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𓍼 E N S N A R E D ‎ IN ‎ D E S I R E 𓍼 ɴsғᴡ » ᶠᶦᶜᵏˡᵉⱽᶦˣᵉⁿ ˣ ᴷᵉᶦᵗʰ ᴸᵒᵍᵃⁿ «

If only Bentley had known that Aliyah wouldn't have done more than complain if he had snatched the control out of her hands. Of course, she wanted to try something new, and like Roderick had said, she did want to put Bentley in his place. But even she wasn't cruel enough to be upset enough to the point of turning unwilling. It was like dangling a piece of meat in front of a starving wolf, with each passing moment that she teased him she was pushing that line harder and harder and yet his hesitation and silence was turning this wolf more and more into a trained house dog.

If Bentley was second guessing his decision to agree, she didn't give him the opportunity to voice it as she secured his hands in a swift and efficient manner. The fact that the cuffs were even available for her was incredibly useful, as the time it would have taken for her to figure out how to tie a knot secure enough to hold him into place would've allowed him to not only pull away, but likely grow bored as well. She told herself that she would have to be sure to thank Rod at some point for even mentioning them, her attitude had certainly turned bolder the moment they came into play.

Aliyah couldn't be bothered to fight her triumphant grin as Bentley let out a groan the moment he was fully inside of her. He had clearly been trying to restrain himself from giving her any signs of pleasure or relief during her teasing, but even he had his limits. Knowing that the very same man who had the gall to spit on her was rendered powerless was… intoxicating. Had she not already gone through four mind-numbing orgasms that night, she might've broken just at the very sight of his expression as she stilled her hips.

It was utterly adorable that even now he was still trying to control himself when there was really no point any longer. She nearly told him too, but restrained herself enough to simply lay out the fact for him that her movement was dependent on him. It was a strange illusion of control, he could determine how much pleasure he received based on how satisfactory his answer to her was. But an illusion was all it was, at the end of it all it really was up to her. Even if he tried to buck his hips, she simply needed to bear down and would be able to smother the majority of that effort, though it seemed that thought didn't even cross his mind.

She refused to respond to his soft complaint, engaging in another verbal spat would only encourage his delay in finally losing that last piece of control that he had over himself. Her head cocked to the side slightly as she lifted her brows inquisitively, rotating her hips on occasion as a constant reminder of why it was he should just give in until slowly, quietly, he said please. It was like that final puzzle piece clicking into place. The amount of satisfaction that a single word coming from a guy like this gave her was almost unparalleled.

But she didn't simply give him what he wanted immediately, instead she let out a soft hum as if she was considering if she found his plea to be acceptable or not. After several heartbeats, Aliyah finally dug her knees into the mattress, shifting her weight to lift herself up. She didn't get off of him this time around like she had previously, lowering herself back down onto him in another slow pace. “That'll do for now.” She relented as each time she picked herself up she steadily dropped down faster. “But I think I'm going to have to give you lessons eventually on how to beg properly.”

Aliyah's breathing deepened as she straightened her spine, letting her core relax as she set herself into a steady rhythm. It wasn't nearly as hard or fast as how he had been fucking her before Roderick had interrupted them, but that wasn't her goal anyway. She wanted to savor every inch of him that she could, while enjoying the sparks of pleasure that raced up her spine each time she descended on him. Her eyelids fluttered as she brought her hands to rest on his ribs, relying solely on the muscles in her thighs and lower back so that she wasn't pushing on him.

It wasn't more than two minutes before the sounds of her moans were filling the room again. Her right hand left his body slowly, almost regretfully, to rest upon her own. Her fingers danced across her swollen clit, causing her to suck in a sharp gasp, her body momentarily freezing as she shuddered before she quickly resumed where she had left off so she didn't make Bentley worry that she might've been stopping. Her thighs clenched against his hips while she slid her left hand from his ribs back to the center of his chest. All of the teasing and stalling served as a slight set back for her. She had been so close to another release when Roderick had pulled her away, and now it almost felt like that fifth one was just going to be too far out of reach for her despite how sensitive her body had become.
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Bentley had started to try to prod the different things that he could do, to get the most out of his situation. The squeezing of her tightness against his man rod felt wonderful. But it wasn't anywhere near enough. His primitive brain was screaming for him to work towards a release, lest his testosterone overload goes into a maddening overdrive that would then be too hot to handle.

He even tried to launch a couple of upward thrusting hip motion. But it was darn near difficult to generate any sort of meaningful momentum, with Aliyah's entire deadweight pinning down on his pelvis. Even with a man possessing his kind of muscles, it was an unfair match up, especially without the availability of his limbs - the main guns - to assist with the weight lifting. He could generate three or four decent thrust. But it would take far too much energy to keep the pace going. In the end, his muted thrusts if anything, only served to vex him even more, as each restrained move only frustrated him more than it was giving him the intensity of pleasure that he needed there and then.

It was an infuriating game of cat and mouse. In the times he gave up gyrating his hips, Aliyah dropped the carrot bait by gyrating hers, as if she was implicitly, but very deliberately rubbing salt onto his wound. He was stuck in a perpetual cycle of dull pleasure that was fanning his flames more than it was putting out his overheated bonfire.


He was so close to crying out loud, when her hum had him holding his tongue, with a show of subtle fear as to what possible wicked idea she might have next.

"That'll do for now."
"But I think I'm going to have to give you lessons eventually on how to beg properly."

It turned out, that his fear was unwarranted, once he watched her reposition herself to an optimum angle before crashing herself back down onto his throbbing length. And then again, and again, and again. He literally howled in joy, eyes the slightest bit watery, as if he was a maligned who had finally been vindicated after years and years of unjustified torment.

As Aliyah slowly picked up her pace over time, so did his fingers tightening their grip against the chains of the cuffs. He needed to hold onto something, anything, as the pressure pleasure was finally mounting up.

"Ohhh shit!"

But he found out eventually, that Aliyah wasn't going to be accelerating past middle gear. She was dictating the pace based on her terms more so than what he wanted, needed. Judging from her ascending moans and the look of euphoria plastering across her face, she was clearly liking the ride on cruise mode.

But cruising was not going to be enough for Bentley to want to get off. Guys with lengthier appendages like his required more effort to push his load against the force of gravity. And one full thrust every one or two seconds or so wasn't going to cut it. It was in a time like this that he wished he was in control. But obviously, he wasn't going to get it. And unless he did something about it, he was going to be stuck in Aliyah's one hell of a torture chamber.


Bentley's lips trembled. His teeth, sinking into his bottom lip, as if they were acting like last ditch gatekeepers to what looked to be words desperately wanting to spew out of his mouth. Eventually, he relented.

"Faster, harder, please, Aliyah."


His body was getting restless, attempting to move in tandem with her rodeo just to try to get an extra oomph on every sitting against his cock. His back arches were also starting to pivot more and more towards an acute angle. And his legs, which were left unbind and no longer burdened by her weight in the times she raised herself, became somewhat useful in trying to lift himself to latch his manhood firmer to her orifice.

"... I wanna fill you up to the brim, so.."
"... so bad

"… let me go. I'll do you nice and hard, right here, right now..!"


He might've physically submitted his body to Aliyah's whims, but she knew she had truly won over him the moment she let out a soft hum, and whatever little remark he had been on the verge of giving her caught immediately on his tongue. He was afraid enough of what she might have in store to try to tease him with now that he was willing to actually wait and see what she might do before speaking first. Whether he realized it or not, he was being trained, and his reward for not talking back was the feeling of Aliyah dropping her hips down over and over again.

If relief had ever taken a physical form, it was Bentley after she finally stopped teasing him. It was adorable, watching the sheer joy on his face when he realized that she wasn't stopping this time. But even though she wasn't stopping, she wasn't exactly exerting too much effort either. Partially because, given all of the teasing and waiting he had to deal with, she didn't want things to end too quickly. But also because this was her first experience of being on top with total and complete control.

Without his hands helping to guide her speed, it was up to her to figure out what worked best for the both of them. The pace she had settled at was… nice, but it wasn't enough for them. She might not have been in a rush for her own release, but poor Bentley had been waiting all night long. His turn was long overdue, and she could admit to that. Even still, she couldn't simply change her mind without throwing the dynamic she had built aside.

His training went deeper than the nonverbal, however. Aliyah had made it clear, she wouldn't move if he didn't ask. All he had to do, if he wanted her pace to change, was simply ask her for it. But she didn't want to keep telling him what he needed to do, otherwise it couldn't be called training. Bentley needed to figure it out on his own. If he couldn't get what he wanted through his usual methods of using his muscles, he needed to come up with a new method quickly before he lost his wits.

It seemed that Bentley was a fast learner after all. Aliyah watched as he bit into his bottom lip to hold back the words on his tongue before, finally, his plea slipped. Upon his request, she adjusted her body again, moving her right hand to his ribs while her left planted firmly into the mattress by his head. The new angle she created from leaning forward allowed her to rely on a combination of her thighs and hips as she lifted herself in shallower bursts in order to move faster for him.

She had originally stopped his attempts to lift his hips the first time he had tried, but this time it helped to give a little extra spark that even she was growing desperate for and could recognize wasn't frequent enough for either of them. She glanced up at the cuffs as Bentley asked to be let go. Every fiber of her being was demanding that he stay bound, she was good at teasing and talking up a big game, but she needed more experience being on top to truly be able to get a man off. She just wasn't there yet with her current skill.

Aliyah's hips slowed back down as she took hold of Bentley's face in the same V-shaped grip he had used on her, though her touch was much lighter than his had been. “I'll let you go, but don't think that means things have changed. I'm still the one in charge, this is a reward for being a good boy.” Though she posed the words as praise for him, she knew that it would also serve to her benefit to unlatch him. She gave his cheek a few teasing pats before finally reaching above him, digging her nail into the safety latch until the cuffs clicked and released. Once his right hand was free, she slid the chain back through the headboard so he wouldn't be tangled up before unlatching his left wrist as well.

Once he was finally free, Aliyah leaned back down towards Bentley, bringing her lips to his left ear. “Now, don't you dare stop until you cum.” Her teeth playfully captured the shell of his ear, biting hard enough to be felt but careful not to bite to hurt. She had experienced more firsts tonight than she could've been prepared for, but the part that truly made tonight a worse betrayal than it already was? The fact that she always had Benji wear a condom. Even though she was on birth control, it was always better to be safe rather than sorry. But none of these guys had worn protection, and she never even thought about asking them to.
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It was pavlovian conditioning happening in real time. A sober Bentley wouldn't have possibly allowed himself to be reduced to such a pitiful state. But his subconsciousness had started to pick up on the fact that the positive reinforcement in the form of Aliyah slamming down a transient fully satisfying plunge onto his man rod each time he did something in her favour, had his body slowly conditioned towards the betrayal of mind. The temptation was simply too great.

It was like having to deal with an adult toddler, who was still in his infancy when it came to trying to learn the walk of obedience - Bentley had never needed that ability, if one could call it that, for the entirety of his life up until that point. And much like a toddler making their first steps, it was tough and arduous, and difficult to strike a right balance. In the case of him, it was a balancing of the scale between the preservation of his ego, and the promise of heavenly bliss arriving in an ethereal form from a certain goddess named Aliyah.

Bentley would be deeply ashamed to admit to Aliyah that like Roderick, he thought her to be oh-so-divine.

The rugby bull was getting more and more cognisant over time to what Aliyah was playing at. And he hated that he was playing the game by her rules. Whoever said the world was ruled by the patriarchy? How did he find himself reduced to such shambolic levels of control over his very own body? It was embarrassing. But the shame would have to take a back seat, for sex was a primitive urge that surpassed and superseded any form of cognition that were only secondary when it came to the human being's basic survivor instinct - to breed.

Bentley slammed his head back into the pillow after only just lifting his head to admire the close up view of the way his manhood was spearing in and out of Aliyah's young womanhood, the moment she leaned forward to pick up her pace. This.was.the.fucking.stuff.

His head even lolled further back and his eyes went completely shut tight. His legs retracted to triangular arches, as the muscles of his lower body were beginning to take on a life of its own. His toes curled, digging deep into the sheets. His feet constantly glided and shuffled back and forth against the sheets as the way her pussy clenched and focused on stimulating his glans was starting to become a bit too hot to handle for his nerve endings. What was particularly frustrating, was that her shallow thrusts meant that there wasn't enough pressure by the base of his cock to stimulate his genitalia muscles enough into contracting and pushing his manly load out of his balls. As such, he found himself being edged towards an unbearable state of excruciating despair.

Furthermore, sporting fitness doesn't necessarily translates to fitness for nightly activities. And it was getting increasingly noticeable that for all the fitness that Aliyah looked like she possessed from years of practicing her cheer craft, that she didn't exactly know how to utilise her ability that was at her disposal. But that was what college was all about - a massive sandbox in which boys and girls could learn through play, and make all the mistakes they could and still be able to use the excuse of youth to shield or buffer them from consequences that adults otherwise, would have to bear and answer for. Aliyah was still learning, but Bentley didn't think he had to patience to wait for her at that point in time that early dawn.

He needed to take over. Or he might well sink into insanity.

And then, as if divine intervention came, he was provided a window of opportunity.

"I'll let you go, but don't think that means things have changed. I'm still the one in charge, this is a reward for being a good boy."

Good boy. And the manner in which she patted his cheek. No other girl has ever demeaned him in the way that she just did. It was humiliating. Yet, he still couldn't muster up the courage to bite back at her like he used to. She hadn't got a knife or gun pointed at him. But he felt as if she has already got a thousand invisible sharp tendrils latched deep into every fibre of his exo-muscular form.

And why the fuck was his cock still so hard despite the indignity that she was putting him through?

Get a grip of yourself, Bentl- OH.

He moaned, when he felt her teeth nibbled against his sensitive lobe.

"Now, don't you dare stop until you cum."

The moment Aliyah released him from the cuffs, it was like she had unleashed a beast that had been starved for weeks.

With the finesse of a true veteran of the frat, he hooked one arm around Ali's entire shoulder frame and flipped her around 180 with much agility, neck locking her in place. The next moment, he coiled both his thick, stumpy thighs around his slenderer counterpart, like living vines restraining her down in place. He widened his legs, which resulted in her orifice being spread open obscenely.

The very next moment, he rammed his entire swollen length into her pussy with just one single precise thrust.


"That is a certainty. I won't just stop after cumming, if I cum first, Miss."
"I'm only stopping once you cum as well. So we'll be even in that department."

"After all, I don't want to be putting myself in a position whereby I give… my handler… an excuse to restrain me down again, would I?"

If Ali had known him for longer, it would be almost certain that Bentley was not a shred his usual self. She might even have trouble convincing the rest of the clique that she had actually made him say what he just said without the use of coercion - it was unimaginable. It was his lust having complete control of the steering wheel to his body. And he would likely feel the impact of shame and regret on hindsight, what he just said in the moment of heat, once his cock was no longer acting as the bigger head.

But until then, it didn't matter. And a promise indeed, he kept his words to.

For the next fifteen minutes, Aliyah was bounded helplessly to a literal fucking machine, never stopping, and only ever slowing down in intervals to regain some breath, to only pick up the intensity again. His grip around her neck was rarely loosened, sending her into a perpetual state of mild asphyxiation.

Just over fifteen minutes on, the bull suddenly let out a series of loud grunts, each of them, came in tandem with a massive shot that fired deep into the depths of her temple of fertility. He must have unloaded his balls clean, as his train of, what felt like six consecutive shot glasses worth of viscous man juice, landed on the hilt of her cervix. His load, so excessive, that they immediately began to flood out of her love tunnel the second his cock slipped out of from her.

"Mmmfff... Do you feel it?"
"Are you satisfied with the offering of my cum, for you?"

As Bentley laid down to recover, he peppered sensual kisses of worship against the closest stretch of her neck down to her shoulder blade. This happened while his body was dealing with a fresh injection of oxytocin from his most recent, and exceptionally satisfying release, which hazed his thoughts. It remained to be seen what Bentley would make of the night spent with the fresher girl once the euphoria in him dies down the next day.


Aliyah knew that the moment she released the cuffs Bentley wouldn't be able to hold himself back any longer, she had just barely started to sit herself upright after the second cuff was undone when he grabbed hold of her and flipped her body over. It was hard to tell, with the way he wrapped their legs together and held her head to his shoulder by her neck, that she was the one claiming to be in charge. She sucked in one sharp gasp as he wasted no time in returning to his place inside of her with one hard thrust, her eyes rolling back as she arched her bag to dig her hips down harder against him.

“That's right, make me happy, and I won't have to restrain you again.” She made the promise, but they both knew that there was no hope of her getting that kind of control back this time around. It was of no real concern to her though, she had gotten what she wanted out of him tonight, it was enough for her to claim it as a victory. Any trail of thoughts she had were gone the moment Bentley set himself into a ravaging pace. The delicious combination of his hips and the grip on her neck was exactly was she needed as just a moment before his final thrust her muffled moans came to a halt as her body convulsed on top of his own.

Aliyah shamelessly allowed herself to remain on top of Bentley as she caught her breath, relishing in the soft sensation of his lips on her skin while her legs continued to tremble before finally rolling herself off of him to lay on her stomach beside him. She reached her hand out to gently run her fingers through his hair as she flashed him a smile. “You've made your handler extremely satisfied. You're the first guy to ever cum inside of me, but you definitely earned that right with how good you were tonight.” She gave his cheek a quick kiss before she rolled over again, swinging her legs off of the end of the bed before taking a deep breath and standing up.

As she stretched her arms over her head, she glanced around Rod's room for a moment before heading into his closet and taking a shirt. If they thought she was about to walk through the frat house naked, they were mistaken. “Tell the others I said thanks for tonight. I'll see all of you later.” She blew Bentley a kiss before sliding Rod's shirt over her head and slipping out of the room on quick feet. Even though the shirt fell to her thighs, it didn't hide the cum leaking down her thighs as she took the steps two at a time, snatching her things from their spot by the door and slipping off. She made no attempts to try to leave her number with any of the guys, further driving home her thought that their fun wouldn't go beyond the night.

By the time she had returned to her own room on campus, her body was truly starting to feel every bit of her activities. She ached like she had run for miles, her body was sticky from the sweat and cum, and left alone in the silence of her room the guilt finally caught up. Aliyah made quick work of a shower, with it being nearly midnight she wanted to get into bed as soon as possible, but she still hadn't opened her messages from Bentley. With the way her stomach was turning, she couldn't bear the thought of trying to send him an innocent message with a piss poor excuse about how she had fallen asleep.

There had been the hope that with how exhausted she was feeling that sleep would come easily for her. Unfortunately, her conscious outweighed everything else, leading to a night of tossing and turning. Come morning time, Aliyah might've gotten about four hours of sleep total. Her body felt incredibly stiff after being stretched in so many different ways, but with classes and ACO looming, she wasn't able to dwell on it for long.

She might've been lying to Benji about quite a bit at this point, but one thing she had been telling the truth about was just how packed her schedule was becoming. She had been able to send him a quick apology in the morning, explaining that she had all but passed out after practice, but she wasn't even able to give her phone a second glance as her day got started. If it wasn't for Sabrina, Aliyah truly would have wound up being lost. Having to squeeze in meeting the members of ACO between her classes, make it to practice, and then back to the ACO mansion for whatever event they had planned to entice new members was draining. But Aliyah kept a smile on her face through it all. The only other thing that helped keep her sanity was the fact that Sabrina was busy too, completely unable to properly corner Aliyah and question her about Sunday night, until Bid Day rolled around.

For her schedule, Aliyah's classes ended just after 2pm on Fridays, giving her ample time to be ready for any practice or game in the future. This time it served as ample time to get ready for 'the biggest night of her life' as Sabrina called it. She had listened all week long to other girls talk about how finding ACO was like finding their home, the family bonds the sorority created was what helped them get through their toughest years. Some of it sounded horribly scripted, but some of it really did sound honest.

At the end of it all, it was a familiar scene for Aliyah. Out of the eighty-three girls who were vying for a spot in the sorority, Victoria Caldwell had announced that they would only be taking in fifteen new girls. It had caused a ripple among the large group who stood waiting for their name to be called, the tension in the room was thick enough that it felt almost suffocating. Unlike during her try-outs for the cheer squad, however, Aliyah wasn't as stressed for this spot. This wasn't her make or break in college, she didn't need the sorority, it was simply something that seemed like fun to her.

As one after another, names were called, Aliyah found a part of herself hoping that she wouldn't make it. Sabrina had put in a lot of effort on her behalf, but there was no real appeal for her to join other than to make her friend happy. Whether it was unfortunate circumstances, or fate simply telling her this was meant to be, her name was called last, and she could see Sabrina's blonde head bobbing up and down as she bounced on her toes in glee.

“Before everyone leaves, I just wanted to say thank you to you all for expressing your interest in ACO this semester. It was an incredibly hard decision for us all to make, and we hope that next year you will come back to us as more spots will open again.” Victoria spoke from her place at the top of the stairs while the sixty-eight other girls slowly left. Sabrina was quick to snake her way through the crowd and squeeze Aliyah into a crushing hug.

“I told you, you'd make it! Don't worry, I already talked to Victoria about it, you'll be rooming with me during Hell Week and then get your own room after which should be close to mine.” Sabrina gushed, oblivious to the tightness in Aliyah's smile. She had forgotten all about Hell Week.

“To our new provisional members, welcome home! You've all been assigned a big sister who will act as your initial support for this coming week. That big sister will be your roommate during that time, you have the weekend to get all of your things moved in and settle. Staying in the house is mandatory, no if and or buts about it. We expect to see you all 5am by the pool on Monday morning. If you really want this to be your home, this coming week is your time to show us just how badly you want it.” A few of the new girls groaned at the revelation of what time they needed to meet, Aliyah had nearly joined them but managed to bite her tongue in time.

“Don't worry, Hell Week is going to be hard, but you won't be alone.” Sabrina promised with a reassuring smile as Victoria made her way down the stairs, picking through the crowd until she had joined Sabrina and Aliyah.

“Walker right? Sabrina's told us all a lot about you.” Aliyah glanced toward Sabrina before putting on her best smile. “Hopefully it was all good things. She's been telling me about how great everyone here is, so I'm really looking forward to getting to know you all.” Victoria chuckled as her eyes swept over Aliyah quickly.

“Well, we're certainly expecting great things out of you. Don't let us down.” Victoria turned on her heels, moving to properly greet the other new members in a much warmer fashion than what she had given Aliyah. She had felt almost frosty, like there was something Aliyah was missing and just hadn't picked up on yet. But she truly couldn't be bothered to concern herself over it now, not as Sabrina took hold of her arm to drag her out of the mansion so they could get a head start on packing her things.
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Victoria wasn't all too keen with inducting Aliyah into ACO, when Sabrina first approached her most gleefully over a week back. As much as Aliyah tried to keep her date with Jason a discreet event, it did not escape unnoticed. It was hard to not notice Jason's very prominent drive stopping by the porch of a college dormitory. It didn't take long, before the gossip spread like wild fire, at least, amongst the senior girls. Victoria had been eyeing Jason for the longest time. But the interest was never reciprocated, no matter how hard she tried. It wasn't that she wasn't attractive, because she had a long line of suitors waiting on her. But none of them mattered to her, but Jason.

She could turn a deaf ear to rumours of Jason doing one night stands. It was inevitable for a man of his calibre. But Jason actually asking a girl out for a romantic dinner without the sex? That was a first. And it really got onto the nerves of Victoria.

It was the brilliant idea of her best friend Chloe Monroe - Captain of the cheer team - to reason with her that maybe, it was actually a good idea to induct Aliyah into ACO. Keep your enemies close to you, was the logic. Plus, entry into ACO was a three stage process - Bid day, Hell's week, followed by the annual performance review. A girl needed to pass all three to become an official member. Chloe suggested that perhaps, Victoria could milk Aliyah for what she was worth, only to deny her the entry to a full membership at the end of the year - this outcome, was probably the most heart wrenching and brutal out of all possible rejection scenarios. Aliyah's year long efforts would all go to waste.

The only way this intended outcome could be overturned, was for Aliyah to somehow, find the votes to snatch the presidential position out of Victoria's grip. But that sounded like an extremely tall order, given how Victoria was a natural at establishing ties and networks everywhere she went. As much as a bitch that she could be, she was also tough, and very respected by many. She had the face, body, wit and attitude, worthy of the presidential title. And Aliyah hadn't realised that she had already made a lethal enemy, who was already lurking so close around her corner.

Time flew by, and before Aliyah was able to catch a breather, dawn of Monday arrived. Benji had tried to reach out to Aliyah unsuccessfully again the previous night. She said she would try to find a time to face time. But over the course of the week, Benji had started to come to the realisation that try almost meant unlikely these days. He was relegated to dealing with breadcrumbs in the form of her very sporadic text message replies.

8.25pm<Benji Boo 💓>: We still on tonight babe?🙂

9.37pm<Benji Boo 💓>:
Sleeping already?

9.52pm <Jason CGB>: Evening, cheer prodigy.
9.53pm <Jason CGB>: Hope school's been splendid for you, and you're settling in well.
9.53pm <Jason CGB>: I've been meaning to ask if you might perhaps, still be willing to honour our second date, some time soon?

10.41pm<Benji Boo 💓>: Goodnight, babe.
10.42pm<Benji Boo 💓>: I love you.


Monday 4.52am
There were still 8 minutes to spare. But fourteen of the new girls, were already lined up along the pool side, with the president and her senior girls committee, lounging by the tanning chairs. Nobody looked really dolled up for the occasion, but that wasn't all that unexpected. They could have all started earlier, if the last girl missing had also been present early.

Sabrina had been too busy chatting up with Aliyah on just about everything the previous night, that through the information overload, she had somehow, forgotten to let Aliyah know that at ACO, being punctual was not good enough. The ACO girls expected nothing less than perfection. Initiatives needed to be taken, wherever possible. Granted, the punctuality culture wasn't as strictly enforced on the more senior permanent members. But for the initiates, and especially during Hell's week, it was a crucial period for candidates to go all out and impress to prove that their worthy of being bestowed the title of an ACO girl. Every mistake and negative impression made, would be one for the records.

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Throughout her conversation with Sabrina about what she might need to expect, it was easy to ignore Benji's texts. Letting him think that she had fallen asleep rather than trying to explain to him that she couldn't talk, because she was preparing for the worst week of her life, was just less taxing. But when her phone vibrated for a third time, she was ready to scream. To her surprise, it wasn't Benji this time around, but Jason. Her heart thundered as she watched his messages come in, a smile forming on her lips, so even Sabrina had stopped talking to try to figure out what was going on.

9:55pm: Hi there, and here I was thinking you had forgotten about me already.
9:55pm: I am definitely down to honor our second date, I'm starting Hell Week though so it will probably have to wait until this is over. If you think you can wait that long.
9:57pm: There is a chance I might need to cash in that favor of you putting in a good word for me. I'm getting the feeling the sorority president Victoria doesn't like me very much.

If it wasn't for Sabrina explaining that during Hell Week the provisional members were at the active member's beck and call she might've suggested them going out sooner. But the odds of her leaving the house just for some little task to pop up were too great. It was no surprise at all that in her first night room with Sabrina she wouldn't stop talking. The girl talked about everything ACO to the point Aliyah felt as if she could recite the sorority's history without even flinching.

By morning time she had to admit that the feeling of waking up in the ACO mansion versus waking up in the freshman dorm was much better. Checking the time on her phone she saw that there were still eight minutes until 5, usually, she was the kind of person to show up fifteen minutes early, but it seemed she had stayed up longer than she had originally planned. Throwing on one of Sabrina's ACO t-shirts and a pair of shorts she managed to make it to the poolside with five minutes to go.

“How nice of you to finally join us, Walker.” Victoria sat up from her seat, there was no amusement in her voice or face as she spoke. Aliyah could still point out that she had made it early, but that wasn't the point and she knew it. Rather than giving Victoria a biting retort, she held her tongue as Victoria got to her feet.

“Ladies, welcome to Hell Week. ACO has a series of rules that each initiate must follow during this time. Failure to follow these rules will result in your immediate departure from the house.
Rule number one: You eat only when and what we tell you to eat.
Rule number two: You speak only when spoken to by an active member of the house or a guest of the house.
Rule number three: You no longer have names. You will all be numbered off and referred to as such.”
Victoria paused as she nodded to one of the girls on her right, who began to pass out large plain white t-shirts with their numbers drawn on them.

"Rule number four: Any time you see an active sister in the house, you will immediately drop to your knees and bow your head until that sister acknowledges you. If she doesn't, you keep your head down.
Rule number five: No cell phones. You will all turn your cell phones in today, if there is an emergency or an important message for one of you, you will be promptly notified.
Rule number six and the final rule: No whining. ACO has no room for the weak-willed, you will always hold your head high no matter how daunting the task."

Victoria paused with her hands on her hips, giving every girl a chance to let the rules truly sink in before clapping her hands together. "Now, let's kick this morning off right. Strip down, hop in the pool for your morning shower, and then get dressed in your new attire. You've got a long day ahead of you all and a longer week. Welcome to Hell Week." She grinned as she crossed her arms over her chest, each girl seeming to glance at each other hesitantly at her demand. All but Aliyah.

She tossed her new shirt off to the side before stripping down just as she was told. Luckily she didn't have to be concerned with any lingering marks on her body or this could have served as an incredibly embarrassing moment. But she was the only initiate not to hesitate as she dove in. Despite the August heat the pool was shockingly cold, making her exit far quicker as she gasped for air once she had surfaced. Once she had pulled herself out of the pool the others finally started to strip down before one by one they jumped in.

In the time it took for the others to get out, Aliyah had already pulled her shorts back on, a task that was frustratingly hard with her body dripping wet, before clasping her bra in place followed by her new shirt with a large 15 written on it. Last to be called, last to show up, it felt fitting that she be the last numbered as well. If she had any idea about the kind of game Victoria and Chloe both had planned for her, she would've started making her moves almost immediately. Unfortunately, other than Victoria's frosty demeanor towards her, she had no reason to suspect that she already hated the freshman. But frosty wasn't good, especially when Aliyah felt like she hadn't done anything wrong. At least, nothing that anyone knew about. It was worrying enough for her to mention it to Jason, though.

Aliyah actually liked Chloe quite a bit. She could see why the girl was captain of the squad, she pushed every member to their limit, only to show them that they had more to give. She was an experienced leader who was hard more often than not, which did cause a bit of dissension between members at certain points. Especially the new members, who felt it was unfair that they were expected to be on par with the veterans.

Unlike with Victoria, Aliyah was starting to make her moves on the squad. Playing herself up as the one who understood their frustrations, after all, she was going through it too. But they were only being pushed so hard because of the potential the coaches could see in them. They expected them to be on par with the veterans because they knew that they could surpass them one day. Needless to say, within her first week, Aliyah had earned herself quite a solid backing on the cheer squad, not just with the other freshman but some of the older members as well who she went out of her way to help.

But she was smart, whenever Chloe was around she always held her tongue, the last thing she needed was to form rifts by arguing or disagreeing in front of everyone. She knew that Chloe could see what was happening, she had noticed that as Hell Week drew closer, Chloe was pushing her harder and harder. For Aliyah, all she was doing was helping to make her stronger. But it would take more than getting the squad mates on her side to snatch that captain position. That simply ensured a smooth transition. What she really needed were the coaches, after all the call was theirs to make.


10.00pm <Jason CGB>: You're in my thoughts - once - every night before I go to sleep.
10.01pm <Jason CGB>: Why do you think I'm texting you now, otherwise?
10.01pm <Jason CGB>: And here I was wondering if you had wish the second date won't happen with your radio silence.
10.02pm <Jason CGB>: All the best with hell's week. I've heard how tough it can get.
10.02pm <Jason CGB>: But I haven't the slightest doubt that you will make it through, even without needing me to put a word in for you. So don't disappoint me.
10.03pm <Jason CGB>: Let's meet this weekend then - on the condition that you pre-agree unconditionally and be spontaneous to whatever I have planned for you.
10.04pm <Jason CGB>: And 'If you think you can wait that long.' Huh.
10.04pm <Jason CGB>: I reckon by mid week, you probably can't wait for the weekend to arrive sooner.

10.07pm <Jason CGB>: And I don't mean it's so much because of hell's week.

There were subtle signs that Jason was texting with some smooth, yet aggressive flirting. But he had that much confidence to pull it off, even in spite of her making it clear to him that she was already taken. It was perhaps, brazenness at a level that might subjectively even be surpassing that of Roderick, or any of the other guys she had bedded the previous week for that matter.

But that didn't mean she was unavailable, right? The fact that she had responded to his advances was a testament to it. Jason was a man who always had a clear goal in mind and knew what he wanted. And the no-nonsense gentleman knew that the only way to respond to his wants, was to act on them, with not even a shred of thought wasted on half cup empty assumptions like 'what if things doesn't work out?'

It most definitely wouldn't work out if he remained a passenger.

Jason had the benefit and peace of mind of Aliyah's forewarning about her very hectic week ahead, and would most definitely be able to sympathize and understand if her subsequent responses through the week became sporadic and irregular. Benji, on the other hand, was left in a complete lurch. Aliyah could afford the new guy a small wall of text response the first time he messaged her in over a week. She couldn't even afford one line with Benji, the boy who had repeatedly, and unconditionally, texted her on a daily basis to ask how was her day, and if she was doing okay; the boy whom she had walked half her teenage life with, and never failed to text her good night every night, telling her that he loved her. Priorities.

And oblivious to Aliyah, she might well regret not having taken the opportunity to at least update and inform him briefly of the week ahead of her, as she would soon find that she wouldn't be given a chance to do, once her phone was about to be abruptly taken away from her the very next day.

Victoria was relatively pleased with her welcoming speech. Through the faces of each girl, she thought she had managed to instil a certain sense of dread and fear. Indeed, they should be experiencing those emotions. Through pain, one emerges better and excel. That was another one of her staunch beliefs. Plus, it made her feel powerful that the fate of so many ACO hatchlings were virtually and almost completely in her hands. Power is addictive. It was something she endeavoured never to let go, after she had sweated and teared her way in order to attain in. Victorious Victoria. Victory never felt so sweet.

There was however, a certain thorn coming through the periphery of her eyes as she scanned the pool yard - Aliyah. Unlike the other fourteen, she seemed unfazed - first to strip down, first to dip in the pool, first to emerge. It might not have been her intention, but she was nevertheless, strutting her body with such natural confidence, as if she was some lowkey celebrity. It was jarring to the eyes of Victoria. There was no question, Aliyah's physique was sculptured like that of a battle angel, or warrior princess - it was the epitome of grace and fitness, mixed together in one. Her body was toned, but in a very tasteful, sensuous, and perfectly proportionate manner.

Victoria hated the sight of it. She hated the sight of the body that her long time crush, was setting his eyes on. She believed the proud girl needed to be humbled.

Hell's week was not meant to be a breeze for anyone. The purpose of it, was to stretch a candidate beyond her present mental and physical capabilities to discover if she had what it took to surpass their own limits. Aliyah seemed to be taking it easy. And naturally, that meant Victoria needed to up the ante on 15 to get her to reach that state.

And how she relished the opportunity to do so.

She strolled her way over to Aliyah, and just when she was about done dressing up, the sorority president's voice came from behind her.


"I don't remember saying that undergarments were part of the hell's week attire, did I?

Very slowly, the president sidestepped Aliyah, her shoulder, deliberate knocking against her, before she stood her imposing figure, so naturally postured straight with her chest out, in front of her.

"Take off your clothes. And take your undergarments off. And then, put your clothes back on again."


"And that hurt, by the way." Victoria spoke, raising a hand to have her finger tapping on the very shoulder that crossed path with hers just seconds earlier.

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Texting with Jason almost gave Aliyah that giddy school-girlish feeling. He was just as suave over the phone as he was in person, leaving her grinning from ear to ear. She was still listening as Sabrina babbled on, but her attention was certainly not on her any longer.

10:08pm: I was just curious to see who would cave to reach out first.
10:08pm: Looks like I win on that front.
10:08pm: You'll have to fill me in on those thoughts you have of me before you sleep some time soon! I'm too curious to stay in the dark.
10:10pm: I'll try my best not to disappoint, and I can agree to the terms for this weekend. I need a bit more spontaneity in my life.

More and more, it was becoming natural to just ignore Benji. Something she had never before done in her life. His constant texts which were usually what she would send to him were becoming more bothersome than anything else. She had warned him that her schedule would be packed, just never exact details. It almost seemed that regardless, he still expected her to be able to respond frequently. He hadn't told her that her lack of responses were starting to bother him, but she had an idea that it was by how frequent he would blow her phone up, whether she gave him an excuse the next day or not.

They had made the promise to try to face time every other day, but since arriving, she had only been able to follow through with that promise twice. It wasn't just the fact that she was distancing herself from him purposely, but she genuinely was becoming preoccupied with other things, and frankly, had expected him to as well.

Aliyah was doing her best to keep her face passive as Victoria bumped against her, but damn was she getting pissed. The muscle in Aliyah's jaw tensed as she clenched her teeth before stripping back down, deliberately taking her time since not all of the girls had gotten out of the pool just yet. It was subtle, but Victoria didn't miss the slight glare Aliyah had shot her way.

“I'm sorry that I was in your way, Madame. I'll be sure it doesn't happen again.” The fact that she was put in a position where she had to apologize for something she didn't do certainly didn't sit well with her. But what choice did she have?

“Be sure that you don't.” Victoria was positively smug as she stepped back, watching the rest of the girls finally catch up. Having heard the remarks she had given Aliyah, none made the mistake of putting their undergarments on like she had.

“You have two minutes. Send out your last text to your family members or whoever you need to so they know why you won't be able to get to your phone this week. Once you are done, turn your phones over to Rachel. It's time you girls got your hands dirty, but we've agreed to take the first day nice and slow for you all. Once you turn in your phone, Rachel will give you a list of rooms. You have two hours to clean all of the rooms on your list.” Victoria rested her hands on her hips as everyone swiftly pulled their phones out.

5:20am: Hey babe you're probably still asleep, just wanted to give you a heads-up, I'm starting Hell Week and they're taking our phones. Once this week is over, things should go back to normal. Love you!

Aliyah kept her message to Benji short and simple, not feeling the need to over explain or try to push the two-minute time frame they had been given. She was close to her family, but not close enough that she felt going a week without talking to any of them might worry them. She was the third to turn her phone in and judging by the lists the others had gotten, their cleaning task didn't seem hard at all. The lists contained four rooms, or rather, everyone's list except hers.

Aliyah glanced from her paper to the other girls around her, before looking to Victoria and Rachel in disbelief. She was given twice as many rooms to clean but with the same amount of time?

“Let's make things interesting today. Complete your rooms in the two hours and you'll receive a reward. If you fail, well, you'll get a taste of what punishment at ACO is like.”

The problem wasn't just the amount of rooms to clean. It was finding them. Aliyah had a slight advantage over the fact that she had come to the mansion twice before, but even then she had hardly been paying attention to any room numbers. Before Victoria could dismiss them all, one of the girls further down the line raised her hand suddenly, bringing a slight frown to Victoria's lips as she motioned for the girl to speak up.

“What about the cleaning supplies and stuff like that?” The poor girl was shivering as she spoke up, wrapping her arms around her body to try to conserve her warmth. Victoria glanced over her shoulder to Rachel before shrugging.

“Figure it out 4, we aren't going to hand you everything.” Rachel dismissed the question callously, while Victoria nodded in agreement, pulling her phone out to check the time.

“5:30, you have until 7:30. Have fun!” Upon her dismissal, the girls scampered back into the house, though it was Aliyah who was in more of a rush than the others. She couldn't be certain if the deck was being stacked against her specifically, or if every girl would be faced with a task designed to make them fail. The creeping feeling was that it was her. The worst part was the fact that as she raced down the hall searching for her first room, she was forced to stop every time she ran into one of the active members and drop to her knees.

Some of the girls were kind, and quick to acknowledge her so she could keep moving. But others purposely ignored her, making her wait until they either turned a corner or went back into a room before she could move again. She was fuming by the time she reached her first room, but the fact that it wasn't even that messy helped to soothe her temper. Aliyah realized, however, the more rooms she checked off the messier they got, causing her to waste more time in a single room than she should have.

By the time she was halfway through her fifth room, she heard the door open, poking her head out of the closet to find another initiate standing in the doorway. Number 4 who had asked about the cleaning supplies. “Is time up already?!” Aliyah's shoulders slumped in defeat until the girl shook her head no.

“It's only been a little over an hour. I just thought that maybe you'd want some help? My rooms were pretty easy, and I saw that you had a long list. I'm Casey, by the way.” She tentatively stepped into the room, while Aliyah hesitated. Victoria hadn't said anything about helping each other out. She groaned before finally nodding her head.

“Okay, yeah, thanks a lot. I'm Aliyah.” She had a feeling that she would regret accepting the help, but four hands were faster than two. If she had less than an hour, she knew she couldn't finish the rooms on her own, but at least with Casey's help she had a real shot. Though the last handful of rooms were a complete disaster, they were cleaned much quicker and efficiently with two people working on them. Unfortunately, as the two girls made their way back outside to find everyone else already gathered and waiting, Victoria's sickly sweet smile told Aliyah they were too slow.

“7:48. Sorry, but you went over your time, and number 4 I heard that you actually finished your rooms first. Instead of coming back outside, you decided to help 15 so you'll be facing the punishment together.” Victoria slid her phone into her back pocket as Aliyah gave Casey's shoulder a light squeeze that was both apologetic and appreciative. It would've taken her far longer on her own, but now she had roped another girl into punishment, which certainly hadn't been her intention at all.

10.15pm <Jason CGB>: Fill you I will with loads, indeed.
10.16pm <Jason CGB>: Sweetest dreams, if you're heading off to bed soon.

Did she just respond to Jason's message within seconds after he sent off his last?

Maybe it was the draw of his wits, capable of making innuendos dance around him so casually and seemingly innocuous to the point where he could even accuse someone for having a dirty mind, 'misrepresenting' his intentions.

It also dawned upon Benji later that night that Aliyah had changed her messenger privacy setting into disabling the 'Last Seen' and the 'Last Read' functions out of the blue. From that point, Benji hadn't got a clue if Aliyah had even read any of his messages for her.

His only consolation, was that she had finally dropped him a message, albeit very delayed, and having caused much anxiety. But even if he wanted to make his thoughts known, he realised he had to wait for another excruciating five days.

What was probably even more disconcerting, was the fact that Aliyah had somehow, managed to find all sorts of reasons to find fault in Benji of late. Yet, never did she once linger too long on the fact that what she had done last weekend, was a sin far greater than all things bad about Benji combined.

But it sure was easy to blame it on others, than oneself.

"I'm sorry that I was in your way Madame. I'll be sure it doesn't happen again."

That was a start. But it wasn't anywhere close to satisfaction. Ali's eyes of defiance were telling.

"I don't like the way you look at me, and the tone of your voice, 15."
"Take off your clothes. And put it back on again."

Victoria calmly spoke like a lady who was all too familiar with her standings and authority, wielding it like a queen. She knew she had all the time in the world to tame and torment Aliyah to her heart's content. And it was her end desire to sear it deep into the fresher's brain that her life, was for hers to puppeteer, whether she liked it or not. As an ACO girl, she had signed her life to the greater cause of the fraternity, and by extension, Victoria's will.

"Take it off again."
"Put it back on."


"Faster, are you a crippled?"
"Again, off."

"That's better."

Victoria raised her voice in a manner that drew the attention of the other initiates to Aliyah, who had already broken the record of being the first of the batch to be dished out a punishment - if one could even call it an official one by ACO's standards. Only when she was done with her fifth redressing attempt, did Victoria feel better enough to let Aliyah off.

"Be sure that you don't."

Victoria whispered into her ears with the smugness on her face, a delayed response to her earlier apology, patting her by her shoulder in a subtle condescending manner, before she turned her back against her.

"7:48. Sorry but you went over your time, and number 4 I heard that you actually finished your rooms first. Instead of coming back outside, you decided to help 15 so you'll be facing the punishment together."

"You took it upon yourself to share 15s' burden. So in her burden, you shall share." Victoria then turned towards the other initiates. And by now, more and more of the second year ACO girls and above, had gotten up from their slumber. As they went about doing their morning businesses, they simultaneously had their eyes in mild intrigue at watching the new batch of girls go through the same shit they themselves did during their time.

What fond memories.

"I admire the spirit that 4 had displayed. In fact, I applaud it. And she is exactly what I hope to see from each and everyone of you. ACO girls, for life. We live for one another. This is also a moment for 4 to practice the ethos that we preach. And all of you should learn from her."

"Unlike 15. We should never ever make ourselves a burden to any one of our girls. Use your fucking brains. You had been given a chance to be an initiate for a reason - a coveted spot that more than 80 other girls had been dying to grab hold of one. And that is not including applications that were automatically rejected for desirability reasons, which I'll be honest with you, has reached close to high three digit mark this year. Don't make the people who vouched for you, be ashamed of their choice."

"Sabrina, are you out here seeing this?"
Victoria turned around, attempting to quickly scan the massive hall. She wasn't there. "Still sleeping, huh. Like mentor, like initiate." She shook her head. Soft whispers could be heard rustling amongst the distant gathering.

"Rachel?" Victoria turned to her trusted right hand lady, only giving her a nod, before the vice-president acted. It was as if they were telecommunicating with one another with only just their eyes. Wordlessly, Rachel snapped her fingers in gesture to four third years, and they moved. It was surreal with how seamlessly efficient they reacted and moved about, as if they all had been preparing their entire lives for that very moment.

Both Aliyah and Casey were attended by two girls each. Each of them, held a pair of scissors at hand. Without delay, they began gliding the blunt end of the blade pass their shirt, starting from their shoulders, and started snipping their initiate uniforms apart. The cold steel had a frosted layer, suggesting that they must have been chilled, possibly below freezing temperature, prior to being used. The ice cold sensation traced against their skin, as their shirt and shorts were slit open... until they were bare naked once again.

"These girls do not deserve to don the ACO apparels for the day, as with any of you who fail the sorority in the future. They just wasted fifteen dollars of the ACO funds each, for getting their uniforms into shreds." A chorus of boos came from the senior girls, almost orchestrated.

The irony was that Victoria was blaming it on her, like how Aliyah had recently been quietly blaming Benji for being a pain. Karma responded in its finest.

The next moment, the girls with the scissors returned with a bucket of permanent markers. Rachel again, wordlessly nodded, before the four girls got to work. Picking a mix of black and red markers, they first forced both girls down onto their knees, before they started to draw on their nubile bodies.

On each of their taut stomachs, their respective numbers were drawn in bold and black. The rest of their bodies were more varied in red, however. The girls were clearly quiet artsy, as Casey earned herself two perfectly circled bullseye, drawn on each side of her ass checks. Aliyah earned a 'Spank me hard.' in cursive romanticised font, on each side of hers. On her back, it was further written 'I deserve it.'

On each of their tits, Casey earned the same bullseye badges on each of her breasts, with Aliyah's, 'Slap me hard.', written on each of hers. Once again, 'I deserve it.' was plastered just underneath each of their collar bones.

"Gosh. So pretty." Rachel finally spoke. "Fellow numbers. Each time you girls see these walking targets, you are to do as their bodies instruct you to do so. If any of the seniors catch anyone of you not following the sorority order, you have my promise that what we're doing to 4 and 15, is childsplay as compared to what you will be getting for being defiant. Chapter 4.3 of the sorority bible - What constitutes defiance, and the penalty for it. I hope you girls had been reading the handout religiously every night over the past couple of days."

But that not was all of it. From the periphery vision of 4 and 15, something large was being trolleyed into the room.


This fucking bitch. The fact that Victoria made Aliyah undress over and over again until she was satisfied and Aliyah was on the verge of snapping was a new low Aliyah had never experienced before. Was the fragility of a new friendship with Sabrina really worth dealing with Victoria and her bullshit? If she hadn't already made it this far, she certainly wouldn't think so, but if she simply gave everyone the middle finger now and walked away, it would be calling herself a quitter.

It wasn't until she was able to school her facial expression after the fifth time of stripping herself down and redressing that Victoria finally relented. Had she grown bored, or was the fact that Aliyah no longer glared at her what drew her to stop? She couldn't be bothered to care which it was, Victoria was making a spectacle of her and that was all she could focus on. Her legs burned from the friction of her shorts against her wet skin, which helped to distract her from her annoyance quite a bit.

Despite the fact that she knew she was sharing the punishment with Aliyah, Casey was clearly proud of herself for earning praise from Victoria. She hadn't tried to help Aliyah just to put herself in good standing, but if it worked out that way, then who was she to think otherwise about it? One thing all of the initiates were starting to learn, however, was that the Victoria they had met over the initial week leading to Bid Day was just a small side of her. She clearly held her position with pride, and demanded that the girls did the same.

Aliyah saw things a little bit differently. Yes, Victoria took pride in her position, but it seemed like the kind and sweet woman they had met previously was nothing more than a facade. This was the real Victoria, who seemed to take joy lording over those who were below her. Maybe it was just the role, she had to be a drill sergeant and not a friend, but to Aliyah, she was taking this all too seriously.

It was faint, but Aliyah heard the snide remark made about Sabrina, who was likely still asleep given the fact that she hadn't joined the others outside just yet. Victoria was supposed to be seen as a mother of sorts to the active members, and that certainly didn't seem very motherly in Aliyah's eyes. This was why she had been so hesitant about joining a sorority in the first place. The back handedness and catty side of women grated her nerves beyond belief.

On Rachel's signal, four other girls moved forward, each with a pair of scissors, to cut away at Aliyah and Casey's clothes. The ice-cold scissors on their still slightly damp skin actually hurt. Both were doing their possible best to simply grit and bear the feeling as the older girls took their time in cutting their clothes away, Aliyah with her eyes squeezed shut tight as she curled her fingers into fists tight enough that her nails dug into her palms. Casey was trembling, hands inching towards covering her body as her clothes fell away but forced herself to simply wrap her arms around her stomach protectively. One big advantage that Aliyah had gotten was the fact that she had already been stripped down in front of the male frat just a week prior. Compared to them, these girls were nothing.

Aliyah kept her head down as the older girls pushed her and Casey to her knees, knowing the moment she looked up, her annoyance would be obvious. She felt bad for Casey that she was having to go through the same humiliation just because of her, Victoria had called her a burden as if her task should have been possible alone. Maybe it was just bad luck she had gotten that list, after all they hadn't been designated with numbers.

When Rachel revealed that it wasn't just the active members who took part in doling out the punishment, but the initiates too, the tension could practically be felt in the air. Most saw no issue with it, they were being given an order and their goal was to do whatever possible to secure their position in this house. There were a few that seemed a bit more guarded, possibly trying to think of a way to avoid being involved all together. But this was just the start of weeding out those who were strong enough to do what it took.

But that tension seemed to evaporate the moment a trolley of food was brought in. It was a spread certainly befitting a place like the ACO mansion, ranging from fruits to meats, eggs, and juices. There were scones and muffins, truly a little bit of everything, and it all seemed to be fresh too as the smell of the food hit the open air.

“Numbers. Day one is by far your easiest day of the week. Those of you who are still in uniform all earned your breakfast this morning, so please, do enjoy. As for our new little targets, you two have the honor of feeding our numbers. 4, remind me of rule one.” Victoria tilted her head to the side slightly.

“We only eat when and what you tell us to eat.” Casey had her eyes locked on the food the moment it had been brought in, and even Aliyah couldn't help but look too. Everyone was starting to get hungry, especially after having to run around.

“Perfect. Unfortunately for the two of you, you've lost food privileges for the day. Once the other numbers have finished eating, the two of you will clean everything up. Don't think that you'll be able to sneak a bite in. I promise you two are being watched very closely. Until the two of you earn your uniforms back, this is your new uniform. Obviously, you need to dress for classes and any practices you have, but don't bother trying to erase your new brands. Once classes and practice is done for the day, and you come back to the house you're expected to be dressed properly, the same goes for everyone else. Unless dictated otherwise, you are free to wear what you like outside of the house.”

At least Victoria wasn't delusional enough to think she had total control over the girls. A bit of leeway was needed, since classes couldn't be completely neglected. But that went further than just their clothes, who was to say that Aliyah and Casey couldn't sneak a bite on campus? As Victoria started to walk off, she paused, turning back to the two still knelt on the ground.

“Oh, and in case either one of you are thinking about it, let me give you a word of warning. It's not just ACO members who will be keeping an eye on you both. We have eyes and ears everywhere, we'll know if you try to break a rule. Take it from someone who truly hopes you make it through this week, just don't even try it.” They always had someone try to bend the rules on campus when they thought they were out of ACO's grip. But there was no such thing. What neither girl knew was that it wasn't just people watching for them, but people who would try to get all of the girls to break a rule or two. Who would give in to the temptation, who would be able to stand strong? They were attributes that needed to be found, as they truly had no intention of keeping all fifteen girls. The numbers would start to thin, but how quickly was completely up to them.

Victoria clapped her hands together before motioning to the food. “Come on, targets, you don't plan on keeping the others waiting on you two all morning, do you? We won't hold your hand ever step of the way! Numbers, feel free to take this time to mingle among yourselves.” Aliyah stifled a sigh as she got to her feet, offering her hand to help Casey up, who was still trying to somewhat shield her body. Aliyah had noticed it when she approached her in the room too, but Casey was rather timid, it made Aliyah curious as to why she would be trying to endure something like this.

But enduring she was, just like everyone else. Maybe not on the same level that Aliyah was, but it was clear that she had a good amount of determination. One thing Aliyah noticed as they worked on serving the other thirteen girls, was that it got hot fast. Just another appeal the north had over the south, it was only 8 am, and they were already starting to sweat without even doing anything.

There was a sense of deep satisfaction when Victoria watched Aliyah hung her head down in what looked to be the first time ever, when her minions shoved her down onto her knees. It was a small sign of defeat. But it was a giant step towards trying to establish with 15, who was the boss of the other. It was only a matter of time before the president decided the time was ripe to warn 15 about staying away from her Jason. It was after all, the root cause of all her deep-seated disdain for the fresher. In the mean time however, she wanted to take the time to savour the experience of slowly wrecking the girl. It was doubly satisfying, knowing that it could well hurt both Jason - in time - and Aliyah simultaneously. It was vengeful, a display of a female's scorn at the highest order. If she couldn't have Jason, she would hurt him by attacking the person of his muse.

Jason had rejected Victoria - twice - before. On face value, they still agreed to be friends and business partners. But any close enough observers would know that the relationship between two of the most influential figures on campus, was much more complex than just that.

Victoria's threat about there being eyes all around campus wasn't some kind of an exaggeration or a scare tactic. She was legitimately telling the truth. Most of the eyes, came in the form of Bid Day and initial application rejects. They were being discreetly promised with the comfort of knowing that not being able to get a ticket into Hell's week, wasn't the end of their sorority ambition. Rather, there was still a slender chance of them joining, if they assisted with the day-to-day running of ACO as a non-member.

The B and C rated aspiring ACO girls were asked to be the eyes and hands of the fraternity, to execute tasks, and to report any signs of members breaking the ACO rules to the executive committee. This was one of the ways how Victoria had established a toxic network of immense influence beyond the vicinity of the ACO frat house. At least a good number of aspiring rejects would be hungry to feed on the scraps of chances that they were provided to get themselves a placement.

Rarely, first rejects were given a chance to be inducted into ACO. But they had to do that once in a while, to bring in that few, just to prove to the wider audience that the alternative track into ACO wasn't so much of an elaborate scam to attain cheap labour. It was difficult to get in via the alternative route. But it was possible.

On Victoria's warning to 4 and 15 about not trying to remove their brands, it wasn't as simple as that, even if they wanted to. First, the markers used had inks that were specially concocted to be stubborn on the skin. It would require probably days, if not, weeks of soaping and scrubbing before the inks could be entirely removed from their skin. It was served as a deterrence to remind offenders of what they did wrong, and to remind them not to repeat the same mistakes again.

The smell of freshly prepped food continued to taunt and torment the noses of 4 and 15, only because they were the ones serving out the delicacies. The entire lunch took as long as two hours, before Victoria asked for the breakfast to be concluded. That was the amount of time 4 and 15 were made to stand behind the counter.

"That's not a slap. I'm sure you can do it again, harder. Try again 7."

Standing was probably the easiest part of the two whole hours. Both the tits of 4 and 15 were abused, hard, whenever they served a fellow number. If they weren't hard enough, Rachel made sure of it by standing watch and barking out reminders. Some of the seniors did the same out of amusement. Others, couldn't really be bothered with the same old game they had been through before.

Breakfast ended at ten later in the morning. And Victoria asked the numbers to gather around in a line once more.

"I hope you numbers enjoyed your hearty breakfast. We also have 4 and 15 to thank for being so steadfast in their services. I'm glad that they decided to step up their game and carry out their punishments with their chin up high. Let's give these two a round of applause."

Hence began a wave of... forcibly awkward applauses.

"Numbers? Please? These two girls sweated for you. Have some heart for your fellow numbers. Have you all not heard what I said about 4's selfless approach to the frat? Have you all gotten complacent simply because you were given a buffet?"

The next wave of clapping was far more authentic. Or at least, the more ambivalent girls that didn't agree to Victoria's methods tried their darnest to make it seem genuine.

"So much better."
"I reckon we should reward 4 and 15 for their efforts."

At the call of that, the same third year lackies from earlier reeled out what looked to be a fire hose from the corner. It seemed as if their constant reappearances meant that the girls were on some kind of a roster, in charge of the day's run of events. Two of them grabbed 4 and 15 respectively, bringing them to an empty corner of the large hall, knocking them down onto their knees like before, then rejoining the other two to grab hold of the same massive hose. The next moment, a gargantuan burst of freezing water was launched from the hose, and landed alternatingly onto the bodies of the two girls, instantly cooling their body down and cleaning the mess of sweat they had accumulated on their nubile form from the whole of that morning. The massive jet often ran wayward, sometimes blasting their bodies, other times, firing right smack into their faces. It lasted for a good two to three minutes, while Victoria revealed a story.

"Behold, ACO's trademark Cryocleansing. Fun fact. This was constituted by the president of 2009. It was first designed to punish a girl who tried to sneak in three guys into our sacred land. She was a ditzy bitch, didn't even realise there were cameras around our compound. Can you believe it?"

"She thought she was so smart, bringing the guys to the laundry basement at 1am in the morning, instead of the sleeping quarters, believing she would escape the attention of the rest."

"The alarm was then sounded, right when she let the three guys came all over of her body. Apparently, the guys turned frantic, as a throng of ACO girls barged into the laundry area. Their clothes were confiscated, and they were chased out of the house with shovels and bats, naked. Must have been funny. Served them right for defiling our space without due permission. Can you numbers imagine being all dolled up and ready to head out for the evening, only to find yourself stepping on some random guy's semen as you walk through the corridor one day? We're not having that."

"Every semen spilled on this piece of property, has to be accounted for, and properly cleaned up."

"Anyway, that girl was hosed in ice water to rid her of her filthiness, and she was stripped off her membership and kicked off the premise promptly after."

"But these days, I don't remember using Cryocleansing for any sort of punishment. It's all for a good cause now, we're using. 4 and 15 needed a good quick shower."

"I don't reckon we'll be needing to hose down any one of you numbers for fucking multiple guys on our property without permission, do we?"

"4 and 15? Have you girls ever been enticed into a gangbang before?"
Victoria very innocuously turned her attention over to the two subjects, as if it was the most random of question posted.


Serving the food to the other girls was hard enough, doing so between each smack only made it increasingly so. Aliyah quietly took note of the girls who hesitated to deliver the harder hits right off the bat, if she had been able to she would've also kept an eye on the active members too. She didn't know for sure just yet if Victoria really was gunning for her specifically, but the more people she had on her side, the more likely she was to succeed.

By the time everyone had been served to their hearts content, Aliyah stretched her arms over her head. Her breasts were slightly sore, but nothing unbearable. Casey had nearly squealed when she received her first smack, but managed to hold herself together in the end. She was becoming more impressive the more Aliyah watched her.

If they had thought the pool was cold, it was like a lukewarm bath in comparison to the hose. The first initial shock of the blast of water practically ripped the air right out of their lungs. Had they not already been on their knees, they might've fallen over from both the surprise and the force. Both girls were forced to turn their heads just slightly to avoid taking the brunt of the pressure against their faces whenever the stream would bounce upward, and while Aliyah had been able to emerge from the pool without showing any signs of the cold bothering her, even she couldn't bear this temperature.

By the time the water was shut off, the two looked like drowned rats, shivering on the ground pitifully as they struggled to take a breath. What a load of bullshit, trying to say that hose wasn't punishment. Aliyah pushed her hair from her face as she glanced over to the other initiates who had been watching with wide eyes. Most of Victoria's story had been missed by Aliyah and Casey, the water had drowned out most of her voice thank god, but there was no doubt about if they heard the question she suddenly threw at them.

Casey was the very picture of flustered innocence when Victoria directed her attention back to her and Aliyah. Her cheeks flushed as she gaped, exchanging a quick look with Aliyah before vehemently shaking her head no. "N-No ma'am." Through the chattering of her teeth, she was able to squeeze out her answer, while even Aliyah shook her head no. It was a gamble, she did trust that the guys had kept their word, but who was to say that the rest of the frat house didn't go talking about the new girl who returned with four guys. But her mute response wasn't good enough for Victoria.

"I asked you a question 15. You speak when spoken to." Aliyah ran her hands across her face, wiping away the water and giving herself a second to take a deep calming breath.

"No, Madame. I haven't ever been enticed into a gangbang before." For a moment, the pair held each of the others gaze in a silent battle of wills. Knowing that it could only make things worse for herself, Aliyah lowered her gaze first, bringing a grin to Victoria's lips at the little victory.

"Really? Well, I suppose that's one less bit of filth we need to clean off of you girls." Despite her smile, Victoria didn't sound too disappointed. She had surely been hoping that 15 would at least admit that she had, to give her something to hold against her. After all, it was surely the novelty of a fresh and shiny toy that had Jason interested in this girl, and not that she had any real worth. It was the only reason Victoria could come up with for Jason giving Aliyah any sort of attention.

"You girls have classes to get to, numbers you all are dismissed, 4 and 15 you still need to clean everything up before you can go. Best hurry if you don't want to miss any classes." Victoria motioned for Rachel and the other senior members to leave everything where it was, giving the two more to clean up as they left. They still had more to plan for these girls, after all.

"Oh my gosh, I have never been so cold in my life." Casey grumbled as the two got to their feet, working in tandem to get everything clean as quickly as possible.

"Look at the bright side, it could be worse; could be winter time." Aliyah shrugged her shoulders, sure the hose was bad, but once the water was turned off, and they started moving again it was only a matter of minutes before they had warmed up again. "Thanks again for your help this morning. Sorry, you had to be punished with me." Casey gave Aliyah a warm smile as she patted her shoulder.

"Don't be sorry! I was happy to help, besides, punishment is easier to handle if you aren't alone." Aliyah always thought of herself as a kind-hearted person, but even she wouldn't be willing to place herself in the line of any sort of punishment. Casey was simply selfless, the kind of girl who didn't seem like she would really be able to last a day in this environment. But here she was, standing strong as the two put the last of the seniors equipment away.

"I'll see you later tonight!" Casey waved as Aliyah slipped into the room she shared with Sabrina, to find her still in bed. For a moment she debated simply getting dressed and leaving, but thinking better of it, she snatched the pillow from under Sabrina's head and brought it down hard on her.

"What the fuck?" Sabrina rolled over to try to ignore the rude awakening, just to be smacked again. "Ali, what the… hell?" She had jolted upright in the bed to snap, but fell short at the sight of her new roommate. With her hair still dripping and chest red with evident fingerprints, Sabrina frowned as she rubbed her eyes.

"It's day one, what the hell happened? I thought you were prepared!" Aliyah sighed as she tossed Sabrina's pillow back at her before making her way up to the loft area to get dressed.

"I was prepared. But I can't do the impossible Sab. Clean eight rooms in two hours? I mean sure, if the rooms aren't total disasters I guess it can be done. Honestly, though, if this is how it's going to be, this week isn't going to be terrible. Even the punishment wasn't that bad, though practice is going to be a bitch after not eating." She could at least be thankful for the fact that she had clothes that could hide the writing on her collar bone.

"Oh no, did she tell you that today is the easiest day? Cause she's not lying. It's going to get worse. Avoid punishments. Seriously. I mean, I feel like I shouldn't need to warn you about that. Just… try to stay under the radar for a bit, okay? She's going to target you hard now that you've already failed once. Wait until that attention shifts to someone else, it always does eventually." Staying under the radar wasn't exactly something Aliyah knew how to do, but she needed to learn to adapt. If that's what would help her get through this week, then she just needed to figure out how to fall in line and quickly.

The day had gone by surprisingly quick, even finding that she had two classes with Casey helped speed things along. But Aliyah's problems didn't truly start until she had gone to practice. The fatigue of no food was catching up to her, occasionally making her dizzy and miss her mark. At first, Chloe was simply riding her ass, pushing her regardless of the way she swayed on her feet. It wasn't until she nearly collapsed that Chloe finally pulled her off to the side.

“Look, you rushed ACO, didn't you? So you're going through Hell Week?” Aliyah nodded as she crouched down, placing her head between her knees, while Chloe placed a comforting hand on her back.

“I have some fruit in the locker room, why don't you go grab a bite real quick. I won't say anything to anyone, you're running out of energy, and honestly you're slowing practice down. It's to everyone's benefit if you eat something.” Aliyah picked her head up so she could see Chloe's expression. After a moment of hesitation, she finally pushed herself up and brushed Chloe's hand aside.

“Thanks, but I'm fine. I just needed a breather.” She had no idea if Chloe had a close relationship with Victoria or not, but that wasn't a risk she was willing to take. She assumed that Chloe would drop it, but when she stumbled again, she actually got the coaches involved, trying to get them to make her eat something as well.

Sabrina knew the rules, knew that Chloe was friends with Victoria. She could see the little game at play, trying to force Ali into a corner. She might have a harder time speaking up against Victoria when given a chance, but speaking up to the coaches was no problem at all. “Ali's sick, okay?” All eyes were quick to turn on Sabrina as she placed her hands on her hips.

“She made me promise not to say anything, she wanted to power through practice. But she was sick this morning when she woke up.” It was amazing watching the coaches switch from annoyance to outright concern just from Sabrina's word. She gave her roommate a wink as the coaches dismissed her for the day, insisting that she return to her room for rest. She was even praised for trying to push through for her squad, but reminded that if she couldn't take care of herself, she would only bring everyone else down with her.

Aliyah had faintly hoped that come nightfall Victoria might allow her and Casey to have a bite to eat, but when dinner rolled around they again had to serve everyone while getting nothing for themselves. Starving someone out was certainly one way to cull the weak, but Aliyah was ridiculously stubborn. Casey looked to be on the brink of tears as they stood against the furthest wall in the dining room as everyone else ate, but neither girl made a sound. Rule number six was not to whine, and while Aliyah didn't really care for the rules, it was her way of throwing everything right back in Victoria's face to seem as unbothered as possible even if she was screaming inside.

The biggest relief was when they were all finally dismissed for the night. Sleeping was the one time Aliyah didn't have to think about anything, or feel just how hungry she was. She was growing considerably irritable, but Victoria had at least been human enough to let the girls drink water whenever they needed. Enough of it gave the illusion of feeling full, but only for a few minutes.

By the time the second day of Hell Week had rolled around, Aliyah couldn't think about anything other than getting out of this godforsaken punishment. The lack of clothes weren't even a concern for her. It might be a different story if people other than the sorority were involved, but the girls here at least had enough class it seemed to ensure none of their members looked anything but their best when guests were around. Without their phones for alarms their wake-up call at 4:30am had actually been their mentors, and to Aliyah's surprise, Sabrina had woken her up in enough time that she had been the first one at the poolside with Casey coming out shortly after. The poor brunette looked like she hadn't been able to sleep at all, the bags under her eyes were terribly dark.
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It was a sweet moment of camaraderie, watching the two initiates starting to form a budding bond that was brought to them by fate. At first, they didn't look like they had anything much in common, apart from the fact that they were both gorgeous - which was pretty much, every single girl affiliated with ACO, inevitable as that was part of the basic admission criteria. Casey didn't look the sort to be interested in anything sports related. And the demeanour and aura of the two were remarkably different.

But in the face of a common predicament, it gave them an opportunity to discover one another on a much deeper level, which otherwise probably wouldn't have happened. And perhaps in Casey, might Aliyah be able to pick up novel perspectives on unconditional grace and positivity from her over time, as much as Casey could use Aliyah's perspective about resilience, confidence and independence. Through their plight together, their contrasting personalities and soft skillsets might well compliment one another to help them tide through their immediate hurdle.

Victoria's ways were rough, and admittingly, excessively overzealous. But at the end of all her methods, the intended outcomes were almost always evident - the upholding of the various virtues of being an ACO girl that she had already regurgitated a couple of times before.

For Casey, it was Victoria's wish, as with every other ACO girl and initiate, to be able to see the reasoning of her ways, and perhaps, think of her fondly on hindsight, in the next few years, why she did the things that she did. For Aliyah, however, the vendetta Victoria had against her might well supersede any remote good intentions that came along as part of the Hell's week training.

Sabrina's groggy eyes first caught sight of the distinct redness across Aliyah's bosoms when she was rudely awaken from her slumber. They looked sore and likely painful. But Sabrina could swear that she had seen worst. After all, they were merely day one into Hell's week. The drawings on her body hinted to her that her junior had likely been punished earlier that morning.

Rough. She thought to herself. Admittedly, Sabrina remembered only being punished twice during the whole of her Hell's week. She had been one of those rare ones who lucked out. So it was easy for her to say that Hell's week wasn't all too bad like most made it out to be, especially since Victoria hadn't specifically target her during her stint as an initiate.

"You got assigned eight rooms? Oh wow. I guess you just happened to draw the longest stick of the lot this time round? You can't always be that unlucky with the lottery."


"Oh no, did she tell you that today is the easiest day? Cause she's not lying. It's going to get worse. Avoid punishments. Seriously. I mean, I feel like I shouldn't need to warn you about that. Just... try and stay under the radar for a bit okay? She's going to target you hard now that you've already failed once. Wait until that attention shifts to someone else, it always does eventually."

Sabrina paused, before she felt that she also needed to provide a balanced opinion of the plight Aliyah was in, just so she would be well informed enough to understand the gravity of her every action from that point on.

"Having said that, I'm not part of the inner circle. But, it's rumoured that some tasks were purposefully designed to be unfair, so people actually fail them. But it's usually a round robin, and that initiates would take turns to carry out the most difficult of objectives. It's not in the tasks itself that tests and builds character, but the ensuing punishments. The executive committee pays extra attention to the girls that were put through punishments."

"In other words, Ali, you're now on the active radar of the people that matter. But it is a double edged sword. It is a moment for you to shine, as much as being under the spotlight meant that you're placed in very precarious standings."
Sabrina somehow found herself passionately speaking on behalf of the ways of ACO. One could sense a hint of hypocrisy. Perhaps it came from the personal pride of having passed Hell's week herself, and that she found a need to rationalise the ways of ACO. One also could wonder, how she might take things differently, if she was ever informed of Victoria's earlier thoughts about her, although it might be reasonable to suggest that Victoria, being the decisive president that she was, ran the fraternity impartially, and based her opinions of people purely on the values of meritocracy. Because who would dare to tell a person wielding so much power and influence in Victoria to her face, that she was a two faced bitch?

"But if you ask me, personally, I think it is better to stay a low profile. I'm content being an average ACO girl. Do the bare minimum, which mind you, is already difficult. Be street smart. This is a marathon, not a sprint." Sabrina figured she was done presenting what she could call a thesis, ending it with a firm hug, for Aliyah looked like she could really use one.

Aliyah's faint spell with the cheerleading team was a stark revelation and reminder for her that the different aspects of her UCB life were all very intertwined. She could not afford to drop her performance level anywhere, be it with the ACO, or the cheer team. God knows what else was in store for her in the months to come. But failing to keep up with the pace of ACO had clearly impacted her cheer performance. She was slowly being inducted to the fact that the pace of living in UCB could well be suffocating, if one didn't know how to balance the scale of oneself with absolute finesse.

And it wasn't just purely down to an individual state of body and mind, but that one would need to be hyper vigilant to the threats that were constantly ever lurking. Sabrina knew Chloe was dangerous. She could see just how masterfully she tried to use the situation to lure Aliyah into eating the forbidden fruit.

But what was most perilous of all, was not the fact that Chloe and Victoria were close friends, but like Victoria, Chloe had her own self-interests at heart too. Chloe was more than happy to assist a friend in need, as long as her own needs and desires weren't compromised. Had Aliyah accepted the lure of the consumables, it benefitted Chloe that her teammate would be in a better state to not slow down training. Plus, she would be able to score brownie points with Victoria.

However, in a different circumstance if Victoria's, or any of her mates' request ever hindered the progress of her lifestyle, she would not hesitate to protect her own interests first and foremost. This meant that Chloe was highly unpredictable, with her every action dependent on the unknown weights of her inner scale, making her an extremely perilous individual to be dealing with.

It was a dog-eat-dog world. Someone had said that to Aliyah in passing before.

The next day, it seemed that Aliyah was a quick learner, turning up first half an hour early, with Casey following suit not long after as second. Victoria arrived ten minutes later, and noted the small gathering around the pool consisted of both girls that were still under going their punishment. No doubt, the president was disappointed at not being presented with an excuse to double down on 15. But as Sabrina had mentioned before - it was a marathon. Victoria knew it was only a matter of time before the next opportunity to torment 15 presents itself for her to pounce on it.

"Morning, numbers. I'm glad we're able to start earlier today." By 4.50am, everyone had gathered around, lined up on their knees. One could call it bias, that Victoria hadn't call out the last girl that arrived on the 50th minute mark, in the way that she did with Aliyah the previous day, even though the difference laid no more than two minutes apart.

The rostered girls for the day delivered a food tray to each number, placing them right in front of them. The platter wasn't as sumptuous as the buffet the day before - consisting of a slice of bread with jam spread, three slices of apple, and a female palm portion of scrambled eggs, topped with a bowl of orange juice. At least, that was the tray for the other thirteen girls.

4 and 15 were presented their trays as well. But the food portion provided was no more than a plain stale looking slice of bread that looked like it was from the previous week's left overs, one lonely slice of admittedly foul smelling blue cheese, and a bowl of plain water. Neither of them were spoilt. They were just not ideal. Arduous as Hell's week was, it was not the camp's intention to drive anyone to their deaths, but to really stretch initiates to limits that they hadn't discovered for themselves.

"Have a quick breakkie. We are expecting a group of esteemed guests today. And they will be arriving at about 9am in the morning. You numbers will be in charged of keeping the whole place squeaky clean. If we find any one place in an undesirable condition, all 15 of you will be implicated. This is a team effort. There will be no competitive time keeping today, as the objective is to ensure that the place is in perfect, hospitable condition for our visitors later."

"4 and 15? I trust you two numbers will do whatever it takes to redeem yourself today? I hope you two don't embarrass us. As long as you two be obedient like the way you two would lap up your bowl of water like the good bitches that I know you two can be, you'll do fine."

"Also, you'll be glad to know that today's guests are trigger happy when it comes to unloading their wallets. This is an opportunity for you two to earn some pocket money to buy back your Hell's week uniform. The moment you don back your uniform, your punishment will be effectively over. There's also an opportunity to use any further spare change to get yourself some more food. Yes, we'll have food booths today. So work for it."


Aliyah had assumed that they would set tasks up to make someone fail, and though Sabrina wasn't part of the inner circle, the fact that even she pointed that out was comforting. It made her feel less paranoid.

“I'm just worried if I've got bad luck heading my way and end up taking too many punishments, I'll be kicked out because I couldn't complete a stupid task.” She sighed heavily before Sabrina suddenly wrapped her into a firm hug. It had taken her by surprise, but truth be told, she needed that kind of comforting contact. She had hesitated for only a moment before returning the gesture, the thought of informing Sabrina about the little remark Victoria had made crossed her mind. But was that really how she felt, or was she saying it on purpose to try to get a reaction out of Aliyah?

“Don't worry, I'm gonna make you proud Sab, someone's gotta make sure your efforts don't go to waste right?” Aliyah smiled as the two parted, earning a small laugh from her mentor.

“Damn right! Remember, the name of the game is to impress, not stir the pot. I know you like to make things harder on yourself, but that'll be a death sentence here. And by the way, don't think for a minute I've forgotten out what happened during our night out! Once this week is over, you owe me one hell of a story, and it better be juicy.” Sabrina ushered Aliyah back out of the room as she spoke, knowing the freshman had early classes to get to on Monday morning.

Aliyah and Casey both sighed a relief that they were given food as well. Neither cared that in comparison theirs was lacking, what mattered was that they were getting something in their stomachs, which in its own twisted way was like a reward for being able to make it through an entire day without eating. Upon Victoria's word, everyone started to eat. The initial thirteen took their time with their meal and while Ali and Casey tried, there was only so much you could do to stretch out the stale bread. Neither had the stomach to eat the blue cheese, though Casey did try at the very least.

It was the announcement that they would be having guests that caused concern for Ali and Casey. They were having guests over, today, when two of their initiates were facing punishment? Of course, they were. Because why wouldn't they try to bring a person down to their lowest point possible? Aliyah kept her eyes down to try and hide her mounting frustration, even as Victoria revealed they could potentially end their punishment today. Just weeks ago, Aliyah would have been like Casey, practically trembling at the idea of strangers coming in and finding her in this state. Needing to try and work money from someone meant actually interacting with them, which meant approaching them while nude.

Casey's cheeks were pale, she was clearly not thrilled at the idea, and Aliyah could've been right there with her. But she was actually hoping that their guests would be the rugby team. As mortifying as it would be for any of those guys to see her this way, especially Bentley, she knew she could get them to help her, and quickly.

“Has everyone finished eating?” Victoria made her way down the line slowly before stopping in front of Casey and Ali, noticing that neither had eaten the blue cheese.

“What's wrong numbers? Are you not appreciative of the meal that we provided you with today? Are you too good for our hospitality?” Victoria was able to elicit the exact response she wanted out of Casey, the way the girl obediently lowered her head the moment she approached. Casey was the kind of girl who could be molded into the perfect ACO member. Aliyah on the other hand was as infuriating as always. The way she lifted her head to meet Victoria's gaze despite being down on her knees, there wasn't an ounce of fear in her, like yesterday had never even happened.

“No, Madame, we were nearly saving the best for last. I'm sorry it took us so long to finish.” Aliyah nudged Casey with her elbow, urging the other girl to follow suit as she forced herself to swallow down the blue cheese. It was easier when she held her breath, but even then the lingering taste made her nose scrunch up. She wasn't just quick to learn that she needed to be outside earlier, but had spent the night trying to figure out the best way to navigate Victoria.

Even if she wasn't specifically aiming at her, she was currently due to the punishment. So what was the best way to handle someone trying to take her out? Giving them no reason to strike, while simultaneously working those around them. Even if Victoria wasn't fond of Ali, if she could impress everyone around Victoria with her drive and determination not to crumble, the president would find herself with a much harder time trying to get rid of her. Of course, she could always turn away from a dictatorship and simply kick Ali out, but if she was able to gather the support of those in the inner circle, then Victoria's most trusted members would likely turn on her. Hell Week wasn't the week to work that angle however, first, she needed to survive and show everyone that while she wouldn't be broken, she was willing to comply and listen when needed.

“We already had to wait on you yesterday, and now we are having to wait on you again. They said three strikes and you're out 15. You're lucky I'm gracious enough to even bother giving you a third chance.” Victoria scoffed as she turned, moving back to the front of the group so she was able to look at everyone.

“Think of yesterday as practice numbers. It was reported that some of you did a rather mediocre job yesterday. Mediocrity is unacceptable for ACO. You are a reflection of us. Embarrass us today and like Rachel promised you all yesterday, 4 and 15's punishment thus far will seem like child's play. We will gather you all before our guests arrive, so until then, you better get to work.” Victoria waved her hand and on cue, the girls got to their feet and scampered off.

As expected Casey and Aliyah ended up sticking together, the fifteen of them had decided collectively that the best way to handle the task was rather than everyone running off individually, that they handle certain areas as groups. There were some girls clearly not too keen on the idea of grouping with girls facing punishment, but there were three others willing to group up with the two. 1, Alexis Smith, who had thus far been keen to follow Victoria's every word like she was a goddess sent to earth. 8, Myah Decker, who had been one of the few who showed nervous restraint when it came to following the rules written on their bodies and was another freshman athlete on the women's soccer team, and finally 13, Sienna Hull. Sienna had thus far been riding under the radar, just like Sabrina had suggested to Aliyah, but having a few classes with the girl, Aliyah realized that was how she was on campus too. Sienna and Myah could be content to sit back and observe, while Alexis was the eager pleaser.

“Let's start with the kitchen and dining room, and then work our way out here to the lobby.”
Alexis was quick to try and take charge of their little group, trying to dictate the order in which they went, as other groups had already started to head off to get started.

“But the other members of the house aren't up yet, so won't they just make a mess of what we already cleaned as they get up?” Myah didn't hesitate to take the opportunity to speak her mind. One thing about being around Victoria was that those with bolder personalities were forced to squash them down in her presence. Before they knew it, Myah and Alexis had started arguing with one another, only barely managing to stop when an active member would walk into the lobby, forcing them down on their knees.

“Look, we aren't getting anything done like this. Let's start with the dining room and then move to the lobby. That'll give more girls time to wake up, and we can do the kitchen last. Victoria said there would be food booths today, so there's a chance not many will eat here anyway. We are already facing punishment, do you two really want to be the ones responsible for bringing everyone else down too?” There was a moment of silence as Aliyah snapped, the stale bread hardly curbed her irritation, but pleasantly enough it seemed her suggestion was satisfying as they finally moved on and started working.

Her assumption that not many girls would be eating breakfast from their kitchen was right. The lobby had taken the five of them the longest to clean with how big it was, but even by the time they moved to the kitchen it didn't even look touched. It was only once they felt satisfied with their portion that they moved on, rather than lounging around they found the group who had been delegated to the outside to help them clean the yard and straighten everything by the pool.

The group of ten had been on their way to find the third and final group who had been responsible for cleaning the common rooms and public spaces when one of the senior lackies found them first. “It's 8:30, Victoria wants you all in the lobby.” She slipped off without another word to find the last five girls, while the group of ten made their way back down. Victoria's face was guarded, if they had done a good job or not, she wasn't showing any signs of letting them know just yet.

"I'm just worried if I've got bad luck heading my way and end up taking too many punishments I'll be kicked out because I couldn't complete a stupid task."

"Don't worry, I'm gonna make you proud Sab, someone's gotta make sure your efforts don't go to waste right?"

For Sabrina, the witnessing of Aliyah vocalising her inner struggles out loud made for a very entertaining spectacle, and it was darn inspiring as well. She started off ranting in clear frustration. But somewhere right from the middle onwards, she completely changed her tone, making her sound like she was wonder woman, ready to take on just about any challenges that the world might catapult unto at her.

And she was going to dedicate her success to her! How heartwarmingly adorable. It made her feel somewhat like a proud mother, whose daughter seemed to be blazing her way in life.

Aliyah's most recent display delighted Sabrina, serving as another testament to the notion that her earliest hunch was right - about pursuing a friendship with the junior like no other. She exuded a level of optimism and positivity that was so infectious. And it was rubbing onto Sabrina all warm and fuzzy. Sab felt like with Ali by her side, she could take on pretty much anything that life might hurl at her down the road. She had absolutely no doubt, Ali would be the perfect person to turn to in times of need, that Sab had the confidence that Ali has got her back, wherever, whenever.

And that energy that Aliyah infused into Sabrina would also in turn, be reciprocated with Sab's own motivational ways. It was an endless cycle of complements that could well make their relationship flourish and burst into fireworks.

Oh Sabrina was so undisputedly sure by then, that she would be Aliyah's maid of honor, like Ali would be her maid of honor when the time calls for it.

"No Madame, we were nearly saving the best for last. I'm sorry it took us so long to finish."
Victoria could see the trademark defiance coming through Aliyah's eyes, one like the spirit of a warrior princess. She thought it was hilariously cute that she was still trying to put up a pointless fight in spite of the obvious gulf of power between the pair. The president only smiled at Aliyah's response, as she watched them consume their pieces of cheese.

"Hold up, before you numbers swallow the cheese, I want the both of you to hold your cheeses beneath your tongue."
"And then I'm gonna need you two to give each other a good old passionate French kiss."
"Let's set the timer for two minutes, shall we? Since it's the two of you."

Victoria took out her smartphone and swiped up the timer app to set the countdown to two minutes, only to see the pair still procrastinating to her orders. "What are you two waiting for, get on with it!" Her thumb hovered around the start button, waiting to tap down on it once either of them initiated the kiss.

"I was inspired by your intention to help and care for 15, 4. This is your chance to express your unconditional love and gratitude for her, as much as 15 should do the same for the girl who has been willing to take the bullet with her."

"Both of you shouldn't need me to remind you that I have zero tolerance for lacklustre mediocrity, or anything less than perfect, for that matter. Remember, you two are still under punishment. Your performances could mean either an extension, or the lifting of it. So, act wisely, numbers."

The president grinned. That should teach Aliyah another lesson about reining in her passive aggressive protests.

"We already had to wait on you yesterday, and now we are having to wait on you again. They said three strikes and you're out 15. You're lucky I'm gracious enough to even bother giving you a third chance."

"Think of yesterday as practice numbers. It was reported that some of you did a rather mediocre job yesterday. Mediocrity is unacceptable for ACO. You are a reflection of us. Embarrass us today and like Rachel promised you all yesterday, 4 and 15's punishment thus far will seem like childsplay. We will gather you all before our guests arrive, so until then, you better get to work."
Victoria turned to lecture the numbers, once 4 and 15 were engaged with one another. Her eyes, frequently darting back and forth to the pair in hopes of trying to catch them out dropping their enthusiasm levels at any point in time, just so she could pounce on a chance to make hell, more hellish for them. But Victoria expected that at least in 15, she would be putting one hell of a fight.

The sweet irony, was that in 15, Victoria actually saw much of her feisty and relentless younger self in her.

And that brought the cringiest of goosebumps to her skin.

In just a span of two weeks, Aliyah was already starting to form a budding tribe of her own. More impressively, she had already garner the attention, and possibly even support, of some notable sophomores with moderate influence within the fraternity scene - the vice captain of the rugby team along with his three other closest aides, the unwavering support a fellow ACO girl in Sabrina, and now, at least a third of the candidate initiates seemed to be contented, or at least, ambivalently willing to join her little faction as opposed to the rest.

But most importantly, Jason.

Small as the numbers were at the present moment, if she could keep up with her record and win the hearts of about five people every week, she would be looking at accumulating a sizable following to back her up by the end of the year. It was clear that Aliyah, as much as she was seen as a thorn and threat to the many competitive spirits lurking around, seemed likeable to the rest who were more attuned to her decisive, yet seemingly compassionate nature of hers. She was as fair as the scales of justice. But not everyone believed in her philosophy of life.

"Look, we aren't getting anything done like this. Let's start with the dining room and then move to the lobby. That'll give more girls time to wake up and we can do the kitchen last. Victoria said there would be food booths today so there's a chance not many will eat here anyway. We are already facing punishment, do you two really want to be the ones responsible for bringing everyone else down too?"

Now that's decisive leadership. She had a clear plan, and her mind was sharp, calm and composed enough to devise a plan in the face of disarray and disunity. She sounded so assured, that even Myah and Alexis, who were themselves pointlessly trying to exert over one another in an attempt at battling for the baton of command, quietened down. The group shutting themselves up after hearing a fellow equal number barking at them, was an indication of silent agreement, and the new found respect she had earned from the other four.

It further helped her cause, when her prediction about the state of the kitchen was right. It definitely would not escape the minds of the four that Aliyah had proved herself to be a young lady with acute clairvoyance. Everyone loves a leader who knew what they were doing and talking about, so much as to inspire enough confidence into followers to entrust their fate into the hands of their lead.

And Aliyah's presence wasn't just felt within her group of five, but the next five her group encountered. It could be argued that Victoria's threat about dishing out a common punishment should the batch of initiates fail their task, was the reason why Aliyah's contingent seemed so eager to help the others who were lagging behind.

But it was through the nuances of her body language, the aura that she exuded, the leading of almost every single move, and how she seemed to be constantly and actively taking the initiative through her actions to remind her fellow numbers of their target, that was forming an impression on her fellow peers.

And before long, it was time for the numbers to gather back at the grand hall.

Victoria arrived late at 8.45am, after having made the numbers wait for a good quarter of an hour. It was likely that she had used that time to make a quick round around the mansion. Her face was indeed guarded, as admittedly, the initiates had done a great job freshening the entire place up. Plus, if she were to be honest, she probably hadn't got the time and energy to be lashing out at the initiates with the hour coming to an end.

The incoming visit was far more important than toying with her juniors.

It was a money spinning event for the ACO, a source of crucial income to keep their extravagant lifestyles going.

"Alright, I'm glad you guys gathered in a timely fashion." No other words of compliment about the satisfactory state of the house. Because why should she bother?

"Remember. Keep our guests happy. It is most definite that they will request for a multitude of favours, including, but not limited to fetching food and beverages, and whatever their whims and fancies are. The two main rules I've set out for them, are that there will be no violence, and no penetrative sex on the premises. Each of you will be handed a little sling pouch, which you are to ensure the guests give you the tips before you execute any sort of requests. I leave it to you numbers to barter with the guests."

"By the end of the day, I am expecting each initiate to have at least, pulled in an income of $1000. Any extras above $1000, you get to keep 10% of the proceeds in excess, as your pocket money. That means, 4 and 15, you'll only be able to purchase your new uniform, only if you end the day with $1150. And obviously, more money is needed, if you need to get yourself some more food."

"Right, now, I need you girls to be lined up in two rows after I'm done talking, by the external main gates to welcome our esteemed guests. You are to treat them like they are part of the sorority. Like, the same rules about needing to kneel to receive acknowledgement and all that. I do not need to repeat myself the entire laundry list again."

"All of you, except 4 and 15."
Victoria paused, walking to the two, before stopping right in front of them to address the pair in specific. "You two will be standing right at the very end of the line, so our guests will get to attend to you last. Because, save the best for the last." The president smiled innocently. "You two realise how much I actually prize you girls, right?" Victoria gently cupped both their cheeks tenderly with each of her palms, eyes looking as if she was being genuine.

It was hard to tell. Or not.

Victoria then released her palms from the two girls, before stepping back to address the batch as a whole once more. "Okay numbers, move along.
It's show time."

Aliyah wasn't sure which she could stand the least; Victoria, or the cheese. Her head had just started to tilt back to help her swallow when the president suddenly stopped them. With practically no choice, the two girls shifted the cheese under their tongues just before Victoria delivered to them the next task. Casey quickly clapped her hand over her mouth as she coughed in alarm, stopping herself from spitting the cheese out, while Aliyah bit down on the side of her tongue to keep from laughing.

She was joking. Victoria had to be joking. Right? Neither girl moved, both staring with wide eyes as their leader pulled her phone out and snapped at them when she noticed they hadn't complied just yet. Of all of the outrageous things she could have come up with, she wanted two girls to make out.

Aliyah had to stifle a groan as she tugged Casey by her arm, forcing her to lean in closer to her as their lips collided. Casey's reaction was exactly what Aliyah's would have been had she not already started to step into the world of debauchery. Casey quickly put her hands to Aliyah's shoulders, instinctively trying to give her a push, but Aliyah had been faster. The hand that had been wrapped around Casey's arm was threaded into her hair, keeping a firm grip on the other initiate so she couldn't worsen things for the both of them.

As her tongue slipped past Casey's lips, trying to coax her to reciprocate on some level, the timid girl let out a soft whimper before finally the tension in her arms faded out as she stopped pushing and tried her best to follow Aliyah's lead. It wasn't nearly as passionate a kiss as what she had shared with Roderick, but no one, not even Victoria, could say that Aliyah didn't try.

When she was sure Casey wouldn't try to shove off of her, she finally loosened her hold on the dark locks, neither one daring to try to part for air until they heard the sound of Victoria's alarm going off. Like the same end of a magnet, the two sprung apart quickly, swallowing down the cheese on reflex as they panted. “Sorry.” Aliyah whispered quietly while Victoria moved on before finally letting the girls get up and start their morning task of cleaning.

It hadn't been Aliyah's original intention to take charge of their little group of five, but she would be damned if she had to listen to Alexis and Myah waste the time that they had bickering. They didn't have to listen to Aliyah, in fact her suggestion could have easily given the girls an opening to create a united front against her and turn their bickering on her instead. When they relented and agreed to her plan, she nearly sighed in relief that she wouldn't have to deal with a headache just yet.

“Hey, Aliyah, um… thanks for earlier. When you, you know, took the initiative there? I definitely couldn't have.” Casey hadn't said a word to Ali all morning, and at first after the little show Victoria made them put on, it almost seemed like Casey had been avoiding her. She stumbled over her thanks meekly as she lowered her eyes, and for just a brief moment Ali could have sworn she was looking at her sister, not some stranger.

“Don't worry about it. It's the least I could do to try and keep things from getting worse for you.” She heard Alexis scoff from where she had put herself at the far room of the dining room.

“Don't worry about it? You're so casual about everything, what? Do you make out with girls often?” Alexis glanced over her shoulder in time to see the smirk on Aliyah's face.

“Oh yeah, all the time. If you're jealous that you missed out just say so, come here Lexy, let me give you some love too.” Aliyah held her arms out as if she were waiting for a hug. For a split second the room fell into silence before the group broke into laughter, Alexis included. Aliyah hated to admit it, but maybe this whole sorority thing wasn't so bad after all. While she didn't think she could exactly call any of these girls her friends, she could tell that Casey was starting to stick to her side more and more. It seemed that she at least saw Aliyah as someone who could help her when she was in trouble.

For the other three, Aliyah couldn't quite tell yet. She was little more than entertainment for them at this point, but they were all willing to follow her lead through the morning without question. It wasn't exactly helping her plan of slipping under the radar, and she had hoped when they joined up with the second group she could hang back a bit more. Unfortunately, they had been even more dysfunctional, forcing Aliyah to step up again.

By the time they were directed back into the lobby of the ACO house, Aliyah was sick of cleaning and was sure many of the other girls felt the same way. One would think that living with girls meant that the house stayed clean more often than not, but whether it was specifically due to Hell Week, it seemed that just wasn't the case. “Hey, look at it this way, if our plans after college don't work out, we know we could get a job as a maid somewhere.” Aliyah grumbled as she crossed her arms over her chest.

Arguably, the worst part of it all was the waiting. Waiting to be able to move on with their day. Who would've thought that in college, anyone would ever look forward to going to classes? Given the way things were unfolding at ACO, classes felt like a reprieve rather than torture. Unfortunately, as Victoria finally arrived and began to fill them in on what was ahead for them, it seemed classes were not on the list. For the couple of girls that were at UCB on academic scholarships, they were clearly apprehensive at the fact that they had to stay all day, but it wasn't as big of an issue for the rest. Missing a handful of classes wasn't enough to cost a scholarship, of course, but it would set everyone back in their work. It was really just a minor annoyance that couldn't be argued with.

As Victoria approached Aliyah and Casey to place her hands against their cheeks, Casey's shoulders lowered just the slightest bit. It seemed she was more susceptible to believing what Victoria said at face value. Aliyah on the other hand didn't trust her as far as she could throw her. But while she was getting better at keeping her expressions more neutral, it was her eyes that revealed everything. Not wanting to try and agitate Victoria, Aliyah was quick to lower her gaze until she felt her hand slip away.

Once Victoria dismissed the girls to head outside, the upperclassmen lackeys handed out the pouches to each girl as they passed. Casey wrapped her arm around Aliyah's as she leaned in closer to her once they were outside. “I don't think I can do this. She said one of the rules was no penetrative sex, that means the guests are guys, right? I-I can't be naked in front of a bunch of guys!” Her grip on Aliyah's wrist tightened in a slight fit of panic. It made sense to be anxious like Casey was, but unless she planned on suddenly dropping out completely, it would only make things worse for herself.

“You can do this, Casey, and you aren't doing it alone, either. Remember what you said yesterday? Punishment is easier to handle when you aren't alone. Look at it this way, we should have a bit of an advantage over the other girls because we're naked. I'll try to stay by you as much as possible, just smile and play coy. Milk them for what they're worth, and then move on.” She gave Casey's hand a reassuring squeezed before the two had to separate to take up their places at the end of the lines.

“How are you so calm?”

“Trust me, I'm not.” Calm was the furthest emotion from Aliyah at the moment. “But what's the worst that can happen, right? After all, Victoria said it herself, no sex.” It would be humiliating, for sure, but at least Victoria had put some safeguards in place for the girls.

As cars pulled up the long drive leading to the ACO main house, the girls lowered themselves one by one to their knees. Heads bowed as if they were preparing to welcome home the master of the house. All except for Aliyah and Casey, who remained standing at their spots at the end of the line like Victoria had instructed, which only made them stand out even more. Though they weren't knelt, it was still belittling for someone like Aliyah who had never truly known what it meant to be the bottom rung on the ladder. But even still she was praying to hear a familiar voice, or several, who could help her out of this nightmare.

“I swear, I can never get used to the show ACO puts on. Really makes you wanna transfer schools, huh?” There was a chorus of laughter as the first unfamiliar voice made his way through the main gates. Each step was slow, lazy almost, as he took his time observing each girl that he passed. Aliyah, who had kept her head and eyes down, wanted so badly to lift her head and look at the new arrivals. But while the goal was to get as much money from their guests as possible, she didn't want to attract too much attention to herself or to Casey either, who was mirroring Aliyah.

The fact that Aliyah wasn't even cognisant to the how she was being perceived by the rest as she took charge, was a testament to her natural ability to lead. Nothing about her that early morning was forced. It just… happened. It was akin to the lucky ones who found a career in their hobby, in which they were exceptionally good at. And like them, Aliyah didn't even need to try.

It also helped that Aliyah had a sense of humour, which was a paramount attribute to making oneself appear more cordial and approachable. It was early days. But at least some people were starting to slowly gravitate towards her bundle of positive energy.

It was particularly amusing how Aliyah was starting to take Casey under her protective wings, in the manner that Sabrina did to her when it all began. And Aliyah's transformation over the past two weeks had been astounding. If Sabrina was privy to what was transpiring that moment, she would be beaming with pride. What was even more intriguing, was the fact that Aliyah had all the time she has in the proceeding four years to learn and grow as a person. And god knows how high she could reach to touch the sky…

… or how low she could stoop to hit rock bottom.

College was always going to be a tricky thing to navigate. Academic pressure, peer pressure, extra curriculum pressure, and not forgetting the omnipresent temptation of sins, which Aliyah had already shown herself to be most vulnerable to despite exceling in her other departments. All it took, was for her to make one careless pull of a Jenga block, and her life may well crumble before her eyes.

For a girl like Aliyah who endeavoured to be second to none, it must be tiring to try to remain perpetually vigilant amidst the trials of college for four long years.

Victoria didn't get to where she was without having a very keen eye for politics. She had been observing from afar, how the numbers were interacting. And she had noticed how some of the girls were starting to get a little too comfortable with her new found nemesis.

She would not let that stand.

Fortunately for the president, she had made it a practice in the recent years to think ahead of her competition. And the senior always had a Plan B in mind.

"Hey girls! Oh, hello Victoria. You girls having a good evening so far?"
"Hey, Bri. We are. What are you doing here all alone?"
"Oh no, I came with a someone - Aliyah, a new freshie, like she's actually one of our ACO candidates actually - you girls will get to meet her next week during induction! Looking for her right now."
"Oh really? Looking forward to the introduction then. We'll make a move first. See you back at the house. Be back before the curfew yes?"
"Yes, Madam."

Victoria and Rachel quietly dismissed themselves from the adjacent corridor of that aisle at the club that fateful night with Aliyah and the four boys. They, or rather, Victoria, would have wished that she could stay on a little longer. "Fortune favours you." Rachel nudged Victoria by her elbow, while Victoria replayed the video capture she had acquired right from the very beginning of Aliyah's antics with the four sophomores, just to ensure that it wasn't by rotten luck, corrupted. Thankfully for her, it was perfectly fine.

It was her guardian angel's will, she thought, that allowed her to spot Aliyah and the boys making their way to a more discreet part of the club earlier that night. And the obvious course of action for her, was to follow. Hence, how she got her hands on the very crucial piece of material.

The video was timed to be close to over twenty minutes long. And whilst it was a pity the finale could not be captured, there were enough incriminating evidences accumulated to be able to paint Aliyah in a bad light.

A smear campaign was what she needed to start. Aliyah looked to be a willing party, and she would have a hard time trying to explain herself otherwise. Victoria wouldn't need to do much, but to showcase the clip, and let the winds of rumours do the magical work on her behalf. She haven't thought of forwarding the clip however, because she figured it would be a pity, especially since she could still use it as a hook to perhaps keep Aliyah in check. As such, it was her plan to keep the singular copy to herself for the time being.

That should chip into her reputation back for a little, and hopefully, serve as an added distraction on top of all other collegial pressures that had already been compounded onto her.

The guests arrived half an hour late, which meant that the numbers had to stand under the increasingly hot morning sun the whole time. The sky was clear, and it made for the perfect weather for a pool party. The only problem, was that the numbers probably wouldn't have much of an opportunity to simply laze around. Fifteen numbers, vying for a pot of fifteen thousand dollars. It begs the question if the visitors even had that sort of cash on them.

It seemed a bit of a far stretch, considering that the group of about eighteen guys who walked in were nothing more than jocks that were donning the 'Harvard Water Polo Team's' varsity jackets. Would students of their age spend stupid amounts of money, tipping random girls for cheap thrills?

Then again, ACO as an instance, had proved that with some shrewd financial management, the ability to allow reckless splurging was plausible.

"Fucking hell. This year's girls are gorgeous."

One of the lads commented, as the group feasted their eyes on the various female specimens that got down onto their knees. When the eighteen lads finally got to the end of the path, they were greeted by the sight of two stunning lithe girls, with the brandings on their bodies still as vivid as they were like the previous day.

"Oohh, what do we have here?" Without further hesitation, he reached out to give Aliyah's left tit a firm smack. "Wait, I'm allowed to do that, right?"

"Yes, Sir." Victoria answered with a sweet smile on her face, accompanied by a vibrant tone that was almost unheard of before. It was like she had a split personality. Victoria was never known to be this bright and amiable. And there she was, pitching herself like she was some kind of property agent.

Proverbially speaking, perhaps she was indeed a property agent.

At Victoria's green light, a few lads began gleefully helping themselves to the bodies of the two girls, groping them all over. One even attempted to stick a finger into Casey's womanhood, when Victoria lightly smacked his hand away.

"Nuh uh. We have agreed upon it. Nothing penetrative. I'm sure you Harvard boys are smart enough to understand what that word means."

"These two are our finest of the new batch. And they have both so kindly volunteered to be the day's feature. After all, what girl wouldn't be glad to serve a bunch of gentlemen as magnificent as you guys?"
"Do you like what you see?"

"Indeed, I do, Miss."
"You've outdone yourself."

"You flatter me. We serve nothing, but the best."

"Would you like to do the honours, as usual, Captain Mark?"
Victoria smiled. And by the peripheral vision, the lackies for the day could be seen pushing two trollies over. On top of each of them, laid the very familiar... Cryocleansing hose, attached to what seemed to be like an old fashioned mechanised barrel, probably put together in some kind of a scrapyard garage. The Cryocleanser has a portable version.

In the meantime, Victoria discreetly handed over a box of Rhapsody tablets out of view behind her back, to Rachel. The vice president then stealthily slipped a full box of twenty tablets into the barrel closest to Aliyah, before they rapidly dissolved into the waters that were loaded with sacks worth of ice cubes.

Ingredients of the Rhapsody were miniscule enough to slip past the sweat glands of a human being. Thus, Rhapsody mixed liquid on a person's skin would be absorbed into the body over time if they weren't wiped away immediately. Absorbed particles then subsequently enter into the bloodstream of the unknowing recipient.

A box of tablets was the ballpark safe guideline when dealing with a barrel of water, which would more often be the case of most of the water ending up wasted onto the ground, than on the bodies of a person being Cryocleansed. As such, the level of dilution was taken into account for in the estimation of the safe dosage.

The Rhapsody was a closely guarded narcotic that was strictly regulated by the very man, Jason himself. There was a bunch of process, including a NDA disclosure for the usage of it. Granted, it was a very precarious scheme, especially since the unknown drug might well be deemed illegal - or was it, since the authorities hadn't had a clue of its recent existence? But at least over the past few years, the people that were given access to the narcotic had been very much cooperative. After all, it was a business that benefitted all parties involved. So nobody so far had thought about wanting to break that cycle that Jason had going, yet.

And at present, the only ones who were privy to the existence of Rhapsody, were some of the more trusted captains and vice-captains of the major fraternities of UCB, whom Jason had painstakingly made the effort to know each and every one, before he decided they were the sort of people he would be confident enough to be working with.

And that arrangement, played a part in defining Jason and Victoria's rather complicated relationship.

The lackies handed over one hose to Mark, and a second guy which a smart guess would put him to be Mark's right hand man. It was then that Victoria and Rachel began starting the countdown from "10...9...8". By the time it reached "3... 2... 1", the rest of the boys joined in the echo. And the next moment...


The icy gushes of water blasted against the form of both ladies, with the obvious one receiving a healthy dose of the elusive aphrodisiac, drenched upon her body.

"4 and 15, would you be so kind to thank these gentlemen for bestowing you the honour of starting the annual Havard Polo Retreat, through you two?"

Victoria then turned over to address Mark with a slight blush. "I'm sorry, please forgive them. They are barely day two into initiation, hence the lack of initiative. I'm sure they will learn to pick up on it in no time, won't you two, 4 and 15?"


They say that ignorance is bliss, no one knew that more than Aliyah. Having the nerve to even make an attempt to lie to Victoria about participating in a gangbang was only possible because she truly believed that no one who wasn't at the BOB house knew about it. But her ignorance went further than that, as even Victoria so skillfully kept what bit of knowledge and information she did have in her back pocket. Not daring to give Aliyah even a hint of suspicion that she might believe otherwise.

If being hungry wasn't enough to make a person irritable, the California heat certainly did it. For someone like Aliyah who wasn't used to it in the slightest bit, the signs were starting to show in the way her shoulders had pinked just the slightest bit. It was very likely that by the end of the day, she was going to be burnt. By the time the cars finally pulled up, every girl was starting to get restless, shifting from foot to foot while everyone bit back their complaints. It seemed that everyone was steadfast in following the sixth rule, and once the cars did finally arrive there was a collective wave of relief amongst the girls as they were finally able to move, albeit to their knees, but it was still something.

Aliyah knew what was coming the moment a pair of men's shoes stepped into her line of sight. Her fingers, which had been resting against the side of her thighs, curled just the slightest bit as his hand lifted to smack against her left breast. She let her nails dig into her thighs as she exhaled slowly, her lips parting just the slightest bit as she took the smack with the same bravado she had shown Bentley.

Almost as soon as it came he suddenly withdrew, unsure if he might've unwittingly crossed a line until Victoria reassured him, and everyone with him, that they were fair game.

It's just a performance. It's just a performance. It's just a performance.

Aliyah repeated the same little mantra to herself as hands danced across her skin, pinching and groping hard enough to elicit little twitches from her shoulders. It was the same feeling as what she had experienced in the club, where every touch was like a whispered promise of what was to come. This felt like a group of guys taking the cheap opportunity they were given. It wasn't until Casey gasped with alarm that Aliyah finally picked her head up.

The brunette had lifted onto her toes to try to pull away from the fingers snaking between her legs, the hands that had been at her side lifted, but Victoria beat her to the punch, giving the guy a slight swat as she actually stuck to her rule she had put in place. Everyone had been hesitant about whether or not Victoria really meant it when she said no penetration, but that small, simple act proved she was serious. Casey looked as if she might be willing to throw herself to Victoria's feet in thanks, if Victoria hadn't already shifted her attention back to the Captain and his men.

Casey's eyes darted quickly to Aliyah at the familiar sight of the hose. Of course, neither girl was looking forward to being doused in ice-cold water again, even if they were still getting hot. But maybe now that they knew how bad it was, it wouldn't be as shocking this time around. The countdown helped each girl to prepare for the burst to come, and as the count hit two, they both squeezed their eyes shut tight before the hoses were opened to full tilt and the rest of the boys cheered as they watched.

The force of the spray did indeed rock the two girls back just the slightest bit. For Casey, she had gasped from the initial shock, causing her to accidentally inhale a bit of the water, driving her to cough and splutter as she tipped her head back towards the sky. Aliyah on the other hand had turned her head at the last second, taking the brunt of the initial burst against her chest, causing her to stumble before catching herself. With her head turned to the side, she was able to open her eyes just the slightest bit, looking at the other initiates who were watching everything with wide eyes. No doubt they were thanking the fates for not being in either one of their shoes at the moment.

It wasn't until they were both starting to shiver that the water was finally cut off with Aliyah, unaware for the second time, that she had been dosed. Casey wrapped her arms around herself to try to warm herself back up, and admittedly, it took all of Aliyah's willpower not to do the same. Her teeth were chattering, but she seemed better off than Casey, who still hadn't dared to look any of the guys in the eye.

“O-Of course we will M-Madame. Thank y-you gentlemen for giving us th-this honor.” It was hard to get any proper words out through the way her jaw was clenched to try to stop herself from shaking, but she knew she couldn't just stand there like a mute. Not when Victoria had all but demanded they give their thanks.

“I'm sorry i-if we've disappointed a-any of you.” Casey at least seemed to be able to snap out of her little daze once she had gotten control of her breath, offering not just an apology to the guests but Victoria as well.

“Initiative or not, I'd say you're training these girls just right.” Aliyah watched as Victoria practically beamed at the compliment, at least none of the numbers had done anything to embarrass her or the ACO name yet.

“Thank you, Captain, that's so sweet of you to say. Now, numbers, you don't plan on making our guests stay here at the gates all day, do you? Please escort these lovely gentlemen out back.” By now they would all be able to hear the subtle thrum of music playing in the back by the pool. The poor girls who had been left kneeling while Aliyah and Casey endured the hose again rose to their feet slowly. Their legs likely having gone numb by now.

The chill was quick to leave their bodies, as Aliyah wasted no time in setting her sights on the Captain, walking up to him with Casey close behind as he and the other handed their hoses off. “As our thanks for helping us cool off, can we show you guys to the pool?” Aliyah flashed what was quickly becoming her trademark smile to both of the men. Carrying herself confidently as if she wasn't dripping from head to toe naked.

Every girl it seemed was picking out who would be their initial target, with Alexis managing to catch the eye of two men, though it was Sienna who looked as if she might be coming out on top with three surrounding her as she headed off to the back. Casey, who had, thus far, portrayed herself to be the most innocent out of all fifteen girls, slid up to Aliyah's side, wrapping her arms around Aliyah's right arm in a way that caused it to nestle against Casey's breasts and accentuate them.

“If you'd be willing to continue giving us the honor at least.” If it wasn't for the way Casey's fingers were trembling against Aliyah's arm, she might've thought her earlier display of panic had been nothing more than a show. But she was at least aware that in order to make any money today, she couldn't simply hide behind Aliyah the entire time.

Mark stepped to the side slightly as he motioned towards the back. “After you.” His shit-eating grin was mirrored by his right-hand man, and as the two girls stepped past them, neither missed the opportunity to deliver a solid smack to Aliyah's ass. A vibrant red hand print was already starting to form against her pale skin and while she did flinch just the slightest bit she was able to keep herself from making a sound. From the corner of her eye, she could have sworn she saw Victoria wearing the smuggest expression she had ever seen, but there wasn't any time to actually look as they followed the group back to the pool where other members of ACO were already starting to gather.

It wasn't just the initiates who were missing classes, though, for them, it wasn't an option, but some of the active members, Sabrina included, had chosen to forego their classes and enjoy the party while getting a chance to see their mentee in action up close.
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"I'm sorry i-if we've disappointed a-any of you."

"Oh no. On the contrary, it has been thoroughly enjoyable so far. I trust you girls will be keeping up with the standards, yes?" Mark spoke with a smile. "Initiative or not, I'd say you're training these girls just right." His attention was on 15, even though it was 4 who spoke earlier, and that he was addressing Victoria. The young man was clearly interested in the new girl. But instead of landing another smack on Aliyah's tits, he approached it with a lot more tact this time, giving her nipple a slight tug, before squeezing her breast sensually. His eyes, looking straight into Aliyah's.

"Shouldn't you guys be tipping our feature girls then, if it's really what you said that it has been fun?" Victoria smiled, sweetly.

"Of course." The captain smiled, reached out for his wallet, then tucking in a 50 dollar bill into Aliyah's pouch, with the vice following suit with Casey, but getting only 30 from him. It seemed like a trivial thing. But for the perceptive, it was clear that there was likely a difference in spending powers between the different boys.

"As our thanks for helping us cool off can we show you guys to the pool?"

In the eyes of Victoria, it was particularly amusing to be seeing Aliyah taking her task in her stride, given that she had contextual knowledge about the darker secret of her very recent life. For the uninitiated, it might seem like Aliyah was truly looking to take on the task at hand, no-nonsense style, with an intention nothing more than to excel in Hell's week.

But for Victoria, she wondered if Aliyah actually was finding secret delight in being put under the spotlight of men? After all, she clearly looked like she enjoyed her time with Roderick and Co. To compound on that, she had just been unknowingly dosed with the potent aphrodisiac. The president could not wait for the rest of the day to unfold, and observe how Aliyah would handle the external influence, especially since any form of direct sex was prohibited.

"If you'd be willing to continue giving us the honor at least."

"Well, that's precisely the reason why we made the trip across the continent just to visit you dolls." The vice spoke.

"Of course we'll be more than willing."

As Aliyah and Casey moved along, it was a cue that the party was officially starting. The manner in which Aliyah took the spanks like a champ, and her posture of unfazed, made her seem as if she had done this countless of times before. It had the whole crowd of boys and senior girls thinking...

... Aliyah truly looked like the epitome of a top Sorority Slut.

By 10.30am that morning, the sun was properly blazing. And Aliyah and Casey had been groped like they were ornamental objects of extreme fascination. Senior girls were stationed at every corner of the party zone to ensure that the event was running according to plan. Eyes were everywhere, making it difficult for any of the boys to try attempting to break the rules. Victoria had made it a firm point across to Mark that the moment any one of the boys tried to defy the contractual terms, the party would end abruptly, and that would be the last time that the Harvard water polo team would ever set foot upon the ACO property ever again.

Mark wouldn't risk that.

But that didn't mean that a number of boys had tried to graze their fingers across the length of both 4 and 15's folds in a non-penetrative manner, which was well within terms. And time would certainly tell, if the constant touches over the hour would inevitably cause a certain level of engorgement on both of their feminine petals.

As Aliyah was making another round, and was passing by Mark along the way, he halted her to garner her attention.

"15, would you be so kind as to join me?" The captain spoke. His hand, patting against his lap, gesturing for her to settle down on him - specifically, on his right thigh, as he was sat man spread by the edge of the tanning chair he was on. "C'mon now, have a straddle." He had so casually instructed of his desired position of her.


Aliyah noticed the way Mark kept his eyes on her even as he responded to Casey and addressed Victoria. Had the current situation been different, she would've found his blatant interest in her amusing. Was it because she refused to look away and lower her eyes like Casey did? Even in her sorry state of being cold and went, she was still able to show that same stubbornness she had been giving Victoria from day one. As he stepped closer to her, she found her shoulders naturally starting to tense, subconsciously preparing herself for the impact of him hitting her again.

But it never came, instead he gave her nipple a slight, almost playful tug that had her sucking in a sharp breath through her teeth before he took hold of her breast. Her brows furrowed with mild confusion at the sudden change in his tactics, but it certainly felt better than a smack did. Victoria served as a thankful distraction, as she suggested the two guys pay up, causing Mark to release Aliyah so he could pull out his wallet.

Catching sight of that $50 bill almost brought a smile to Aliyah's face. She had noticed a theme among the rugby men here at UCB that those higher ranked were willing to spend more, and had taken a shot in the dark that the theory would extend to other groups as well. It seemed that she wasn't too far off the mark in keeping her focus on the Captain in front of her after all.

As things moved over to the pool area, none started working for the money as quickly as Aliyah had. Each time she saw someone reaching out to touch her, she smoothly avoided the contact, lifting her pouch to insist on payment first, before letting her body be groped. It was an ironic situation, given that just a week ago she had snapped at Roderick, insisting that her body wasn't to be used as monetary value. Yet here she was, letting guys pay to cop a feel of her. She hated it. Every bill slipped into her pouch felt more like rocks as she was forced to push her values aside. Just so she could hopefully get clothes again.

Aliyah paused as she heard her number called out, giving Mark her attention as he requested that she have a seat with him. She hadn't had a chance to stop and sit all morning, so the offer was tempting as he patted his right leg like he were calling to an obedient little dog. She stepped closer toward him but stopped just short of their legs touching. “I would love to join you, Captain, for a price of course.” Aliyah patted her little pouch, which had been steadily filling up, though it had quickly become clear to Aliyah that none of the other guys were willing to spend like Mark had been. Or maybe they were and were simply being stingy.

Mark laughed with a slight shake of his head as he pulled out his wallet, but when he pulled out a ten, Aliyah pulled her pouch away from him before he could slip it inside. “Oh, no Sir. I know I'm worth more than that. Show me how bad you want me on your lap.” She had noticed that no one had tried getting more out of Mark than what he offered, maybe it was because of the way he had held her gaze earlier, but she wasn't afraid to haggle with the one in charge of the guys.

“Tell you what,” Mark put the ten back in his wallet and instead pulled out twenty-five for her. “Twenty-five for you to sit. Be a good girl for me and there might be a bonus for you.” He held the bills up with his eyebrows raised as Aliyah pursed her lips. Might was a bit too flippant when it was the cost of getting her clothes back. Besides, that wasn't how this little game was supposed to work. But she couldn't deny that she was growing desperate for more attention beyond the fleeting touches.

After a moment, she finally extended the pouch back out to him, letting him place the money securely inside before she finally took her seat. The friction of his leg against her body was almost as soothing as the pool would have been. But for Aliyah the heat wasn't just from the sun, as the morning had progressed she noticed the slight change. It had started subtly in her chest, and with each passing touch on her body it had traveled lower until it simply pooled between her legs. “Was this all you wanted? Were you starting to feel a little lonely?”

Indeed, Aliyah was a stand out as opposed to the other fourteen. Mark could see why Victoria claimed that 15 was the finest specimen. He wasn't so sure about 4, however. Unlike the other girls, 15 showed an attitude that none other possessed. And frankly, it was attractive.

The air of defiance around her was what made Mark, and possibly a number of the other guys who had been paying close attention, be particularly interested in her. She wasn't a push over. And it was literally an invitation for people to want to test her boundaries. Could she walk the talk?

Aliyah's stiffened reaction to his tug against her nipple was amusing to Mark. He barely used any strength. Yet, it drew quite an amount of breath from her. She seemed incredibly sensitive. And the captain made it a point to make a mental note of that.

As the morning progressed, the seniors girls had been monitoring closely, the overperformers, and the underperformers. And Aliyah certainly had outshone. Perhaps, it was a blessing in disguise for her, and that it helped that being stark naked brought her more attention than it did with the rest of the girls. Indeed, even 4 seemed to be doing pretty well despite her sheepish and naturally avoidant manner of dealing with the boys.

Towards the final moments just before she had been called in to join the Polo Captain, some of the boys were already starting to test the system. Some slipped notes between Aliyah's cleavage, some between her butt cracks, others, between her pussy folds, expecting her to clasp her thighs together to keep them in place. By then, it was probable that Aliyah must have already accumulated a ballpark estimate of about just over $250 within the span of an hour, which wasn't a bad at all record considering that the party would at least run all the way through into the afternoon.

Mark was entertained by Aliyah's attempt at trying to strike a bargain. If she had pushed a little more, he might have well been willing to chip in a little more than $25. But a deal was a deal.

"Was this all you wanted? Were you starting to feel a little lonely?"

That elicited a grin on the posh boy, whose hair was waxed above his face so-fine, with a chiseled broad bare top that was disproportionately larger than the lighter bottom half of his bottom, which was stereotypical of a swimmer's body.

"If only you can read my mind right now and see all the things I would love to do to you."

He smirked. In one dexterous manoeuvre, he spun Aliyah's body around until her back was facing against him, and her bare front, greeting the bigger crowd of boys, which most of them were fixating their eyes on the emerging spectacle. Unlike in the house of BOB, Aliyah had no place to hide, and was likely going to be forced on display to the lecherous eyes of testosterone packed sporting lads at least for quite a while.

He grabbed his tanning lotion bottle that was placed by an adjacent pool table, squeezed out a generous amount until he coated his entire palm, before he began to massage both sides of her shoulder blades with deep, firm kneads.

"You've worked hard, initiate. Let me give you a bit of a deserved treat for being such an eye candy for me. Wouldn't wish for your flawless skin to be ruined by the UVs." The large palms were strong, as were the pressure of his fingers, which pressed deep into her tissues that led to waves of ticklishness, as a result from all the tension that had been gathered around her shoulders over the past few days.

His hands would slowly glide down south. His touches, ever so sensual, taking his sweet time feeling up the sumptuous curves on both sides of her body. He avoided her breasts for the time being, instead, worked his way over both her hands, then down to her thighs, calves, ankles and feet. At each point, he paid careful attention into ensuring his fingers dug in deep to her muscle fibers. Each time his fingers travelled back up north, it took the route of her inner thighs, nails very teasingly grazing ever so lightly against the sensitive stretch, coming so painfully close to her bare waxed cunt, only to disappoint at the very final second by withdrawing away just before his digits could come into contact with her sex.

The thigh tease went on for almost seven agonising minutes.

Eventually his hands rode up all the way until they arrived at her breasts, before a focused massage began, making swirls around her side boobs on every glide, to then grope her milky mounts from down under. He ensured his fingers brushed against the entirety of both her areolas, rinse repeat.

Another seven minutes passed, before Mark was sure he noticed the grinding of his thigh against her bare sex, which had been ongoing the entire time, had gone progressively slicker, thanks to certain build up of lubricating discharge.

".. do you feel what I am feeling?" He leaned into her right ear, whispering in. "Please, do tell me about it." Every touch of his fingers stimulated her hypersensitive drugged nerves, wherever they went, his two palms felt quite like two minty, heated massage stones, sensually gliding over her form.

Eventually, he twirled her around 180 to have her facing down towards him.
"Tell me. Would you have liked me to fuck you, right here, right now?" He paused, before he began to peel down his surf shorts, until it plopped onto the tiled flooring beneath them. Hence revealed, a fine throbbing cock that was standing at a modest 6.2 inches. It seemed like every single dick Aliyah had encountered so far, had managed to put Benji's to shame, forming an impression of a false average. There must have been something about the people that she was hanging out with that seemed to be constantly beating the population norm. Testosterone for one, could be a suspect. "I would love to. It's just a shame that your president wouldn't allow."

Mark teased, before he began to stroke his thick phallus that for some inexplicable reason, looked incredibly juicy. The enticing cock taunting, so close, yet so far. "Tell me doll. What would you have liked to do with my cock, right now? Say it all out loud, so my lads could all get to hear your dirty little thoughts." It was becoming increasingly evident that Mark was a man who was fond of the talk.


Aliyah had been trying to keep track of how much she was making throughout the day. Frankly, she had thought the loft goal of $1150 was too farfetched, specifically designed for her and Casey to fail. But as more bills slid her way, she felt it might actually be possible after all. But she couldn't devote her attention to just Mark, she needed to try to get as much as she could from everyone. With that in mind, she had been quick to leave Mark once they reached the pool.

It could have been seen as her fleeing from the most brazen of the group, but she saw it instead as hopefully leaving the man wanting her to come back. She did her best to keep her word to Casey, trying to stick close to the girl within reason, but it wasn't always feasible in the end. Casey was innocent and demure, which had its own appeal to quite a few of the guys. It seemed that when she realized that, she played on it hard.

Aliyah's plan of leaving Mark behind seemed to have worked out in her favor. Of course, other girls had rotated through plenty of times hoping to catch the Captain's eye, and subsequently his wallet, but it seemed none were as successful as Aliyah had been as he eventually called her back over to him. She wanted nothing more than to wipe that grin off of his face, but how could she possibly hope to when she needed to keep him happy, so his wallet stayed open to her? That was easily the most frustrating part about this whole day. Aliyah needed to remain as passive as possible to avoid riling up any feathers.

“Maybe you should share those thoughts with me, could give me a few ideas for the future.” She smiled while Mark gave her a smirk before turning her around quickly so she was facing the crowd. Aliyah couldn't resist but to look over her shoulder to see just what Mark thought he was doing. She gasped softly as he brought his hands lathered in the tanning lotion to her skin, her spine straightening on reflex against the contrast of the heat from her body and the cool feeling, before relaxing into his touch with a slight moan of relief.

Oh. My. God.

She had to be dreaming, at some point in the morning she had gotten too hot and passed out and was dreaming right now. Why else did Mark's hands feel so goddamn good? Every bit of tension in her body melted away under the guidance of his firm touch as he so kindly shared his sun lotion with her. Mark had a certain appeal to him, he was easy on the eyes, sure, but he wasn't really Aliyah's type. There was no spark of initial attraction that would make her want to try to push the rules Victoria had set in place for the guys, so why could she not stop her hips from rolling in tandem with his hands as he explored her body. Each sweep of his fingers sent small tingles down her spine, while each exhale was steadily growing heavier and heavier.

Aliyah arched her back just the slightest bit, almost casually pressing herself into his hands for a better feel of his hands against her breasts, while he leaned forward just the slightest bit. The warm sensation of his breath against her ear drew her eyes to close as she moved her hands to Mark's thigh, holding on to him in a bid to try to stop her body from moving. “I have no idea what you're talking about.” They both knew her breathless response was a lie. How could she not feel how the movements of her hips were steadily getting easier with each passing minute?

She was glad when Mark finally turned her body back around, allowing her to face him, even if that meant he could see just how flushed her face was. It gave her a slight opportunity to keep the reactions that were growing harder and harder to hide guarded from the others around them. Her hands naturally returned to his leg once she was settled again, helping to keep her balance. Mark's question caught her off guard, she must have really been acting like a slut if he thought that was the case. But surely her body was simply reacting naturally to the soft sensual pleasure, right?

She didn't respond to his question right away, in fact, she couldn't as Mark pulled his hands away from her to lower his shorts. Without being asked, Aliyah lifted herself from his thigh to allow his trunks to slip past her before she took her seat once more. “Right now? In this middle of this party?” She could feel that familiar spike of adrenaline she had felt in the club with Roderick. But she didn't say no. Her eyes drifted downward slowly as if she wasn't sure she wanted to allow herself to look while he unabashedly bared himself regardless of the people around them. He didn't need to admit that he wanted to fuck her, she could tell from how hard his cock was.

Hearing him admit it though, unashamed of his own desire, that was incredibly attractive. She had just started to bring her gaze back up to his face when he reached out, not to touch her again, but to stroke himself. Aliyah's fingers tightened against Mark's thigh at the sight. God, she wanted to replace his hands so badly. It was so hard to look away from Mark's hand, bringing her gaze back to his own as she leaned in towards him just the slightest bit.

“If you want to hear what's going through my head right now, you have to pay up. If you want your boys to hear too, then you have to make it double. The more you pay, the more you'll get to hear about what I would love to do to you.” She had started this morning with a clear goal in mind; flirt and tease as much as she could and as often as she could to fill her pouch quickly. Her goal wasn't even to get food at this point, though it would be nice. She just wanted some damn clothes back.

But that goal was becoming less clear as the day went on. She couldn't understand why, since arriving at UCB, it seemed as if she was facing an insatiable hunger that didn't go away until she was well and truly exhausted. Each and every guy she had run into was like a unique drug that she just couldn't get away from. The closer she got to someone, the closer she needed to be. She wanted to care about the fact that so many eyes were on them, especially after Mark took his trunks off, but she couldn't focus on anything or anyone else.

It was fascinating how Aliyah - a sorority novice - knew just how to play the game. She had been humble at the start of orientation, believing herself to be lacking the dating experience, after only having entered college with just one proper long term relationship in her bag of experience, dealing with the opposite gender beyond the platonic level.

But she had proven herself over the course of the last week, up until the present day, that she was a natural tease. She had the confidence to believe herself to be exceptionally desirable, and wasn't even afraid to walk away from the most prized trophy of the water polo team. She did the same with Jason. And in both cases, two very powerful, influential men, did eventually relent and came back to her on their own accord. It was remarkable how she was able to play it so cool, holding onto that undisputed belief that she had got the men wrapped around her fingers.

"Maybe you should share those thoughts with me, could give me a few ideas for the future."

"For the future? So you're keen about us hanging out one on one, sometime?" Mark let out a soft grin. "That means you're gonna have to leave me your number. Whenever I come down to Cali again, I'll be sure to drop you a call."

"Back to your question - I reckon I'll take you out to the beach since we're at Cali, and we'll make sweet hard love by a discreet corner, on the sands."
"I'll pound you so good, you'll beg for me to stop."
"I'll toss you around like a ragdoll, as we run through the list of Kamasutra poses."
"But at this very moment right now... I'd sure love to taste you."

His words whispered into her ear, while his hands roamed around her body with complete liberty. It was a joy for Mark to witness every subtle reaction that was coming off from her body as a result of his touches - the irregular breaths, the occasional involuntary spasms, the arch of her back just so she could force her breasts more into his palms, and the way she was sliding her sex to and fro against the length of his thigh.

He felt like a king.

".. do you feel what I am feeling?"
"I have no idea what you're talking about."

Mark let out a light scoff. Of course she knew. He had been in the game long enough to understand the absurdity of her lie. If she wanted to play, he would play along with her. The captain smirked, sliding down his fingers to give the circumference of her womanhood a few rubs - the first 'almost' direct contact after fifteen torturous minutes of winding up the nerves of her body. He gathered a generous amount of her own wetness by the tips of her fingers, before slipping them pass her lips to allow the entire length of her tongue to savour the coat on his fingers.

"Is that clearer to you now?"
"Would you mind telling me what this is?"

Mark teased sensually, clearly keen on making her vocalise the state of her mind and body out loud. The more she tried to feign innocence, the more he wanted to push. After all, given her series of rather bold displays since the start of the morning, he wouldn't buy for a second, that Aliyah would be that innocent. And he was going to force her into admitting the lie she was playing at. He wanted to see if Aliyah was as ballsy as she put herself out to be.

When he turned her around, he could see how pinkish her face had turn. And it was definitely nothing to do with the sun. He was so tempted to reach in for a kiss, but decided it was probably more fun to keep her hot and bothered without much of an outlet to release her steam. He was oblivious of course, to the fact that the girl that was sat on him was drugged. And thus, he attributed it all to his 'suaveness', wanting to bask in that moment of glory a little longer, to reap the fruits of what he thought he sowed.

"Tell me. Would you have liked me to fuck you, right here, right now?"
"Right now? In this middle of this party?"

"Mmh hmm. I would."
"But I asked if you'd like that."

Again, he was trying to draw a desired response. Aliyah elicited another smug grin on his face, as she tightened the grip of her hand against his thigh when he began to stroke himself. It was clear as day that she was getting increasingly aroused, given the fact that her eyes were transfixed at his attempt at masturbation. And her pupils looked undeniably diluted.

"If you want to hear what's going through my head right now, you have to pay up. If you want your boys to hear too, then you have to make it double. The more you pay, the more you'll get to hear about what I would love to do to you."

Mark softly snorted, the persistent grin remained. "You fortunate Barbie. Where else on earth would someone pay for you to give you a full body massage? And now, you want more out from me?". He teased. But despite his protest, he pulled out his wallet. He drew 100.. 200.. 300.. 400.... 500. The captain rolled it all up together like it was some kind of joint, before stuffing it into her mouth, leaned to one side of her cheek to give her a peck, before whispering on.

"Kiss and tell."


Oh, the temptation to correct Mark as he so smugly assumed that her insinuation for using his ideas for the future involved him. Luckily, with her back to him, he wasn't able to see the way she rolled her eyes as he smoothly suggested she leave behind her number for him. “I'm not so sure if it's worth my while to give you my number.” That most certainly would not be happening. But she at least listened, closing her eyes as he explained to her what he would like to do.

She could have laughed, after all, the last guy who said he was going to make her beg him to stop, wound up being the one begging instead. That little memory brought a smile to her lips as she rocked her head back just the slightest bit. She loved the way his hands felt on her body, but fuck, she needed more. The moment he dipped his hand lower, Aliyah's body jolted, her nails biting into Mark's leg as her smile quickly faded away while she bit her bottom lip. He was so close to touching her, but refused to do so. She made sure that the agony of being denied that bit of pleasure was felt as he slipped his fingers into her mouth.

Aliyah did lap at his digits, but not before closing her teeth down onto him in a firm hold that she knew would leave a mark behind. She didn't bite him hard enough to hurt him, but hard enough for him to know she wasn't happy with his little game. Once she had licked his fingers clean, she finally released him before looking over her shoulders, looking rather smug. “Tastes like sun tan lotion to me.” She wasn't about to cave for him that easily.

Once he had turned her around, she knew she needed to be more careful with her facial expressions. But truthfully it wasn't an issue at all as he continued to press her for a proper answer to his question. Roderick hadn't been kidding, it seemed, when he had warned her that she would need to get used to being watched. Why was it that these college guys all seemed to be into putting on a show for everyone else? She hummed thoughtfully for a moment as she tilted her head back and forth. “I don't think I would like it here. This chair doesn't seem to be very comfy.”

It was the safest answer she could give while still avoiding giving Mark and outright yes or no. If only he knew that she really had no interest in him. Of course, the way her body was working against his leg, it would be hard for him to figure that out. As she insisted on getting more money out of him, she expected him to laugh at her. After all, she was already on his lap, so why should he pay her?

When the wallet came out, Aliyah watched with delight as Mark pulled out $500, it seemed that he had been holding out earlier in his initial gift of 50. She knew that since he had actually put forth the money she couldn't just play coy and dance around the topic, she owed him that much at least. But as he gave her a sweet little kiss on her cheek, she knew she could at least stall for a moment. “You call that a kiss?” She slipped the roll of bills from between her lips and into her pouch, which felt much lighter than it had earlier after seeing such a large amount.

“If you're going to demand I kiss and tell, at least kiss me right.” She cupped his face in both of her hands to help pull him closer, so he met her halfway as she leaned into him. Aliyah made sure to pour the same amount of passion into their kiss as what she had given Roderick, making her earlier show she had given Victoria and the others with Casey seem like nothing. She showed little hesitation as her tongue swept past Mark's lips, immediately aiming to take control, while a handful of the onlookers cheered at the spectacle.

Aliyah however didn't give Mark long to enjoy it however, after only a minute or two she pulled back, sweeping her hands down to his bare chest and giving him a slight push to create more space between them. “I'm not much of an exhibitionist, but if it weren't for these rules, I would have no complaints with taking you up to my room right now. I'd be more than happy to show you just how quickly you would be the one begging. Begging me to stop teasing you,” She slowly lowered her hands along his chest as she talked with a soft smile that rivaled the words coming from her mouth.

“Begging me to let you touch me, to finally get that taste of me that you want. But most importantly, you'd be begging me for a release while I ride you slowly. If there's one thing I'd love to teach you, it's that you aren't the Captain when you're with me.” Aliyah stopped, her hands above his navel as her smile turned into a smirk. She would need to remember to give Bentley and Roderick both a big thank you for giving her a bit of practice. “I bet you're all talk anyway. Toss me around like a rag doll? Please.” It was surprisingly easily for her to carry herself as if she were single. After all, the only person present who knew the truth was Sabrina, and she trusted her friend enough not to let anything slip.

If there was one thing she had learned in the span of the two weeks she had been at Berkeley, it was that she had a natural knack for being able to push buttons. Whether that was necessarily a good thing or not, really, depending on who she was pushing and why. In the case of Mark, she knew that nothing was going to happen between the two of them, which gave her the impression that she could push him just as hard as she had Bentley. The downside to it all, was Mark wasn't the only one being pushed. The movements of Aliyah's hips had turned more subtle, but she was still grinding herself slowly against Mark's thigh.
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