more like myself with you than I have in a while."

"But what you want me to do, you want me to end four years of a relationship like it meant nothing? I-I just need some time, please. I know after thinking about it today, that I can't keep moving forward in that relationship, but I can't just end it through a text or a phone call. That isn't me. He's supposed to come and visit next weekend. Can you... be patient for just one more week?"

Jason took it all intently. He was heartened to hear some of the honest clarifications that she had made. As it stood, it certainly looked like they were heading in the right direction. That set him into a bit of a state of ease. But Aliyah was oblivious to the fact that his calm exterior wasn't doing justice to the true possessive nature of his, that had been internally screaming in quiet rage since the last time she dropped the bombshell on him.

"You know I wouldn't regret ever asking you out. Even if whatever we had going ends this weekend." Honestly, Jason wasn't even sure if he was telling the truth. Honey glazed words perhaps, to make himself appear having a bigger heart than he put himself out to be? He had always had an issue with possessiveness and obsession. He didn't have a lot of muses, only because his expectations were rocket high. But when he did, his teeth would sink so deep into his intended target, that the only way to pry him away, was to end up ripping through whatever that he had set his latch on.

Benji wasn't the only issue. She hadn't even addressed what she allowed herself to get into the past weekend. It remained to be seen how and what Jason would think of it, when that ever came to light one day.

"Just to clarify. I'm not asking you to end your relationship with your boyfriend. All I'm asking, is for you to... pledge your all, to me, that I'm second to none. If it makes it easier for you, you can take all the time that you want and keep your double life up with the boyfriend going for longer, until you ever decided enough is enough."

"In fact, I'd rather you hold on to him, for now. Well, not him per se. But the sentimental value of whatever that is left between the both of you. I want you to live through both lives of yours simultaneously and get to experience and compare first hand. I want you to be absolutely convinced that we are better off with one another - that I'm certain."

Jason certainly was eccentric, and was showing himself to have some very warped view of things. What he hasn't told Aliyah, was the fact that he has a couple of sadistic tendencies that he wouldn't have ever revealed to anyone, of some of the things that crossed his dark, dark mind. The real reason why he was happy for Aliyah to string her boyfriend along for a little longer, was that he relished the opportunity to hurt the boyfriend of hers - for having the cheek to date her before he did in the first place. It was a mad idea. But this was Jason.

Through Aliyah, he endeavoured to torment her boyfriend on a slow burn. And in the process, he wanted to gradually inculcate the idea into Aliyah over time, that if she truly loved him, she would be willing to do anything for him, at the expense of her boyfriend, no matter how insane the ideas might be.

Because love is illogical.

"Take all the weeks and months you need to figure out you and your boyfriend - boyfriend is nothing more than a label, hollow as it might be. But about the matter between us, more sooner, I'd at least hope you grant me my wish - that you show through your actions, that you are mine, and I am yours, irrevocably."

The next moment, and for the second time in the day, he had managed to completely rid the tenseness of the atmosphere, by first positioning himself behind Aliyah, planted a kiss onto her lips after adjusting her to loll her head back, before he began peppering playful kisses along the side of her neck. He frolicked with her for a good half a minute, then broke off the kiss.

"It's getting a little late now, and I'm feeling sticky. Perhaps we should start our night by heading back to.. our showers?" A soft smile emerged from his face, hinting that their night had only just begun.


“Well, no, it's not wrong to talk in hypotheticals. But even if the end goal in a relationship is marriage, don't people usually wait for that to even be brought up until you really feel like that person is the one? It's not even like it would be a goal that would be achieved in a few years time, I mean don't you want to live your life a little first? Explore and have fun before you settle down?” It was so incredibly ironic that he had even used marriage as a topic to tease her on, considering that had been the thing that truly made her run away from Benji in the first place.

She seemed to hesitate for a moment after speaking, as if coming to a realization of sorts from her own words. She hadn't ever stopped to consider that overhearing her mother's conversation had made her run away. It would have been so easily to brush it off and carry on with how things had been, but she fled the whole damn state the moment the weight of possibly being tied down hit her. She hadn't considered before that her accepting the offer from UCB was anything but that, now however, she couldn't see it as anything else but fleeing.

The moment Jason pulled her hands away from him was like pouring ice water on her. The heat and excitement he had built up inside of her was doused in that single moment. He wasn't joking, though she had desperately wished he had been. It was just… cruel. But as badly as Aliyah had wanted to pull him back to her as he stepped away to get dressed, she wasn't about to lower herself to begging for his attention. She still had her pride, even if it was admittedly damaged.

Oh yes, a ring was exactly what I was hoping for.” She rolled her eyes as her voice practically dripped with sarcasm as she sat down on the bed to look over the box. “But I'll admit, being gifted a sex toy on what is just our second date? Feels like a pretty bold move to me.” Aliyah hadn't even hesitated to put the toy in, in front of Jason. There would be no point in trying to act coy in front of him now, not that she had exactly been doing so previously, given how she had boldly flashed him in the limousine.

Despite how innocent Jason had played throughout the day, Aliyah could not believe that when the opportunity presented itself during their dinner that he would not only turn the toy on as high as it would go, but try to drag her into a conversation as well. Behind her hands she had squeezed her eyes shut tight, praying that Jason would simply wave their waiter off, but no, he just had to turn it into a little show.

With her legs squeezed together tightly, she had picked her head up just enough to peer past her fingers, her face was thoroughly flushed. “Of course, love, j-just a little… overwhelmed.” It was an effort to force the words out as clearly as she could, with her fingers pressing against her lips the hint of a smile was still evident in the way her cheeks lifted. With the way her voice trembled, it could have been mistaken for her being on the verge of crying if it wasn't for the lack of tears in her eyes. It was only after the waiter walked away that she was finally able to sink back into her bliss, but it was short-lived as the toy died just after.

That desperation that Aliyah felt spiked at Jason's words. She still didn't know exactly what it was that she wanted, but she did know that she didn't want whatever was going on between the two of them to simply end after this weekend was over. It was clear that she was struggling to give him a response, but her struggle halted as he pressed on, throwing her back onto a different sort of rollercoaster than before as she stared at him in disbelief. She had to be hearing him wrong. He wasn't just telling her that he was okay with her maintaining her current relationship with Benji, but he was encouraging it.

Could she really keep the best of both worlds in the security and comfort of someone who was her closest friend and the dark temptation that surrounded Jason and all that he could give her? “You… you don't want me to leave him?” It just didn't make any sense to her. If he wanted to be second to none, then didn't that mean she had no one else in her life but him? And though his suggestion was made to sound reassuring, to someone inexperienced and young like she was it was an offer she didn't want to refuse.

She couldn't wrap her head around the fact that it should have been enough to set off the warning bells. She should have been concerned about the day Benji was made aware of everything. Of the pain it would cause him to realize that while she was portraying herself to him as the girl he had known for years, she was with someone else. In her eyes, it was the perfect scenario, and she would be a fool to walk away from it all. To her, his suggestion was also a way to avoid breaking Benji's heart, and she was loath to admit that wasn't an idea she was comfortable with doing even if she felt their relationship had run its course.

“So, you're saying that you're willing to share? But why? I mean, yes, walking away from years with someone isn't exactly an easy thing to do. But would you really be okay if I said I wasn't ready to leave him just yet? Is it really okay for me to want you both, just on different levels?” Aliyah shook her head in her confusion. She wouldn't understand that this was a game to Jason, just not the kind she was thinking it was. How would she react if she knew that his intention wasn't to simply steal her away from Benji, but to tear him apart in the process?

The confusion and uncertainty filling her mind was washed away swiftly as Jason moved behind her, and rather than turning herself to follow him, she kept herself still as he guided her head back to give her a kiss. It was like every nerve in her body was on high alert as he moved his lips down to her neck, the almost ticklish sensation sending a chill down her spine as her eyes closed for a moment. She loved to think of herself as someone who wasn't naive, but her inability to realize the harm in Jason's words suggested otherwise.

Her eyes opened finally as Jason spoke softly, so close to her skin. Aliyah had to tilt her head just the slightest bit in order to see the smile on his face as her eyes danced between his own and his lips. She wanted—no, needed to feel more of him, but was afraid if she made that known he would simply use it as an opportunity to worsen her day of teasing. “I think a shower sounds like a good idea. Besides, I need to charge the toy.”

Aliyah hesitated for a moment before finally turning around so she was facing Jason, cupping his face in her hands. “If you want me to be absolutely sure that you and I are better off together, then convince me. Show me why I should really walk away from someone I've shared most of my life with, and I don't mean through elaborate trips, though they are a nice touch. You want me to show you through my actions that you will be my number one priority? Then I want to see the same thing from you.” With that, Aliyah lifted herself up onto her toes to give him a quick kiss before releasing him and taking a step back.

“Come on, let's go get cleaned up.” With a big smile on her face, she turned on her heels before resuming her walk. Jason wasn't the only one feeling a little sticky, though their reasons were very different. Her jeans were getting to the point now that they were rubbing rather uncomfortably against her thighs.

By the time they had made it back to the villa, Aliyah was almost tempted to simply let herself drop into the bed. It had been a long and oddly draining day, but it was certainly a start to a trip she knew she would never forget, no matter what happened in the end. Before heading into the bathroom, she went ahead and stripped down in the bedroom, there was no point in acting shy about her body when she had nothing to hide, and it wasn't anything Jason hadn't already seen or touched now. Once she had removed the toy, she stepped into the bathroom to clean it off at the sink with a bit of soap to ensure it was properly clean before setting it up to charge.

“What would you have done if I wasn't game for using the toy? Was that something you had done before?” Her question was merely curiosity as it was yet another first for her, not just having it used out in public, but using one in general. Aliyah ran her fingers through her hair for a moment, the salt water from their snorkeling adventure had created a few waves to the otherwise straight blonde locks. “Do you want to shower first? Or would you rather save a bit of water and shower together?” She had taken a few steps towards the bathroom again before stopping, asking with a slight smile as she looked back to Jason.

"... But even if the end goal in a relationship is marriage, don't people usually wait for that to even be brought up until you really feel like that person is the one? .."

Jason couldn't help, but gave his nose a few rubs. The man was mentally aged well beyond his peers. His business dealings had opened up countless networking opportunities, that thrusted him into dealing with people that were his seniors, ranging as far as over a decade or two older. The perspectives he had gathered from the matured population certainly wasn't consistent with Aliyah's - topics of marriage were always centre theme during their first few dates, when the pressure of age was creeping up on them. Granted, Aliyah was only eighteen. Still, in the grand scheme of things, she sounded naive in his opinion. But he wasn't going to drag her down into a debate, for a multitude of reasons that all pointed to it being a bad and ill-timed idea. Instead, he shook his head and verbalised his opinion briefly.

"I reckon the older singles would vehemently disagree with you on that."

But he could empathise from where Aliyah was coming from, and why she as an eighteen year old would think the way that she did. That didn't mean he still wouldn't want to at least try to make her change her mind. Obviously, marriage over the next few years was borderline absurd. But he needed to at least, set her on the path of starting to approach the topic and give it some serious thought, rather than be dismissive of it. If she intended to be sincere about them, he thought she could not be thinking about their situationship as nothing more than a means for college experimentation. This, was in contrast to the perspective that Sabrina had fed her with.

It was going to be Aliyah's journey to figure for herself, whose words resonated more with her than the other.

"But I'll admit, being gifted a sex toy on what is just our second date? Feels like a pretty bold move to me."

"Pardon me if I've misread you. But is bold not your cup of tea? I could play mellow for you, if that is what you prefer. But I'd think though, that this is rich coming from a girl who bared her tits for me, on just our second date."

"But I appreciated your gift for me. Did you appreciate yours?"

"You… you don't want me to leave him?"

"What goes on between you and him is inconsequential, as long as you and I are all that primarily matters at the end of the day. Plus, I suppose this is an ideal arrangement for you, wouldn't it be?" He paused, with one hand then slipping around her waist to tug her in closer, as they strolled by the sands. "You will have all the time you need until you decide you're ready to cut loose. All I'm asking of you, is to prioritize us first, above all."

Jason could clearly sense great reluctance in Aliyah in not wanting to pull the plug yet, which was entirely expected. If anything, the fact that the man was already able to destabilise Aliyah into even consider making a decision as rash as this, was arguably much more a matter of great surprise. But love and infatuation are sometimes, feelings that simply cannot be fully comprehensible. If the hearts of two highly in-synced individuals are certain the other is the one for them, no matter how abrupt, could not be denied.

The man had a strong hunch that Aliyah seemed to be the sort of girl that just wanted to live in the moment, and much preferred to procrastinate on matters of immediate concern. With that assumption, he planned to turn her propensity to his advantage, by putting himself under a chivalrous light through the offering of his 'patience.' He wanted to build her trust in him, and would do anything and everything to make that happen. Keeping his rival close within his pocket through Aliyah also meant prospective opportunities up ahead, which could allow the captain to manipulate the dynamics of Aliyah's existing relationship with her boyfriend.

"So, you're saying that you're willing to share? But why? I mean, yes, walking away from years with someone isn't exactly an easy thing to do. But would you really be okay if I said I wasn't ready to leave him just yet? Is it really okay for me to want you both, just on different levels?"

"You need time to see for yourself, what we are about, I get it. I want you fully convinced that you will eventually be making the right choice. So I'm offering a fair fight. Personally, I'm confident you belong with me. But I'll be waiting on you to arrive at your eventual conclusion."

If Jason was to be honest, it was a huge gamble that he was taking. But his most recent statement epitomised the level of confidence he possessed. Some might call him arrogant. But his track record in all departments of his life most often proved that he was a man of substance, and his words were never hollow. There was something about having that strong initial belief, which would radiate and be translated into positive energies, subsequently paving way to his successes. Some might call that blind faith. But it was a recipe that he had used for most of his entire life, and he found no reason to deviate from something that had worked for him so well for so long.

"I think a shower sounds like a good idea. Besides, I need to charge the toy."

A kiss was all it took to dissolve all the worries in their little bubble at that moment. "I see you're already very eager and comfortable with my.. very bold gift for you." The man just had to tease. "You have to admit, it is a good gift." Admittedly, Jason was mildly surprised at Aliyah shortly after, when she took her first ever initiative at giving him a kiss. Slowly but surely, that was a good indication. What was an even better sign, was her proceeding little speech.

"If you want me to be absolutely sure that you and I are better off together, then convince me. Show me why I should really walk away from someone I've shared most of my life with, and I don't mean through elaborate trips, though they are a nice touch. You want me to show you through my actions that you will be my number one priority? Then I want to see the same thing from you."

It almost sounded like a challenge. And it struck a chord in the competitive spirit in him. It also sounded like she was more than ready to leave her past behind her. She just needed that additional push from him to set her on her merry way. And Jason was definitely game. He didn't reply her. Instead, he let his actions did the talking - for actions were all that mattered.

So when Aliyah pulled herself away from the kiss that she started, he grabbed one of her wrists before she could move out of his reach, and yanked her back in. This was going to be his first of many showings.

The captain twirled her around, nimbly slipping his right arm around her waist to pull her in, clasping her lower body to his, before he sank his teeth into the left stretch of her neck. His left palm, reached up to the back of her neck to lock her head in place. He nibbled, and he suckled furiously, making rounds up and down along the length of the entire sensitive highway without even a second's respite, always ending up biting her earlobes to a firmness that would cast his teeth mark on it, before repeating the cycle over again.

It was only a good three minutes or so, before he eventually pulled away. But it was hard to classify it as a tease, because those three minutes felt longer than they lasted. They were so lost in their own blissful world, so much so that it didn't matter when at least two other couples were watching them from the distance.

"Come on, let's go get cleaned up."

"What would you have done if I wasn't game for using the toy? Was that something you had done before?"

"If there is a will, there is a way." Jason quoted another one of his beliefs, cliche as it might sound. "And you didn't strike to me as someone who would shy away from a challenge, judging from what I've seen from you so far. You've survived Hell's week. So I was pretty sure this would be a non-issue, and a perfect way to kickstart our second date. You seemed to be enjoying it."

"And no. I've seen this previously. Heard tales about it before. But never got down to trying it. Which makes this all the more fun for me. I'm learning about the toy.. and your body at the same time, while you soak in all the pleasure." It was a display of youthful exuberance, almost as if the pair had exchanged their virginities with one another, albeit in a different form, and they were really thrilled about it.

In no time, they found themselves back in the comfort of their accommodation.

"Do you want to shower first? Or would you rather save a bit of water and shower together?"

Jason didn't respond. Instead, when she turned around, she was greeted by the sight of him already slipping out of his clothes - this time, she was introduced to the glory of his gorgeously endowed phallus for the very first time. He was so lengthy, his foreskin was pulled back all the back, exposing his clean, shiny helmet head. And the thick veins showing through his length showcased the extend of his virility. His balls, were massive, and hung low against the pull of gravity.

"Would it please you to hear that I've abstained over the last two weeks?"


He walked over to Aliyah, lifted her entire frame up immediately on a bridal carry by his chest, then brought her to the open air shower. It was only after he dropped her back down onto her feet when they reached the shower stand, that he semi-whispered into her ear.

"You're serious about us, you say? We'll have to start making relationship rules on the go, then. Rule number one - Thou will not shower without the other, when in the presence of the other."

With that, Jason turned on the raining waters. He pressed his rock solid torso against her softer, smoother back. His broad bear hug, engulfed her in a blanket of warmth that only served to accentuate the summer heat. His hands, conveniently glided straight down to her sacred orifice, easing away the sexual itch of hers on her behalf, for the both of them could agree that foreplay for the lady had lasted far too long.

He gathered a copious amount of body foaming soap next, before he began to lather it over her entire hour glass figure. Jason really took his time to savour the feel of her body this time round, but paid extra attention to her breasts, frequently clamping down against her nipples in particular.

Once he was done, he nested his soap laden cock in between her butt crack, which filled up her entire length, and much more, as the tip of his manhood would poke against her mid-back every time he guided her body to gyrate down south for him.

"... you wouldn't be opposed to extending this trip for a day more or two, would you?" He teased her with a hypothetical. Their trip barely begun. But he was already feeling melancholic at the thought of it coming to an end.


Aliyah could agree at the very least that an older single might feel differently about her words, but even though Jason was older than her, she didn't feel that he was older by much and certainly not enough to feel marriage should be such a prominent thought of his. But luckily she wasn't able to linger for too long on the topic, or the thoughts that came along with the topic, as their more jovial attitudes quickly returned with the presentation of his gift.

“I never said mellow is what I prefer, I think bold is far more fun.” She paused for a second before shrugging her shoulder with a look of indifference on her face. “And it's not my fault if my tits are what you were looking at. I was trying to show you the marker on my skin.” That was a lie, of course. She could have simply told him about it, but she chose to show him, knowing exactly what she was doing at that moment. But why bother admitting it, when it was so much more fun to play as if she were wholly innocent.

If anyone had asked her, Aliyah wouldn't be able to say if she was falling in love with Jason or not, after all she had thought she was in love with Benji. But as he reassured her that it was okay for her to take her time she knew that what she felt for him was different from what she felt for Benji, whatever this heart racing feeling was, was stronger and far more addicting. It seemed like such a small reassurance, but it really meant everything to her that he wasn't pressuring her for an immediate answer.

“Yes, it is a very good gift, and unique too.” Aliyah had given Jason a slight smirk as she agreed before taking hold of his face. She felt that she had caught him off guard a bit, as he had been the one thus far to initiate everything between them, which certainly made her feel quite proud of herself. As she let go of him and moved to step away, Jason moved faster, pulling her right back in to his body before his teeth found her neck. She gasped softly as her head fell back, offering more of her skin to him, while her hands clutched at his shirt. Holding onto him tightly as he seemed to devour her.

Each time Jason found himself at her ear, Aliyah pulled against his shirt tighter, trying desperately to pull him closer to her as her spine arched enough to allow her body to feel as much of him as she could. That familiar spark igniting and burning hotter with each pass of his teeth, which caused her to whimper softly as he finally did pull away from her. How could she even concern herself with anyone but him when it wasn't just her body that craved all that he offered her, but her mind too?

To say that he had left her hot and bothered again was an understatement, she knew that if he insisted on doing nothing but teasing her all night long, she would lose her sanity. But would that really be such a bad thing, so long as it was him driving her to that brink? Aliyah opened her eyes slowly, having closed them to allow herself to soak in the moment before blurting out the first thing that had come to her mind; her curiosity regarding the toy he had gifted her. Hearing him say that it was a new experience for him as well was a different kind of satisfaction, knowing that she was able to get a piece of Jason that no other had received before made her feel special, and from the smile on her face that was certainly clear.

“You're right, I don't like to back down from a challenge, but I don't think I was the only one enjoying it, especially considering the laugh you had out on the boat today.” How easily Jason was able to shift her mood and make her practically forget about her concerns regarding her boyfriend wasn't even something she was able to fully comprehend. It was as if she simply wasn't capable of keeping her mind focused on anything except for him when he used her body as a distraction. She didn't believe that the desire she felt for him was a fleeting thing, not like the moment she had shared with his teammates. Jason had made her heart race from the very moment she had met him, and it didn't seem to be an excitement that would end any time soon.

Aliyah was incredibly glad she had taken a moment to pause at the doorway to ask if they would be showering together, as it gave her a real opportunity to watch as he stripped down. While Jason had previously left himself in his briefs, the moment he slipped them to the floor, she could feel her mouth watering as she unabashedly took in the man in front of her. She had thought Roderick looked to be a god among men, but he could barely hold a candle to Jason.
“I guess they really do make things bigger in Texas.” Her eyes slowly found their way back up to his own before he mentioned having abstained.

“Have you really? And here I was thinking that you would have girls hanging off of you left and right. Do I get to be the one to ruin your abstinence, or are you going to stop midway again?” Of course, she made no mention of how long she had gone without sex, after all she hadn't technically lied to Jason about his teammates she had merely left that piece of information out. Had she never run into them at the club, it would have been close to a month since she had slept with anyone, since that was the last time she had been with Benji.

It wasn't surprising that Jason was able to pick her up with ease as if she weighed next to nothing, given her smaller stature she probably was rather light for him. But it gave Aliyah a brief opportunity to allow her hands to properly explore the expanse of his chest, her hands traveling to his shoulders before her arms were wrapped securely around him as though this was where she truly belonged, secure in his arms.

“Oh, so being in a relationship with you comes with rules?” She couldn't help but tease him just the slightest bit as he spoke softly into her ear before turning on the water. “Next thing I know, you'll be telling me what I'm allowed to wear, beyond dressing like a southerner.” Jason had already shown plenty of signs of being the one in control, but at a certain point that level of dominance treaded into toxicity. Having a hold on someone else's life, on what they were allowed to do, they were little pieces of freedom that Aliyah had never given up before. But if it made Jason happy to have that control over her, if she was willing to give more of herself to him, would that show him the depths of how badly she wanted him?

Aliyah's body moved slowly against Jason's, her hips swaying as if she was dancing to the motion of his hands. Her breathing slowly deepened the more he caressed her. She had never showered with anyone before, never really seeing the appeal to it, though she had offered to do so with Benji the last time they had really spoken. But the act was far more intimate than she had expected it to be, or maybe it was because of who she was with. But the contrast of his touch now versus how it had been when they had first arrived was just as arousing.

Each time his fingers closed around her nipples, small jolts of pleasure worked their way down her spine, causing her to shiver on occasion. She still couldn't figure out how he had been able to pull away from her earlier like he had. She had no doubt that he wanted her, so why deny both of them that pleasure? It almost made her afraid to try to touch him again. Aliyah let out a soft hum as if she were weighing the option of extending the trip and going back to school.

“And have the chance to keep you all to myself for a bit longer? No, I wouldn't be opposed to that.” Jason might've been merely speaking hypothetically, but Aliyah was being completely honest. Yes, they both had responsibilities at the school that couldn't simply be ignored, but once they returned would they really be able to have time to themselves like this? Aliyah slid her hands behind her body, grazing them over Jason's hips and down to his thighs in a firm, almost kneading, touch.

“You still haven't filled me in on those thoughts of me that you would have before you went to sleep. Don't you feel like sharing?”
She tilted her head back just enough to be able to see Jason behind her as her hands moved up his thighs to allow her fingertips to brush against the base of his cock. But it almost seemed accidental in the way she was simply letting her hands roam along his lower body as her own continued to move against him.

"Yes, it is a very good gift, and unique too."

"I had to make sure there was something that would make you think of me. Each time you slip my little gift into you, it is.. me.. that you may be wishing inside of you instead."

The strength of her deathly grip on his shirt when he pulled her back into his kiss was enough to make his cock stir with need. He felt all fuzzy, experiencing first hand, her unhinged display of desire for him. It was exactly what he asked of her just moments earlier, throwing herself onto him mindlessly, like nothing else in the world mattered to her, but him. He certainly felt that way. It felt great to be wanted like that.

The icing on the cake came in the form of her whimper, which sounded more like a whine, when he pulled his body away from her, after deciding that he had been generous enough with his display of affection. Apparently, she was that greedy. But would he complain? No. Would he want to starve her out more? Yes. After all, Aliyah had proven herself to be most passionate, when left in a state of perpetual hunger. And his egotistical alpha male disposition had him wanting to milk more of Aliyah's attention - all of her attention in fact, so much so that the title of a boyfriend for Benji was nothing more than just a meaningless label.

"You're right, I don't like to back down from a challenge, but I don't think I was the only one enjoying it, especially considering the laugh you had out on the boat today."

"I had enjoyed, indeed. But only because I could see it in your face that you were going through motions of euphoria. My pleasure is tied in to yours. And perhaps I'd let you in on the fact that my little brother here hasn't got much of a moment's respite for the entire day." Jason smirked, before gently patting down against an obvious bulge that had been present on his pants for pretty much almost the whole time.

The way Aliyah blatantly ogled on this glorious rod was flattering for the man. She certainly took her time, gaze lingering for a good ten seconds or so. He even decided to put on a bit of a quick show, clenching and releasing his penile muscles to make his stiffness bob a little, the veins, popping a little more evidently from the exertion.

"Have you really? And here I was thinking that you would have girls hanging off of you left and right. Do I get to be the one to ruin your abstinence, or are you going to stop midway again?"

"Depends, on how far you're going to make yourself stand out from the rest of the girls. I have... expectations. I don't just fuck any pretty face I see. Sex isn't as fun when there isn't any chemistry involved. I'm better off jerking myself off if the effort to do a girl isn't worth the experience." Jason very casually responded. How often would someone hear a man composed enough to abstain from sex, let alone rejecting sexual advances? It wasn't that the captain had a low libido. But he had been so exposed to the world of lust and sins earlier in life that he found himself no longer excited by anything remotely vanilla, or even anything mildly depraved in his opinion.

For a man who had so much appeal, going on a two weeks hiatus was a notable feat, in the face of omnipresent temptations. What might be more impressive, was the fact that he jacked himself off two weeks back, and that the last time he had actual sex, was even before Aliyah and Benji last engaged in coitus. He couldn't remember exactly. Two, maybe three months?

Feeling her wrap her arms around his neck when he lifted her up had him internally melting. His nonchalant demeanour certainly not doing justice to the whirlwind of tingling emotions he was feeling within. He hadn't felt this way in a while. He was even surprised that Aliyah had managed to make him feel that way. He couldn't explain why exactly. But everything felt so right. He thought so too, that she truly belonged with him.

He was almost convinced by then that there was no way that he was going to let her slip away, at least not without putting up a ferocious fight.

"Oh, so being in a relationship with you comes with rules?"
"Next thing I know, you'll be telling me what I'm allowed to wear, beyond dressing like a southerner."

"Actually, I quite like the sound of that. Thanks for the idea. And trust me, my demands will be more than just you dressing up more like a southerner."

"And of course there has to be rules. Would you have me pick up another girl that I meet later when you're soundly asleep?"
"If not, that would bring us to rule number two, that if it ever comes down to me and your boyfriend competing for your attention at the same time, or any other boy for that matter, you will prioritise me first, will you?"
His hand that was coiled around her back during the bridal carry, which palm was conveniently cupping against her side boob, gave it a firm squeeze right after he posed the question. The man had no issues showing just how assertive and intrusive he could be. He was one who didn't fall for anyone easily. But when he did, he would put his all, and that often translated to crossing many forms of boundaries. Aliyah was able to make him feel that illogically smitten. If she wanted his kind of love to be blanketed upon her, there was a price she needed to pay.

"And have the chance to keep you all to myself for a bit longer? No, I wouldn't be opposed to that."

And it seemed like Aliyah certainly could afford the price she needed to pay, at least, in this instance. She was saying all the right things he wanted to hear. "Good. I shall ring the reception." He paused, threading the tip of his nose against the length of her neck, taking in deep breaths to inhale her scene. The hot gushes of air in and out of his nostrils, constantly caressing her skin, as much as his palms were eagerly feeling her thighs, her ass, her tits, all over. "... But only after I'm done with you."

"You still haven't filled me in on those thoughts of me that you would have before you went to sleep. Don't you feel like sharing?"

Jason smiled. He didn't reply. Instead, he spun her around, and shoved her down onto her knees. Aliyah had just given him the license to perform his darkest fantasies. And the go-getter wasn't intending on holding back. The next moment, he grabbed hold of a handful of her hair and slipped his phallus in one swift attempt pass her lips, before he began face fucking her violently without holding back. There was every likelihood that she would fume at him for being this aggressive with her. But he figured that was a matter that he could address later on. For the time being, he wanted to show her what he truly was about, in his most uninhibited state.

Once he figured his cock was warmed up enough after a good five minutes of relentless assault, he lifted Aliyah back up onto her feet by her armpits, pirouetted her around to have her face against the shower wall, and trusted her to be able to pivot herself against the wall of the shower platform.

He gathered a generous bundle of her hair once more, grabbing it firmly to have her head yanked upwards. The next moment, he dexterously plunged his shaft right into the crux of her sacred sex. Foreplay had lasted the entire day, and he figured Aliyah would have been more than ready to take him in his full glory.

Jason grunted. If he wasn't already bullish enough with his pounding, he doubled down his force and pace, by shifting his hands to clamp her head in place, pulling her entire figure back to tighten the latch of her pussy against his penetrating rod. He recruited every fiber of his abdominal core, down to his legs. His abs gracefully curled to a perfect arch on every deep thrust into her.

"... Do you like all the thoughts I have had of you, so far, sweetheart?"

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