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𓍼 E N S N A R E D ‎ IN ‎ D E S I R E 𓍼 ɴsғᴡ » ᶠᶦᶜᵏˡᵉⱽᶦˣᵉⁿ ˣ ᴷᵉᶦᵗʰ ᴸᵒᵍᵃⁿ «

Benji was still reconditioning his body back to sleeping norm, after his night's out had somewhat fucked up this sleep cycle. It was a gradual process, but he found himself only able to head to bed at around 3.50am the next day. It was a slight improvement from the previous. And that also meant he still woke up pass twelve noon the next day, around quarter pass two. One of the first few things he did, was to drop a return text to Aliyah. Trivial as it was, he felt guilty at first for his very delayed response to his girlfriend once again.

I'm such a shitty boyfriend. He quietly mused to himself, not so much of self-deprecation - although he had the propensity to do so -, but of mild amusement.

But as the day gone by, he no longer felt as bad once Aliyah seemed to be doing the exact thing back to him.

2.17pm<Benji Boo 💓>: Morning babe:heart:
2.17pm<Benji Boo 💓>:
Urgh I hope this doesn't happen on school day tomorrow
2.18pm<Benji Boo 💓>: Just got up.

2.24pm<Benji Boo 💓>: So what's on your agenda today?

5.36pm<Benji Boo 💓>: How has your day gone 😊?

6.21pm<Benji Boo 💓>: Wow you're finally online!

9.36pm<Benji Boo 💓>: You're still alive, right?! 😱

If not for the fact that Aliyah checked into her messenger once to drop Sabrina a message to inform of her whereabouts just before meeting up with her at ACO's house, which updated her 'Last Seen' status, Benji might have genuinely thought she has gotten into some sort of trouble. But then, his messages continued to be left unread judging from the grey tick labels. The Aliyah of the past would have whined, spammed cute emojis at his lagged text responses. Mildly annoying as it was back then, he suddenly felt like he actually quite missed that in the present day. Instead, the reverse was happening. How had things come to this?

They say you can tell what a person is like, and the kind of lover that they are, through their kisses. And Roderick was putting up quite an introduction. His tongue furiously wrestled against hers, fuelled by her relentless attempts at trying to pin his pink mould to the base of her mouth, and at times, even trying to push their tongues into the territory of his mouth. It was a game of reverse tug of war, and her fiery persona was making him want to give her back more in turn - it was a vicious cycle of passion exchange.

And that prolonged kiss was setting the stage of expectations and anticipation, of what could be and the promises of the night to come. And that was why Rod, and even some of the boys, couldn't wait for the ride back to their frat house to be over sooner, some moments later.

"S-Sure I do,"
"For as long as the moon's up."

It was a novelty for Aliyah. But for the boys, that particular frat house culture had been around for quite some time. It was a sure way for the house's boys to be quickly acquainted to the different girls, ranging from girlfriends to downright sluts, in the most efficient of ways. It was a quick ceremony. But it held way more information than it meets the eyes - it provided a quick vibe check of the girls, as well as a review of which girls would be worth pursuing next for themselves, and which were completely taken and, or, out of bounds. And the new girl Aliyah was certainly drawing some serious interest and intrigue from the rest of the boys.

Unbeknownst to her, she was starting to build the first foundations of her reputation that very night. And it was only a matter of time before she would start to feel the impact of her reputation getting to her.

"Before I forget."
"Didn't want to end up accidentally walking away with that."

"Very considerate of you. Though the night has just barely begun." Rod teased, and took back the barely utilised card with quiet relief.

"Why aren't you part of the frat?"

"I like my freedom, and some alone time. Frat's fun. But it's too hectic for my liking. Plus, I get to have my own living space. It's rather cozy, and I don't get a pool or a pool table. But at least I can walk from the bedroom to the kitchen knowing that it would happen in peace."

"Well, if I need a pool, I'd just tag along with the lads. The boys here seem cool with me frequenting around here. We know each other since most of us are in sports. Sure, I don't get the full perks of being in the house of the Bobcats, or BOB, or very informally Beta Omega Beta - That's what they call themselves by the way -, but I'm some kind of an honorary member."

"I feel like I'm getting the best of both worlds."

It was then that a few random BOB boys stealthily sneaked upon Aliyah from behind, before their nimble fingers snapped the hooks of her top apart, and the zipper of her skirt quickly undone. In no time, was she stripped down to nothing. Her phone plonked against the vinyl flooring. But thankfully, it seemed like her phone casing had nullified the impact of the fall.

The BOB boys 'confiscated' all her belongings, and then dumped them by a certain basket just beside the entrance to the house, and a label on top of the basket had the words 'Reclamation Point' printed over it. It seemed the boys had already planned for the girls who had entered the house to be completely devoid of distraction, and dedicate herself to her vows for the night. Simultaneously and almost as soon, the hall erupted into wild cheers, at the sight of the reveal of Aliyah's panty-less figure.

"What have you boys got there?"
"She's gone the whole night out commando?"

Roderick only responded with a soft grin on his face, then lifted Aliyah in a bridal carry the next moment, before he began ascending the stairs, with the other three guys following suit.



The house chanted in synchrony. And Aliyah got a taster of boys in their most juvenile state.

Roderick's room was situated at the heart of the frat house by the second level, sandwiched by rooms all around.

His room wasn't that much bigger than Aliyah's dorm room. It was probably about one length of a wardrobe size bigger, and that it came with an en-suite bathroom. And the atmosphere of the room was most definitely very male-esque, if not, lowkey sci-fi.

It did come with a queen sized bed. And that was probably the most important furniture for the evening, as far as the night was concerned.

Roderick wasted no time, tossing Ali with her butt settled down against his comforter, before he dexterously peeled off his shirt, as the girl was granted the sight of probably, the most beautifully sculptured piece of male form she has ever witnessed in person till date.

His muscles were forming deep valleys along the divide of his chest, down to his abdominals, and even branching out to the sides. The V-shaped torso was blatantly evident, along with the form of his pelvis.

Following which, he was quick to join her up top, by pushing her back down against his bed sheets, before he resumed with the kiss that the left off when they were at the club previously.

And only just seconds before, if she thought she had just seen a god of a body, three more bulls with relatively similar builds were starting to show from her peripheral vision, as they took off their clothes one by one. They all varied in sizes. Daniel was the broadest of them all, while Bentley had the deepest muscle ridges. Darius was the smallest. But even he looked like he could easily pin Benji down with the form of his body. And what he lacked in height and mass, he could make up for it with pace and agility due to his lower center of gravity. He was the rugby team's star speedster after all.

And while Roderick still had his jeans on, the other three were already dropping their pants down. Before long, she was introduced to a buffet of cocks. Again, they all came in various form and sizes. But one thing was for certain - Benji could not hold a candle to any of the lads as far as manhoods were concerned. Darius being the most petite of the lot was already at a ball park estimate of a six and a quarter, almost an inch more than Benji. And the fact that they were all clean shaved, if not waxed, made their manly tools looked more terrifying then they seemed.

In time, the three guys got onto each remaining unoccupied sides of the bed, and knelt close to where Aliyah was laid. Their majestic cocks, all in point blank view, throbbing very close to Aliyah. And the air around, was filled with a dizzying amount of raw, masculine muskiness that constantly gushed into her nostrils on every inhalation. And just like in the club, hands began roaming all across her body once more, feeling her up. The only difference between the club and the bedroom scene, was that the touches of the hands were now fearless, and came with a lot more conviction and consistency, groping, smacking against her tits and the side of her ass cheeks.

"Tell us, girl. Who will you be for the rest of the night for us? Be as literary and poetic as you can." Darius smacked against one side of her facial cheek a few times softly to probe her on.
Though it wasn't what she was used to, Aliyah found herself enjoying the back and forth between herself and Roderick. Benji always did what she wanted to do, it was like an unspoken agreement between the two of them that he would rather let her have what she wanted than to try and put up any sort of fight. She knew it was because he didn't want to upset her, but the fight was fun. Even if she knew she wouldn't come out on top, it was fun to make someone work for what they wanted instead of simply handing it over.

While Aliyah was distracted by her conversation with Daniel, it gave the random boys the perfect opportunity to sneak in. She might not have even noticed until her top and skirt were already undone if it wasn't for the faintest brush of fingertips against her spine that made her gasp and jump slightly. The boys moved quickly and efficiently, clearly, this wasn't their first time, and they didn't miss a thing, not even the panties she still had curled in her fingers. “What the hell?” Her eyes immediately honed in on Roderick as her arms wrapped around her midriff, but he simply grinned before scooping her off of her feet.

Everything had been taken, including her phone, which had been one of the first things picked up off the floor. Though she was in a house full of strangers, there was no concern about leaving it behind. Not only was it password protected, so anyone who might've gotten the smart idea to try and go through her things would have a tough time, but the only thing she might've needed to worry about was if Benji called and someone took it upon themselves to answer. But given how late it had gotten and the fact that she hadn't texted him all day, she didn't even consider that to be worth worrying over. Instead, she turned a playful glare up to Roderick, who was carrying her upstairs.

“On second thought, maybe I should've suggested my dorm room.” Aliyah grumbled as she momentarily buried her face into her hands. Flashing a bartender unexpectedly was one thing, flashing an entire frat house? Her stomach was basically flipping over on end at this point. A freshman dorm room was small, but her lack of a roommate made the room seem a bit bigger, and she had pushed the beds together, turning her twin XL almost into a queen. She was just glad that she wasn't forced to walk through the house naked, or she might've really turned tail and ran then. It wasn't surprising how easily Roderick had picked her up, to someone like him, she probably weighed next to nothing, but the warmth of his body was surprisingly comforting while simultaneously keeping that slight buzz that was racing across her skin alive.

She didn't even bother taking a chance to look around his room. Once Roderick had dropped her down onto his bed, she squirmed back, just enough to create more room before her movements froze, her attention solely locked on the man in front of her. Aliyah's mouth watered as she watched him pull his shirt over his head, the motion caused his muscles to flex and stretch just the slightest bit. How unfair was it for a guy like that to possibly exist? Well, she might've felt that way for the split second that remained between Rod's shirt coming off and the rest of the group following suit. She had enough time to let her eyes sweep over each body before she was pushed back against the bed as Rod found her lips again.

Aliyah knew that she was a petite girl, in height and build she was rather small, but surrounded by these men she felt downright tiny. She felt as if they could all break her with ease and all it would take was just one errant squeeze if they wanted to, but she was no more intimidated now than she had been at the club. She made sure that she didn't simply hand over control, just like she had at the bar, as she hooked her right arm around Roderick's neck to allow herself to take hold of his hair while her left hand took the opportunity to explore the muscles in his shoulder and arm.

The bed shifted around the pair, but she didn't need to open her eyes to know it was because the other three had joined them. She could smell them. She had never thought much about the natural scent of a guy before, but in this moment it was far more intoxicating than any shot she could have taken. The sounds of her moans were swallowed up by Rod as her body squirmed against the hands on her body. Her bare thighs shifted and rubbed against Rod's slowly, while her back occasionally lifted off of the bed in a bid to try and press herself harder against the touches. She had been denied a release twice already, she refused to let it happen a third time.

Somehow, over the sound of her own heavy breathing, she was able to hear Darius' question. Who would she be for them? She tilted her head away from Rod, forcing him to finally give her an opportunity to breathe, but not before her teeth captured his bottom lip to give him a little bite. Her swollen lips were parted slightly as she panted, the lipstick she had worn was smeared. She knew that there were marks likely forming along her neck from Roderick's earlier attention he had given it, and the harder the guys squeezed or the more often they gave her body slaps, the more her fair skin was littered with the outline of fingers. There wasn't a single part of her that reflected the same girl who had tried to resist behind the barrier of a boyfriend. Even her eyes were slightly dazed, her mind trying to process everything she was feeling fast enough to keep up.

“I'll be whoever you want me to be tonight. Do you want a slut who's here strictly for your use and entertainment? I can do that. Or do you want a 'provisional wife' who'll worship each and every one of you? I would think you've had plenty of sluts before already, so why don't you just let me worship you all as you deserve?” She certainly wasn't talking like someone who was in a new position, and for the first time that night, Aliyah shifted her attention away from Rod longer than just a look. Her fingers untangled from Rod's hair and traveled the few inches that spanned the gap between herself and Darius as she spoke.

Her nails swept up his thigh slowly, a speed like what she had used to tease Roderick before she had given him his lap dance. Her eyes bounced between Darius' and his cock, before turning to give the other two the same look as well. One thing she certainly wasn't used to was making sure that no one felt left out, multiple partners meant making sure her attention was spread between them all rather than focusing on just one. She might not have sounded like someone who had limited experience, but she was certainly starting to show in subtle ways that she was.

"On second thought, maybe I should've suggested my dorm room."

"So invite me to your dorm room next time then, and I'll gladly do you there." Roderick calmly quipped. If she was already embarrassed, she hadn't thought about the walk of shame she would have to do eventually, in full nudity, just to retrieve her belongings from the main front door, for she literally had nothing on her.

It was funny how Aliyah thought it was unfair that Roderick possessed the perfect body that he had, instead of counting her blessings of how fortunate she was that very night to be given an opportunity to explore such perfection - and not one, but four specimens. Pornography made it seem like it gangbangs were a commonality. But the truth was that planning for a gangbang in real life involved many legitimate concerns that could deter one from happening. To name a few, being able to find a group of men that a girl was comfortable enough to entrust her body to, how appealing the group was, the sexual chemistry. But Aliyah managed to find all the puzzle pieces in the right places, within just a span of a few hours. The best part of it all, was that she didn't come looking for it, but it just fell unexpectedly right by her feet.

What were the odds?

Roderick's panting had gotten heavier by the minute, as he felt the way Ali very skillfully, dragged her nails against the many muscle ridges across his entire frontal and back form. She might be inexperienced. But her touches were so good, it was almost as if she was a natural, that she was born to please in bed. She knew how to inject sensuality, and she could puppeteer a man's body into heaving his chest according to the pace of her touches. She knew how to tease, and draw a greater reaction out of Roderick, or by extension of likelihood, men in general.

And then there were the sounds of her sweet moans that were oh-so-angelic. Those sounds of lust were enough to drive the four guys into a certain state of frenzy. She was like a siren singing saccharine melodies to beckon fit sailor boys into wanting to plough her. And plough they wanted to do to Aliyah, as evident from how dark red and incredibly swollen each of their cock heads were at that point. Each of their rods, thumping and throbbing hard to their rising heartbeats.

"I'll be whoever you want me to be tonight. Do you want a slut who's here strictly for your use and entertainment? I can do that. Or do you want a 'provisional wife' who'll worship each and every one of you? I would think you've had plenty of sluts before already, so why don't you just let me worship you all as you deserve?"

"... fuck..."
"... well we deserved to be worshipped, of course."
"But you? Perhaps you can start off your regime of worshipping by being humble, and tell us that you don't deserve to be fucked by such perfect cocks and perfect guys."
"But we're nice. So we're giving you the opportunity to get a taste of real men. Perhaps you should be thinking about thanking us for this opportunity right now, hmm?"

Darius had a thing for humiliation, and was feeling hot enough to want to test Aliyah's waters, especially with her fingers lingering against his thighs. Meanwhile, Roderick was the last to drop his jeans. And when he did, he did not disappoint. Save the best for the last, they say.

He sensually peeled his jeans and boxers down, when he noticed that Aliyah was staring right at him for period. Rod's rod was the largest yet. He was probably close to a seven and a half, fitting for a size of a vice-captain, who certainly had the tool to lead by example. And his girth? Aliyah most definitely would not be able to form a full circle around the circumference of over half of his manhood if she attempted to wrap her fingers around it.

He was so long, his foreskin couldn't cover up his cockhead. That left his manly tip showing off its glistening, clean, shiny surface.

"It'd be a great honour for the future cheer captain to worship and serve me, and my boys. We should really set the record straight right now first, shouldn't we?"

"When you become captain, and I become captain too one day, so we both know who is bind to the other in servitude, who owns the other's body whole, along with her club?"

Rod smirked, before he settled down against the edge of the bed, with his legs spread apart, shaft erected up high and proud. His massive balls that hinted just the kind of load that was likely contained within, hanging down against the pull of gravity.

"What's wrong?" Bentley commented, when Aliyah looked like she was stationary in place for a moment, with no more than her eyes shifting their gazes between the faces of the different guys and their respective cocks. "You don't associate yourself as a typical slut. So shouldn't you be showing us what a stand out, future cheer captain-cum-provisional wife is made of? I reckon she should know how to take initiatives and tend to the needs of her man, men, without being told to do so, shouldn't she?" The blonde taunted. It was clear that Aliyah had talked a lot throughout the evening. And this was her first opportunity yet, to walk the talk. She might have given hints that she was all new to this. But this wasn't the guys' problem to address, nor to assist her with. She spoke of gritting, of persevering, and being able to adapt to the hostile culture of UCB quickly. She was on her own. And she would need to learn on the job and utilise her own brain and wits to do so.

Aliyah had made her complaint as a slight joke, plenty of other girls had seen her get into Jason's car just yesterday. If she suddenly brought back a different guy, the rumors would start flying at Mach speed. No, her dorm room would become her safe space. She was already making one mistake after the other, and having one place that wasn't tainted in some way would help to keep her sane at the end of the day.

She could hear Roderick's heavier breathing just as much as she could feel it in the way his chest would press against her own. Having the ability and skill to draw reactions like that out of a man like this was a big boost to her ego. She wondered how they might react to know that she had only ever slept with one guy before, and it was the same guy she had been sleeping with for the past few years now. When they finally pulled apart from each other and Roderick sat up just the slightest bit, it gave her the chance to move.

Aliyah wiggled her way out from under Rod, bringing herself closer to Darius as she smiled up at him from below his cock. “You are absolutely right. I don't know how I got so lucky to wind up here, I just hope I don't disappoint anyone.” As she moved to sit up, she let the length of his member glide against her cheek, bringing herself just high enough so he was nestled between the clefts of her tits as she kissed along his abdomen. Thank you for this opportunity, I promise I'm going to do my best to make you all happy.” Her voice had taken on a sultry purr as she rubbed her breasts against Darius' cock, before Roderick moving out of the corner of her eye stole her attention away.

She watched with slightly widened eyes as Rod took his time stripping himself down, revealing himself inch by inch, was easily the hardest tease he had given her yet. She had subconsciously pulled away from Darius, enraptured by the little show Rod was putting on as his cock finally sprung free. If she had thought him a devil earlier in the night with his sweet words, he only drove that point home as he offered her a sort of pact.

She and her girls belonging to him and his, the idea made her laugh just the slightest bit, and unlike downstairs, she didn't try to hold it in this time. She saw being the captain of a team as something different, whether she was the oldest member or not, she saw the position as one in which you not only guide and teach your teammates but protect them as well. Her eyes flicked back over to Bentley as he spoke up, her amused smile only growing as he seemed to take up Rod's mantle from the club when he had been growing impatient.

“Oh, I'm sorry Bentley, was I not moving things along fast enough for you? I just wanted a chance to commit this picture here to memory while I could.” Aliyah paused as she motioned to all four of them, before shrugging her shoulders as she sat up straighter. “I would've assumed you'd be fine with a moment to breathe, after all, what was it, Darius? An average of an hour?” She glanced over at Darius even though she knew she was right before leaning towards Bentley, her fingertips stroking down the length of his cock with a featherlight touch.

“Or maybe I just want to hear you beg.” If he thought he could taunt her so easily without Aliyah giving anything in return, Bentley would be sorely mistaken. She had a type A personality, she was competitive by nature, and being pushed forward by the drug and liquor in her system, she saw no reason to hold back. Her fingers skated across the tip of his cock, catching the pre-cum that was building on her index finger before lifting it to her mouth. She made a show of licking her finger clean, nice, and slow as she let out an appreciative hum. “Not bad.” Aliyah smirked before leaning away to gather her legs under her.

She crawled the short distance to where Roderick had settled, the positioning was almost similar to how they had been on the sofa at the club. She wanted to dispute his words, his idea that he would own every part of her including her girls once she took over. But she had already set herself down the path for that to be a reality the moment she willingly joined them in that private room. Despite the fact that they had broken her resolve down, it wasn't an incredibly hard task for them to do. In truth, between Jason and Sabrina, it had already been crumbling. But she knew about the confusion and conflict she was personally facing and didn't want to see someone who looked up to her going through the same thing.

She couldn't help herself as she leaned in close as though she would give him a kiss. “And what if this is just all part of my plan? To get you and your boys wrapped around my fingers, so you're the ones serving me?” Aliyah pulled her body back just the slightest bit as both of her hands traveled up Roderick's thighs, creating a base for her as she lowered herself down until his cock was just inches from her lips. Each exhale washed over his length as she wrapped her fingers around him to the best of her ability. Her hand was practically dwarfed against his size, but she didn't shy away as she flattened her tongue to leave a glistening trail from base to tip.

She did it twice more to leave enough saliva behind to comfortably start gliding her hand along his length as she shifted her attention down to his balls. While she made extra care of how sensitive they could be it didn't keep her from coaxing one into her mouth, her tongue exploring each curve before she let it go to do the same to the other, alternating between the two while her hand worked itself into a solid pace with the occasional rotation of her wrist to make sure every inch of him was covered and touched at some point.

Aliyah continued to toy with Rod for a few moments longer before finally lifting her head, her hand slowing just the slightest bit while she leaned forward, allowing a generous amount of spit to dribble from between her lips to give herself more lubricant. She swiped her tongue across her lips as she lowered her head to his lap once more, this time stuffing her mouth full as she swallowed down inch after inch until he was pressed to the back of her throat. She was only able to take down about four inches before her shoulders would start to twitch as the muffled sounds of her gagging were quick to fill the room.

She didn't leave the rest of him forgotten about, however, her hand taking care of the inches that she couldn't reach while her left hand curled into the sheets between the two of them. She could have easily been touching herself, doing what she could to give herself a bit of relief, but she didn't want to give any of them ammunition to taunt her with. Aliyah lifted her eyes once to peek up at Rod, curious to catch his expression, before having to close her eyes. Trying her hardest to resist the twitches of her hips as she pressed her thighs together tightly to create a sense of friction.
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"You are absolutely right. I don't know how I got so lucky to wind up here, I just hope I don't disappoint anyone."
"Thank you for this opportunity, I promise I'm going to do my best to make you all happy."

Even though Aliyah responded in a manner that Darius had demanded of her, there was still a slight sense of dissatisfaction for the darker man. It had something to do with the choice of words that she used - they didn't sound particularly submissive beyond the superficial level. No pleases. No signs of unconditional submission. But that didn't come as a surprise. Aliyah had showed from the very beginning, that she had got a lot of fight in her. And she was not like the bigger majority of the girls, who would be fine with simply rolling over to a man's whims and fancies.

Engaging Aliyah was stimulating, exciting, but frustrating at the same time. She looked the sort that needed a proper alpha to tame her completely. That was the satisfaction that Darius was seeking for - the opportunity to witness defeat and submission live in the face of the girl; the satisfaction of seeing a girl as proud as her, have her ego shattered, simply because it feels good. It seemed however, that it was going to be quite a handful of a task to rein in a girl like Aliyah, at least, for Darius, or maybe even perhaps, any of the other boys in the group of four.

Roderick might have come the closest. But even he found the going tough in moments. There was a reason why the lads genuinely felt that Ali had the potential to be the next big thing around the sporting fraternity. And it showed through the way she had been interacting with them.

"Oh, I'm sorry Bentley, was I not moving things along fast enough for you? I just wanted a chance to commit this picture here to memory while I could."
"I would've assumed you'd be fine with a moment to breathe, after all, what was it, Darius? An average of an hour?"

"Or maybe I just want to hear you beg."

What sass. What audacity. Those words of hers only served to further drive the point about the girl, that petite as she might be, she was still holding her footings relatively well even in the face of four over towering guys. Naturally, the males had a physical advantage over the girl. But if she endeavoured to win the battle against them, she would have to avoid engaging them on their turf, and play the game to her advantage.

"Trying to be a smarty pants, huh?"
Bentley was really fired up by Aliyah's attempt at passive aggressiveness, as he couldn't help, but reach for her cheeks, cupping it in a V-shape grip, before lashing a singular slap across her face with mild to moderate strength. For a man who possessed the kind of muscles that he had, he seemed to be holding back. Perhaps he quietly understood that they were threading into very precarious territory, and that an overexertion might end up ruining the night for everyone involved. It all boiled down to how much of a dominant predisposition the guys had. And as it stood, Jason and Roderick were the ones who were most unafraid to push Aliyah's boundaries. The big questions that were left hanging, was just how far Aliyah could tolerate before she reaches her threshold, and just how far Roderick and Jason are capable of pushing Aliyah before their conscience steps in to put a stop to things?

Bentley wanted to say more, but all he could bring himself to retort, was "Bitch...". It was the way she brushed her fingertips against his manhood that impeded his ability to think and come up with something better to fire back at the girl. The male genitalia - a paradox, in which something that looks so powerful and majestic, can also be so very vulnerable at the same time.

"Not bad."

It was safe to say that Aliyah had come up tops against Bentley, for now. The hard truth, was that he wanted, needed Aliyah to touch him more. Her fingers had laced a form of feminine poison onto one of his biggest source of pride, that had him trembling in frailty. But he couldn't really admit it, for that would essentially mean proving her point right. Worst, he could certainly anticipate that Aliyah was only going to double down and make him beg for real, if he let her in on just how maddeningly aroused he was at that moment in time.

"And what if this is just all part of my plan? To get you and your boys wrapped around my fingers, so you're the ones serving me?"

Roderick was stirred, as much as he wouldn't ever admit it, when she leaned in dangerously close for a kiss, but never quite connected. It was curious, if it was a move that she had unconsciously picked up from Jason.

"HA. I suppose we'll find out soon enough." Rod rebutted. "But that's quite poor on your part to be revealing your plan, if that was your intention. Only just a moment ago, you expressed your desire to worship. And now, you're trying to make us do the reverse?"

"How about yo- oohhh!"
Rod almost immediately swung his head back the moment Aliyah sank her mouth down onto the length of his shaft, or at least, she tried to take on his monstrosity. His mouth hung a wide O, and his eyes scrunched tight shut. There was the faintest of signs of his lips trembling. The sensation of her hot wet cavern blanketing his man rod, was overwhelming.

Having said that, Roderick could guess that deep throating wasn't something Aliyah was quite experienced with, given how she barely took just over half of his shaft. There were girls he had slept with before that could manage more than that. But her raw talent that was showing through from the movements of her tongue, and her willingness to soldier on despite the difficulty she was facing, was admirable, and hinted of a girl who had all the attributes and will to learn and practice, to go on to become a sex goddess that most men would go head over heels and worship unconditionally.

And while Aliyah was fully focused on her task at hand, with both her hands, mouth and mind occupied with trying to coax the vice-captain towards defeat in their battle of egos, she was backstabbed - literally - from behind by a surprise attack.

The silent man struck once more when everyone least expected. With his trademark no-nonsense attitude, he rammed his fine 6'9 incher right into the crux of her womanhood. Of all people, the Asian ninjaed in, and stole the bragging rights to taking Aliyah's collegiate virginity, and the second cock she had ever taken inside of her in her life.

Hence began her body count.

"What the fuck, Daniel. Not cool. It was supposed to be my birthday gift. and you're unwrapping it?"
"You guys have wasted too much time."
"The guys had been wasting your time, hadn't they?"

Daniel brushed his strong palm against the length of her spine to feel her, and also doubling down as an attempt at gesturing to her that his last question was directed at her. Giving her barely any moment to answer, he started to pick up the pace in an almost steep increment. No foreplay was needed, as Daniel felt that Aliyah's pleasure tunnel was already as slick as a seal.

She got a sense that she hadn't given Darius what he had been hoping for, but never having to be the one to plead or beg, he had gotten the best that he was going to get. For now at least. But even though it might not have been exactly what he was wanting to hear from her, it seemed to be good enough as he didn't demand that she try again, giving her the chance to turn her focus on Bentley. The only one who didn't seem to want to join in on the quips was Daniel, which she found curious, but was simply one less person for her mind to bounce between for the moment.

While Aliyah hadn't been expecting to elicit a physical response out of Bentley, she saw any reaction to her little quips as a slight win. Her smile didn't even falter when he had reached out to take hold of her face in a firm grip. She saw the slap coming at the last second, having just enough time to close her eyes on instinct when his hand connected with her cheek harder than what Darius had previously. It stung, and though she knew he hadn't hit her hard with the intention of actually hurting her, he didn't seem angry, which was good enough for her. The slap didn't make her reconsider her words and apologize, in fact, it made her that much more determined to have the last word.

Though he barely managed to bite out the word bitch, it seemed she did indeed get the last word in, as he had no retort to give as she licked her finger clean. The soft chuckle she gave him told that she knew she had gotten the upper hand. Unfortunately for her, he didn't give her anything to push her teasing further, which if he had, she most certainly would have run with it the moment she had the opportunity to. She was truly starting to understand what Sabrina had meant by claiming her body was a weapon, and maybe if she had been with just one of the guys she would have had an easier time at testing that theory. But between the four of them, she could really only get away with so much before another had taken her attention.

Aliyah would have grinned if she could at the sight of Rod rocking his head back. She had doubts of course that she was any good with her tongue, only ever getting one man's input before didn't serve as very good ways to learn and grow, but she was a quick learner. Taking note of what made Roderick seem to twitch the most, what made him draw his breath in or hold it, just to do it all over again. She was in no rush to try and get him off, for all of the teasing he had given her earlier, it was a chance to pay him back while also possibly honing her skills a bit more.

It would have been easy to lift her head and taunt him, to insist that he finish his sentence she had so rudely interrupted, but even she knew that would probably be taking things a bit too far. The teasing and taunts were all fun until the line was crossed and someone truly got annoyed. She was experiencing people for the first time that were willing to match her level of stubbornness, but given the fact she didn't know how much she could push any of them, she didn't want to run the risk of ruining the mood.

With her focusing so intently on Rod, she didn't even notice the way the bed shifted, but she opened her eyes again when she felt hands on her hips just before she was filled to the brim. Aliyah's eyes rolled as she gasped, or tried to with her mouth still stuffed, before letting out a strangled moan of delight. Just his entrance alone was nearly enough to send her plummeting into bliss, but somehow she managed to hold on. The hand that had been gripping the sheets between her legs moved instead to Roderick's thigh to help give herself a wider stance.

The last person she had expected to be behind her was Daniel. She had thought that it might've been Bentley, until Roderick voiced his complaint. While Daniel traced her spine, she arched it downward slowly, following the path his hand had made as she pressed her hips back against him harder. The motion ensured he had the perfect angle while still allowing her the control to not neglect Rod.

She knew that his question was directed at her, but just as she had started to lift her head from Rod's lap, Daniel started to work himself into a pace that practically drove her head back down. That dizzying sensation she had felt back in the club was quick to return as her mind struggled to pick which guy to focus on. Her tongue was still working against Rod while Daniel's thrusts dictated the pace at which her head bobbed, but her hand had stopped moving, focused more on helping to try and hold her still as those muffled moans shifted in pitch.

Roderick had claimed at the club that he would be the first guy in college to make her cum, but it seemed that her college virginity wasn't the only thing Daniel had taken from Rod, as just moments after finding the pace that he wanted, Aliyah was finally able to tip over that edge. The hand on Roderick's thigh tightened its grip as her body shuddered, small waves of tremors coursing through her as the wet sound of Daniel fucking her seemed to echo through the room while her own arousal rolled down the inside of her thighs.

During her orgasm, she had unwittingly buried her head further down the length of Roderick's cock than she had before, effectively suffocating herself until stars seemed to dance across her vision. Before her face could turn too red, she picked her head up, taking her mouth away for the first time with a shuddering gasp. "Oh fuck." It was the first time her moans had been unhindered, her voice slightly husky from the burn in her throat as she took the opportunity to try her best to breathe. "Please don't stop."

She knew how badly she needed that release, but she had thought that it might've been followed up by a crushing sense of guilt. She was riding her euphoric high too much to even consider the weight of what she had done, of what she was continuing to do, as she lowered her head again to Rod's balls to buy herself more time to breathe. In the matter of just hours she had gone from a date with one man, to winding up in bed with four others, none of whom she had known long enough to even be able to call them friends.

There had been times with Benji where she had faked an orgasm, in fact, it happened more times than not. For the longest time, it made her wonder if there was something wrong with her. Yet here she was now with another man behind her, dripping on someone else's bed and craving more. It was like puzzle pieces slowly falling into place. It wasn't her who was the problem, Benji was just so... gentle. He was so sweet and chivalrous that even if she tried to tell him that she wanted more from him, it just would've felt wrong from him. He didn't strike her as the kind of guy capable of simply taking what he wanted. Not like these guys, at least.

The smile that flashed on Aliyah's face despite the slap lashed against her cheek was an epic proverbial middle finger to Bentley's face. And Ali's thought about attention being stretched between the different individuals went both ways. In the case of Bentley, had he been alone with Ali, he would have followed up by upping the ante and attempted to 'teach her a good lesson' for having the audacity to taunt him. But it was hard with her heart and focus not set on him solely. It broke any chance of forming a one on one interpersonal chemistry, as the build up to the fiery little competition that was going on between the two kept getting rapidly doused by her other little competitions that was unique between her and each and every other guys in the room.

It was hard to build any sort of momentum of passion. It was difficult to do so with a group of boys that all fell within the similar league of dominance. Sure, Roderick might have edged out a little bit over the rest. But even he could not convincingly establish a foothold of extended command over the other boys for too long. They were a close knit group of boys for a reason. They vibed with one another. That also meant that a certain level of respect and compromise for one another was inevitable. Neither of the boys could exercise their selfish desires on Aliyah for too long. And so they had to make do with the carousel of attention.

The true winner in that room was arguably Aliyah, being the center of the limelight, being showered by the attention that each boy was secretly craving to give more. But Aliyah just didn't have the capacity to receive them all at once. She was being satisfied to the brim at all times, while all the other guys, had to wait for their turn to come.

It was safe to say, Roderick was getting the lion's share of Aliyah's treatment in general. As to why that was the case, was to anyone's guess. And Roderick was certainly lapping up the affection that she was displaying to his prized manhood, greedily. Any penned up desire to taunt Aliyah, quickly went down the drain, when she started to pick up the pace against his cock. His thighs literally trembled hard every time the tip of her tongue grazed across the pee-hole by his tip.

There were uncontrollable jerks which Rod was lowkey embarrassed at how he was losing complete agency over the control of his very own bodily muscles, to the much smaller girl, that as nestled between his legs. It was like even his body had decided to abandon his cause and joined Ali's dark side, together laughing right at his face that all his prior taunts and threats counted for nothing, and that at that very moment, his body was being puppeteer-ed by the delicate and naturally talented fingers and tongue of the so-called 'inexperienced' fresher.

"...ooohhh fuckk.."
".. so good.."

Rod muttered very meekly under his breath. He wasn't sure if he wanted to give away himself so early in the game. But Aliyah was that good, so much so that even his tongue was starting to betray him. His pelvis was already betraying him, as they unconsciously lifted itself closer to Aliyah in tandem with her forward sucking, just so he could get more of his cock wrapped around her mouth so fine.

"Ohh FUCK."

Rod let it out loud even before he was aware that he did. He felt the residue effect of Daniel plunging into Aliyah out of nowhere, through the sudden tightened grip with her fingers around the base of his cock, and the way she hummed so unexpectedly against his immensely pressurised cock head that resulted in vibrations coursing through every nerve end on his shaft that her mouth came in contact with.

It was funny how of all people, Daniel was the one who had gotten the furthest in coaxing the most satisfying reactions out of Aliyah. The way she instinctually complied without even being verbally asked to, to arch her form in accordance with the way his fingers thread against the length of her spine. Daniel was making her dance with his fingers. It might have been an accidental display, but it sure looked like Daniel had masterfully tamed Aliyah into obedience. And while Aliyah had been denying Rod, Bentley and Darius for most of the evening, she just mindlessly threw her womanly core right onto the assaulting pelvis, without giving more than a second's thought to it.

"Oh fuck."
"Please don't stop."

If only Ali could see the faintest of smugness that crept onto his face for a second. Without a word, the Asian just gave the group a masterclass of how a dom-sub dynamic was done. Actions spoke louder than words.

"Did you just come? Daniel barely drilled you for more than a minute!"

Roderick spoke with a part amused, part exasperated tone, before his mouth was once again flooded by his involuntary moans, and his head lolled back, at the feel of Aliyah sinking her head back down onto his ginormous rod, inching more and more of his meat down towards her throat. If practice was what she needed, she was working on one of the finest and thickest tools she could possibly find to work herself up the ladder.

Daniel barely gave Aliyah much time to recover her breaths, before he was already thrusting his 6'9 back in. It started with deliberate, slow and shallow thrusts, that served as a non-verbal taunt in respond to her begging him to 'don't stop'. Again, no words, but through his action, he was showing her who was really in control.

After a good five minutes of fanning her flames of frustration, without warning, he rammed his glorious length back into wince it belonged. He accelerated right up to the proverbial high way speed, even leaning forward to hook an arm around her body to latch her form tight to him, ensuring that she had no place to flee, but to take his thrusting, just like how a wife should be dutifully bend over for the husband's pleasure in a fantasized patriarchal society.

An ensuing non-stop three minutes of persistent and consistent drilling, and Aliyah was brought to her second orgasm of the night.


But Daniel didn't stop right there. While she was still running through the motions of her second orgasm, he was already yanking her hips back right up for another go. Three seconds. Three seconds was all Aliyah had to immerse in the tremors of her orgasm, before Daniel was already pounding back into her like a beast. She had to feel the after shocks rocking through her and handle the sensation of her pleasure canal being stretched by the beefy cock latched between her inner walls at the same time.

Her third orgasm wasn't too far away either, as it came after about four minutes of undisrupted mechanical pounding. This time, Daniel didn't even stop thrusting, despite her body seemingly convulsing uncontrollably. If anything, Daniel only found himself attempting to pin down Aliyah in place further by her neck. That was because Daniel himself was 'selfishly' building towards his own peak. For the next minute, Aliyah had to deal with the arduous sensation of having to deal with sensory overdrive like she did right during her second orgasm. Only this time, she was made to experience the overload from start to end.

"Mmmff.. I'm cumming."

Those were the first words he had spoken after huffing and panting for the last quarter of an hour or so. The next moment, he withdraw his cock from her, before squirting what must have felt like a rich thick load, coating a good portion of the region of her ass up to her lower back. The man seeds were so freshly baked, she could feel the heated warmness of them splattering down onto her porcelain skin.

Seeing that Aliyah had been momentarily fatigued, coupled with the fiery tension that had been building up throughout the night's banter, Bentley faltered, and jumped in at the opportunity to taunt her in her moment of vulnerability. He grabbed a handful of her hair, yanking it down, to have her face him while she was still trying to recover her breaths, and then landed a generous amount of spit across her face.

"It's going to be a long night ahead for you, baby."


Aliyah could feel every little twitch and jerk that Roderick made, each motion only further bolstering her ego. But there was nothing more satisfying than the sounds of his moans and compliments, no matter how much he tried to hide them. She had teased Bentley about possibly making him beg her, but the way Roderick was trying to control himself made her want to push him even more. Every time she lifted her head she made sure to change the way she moved her tongue, occasionally flicking it off of the tip in a quick teasing manner, or rubbing her tongue against him slowly trying to feel every inch like a lollipop.

She felt his hips starting to twitch upwards in time with when she would swing her head back down, and at first, Aliyah hesitated. It took her a moment to get used to the sensation of him helping to push deeper into her throat, but even as her throat constricted in resistance and her shoulders trembled while she choked and gagged, she still tried her best. Her efforts were clear, she wasn't doing some half-assed job just to get it over with, she was making sure that Rod was enjoying it.

Aliyah couldn't tell if Roderick was complaining or taunting her for her quick orgasm. She debated pointing out the fact that if he hadn't been teasing her all night, she wouldn't have been nearly as pent-up. If he had wanted to be the first of the four to get her off, then he should've stopped screwing around. But she was learning that there was a better way to shut a guy up than to verbally spar with him. With a sharp exhale of air through her nose, she purposely swallowed down more of his cock than she had before, the sounds of his moans quickly returning while Daniel gave her his own form of taunting.

Her brows furrowed as she whined, her hips twitching back in clear demand for more. Trying to feel him deeper inside of her, to turn the slow thrusts into harder ones. But no matter how hard she tried, he refused to relent. It took her about three minutes before Aliyah was the one who caved, stilling her hips despite each little whimper he drew out of her. After another two minutes, Daniel finally gave her what she so desperately wanted, wrapping his arm around her body to make sure she didn't pull away from him. Even though there was nowhere for her to go, she certainly wasn't complaining.

She had no choice but to pull her mouth off of Rod as her head began to spin, there had been an assumption that since she had already cummed once, that it might take a bit more work for her to find another release. Having never had multiple orgasms before, she had no idea just how wrong she was. All the first one did was seem to turn up the sensitivity of her body, as just minutes after Daniel had settled into the pace he wanted, Aliyah's hips were lurching downward on instinct as she cried out in pleasure.

He didn't hesitate to lift her hips back to where he needed them, not bothering to give her any time to come down from her high before he was right back to his earlier pace. “Wait, wait, please! Fucking God. The pleasure was overwhelming, there might've even been tears springing to life in her eyes, but Aliyah had closed them tight quickly the moment her vision had blurred. She had finally released Roderick from her hold, having to plant both of her hands on the bed just to try to keep herself from collapsing.

Her third orgasm was her most mind-shattering. Having multiple in quick succession was enough to drive any woman into oblivion, but adding in the fact that she wasn't given any time to recover or ride it out, which only prolonged the sensations? It was enough to make someone who had been depraved for so long become addicted. She wasn't able to pull her hips away the third time, instead, Daniel took hold of the back of her neck, burying her against Roderick's pelvis to make sure she couldn't disrupt his rhythm this time even as her body twitched and convulsed under his.

Aliyah was relieved that there was no need for her to tell Daniel to pull out of her, as words surely would have failed her. Thankfully, he took the initiative on his own before releasing his seed across her ass and back. If Daniel was any indication of what the others might have in store for her, she knew that come morning time she was going to be sore. She moved slowly as she picked herself up from Roderick's lap once she felt Daniel's hand had released her neck.

Now that she was finally given a chance to calm down, she didn't hesitate to take it, but it wasn't long before she felt fingers fisting her hair to pick her head up. Her lips were parted as she panted for air, while Bentley tilted her head towards him, spitting onto her face while taunting her. She flinched just the slightest bit, nothing more than a natural reaction, and what little bit landed in her mouth was quickly swallowed. Unlike previously, she had no quick retort to give Bentley in return, as if Daniel had pounded the attitude right out of her.

“Isn't that the point of coming back with four guys instead of one?” Even though she had hesitated for a minute to find the right words, it seemed that the fire inside of her wasn't put out for long as a hint of her earlier sass peaked back out again. Seeing how each guy interacted with her when they had a chance really just made her curious to know how things might've gone if she had gone back with one rather than all of them. She certainly didn't regret the decision she had made, though.

With Bentley's fingers in her hair, she had to be careful with how she moved. It was clear from the way her movements were hesitant that she was waiting to see if he would allow her the chance to pick herself up so she could kneel rather than being stuck on her hands and knees. “If you promise not to tease me, then I promise I'll be a good girl for you.” Aliyah offered with a sweet, innocent little smile. Now that Daniel had finally given her a taste of what tonight would truly be like for her, she didn't want to keep playing games.

Given the fact that Rod missed out on his chance of being the first to fuck her, part of which was her own fault for choosing to tease him, she saw no harm at all in giving the others more attention. This had all started because of Rod, it had just felt natural to give him the bulk of her focus, but now the only thing she felt guilty about was neglecting the others. Aliyah ran the nails of her right hand along Bentley's side, teasing just under his ribs before working her way down to his hip while leaning forward.

“You want me to be a good girl for you, right? Or would you rather I keep fighting with you so you have no choice but to punish me?” Her hot breath fanned across the length of his cock, her lips occasionally brushing against the tip as she spoke, but other than what seemed to be accidental touches from her lips, Aliyah purposely avoided letting Bentley truly feel her. Not until she got her answer from him. Every guy was different, she just needed to figure out what each one wanted most out of his partner to draw them in more.
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"Wait wait, please! Fucking God."

"Please." Daniel echoed in amusement at the first hearing of her genuinely begging for the first time, his eyes briefly glanced upon the rest of the other guys, before he continued to dedicate his thrusts to her that might have been a bit much for Aliyah, but for Daniel, he was pacing it as if he was simply cruising along and hadn't even gone to his maximum possible speed.

Obviously, Daniel wasn't going to release her. He was having the time of his life for the night, basking in the glory of the dark horse sweeping in for the prized asset, while everyone else were too busy bickering amongst themselves. He was going to milk Aliyah while he could, and milked he did, both literally, and figuratively.

By the time Aliyah was attempting to recover from the ordeal Daniel had put her through, he gave her an innocent smile. One could never judge a book by its cover.

The time for savouring sweet victory and suffering the shame of a defeat was short lived however, when Bentley was quick to demand for Aliyah's attention, after Daniel has had his fun. The Asian could settle down for a breather, whereas Ali has three more at least to go. There was no immediate return jab from Ali when he disrespectfully manhandled her scalp and followed it up with a spit on her face. Daniel must have exhausted her will a bit. But her defiance was still omnipresent in the way she took his spit in her stride by swallowing it, like she just dished a second proverbial middle finger into his face yet again, within the span of half an hour.

Bentley couldn't explain why. But he was fuming. Not so much in the form of full blown anger, but the exasperation and irritation that resulted from his compulsive combative nature, which made him unable to stand Aliyah's incredibly bratty attitude. One of the things one would see common amongst the elite athletes of UCB, was their penchant for being very competitive. But Bentley was on the end of the extreme. Their banter was fun and games. But he was one to take every challenge too seriously, be it being a game or not. He needed to win this against Ali. Why he had this deep desire to do so? The lads had their suspicion after knowing Bentley for quite a while.

But for Aliyah, if she were to dig deeper into the mystifying mind of the blonde, she would eventually discover over time that beneath that bulk of muscles, laid a man with quite a fragile ego.

"Isn't that the point of coming back with four guys instead of one?"

Clearly, Aliyah wasn't any close to surrendering.

".. yeah? We'll see if you still relish taking on four by the end of the night, slut."

Bentley retorted with a grin and a couple of light-to-moderate condescending slaps on one side of her cheek. First it was the manhandling, and then the spit. When none of them seemed to faze her much, then came the name calling. Bentley was really fired up to push Aliyah to the end.

"If you promise not to tease me, then I promise I'll be a good girl for you."

"Oh, you have no idea. I want to do more than just tease you at this point." Bentley had to do his mightiest just to suppress a grunt, when she brushed her nails against his ribbed form. It ended with him parting his lips a little, but without making any sound. And the faintest hint of his eyes narrowing and rolling back for a split second, before he pulled himself back together. It was like he was fighting against the devil succubus.

"You want me to be a good girl for you, right? Or would you rather I keep fighting with you so you have no choice but to punish me?"

"You're so fucking astray, of course you deserved to be punished. It's a shame we can't get ourselves some alone time for me to properly dish it out to you without distraction." His look was a mix of smug and sternness. Or at least, he tried to put up a strong front.

Roderick groaned, and Darius seemed to be on camp Rod. "No fucking way I'm waiting no more. You two can play your little games with one another after Rod and I are done with you, girl." With that, Darius, took Aliyah by her wrist and shoved her by her chest back down against the sheets. Roderick was already hungry for more, and like a thirsted wolf, he took his position down between her legs. Darius narrowed his eyes in mild annoyance, as he wanted Ali for himself. But he couldn't bring himself to dismiss his vice-captain and birthday boy, and decided to let it pass just that evening.

Instead, he hopped and straddled himself just beneath Aliyah's bosoms, positioned his cock along her cleavage valley, before he began tit fucking her. In the mean time, Roderick returned Ali the favour, by aggressively sucking and lapping up her puffed up pussy lips. All his pent up sexual frustration that resulted from Ali's teasing, he let it all out, by feasting on her soaking wetness, as if her nectar was the only source of cure for his burgeoning thirst.


It was a hasty round of re-foreplay that lasted for a good five minutes or so - that was, if Aliyah even needed them still. That was when Roderick figured he had done enough to even up with Aliyah for the service that she had provided to his throbbing member for the night. Admittedly, he could have done more. But he was overwhelmed with need. Daniel had stolen his prize. And he wasn't going to miss out on the opportunity of attaining the next best spot on the podium.

Within a few seconds, he adjusted himself by first laying himself down with his back against the bed. With one hand, he hooked it around Aliyah's waist and pulled her on top of him like a rag doll. And like a marksman, he managed to slip his 7'5 into her the first time round. But it wasn't done with ease, not because Aliyah wasn't already soaking wet enough, but due to the sheer size of the vice-captain. They needed to wiggle their hips a bit in order to ease her in.

Once Rod was firmly lodged into her, Darius followed suit behind. Telepathically, the pair had decided to be kind enough to plan it such that the lesser cock of the two was responsible for filling up her rear, though the lesser wasn't that much lesser in the grand scheme of things. Once the duo had accommodated their sinewy rods into her two holes, they began to attempt finding the right thrusting rhythm.

At the beginning, it was relatively clumsy for the two. The way they went at it, it was likely that this was probably the guys' first attempt at double penetrating a girl. The issue laid in the form of the two monstrous cocks constantly in the way of one another. Despite being separated by that one stretch of Aliyah's fibrous walls, they could easily feel the bulge protruding from the thrusts coming from the opposing side. But after some trial an error for a good two to three minutes, they eventually figured that the best momentum was to thrust not in tandem, but in a consecutive see-sawing motion, in which one entered only when the other had exited. That freed up more space for each cock to penetrate deep into their respective holes to the fullest during their turn. That almost meant at any one time, Aliyah was completely stuffed in her rear.

Meanwhile, Bentley was relegated to the sidelines once more, being the only one that was left out from the real action for the night. He played games, and he found himself ending up last in line. The cumulation of sexual tension throughout the night had him subconsciously reach out to his own dick. And by Ali's periphery vision, he could be seen subtly jerking himself off to the sight of the girl being fucked. He was still too proud to admit that he wanted to take Aliyah then and there.


Aliyah had caught sight of Daniel's smile as she picked up her head, and couldn't help but purse her lips just slightly in a pout. She hadn't even been given an opportunity to try and come out on top against him, so she hated the fact that he had beat her so easily, but there were no real complaints coming from her as small tremors continued to race through her legs. With hardly a word, Daniel had shown her the difference between a boy like Benji, and a man. He knew what he wanted and took it.

Out of all of the guys around her, it seemed that she got under Bentley's skin the most. The ironic thing was that the harder he tried to push her, the harder she pushed back, and she seemed to be able to take quite a bit as Bentley tried to turn up the heat on her, but the moment he called her a slut her bravado slipped. The muscle in her jaw tightened as she clenched her teeth, which subsequently caused the slaps to sting more than they should have. Or maybe they stung because of the insult. Under normal circumstances, she wouldn't have hesitated to correct him and put him in his place, but how could she deny it now?

She tried to draw a reaction out of him physically like she had before, but Bentley was better prepared this time around, refusing to give her an inch, which only made that look of smugness on his face all the more frustrating. She deserved to be punished? Aliyah let out a sharp scoff and a roll of her eyes, but the sound was likely drowned out by Roderick's groan of annoyance.

She had to admit that when Darius took hold of her wrist to pull her away from Bentley, she wasn't too disappointed. The desire to defend herself despite the truth of the words was just as conflicting as everything else she had experienced tonight, but the moment she was pushed back onto the bed with Roderick pushing her legs apart to give himself room as he buried his face between her thighs it was all forgotten about.

Darius straddled her chest as her hips rolled against Rod's tongue, unlike him, she wasn't trying to deny herself just how much she was enjoying his mouth. She dipped three of her fingers into her mouth, scooping up a generous amount of saliva before smearing it across Darius' cock as she pressed her breasts tighter around him. She could practically feel the frustration and impatience in both of their actions, but Roderick especially was making no attempt to hide it now. It was perfectly understandable, after all, he had received the most teasing out of everyone and yet it was the one guy who received no teasing at all who got to her first. She might've found the situation a little amusing if she had been an observer, but as a participant, she really didn't care that much. Everyone would get their turn eventually, so did it really matter who went first or last?

Despite the slight falter in her attitude that had come from Bentley's taunting, Aliyah was still soaking wet. With heavy-lidded eyes, the sounds of her pure pleasure-filled moans were quick to return. After about five minutes there was a slight quiver in her thighs, she wasn't quite on the brink of another orgasm, but she was certainly heading in the right direction. Just as her thighs started to shake, Roderick pulled away, the warmth of his mouth disappearing and without a word between the two men, even Darius slipped off of her.

There was a clear look of disappointment in her eyes until she felt Roderick wrap his arm around her waist and pull her with ease onto his lap. Aliyah's head tipped back as she rocked her hips just the slightest bit, helping to slide her body down inch by inch as her toes curled. By the time she was seated firmly on Rod's lap, her shoulders had lifted from tension, she had never been penetrated so deeply before and while Roderick might've felt like he had his prize taken away from him, he was still claiming a part of her that was unlikely to be contested in the future.

Her fingertips traced the planes of his chest as she sucked in a shuddering breath, giving her body a chance to adjust to the size of him before she was pushed from behind. Darius had to push her down slightly to give himself the right angle. “D-Darius you can't!” There was panic in her voice as she felt him move behind her, pressing against her rear, which automatically caused her to flinch. With Rod buried inside of her, there was only so much she could do to try and pull away, not that it mattered. Before she knew it, he had worked the tip inside of her. There was no denying the fact that it hurt, she was being stretched to her limit because of Rod, and the way her body was tensed up wasn't making it any easier on Darius. Daniel wasn't the only one to claim a virginity tonight, as she tried her best to relax to help Darius ease inside of her, wincing on occasion when her body would tense again. “It's t-too much.” She bit out her complaints through a clenched jaw, squeezing her eyes shut tight as she tried her best to keep the discomfort off of her face.

Aliyah's hands, which had been resting on Rod's chest, had turned to fists. Her head lowered as she took short, shallow breaths, afraid to jostle her body. By the time Darius had stopped moving, she felt as if she was on the verge of passing out until they started to move again. There was a slightly uncomfortable burn as the two of them tried to find their rhythm against one another, but the resulting sensation once they had found that working opposite of one another was easiest was electrifying. Her fingers slowly relaxed into a more comfortable position against Rod as the tension in her shoulders and spine slowly faded out.

She opened her eyes slowly as the pair grew more comfortable and confident in the pattern they had found. From the corner of her eye, she could see Bentley slowly starting to stroke himself. There might've been the faintest hint of a smirk at the corner of her lips at the sight, after all, it served him right. Just like Roderick had learned the hard way, Bentley was facing the consequences of toying with her for too long and now had to wait even longer for his turn. It was a sense of satisfaction given the fact that she knew he had come out on top against her before Darius had pulled her away.

She couldn't keep her focus away for too long before she was losing herself in the overwhelming sensations Roderick and Darius were pushing onto her. Her thighs squeezed against Rod's hips and when her body tensed up again, driving her hips down the best she could, it wasn't from pain but from her fourth orgasm. Aliyah's nails scratched against Rod's chest with each convulsion, by the time she was able to suck in a sharp breath of air there was a noticeable sheen beginning to form along her forehead and neck. Wisps of her hair stuck to her skin, and despite the fact that she should've been close to wanting to tap, Aliyah showed no signs of slowing down. Four real orgasms were a lot for one person, each one blurred her mind a little bit more each time.

Daniel was clearly one that didn't care for beating around the bush. Keeping his profile low allowed him to launch an assault on Aliyah when she least expected, and when her guard against him was low. It was efficient, effective, and it got the job done. Daniel had established himself to be a person who was more than what meets the eyes. Yet, still much of him remained a mystery.

Bentley believed that the thing he had going on with Aliyah as it stood, ended in a stalemate. He couldn't guess what was running through her mind, nor was he able to pick up on any signs of physical cues that might give him an idea of just how affected she had been by his name calling insult. She seemed ambivalent, which was irksome. The clenching of her jaws and teeth, and any other subtle reactions were beyond the ability of his naked eyes to be able to pick them up. And the scoff and rolling of her eyes weren't exactly satisfying his idealised reaction from her.

The action of lubricating Darius' rod by scooping her own saliva, and then cupping her own tits to offer her cleavage tunnel for him to savour, was probably the most submissive move she had done for the night. And the boys were aware of that despite not having spoken about it. Ali had worshipped Rod like a king, obediently presented her cunt for Daniel to wreck havoc on it. And now, she was inviting Darius by setting up the stage for the darker lad to use her breasts at his pleasure.

There was a hint of jealousy on Bentley's part, simply because he felt left out of the actions. In all fairness to Ali, Bentley's fate was partially down to his own doing. But the man with the ego also blamed Aliyah for her stubbornness. How was it fair that she was giving the rest of the boys the treatments that she had given, and yet denying him for the most part of it? Clearly, he thought, she must be doing that to spite him.

That whore.

Everyone would get their turn eventually. At least, that was the intention at the beginning of the night. But with the way how things were unfolding between Bentley and Aliyah, would that really be the case?

The look of disappointment border lining desperation when Darius and Roderick pulled away from her briefly was a sight of absolute beauty, and what Bentley would have craved to see coming from Aliyah as her act of submission to him. That had him digging his toes into the ground in frustration at being made to be the last, of being withheld the experience. It was easy for Aliyah to think that it didn't matter which boy got to do her first or last, since she was the main subject of pamper, and she would be getting it from someone at every moment. But the guys didn't have such similar liberty, the four of them needing to wait for their turns to share just a single body. It was infuriating to say the least. But his ego just wouldn't yield. And it made the sight of him touching himself by the corner all the more pitiful. And Bentley knew that. Thus, he angled himself more and more gradually over time, to steer himself away from Aliyah's peripheral view as much as possible in a bid to not give Aliyah anymore reasons to feel smug about the situation.

"… You're a fucking goddess, you know that?"

Roderick gazed up to Aliyah with those dilated, lust drunk eyes. As she was made to straddle on top of him, he got a front view seat of Ali's gloriously stunning figure. Those full, perky sumptuous tits, those fertile looking child bearing hips of hers, and her fine, toned form ranging from her taut belly down to her thighs, that encapsulated femininity blending perfectly well with fitness. And then there was her porcelain pretty face with those bright, naturally smoky eyes of hers. He looked like he was ready to worship her in that heat of the moment. And he paid his respects, by reaching up for her tits to give them both firm squeezes and fondles to ensure that they weren't neglected, while she was adjusting herself to fit his sinewy member nicely into her.

"D-Darius you can't!"

"Yes, I can. In a few months time, you'll look back in hindsight to thank me for kickstarting, and playing a part in readying you to be in tip top condition for college."

"It's t-too much."

"But you did say you always overcome whatever challenges that had been hurled at you in the past, and will do the same to what lies ahead of you, didn't you?"

"So how is this any different?"
Darius contested her with a grin, attempting to push, if not, humble her.

"That's it baby, that's it. I see a fighter in you." There was a hint of sarcasm in Darius' tone. And it was hard to tell if he was mocking, or complimenting her as she tensed and clenched various parts of her body in her bid to grit through the pain that was apparent on her.

Darius was reasonable however, as he occasional dribbled spit down onto his shaft to keep it constantly lubricated, to help Aliyah ease into the momentum. All the trial and error meant that it took quite a while for the boys to settle into the rhythm. And that took ten minutes. The real deal only began after that, and the ensuing double penetrating motion went on for a good fifteen recording breaking minutes. Darius and Roderick were clearly taking their sweet time.

Aliyah might have a thin sheen of sweat form over her nubile body. But it was the two guys that took on the bulk of the muscle workload. They were sweating profusely, to the point where beads of sweat could be seen trickling down the ridges of their bulging muscles. If the scent of masculine pheromones wasn't already strong enough, the thickness of musk in the air resulting from the adrenaline release was converging down to a point of overwhelming. Aliyah's sandwiched body was practically bathed and smeared in a mixture of two young men's sweat, onto hers.

The two lads did not stop much for a rest, until Ali was evidently convulsing from her fourth of the night.

"... There you go, princess. Soak in our royal gift for you." Darius smirked, before lashing two hard spanks across her ass cheeks while the tremors were rocking her body. At the same time, Roderick furiously rubbed his fingers against the tip of her pussy while she was coming. It seemed that the lads were very fond of driving her into a state of sensory overdrive. If there was one way the boys could get back at her, it was to torment her when her body was at its most uncontrollable state, rendering her unable to think straight.

It was only when Aliyah's orgasm was starting to die down, that the lads flipped her back down with her back against the mattress. Darius took first liberty, jerking himself off in front of Ali, before he released his respectable load onto her belly up to as far as her chest. Once he was done, Roderick shoved Darius aside to take his spot. The lads were spontaneously treating as if it was some kind of a game, and that Aliyah's body was the playing field, competing who could get their shots the furthest. Unsurprisingly, Roderick rifled his humongous load passed Darius' best, with the bulk of it landing near and around her mouth, which led to Darius scoffing.

"Mate, I totally wasn't expecting that you were playing this game. I would have aimed better."
"Yeah, yeah." Roderick dismissed Darius' excuse, before turning his attention back to Aliyah.

"Exhausted for the night already?" Roderick teased, before he leaned in to have his lips resting beside her right ear.
"It's a shame if so, because Bentley is still watching."

"Still wanna play?"
"Call it a night?"
"Or do you want us to leave you two lovebirds alone?"
Rod grinned, before his eyes briefly gazed over to Bentley, who was the subject of his reference.

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What had seemed to start as an innocent game between herself and Bentley had somewhere along the way taken a turn. Aliyah wasn't sure if it was because she had said something wrong, maybe she had pushed that line of taunting and teasing a little too far with him, but it almost seemed as if he wasn't actually interested in her. After all, when he had been given opportunities to take his chance with her, he hadn't. It was making things far more confusing than they needed to be, and in part, it was driving her to believe that she didn't need to give Bentley quite as much attention.

Yet another reason why she had felt relieved to be pulled away from him. No one had told her what to do throughout the night, it was purely a chance for her to do what simply felt right and move on instinct. She didn't feel like she needed to put on the display that she had by wetting Darius's length between her breasts, but it felt like the right thing to do in the moment. It was a little worrying to try to figure things out on her own, relying strictly on physical cues and the sounds of their breathing and moaning to figure out if what she was doing was right or not. As easily as it could have seemed to an outsider that Aliyah was simply laying back and letting the men put in the work, she was putting in work too, just not of the same kind.

She didn't have much of a chance to adjust to Daniel's length, but it wasn't completely necessary. It wasn't an option with Rod, either he gave her a chance to adjust or risk ruining her for the night. Luckily he seemed to have no qualms about giving her that chance, of course she didn't realize at the time that it was also because he wasn't the only one she needed to get adjusted to. “Does that mean it was worth the wait?” Aliyah smiled with a sweetness that contradicted the image before Roderick.

From a slut to a goddess. These boys made her head spin in so many different ways, it was hard to keep up with the different attitudes and egos, but one thing was for sure, Aliyah loved the way Roderick was looking at her. When his hands swept upwards to her breasts, she naturally leaned into his touch just the slightest bit, enough to make sure that his touch wasn't light and gentle. Her attention however was quickly stolen away, using one hand on Rod's chest to help keep her balance as she looked over her shoulder to Darius with wide eyes.

“It just is!” It was a pitiful response when Darius asked how this was any different from any other challenge, but in her moment of slight panic, it was all she could think of. She didn't feel like she needed to admit that she had never done anal before. Her reaction was clear enough, and though she hadn't flat out told Darius to stop, he had been quick to throw her own words back at her. Aliyah parted her lips as though she was going to continue complaining, but her throat had gone dry, and any further words had died on her tongue as she turned her head back around so she wasn't craning her neck.

She had known the moment Daniel had started to fuck her that she couldn't go back to the slow and gentle methods that Benji used, the way her body so quickly accepted both Darius and Rod once they found their rhythm between each other only further drove that fact home. The rough dominating pace spoke to a side of her that she had never tried to even look for before, it did make her want to simply roll over and submit, to do whatever the guys wanted, so the pleasure never had to end. That was when she had lost herself to another orgasm.

Darius brought his hand down hard against her ass, while Rod turned his attention to her clit. The overpowering sensation of euphoria blocked out the pain she would've felt from Darius, but it did help add to it, as both jumped at the chance to get back at her while she was in her most vulnerable state. Aliyah would have tried to rock her hips back against the two in encouragement, stars danced across her vision as her breath caught in her throat, but her body wasn't in her control at this moment, it was in theirs. Her arms nearly buckled, almost dropping herself onto Rod, but she was quick to move her hands from his chest to the mattress on either side of his head.

It was only once the tremors started to slow, and she sucked in a deep shuddering breath, that Aliyah was tossed back down onto the mattress. She gave herself an opportunity to close her eyes and catch her breath, her chest rising and falling quickly for a few moments as Darius covered her stomach and chest. Once her eyes opened again, she had that same dazed look that she did when Daniel was done with her. With her panting slowing back down, she had just closed her lips when Roderick replaced Darius, unleashing himself on her as well, though his load surprisingly made it up to her face.

For a moment, she simply laid there, covered in Darius and Rod's cum, while the two bickered slightly. When Rod turned his attention back to Aliyah, she had gathered enough energy to swipe her thumb across her lips, wiping at the cum shot onto her before licking her thumb clean. She repeated the motion until she had cleaned the majority of her face off, before finally wiping the back of her hand across her face to get any little bit that she had missed.

“Me? Exhausted? I only just started feeling like I was getting a workout in. If you're just looking for a valid excuse to call it a night, you can just say that, I don't think anyone here will judge you too much.” She was exhausted though, her body wasn't used to the kind of beating it had taken tonight and there was a slight ache starting to set in. But she wasn't about to try to deny Bentley from his chance to participate, even if he had been pushing her to a different kind of breaking point just moments prior. One thing was for sure, she could push herself to take as much as they were willing to give her, but she wasn't sure if she had it in her mentally to handle another orgasm.

Lovebirds, please.” She scoffed with a playful smile before pushing herself up so she was sitting up as she stretched out her legs until the muscles quivered. “I didn't know having a chance to be alone was even an option.” She was being slightly sarcastic, after all, that would've defeated the purpose of them all coming back together, wouldn't it? Aliyah dragged her fingers through her hair slowly as she looked over to Bentley.

“Bentley, do you plan on staying over there by yourself for the night or will you come over here and have some fun too?” Honestly, she felt a bit bad for him. Of course, she had no idea what was going through any of their heads, and she had agreed to this evening under the assumption that this wasn't new for the four of them. Even still, she could only imagine that it might've been a little disheartening to be pushed to the back of the line. Maybe if she had been more experienced she could've handled the situation better to make sure that no one was truly left out, but this was a very big learning curve for her, and they were forced to deal with her inexperience the hard way.
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"Does that mean it was worth the wait?"

"I don't care if your schedule is packed to the brim. But you and me, we're fixing a time every week from next week on for play time, Ali." Roderick was already taking the liberty and making it seem as if they had just become the chummiest of friends. Did Sabrina even call Aliyah Ali before?

"Your boyfriend is fucking lucky dude, seriously. Is this how you usually fuck him?"

"Or unlucky, depending on how you see it." Darius teased, more so than he meant it as an insult to her. "No judgement here by the way. You may find comfort in knowing that more than half the girls with boyfriends around here are fucking other dudes behind their backs. This is like, the norm."

"So, we all understand. You do you."
The ambivalent attitude towards sexual infidelity wasn't just unique to Sabrina. And it seemed like birds of a feather flock together. The preexisting culture had been around for the longest time, so much so that it was difficult for anyone wanting to fit in to not get pulled towards the center of influence.

Some may be more resistant than others. But all would falter at some point, albeit to varying degrees. Some could bypass their conscience by living in blissful ignorance. Others did so by resigning themselves to the dark draws and temptations of the very contagious and baneful traditions. Very few emerged unscathed and most would have been tainted in one way or another. And here lies the transformation of Aliyah Walker, one of the best role models who had excelled in all departments in and out of school. Many touted that she would go on to become an alumni that future generations of students could look up to, whom friends and family would be proud of her achievements by the time she graduated from college. It remains to be seen how far Aliyah could be capable of falling from grace.

"It just is!"

The irony within irony, was that just over ten minutes on after her initial protest, that she had started to prove her own words to be true. Somehow, she had adapted her body to be able to handle the quality of cocks that UCB's frat life could provide her with. Yes, she showed that she had what it took mentally and physically to handle all that had been dished out on her. But that also further proved the point that she was innately, a grade-A slut, whether she believe herself to be one or not. Bentley had pointed that out earlier. There was no winning in this respect for her.

While Aliyah was experiencing her fourth release, Roderick's locked door kept getting banged on periodically, along with the wall just behind the head board of the bed. It was then that she might have realised just how incredibly hollow the walls that separated the rooms might be. Muffled loud noises and commotions can be heard coming from three of the four partitions, with the last stretch of wall being the one with windows overseeing the main street. That meant that every moan that she had elicited from her lips were most definitely audible from the immediate regions beyond the walls they were enclosed in. Every bang on the walls and doors were usually followed by bouts of laughter, happening most regularly in instances when Aliyah was shrieking to the pounding that she was receiving, as if they were listening in and making their signs of approval known.

Aliyah might be spared the blushes of being watched by strangers. But she was no less naked and exposed, as the whole house could probably hear her thoroughly enjoying herself getting ploughed by four guys. To the outsider, Aliyah was the epitome of a sporting sorority fuck toy.

And the way she lapped up Roderick's cum, galvanised that notion of her. Savouring men's seeds was an acquired taste that not all girls appreciated. But Aliyah looked like she found the delicacy to be appealing and appetizing, judging from the way she gleefully fed herself without wasting a single drop of his hot, massive, thick release.

"...Mmhh.. that was hot. Do I taste better than your.. boyfriend?"

Roderick just had to ask. Sporting frat boys being sporting frat boys, the competitive nature naturally found that question to be of interest. It was a sensitive topic that was made easier by the heat of the moment, and Darius’ earlier disclaimer note that they weren't here to judge her for her life decisions. Rather, they were more interested with what they could get out her - an opportunity to enjoy and boost their own egos at the same time, which Ali would come to realise just how common a trait that was going to be amongst the boys.

"Me? Exhausted? I only just started feeling like I was getting a workout in. If you're just looking for a valid excuse to call it a night you can just say that, I don't think anyone here will judge you too much."
"Lovebirds, please."

Rod and Darius laughed, before they turned to Bentley. If Aliyah hadn't already noticed, Bentley was the biggest bull amongst the four of them in terms of physicality. The young man's on-field nick name was 'the pit bull' for a reason. And Aliyah had been waving that red flag in front of him for far too long.

"Bentley, do you plan on staying over there by yourself for the night or will you come over here and have some fun too?"

"Make her love you, big boy." Darius said with a smirk, before giving Bentley's ass a spank when he started walking over to where she was, still lying almost lifelessly. Bentley got himself knelt down onto the base of the bed, but then grabbed hold of Aliyah's ankle to have her dragged down towards himself, rather than him sparing a bit more effort to come to her. In was in these little nuances in his actions that showed that he was very much looking to establish who was on top of the other between what they had going on.

The next moment, he hooked both arms around her back to force her into an arch, before he dexterously positioned his tip against the spread of her now puffy and swollen lips. He barely rubbed the head of his tool against the length of hers for a mere few seconds, before he plunged it in.

Bentley's cock was slightly easier to contain, coming in behind Daniel's. But having the tool was only half the battle sorted. Bentley's prowess laid in the rest of his physique. Wasting little time, he picked up his pace instantly, catching her out before she would expect his assault. The bull completely dictated the pace, position, and strength of his thrust that Aliyah was forced to take.

"Have fun, my darling. I'm going to wreck you so bad, until you beg for me to stop."

In the meantime, Darius went over to the windows, and swung each of them wide open. A fresh wave of summer breeze blew into the room as a result, easing the near sauna-like atmosphere of the room for a bit. But the heat wasn't a concern as much as how far the sounds of her lust would soon bellow like a church bell, broadcasting the state of her depravity for the house, and whoever who passes by the vicinity of the greater neighbourhood to hear.

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Aliyah quirked an eyebrow up in surprise as Roderick declared that this wouldn't be the last time they got together, which most certainly was not what she had in mind. She had no complaints about it, of course, but in truth, she didn't know how to feel about it. The conflict wasn't even about Benji, it was about Jason. She knew Roderick had seen her approach him at the event a few days ago, so wouldn't it be better for her to just cut things off with him so she didn't come across as the kind of girl trying to make her rounds through the rugby team? “Oh yeah? We'll have to see about that. Maybe I'll be able to spare you some time.” It was safest to simply leave her response vague, rather than agreeing or disagreeing in the heat of the moment.

When the topic shifted in a direction she was least expecting, Aliyah frowned as even Darius joined in. “I would much rather we didn't talk about him, please? That's not exactly a way to keep a girl's mood up.” She hadn't thought about him all night long, but now that she was, she knew she would need to come up with a reasonable excuse as to why she wouldn't be able to FaceTime with him if the marks Rod had left on her neck lingered for too long.

There was a part of her that wished she had never admitted the truth in the first place. Things could have been easier for her if she had simply kept her mouth shut about Benji, because even if that ate away at her more than it already was, at least she wouldn't run the risk of being judged for being a cheater. That very minimal excitement she had felt when he had purchased his plane ticket was nonexistent, the only thing she felt now was dread. She felt that she could easily keep him contained to her dorm room, but things would seem suspicious eventually.

Aliyah could feel the dull throb of a headache threatening to form the more she thought about it. The only thing that wasn't stressing her out was the fact that she truly believed if she ran into these guys with Benji, that they really would keep their mouths shut, just like they had at the club with Sabrina. But the same didn't go for everyone else. She glanced over to the door for a moment. She had made a quip earlier about how she should've brought them back to her room instead, but things wouldn't have been much better.

It was very likely that her floor would have been able to hear her just as easily as the occupants here, and the other freshman would have been less likely to receive the sounds as jovially as these guys did. That would certainly take some getting used to; unless someone had a place of their own that they were renting, there was no true privacy, just the illusion of it.

The first handful of times that people outside had started to make noise, Aliyah had been able to brush it off as mere chance, someone walking past the room or the neighbors on either side of Rod's room. However, it didn't stop. It would've been easy to find it annoying and distracting, but the guys were absolute masters at keeping her attention on them and never letting her mind stray for too long. There was a small sense of dread in the back of her mind, how long would it be before the inhabitants of this house started talking and people outside found out? She hadn't even had time to consider yet what she might say to Sabrina, knowing good and well that she was going to be hounded the first chance Sabrina got her alone.

Roderick's reaction to her ensuring none of his load went to waste was exactly what Aliyah had been hoping for, but that feeling of satisfaction was short-lived as he felt the need to not only bring Benji up again but to try to get her to compare them. For a moment her eyes darted towards the other three guys, looking for someone to try to help her out of this increasingly sticky situation before finally looking back to Rod. If she just flat-out agreed, it was likely that he could assume she was doing so simply to get him to drop it. With a slightly annoyed sigh, she tilted her head to the side just a touch. “I suppose you do, but I would need another taste, just to be absolutely sure about it.”

Anyone who tried to say that it all tasted the same was wrong. She had been one of those believers, but at least she had the excuse of never having tasted but one guy before. There was a noticeable difference, not just in the taste but consistency and amount as well. She had noticed with Darius too, and could only assume based off of what she felt with Daniel, but all of the guys so far didn't just outshine Benji in physique, but carried bigger loads too.

Her attention shifted to Bentley, who had seemed to withdraw himself further from the group, further enticing that piteous sensation as she called out to him. She half expected him to turn her down out of annoyance at this point, regardless of his clear need for release. Instead, he made his way over to the bed as Darius gave him teasing words of encouragement, causing her to narrow her eyes just the slightest bit before the corners of her lips curled into a smile. She may have folded rather easily for the other three thanks to her own desperation, but she was still just as stubborn as she had been.

Aliyah knew that if Bentley had demanded that she go to him, she could have done it with effort, but the fact that he saved her that bit of embarrassment by pulling her closer to him by her ankle instead was an odd bit of relief that she was grateful for, she just wouldn't give him the satisfaction of letting him know that. She hooked her legs around the backside of his thighs, helping to pull herself in closer to him as he thankfully wasted little time in trying to tease her, unlike his earlier threat, before burying himself inside of her. She gasped sharply as her hands clutched the sheets on either side of her, she winced just the slightest bit at the sting, but for once she was glad that she wasn't given a moment to adjust.

Each thrust pushed that lingering bite of pain further and further from her mind. She tightened up her core and legs around him to help hold the position he had put her in so he wouldn't have to take all of her weight, not that she weighed very much in the first place. Her eyelids fluttered as she tried to keep her eyes from rolling, trying to keep her focus on Bentley as he gave her a slight word of warning.

“Oh babe, just ask nicely… I promise I'll beg for you.” Aliyah grinned as she spoke between each heavy breath and moan to the best of her ability. Darius hadn't been talking to her when he had moved off of the bed, yet he helped to spur her on nonetheless. She had told herself she didn't have it in her to cum again, but in just a matter of minutes, she could feel that same familiar pressure building up again that made her toes start to curl in delight. She was far more sensitive by this point than she had been after all of the teasing from the bar.

Unlike the other three, she didn't simply let herself get lost in the feeling of bliss this time. What little bit of control she did have was like holding onto a fraying rope, but she held on regardless. She came for everyone else, multiple times for Daniel, she was denying Bentley that bit of satisfaction of driving her over the brink despite the clear signs that her body wanted to do so.
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"Oh yeah? We'll have to see about that. Maybe I'll be able to spare you some time."

That was a textbook avoidant answer. He and the boys had heard of that one before. But it wasn't as common of an occurrence that happened to them. So when Aliyah tried to play it cool, she had unknowingly just bumped up her market value by a notch. There was something about the haughtiness of Aliyah and the prospect of an ensuing chase that made her exceptionally enticing; the sort that every boy would wish to get their hands on, but few would succeed. If Aliyah truly meant that she was not anymore interested than a one night stand, it made Roderick want to convince her otherwise. He had been quite very smitten by Ali. The same could be said about Bentley. However, it was clear that Aliyah's more light hearted chemistry with Roderick was quite a huge contrast with Bentley's, which seemed to be quite a bit more tensed, heavier and unpredictable.

Bentley was very drawn, yet could not quite stand Aliyah's very distinct attitude that she had treated him with, as opposed to how she treated the other guys. It was a bit of a love hate pickle.

"I would much rather we didn't talk about him, please? That's not exactly a way to keep a girl's mood up."

It would have made for an entertaining spectacle, and frankly, a night of ego refuelling for the boys, had Aliyah been one to be receptive or game enough to bring the ongoing dirty talk to the next level, touching on very personal terms. However, it was clear from her response that the conflict that was going on within the girl was still very much fresh, and it was jarring enough for her to not be swayed into the dark side despite being intoxicated. Thus instinctually, the guys knew they needed to steer clear of that topic. Or rather, all the guys except Rod had it all figured out on the first instance.

It was something however, that Aliyah would have to face sooner than she realised. Given that Benji was bound to reunite with her in just three weeks. By the time, she would have been inducted as a trainee of sort into ACO - assuming that she would be granted a place over the next week. As a first year member, she would have a bulk of obligations to her frat. There would be days that she would be called in to bunk over at the ACO house during her days of obligation. She would have to pray that Benji's arrival wouldn't coincide with those days, for that would put her in an awkward situation of having a need to decide between Benji and her college life.

Or perhaps, that in itself, could serve as an unexpected blessing for Aliyah, given that she could use it as an excuse to leave Benji to himself by her dorm room, since Sabrina had once mentioned casually that ACO would not allow non-members to stay overnight at the frat house, unless they were given special permission to do so. The main hurdle, was that Aliyah needed to find a way to convince Benji to be fine with the arrangement.

"I suppose you do, but I would need another taste, just to be absolutely sure about it."

"Ooo. Looks like we're not done yet, then." Roderick replied with a soft grin. But his cock was in a state of semi-limp, as he was running through his refractory period after having just came. That was the beauty of a gangbang - that the lads could cycle and take intervals of breather. One eye raising feature of note, was that even in Roderick's limp state, he was almost as sizable to Benji's when erected. If all the testosterone fuelled male beings that Aliyah was going to encounter for the years ahead at UCB were anywhere near similar, they would most certainly ruin the bar of expectation for Aliyah for the rest of her life.

The lads watched on, as it was time for Bentley to put on his show. All three pairs of eyes ogled onto Aliyah's sumptuous form, getting pummelled by the team's bull. If there was anything the boys had learnt about Aliyah over the past three quarters of an hour or so, it was that Aliyah was incredibly sensitive. The other three guys had expected Bentley to be able to milk a fifth out of Aliyah in no time.

But after fifteen minute of relentless pounding into her in the bridged position, Bentley was starting to falter in his stamina. It was no easy feat, doing what he had done by moving his pelvis like a ship rocking violently through a monsoon, pressing on against the currents of weight, exertion and gravity. And Aliyah didn't look like she was anywhere close to an orgasm. Or rather, the lads didn't know she had been trying to fight against reaching an orgasm the entire time.

"God, this is gonna take a while. Me and the lads will head to Darius' room next door."
"Come find me when you're done, Ali, that is, if you wish to get another taste of me."
"Before I leave, can I just have a quick word with my favourite babe here?"

Roderick smirked, rudely interrupting the pair as he pulled Aliyah away from him. Bentley would have complained, if not for the fact that he could use a minute's breather. He was panting so hard. And the big lad was sweating profusely, with countless clear dew drops trickling down against his form. Even if he wished to argue, he looked like he was struggling to gather enough breath to speak. And so he just nodded the faintest and kept silent.

Rod hooked an arm around Ali and brought her out of his room and into the corridor - nude - for a moment. Unfortunately for Aliyah, at least two other random frat boys were passing by. They blatantly feasted at the sight of Aliyah's cum coated body from chest down, before letting out wolf whistles.

Darius and Daniel made their way towards Darius' room first, leaving the pair to have a quick one with one another. Roderick started off by leaning down to plant a passionate kiss against the lips of hers that lasted for quite a good amount of time, before he leaned down to whisper into her ears.

".. I love Bentley. But I too, can't stand him some times."
" This night is one of those days."

"I know he might have been a bit of a jackass this evening, so if he might have ruined it a bit for you at times, on his behalf, I ask for your forgiveness."

"Do you know what would be funny, though?"
"I'm on your side on this, and I think he needs to learn a lesson about keeping his ego in check - that is by far, his biggest problem."

"Break him, Ali."
"Don't give it to him, and show him who is boss."
"With us lads no longer in the room, I bet he would be more inclined to beg you if you persist with depriving him."
"After all, that's what you wanted out of him, wasn't it?"
Roderick paused with a smile, before planting another kiss onto her lips, letting her know he was perceptive to what he suspected, was going on within her mind throughout all her interactions with Bentley. "Who knows. You might end up being the one who tames the bull, which no one else had managed to do so before."

"I've got a couple of ropes and cuffs underneath my bed, if you find yourself needing those... instruments."

"When you're done playing, if you're still not already tired out, come find us next door. Otherwise, I'm sure we can arrange for another session the next time."
Roderick leaned in for one final kiss, with his hands then slipping down behind to both her ass cheeks, giving them a round of proper firm squeeze, before lashing out a spank on both sides to release her.
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If only the boys knew that Aliyah really was being serious. She was having fun with them all, even Bentley despite how easily he got under her skin, but while this wasn't even meant to have happened in the first place, she had no intentions of it happening a second time around. At least, she didn't think she did. It was easier to say no to an idea that wasn't happening currently, but given the fact that they were unavoidable as part of the rugby team, if they approached her again would she still say no? She could mentally push aside what was happening here tonight, but her body wouldn't be able to forget.

As the minutes ticked by, Aliyah knew she was unlikely to achieve her goal. After all, she was only human and could really only deny herself but so much pleasure. Bentley wasn't the only one breathing heavy, her throat had turned dry as she closed her eyes, relying on nothing but her willpower to hold on. But she could feel that rope slipping through her fingers, and just when she felt like she was going to break, Roderick pulled her away from Bentley. Neither one were able to voice a complaint, trying to catch their breaths respectively, but for Aliyah it was the perfect opportunity she needed to calm back down and get control of herself, and the fact that she wasn't the only one who seemed to be struggling was a slight satisfaction in its own right.

Her legs were unsteady as she stumbled after Roderick, his arm around her offered her support so she didn't fall. She might've actually thanked Roderick for his interruption, but when the door opened to reveal that there were two others outside who just so happened to be passing by at that moment, she couldn't help but try to use Rod's body to block her own, though it didn't help much. Any feeling of gratitude had vanished, not that she blamed him for others being up and wandering around, but that just wasn't something she had been prepared for. The clear discomfort at the state in which she was seen was quickly pushed aside as Roderick leaned into her, stealing away all of her attention with just a kiss.

The amount of passion that Roderick poured into the kiss was enough to leave the girl already struggling to breath, breathless. It was the kind of kiss that made you never want to come up for air, and she hated that this kind of passion was easier found in a stranger than her boyfriend of four years. Her arms wrapped around Rod's neck, holding him close only felt natural, but the last thing she had expected to hear from him when he brought her out was an apology, and she knew the surprise was clear on her face. “I never would've pegged you as the kind of guy to have a secret soft side Rod. Don't worry, I'm not upset over anything that was said or done, it's no big deal, really.” Sure, to be slapped and spit on was demeaning and blatantly being called a slut had rubbed her the wrong way, but she didn't take any of it to heart. She couldn't when she was acting exactly as a slut would.

She arched her back while giving Rod's chest just the slightest push so she could see him clearly as he made his stance clear. She had thought that the other three were leaving out of annoyance, but it seemed that he was actually giving her the opportunity she needed to bring Bentley down a notch. Though she had mostly been teasing throughout the night with Bentley, the thought of putting a guy who so clearly felt he had a right to being on top of her, below her, was thrilling.

The fact that Rod was actually encouraging her was a little confusing. She would have expected that with his own domineering personality that he would rather support his own friend. Aliyah was speechless at first, but her confusion gave way to a grin as Roderick gave her one final kiss while letting his hands roam down her body to give her ass a tight squeeze. Who was she to turn down an opportunity that was basically being handed to her on a platter? “You really don't mind if your friend is subject to the whims of the new little fresher? Fine, but if he comes complaining to you about it afterward, it's your own fault for encouraging me.”

The sound of Roderick giving her a sharp spank practically echoed down the halls as he pulled his hands away, freeing her to let her head back inside his room. Aliyah paused with her hand on the doorknob, glancing over her shoulder to let her eyes sweep slowly down Rod's bare form. “Who knows, if I'm successful tonight, maybe you'll be next on my list of guys to tame.” She couldn't help but laugh softly at the idea, it was one thing to have a boy like Benji doing as she pleased, but a guy like Bentley or even Roderick was a whole other breed.

Once Aliyah was back in the bedroom, she shut the door behind her gently, leaning against it for a moment as she looked Bentley over. It seemed like he had gotten his breath back at least, and while the image of all four of them around her had been one she never wanted to forget, this wasn't one either. The little break she had gotten in the hallway was exactly what she had needed, the strength had come back to her legs enough that her steps were more stable, and she wasn't shaking nearly as much. “Sorry about that!” She chirped cheerfully as she made her way back over to him, but stopped just short of the bed, keeping herself out of reach for his longer arms as she smiled sweetly.

“Now where were we?” Her voice trailed off slowly, as if she really had forgotten what they had been in the middle of before Roderick had interrupted them. Her eyes lowered to the floor, but unless Bentley insisted on remaining stubborn, she wanted to try not to use any of Rod's little props. She didn't know the first thing about tying proper knots, so the cuffs would be her only real option. “Oh, that's right, I think you were on the verge of finally asking me nicely, but let's try something different this time.” She knew that with how incredibly stubborn they both were, it was much more likely that she had been the one closer to cracking than he had been. Aliyah motioned to the bed, that same sweet, almost innocent smile on her lips.

“Lay down on your back for me, follow my rules, and I promise to take good care of you. I've left you out quite a bit tonight, and I really am sorry about that, so let me make it up to you. Pretty please?” Aliyah knew she could have tried to catch him off guard and push him onto his back, but it would have been easy for him to take control of the situation quickly. It was why she kept herself out of reach from him, to ensure that he wouldn't be able to pull her back down onto the bed, and she had no intentions of joining him willfully until he complied.

She had talked a big game throughout the night, even boasting to Darius and Rod about how she wasn't even tired yet, though she was sure they knew she was putting up a front. The truth was she could easily allow herself to simply pass out in Rod's bed at the moment, the combination of exertion her body had gone through and how late it had gotten was catching up to her. As much as she wanted to take her time with Bentley, she knew the longer she stalled and let the adrenaline drop the more she was going to start hurting.

The difference between the two of them was in her favor, though. Bentley hadn't had a release all night long, and though she had been edging towards one, it would have been her fifth, so she wasn't as bent out of shape as she had been in the club when it was taken from her. Knowing that he should be practically aching for that moment helped to give Aliyah a rather large boost in her confidence.
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"I never would've pegged you as the kind of guy to have a secret soft side Rod. Don't worry, I'm not upset over anything that was said or done, it's no big deal, really."

"Do you honestly think you can get to know a person over just one night? There are still much to be discovered, to learn." Again, Roderick had subtly make his intentions known that he was not going to be treating Aliyah like the other girls from most one night stands. The vice captain was enraptured, and was keen to bring things to the next level, whatever that might be, so much so that he would put one of his brothers on the line in a bit. But whether the same could be said about Aliyah remained to be seen.

Whether she realised it or not, Aliyah had a way of making a man feel wanted, desired. It was through her little actions like pushing him slightly just so she could get a better view of his face when she spoke, the way she rested her fingers so tenderly against his chest, not breaking physical contact for even a moment, like they were conduits delivering her passion, refuelling his ego-meter, and whatever else that lovers could bestow unto their lover. And then there was the way she gazed right into his eyes, never breaking eye contact for even once, like nothing else in the world around them mattered. The dilation of her pupils conveyed interest, arousal, undivided attention.

They weren't any close to being lovers yet, not by a mile, for much too much was still up in the air. It might be cringeworthy for one to think that something so debauched as a one night gangbang that started with an intention of nothing else, but to let loose and have fun, could lead to finding love. But at that moment in time, Roderick could not deny that there was a transient experience of intense passion that planted a seed in him, that he craved for more of such and wanted more out of what he was being given in such sporadic and rare epochs.

"You really don't mind if your friend is subject to the whims of the new little fresher? Fine, but if he comes complaining to you about it afterward it's your own fault for encouraging me."

"Hey hey. Don't drag me into this. The boys and I could see what was going on between you two, but were never a part of it at any point in time. I am merely just giving you a little bit of a push from the sidelines. Friends also care enough to intervene, when they see their friends run astray. And it's high time Bentley be humbled for once, I feel."

"Plus, he doesn't need to know this was my idea. He wouldn't know it was my idea - unless you tell him so. But why would you, if you wish to let him know that it was you, and only you, who is in control over him?"

"Also, I suspect he'd be too proud to admit what goes on later in my room, if you do succeed. I look forward to your hearing tale to come."

"Who knows, if I'm successful tonight, maybe you'll be next on my list of guys to tame."

Roderick let out an amused scoff.
"Don't get cocky now, freshie." He could have gone on bantering with her non-stop. But he knew that there would be no end to it. And thus, he had enough to restrain himself from being tempted to do so, or they would end up being stuck along the corridor for a long time otherwise. He grabbed her away from his door to pull her back into him just before she could make a re-entry, to then lower himself down to plant a single kiss on her left breast. It was in reference to her most recent playful claim to keep her guessing. And the look on his eyes was a mixed signal, given that he had just exercised his dominance by yanking her body to him, only to then douse her with his kiss - was he willing to be tamed by giving her a sampler, or was he merely just mocking her?

Once he was done making his point, he walked over to Darius' room, and vanished from sight.

"Sorry about that!"
"Now where were we?"
"Oh that's right, I think you were on the verge of finally asking me nicely, but let's try something different this time."

"Lay down on your back for me, follow my rules, and I promise to take good care of you. I've left you out quite a bit tonight, and I really am sorry about that, so let me make it up to you. Pretty please?"

Bentley didn't feel a deep desire to uncover what transpired between Aliyah and Roderick outside of the room. At that moment, he didn't have any reasons to suspect that there was anything insidious that went on. It was more likely that the birthday boy and vice captain simply could not resist catching hold of Aliyah to get just a moment to themselves, as some of the boys, Bentley included, could sense that Rod had shown some kind of interest beyond the platonic level in the fresher, through the nuances in the way he had approached her over the course of the evening.

But any remote opportunity for Bentley to suspect that something was off, evaporated when Aliyah clouded his mind with her smile, which he thought was highly dubious - not because she was a poor actress because she actually pulled off her act flawless, but because based on prior experience, Ali had given him reasons to be wary of her every intentions. If that was their first time acquainting with one another, Bentley might well have fallen straight into the draw of the succubus.

"Your rules?" Bentley let out a snort. "I'm not sure you understand the situation." Aliyah had definitely still come off as quite aggressive. But with the other boys gone, he had one less thing to worry about - his reputation. Bentley was especially hypersensitive when dealing with matters pertaining to his rep. Being made to look to weak in the eyes of the other guys was an absolute no go. That was one of the reasons why he had been extremely defiant in the face of Aliyah throughout the entire night. But now, it was just him and her in the room. He could finally afford to cut some slack.

He needed to cut some slack, or his blue balls were going to get to him gradually. That was why despite his rebut, he did eventually physically comply, by shifting himself onto the bed and lying with his back down against the sheets, both palms tucked behind the back of his head to act as a cushion.

"But at least you are making an effort to be earnest. So I'm going to give you the benefit of the doubt."
"It's for me to judge if you can truly make it up to me."

"So, show me what you're made of, pretty... slut."
Even in his tame moment of debatable surrender, he felt a need to ruffle her feathers.

The brief conversation she held with Roderick out in the hall was far more amusing than she had expected it to be. The irony in the situation being the fact that he chose words that closely aligned with those she had told Jason on their date, of course you couldn't truly know someone just from one interaction. But the fact that he pointed it out to her was a way of letting her know that he wanted her to get to know him. At least that's how she took it to mean. It was sweet, but worrying at the same time.

She didn't think she had been acting in a way to express interest beyond this little fling, the possibility of it not just being a one time thing was in the air, but she wasn't looking for anything deeper than that. In just a matter of days, she had found herself caught in a precarious little web that was the UCB social life, all without really trying to. It wouldn't have mattered if Sabrina or anyone else had tried to give her a real warning about it, words only went so far after all. This could've all been so much easier if she had entered college as a free single woman. But the bigger question remained to be, just how receptive would she be sober? After all, she had walked away from Jason, who was supposedly one of the most coveted men on campus.

When she made her little joke about taming Rod, she knew it could have gone one of two ways, he could have been offended that someone like her could even think that was a possibility, or react the way he did with amusement. It was a thin line to walk when she wasn't sure how it would be taken, but Rod was proving himself to be quite fun to be with, and for the first time that evening she did feel that familiar draw she had felt with Jason. The kind of draw that made leaving him in the hall hard when she really just wanted to get to know him better. He had been able to see through her so easily, and yet she couldn't even decipher what he might've been trying to show her when he pulled her back from the door.

It was confusing, frustrating, and exciting all at once, and the longer she was around any of these guys the more confusing things were bound to turn for her. As Rod headed off to Darius' room, Aliyah ran her fingers through her hair, a few knots had started to form through the blonde locks which caught her fingers as she stepped back into the room. She wasn't sure how Bentley would react as she spoke up, but given the fact that he didn't immediately get up from the bed to pull her back with him was a good sign for her.

Aliyah scoffed in clear amusement as Bentley laid himself back like she requested, though couldn't seem to keep his mouth shut despite the compliance. “That's right, my rules. The situation has clearly changed, in case you haven't noticed, but that's okay, you seem like the type to catch on quick.” With him finally laying down, she decided to join him back on the bed, taking her time to look this stubborn man over with his hands tucked behind his head.

“We're going to start off simple, the more difficult you make things, the more rules I'll implement.” She ran her hands up his thighs slowly as she dipped her head down, peppering his member with soft kisses. “Rule number one: your hands stay where they are, I can concede to a bit of movement, but unless you ask, and I give you my permission, you aren't allowed to touch me.”

There was a visible smirk on her lips as she spoke against his cock, her tongue tracing his length, which gave her an opportunity to taste herself on another man. Unlike with Roderick however she didn't lavish Bentley with the attention of her mouth, using it instead as an opportunity to ensure she had his attention before crawling further up his body, teasing that hard length against her still wet and swollen lower lips as she rocked her hips back and forth.

“Rule number two: No more calling me a slut. That's it. Easy rules right? I'm sure even a guy like you won't have a problem following them, will you, Bentley?” She skated her hands along his chest, her left hand resting at his shoulder while her right continued moving to cup his cheek in a gentle, almost loving manner. “You look perfect like this, far more handsome than I've seen you all night long.” The words could've almost come off as condescending if it wasn't for her gentle smile and soft tone of voice.

“I want to hear you say it, do you want to be inside of me again? Do you want to feel me cumming for you?” It was clear that Aliyah had no intentions of lowering her hips down onto him until she got what she wanted. Had Bentley not been last in line, the odds of her being able to restrain herself this much would've been slim, but it seemed everything was angling more and more in her favor and she knew it.

One downside she had discovered to a gangbang was the fact that she couldn't truly take her time with any one guy. She was forced to adapt far quicker to what they wanted. It was an interesting dynamic, like she was nothing more than a toy for their pleasure to be passed back and forth. There was no possible way that she should have agreed to the first time she cheated on her boyfriend to be in such a taboo way with the few shots she had taken. Her head was light from the liquor, but she had clear control over the things she had said and done thus far.

The thought that one of her drinks could have been spiked with something never even crossed her mind. To her, the desperation and desire she had been displaying were nothing more than a culmination of years of being stuck in that same little bubble, with neither her nor Benji ever speaking up to experiment and explore. That's exactly what this moment with Bentley really was for her. She always took charge in her relationship with Benji, but never to this degree. This, just like the rest of the night, was completely new to her, but it felt natural.

Sure, Rod had been in a similar position under her, but she didn't have a chance to even think about trying to control him, not like she was with Bentley. It was an empowering sight, bringing a guy who had manhandled her down below her. There was no denying that Aliyah was gleaning far more pleasure from the situation than she had previously when their little tit-for-tat was constantly interrupted.
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"That's right, my rules. The situation has clearly changed in case you haven't noticed, but that's okay, you seem like the type to catch on quick."

It was scoffs galore. Aliyah just wouldn't let go of her iron grip over the joystick of control that Bentley was equally vying for. But a scoff was all he could offer at that moment in time, as he was more intrigued as to what exactly was running through the mind of the little fox.

"We're going to start off simple, the more difficult you make things, the more rules I'll implement."
"Rule number one: your hands stay where they are, I can concede to a bit of movement, but unless you ask, and I give you my permission, you aren't allowed to touch me."

Who does she think she is? He thought. "Okay. I may get little pins and needles over time in this position though. You wouldn't mind if I get my hands shifted a bit to somewhere a bit more.. comfortable?" As he spoke, he moved his hands away from his head, slid them along the surface of the sheets, before one found its way to the side of the bed, fingers gripping onto the edge, whereas the other rested out stretched, both hands just above his waist level. Bentley was pushing her boundaries. His hands weren't close to her per se. But they were placed in precarious locations. Like two superpowers engaged in a cold war, his hands were pincer flanking armies that could potentially launch a strike against her motherland on two fronts, at any time, if he so willed. And in a way, he hadn't yet broken Aliyah's rule number one - he hadn't touched her. But the threat of it, was omnipresent.

But while Bentley was pre-empting precautionary measures of his own should he need to call on them, he had to battle against an assault that Aliyah was already launching against him - her tongue, and the winds of battle that came along with her breaths whenever she spoke. It was guerrilla warfare in a manner that he had never experienced before. No girls he had ever bedded taunted him in a manner that Aliyah did. Girls would often worship and devour his cock, either because he made them, or they threw themselves onto him. But Aliyah was composed, stingy. And it really riled him up.

She was giving him nothing more than breadcrumbs with her faintest of tongue touches against his throbbing glory. But those breadcrumbs were oh-so-sweet. He wanted more, desired more. But how could his ego allow him to ask for more? She will give it to him. He will make her give it to him. Those words kept replaying in his mind.

Yet, her attacks were clearly drawing reactions out of his body. The damage she was doing to his body came in the form of his lower back, arching more and more in a stealthy attempt to try to get the tip of her tongue to connect better with the length of his shaft, for he needed her touch to quench his increasingly insatiable thirst for lust. Even his thighs were starting to tense and shiver at unpredictable intervals. He literally jolted one time, when she flicked her tongue against the frontal base of his glans, catching him completely unprepared.

"Rule number two: No more calling me a slut. That's it. Easy rules right? I'm sure even a guy like you won't have a problem following them, will you Bentley?"

"Yes, doll. I think it's reasonable." Again, Bentley was threading along the fine lines once more, bending her rules through his sly ways.

"You look perfect like this, far more handsome than I've seen you all night long."

It was difficult for Bentley to figure out what Aliyah was playing at. He could clearly feel the affection and tenderness coming from her touch. And for a moment, he was actually tempted to just roll over and let her tend to him. But his mind constantly kept drawing him back into a state of alertness, that the girl was up to something. Nevertheless, he let out an involuntary deep inhale and an ensuing restrained sigh at the sensation of her feminine touch running along his chiseled front, and his cheek. Aliyah might not have realised, but her finger tips were laced with a rare form of seductive poison that few men would have an antidote against her lethal touches. And Bentley could already feel the heat on his skin wherever her digits strayed on his form.

"I want to hear you say it, do you want to be inside of me again? Do you want to feel me cumming for you?"

"Mmh hmm. You will fill yourself up with me. And you will cum for me, sweetheart." Even in the face of an intense assault, there was still a fight in his tone through the words that he used. It was carefully, but very instinctually curated. She will ride him, and she will cum for his pleasure, and not that he was asking her permission for him to fill her up, not that he wanted feel her cum for her pleasure. They were nuances. But the nuances were very defining in spite of the subtlety. But, his voice was starting to weaken in its conviction. It was subtle. But it had gotten progressively airer, as if her proverbial poison was starting to impede with the functions of his lungs, and perhaps, mind.

Peace begets comfort. Comfort begets boredom. And that perhaps described her existing relationship with Benji. With the new guys she had just encountered, Bentley especially, there were instances of conflict. Most, if not, all of the conflicts that she had faced, were done in a manner of play, if not, competitive spirit. It wouldn't come as a surprise if such conflicts were potential primers of romantic incompatibility, should Aliyah ever end up with any of the new guys.

But what these conflicts brought about at least, was passion - passion fuelled by some form of a vibrant spirit, be it in the modality of hatred, or the sizzling chemistry of two highly reactive ingredients reacting to one another. The conflicts promised uncertainty. But with uncertainty brews anticipation, which many a time, is a prelude to excitement. It would have been difficult for Sabrina to package such finer details of what she truly meant by experimenting about. But what Aliyah had been given a taster of over the past few days up till that night, was what boys men can truly bring to the table, if she gave them a chance.

Aliyah couldn't help but roll her eyes as almost as soon as she told him not to move, he did exactly that. “Well, I'm not heartless, I don't want you to be uncomfortable.” She couldn't really complain too much since it wasn't as if he simply ignored her, but the fact that his hands were placed lower now meant that the moment she placed herself on top of him he would have easier access to take hold of her if he wanted to roll them over. That was what really concerned her, the moment she ended up underneath him again the game would be over.

But he seemed to be showing that he had better control over himself than Aliyah thought he would, as she teased him. She could feel the subtle trembling in his thighs beneath her fingers tips. The way his hips lifted just the slightest bit in a silent plea for more, but none of it was good enough. He was still being stubborn, defiant, showing that what little compliance he had given her so far was temporary.

She let out a small huff of disappointment as she picked her head up, but she wasn't deterred yet. He was giving her clear enough signs that despite his resistance, she was breaking him down. As she gave him his second rule, she tilted her head to the side just slightly. It almost sounded as if he was bordering on sarcasm, but without being absolutely sure, she couldn't exactly reprimand him for it. But he was walking on thin ice, even though she could hear the way his breathing deepened as her fingers traced the muscles on his body before settling on his cheek.

It was clear that simply telling him to submit just wasn't going to be enough and if she was having to worry about whether he would try to catch her off guard the whole time, she wouldn't be able to relax and have fun. In truth, she was looking for an opening, some reason to be able to get hold of the cuffs under the bed and as if he read her mind, he gave it to her in his refusal to properly answer her with what she wanted to hear.

Aliyah let out a quiet chuckle as she leaned forward, her lips and teeth marking a trail along Bentley's neck, as if his words had been satisfactory enough for her. As she worked her way up his neck to his ear, her little nips alternated between hard and soft, some might leave a mark, but most wouldn't. “Sorry, babe, that isn't good enough for me tonight.” She spoke softly against his ear before quickly pulling away before he truly had a chance to register what was happening. In the blink of an eye, Aliyah had gone from straddling him to standing beside the bed once again.

“You know, I saw something interesting when I came back into the room.” With her usual innocent air about her, it almost seemed as if she had no idea how badly she was teasing him. But she was aware, just like she was aware, that if he grew tired of her little game he could take back control far easier than she could ever hope to. Aliyah crouched down beside the bed, fishing underneath for a moment before standing back up with a triumphant grin as she produced the handcuffs Roderick had so kindly warned her about.

“Let's get one thing straight here, Bentley. You aren't in charge anymore, when I say I want to hear you say it, I mean I want you to beg and ask like a good boy. So here are your options now, you can either bring your hands up to the headboard and let me cuff you, or if you're too afraid, we can just call it a night here, no hurt feelings if that's what you prefer.” She was positively smug as she unlatched the cuffs expectantly. She was backing Bentley into a corner and didn't feel bad about it in the slightest bit. But she was making it perfectly clear to him that she wasn't looking to argue or debate the matter. It was quite literally her way, or none at all.

Some might call it a power trip, how she had easily flipped from letting the guys pass her around to the way she was bearing down on Bentley now. But that wasn't how she saw it at all. She was simply doing and saying what felt the most natural at any given time. There were no airs she was trying to put up to impress anyone. If Bentley had expressed in some way that this wasn't okay with him, she would have easily backed off without hesitating, despite the way he pushed her all night.

She might not have experience from other partners in the past, but one thing she did have experience on was making sure everyone was comfortable. She had struggled hard with that tonight, but one on one like this it was one of her big focuses. “If you would just listen without fighting so much, you could be feeling much better right now instead of frustrated and pent-up.” She pointed out the obvious fact before pursing her lips slightly and leaning closer to the bed.

“Are you worried that one of the other guys might find out about this at some point and tease you for letting the new girl take control? What happened between you and me is just for us, it'll be our little secret. So don't think about any of that, okay? I want you to focus on me, and only me.” Sweet honeyed words slipped from her tongue with a slight lie, easily. Rod was the only one who knew for sure what Aliyah was even trying to accomplish, but unless either one of them ever admitted it to him, even he wouldn't know what really happened in his room after they left.
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"Well I'm not heartless, I don't want you to be uncomfortable."

Bentley couldn't help but narrow his eyes. She had been all hot and cold with him all evening, to the point that he no longer knew what to think of her every word. Had he been too doubtful about Aliyah the whole time that maybe, he might have mistook some of her genuine goodwill as a scheme? It was only her recent words that sparked that sudden thought in him.

Bentley's breathing got progressively heavier and more audible when Aliyah began to crawl up along his form. His eyes went shut, and even let slip a moan, when her teeth made first contact along his neck. It sent a bout of uncontrollable shivers, as it tickled him when he least expected. He was on the verge of just dropping his resistance and letting the girl take charge in that moment, when she dropped yet again, another 180 move.

"Sorry babe, that isn't good enough for me tonight."

His eyes blinked back wide open when she abruptly withdrew herself away from him. She had truly spun him around a couple of times over the last minute, so much so that he was left in a state of daze. There was the faintest hint of disappointment in his eyes that the pleasure ended as soon as it was just getting started. His cock was already clenching and releasing as if it had a life of its own. His mind was defiant. But his body was starting to fatigue from deprivation.

"You know, I saw something interesting when I came back into the room."

Bentley watched in silence, only barely managing to prop himself slightly back up, with his elbows perpendicular to the sheets. Internally, he was dealing with a whirlwind. And now, she looked like she was about to throw another surprise into the mix.

"Let's get one thing straight here, Bentley. You aren't in charge anymore, when I say I want to hear you say it, I mean I want you to beg and ask like a good boy. So here are your options now, you can either bring your hands up to the headboard and let me cuff you, or if you're too afraid, we can just call it a night here, no hurt feelings if that's what you prefer."

Again, Bentley found himself narrowing his brows a little. He was taken aback at this novel, more aggressive side of her that he didn't know, existed. Sure, she had put up a good fight over the past few hours. But most of her attempts felt more like threatless barking, or a whack coming from no more than a twig. Now however, she seemed to be really taking matters to her own hands, actually doing something about it.

If Aliyah had noticed, Bentley had gone noticeably quieter. The whole night, his body had been baked towards an anticipated release. And now, Aliyah was threatening to ruin it all by refusing to give it to him. It wasn't fair. It was fucking unfair. It wasn't fair that despite being blessed with all the muscles he could have to overpower the girl, that he was still powerless in the face of the girl suffocating him with a proverbial noose around his neck. What was this black magic that she was wielding over him? He couldn't comprehend. He had never met a girl like Aliyah Walker before.

"If you would just listen without fighting so much, you could be feeling much better right now instead of frustrated and pent-up."

Wise words, perhaps. But Aliyah didn't understand that Bentley had never in his life, allowed a girl to dictate any aspect of his life before. It was his pride, perhaps. And now, he was confronted by one who had exposed him for his vulnerability and had a proverbial knife tipping towards his neck, like no other girls had did before. The dormant side of him was still in discreet shock, and was still coming to terms with his egotistical nature taking a beating like that for the very first time. It was hard to take. For once, he considered the possibility of surrendering. But the devil side in him was still desperately trying to grab hold onto any shred of (in)sanity he had left.

"Are you worried that one of the other guys might find out about this at some point and tease you for letting the new girl take control? What happened between you and me is just for us, it'll be our little secret. So don't think about any of that okay? I want you to focus on me, and only me."

It wasn't just about the other guys. But she did nail the spot pretty hard. The prospects of hearing whispers of him being dominated by a freshman girl was cringe and naturally brought goosebumps to his skin. But the other part was, needing to admit to the very girl herself, that she had won. That was already causing him cartwheels in his stomach.

And he found it ironically amusing that she had used the exact words that were told to her when there were at the aisle in the club - secrets kept within the confines of only those who knew. She was offering a tempting proposition. At least, he didn't need to worry about the rest. So it was just dealing with the ego of the girl standing just out of his arm's reach. He supposed it was... a fair compromise? A fair compromise to get a taster of what its like to bed a girl like Ali on a personal level, a girl who had gotten him truly hot, bothered, and infuriatingly frustrated.

His eyes momentarily gazed at the cuffs that she was holding onto with her digits, before he met her back in the eye.

"What do you want from me?"

His voice was comparatively muted. He couldn't bring himself to outrightly admit to the questions she had asked of him. Instead, avoiding and diverting it in a manner that very subtly hinted that maybe, maybe... he was willing to cooperate.
Aliyah knew that suddenly disappearing from on top of Bentley as she had would surprise him, but she hadn't thought she would be met with silence. Her head almost immediately began to spiral into a panic, trying to figure out what the best course of action to recover would be. Perhaps she should just apologize, laugh it all off and claim she was just joking. It was why she had started to ramble a bit, trying to fill the silence and ignore the sense of anxiety that was creeping in.

She barely heard Bentley when he finally spoke up, his eyes having drifted down to the cuffs in her hands before meeting her gaze once again. “What do I want from you?” Being suddenly met with a more hesitant, but far less combative, side threw her for a moment. By now she was growing used to the snide little jabs that Bentley would make when he had the opportunity to, verbally fighting with her to at least give himself the illusion of having control. So when he asked in an almost meek fashion what she wanted, she simply hadn't been prepared.

Quickly shaking herself from her mind, Aliyah smiled, a soft gentle smile as if she were trying to coax a puppy out of hiding. With little hesitation she climbed back onto the bed, settling herself into Bentley's lap with her knees planted on either side of his hips like it was a normal habit for her to have. With his cock resting against her lower abdomen she used the fingers of her left hand to trace along the tip just like she had earlier in the night, covering her fingers in his pre-cum before using it as a substitute lubricant to ease the sensation of her hand gliding down his length as she lifted the cuffs in her right hand.

“I want you to be good for me. Let me restrain you, and I promise to show you how I would really worship a man like you. No more teasing, no more leaving you hanging. I want you to behave, and ask nicely for me to give you that release you so desperately want.” She did have to admit that Bentley had far more control than she had hoped. Though given the fact that he had far more experience, it wasn't a complete surprise that he held on to that little bit of control for as long as he had. But she could feel how badly his body wanted to give in.

Bentley might've been stubborn and defiant most of the night, but hadn't once expressed any displeasure from what Aliyah had been doing. She might've felt as if she had been pressuring him into doing something he didn't want to otherwise. But his slight compliance was a big confidence booster for the unfamiliar territory that she was starting to tread.

“Honestly, this isn't ever something I've done before. But I'd really like to try it out with you. If you don't like it, you can just tell me, I'll stop.” It wasn't that her sense of authority over him was starting to waver, but she actually cared that the enjoyment be mutual between the two of them. That was just the kind of person she was, she could be hard when she needed to be, but genuinely cared about others enough to let them know that their opinions mattered to her.

This situation was a bit different though, the feedback was important to her. Knowing what she was doing right or wrong to help her in the future. It was why she had been paying so much attention to the nonverbal ques Roderick had been giving her. This might've been a night of fun for the guys, and it was for her too, but it was mostly a learning opportunity. Not just about how she could pleasure, tease, and possibly control men, but learning about herself too. The limits of her body had never been tested like they had been tonight. She would never would have been able to imagine she could have done half of the things she had, and yet, despite the creeping exhaustion and aches she still wanted more.
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If only Bentley knew the conflict that was raging on in Aliyah's mind, it might have cause him to react differently. At best, his teasing and taunting were like stabbing wild jabs into the fog that was blinding him from being able to land a hit that would destabilise her. After all, he didn't know her long enough to be able to get a sense of what she was like as a person. All he knew, was that Ali seemed like a girl who could be quite a haughty pester based on what he had saw of her over the past few hours, or so he thought.

She still looked the kind, when she so casually straddled herself back on him, grazing her taut stomach against his unbelievably engorged cock by now. It looked a raging red, fuming for a release that was long overdue. At that point, every little touch could easily elicit a twitch of his entire shaft, as if it was bobbing to the tune of her delicate touches.

When she started her slow hand job, he fought and tried his best to hold that roll in his eyes, but with little success. His nails were fidgeting against the sheets, clawing back and forth in a rhythm that was almost in-sync with her hand jerks. It was almost as if she was controlling the movements of his nervous system with his biological joystick.

"I want you to be good for me. Let me restrain you, and I promise to show you how I would really worship a man like you. No more teasing, no more leaving you hanging. I want you to behave, and ask nicely for me to give you that release you so desperately want."

It was such an enticing proposition. All he needed to do, was to give up his sense of agency, and he was promised to be given an eventual release. But he was venturing into uncharted waters. He had always been in control of his own pleasure. If he wanted to torment a girl, he would take his sweet time. If he needed to cum, he would simply increase his strength and pace. If he hadn't got a girl around, he could still utilise his hands to do the job. But this, having his pleasure modulated by someone else, for an unforeseen amount of time, was a first.

Frankly, he was worried that the moment the cuffs latched him into place, that Aliyah could do whatever to him, and would not rule out the possibility of Aliyah going back against her word, and that all that she had been doing, had been to put up a convincing act of deception. Could he really trust her? It was unsettling to know that someone could make or break him over the next few minutes, or hours, or even day as much as it was unlikely, and there was nothing he could do about it. Did Aliyah even realise what was at stake?

It looked like a trivial matter at face value. But it could have a profound impact, at least, for as long as his self-control was taken away from him.

But her words, her touches.

Aliyah was a born succubus, whether she realised it or not.

Bentley was entering an unfamiliar territory as much as Aliyah was. Submission was never at the forefront of his thoughts before. And as much as it was unnerving, he could not deny the wonder and intrigue at what was about to happen, if he allowed it to happen.

"Honestly, this isn't ever something I've done before. But I'd really like to try it out with you. If you don't like it you can just tell me, I'll stop."


"Just remember that when this ends, if you ever do something to rile me up, I will get back at you for it, one day."

It almost felt like a salesgirl had successfully talked him out of his money for god knows what the product she was selling to him was all about. And him reaching out for his proverbial wallet, came in the form of him lowering his back back down against the bed, the currency being the switches and buttons to his body. He was less sure about raising his hands anywhere behind his head now, for he was still coming to terms with the fact that he was actually giving away the control of his body. So instead, he ended up resting his hands on each side of him like they have decided to surrender with a paradoxical mix of reluctance and cautious anticipation.

Aliyah had to give the young man credit. Despite his defiance and hesitation, he was still following the first rule she had put in place, even after she put herself on his lap. Instead of taking hold of her and the opportunity to do as he wanted, she noticed his fingers flexing against the sheets instead as she put her hand into a slow but steady pace that wouldn't be nearly enough to bring him to release but simply keep him desperate for more.

She realized that she needed to show a bit more patience, so rather than rambling on again, she bit her tongue as Bentley seemed to weigh the options before him. Her hand didn't stop moving, trying to silently coax him into giving her the answer that she wanted to hear. She wasn't looking for just partial submission, it was nice that he was following her rules to a degree, but he was picking and choosing what to follow. He hadn't once begged her like she had told him to, and she could only let it slide for so long. But just like with the cuffs, she needed the right opening to push him harder.

Aliyah knew the moment Bentley laid himself back that she had won, despite his little warning he tossed her way. “Sure, Bentley, maybe I'll let you even the score one day.” She didn't sound as if she meant it in the slightest bit, but her attention had already turned to her new task she had to handle. It was one thing to talk the talk, but now she had to actually walk the walk too. Before either one of them could change their minds, she slid the cuff into place around his left wrist, making sure it was secure but not tight enough to cause any discomfort.

It was only once she felt confident that it was good enough that she finally guided his hand up towards the headboard, while releasing the hold she had on his member to bring his right hand up as well. She slid the remaining cuff through the slats of the headboard before locking Bentley into place by securing his right hand. “I was wrong earlier.” Aliyah sat back for a moment to give herself a good view of the man who had put himself at her mercy. Now you look perfect.” She nodded with confidence as she brought her hands back down to his chest.

Bentley's only saving grace was the fact that Aliyah had promised not to tease him any longer, otherwise she could have truly taken the opportunity to torment him now that she didn't have to worry about him taking back control. That and the fact that they were using someone else's room meant that they really didn't have all the time in the world. With that in mind, she lifted herself from his lap, keeping one hand on his chest to help steady herself while the other ensured he was lined up just right as she lowered herself back onto him slowly.

Though she had promised not to tease, she still took her time, taking him inch by inch at a nearly frustratingly slow pace. Once she was seated back on his lap with him buried snugly inside of her, she released a content sigh. For the first time in the night, she was able to dictate the pace of things and planned to take full advantage of that as she swayed her hips just the slightest bit before suddenly stopping. “I'm not moving another inch until you ask me to ride you.” Aliyah made her declaration as she purposely tightened her core, her own subtle little way to get around her promise not to tease.

He had been refusing to beg her all night long, saying what he wanted to rather than giving her what she wanted to hear. But she had already shown him once she was willing to pull away if she was unsatisfied with his response, that fact didn't change just because he was inside of her again. “Prove to me how bad you want it, and I'll give it to you.” She slid her hands along the planes of his chest, her nails biting in just the slightest bit to leave faint little marks behind while she explored his body.

It had been a night of fun and games, but this was her first opportunity to truly savor something new. It was more intimate and personal now that the others had left. There was more time to actually consider her actions she was making, the fact that she was actively cheating on Benji. She might've been able to chalk the events leading up to this as peer pressure, but she was the one pushing Bentley now, not the other way around. There were no excuses she could give to be able to explain how she had ended up here, but she wasn't regretting anything, not yet at least.
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Aliyah had no idea how much restrain Bentley was practicing in order not to just simply lift his hands off the bed to grab her down, and then mount her in the way that he needed. He could in theory. But he suspected that it might irk her if he did so, seeing how she was so hell bent on getting him to submit. And the last thing he wanted to do, was to have her turn into an unwilling partner if he did force himself upon her. It would sour the present mood, and could even lead to further unwanted repercussions beyond that night. And equally crucial, his cock was now in an insufferable state of tension, that his will was handicapped by his own body.

He wondered, why of all the boys, Aliyah seemed to be most keen in trying to get him down, weeping on his knees. Perhaps it was in part due to his own doing, stoking up whatever flame in Aliyah for the entire evening.

"Sure Bentley, maybe I'll let you even the score one day."

It should have sounded like an alarm. It was an alarm. But he had barely seconds to actually process and analyse what she truly meant, when the first cuff clicked his left wrist in place.

There was no turning back.

Or maybe there was? His right hand was still fre-. Not anymore.

"I was wrong earlier."
"Now you look perfect."

The compliment sounded genuine, maybe? But it was difficult to not also be tempted to interpret it coming off as mischief mixed with the faintest of hint of... condescension or sarcasm? He couldn't quite tell. Even if she meant it to be well, he felt utterly exposed and powerless. And she thought it to be perfect? What was she trying to imply? His ego thought it to be lowkey humiliating humbling. Yet, his member was throbbing harder than ever.

What the fuck was she doing to him?

His eyes fixated on her religiously, as she graced over on top of him. And the slow wait for her to aim his bolt against her nut was incredibly painful. Only just moment earlier, she had promised no more teasing. And yet, here she was, taking her sweet time with the drop. He was naive to believe Aliyah would stay absolutely true to her word. But he was the one who ultimately gave the green light to be in cuffs. Could he blame her for falling for her honey glazed words?

When he was finally completely buried inside her, he let out a loud groan of relief, like a thirsted man who had been lost in the desert for days, and had finally gotten his first mouthful of water from an oasis that he had stumbled upon, that was Ali's pool of wetness. Even though his manhood wasn't as endowed as Roderick or Daniel's, Bentley was still deeper within her in a manner that Benji never could reach or stretch.

But he barely got himself a good second mouthful that he devoured instantly, as she briefly gyrated her hips around his tool, when she stopped abruptly. For a good second, there seemed to be a hint of pure desperation creeping up from his face, before his ego held him back.

"I'm not moving another inch until you ask me to ride you."
"Prove to me how bad you want it, and I'll give it to you."

"... fuck."

The way she clenched her tight walls against his shaft almost felt like her grabbing hold of his shirt in a fistful, promising, yet threatening at the same time. He was still trying to wrap his head around how flawlessly she was manipulating his body, and soon, mind, through her every subtle actions like that.

"... you're impossible, you know that?"


"Ride me."





In his plea, there was still evident restrain, in a manner that roman legions were made to sink in waters with their hardened armour on. But his stubborn coat of protection was finally starting to come off in pieces from Aliyah's constant proverbial chips, cracks and dents that she had repetitively struck against his plate of resistance since the beginning of the night. One could only wonder of Bentley's ultimate resolve, and how he might react when the rising waters did finally get to the point of drowning him.

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