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𓍼 E N S N A R E D ‎ IN ‎ D E S I R E 𓍼 ɴsғᴡ » ᶠᶦᶜᵏˡᵉⱽᶦˣᵉⁿ ˣ ᴷᵉᶦᵗʰ ᴸᵒᵍᵃⁿ «

Aliyah's smirk matched Jason's as she cocked her head to the side just the slightest bit as he gave the ever present bulge of his pants a light pat. “Well, your little brother could have been feeling much better by now, but someone just had to stop all of the fun earlier. It's your own fault, really.” She shrugged her shoulders innocently, after all, she wasn't wrong. She had been more than willing when they were in the villa, but Jason felt she wasn't ready. Given how easily their conversation had gone, she wanted to laugh at that idea now. Had the topic come up during their first date, things would have headed in a much different direction, she had little doubt about that. Honestly, she owed his teammates a thank you for helping push her past that line of being willing to stray out of her relationship.

There was no telling if she could have survived the humiliation of Hell Week, let alone give herself a chance to see what other options were out there for her, if she had refused to join the guys in that back room. Sure, Sabrina had been a constant source of encouragement, but she hadn't really taken that step until she had given Rod the lap dance. She couldn't help but wonder for a moment, how would Jason react if he knew about that night? It wasn't like he had any sort of claim to her at that point, but she had ended their date abruptly when it felt as if things were getting heated, just to turn to his teammates hours later. Surely the feeling of guilt was irrational. But the feeling was worse than any sort of guilt she had felt toward Benji.

“I would assume I've done a pretty good job of at least coming close to those expectations of yours, or do you usually bring girls to a place like this so quickly into trying to get to know them?” He could dance around whether he felt she was worthy of getting to break his little streak or not. Aliyah was convinced that despite the fact he had pulled her away from him earlier in the day, he wouldn't pull away forever. The desire between the two of them was clear as day, and she knew eventually she would manage to break him down before their trip came to an end.

Aliyah couldn't help but scoff quietly, she had meant it as a joke, but now she had little doubt that Jason really might take her idea of dressing her how he wanted and run with it. But would that really be such a bad thing, to wear what she knew he wanted to see her in, to be dressed for him and only him? “I have no doubt that your taste is just as high as your expectations.” She hadn't clarified to him that she had been joking though, it was a harmless little idea after all.

She frowned at the suggestion of him picking someone else up, she had absolutely no right to be selfish and tell him he couldn't have anyone else. Especially not when he had told her she could take her time between him and Benji, but the idea of him going to another girl when it felt as if he was so close to being hers was not one that sat well with her. For a moment, she had to turn her gaze away from his. Sure, if it were between Jason and some other guy, she would have no issue with prioritizing him. But him and Benji? Surely he wasn't meaning in the instance where Benji was visiting her.

“No, I wouldn't want you to pick someone else up. So, that being said, yes, I would prioritize you above everyone else.”
It was too easy to simply set her phone aside and practically pretend Benji didn't even exist, so she naively believed that agreeing to prioritize Jason was a simple request. Or maybe it was the way Jason's hand gave the side of her breast a firm squeeze that encouraged her to give him the answer she knew he wanted to hear. Like that one touch was a thousand promises of what was to come if she just agreed to give him her all.

Extending the trip really did sound like a great idea, cheer, the sorority, hell even her classes, none of that felt to be nearly as important as this little bubble the two of them were creating. It was so different from the one she had with Benji, and yet familiar at the same time. She didn't know Jason that well yet, but she already felt more comfortable with him than she had any of the other guys she had met so far over the last few weeks. Surely he felt the same way, or he wouldn't have even bothered joking about them staying for longer. Of course, it did give him the perfect opportunity to tease her about not wanting to leave him, but the way his hands roamed her body like he was laying a subtle claim to her, she was willing to risk being teased over it.

She watched as Jason's lips curled into a smile at her question, but rather than telling her, he decided to show her instead just what kind of thoughts had gone through his head as he turned her around before pushing her down onto her knees. Jason hadn't ever given Aliyah a reason to suspect that he would be a gentle lover, but that didn't mean she was completely prepared for the moment he fisted her hair before forcing his entire length down her throat. Her hands immediately moved to his thighs, just above his knees, but she didn't try to push him away even as her shoulders twitched and tears sprung to life. Instead, her fingers tightened their hold on him just as they had throughout the day, clinging to him like he was a lifeline as he repeatedly cut the flow of air off.

While she had been able to hold the tears at bay earlier in the day, there was no stopping them this time as they rolled down her cheeks. Every fiber of her being begged her to pull away as she closed her eyes, forcing herself to bear with the pain of him ravaging her throat. This was what she had wanted, right? She had told him she could take it and that she wouldn't back down from a challenge, but this, this was different. Each time Jason withdrew his hips, Aliyah tried so desperately to take a breath, spit was dripping off of her chin as she could hardly even find the room to swallow. Her tongue would twitch on occasion against him when she was given the room to do so, but she wasn't sure how much more she could take.

Though it had only been five minutes before he finally pulled away from her to lift her back onto her feet, it felt more like thirty. Her jaw aching from being forced to accommodate a man of his size. Aliyah was in a daze from the lack of oxygen by the time Jason had spun her around, yet her body moved on instinct, placing her hands against the shower wall to help brace herself as she slid her feet apart just enough to allow her back to arch and stick her hips out for him. She had just started to drop her head, panting heavily for air, when he grabbed another handful of her hair and pulled her head back, further accentuating the arch to her spine.

The feeling of Jason filling her so perfectly was as if her body was made for him. A small tremor raced down her spine as stars danced across her vision. Each thrust of his hips was like taking shot after shot, the intoxication of how he repeatedly hit her g-spot was making her head spin in the best possible way. No one would ever be able to match Jason, and that was a fact Aliyah was okay with. He was like her personal drug, but for as much as he was clouding her mind, he was giving her a sense of clarity too.

Somewhere in her fog of lust, she heard Jason's question, but she could hardly speak, let alone think. How did Jason expect an answer out of her when she could barely even breathe? He was aggressive, primal even, Jason was exactly what she had been missing in her life. The tears were still dripping down her cheeks, even as her eyes began to roll. He had asked her a question and she had still yet to respond, but her body was more than happy to show him how she felt about the thoughts he had.

Within just minutes of him having released her hair to give himself a better grip on her, Aliyah's core tightened as her fingers curled into fists against the shower wall. Her raspy, breathless moans hitched before coming to a stop as she found herself holding her breath. She was only able to hold it in for a few seconds before her body loosened as she released a trembling exhale on the wave of her orgasm. “Oh… my fucking god.” Her words were spoken with a sob, the tears that had started from pain were completely taken over by the immense pleasure.

She had known from the moment she met him that Jason would ruin her life, but she never could have imagined that he would ruin it so perfectly. Why would she ever want anyone else when he was in her life? A whole day's worth of teasing culminated into one of the hardest orgasms she had ever had before. Her knees buckling from the sensation and if it wasn't for the hold Jason had on her body or the fact that he was still buried inside of her, she might've allowed herself to simply drop to the ground. “I do… fuck, I love it!”

"Well, your little brother could have been feeling much better by now, but someone just had to stop all of the fun earlier. It's your own fault, really."

"Is that what you wanted? Be railed twenty four seven? As fun as that idea sounds, you'd be downplaying the significance of sex if we're going to be over extending ourselves. The act itself is just half of the game, in my honest opinion. The other half stems from the anticipation and the lead up to it. The finale wouldn't be an explosive affair otherwise."

He paused, as the grip he had over her ass cheeks both tightened with menacing strength. "You want to experience the best sex of your life? Then, be patient." The man whispered into her ear.

Honesty, or ignorance is bliss, when it came to confessing to the men of her life about the depth of her sins? It was something Aliyah had to figure out for herself in the weeks and months to come. As thrilling as her life was starting to get, there will come a time that she must confront the outstanding issues that she had started getting a little too used to procrastinating, shoving them to the back of her mind. As the dust accumulates, the dirt on her will get progressively more difficult to rid. It remained to be seen if the boys and men in her life would have got any concerns with the depraved secrets she was still keeping to herself.

"I would assume I've done a pretty good job of at least coming close to those expectations of yours, or do you usually bring girls to a place like this so quickly into trying to get to know them?"

"No, I don't. You might not believe me. But I can be quite stingy with my finances. I guess you lucked out this weekend." Jason nonchalantly teased, by insinuating that it was not so much her, but his spirit of generosity that landed her the weekend getaway. Obviously for Jason, that was most certainly not the case. But with Aliyah trying to get smug with him, he wasn't just going to roll over and give her the satisfaction that easily. She would have to work to get him to fawn over her. Aliyah as a competitive individual, should have known better in understanding the reason why he did so.

Jason let out a smile, as she whispered a praise for his taste in fashion. At that moment, it was difficult to block off any sort of intrusive thoughts he had about the potential apparels he could put her in.
"Great. We're going shopping on our next date, then." He responded back in kind with the same level of hush.

The man always had an acute sense of perception. It was a soft skill that he had cultivated from his years in sports, and more recently, his business dealings. Reading body languages came second nature to him. So when Aliyah broke her gaze away from him just before she pledged her priority to him, he had a niggling feeling that she wasn't completely convinced about her own declaration. That made him relish an opportunity down the road in which he could put her to the test, just to see if she truly meant what she said.

Having said that, the silver lining, was that she sounded confident to him when she said she wasn't keen on him having his attention split between her and some other girl. He could almost sense a hint of double standards going on. But he was reasonable enough to understand that her hesitation didn't come as a surprise, given how things were progressing really quickly between the pair. As much as he hated it, he kept constantly reminding himself that he just needed to be patient, to keep portraying himself as having a magnanimous heart. He understood that it had an impact on galvanising his image as being a man brimming with confidence. After all, he had already so boldly proclaimed that he knew without a doubt, she was meant for him. It would be embarrassing if he started showed any signs of wavering in his belief.

Even for a man as dominant as him, he knew the line that separated consensual to the non-consensual. He wouldn't have gone all out, without being sure that the girl he was with, was comfortable with it. Thus, when Aliyah gave him the absolute free license to run his ideas, he certainly didn't find a reason to hold back. After all, there wasn't a girl yet that he had encountered that could come close to satiating his.. rather unique appetite for the wilder forms of sex. He wanted to see how it was going to work with the freshman.

Her tearing at the beginning wasn't exactly a good start. And he was prepared to pull away the moment she showed any signs of wanting to break away. But delightfully for him, the girl actually held on. He could see that she was trying her best to keep up with him by the way she was gripping onto him. And he appreciated that. And that was why he wanted to reward her sooner rather than later, by turning her around to take her by her rear.

His locking grip over her was as firm as steel bars. What caught him by surprise however, was how quick Aliyah arrived at her first orgasm. He was no more than four minutes into his vigorous pounding, before he felt her knees buck, so much so that his hands instinctually reached down to her hips in a bid to prevent her from collapsing to the ground. He did hold her in place, allowing her entire love tunnel to clamp down onto his penetrating rod, while she rode through her release, only letting her go when she decided to pull away herself.


He teased at just how easy it had been to bring her over the line, before giving her butt cheeks a few playful spanks, while her mind was still caught up by the involuntary convulsions. Before she got the opportunity to fully recover, he lifted her onto his right shoulder and slumped her over with ease, then carried the girl out of the bathroom without caring for drying her up. There were two bedrooms in the villa, and he figured one of them could be reserved for doing the dirty deed.


What better room than to reserve the one with the sea view for intimacy?

Jason slammed Aliyah down to the bed. Along the way, he had scooped up Aliyah's phone, with the initial intention of filming their weekend escapade so it was one that he could get her to keep for the memories.

But then came an incoming video call from a certain guy named Benji. At first, Jason waited for the call to pass, so he could launch up the video recording app. He was about to begin starting the recording after the initial call ended up being missed, when Benji flashed across the screen of her phone once more. The man waited, patiently again, for the call to pass. And as he waited, he ran his mouth against each of her nipples, suckling them sensually, while his palms cupped and fondled against her tits, to keep the girl warmed up.

But when the third call attempt came through, he growled softly. Jason brisked away from the bedroom, holding onto Aliyah's phone along with him, disappearing for only a quick moment, before he returned with her phone as well on his other hand, along with his set of wireless blue tooth ear phones. The man was quick to setup the audio device, linking it to his own phone, before fitting one of the ear pieces onto Aliyah's left ear.

It all happened so quickly, that Jason was able to accept the incoming video call right before it looked like it was about to hang up, just right before he shoved Aliyah's phone to her hands. Almost instantly, Benji's face flashed across the screen, him seemingly lazing around on what possibly looked like the bed of his dorm room. Jason's initial intention, was to up the ante of his definition of fun, with the inclusion of this friend of Aliyah's. Aliyah's face along with her bare shoulders, lying down against the bed, was the first thing that was captured by her camera.

"Hey, babe!"
"Give me a nod, if you can hear me." Jason was sat beneath by the base of the bed. His hushed whisper transmitted through the earbud, as he spoke into his phone softly.
"Sorry, I know you said you were busy."
"But I was just trying my luck to see if I could just squeeze in a quick chat, haha."

"I missed you."

Missed was an understatement. He had been dying to hear her voice, let alone see her face over the past two weeks. The call was needed for him to keep his sanity in check. At the same time, Jason's brow slightly furrowed. Benji, must be that boyfriend that Aliyah had previously mentioned about.

There was a pause, before his eyes seemed like they were roaming south. "Uh... are you.. actually topless right now?" Benji's curiosity perked, his pupils, softly dilating over time. It certainly came as a surprise to him, especially since Aliyah had never bore herself to him over the line in the past before.


She simply had to scoff at the way Jason brushed aside her attempt to have him confess that she was working herself closer to his expectations. It wasn't a farfetched idea that he really had been feeling generous, but Aliyah refused to allow herself to simply believe that was all there was to it. If he were merely feeling charitable in their weekend getaway, she didn't think he would go to such lengths in making his feelings and opinions so perfectly clear to her in the way he wanted her, not just for her body like she had originally expected, but her as a whole.

She knew that given everything they had discussed, or attempted to, Aliyah really needed to take time away from the influence of everyone and simply sit herself down to lay out all of the facts. In Jason's presence it was impossible to focus on anything but him, when faced with Benji she was looking at years of her life spent with a dear friend. They held a strikingly different allure, and if forced to come to a decision immediately, she knew she would end up choosing Jason. He was showing her a side of life she never knew could even exist, and surely if she stuck by his side, she would only get to experience more. The old memories with Benji were nice and comforting, but she could always make new memories with Jason.

She hated that he had to bring the topic up so early into their trip, though. It could have easily been something brought up on their way back to school, something for her to think about then, not something to haunt her thoughts any time she had a moment of quiet. Not that those moments were long with him. From the moment he had set her down in the shower, his hands hadn't left her body once, silently encouraging her body to move how he wanted her to. That is, until she asked him to share his thoughts with her.

Some sort of warning, or even a hint of just how rough he was planning to be with her, would have been appreciated. But despite her tears, she refused to push him away. Despite the way her shoulders trembled with each attempt to breathe, she refused to show him that she couldn't handle it. She couldn't, but having just boasted about feeling as if she were sneaking closer to his expectations, she couldn't allow herself to change her tune that quickly or easily.

“Don't seriously me,” Aliyah whined as she caught her breath, the few spanks Jason gave her were more like pats in comparison to the ones she had experienced upon their arrival. Her eyes closed for a second before her back started to straighten just the slightest bit as she began to stand up. Before she could rise to her full height, Jason scooped her up, tossing her over his shoulder like a doll as she squealed with alarm. Her entire world suddenly pitched upside down while she pressed her hands to the small of his back to keep her face from crashing against him.

“I've been teased all day, I was desperate for a release.” She finished her complaint as her hands slid down Jason's back, shamelessly taking the opportunity to feel the toned definition of his glutes as he carried her into the bedroom. Her thighs were still quivering, though the subtly in which her muscles twitched made it clear that Aliyah was doing her very best to remain still so she didn't make Jason's task of carrying her any harder. He had picked her up with such ease, just like the first time, and though the feeling of his shoulder digging into her lower abdomen wasn't the most comfortable, it was bearable.

Having put her phone on silent, Aliyah had no idea that she was getting a call while her phone was in Jason's hands. Even if she did know, she would have been keen to ignore it as her breathing deepened once more. Her fingers traced a path through Jason's damp hair to the nape of his neck as he showered her nipples with attention until he suddenly loosed a growl of annoyance and pushed himself from the bed.

She blinked with mild surprise before starting to sit up, pressing her palms into the mattress to help just as Jason returned to the room with his own phone in tow. “What are you doing?” She sounded just as confused as she looked as he carefully placed one of the earbuds into her ear before forcing her to take hold of her phone just as he answered the call. The moment Benji appeared on her screen, she had to do her very best to keep that dumbfounded look off of her face as her lips curled into a smile.

“Hey, baby!” Aliyah put as much enthusiasm into her voice as she could, even though she wanted so desperately to pull the sheets over her head. She was still breathing a little hard, but luckily the shift in attention was enough to help calm her down. What terrible timing, and why did Jason feel the need to answer anyway?! Hearing Jason's voice in her ear had her cheeks flushing as she nodded her head in time with Benji, pointing out the fact that he knew she was busy. He knew she was busy and felt the need to bother her anyway, but her annoyance wasn't purely on him this time. Jason could have ignored the call. She thought having that video of herself from the club being played at the party was embarrassing? It couldn't compare to this situation.

“Yeah, Hell week really took its toll, I missed more classes than I thought I would. But it's nothing I can't handle, and the professors were understanding, so that's nice.” She took a moment to rub at her heated cheeks. It was one thing for Jason to know she had a boyfriend, but to overhear their conversation? It could be worse, he could have been the one to answer the call rather than passing the phone over to her. For that, at least, she felt she couldn't be too angry. “I miss you too, but you'll be here at the end of the week. Just a couple more days!” Though she was truthfully dreading the moment Benji came to her campus, she really was trying her hardest to hide that feeling. It just wasn't fair to him.

“Oh.” Aliyah's smile faltered as if she had forgotten that she was naked as she lifted her phone towards the headboard for a moment like she was absently looking down at her body, when in reality she took the chance to shoot Jason a sharp glare for roping her into this before looking back up at her phone. “Yeah, you caught me just as I was getting out of the shower. It was a hard day at practice today. I'm hoping to be able to squeeze in a few more assignments before I knock out.” She could only pray that mentioning her being tired might encourage Benji to end the call faster, like it had previously after her date with Jason.

"I've been teased all day, I was desperate for a release."

"Mm hmm. You ready for round two?" Jason nonchalantly fed the idea to her, having only just recovered from her first. Did Aliyah even realise they have at least two more days ahead of them? Jason would probably also agree that sleep was overrated. And by the end of their trip, she probably needed to catch up on her sleep before she could even follow up with her work. Little did Aliyah know, that round two was imminently starting even before she realised the phase was underway.

"What are you doing?"

"Hey, baby!"

Jason was in awe. Aliyah was such a good actress. He knew that had he not been fortunate enough to be witnessing the scene unfolding with the contextual knowledge that he had, he would have been fooled by her pretense as well. It was both intriguing, and unnerving at the same time. She would probably lie even before batting an eye, nor would she even show the slightest hint of remorse. That begged the question - has she ever did the same to him before? If she hadn't, what made him think that she wouldn't pull the same trick on him in the future?

But it was not a matter for them to address at that present moment. What was more imperative for Jason, was that he had just been given the opportunity to put her to a real test, to see where he and her boyfriend stood in her heart. And thankfully, the communication setup he had established with Aliyah was working well for him to carry out his.. ideas.

"Yeah, Hell week really took its toll, I missed more classes than I thought I would. But it's nothing I can't handle, and the professors were understanding, so that's nice."

"Are you sure you really want to put this fraternity thing into the mix? It's starting to seem like it's eating into what matters the most. At the end of the day, you want to graduate with the best possible results, don't you? Your frat achievement wouldn't be exactly relevant for the CV..." Benji had made known of his opinion before. But she had managed to evade from confrontation the last time he did so. It was difficult to engage her over text, making it easier to avoid the uncomfortable question.

In the meantime, Jason wasn't quite sure what to make of the conversational exchange. On one hand, he was delighted to be given an unexpected chance to be privy first hand, to what a typical intimate exchange was like between the pair. It felt good to be completely in the knowing. On the other hand, it irked him that his rival was on the other end of the line. And Aliyah was trying her best to be cordial with effort, with him still. When she told her boyfriend that she missed him right in front of his face, that definitely did not sit well with Jason. It didn't matter if she meant it truly, or not. The fact that she cared enough to even say it, was somewhat concerning. And did she actually just say that her boyfriend is actually going to be coming down to meet her soonish? When was she going to tell him that? How long had she kept that bit of information from him?

All of his thoughts served to fuel his spirit of competition even more.

"Yeah, you caught me just as I was getting out of the shower. It was a hard day at practice today. I'm hoping to be able to squeeze in a few more assignments before I knock out."

"Ohhh. Oh wow."

"So you're like, naked right now?"

"Can you... offer a sneak peek?"
Benji couldn't help, but made the cheeky request, along with his trademark boyish grin plastering across his face. He had been repressed for a while now. "Your bedroom looks grand by the way. Is that actually your frat room?" Benji had to remark. After all, the camera was able to capture the back, furnished part of the room that was decorated with a few paintings and ornaments. She should be counting her blessings that her backdrop wasn't that of the ocean view, or that would have been a hard checkmate for her.

Listening to the couples talk, it was then that he told himself that he was going to toy with her boyfriend, and play his little sick game on Aliyah that just spontaneous came to his mind. It was an opportunity to hit two birds with one stone. He needed to release that steam of quiet anger within him - the boyfriend for making him feel anxiety like no others had managed to get on his nerves to that extend before, and Aliyah for still being so fickle minded, even though he had already assured her that he was willing to wait. There was a clear contrast between what he felt deep inside, and what he said for strategic reasons to her. And above all, it was very difficult to get a clear bearing of where Jason actually stood on that issue with his stoic, unreadable face.

Jason once again took a momentary leave from the room for about a minute, before eventually returning with another boxed gift wrap. While the couple were engaged in a chatter, he started to unwrap his second gift for her in front of her eyes. Beneath the wrapper, was an elongated box. And within the box, was a dildo with a remarkable familiar looking nine incher with a massive girth. He smiled, before sneakily slipping the lengthy rubber in between the fingers of her left hand, then whispering into the receiver of his phone.

"Gift number two for you."
"... a bespoke shop was able to customise this in the exact mold of someone."
"... would you like to guess who that someone is?"

It was then when he decided to run his fingers over the section of her body that was out of her camera's view.



Jason was careful to ensure that he remained safely out of her camera's field of capture the entire time. The onus was almost on her to be constantly aware of what remained within the frame of her camera lens. The task was made difficult, as the captain decided he would like to have his little bit of fun, for the petty reasons that he had already come to terms with earlier.

His fingers, started off by very tenderly gliding up her outer thighs, threading along the curve of her figure line. He then leaned in with his thick tongue dragging along her taut front valley, making pit stops around each of her nipples, encircling them, before the tip of his tongue would slide sensually up until her chin - the furthest he could reasonably go as he attempted to wrestle the ownership of Aliyah's body away from her boyfriend.

"... by the way. You can choose to put up a little show for you boyfriend. But know that the more flesh you show, the less I would be able to.. satisfy you."

His mouth would make a return trip down south along the same path, occasionally peppering sensuous kisses along the length of the way. At the same time, his fingers would tease against her inner thighs, coming so close to her crux, only to then pull away. For the next seven minutes, Jason would repeat his cycles of affection, pampering her, but never committing all the way - all because a certain someone was being a literal hinderance.

"I miss fucking you already, princess."

"God. I'm so hard right now. I wish you were in my arms."

"Tell him, 'but he is not allowed to touch you'."

"You won't let him touch you without my permission, right baby?"

There was certainly no hiding the way Aliyah's smile dropped as Benji once again pressed the topic of whether her joining the sorority had been a good idea. Apparently, trying to get him to drop the subject over text just wasn't enough. “Benji,” She had to pause for a second to do her very best to keep the annoyance out of her voice. After all, he was only bringing it up again because he cared for her. “The sorority is more than just a school thing. It can be really helpful for my future. I don't even know what I want to do yet after school, but Alpha Chi Omega has a good list of alumni's who have gone on to have amazing, successful careers. I'm not saying it's because of the sorority, but it will open up so many doors for me.”

The better question was whether or not Aliyah actually believed anything she was saying. It was true that a good number of actresses came out of the particular chapter she had joined, but did it really matter to her, considering she had joined on the back of Sabrina's pressuring? The way their conversation shifted topics didn't have the same effect on her like when Jason did it. When Jason changed their topics, it was easy to even forget about what was being talked about in the first place, but with Benji, she still had that lingering threat of annoyance in the back of her mind.

“This isn't my room, no, it's my Big Sister Sabrina's. I won't get my own room until the annual reviews are up, and they decide to fully let me into the chapter.” She sighed softly as she glanced past her phone as Jason got up again to leave the room. He didn't seem upset, but of course there was the concern that actually carrying on with the conversation he had forced her into was making him uncomfortable. It wasn't too long, however, before Jason had returned with a new box in his hands. At least telling Benji that she was in another girl's room explained why she might be glancing beyond her phone on occasion though she was doing her very best to be subtle about it; angling her phone just right so when she was watching Jason as he unwrapped the box it gave the illusion that she was looking directly into the camera of the phone.

She had dodged Benji's original question at first, had she been alone, she wouldn't have hesitated to give Benji a little bit of a show. But this certainly didn't feel like the right time to do so, not to mention the fact that she had been careful enough to keep her phone tilted high enough, so Benji couldn't see any of the ink traces still left on her skin. More of it had come off during their shower, but it wasn't quite gone just yet. Maybe after another two hard scrubbing sessions she could finally be free of that bit of marking, but for now she had to deal with it. The flush that rose to her cheeks, however, as Jason passed the toy over into her hand could easily be mistaken as a flush of embarrassment at Benji's request. “You…” Aliyah cleared her throat for a moment, her answer clearly in regard to whom she thought the dildo was molded after. Of course, she would recognize it, it was only minutes ago that the very same shaft had been buried inside of her to the hilt.

This evil, evil man. Aliyah knew she was hardly breathing as Jason's fingers began to trace her body, her own fingers slowly tracing along the length of the toy in a featherlight touch that matched his own, but the moment he leaned forward to start licking up her stomach it took everything within her not to simply hang up on Benji and toss her phone aside. “You want a show? But, Sabrina could be back any second.” Maybe that could at least explain why her eyes kept drifting, like she was looking toward the door to see when her roommate would be walking in.

The grip Aliyah had on her phone tightened as Jason worked his way to her nipples, the soft gasp that involuntarily escaped forced her to quickly bury her phone against the pillow beside her head, giving her the opportunity to tip her head back as if Jason's tongue was guiding her before he stopped. She was beginning to shake just the slightest bit as she picked her phone back up, whether it was from the way she was trying to control herself or from the fear that Benji might realize something was wrong, was hard to tell. “Sorry, thought I heard someone at the door.”

She flashed Benji an apologetic smile while Jason's hands crept along the inside of her thighs, her legs carefully parting in silent encouragement, but he refused to make that last inch, causing the muscle in her jaw to twitch as her teeth ground together in frustration. Jason's tempting whisper in her ear was met with Benji's bold declaration and his wish for them to be together at that moment. “Well you know-” Her words were cut off at the sound of Jason's demand in her ear, the slight shivers in her body halted suddenly. How could she bring herself to tell Benji he wasn't allowed to touch her?

It was like Jason was purposely making her face the reality of the words she had spoken earlier. She had said she would prioritize Jason, but wasn't this taking things a bit too far? “You know… um i-it's just that, it's that time of month, so it's a good thing you aren't here right now because you just wouldn't really be allowed to touch me so…” Aliyah looked absolutely guilty as her eyes shifted away from both Jason and Benji.

“Benji, I gotta go, it's getting late, and I love Sabrina, but don't really want her coming back to the room with me still naked. I'll see you on Friday, okay?” She needed this phone call to end now. There had been a reason she left her phone on silent, so she could simply pretend that anything else going on in her life was avoidable. She hated the way Jason had backed her into a corner, forcing her to choose between her shaky little declaration she had given him and her long-standing relationship. He likely didn't even see the issue in what he had done, but that ache that was beginning to settle in her chest made it clear that despite all the lies she had told thus far, she still had a conscience, and she was certainly not feeling very proud of herself now. That feeling was made even more clear in the way her legs began to shift, closing her thighs which she had previously spread for Jason, now trying to deny him access to her body as guilt mingled with anger.
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"Hmm.. okay."
"As long as you are certain it will be to your benefit at the end of the day, I suppose."

There was a hint of disappointment in Benji's voice. But that wasn't the first time it happened. In fact, it was all far too predictable. Benji would always nudge Aliyah when he was upset about something. But somehow, almost all of the time, he would still end up relenting. Pushing Aliyah had never ever been his suit, as much as he wasn't too happy with some of her decisions that she made in life, especially the ones that had direct implications on him.

But how could he approach such a sensitive topic with her? He didn't know how exactly. He had tried on a few occasions. And as much as Aliyah was generally a sweetheart, in each of those rare occasions, they ended with Aliyah snapping back at him, albeit tamely. But it was enough to get Benji to lay his fingers off from her. He could never bring himself to push his girlfriend. He could only wish that Aliyah would start seeing things more through his 'logical' lens, and that she would be more rational for the sake of them - a recurring thought that had become a far too common theme in recent times.

Jason would have definitely approached the matter differently. He would have at least tried to put in a strong case, and push Aliyah into seriously considering taking ACO off the weight of her shoulders. And as Aliyah would see it similarly, that it was all done as an act of good intention. He would show her that for her sake, she was better off surrendering her major life decisions, to him. Obviously in the current situation however, Jason saw no need to convince Aliyah to drop her extra curricular activities, as it didn't concern him as much, and would be of no benefit to him as well. As such, the hypothetical would not even have applied to him in the first place.


Jason had been entertained so far, at the flawless streak she had managed to sustain, fooling Benji without batting at eye, when all her responses were actually meant for the alpha male.

"You want a show? But, Sabrina could be back any second."

Benji pouted. He didn't know what got to him, but he eventually lowered his camera to give Aliyah a show of his own in a bid to set her in a mood that could perhaps, change her mind. Even though Benji was a modest five incher, his cock head was turning a dark hue, suggesting that he was as rock hard as he could be. The boy was properly in heat.

That was the result of close to three weeks of sexual deprivation, no thanks to their distance apart.

"Mmff.." Benji's soft grunts could be heard from the background.

At the same time, Jason picked up on the way her fingers seemed to be unconsciously mimicking his touch against her body, sensually stroking against his gift for her. It was a simple, discreet act. But it conveyed a certain desire. And it was telling a clear story in the eyes of the captain. She was in the zone. He just needed to nudge her a little more to fully tilt her over the fence. As his lips and fingers threaded further up north, he marveled at the way he was able to draw such passionate and violent reactions out of her body, even sending her smacking her phone right down onto her pillow with just barely the gentlest of lick around her areolas. Imagine how much more Aliyah would react if he had dug his pink mold much harder onto her sensitive buds, or even more beyond that.

When Aliyah very slowly began parting her legs apart in anticipation of the touch that he kept constantly denying her, he knew she was almost baked ready.

"Well you know-"
"You know… um i-it's just that, it's that time of month, so it's a good thing you aren't here right now because you just wouldn't really be allowed to touch me so…"

Cute. Jason thought. By now, he was acutely aware of how sharp a mind Aliyah possessed, how she was able to so seamlessly twist his commands. Each time she did so, it just made her seem more and more attractive to him.

"Benji, I gotta go, it's getting late, and I love Sabrina, but don't really want her coming back to the room with me still naked. I'll see you on Friday, okay?"

Almost immediately, Jason buried his mouth firmly between her thighs, suckling against her engorged slits furiously, as if he was sending her a stark warning.

"... what do you think you're doing?"
"We've only just begun."

Even in between pauses to speak, soft vibrational hums of his lips traversed against her delicate petals. Jason was clearly looking to put Aliyah on the literal edge, physically, and mentally - because thrills like that was what gave the man the adrenaline rush. He was going to push her until her boundaries were going to be properly tested - because that was what he meant when he said he was going to give her one hell of a ride, being with him.

His head would rotate, tilt and shift around just so his suctions would stimulate every inch of her womanhood with even greater intensity than before. His arms hooked around her hips, with his palms connecting with her tits, giving her furious fondles. He wanted to send her into a state of overdrive. It was only going to be a matter of time before he would force Aliyah to either have to admit half truths at least, or that she would have to improvise with whatever tools that was available at her disposal in her vicinity in order to justify her increasingly undeniable state of arousal.

"Are you alright, Ali?"

At that prompt, the captain decided to up the ante, and wasted almost no time. He got up to his knees. The very next moment, he slipped his gargantuan shaft in one slick move, until it filled her up nice and tight in a manner that was starting to get a little all too familiar. Hence began, a controlled round of sensual thrusting, in and out of her already incredibly soaked tunnel.

"Let's play a game. If you wanna cum tonight, you're going to have to stay on the phone."

"You can try to hold your moans in, baby. I just don't know how long you would be able to do that."
"Alternatively, you can come clean and suggest that you're fucking yourself, with my little gift for you."

"... and tell me how much you love it."


Aliyah could clearly hear the disappointment in Benji's voice when she refused to give up her sorority. But rather than sparking any sort of concern that she might've upset him, it only further irritated her that he seemed bent on getting her to drop it without even knowing what she had to go through just to get a step closer to getting in. If it hadn't been for Hell Week, she wouldn't have batted an eye, but there was no way she was going to go through all of the humiliation that she did, just to walk away now.

That irritation only seemed to deepen at the all too familiar pout forming on Benji's lips. Once she had thought it to be utterly adorable, making her want to coddle him in every way possible, but that was years ago. Now he looked to be nothing more than a child on the brink of a tantrum. She had assumed that he was about to whine and beg, after all, that seemed to be his usual tactic. To her surprise, however, he lowered his camera for her, allowing her to see just how hard he was. It would have been better for her if he had never done that, the moment his camera tilted downward a brand-new wave of guilt crashed down to the point she felt as if she were being suffocated.

He was so innocently unaware of the depths of his girlfriend's lies, if it wasn't for the distraction of Jason, there was no doubt Aliyah would have been in tears. Her heart and body were not on the same page, and her mind could hardly keep up with it all. The frustration and pain was what prompted her to try to end the call, to try to cut Jason off from her body, but neither seemed to work in her favor.

Just as she started to close her legs, Jason moved faster, placing himself between her thighs to stop her as the warmth of his mouth washed over her. It was too much, this wasn't who she was. At least, that was what she had told herself before cheating on Benji the first time, but doing so while on the phone with him? It truly put her character into question. The fingers of her left hand released the toy to press against her lips as she gasped softly. Was there such a thing as taking it 'too far' when it came to Jason?

Behind her hand, her teeth sank into her bottom lip as she did her very best to keep her body still. It just didn't make any sense, wouldn't Jason prefer it if she got off of the phone? But then again, if that was his preference, why answer the call in the first place? Had she been with anyone else experiencing this, she wouldn't have even hesitated to push them off of her as she fumbled her way through the call. But she couldn't imagine ever trying to push Jason away from her, even if her feelings were becoming more and more muddled with each passing breath. She had told him she was willing to leave Benji for him, but he had been the one to insist she take her time in making that final decision. Maybe it was because he truly did enjoy the thrill of the hunt, of knowing he had completely stolen away someone from another man, but had Aliyah known that this was a game that might come this far so quickly, she would have been far more hesitant to make any sort of declaration like she had throughout the night.

For the briefest moment her eyes closed, still holding onto her phone as her mind slipped with the guidance of Jason's tongue and hands until Benji's voice cut through the speaker, snapping her back just as quickly as she had slipped away. “Of course! It's just… you've never been this bold before.” She spoke against her fingers while her brows furrowed together in confusion, not because of Benji's sudden display, but because Jason had pulled away from her to bring himself to his knees. Would Aliyah have even considered trying to tell Jason to stop? After having just a small taste of him in the shower, she was desperate to have more of him, but was the cost of her sanity worth it?

Jason didn't even need to say anything, nor did his hands need to encourage her, as Aliyah's legs parted to make room for him as he slid inside of her just as easily as he had before. It wasn't as if her confusion at the situation and her feelings had disappeared, but they were so much easier to push aside when she was given a stronger feeling to focus on instead. The absolute perfection of the way Jason stretched her body to its limit while burying himself deeper than any man ever had before, the way her heart raced from knowing one wrong word, one wrong move and everything would come crumbling down around her. It was a combination that could lead to an addiction she never even considered needed before.

With uneven breaths, she pulled her hand away from her mouth slowly, uncertain of whether that was the right decision to make or not as her eyes fell between their bodies, watching for a moment as Jason's shaft disappeared inside of her while he explained his rules for this new game he had devised. “I like this bolder side of you, babe, but won't you give me more? I've missed having you inside of me. I always did love the way it seemed as if you know my body better than me.” While her eyes lifted back toward the camera of her phone, it was Jason she was really looking at, not the body of her boyfriend.

“I love how hard you are for me, because of me, and I need you. I just wish you didn't have to hold back. It's so much more fun when we don't have to hold back, so why don't you show me just how much you've missed me? Show me what I have to look forward to in the days to come.” How much of her words were meant for Benji, and how much were meant for Jason? She always had exaggerated the way Benji made her feel to ensure his ego never got bruised, but he didn't know her body at all. Not like he thought he did. No one had her more wrapped around their finger than Jason did, and the way her hips lifted each time he was sliding back inside of her were a clear sign of just how honest she was being when she said she needed him.

Because it wasn't Benji she needed, maybe if she had been distraught and needed a shoulder to cry on she would have, but in a moment of pleasure the only person on her mind was the man who had claimed every inch of her for himself. It wasn't even a concern to her if she would get another orgasm or not, all she could think about was his satisfaction. Keeping herself on the line meant he would have to hold back, and while the slow sensual thrusts allowed her to truly feel every inch of him inside of her and the way he so naturally rubbed against her g-spot when he was snugly inside of her, all it was really doing was stoking that hunger for more.

“Please.” Her quiet, desperate plea was clearly not meant for Benji. Couldn't Jason see he had pushed her far enough already? Surely he had no intentions of torturing her this way. Because that was exactly what making her stay on the call was; it was torture. Having to do her best to keep her breathing as stable as she could despite how thoroughly her face was flushed, trying to control the shaking in her arms, so her camera was somewhat stable. All things which could easily be passed off as being aroused from Benji, but it just wasn't true, and she hadn't ever wanted to associate the two this closely before.

"Of course! It's just… you've never been this bold before."

It might have been a trivial statement, even tragic as she meant it as a message for Jason more so than it was for Benji. But Aliyah had no idea how much that praise meant to the clueless boy. He needed to hear and feel just about any affection she could afford him, after being deprived for so long, that his ego was massively lifted from hearing her calling him bold. Benji had never been known to be bold, so to hear it coming from his girlfriend, was a lot to him.

Jason was implicitly delighted when he witnessed her needing to shift her hand to try to muffle her voice down. Slowly but surely, he was getting more and more to her, pulling her to his side. Her body like was the rope in a round of tug of war between Benji and Jason. Benji's strength behind his pulls stemmed from his purity and propensity to care for others more than himself almost selflessly, and unconditionally, whereas Jason's pull came in the form of spontaneity and sheer masculinity that made him an extremely exciting and appealing partner for life. Whoever was leading in the game of tug, was dependent on which force of strength Aliyah resonated more with. And it seemed comfort wasn't what she was looking for. Or at least, comfort was no longer what she needed.

It was clear that Aliyah despite her uncertainty, was still drawn to the eccentric, unpredictable wild ways of Jason. And he knew, he needed to double down and convince her more, that they were meant to embark on their journey that they were just starting out with one another, together; a journey where 'too far' was never going to be a thing, and embracing the very essence of 'too far' would mean that they will get to experience more many firsts together as a pair.

Aliyah's guess on why Jason was doing his perplexing and elaborate plan to keep Benji close, despite wanting Aliyah to be with him, was on point. Make no mistake. Jason desired Aliyah with a passion. But the thrill and the process of getting her was something he didn't wish to skip over, not even missing a step. He wanted to feel the full satisfaction of being able to pry Aliyah away from her boy, of knowing he has the capability to do that. He was a serial winner, and he wanted it all. And from what he had seen from Aliyah thus far, he saw her as a very complementary partner who had the mental potential to appreciate his odyssey into the sinful unknown.

No doubt her boyfriend might well end up being a casualty in the process. He knew it wasn't a pleasant thing to do. But if he could just convince Aliyah to allow her conscience to take a backseat for just a moment, he could take her on a journey like none other, a journey no other would be able to pull off with Aliyah without possessing the unique chemistry that they shared. It was sick, depraved, even possibly sadistic. But it is through the indulgence of sins that pleasures are most satisfying for the man who could hardly find satisfaction in life after being habituated to his successes.

Jason was on a mission to corrupt Aliyah's mind. He knew she had the mold of a vixen. He just needed her to accept that she was one, and they were devils matched make from heaven. He could already see his plan coming to fruition through the ways that she surrendered her body to the pleasures that he was casting out unto her.

Aliyah could see Jason's face completely scrunched up when he felt the way his cock was so tightly clamped by the grip of her vaginal walls. She could see that he so desperately wanted to moan and groan. But he held it all in - all in the name of satiating his dark sated need of having a girl who was supposedly unavailable, fawn over him, and to see how far she could push, for him. He saw it as an ultimate sign of affection, and had only just come to realised how much it turned him on. His mouth formed a wide O, his eyes locked and focused onto Aliyah whenever she looked down at him, as if nothing else deserved his attention, but her.

"I like this bolder side of you, babe, but won't you give me more? I've missed having you inside of me. I always did love the way it seemed as if you know my body better than me."

"You do?" Jason then got down to his knees, shifted his legs slightly further apart, his right hand wrapped around the circumference of his mid cock, making it seem like he was pretending that it was Aliyah's pussy, wrapped around his modest member. He placed his phone onto the floor, supported upright by the perpendicular wall, and angled the camera to himself. He went as far as to initiate a role play, pretending that he was rearing his girlfriend doggy style, his left hand seemingly looking like it was holding onto her imaginary left waist. He started to fuck his own hand in glee like a keen rabbit. The sight of it was quite tragic, considering the boyfriend was relegated to pretending to be fucking his girlfriend with his hand, while another man had the honour of filling her up in ways Benji could never ever do so.

"Ohh baby..!"

"Look at that. What do you think of the state of your boyfriend right now?"
"And if you think this is bold from me, you haven't seen nothing."
"Also, missing my cock already even though you've only just be fucked thoroughly no more than half an hour ago? You're such a slut for me, aren't you?" Unhinged words came free flowing through his whispers.

"I love how hard you are for me, because of me, and I need you. I just wish you didn't have to hold back. It's so much more fun when we don't have to hold back, so why don't you show me just how much you've missed me? Show me what I have to look forward to in the days to come."

"Fuckk.." Benji groaned. He really looked like he was having his best run ever, ramming against his own hand, possibly even harder than he had ever fucked Aliyah in person. He had always been lovey-dovey and sensual in the past. Perhaps mounting desperation over the weeks had elicited a certain change in him. Her words had fuelled him. But even his best didn't look like he could hold a candle to Jason, as his thrust whilst raw and emotionally powered, were occasionally clumsy. Roughness was not his forte, and something he needed much more practice with.

Jason did the exact same thing, abruptly picking up the strength and speed of his ploughing. The only difference, was that one man got to feel the joy of having Aliyah's tightness wrapped around his member, while the other, only wishing he could feel the real deal. Jason barely got into his mind boggling mechanical pumping fifteen to twenty seconds in, when Benji yelped out loud, already cumming for Aliyah through the pixelated screen.

Streaks of his cum streamed from his cock head. But his release was comparatively measly, ending in just three tiny shots. Its amount, in stark contrast to the cum load that Aliyah had been dealing with over the past weeks. The volume of Benji's semen was almost equivalent to Jason's usual precum releases, highlighting the gulf in quantity of the two load types.


By then, Jason was close to fucking Aliyah at an intensity with blatant disregard to the fact that her boyfriend was on the other end of the line. The wetness of her pussy was already slushing out loud, and there was every likelihood that Benji could well hear from his side.

"Fuckkk!" Benji moaned out loud, still trying to recover from his orgasm. "… I'm so looking forward to this weekend." It was only when he slowly reopened his eyes, that he started to realise Aliyah seemed to be rocking unusually on her bed. Her saving grace, was that the sight of her through her camera display seemed to be just about ambiguous enough for him to be unable to make out exactly what she was up to.

"… what are you doing, babe?"

"You don't wish for me to hold back, hmm?"
"Show your.. boyfriend that you're gonna be fucking your dildo. Show him that you're gonna stick it to the head board of the bed."
"Make him believe you're playing with your toy.. so I have the license to go unhinged on you."

"…cause that's what you want from me right? For me to show you how much and hard I adore you through my actions?"


Every time Aliyah lifted her eyes back up to Jason, she could see the restraint clear as day on his face. It was both amusing and painful at the same time, he had been the one to bring them to this point, but she wanted so badly to hear every sound. It was a strange respite, knowing that she wasn't the only one trying to hold it all in. It even made her a little smug, thinking so confidently that because Jason was holding back, he wasn't able to enjoy the moment nearly as much as he could be. If only she knew just how wrong that line of thinking was, but her inexperience served as a seal of sorts to the depths of her own depravity, and by extension what she might be able to even consider to be Jason's as well.

“Of course I do.” Her response to the surprise in Benji's voice was automatic, a trained response over the years of coddling the young man's ego. She knew he had self-deprecating tendencies and had learned that the more she comforted and reassured him, the more he was willing to overlook what many would consider a bitchy attitude at times. The movement on her screen captured her attention as he actually took things a step further. It seemed that her boyfriend was full of surprises tonight as he settled his phone down to free his hands.

Just weeks ago, Aliyah might have found the display of Benji fucking his own hand erotic, a bittersweet reminder of what she had left behind, but what she had to look forward to during his visit. Now, however, it was just pathetic and crude. There was no inkling of desire within her to watch, especially not as Jason's taunting words rang clear in her ear. But it still presented her with the perfect opportunity to release the soft moans she had been swallowing down. Her eyes locked onto Jason's as he whispered to her. When Bentley had called her a slut, there had been a nagging urge to slap him. Coming from Jason, the reaction was the complete opposite.

She wasn't a slut. But for him, she absolutely would be. Why else had she chosen her apparel for their ride to not include a bra? Why else would she have all but thrown herself at him the moment he had given her even the slightest bit of physical attention when they arrived? Rather than answering his taunts directly, she decided to try to goad him, if he got too carried away it would give her the perfect excuse to hang up the phone. The concern of if Benji would be able to finish before that happened or not wasn't even on her radar, as he didn't have an ounce of the stamina the guys at UCB seemed to have.

Whether it was because of her or not, Jason's pace ramped up without warning. The sounds of Benji's heavy pants and groans only barely drowned out the sound of Aliyah's strangled moans. Her lips pressed together in a tight line as her eyes drifted momentarily up to the ceiling above them, while her spine arched upward at the jolt of electricity that shot through her body. Her legs moved to wrap around Jason's waist, just as Benji made one final cry before hitting his climax, just when Jason was barely getting started.

She could hardly breathe, trying to hide every moan just wasn't humanly possible, though she was making the best attempt she could. Those that did manage to escape her were quiet and restrained. But the harder Jason fucked her, the harder it was to remember why she was trying to hold it all in, in the first place.

That one single question. What are you doing? It should have been ice water in her veins, enough to frighten her to the point of ruining the mood, it would have if it wasn't for the soft whisper of Jason's voice in her ear. Like the Serpent tempting Eve to eat the forbidden fruit, Jason wasn't forcing Aliyah to do anything. He was merely guiding her further into the depths of sin and debauchery. She could have hung up on Benji at any given point, there was no reason at all for her to truly play along in Jason's game. But she would be lying if she tried to say her heart wasn't racing faster than it ever had before, knowing it was merely because of Benji's innocence and complete trust in her that the thought of her cheating on him wasn't even coming to mind.

Aliyah unwrapped her legs from Jason's waist to dig her knees into his hips, pushing him to the best of her ability from her position and forcing him to come to a stop before sliding her body further up the bed to give herself a bit of space to sit up just the slightest bit without bringing the phone closer to Jason. “You aren't the only one who's wanting a release, babe.” She frowned just the slightest bit as she panted softly. Trying to hold back her moans to the best of her abilities to avoid giving anything away was almost as distracting as Benji had been, and it wasn't a pleasant distraction.

“I had to get a little creative without you here to help me.” She offered up a weak explanation as she grabbed hold of the dildo. Rather than simply holding it up for Benji to see right away, she slid the tip of the toy against her lower lips. Purposely coating it in her arousal so that as she finally did lift it for Benji to see what she held, the light of her phone screen captured the sheen to make it look as if she truly had been playing with herself.

Aliyah didn't hold the toy up for long, however, before lowering it back down again, giving herself her first real chance to take in the sight of Benji post-orgasm since she had left for California. “I suppose I should reward you, huh?” She flashed Benji her brightest smile, as though she were truly proud of the display he had put on for her. Twisting her body just the slightest bit, she reached the toy back toward the headboard while making sure he would have a clear view of her sticking it in place before she looked over to Jason once again. With her lips pursed in consideration, she quickly looked back to her phone.

“Give me a second to go lock the door.” She gave Benji a quick wink before hitting mute and setting her phone down on the bed with her camera facing the mattress, as if she had merely tossed the phone aside in her rush to get up. She released a sharp exhale as she was able to turn her attention solely on Jason, sitting up further to lightly run her hands along his outer thighs. While he had pulled her away the first time, she had no intention of letting him do so again as her right hand swept up his leg, she brought her fingers to tease along the underside of his shaft.

“You and I both know that you'll still need to hold back as long as I'm on the phone, hasn't this been going on long enough for now? Please, Jason, you can use me in whatever way you want, however rough you want to get with me, just let me end the call. I can say Sabrina came back.” Aliyah offered up the same pout she had worn at the restaurant when the toy had died on her as she pleaded with him for some bit of mercy. Looking for even a hint of the man who had so generously reassured her, she didn't need to rush any sort of decision when they had been on the beach.

“I'm even willing to take any sort of punishment with no complaints, I just want to be able to give you all of my attention. Isn't that what you wanted, love? All that I have to offer you?” She knew she was laying it on thick, but she was clearly desperate to weasel her way out of the position Jason had thrust her into. Trying her damnedest to lessen the severity of her guilt that was sure to suffocate her once the adrenaline and dopamine wore off.

"You aren't the only one who's wanting a release, babe."
"I had to get a little creative without you here to help me."

Benji's eyes widened. His gold tinted glasses had always made him believe that his Aliyah was bubbly, cute and pure. He hadn't exactly thought she had the propensity to indulge in the wilder aspects of life, even though objectively speaking, it wasn't implausible that Aliyah had her own dirty little desires in the eyes of a neutral. But Benji was too used to seeing the fourteen to seventeen year old Aliyah in her that it biased his opinion of her. Had Aliyah grown so much since then? Suddenly, he felt like maybe, he actually didn't know his girlfriend as much as he thought he initially did.

Since when did she get hold of that dildo of hers? How long had she kept it a secret from him? If it was long, why did she not tell him earlier? Such intimate details he thought, would have easily been a subject of discussion for a guy of his relationship status with her. Unless she didn't feel personally connected with him enough to let him in the knowing?

"Since when did you actually get that for yourself..?"
"And that looks huge..."
"Can you actually fit it in?"

"You can fit it in alright. Maybe even tell him that you loved it this nice and big."

Jason was on a ruthless streak, yet his voice remained calm in spite. If she looked up to him, Jason seemed to put on a face that was able to wordlessly capture his thought.

The captain was actually impressed, when Aliyah had somehow improvised and dug herself a time off. He knew he had set his eyes on the right girl, who not just got the face and figure, but the wits and brain to complement. And he thought having a girl like that who was willing to submit to him was honestly one of the greatest honour he could ever be bestowed with.

He listened attentively to her pleas, while he took in deep breaths and softly sashayed his hips each time she dragged her fingers along the length of his shaft. He had a lot of time for the young woman, who was able to draw him in like no other girls did before. Her pout was adorable, but it too gave him a hint of her level of desperation, and that her ability to contain her burgeoning passion was reaching the peak of her capacity. And that turned him on, so much.

This was what he craved. This was real passion, uncensored, unbounded by the super ego.

Wordlessly, he knelt upright on the bed, reached out for her hair, then yanked her down towards his phallus. He took her mouth for his, just like how she asked for - use her whatever ways he wanted, however rough he wanted. He gave her not even the slightest opportunity to stop for a breather, completely shredding her throat as his cock went balls deep into her.

This was a chance for her to prove that she meant what she said - all happening, while Benji was still patiently waiting for Aliyah to return to the call on the other side of the line.

Jason sure took his time. One minute, turned to three. Three turned to five. Five turned to ten. By the end of it, his moans were uninhibited, blasting loudly across the entire room.

"Mmmmmhhhhh Nnnngghhhhh."

"Your mouth is so fucking perfect."

You've been such a good girl, for me."

"I hear your petition. But we're going to have to compromise. A relationship is all about compromise, wouldn't you agree?"

"I promise to let you hang up your call, but only after you've made him watch me make you cum at least once."

"Do it, and I'll treat you like a queen, for the rest of the night."
"Do it, and I'll give you the fuck of your life that no other one man can ever better."
Jason grasped her hair to have her ear nearing his lips while he whispered in a low, deep voice that was both menacing as it was sensual. The man then shoved Aliyah rudely back down against the bed. It felt mean. But Jason hoped that in time, Aliyah would learn that his bedroom demeanour was an entirely separate identity to what he could be, as a lover - a gentleman by day, and a monster by night, Mr. rollercoaster.

"Go on, darling. Turn the phone around and place it beneath your chin on the bed. Get on all fours and present yourself to me like you truly meant for me to take, to own your pussy."

"You will do that for me, won't you, my darling slut?"
Again, every whisper came in the form of him closing in on her ear. His chiseled form beckoned, grazing sensuously back and forth against the softer, smoother skin of her entire front.


“I actually just got it today… it's a bit big yeah, I didn't think it would be this big when I picked it out. But it's fine, you know how flexible my body is. It'll be no problem at all.” Aliyah refused to look at Jason as she smiled warmly to her boyfriend, mixing truth with her lies. For the first time since he had put the earbud in, she didn't repeat what he wanted to hear her say. There was no possible way she would tell her average sized boyfriend that she actually did like it bigger. It would go against the years of comfort she had given him, what was one more white lie?

The moment she was able to mute the call and put her phone down, she felt as if she could breathe. There was a weight settling on her chest, making her increasingly uncomfortable, and she couldn't tell if Jason was helping to ease that discomfort or worsen it. As she pleaded with him to cave for her, she gave him the best pleading look she had. Maybe acting would be in the cards for her future. His deep steady breaths gave nothing away toward how he might react to her plight, there wasn't even a hint of a smile on his lips, making her think that perhaps she had unwittingly annoyed him by trying for the second time to end the call.

Aliyah didn't dare move an inch as Jason adjusted himself, bringing himself properly onto his knees before grabbing a fistful of her hair without a word. She had but a split second to react, scrambling to adjust her own body to the best of her abilities as he forced her head down. She could have kept her mouth shut, but there would have been no point in promising him to let him use her body how he wanted. While his teammates had seen the stubborn argumentative side of her that could question who was really in control, Jason was the sole recipient of her complete obedience. Her lips parted with no hesitate, her tongue extending just the slightest bit to coax him forward.

Unlike in the shower where Aliyah had kept her hands on Jason's thigh like a silent threat of being willing to push him away from her if she needed the air, she lowered her hands away from him this time, restraining herself to give him complete control. Her throat was still aching from his earlier treatment in the shower, but she had made the offer to be used, had made the promise not to complain. Despite the way the muscles in her throat constricted in resistance, Aliyah refused to pull away. It was both her stubborn will and determination that kept her neck relaxed, even while the tension in her face was blatantly obvious. She kept her eyes squeezed shut tight in an attempt to keep the tears at bay, but just like her moans, she could only do so much to stop them from breaking free.

With the way colors seemed to dance behind her eyelids and the pressure in her head, Aliyah just knew that if she were to open her eyes now, she would be in the middle of experiencing a greyout. She had barely been able to hold on for the five minutes in the shower, but Jason pushed her further this time, refusing to relent, perhaps as a way to test just how true her claim was to allow him to use her as he pleased.

Her fingers curled into the sheets in a grip so tight it was a wonder that her nails didn't rip through the threading of the fabric. Her shoulders trembled with every gag and splutter, but she held on regardless. Even as the lightheadedness set in, knowing that the moment Jason released his hold on her, she would simply collapse to the bed. That familiar scarlet hue bloomed on her cheeks, spreading as the pressure behind her eyes built. She couldn't even feel the pain in her throat any longer though the muscles were still constricting, it was more from her attempts at swallowing than from trying to block the intrusion out.

It was only once Jason finally pulled her head up so that he could speak into her ear that she was able to gasp for air. Her hands clinging onto his waist as her vision swam upon opening her eyes, the sudden flood of oxygen into her lungs was like the sweetest gift Jason had given her yet. She hardly seemed fazed as he pushed her back down to the bed, though it was likely a result of her mind still trying to catch up as she greedily gulped down every bit of air that she could.

“I think… a compromise is fair.” She was barely even able to get the words out clearly between her frantic pants, her chest rising and falling to brush against Jason's as he leaned into her. It wasn't the promise to be treated like a queen, or have the fuck of her life, that made her agree. Jason could have offered her nothing in return, merely denying her request to end the call, and Aliyah still would have agreed. That was how badly she wanted him. How badly she wanted the rush she felt with him to never end. But it was also how confident she felt that the stipulation of at least one orgasm would be met just as quickly as it had in the shower.

“I'll do it. But you have to keep your word.” It was only once her breathing had gotten closer to normal that she even made an attempt to move. Gathering her limbs under her to help push herself back up, Aliyah adjusted her body so that she was facing their gorgeous view of the ocean but waited until she was absolutely sure Jason was out of sight before picking her phone back up and unmuting the call. “I'm really sorry about that wait.” She cleared her throat in hopes that the hoarseness to her voice had lessened enough to seem as if it was nothing more than her maybe starting to get a cold.

“Sabrina ended up coming back just as I was about to lock the door, so I had to strike a deal with her to get her to leave for a bit.” The fact that she was even bothering to come up with an excuse as to why it took her so long to return to her phone made it clear that she wanted to lay to rest any concerns he might have. She did care about him after all, and his feelings… they mattered to her, didn't they?

Aliyah slid her phone closer to her, double-checking, and then triple-checking, the angle of her screen to ensure that Jason wouldn't be seen unless he made himself seen. Even though she really didn't know him, she did trust that he wouldn't stoop so low as to do something like that, not when this thing between the two of them was still so fragile and new. As she propped herself up onto her hands and knees, her hips swayed back and forth slowly, her legs spreading just the slightest bit for the man behind her.

“But anyway, let's not worry about that right now. I promised you a reward, so it's my turn now.” Just one orgasm was all that stood in the way of being able to slip back into her little bubble she had been in previously. Just one climax, and she could go back to acting as if Benji was leagues away, both physically and mentally.

Jason certainly did notice that Aliyah had denied his request. That was a first. He understood why she might have refused to do so. He wondered however, if that was going to be the case forever, or that one day, he might be able to convince her to just completely let go of her conscience, and let him take her for a ride. It was a high price to pay. But he wanted to make her see that at the end of the day, it was all going to be worth it.

But it was clear that there was a substantial barrier that was still stopping her from crossing that line. He knew he needed to boost his standings with her, which he was confident that he was already well on track with that objective. But it wasn't enough. He needed to simultaneously lower her boyfriend's place in her eyes as well. But how?

On the superficial level, his earlier whispers of making snide remarks about her boyfriend was meant to seriously make her rethink, to slowly manipulate and chip away at all that she had previously held so fondly about her boyfriend, away from the core of her mind. Their foundation seemed strong. And he needed to find a way to destabilise it.

For Benji, even when Aliyah's response had no malice in it, he couldn't help but wonder. Surely if she got a dildo of that size, wouldn't she at some point, make some kind of comparison? They were not talking about an inch of difference - her toy looked almost twice his size! If she was going to be enjoying her rubbery pal, where does that leave him? The thought that she might well find pleasure greater from a non-living object than the real thing that he could offer, had him feeling heavy within for a moment.

"I'll make a mental note to get you something more reasonably sized then, for your birthday perhaps. Heh."

Did you actually just say that? What were you thinking?

There was the faintest of a sheepish grin towards the end. Even his insecurities were starting to creep into his subconsciousness, influencing his instinctive reactions.

Jason was paying more attention to the manner in which Aliyah took him, when he forced his member upon her. He could see that she was really trying, judging from the way she ensured that her hands were not even an inch in the way, and how she even leaned forward to take him in her stride. And he appreciated it.

"I'll do it. But you have to keep your word."

A faint, lob-sided smirk emerged from the right corner of his lips. Of course she would agree. But there was still much to do. He fantasized taking Aliyah on their matrimonial bed one day, while making her ex watch him fuck the love of his life on the night of their marriage. But that would be a fantasy that he would have to revisit again years down the road, to decide if they might have gone a long way enough to be able to convince Aliyah that all amounts of depravity would be worthy in the name of the love that she had for him.

When Aliyah resumed the call, Benji was gently stroking his semi-limp cock. Someone had been entertaining himself whilst she was away. He adjusted himself, slightly sheepish at being caught out, steering his member away from the camera lens for a bit. Benji lightly nodded when Aliyah tried to explain herself, acceptingly understanding that her roommate had been an issue, especially since he could relate to that.

"You... convinced her to give you the room because of this?"
"How did you even break that to her?"

That conversation must have been amusing, he thought. If it was for a one night stand, it wouldn't have been so much as strange of a request. But to reason that it was for a long distance cyber cam? He wondered how liberal were those girls that Aliyah was hanging out with. It was a little difficult for the boy, who still pretty much resembled his sixteen year old self, to grasp the world of difference between the different social circles in high school as opposed to college. In all fairness, Aliyah's steep learning curve over the past weeks had been highly unusual. She was learning things at a rate few others would have been able to keep up with. Her evolution had been nothing short of exceptional... and worrying.

Aliyah trying to justify that she cared for Benji's feeling by spewing yet another white lie, was ironic. If she had truly, truly cared for his feelings, surely it would have been better off to cut him loose. Obviously, it wasn't going to be as simple as that. But the bottom line, was that she cared for his feelings enough to protect him from her infidelity. But she didn't care enough to have the courage to let him go. Sugar coat her decision as she might, but at least a part of her decision had to be down to preserving her self-interest - she wanted the best of both worlds. Not that it was a criminal offense to be looking out for oneself. But what was certain should she thread along the said path, was that in the process, at least someone was bound to get hurt because of her indecision. The longer it dragged, the harder the eventual fall.

Benji watched in glee as his girlfriend positioned herself for the upcoming show, while Jason stealthily got himself behind Aliyah.

And one could bet on Jason to put a twist in everything.

One orgasm, was all that he promised. That also meant that he had the free license to choose whatever methods, however long, to get there. He didn't want her to get just any orgasm. He wanted her to get the orgasm.

"And I'm going to reward you too in my way, darling."

Jason smiled, as the game of whispers continued. He pushed his thumb between her folds, and then began to apply firm pressure along the length of her slit, as if he was kneading and massaging her core. In the mean time, Benji's cock was slowly beginning to regain it's stiffness once again, after his refractory period started to wane. He positioned his camera by the middle of his bed, and elevated it against the side of a pillow, facing him. The boy then rested against the back board of his bed, legs splayed apart, as he began vigorously jerking himself off to the sight of his girlfriend, in what he believed to be a session of mutual masturbation.


"Gosh baby. I can't wait to fill you up this weekend."

It was also at the same time, when Jason started to tease his frenulum with feather-light strokes, alternating between going bottom-up against the length of her orifice, to concentrated shorter brushings against her entrance that had a firmer touch to it, at unpredictable intervals, taunting, but never filling.

That went on for a painstaking eighteen minutes, which was much to the delight to both Benji and Jason. After the seventh minute mark, Benji had already on multiple occasions, started slowing down his jelqing strokes. It was looking like the boyfriend was trying to delay his second inevitable coming, which was already lingering around the corner. But he didn't wish to end his fun that early, not when Aliyah was still putting up a show for him.

And then, without warning...


... Jason grabbed both sides of Aliyah's waist in a firm grip, then very abruptly plunged the entirely of his shaft deep into the crux of her sacred temple. The man wasted no time, rapidly accelerating his pounding. He didn't care that the sounds of their flesh smacking against one another was lewdly filling up the air around them, inevitably meaning that Benji would most definitely have heard the loud successive thudding as well.

"Wow... Ali." Benji was in a state of shock. His girlfriend definitely looked like she was passionately rocking herself in a manner that he hadn't seen before coming from her. Sex crazed, almost. Never had he imagine she could be like that - It was admittedly hot, but saddening at the same time. Why was she never like this with him?

"Shit baby. I'm about to cum - in you."

"Oh no, he won't. He won't be allowed to. No one would be allowed to cum inside you. No one, except...?"

Of course Jason just had to put her in the spot.


Aliyah was able to use the need to lock a door as an excuse to avoid responding to Benji's idea of getting her a more… suitable toy. It was a natural reaction to want to reassure him that size really didn't matter, it was Benji who mattered to her, but at some point her natural reactions had stopped feeling so natural. It would have truly felt as though she were forcing herself to comfort him at this point, so putting her phone down was the best that she could do. It was exhausting, honestly, being with someone who needed constant reassurance. It wasn't as if it stemmed from the fact that she was trying to leave him, which she was just not quite yet. But Benji had been riddled with low self-esteem for as long as she had known him. At first, it had been part of his charm, she thought it was utterly adorable. Now that they were older, though, it was just an annoyance.

“Well, it wasn't as if I told her details. I just cut a deal with her to give me the room for as long as I needed.” Aliyah waved her hand dismissively, though the issue now was that she would have to rope Sabrina into this lie of hers as well. She had no intentions of bringing Benji around the sorority if she could help it, not after Victoria had displayed how blatantly she couldn't be trusted. Any insinuation towards the video she held in his presence was like a death sentence. Aliyah's head was on the chopping block, and Victoria was the one holding the axe.

The whispered promise of a reward from Jason was thrilling. But what made it even more enticing was the fact that their trip together was only just beginning. Even if he didn't extend their trip, they still had another night to be able to take their time enjoying each other. Something they would likely find difficult once they were back at school. The moment Jason pressed his thumb against her slit, Aliyah gasped sharply, her body lurching just slightly as even the smallest touch from him was enough to elicit the desire within her.

His digit glided with ease on every stroke. She was absolutely soaked to the point that even her inner thighs were coated in her arousal from her moving around just moments ago. No guy had ever made her this wet before, but Jason showed her all day long that he was like no other. It wasn't fair to even try to compare anyone to him. There was a reason why he was the most sought after man on campus, and Aliyah had a front row seat to learning all about the man behind those whispered desires.

Benji and Jason might have been enjoying the eighteen minutes of teasing, but it was pure agony for Aliyah. The muscles in her body were trembling as she was forced to hold back the whine of desperation, the need to beg Jason to stop torturing her. Her hips rocked back slowly in time with each pass he had made, hoping to catch him just right and force him inside of her. Every time she missed was followed by a heavy exhale of frustration. He was going to drive her mad, if she had any idea that he had been planning to delay her orgasm to such a degree, she never would have agreed in the first place.

The moment she felt his fingers dig into her waist to lock her in place, however, her breath caught in her throat. “Yes, oh yes!” She couldn't help but cry out in relief as Jason finally put his painful teasing to an end to help relieve that burning desire inside of her. While she had tried her best to contain every little noise he was drawing out of her, she made no such efforts this time around. There was no need, and it just wouldn't have been possible even if she did try. Aliyah's head tipped back just the slightest as she put more of an arch into her spine, pressing her hips back against Jason for more.

He wasn't the only one who didn't care about the sound of their bodies colliding filling the room, it was a perfect orchestra to her, the beautiful music only slightly lessened by the faint voice of Benji on the phone beneath her. Perhaps she should have said something, but what words could she possibly hope to say other than how absolutely amazing she felt? All of the frustration and confusion, none of it mattered in the end when she could be brought to a point of pure bliss. Her stubbornness, her determination, every bit of her was built to handle a man like Jason, and she wanted everything from him.

She couldn't help but shake her head just the slightest bit, again, Jason was just getting started and Benji was already at his limit. Maybe it was because Benji wasn't a dedicated athlete, but even when he had kept up with hockey, his stamina had been nowhere near as impressive as any of the UCB guys. Though in truth, if it hadn't been for her earlier orgasm, even she wouldn't have been able to hold on like she was now. “Mmmmh only you baby. Only you are allowed to cum inside of me. No one else can touch what's yours.” Words laced into her moans came without hesitation as Jason's sentence dropped off. It wasn't just her saying what she felt he wanted to hear, in her soul she felt the truth to them.

Sure, he might not be the first man to cum inside of her since Bentley had already stolen that achievement, but that didn't mean from this point on anyone else would be allowed to. Hell, she was confident she wouldn't even want to touch another guy now that Jason was in her life as more than just a possibility. He was quickly becoming her new obsession, but wasn't that what love really was? Obsessing over someone who completed you? Craving all of their attention to the point that you felt as though you couldn't breathe properly without it? To live for that one person and doing everything within your power to ensure your partner felt nothing but joy in your presence.

For Aliyah, that was how she defined love. She could be greedy and selfish underneath the layers of the sweet, innocent northern girl she played the part of, but her greed had always been geared towards taking from her partner. Taking their attention, taking their time. But even when she had expressed that greed toward Benji, it had never been enough. She never truly felt satisfied because she always needed more. It was a craving to simply allow her world revolve around one figure, but that first figure she had chosen didn't seem to know what to do with all of the love and attention she had showered him with in the past. In her eyes, Jason was the kind of man who would thrive off of her love. He might find it overbearing at first, but even if he did, Aliyah was sure that he would be the one to accept her obsession.

Jason was pleasantly delighted at how Aliyah would jerk so rigorously to even just the faintest of his stimulation. It reminded him of a mimosa plant, which would flinch with just the slightest of contact. It was particularly amusing how she seemed to convulse like he was a prod stick tormenting her like a cattle. If the teasing wasn't already intense enough for Aliyah, Jason would sneak his fingers against her nipples, alternating, tugging them down firmly until it was border lining pleasure and pain. The freshman was a literal toy. And the captain was like a boy who couldn't wait to explore and experiment more of his shiny new plaything.

He had only worked his digits on and around her womanhood. But the girl was already a flooding mess. Massive streams of her feminine produce were actively and profusely leaking down her thighs, with the entire area within and around where her knees and pelvis were stemmed and raised, sheets completely dampened.

One of Jason's personal mantra, was that every limit could be pushed. That was why he was always constantly thinking of ways to test the boundaries. Occasionally, the man would lash hard, unexpected spanks, against the entire length of her cunt. Those hits were clearly meant to inflict more pain than pleasure. He was really testing Aliyah to see if she meant that she would be willing to take anything from him.

It was also an opportunity for the man to introduce the more inexperienced girl to his world of sexual depravity. He wanted to build some steel in her, in hopes that he could make her see from his lens one day, how one could actually derive pleasure from pain.

"I'm going to make you soak our entire bed, and you and I will frolic, cuddle and sleep in your pool of filth together, once morning come."

It wasn't just his actions. Even Jason's dirty talk was getting more and more depraved. It was all part of his game to get Aliyah into a strung state of maddening desperation. He absolutely adored the way her body was dancing to his touch, jolting violently to his even his lightest grazing. Their chemistry was sizzling and combusting like it was on the cusp of a big bang, both figuratively and literally. It heartened him to see both her mind and body so attuned, so in need of his caress. It made him feel wanted, desired. And that in turn, made him want to shower Aliyah with more attention. It was an unending cycle of giving, filling up their pool of love that was getting increasingly dense, that was magnetizing the pair into become closer and closer to one another, to the point where they could not even escape the gravitational pull of the black hole of passion that they have build with one another.

They were a pair of young stars, atoms highly reactive, their chemical make-up, overwhelmingly responsive to one another.

"Yes, oh yes!"

Her lewd squeal summed up the explosiveness of their two highly complementary parts, finally fusing together, as one. Fireworks erupted, and Jason took pride in the way he had managed to get the freshman girl to scream at the top of her lungs, with blatant disregard of the third audience in the room. He knew, he had finally gotten her to cross the line beyond her barrier of conscience. This was her expression of her raw innate desire, uncensored. And he thought it was such a magnificent sight.

"Mmmmh only you baby. Only you are allowed to cum inside of me. No one else can touch what's yours."

Jason grinned, as he grabbed hold of a generous bundle of her hair, yanking her up to have her face back at him, making her watch him fuck her from behind, making her watch him smile in delight at her latest response.

The man exercised enough finesse to ensure his hand was never in her phone camera's way, as what Benji could see, was merely the sight of his girlfriend seemingly looking back towards... the ceiling? For whatever reason.

"I wasn't sure who you were referring to exactly. Perhaps we should be giving each other a nickname, just so we could be clearer for one another."

"Let's see.. you are supple, soft, flawlessly smooth and exceptionally delicious. And you shall be my slutty marshmallow."

"And who am I to you, my slutty marshmallow? Some name perhaps that your boyfriend would be gullible enough to assume that you're referring to him.""
"Once you've figured it out, why don't you tell me again, properly this time, whose one and only cum dump you belong to."
"Because you know, words of affection makes me really, really.. hot and bothered."

To coax her, he rewarded her with an increase in pace and strength of his ploughings - it seemed as if Jason was always capable of going even faster, harder, just when one would think that it was not even humanly possible.

He doubled up the pressure of the latch between her pussy to his penetrating girth, by arm locking both her wrists behind her back with beastly strength, forcing her rear onto a tight lock against his pelvis.

For Benji, seeing her hands sliding to the back, she looked very stretched. He would imagine that it was a difficult position to hold to keep her body more than 45 degrees forward, her thighs clearly must be bearing a huge brunt of her weight. At the same time, he could passably see that whilst strenuous, he could imagine the ex-high school's top cheer leader having the fitness to be able to pull that workout off.

"Wow Ali... I knew you were acrobatically flexible.. but this?"
"You're gonna need to show me how you do that when I come over this next weekend."

Benji was starting to rock himself more rigorously to the pace of Aliyah, oblivious to the fact that it was driven by another male force. To him, he was simply fantasizing himself mounting his girlfriend from behind at the pace that Aliyah was being rocked.

"Ohhh fucckk. I'm cumming again baby. Are you cumming soon? Let's come together...!"

"Mmh. You're not going to be spending the nights with your boyfriend when he comes over, won't you?"
"... I'm not sure if I'm comfortable with that."
"Would you rather spend those nights, with me, Marshmallow?"

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