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𓍼 E N S N A R E D ‎ IN ‎ D E S I R E 𓍼 ɴsғᴡ » ᶠᶦᶜᵏˡᵉⱽᶦˣᵉⁿ ˣ ᴷᵉᶦᵗʰ ᴸᵒᵍᵃⁿ «

Being thanked for her honesty was uncommon, partially because Aliyah didn't tell the truth often enough, but also because most people didn't take honesty as well as they think they will. Her surprise was clearly written on her face as she blinked. “You're welcome.” Jason's questions came comely enough that she never felt like she was being interrogated, like she had to answer his questions. In a way she knew that she did, avoiding the truth would have come off as questionable but she at least had the feeling that she had the choice to choose if she was going to answer, and he gave her time to consider her answers carefully enough that she didn't feel as though she was leaving anything out.

She would have killed to know what was going through his mind, however, to know how her truth made him feel. Yet his face remained stoic to the point that it was even a little frustrating. There was no doubt he had an opinion, but was he keeping it to himself out of consideration for her? She wanted to press him for some answers of her own, for now though she was content to simply leave things as they were so they didn't risk ruining their day.

As she reached for the knob of the shower, she paused when he whispered in her ear, prompting her to look over her shoulder and actually try to gauge just how serious he was being. After all, he said it himself; anything that comes out of his mouth are promises. “I have no intention of even trying to slip away from you. Not any time soon and not in the foreseeable future either. I promise.” His tone might've been playful, but Aliyah was wholly serious. She wanted all of him for as long as she possibly could have him, the cost no longer mattered to her.

Once she turned on the water, she waited until Jason was walking away, watching him go as she stepped under the spray of water. “I love you too.” It was cowardly of her to wait until he was walking away, until the water would drown out her voice. But she needed to say it, even if she was the only one who could hear it. It just wasn't fair to tell him when she was still wrapped up in Benji. So while she couldn't tell him just yet, she needed to at least get it off of her chest to some degree.

Talking about getting a tattoo with Jason was one thing, walking into the parlor however brought to life the nerves of having to actually follow through. While Jason talked with the artist, Aliyah wandered around the lobby to admire the different work on the walls to help ignore the blood rushing in her ears. Her hands had started to shake just the slightest bit from the adrenaline. She had never seen herself as the kind of person to get a tattoo, she didn't look down on them, or people who got them, they just weren't anything that had ever appealed to her before.

The paperwork was fairly quick and straightforward, and the young artist was able to draw up the design Jason had come up with even quicker thanks to the simplistic idea. She had thought he might show some sort of reaction when Jason had explained where they were getting the tattoos at, but the artist hardly batted an eye, instead simply moving the two of them over to his station so they could get started. Unsurprisingly, Jason didn't seem to flinch at all as he got his tattoo done. It would have comforted her and possibly even tricked her into thinking that maybe it wouldn't really hurt that bad, if it wasn't for the fact that she had learned not to trust the expressions, or lack of, that he wore.

Aliyah chewed softly on her thumbnail as she watched, her gaze drifting between the needle and Jason's expression to see if there might be any sort of change. The soft drone of the tattoo gun was actually a comforting background noise, and before she knew it her own anxiety had lessened to the point her hands were no longer shaking, and Jason's tattoo was done. “It looks good.” She nodded with a smile as Jason got up from the bench, allowing the young man to wipe the seat down and clean up his station so he could set up for hers as well.

Part of her wanted to ask Jason to wait elsewhere, she didn't want him to see if she panicked or had a moment of doubt, but if Jason gave her space she knew she would back out. Taking a deep breath, Aliyah slipped her skirt down her hips before taking Jason's place on the bench. With an eager nod of her head, she was about to agree to the numbing cream when Jason beat her to it, turning it down on her behalf, causing her lips to part in disbelief. Jason-” Her tone was sharp, on the verge of reprimanding him, when he grabbed hold of her ankle and pulled her further down the adjustable bench to settle her legs over his shoulders. The artist was able to compose himself far quicker than she was, as he merely told Jason to hold on tight to her.

The tight grip on her legs contrasted against the gentle way his lips and tongue worked against her labia, which were still slightly swollen from their strenuous night. The harsh buzz of the tattoo gun made her flinch, but it wasn't really until that needle touched her skin that she actually tried to pull away. It was purely instinctual, that sharp, blinding pain that reverberated through her lower body as she clenched her jaw shut as tight as she could.

“Evil, evil man.” Aliyah hissed under her breath, trying her best to suppress her smile as her breathing slowly came back to normal. Once she had been able to take a few steady breaths, it was easier to move past the pain, just had it had been last night. Her thighs twitched occasionally against Jason's shoulders with that burning need to roll her hips. For forty-five minutes, Aliyah was put through torture similar to what Jason had put her through the night before, yet so different at the same time. Before long, the artist sat back, shutting the tattoo gun off.
“You're all done. Make sure you both keep the area clean with antibacterial soap. For the next few days, you'll want to wear loose clothing and be careful with any strenuous activities. It'll be tender for a few days, but there shouldn't be any actual pain.” Aliyah slowly untangled her legs from Jason's hold once she was able to so she could pull her skirt up.

“Actually, um, I'm sorry I should have said something earlier, but could we get one more?” She flashed Jason a cheeky smile as the artist scratched the back of his neck. Under normal circumstances the odds of being able to squeeze in another tattoo unplanned would be very unlikely, but given the artist's availability, he had no complaints. Aliyah laid out her idea, the sun for Jason, and earth for herself, in orbit to go on their wrists. It was still a simplistic tattoo, but one that would make it obvious to anyone in the same room as them that they were connected. But for her, it was more than that. Just like how the earth would always be trapped in the sun's orbit, she would never be able to walk away from Jason.

“I like the one that you picked out for us, but I want one that'll show others who you belong to as well. If you aren't too afraid to make it a bit more public, at least.”

"I have no intention of even trying to slip away from you. Not any time soon and not in the foreseeable future either. I promise."

"I love you too."

Like the greater mass, Aliyah decided to live her life in complacency, believing that tomorrow is an endless resource that will surely come around, with the promise that there is always going to be enough time for her to say the things that she wanted to say, to the people that truly held a place in her heart. Complacency never ever seem like a threat - until it is too late.

Walking into the tattoo parlour brought about a sense of opulence. The place was generously spacious, and had a total of four benches. It looked to be a bit of an overkill, especially since it was highly unlikely that more than two benches would be utilised at any one time. One, the island was catered to the rich, and so the inflow of tourists would be limited; and two, the young man seemed to be the only person running the entire site. It seemed more and more likely, that the extra spaces and the unused seats were there just to create a sense of grandeur.

For the artist, the parlour was his little haven, his museum with an insane amount of portfolio work being showcased just about anywhere one's eye could reach. It was his sanctuary. That was what he told the couple when they engaged in small talks whilst he was getting their tattoos done.

By the end of Aliyah's forty five minutes, the tattoo guy looked particularly proud of the job he had done, as his eyes gazed and admired for a few seconds too long, not at Aliyah's bare womanhood as much as it was pretty sight for sore eye, but of his own work. For Jason, he found great delight in the work he himself had done to his lover's sex, as he had made it completely soaked and engorged. And of course, the artist's work, which was, well, gorgeous too. Although Jason would argue that it was not an easy feat to have gotten a girl nice and wet in the face of stabbing, nerve wrecking pain that hadn't been the slightest bit attenuated by any form of pain relief - Jason's default self ego-stroking naturally playing out within the secret realms of his mind.

Both Jason and the artist were mildly surprised, when Aliyah made an eleventh hour request for a second tattoo to be done up for the both of them. The captain was curious as to what she had in mind, but was more than happy to go along with the freshman's spirit of spontaneity.

As she pitched her idea, it turned out, that she had far surpassed his expectation. It wasn't just hollow words that she promised about pledging herself to him, but she was actually taking the lead this time to formalise her intention through something very tangible and permanent. It was a giant leap, possibly the next best way she could show just how serious she was about them, apart from finding the courage and impetus to break up with Benji for good.

"I like the one that you picked out for us, but I want one that'll show others who you belong to as well. If you aren't too afraid to make it a bit more public, at least."

"Babe. You and I both know who between the both of us is more hesitant to clear any lingering doubts in the air, once and for all. If you're ready to make us public, I am more than happy to show the rest of the world that you are mine, as I am yours." Jason replied with a soft grin, enthusiastic about following through her idea.

They ended up overstaying at the parlour for another hour and a half, had a late lunch, and took a two hours afternoon hike amongst the lush greens to get their food digested, before they decided none of the other island activities available was more interesting that being able to explore each other's anatomy back at the comfort of their mansion.

Their remaining eighteen hours or so before check out, comprised of them behaving as if they were spending the last day of their lives together. Immediately upon entering back into the villa, they stripped down to bare nothings, despite them being filthy and sweat drenched from their walk, as Jason took her against the nearest glass paneled door.

Sex. Shower. Cuddles. More vigorous sex over the various rooms of the villa, which effectively wasted the effort they put into showering earlier, as the tropic heat had them sweating again in no time. Cuddles. 3 hours of sleep. More sex from dawn till late morning.



Even during their cuddles, Jason's cock was always sleeved within the warmth of her maidenhood. Otherwise, they were barely disconnected, apart from the various sporadic minutes in which they needed to move from place to place. And even if they tried to move, Jason would attempt to carry her around with him still buried in her for as much as possible. That was how much they could not bear to break apart from one another. If those number of hours of them willingly conjoining themselves to one another wasn't a strong enough indicator of how clingy they were with one another, it would be how they skipped dinner and breakfast just to continue torturing their respective genitals to a degree of soreness that would take them days to recover from.


The rest of the week pretty much involved Aliyah needing to play catch up with her missed assignments, and the various instances in which Benji had to wait up to hours on end before his girlfriend would reply to his text messages. The same treatment could not be said with Jason, far from it in fact, as Aliyah seemed as if she was almost perpetually glued to her phone most of the time, from the manner which she took no time to respond to Jason. Yet, the pair never met up in person for the reason that they knew it would be an absolute distraction, which would derail them from their academic and sporting obligations, judging from how their previous weekend went. For the time being, sexting and unbridled flirtatious banters were what they had to settle with.

By the early hours of Friday, Benji was considerably annoyed, when Aliyah continued to leave him in a lurch regarding his upcoming visit. His flight was at six in the morning. And at four, Aliyah still hasn't yet confirm how she was going to pick him up.

<4.05am> Benji: Babe?
<4.05am> Benji: I'm going to board the flight in just under an hour.
<4.06am> Benji: So if you don't hear from me, you know I'm already in the air.
<4.07am> Benji: Please let me know how we're going to meet up when I touch down later, yes?

<6.00am> Victoria: Morning fellow ACO freshies. We have an impromtu event happening this evening, jointly organised by ACO, along with a number of other key frats. Details will be elaborated on later. But you are expected to be in the ACO compound by 6pm sharp. It is a public event, so you'll be allowed to bring in friends and such if you wish.
<6.01am> Victoria: Remember girls, it is very important that you are not to be late for this event. You have been explicitly warned.


Aliyah felt incredibly proud of herself to be able to surprise a man as solid as Jason, she had no doubt that he would be on board with the idea. She was so proud, in fact, that she was hardly fazed when he poked again at her reluctance to walk away from her current relationship. She knew by now that he wasn't bringing it up as a way of trying to hurt her or upset her, but to remind her that merely putting it off would not resolve the issue on its own.

"I will deal with that issue." Eventually. Just not yet.

Her focus was given back to the artist as he worked on their final two pieces. The rest of the day was spent exploring the island after their lunch for as long as they could bear until they decided there was nothing they would rather be doing than enjoying each other. The island was beautiful, there was no denying that, but it didn't hold the same level of excitement or enjoyment that their bodies held.

Their indulgence in one other came with little regard for the aches setting into both of their bodies, it was a small price to pay when they both knew that returning to school would mean being able to be with one another less often. She had always thought she knew how her priorities were supposed to go, but now she was actually beginning to question if she hadn't taken on too much in her collegiate life.

While Benji would pester and push for her to reconsider, to try and get her to realize she was leaving him behind, Jason didn't need to do that. He was well and truly becoming a drug for her, every time she thought she had enough of him, she found herself wanting more. Nothing outside their villa mattered, not even food, and while their bodies were practically begging them to stop. To just take a break, they couldn't.

Hardly a word needed to be said between the two in their final hours together, as if the ink they had embedded into their skin said it all. Whatever their relationship was, it was no longer a simple thing. At least that was how it felt for Aliyah. As if she was finally able to know what it felt like to be alive after having coasted through the last eighteen years of her life. It was enough to almost make her want to cry at times, and she might've if Jason hadn't served as a distraction.

Each day that passed, Aliyah wanted to tell Benji to cancel the flight, that something had come up, and she wouldn't be able to pick him up. She had even typed out her excuse several times over, yet she never hit send. As badly as she wanted to, she just couldn't bring herself to pull that trigger. So she put it off, spending the rest of the week practically ignoring him and acting as if when the weekend came he wouldn't be coming with it. She had to force herself to dive back into the school work, telling herself that she was evenly splitting her attention between school and Jason. But she wasn't. The only time she wasn't able to drop what she was doing to give Jason an immediate response was during cheer.

By the time Friday rolled around, she was completely unaware of how her lack of responding to Benji was effecting him. She had already promised him initially that she would be there to pick him up once his flight landed, and didn't feel like it was necessary to continuously reassure him that was still the plan. By the time 5:30 had rolled around, and her alarm went off, she knew she had to finally respond to him before he landed to hopefully avoid any sort of complaining when they met up.

5:31am: Heading to the airport now, I'll be at the baggage claim once I figure out where yours is.

Being so early in the morning, there was no traffic to fight with, allowing her to arrive in plenty of time before Benji's plane would land. It was as she was heading to the baggage claim that she saw the text from Victoria, usually seeing that name felt like having a sword hanging over her head. But for once, she was actually getting some good news. Normally she would find a mandatory event to be a little annoying, given the fact that she still hadn't caught up with all of her school work yet, but a mandatory event meant having a valid excuse to slip away from Benji.

As Aliyah took a seat in one of the empty chairs she glanced down at her arm, she could have chosen to wear something that would hide the new tattoo she had gotten, but sooner or later it was going to come up. She didn't want to seem like she was trying to hide it, since she didn't feel it was anything she needed to be ashamed of. With one leg crossed over the other, she propped her chin into her hand as she scrolled through her phone before deciding to reach out to Jason while she waited.

6:08am: Did you hear that ACO is putting on some sort of event tonight?

<6.46am> Jason CGB: Good morning. You're up early.
<6.46am> Jason CGB: No, not really.
<6.46am> Jason CGB: Would you mind sending me the event details?
<6.47am> Jason CGB: We typically do joint events. But these days, I usually get Roderick to handle the day-to-day running of the rugby society, whilst I handle the matters that involve going beyond the premises of Berkeley.
<6.47am> Jason CGB: I am.. surprised Rod hasn't already informed me about it.
<6.48am> Jason CGB: Do you mind not telling anyone that you've told me about this? I wanna find out what is going on behind the scenes.
<6.48am> Jason CGB: I feel like there is a noticeable distance between me and Rod of late.
<6.49am> Jason CGB: It would be a little unsettling to know if Rod had been taking the liberty to be running the society independently, without consulting me on matters of this scale.

<6.55am> Jason CGB: No chance of me seeing you this weekend, I suppose? With your boyfriend coming over.

It really pained Jason to send out the latest message, which came with a short delay. The last weekend was probably the best weekend he had in a while. The euphoria that came about from simply being able to freely express his passion and desires without an ounce of restrain, was something that he would never forget. Reality however, came crashing back the moment they returned back to California. The first day, there was still the post-weekend lingering buzz that he felt within him, and the blues that followed. By Tuesday, he was starting to feel the queasiness settling into his heart and stomach. They were texting, regularly. And it worked like paracetamol to his metaphorical fever. But he was still feeling it. It being, the fact that he still needed to play second fiddle, and that meeting with her boyfriend was something she still had to prioritise over him.

Breathe easy, Jason.
You can fucking do this and get a grip of yourself.
You always do.
They just need the opportunity to talk, to sort things out.
This meeting is necessary.

Nobody would have guessed how much a gulf of difference his facade portrayed his emotions to be as opposed to the raging thunderstorm he felt within. This had always been the case. And Aliyah was probably the only one who had gotten a glimpse of how impuissant he could be when a situation was out of his hands, contrary to his warrior front that everyone else knew him to be. Jason had brought himself to be comfortable enough to let Aliyah into his vulnerabilities. He was a strong man. But he was only, a man. Aliyah would never understand the agony he was going through every second, for as long as she dragged the unfinished business, which was not helped by the fact that he had been able to convincingly show Aliyah that he was okay, when he was not.

Immediately upon touching down at the airport, Benji's first course of action, was to pull his phone out of air plane mode, even when the plane was still roaring towards a halt.

He couldn't wait.

When he finally saw Aliya's message, he thought she had no idea how much of an effective panacea it was for him. Suddenly, all the weight and heaviness he felt was completed lifted from his body, even if it was just a fleeting moment. But god, how much he needed that.

<7.08am> Benji: Morning babe ❤️
<7.08am> Benji: Great, I just touched down!
<7.08am> Benji: I'll see you in a bit shortly!

The difference in textual tone between the couple could not be any more evident. While Benji had always been his genial self, Aliya sounded cold in contrast. While she had never been known to be an avid expresser through text messaging, she had gotten incredibly lukewarm in recent times. And Benji had certainly felt that.

It took him a while to get out of the immigration counter and pick up his luggage. Forty minutes on, he finally emerged from the arrival hall. The young lad scanned around the vicinity after making his exit. When his eyes finally laid on his beloved, a wide grin emerged, as he brisked himself over to his girlfriend, releasing the handle of his baggage to give Aliyah one of his tightest embrace yet.

He needed that hug more than anything. It was only when his love meter had gotten fairly recharged that he released her. It was then that he only gotten the time to visually inspect Aliyah with greater detail.

She has... changed.

She was dressed like.. for a lack of a better and more accurate term, a slut.

Aliyah had always been relatively conservative. Yes, she was a fan of form hugging apparels back at high school that showed off all her curves and her fine, fit definition. But she had always been fully clothed. Now, her side boobs were literally spilling. And that two strings that were keeping her top together look precariously loose. And she is... braless?

He was in two hearts. On one hand, he could appreciate her 'dressing up' for the occasion. On the other hand, he could not fathom the idea that she had been walking around campus dressed in the way she did, drawing attention onto her, if this was her new fashion style.

"Wow Aly. You look.. ravishing."
"Mh. You usually dress like this these days?"
"Guys must be all over you huh? Haha."

He didn't mean it so much as a snide remark from his tone, although deep down, he was genuinely concerned. But Benji had always been able to put on a smile even when he felt hurt. And in the recent weeks, Aliyah had been putting Benji in that spot already on numerous occasions.

As Benji closed in, he attempted to cup a feel against her left boob, giving it a firm squeeze. Normally, Benji had been shy about public display of affection. But his penned up frustration over the weeks had gotten him pass his inhibition that morning. He needed to touch her. It did not just stop there, as Benji reached in and stole a firm kiss from her lips, suckling them passionately with blatant disregard for the many strangers passing by them.

How insanely cathartic was that for the broken boy.

"Shall we head back to your place and talk about what we wanna do for the weekend?"
"You're staying at your frat house now, right? Would be cool to give it a visit." His ensuing smile, so typically boyish and uniquely Benji.

6:49am: Good morning. You're up early too, morning work-outs?
6:50am: I don't know much yet, just that it's a public event, when I know more I'll let you know of course.
6:51am: I won't say anything, but is that really so odd?
6:51am: Maybe he's just trying to be ready for after you graduate? These last few months you have will be over before you know it after all.
6:52am: I'm sure there's nothing to worry about. You're both busy, after all.

Seeing the flood of messages from Jason brought an immediate smile to her face, even though she was surprised to see him admit his concerns over Roderick. It immediately made her think of the brief conversation the two of them had previously. Rod was already thinking about the future, but that was supposed to be a good thing, especially if he was handling things well. Of course, that line of thinking was easy when she had no idea that there was more to their scene than she knew. Aliyah hadn't yet stopped to consider the fact that she was getting herself so deeply involved with someone who would be leaving in less than a year.

For a moment, both of their responses came to a halt. That sudden realization crashed down on her like a tidal wave. When Jason graduated, what did that mean for them? Did he have plans to stick around in California, or maybe go back to Texas? The very thought that he might end up over a thousand miles away made her sick, but it wasn't as if she could ask him to stay and wait for her. That was just childish, and she was already trying so hard to prove to him that she was at least on her way to being as mature as he was. One thing was clear, though, Benji wasn't the only one she needed to have a serious conversation with.

6:59am: Maybe we can sneak away during the event if you come?
7:00am: Or, I guess after, I don't want to give Victoria a reason to hate me even more.

Just like with Benji, Aliyah was left in the dark to how Jason was really feeling. The only thing she knew was the fact that Benji was coming bothered him, even if he didn't want to admit that. No one would be able to look at this situation and not be uncomfortable by it. But she didn't want to try and offer him empty words of comfort. There was nothing she could really say that would make things better until the only thing she had to say, was that it was over.

Aliyah didn't bother responding to Benji's text, not when she was merely minutes from seeing him. She had thought - hoped - that the moment she saw Benji everything would seem so simple. She would see him and feel nothing at all and know that what she was doing was right. But the moment she saw him coming around the corner, the moment she saw his familiar beaming smile, everything felt so confusing. There was nothing simple about the way her heart seemed to flutter as she jumped to her feet and slipped her phone into her back pocket. Her own smile was genuine as she wrapped her arms around him, holding on to him tightly as she buried her face in his neck.

Surprisingly, there were tears in her eyes as they leaned away from one another to take each other in. He looked good, a little tired if anything but healthy. She couldn't help but laugh at his comment about her clothes, rubbing quickly at her eyes to fight the tears. "You try living in this heat and not have a change of wardrobe. It'll make you a little miserable." It was partially true, between Sabrina's pestering and Jason's gentle encouragement her wardrobe had gone through quite an overhaul.

When Benji pulled her back in for a kiss, her fingers gripped the front of his shirt tightly to keep him pulled close to her. She didn't even flinch as his hand strayed against her breast, by now she was growing far too used to all formed of public displays. She kissed him with equal passion, as if one kiss alone would be able to heal the damage she had done, the damage he wasn't even aware she had inflicted on their relationship. Once their lips parted, she brought her hands to his cheeks, resting her forehead against his own as she took a few calming breaths before opening her eyes.

"We definitely should, so we can talk." She sighed as her thumbs swept across his cheek bones lovingly before her own smile came back. "I go back and forth between the main house and my dorm room. I don't have my own room there yet, so when I want privacy, I use my dorm." In the back of her mind, she knew things weren't settled between herself and Victoria, and the last thing she wanted was for Benji to wind up seeing that same video she had put on display for the Harvard team. That meant keeping him away from the ACO house for as long as possible, even though there was no way she could attend the event without him coming too. There was always the option of telling him it was private, but she knew that would upset him.

With another sigh, she released his face, only to wrap her arms around his left bicep, hugging it to her chest. "You will get to see the house, though. They're holding some sort of mandatory event tonight. So tonight is a little ruined for us, but you should be plenty entertained regardless. You fly back to Oregon on Sunday, right? That'll still give us Saturday together, and I don't have to be at the house until this evening, so we have all day today too. I just have to get a few things figured out for tonight."

It was so terribly easy to fall right back into old habits, chattering away excitedly without a care in the world for everything that had happened over the last few weeks. For the first time since the athlete mixer, Aliyah wasn't even thinking about Jason, or anyone else for that matter. Once Benji had his bag, she led the way out of the airport and back to her car, keeping herself pressed to his side. She had missed him, she just never realized how much she missed him until now. "Are you hungry? We can stop and get breakfast before we get back to campus."

<6.59am> Jason CGB: Mmh hmm. Morning work-outs, just so you get to reap the benefits of my efforts in various ways.
<6.59am> Jason CGB: Being busy is no excuse for not being able to drop at least, a simple text or a call to update.
<6.59am> Jason CGB: You wouldn't be impressed with me if I pulled the same excuse with you, would you?
<7.00am> Jason CGB: If I didn't care for the matters of the society, I might as well relinquish my title as captain.
<7.00am> Jason CGB: I don't appreciate Roderick trying to get ahead of himself in recent times.
<7.01am> Jason CGB: Thanks, by the way, for giving me a heads up.

<7.03am> Jason CGB: Maybe. Though not very feasible. Unless you're saying you don't intend to spend the night with your guest.
<7.04am> Jason CGB: We'll keep in touch and play by the situation.
<7.05am> Jason CGB: But yes, I'll try to find a way to get into the event.

Jason couldn't stand mentioning Benji as her boyfriend any longer, instead, opting to downplay him as nothing more than.. a guest.

That one tight, long embrace was all it took for all the anxieties Benji had felt over the past weeks to dissipate into thin air. He had been worried that Aliyah had began distancing herself from him of late. But the manner in which she approached him completely put him at ease. It felt just like old times. It was also then that he realised how important this visit was as a milestone in their relationship. Had they not been spontaneous enough to make this happen, they would have continued heading down a spiral of no return.

To Jason, he saw Aliyah's situation with her boyfriend as being on the precipice of a breakup. For Benji, he was on the precipice of salvaging all that they had build over the years.

His breaths were slow and deep. His familiar mildly toned, but otherwise slightly boney chest frame, heaved against her front. He even dug his nose against her neck to take a long, hard whiff of that fruity fragrance of her beloved body soap, mixed with a very distinct body scent of hers that he had gotten so accustomed to. She was essentially a pheromonic drug by that point. And now, he had finally gotten his fix after being deprived for so long.

"You try living in this heat and not have a change of wardrobe. It'll make you a little miserable."

"Fair enough. But this?" Benji couldn't help, but lifted his fingers over to give her obvious protrusion through her top a taunting pinch, even giving it a few rubs, accompanied with the softest of grin. Again, it was quite uncharacteristic of Benji to be this bold. There were judgemental eyes staring right at them from a couple of oldies within vicinity. But he didn't seem to care. He had always been the boy with a sense of decorum and mannerism. Suddenly however, that seemed to have gone out of the window. He was still nice, gentlemanly and cordial. But he seemed no longer as innocent as he used to be.

That was what three weeks of heart wrenching desperation had done to transform him. Fuck the society. He realised time was precious, and that he needed to cherish every moment that was blessed upon him. He was no longer afraid to show Aliyah the depths of his affection for her, unbridled. He wanted to show her just how much she meant to him, and did not want to let his repressive nature stop him from doing so. This was his chance to get things back on track for them, and he wasn't going to waste even an ounce of it.

"Please tell me you'll come by Oregon next month. I don't know how I can do this if we're going to be months apart on end."
"I don't mind making two, or even three trips here to your one back home, if it eases your schedule. But I need to at least be able to see you."

When he finally pulled away from the embrace, Benji's eyes were a mix of joy and sorrow. The boy had always been unafraid to display his emotions openly. He had always been known to be a highly sensitive and expressive being.

"Shall we head back to your place and talk about what we wanna do for the weekend?"
"We definitely should, so we can talk."
"I go back and forth between the main house and my dorm room. I don't have my own room there yet, so when I want privacy, I use my dorm."

"That's fair. We could do without distraction for this weekend. Just, us. Nothing else. We could even rent a car and just drive out to the outskirts. Just forget everything about college for the next two days." Benji's smile was wide. He was definitely serious about his impromptu suggestion.

Aliyah was taking time between each of her sentences. Benji had a gut feeling that she was thinking way more than she ought to be, that there might well be something that seemed to be weighing her down. But he didn't wish to pry into that, yet - not when he hadn't gotten his complete fill of emotional healing. They have after all, two days to talk about them.

"You will get to see the house, though. They're holding some sort of mandatory event tonight. So tonight is a little ruined for us, but you should be plenty entertained regardless. You fly back to Oregon on Sunday, right? That'll still give us Saturday together, and I don't have to be at the house until this evening, so we have all day today too. I just have to get a few things figured out for tonight."

"Right. Yeah, an evening is not too bad. And yes, I'm flying back Sunday afternoon, at about 4.40pm. So we'll still be able to squeeze half a day in there."

It was almost as if they were back in high school, but with Benji having evolved into something a little more different than he used to be. Three weeks of college changed Aliyah. But she had been so distracted and distanced from Benji, she hadn't realised he did too. The evolution however, was in part, sparked by Aliyah's cold treatment of late. Long distance relationship as many people had testified, truly brings out a different facet in partners by putting them through brutal tests of time, transforming them, for better or for worse.

"Are you hungry? We can stop and get breakfast before we get back to campus."

"Let's do takeout. And instead of going to your dorm, perhaps you can drive us to like a park or a lake or something. Preferably somewhere.. vast and secluded." Benji smiled, before he rested both his palms against each side of her cheeks, pulling her in again for another round of deep, passionate French. So entranced by Aliyah, he hadn't even yet noticed a distinct change on the under sight of her right forearm. It was clear he couldn't get enough of Aliyah.

7:05am: I would think that the initiative to try and step up would be something you'd appreciate from your vice-captain, but I think I understand.
7:05am: You're right, like usual, and you're welcome of course.
7:06am: I thought you didn't want me staying the night with my... guest.
7:07am: As long as I have a valid excuse, there's no reason why I should.
7:07am: But from what I've heard everyone on campus likes you, I don't think you'll have an issue getting in.
7:08am: It's more a matter of clearing your very busy schedule.
7:08am: I promise to make it worth your time, though, if you manage.

Aliyah couldn't help but smirk as Benji brought her attention to her hardening nipples that were becoming increasingly obvious through the gray fabric of her top. He gave them both a pinch, encouraging her to lean in closer to him, as if she might be trying to use his body to block her own from onlookers. "Are you trying to tell me you don't appreciate my little change in wardrobe? Are you saying you don't like my body anymore?" She pouted dramatically, knowing good and well that wasn't the case at all.

She wasn't sure if it was due to the last phone call they had where he thought that she was calling him bold, but he certainly was displaying a boldness that was unlike him. The change in Benji wasn't an unwelcome one, though. She actually liked this more forward side of him, as if no one else mattered except just the two of them. "I can't make any promises. Not yet, at least. The sporting seasons are starting up and every practice and game is mandatory. So until I know for sure, I can't make you any promises. You understand right? I just want to be absolutely sure before I say yes, I'll come home."

Seeing how Benji had continuously tried to talk her out of being part of the sorority, she was surprised that he was actually okay with the news that she had to take part in the event tonight. Her head cocked to the side as she took a moment to look him over. It was certainly her boyfriend standing in front of her, but at the same time, it wasn't. He was still kind and caring, but he seemed to be finally moving out of the childish 'everything will always be okay' phase they had both been in while in high school.

"I do have practice on Sunday morning, but I'm usually done around two." Another half-truth didn't hurt. She did have practice that morning, but Sunday practices were so early that she was usually back at her dorm before noon. She was purposely trying to shorten her time with him. Without having a clear idea of what she wanted to do moving forward, she felt that keeping him around would only serve to confuse her even longer.

Aliyah missed him, Aliyah loved him, but she didn't feel that same carnal desire that she had felt before she had left for California. She still felt comfortable with him, there was just very little... desire now. It only added to the confusion she felt. "Well if I'm being honesty I haven't had time to explore outside of campus. So I really don't know of anywhere like that." She groaned softly as Benji pulled her in for another kiss.

"But I'm sure I can find somewhere like that." She smiled as she slowly pulled away from him, forcing him to release her so they could make it to her car. Aliyah helped load his bags into the back of her car before they got in, swinging through the closest restaurant to grab them a bit of breakfast. After doing a bit of quick research, they were on the road again, heading back toward Berkley, but not before she pulled into the Emeryville Marina Park. Being so early in the morning, the only people present were those heading out on the boats, offering the young couple the chance to simply sit and overlook the water, and watch the boats come and go.

"How's school been going for you? Have you been doing alright?" Once her car was in park, she cut the engine, leaving the AC running as she pushed her seat back enough to allow herself to pull her right leg onto her seat so she could take a bite of the biscuit she had gotten after unbuckling her seatbelt. Leaning back against the driver side door, she angled her body so she was facing Benji.

<7.10am> Jason CGB: I don't. If you'd be so kind to excuse yourself for the night, or rather, nights
<7.10am> Jason CGB: That would make me really happy.
<7.11am> Jason CGB: And you're ever such a beacon of solace, your kind words and all.
<7.12am> Jason CGB: I'll do my best to get to the event tonight. You have my word.
<7.12am> Jason CGB: Have a great day ahead.
<7.13am> Jason CGB: I love you.

"Are you trying to tell me you don't appreciate my little change in wardrobe? Are you saying you don't like my body anymore?"

That brought out a hearty laugh from Benji, especially since she flashed her trademark pout that he so missed from back in the days. There was something about the dynamics between them that brought out this more juvenile side of her, as opposed to Jason, whom she exuded quite a markedly different aura when she was around of him. "Are you kidding me? I came here for this." He paused, as he glided his hands along both sides of her hour glass figure line in gesture. "And this, of course." His palms reached back to her cheeks on both sides, cupping them, before he gently ran his fingers through her hair. "I'm just still trying to come to terms with this change in you." He smiled.

If Benji were to be honest, he didn't exactly like the idea that Aliyah had to squeeze out a portion of their precious time together for her sorority matters. And then there was her cheer obligation. But if there was anything he had learned from the past weeks, it was that she seemed to distance herself from him the more he tried to close in on her. At least, that was what he thought might be driving the wedge between them. So right before the trip, he had mentally psyche himself to approach her with a different tact. Perhaps if he appears to be more patient with her, she would in turn, be less avoidant of him. If him being pushy was the reason why she might be withdrawing herself away from him, then he figured he needed to learn how to rein in his clingy side, as much as it was not preferable for him due to his naturally affectionate disposition. He was trying to compromise. And he hoped Aliyah would on her part, try to meet him in the middle.

Yet, while his mentality was just starting to change, he wouldn't be sure if he could handle it if Aliyah were to test his recently acquired willingness to grant her more freedom, by telling him that she wouldn't be staying with him over the next two nights. Aliyah was going to need to prepare herself for a potential backlash, should she decide to pull that stunt on him.

The reunion had been nothing short of perfect so far, until she elicited a soft groan when he reached out to her for a second kiss. Perhaps it might be his heightened paranoid acting up, no thanks to how strung up he had been over the past three weeks. But he had gotten so hypersensitive to any sort of reaction that could even be remotely interpretated as negative. It was hard to tell if it was a groan of satisfaction, or a groan of the mildest hint of her being miffed by his excessive display of affection. The groan might have been well meaning. But he could not help feeling a little hurt at the possibility of her feeling reluctant to share that additional moment of passion with him.

The high school Aliyah had always been fond of receiving any sort of attention he could afford her, even going as far as to take the lion's share of initiative to do so. So far however, the winds seemed to have changed, with Benji clearly being the more enthusiastic party of the two. That was not to say he was sullen with the situation of things. But at the point, any kind of warmth she could afford him, his love-starved self was more than happy to lap up anything that was given to him.


"This actually feels like a vacation. I can't remember the last time I saw a proper waterbody." Benji took a moment to appreciate the picturesque sight in front of him. The soft early morning sun accentuated the peace and quiet of the serene seascape.

"How's school been going for you? Have you been doing alright?"
Benji didn't immediately respond. If he was to be honest, the past three weeks had been completely hellish for him. And it had nothing to do with school. But his gloomy mood had sort of eaten into all other aspects of his collegial life that he hadn't had the chance to enjoy it to the fullest. He had pockets of fun. But more often than not, his heart felt heavy because he was perpetually anxious to hear back from Aliyah.

"School is fine."

"As for if I'm doing alright?"
He took another long pause, sighing, before he finally picked up the courage to speak his mind.

"I don't wish to come off as being naggy, but I feel like I needed to tell you this in person."
"I feel like we're drifting apart?"
"I know college is taking up a lot of your time. But I get a sense that I'm not placed on levelled terms with your other priorities."
"You have your ambitious and aspirations, and I respect that."
"But I don't think we can go on like this for the next four years. I don't think it is healthy for us, for our relationship."
"I'm trying to take a step back and allow you to do your thing. But I'm hoping you could at least show that you're making the effort to keep us going as well. Right now? I feel like I'm the only one pulling the strings together."

Benji then reached out his hand and rested it against her right inner thigh, tenderly stroking back and forth. He seemed like he was contemplating for a while, eyes down at her crotch, of whether he should act on his niggling impulse. It took a while. But he did eventually figure that that was what he was going to do. There was every chance that the mood might turn sour, if he pressed on with the topic. So he figured he needed to address the other important urge first, that he had been dealing with for weeks now, before the window of opportunity closes.

Wordlessly, he worked to unbutton her jeans, before peeling it down to her ankles, and off, within a matter of seconds in a uncharacteristic dominant display. The next moment, he buried his face between her thighs, and began to paint his tongue along the length of her slit with sensual calligraphic strokes, after pulling her thong aside. That went on for a good two minutes or so, before he paused to nibble against her right inner thigh. "I promised you that I'll do better, for you. And I intend to honour that promise this weekend." His eyes briefly looking up to hers, before he latched his mouth back onto her folds. This time, the suction went stronger. And his tongue, thrusting deeper. His hands, pressing down against both her thighs in a bid to keep her womanhood wide eagle for him to lap and savour the taste of her sex that he so missed.

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