𓍼 E N S N A R E D ‎ IN ‎ D E S I R E 𓍼 ɴsғᴡ » ᶠᶦᶜᵏˡᵉⱽᶦˣᵉⁿ ˣ ᴷᵉᶦᵗʰ ᴸᵒᵍᵃⁿ «

One of the things Jason had learnt from his past dealings with the opposite gender, was that no matter how much a girl claimed that she 'didn't need a man in her life', or that she had been so busy with her life that she hadn't got the time to pay attention to men, was that it was simply the case of them having not met the man for her that was outstanding enough to deserve her prioritising her attention on him over all else. In her case, a man more dominant than she could be. Benji was a strange outlier who managed to steal her heart somehow. It could have been down to a novelty factor. But even novelties would lose its appeal over time without substance. Once the dust settled, the appeal of it might well be gone over time.

At the end of the day, Jason's past experiences had him convinced that its still the case of the tried and tested brute strength - literally and figuratively - that forms the bedrock and foundation to keeping a ferociously ambitious and wilful girl like Aliyah reined in. A girl like Aliyah just needed a man who could overwhelm her, who had the balls of steel to tell her to shut the fuck up and get down on her knees, to take her into his arms because he knew for certain that was where she belonged, whether she realised or agreed to that. His ability to tame her, was the prove that he had the capabilities and attitude to keep her under control, unafraid to tell her in her face, even discipline her when and where necessary, if she ever walked astray from her path. Girls like Aliyah were no more different from any other girls - at the heart of most of them, all that they ever wanted, was a man who could prove to them that they could entrust their lives to, even with their eyes closed. That was Jason's belief.

"That's a lot of history between the two of us that you want to change. Isn't it a little unreasonable?"

"Is it, really? If the future is what you're looking towards, the past shouldn't matter, should it?" Jason rebutted ever so nonchalantly. Of course she was going to be reluctant. Her reactions thus far had made it clear to him that she was still very much in two hearts, as much as she claimed that she was his. But that wasn't enough. He wanted her to want him, irrevocably. That meant doing anything for him. Because he would be willing to do anything for his lover all the same. She wasn't on his levelled terms yet. And that really propelled him to want to make it his mission from that point on, to keep persisting and convincing her through his actions that his steep and unreasonable demand was going to be worth it, for him.

"I'll try General, I promise I'll try! I don't know if he deserves it. I just... don't."

Try was a good first step. It was better than an outright no. But that was a clear sign that her mind was slowly being steered towards his right direction. And that was a fine enough achievement for the evening. It was good enough for him to comfortably shove the sensitive topic into the backseat, for the time being.

Had Jason been privy to her view about what she thought in regards to the difficulty to accede to his demand, he would have laughed it off and, if anything, even take it up as a challenge, to prove to her that with him, no matter how implausible an objective or a request was, if there is a will, there is a way. One could count on Jason to be able to try to find a way to steer a situation in his favour - through whatever means necessary. The only uncertainty remaining, laid in just how much resolve Aliyah held to her beliefs, before they crumble - or would her conscience prevail against the devil, against all odds?

"I'm sorry Sir, I'm sorry for hanging up early."

"I'm glad that you are sorry. That also means I hope you're motivated to not upset your General anymore from this point on, and that you'll do whatever it takes to please your Sir."

Jason paused, before he pressed his lips against her shoulders, peppering soft kisses along both width of hers. His ensuing voice, lowered to a half whisper. "Do you want me to show you how I can love you in a way no other man could ever do, Marshmallow?"

"If so, you're going to need to trust and follow every single word that I say. Surrender yourself to me, truly, unconditionally. For what I'm going to give you, all that I intend to do to you, is for your own good." His finger nails, dug deep into the flesh of her ass cheeks, particularly along the areas that the flog had landed on multiple times earlier.

"And that starts with… this."

Without warning, the vibrations and swiveling both jacked up to max strength at speed hundred.

"Don't you dare cum yet, Marshmallow. The night is still young. Don't you dare cum for me, not without my blessing and permission. Be my dutiful slut. And I promise to take great care of you, for as long as you stay true to me."
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