The Night Whispers

Kuro nodded and lead the way while Clopin guarded their back as they made their escape. Clopin nodded. "Dont worry Kovo will be able to handle his own and wont have any problems."

Kovo watched them and just kept his hands to his sides. "Always when ever we have some meal time, really is it too much to ask to just, Oh I dont know let us alone when we have a feast?" But Isolt didn't answer, instead he shot him. but it was a blessed round which Put Kovo down and out. "My Dear flower, tie him and interogate him while I make plans for this place."
Esmeralda felt a pang in her heart as her husband reassured the others, but said nothing. Perhaps he was just hurt. It was possible. He could still join them in the future. She continued to lead the other two women.

Daphne smiled and nodded, picking the injured vampire off the floor and dragging him into a chair where she tied him tightly. "Now then, sweetheart, we can do this in a very easy way, where you tell me what I want to know. Or you can resist and I can torture you until you're within an inch of death."
Kovo looked at Daphne and hissed. "Wont be able to get anything from me and you know it." He laughed and watched her. "Besides you have to tell me what ya want so i can deney you. man you are horrid at interrogation."

Clopin lead them through the tunnels that lead them up into the mountians. He helped them up the last stretch and opened the sealed door. "This is where we'll have to stay."
She pulled a vial of holy water from a pocket. "Well, I was trying to be nice straight off the bat, but if you're just going to be rude...." She poured just a drop onto his open wound. "Now then. Why don't you tell me who you are."
"Aw Shit Ow that fucking hurts..damnit Ow...all right...My name is Kovo Durast, Obviosuly since you wear a Wehrmacht Uniform. I will only give you what you are intitaled to know. I am Cpl.Durast. 1st Infantry Division. US Army." Isolt looked at Daphne then nodded. "So he was a soldier My flower,Zu jeder guten Information gibt er. bitte er. Zeigen Sie ihm, dass wir resonable au�erdem sein können." (For every good information he gives. please him. Show him that we can be resonable as well.)
Faye frowned and paced a little. "I'm sorry, is there something I can do while I wait? I'm going to be too worried to sit still otherwise."

Jessica took Kuro's hand in her own and stayed close by his side. Esmeralda smiled at her before going to Faye. "Come with me. I'm sure there's something you can do while you wait. Why don't we get some of the sheets off of this furniture, hm?"

Daphne smiled at her husband and nodded. She kissed his lips softly before pulling away from him. "What sort of party did we break up tonight, Durast?"
Clopin looked at Esmerelda and smiled then looked at faye and Nodded. "Ya and you two can explore the rooms, pick out which ones you want and can decorate them." Kuro looked at Jessica and smiled. "why dont you go help out. Me and my father are going to check a few things in the house.

Kovo looked at Daphne and hissed. "A rather nice one I'll tell you..its not too often you get to see family and friends."
"Oh? And what was the occasion, hm?"

Jessica kissed Kuro softly before leaving him to his father and following the other two women further into the house.

Faye and Esmeralda pulled a sheet off of a sofa and folded it up. "Hmm, I think we should maybe change before we do this anymore. Don't want to get that beautiful gown dusty."
Kovo hissed. "And why should i tell you hmm?" He hissed and watched her bearing his fangs.

Kuro and Clopin headed out to look over the old mountian retreat. "It has been some time since we had to use this. Come early morning head down and get some clothes for us all."
Daphne smiled. "Well if you tell me what I want to know, I'll make you a happy man. But if you keep resisting..." She poured another drop into his wound.

Esmeralda sighed and took the two girls upstairs to a set of rooms. "Pick your favorite," She said. I'll help you once I'm done in my room." She smiled and went to the largest door at the end of the hall and opened it, revealing an enormous room. She took sheets off of the windows and opened them to air them out. She made the bed with crisp, clean sheets straight from a sealed bag and removed sheets from all of the other furniture, turning it into a suite worthy of a king.

Once she was finished, she headed to a room that Faye had chosen. She'd thought Kovo might like it. The three of them cleaned it up and left the windows open. When they were finished, they moved onto a room that Jessica had chosen for Kuro and herself.
Kovo hissed as the water seeped into the wound. He growled and made a fist. "Damnit Ow....all right all right, It was a friends and family get together that we have. to talk to family and friends and get to know new members and see old members."

Kuro nodded as he rested against the Balcony. "I'll go see what news I can get from inside of the city." He laughed abit before heading off to head into the city."
"Like a reunion?" she asked, rubbing her chin.

Esmeralda took off her dress and hung it in an empty Armour, walking around in her lingerie as she got the house ready. Faye and Jessica stayed in their dresses as they helped, mostly because they'd have been topless if they'd tried the same thing.
Kovo hissed at Daphne. "One could call it that." He growled keeping his fangs out. "Damnit that still have no idea."

Clopin headed inside to look aorund and make sure that the house was still stocked around for food.
Esmeralda smiled as she saw her husband come in from outside. She folded another dusty sheet and walked past him to put it in a closet.

Daphne smiled and moved behind him, kissing his neck. "Mmmm, good. Maybe it'll remind you to be nice to me and answer my questions. Now then, this party of yours...who was there? Anyone of importance?"
Clopin looked through everything and nodded they could make it a while before having to restock. He knocked on the door. "When we do head in for supplies is there anything special anyone wants?"

Isolt watched Daphne then let her be as he was getting busy setting up the Nazi Party flag and the Symbols of the Thrid Reich in the mannor. Kovo looked at her. "No one you would know, Only My family and Friends."
"Ah, but that's not what I asked, my little friend. I don't like to be mean to you, so why don't you just tell me?"

Esmeralda smiled. "Some clothes would be the top priority. I think those two share clothes sometimes, so they must be the same size, or close to it. I think Jessica's bigger in the chest." She shrugged and wrapped her arms around Clopin. "Mmmm, we haven't been here in quite some time, my love..."

Jessica and Faye thought for a moment. "Umm...No, I don't think so."
Kovo hissed and watched Daphne before spitting. "My Father and mother and Brother and our guests, thats all I'll tell you." He watched her then shook his head and looked away.

Clopin nodded looking at the two. "got them." He then headed out to go and go to store for the girls.
"And none of them are important? What a shame..." she said moving to the front. "But I want names. You're being terribly uncooperative." She pulled the stopper from the vial and poured another drop into the wound. "Now then, the names. Or if you'll refuse to give me those, the titles."

Faye got a sinking feeling in her stomach. Something was wrong....wasn't it? It had to be if he wasn't there yet? Esmeralda had told him not to try to fight...But maybe, she reasoned with herself, maybe she was just on edge. Every minute that passed seemed like an eternity to her. He could easily be in the tunnel right now...
Kovo hissed and looked at Daphne. " and Ladies, some blood dolls, and some ambassadors from other countries." He shook his head looking at the holy water.

Clopin returned after some time carrying many bags and in a few seconds later Kuro walked in carrying bags as well. "Whole town seems to be swarming with them."
Daphne smiled. And put the stopper back on the vial. She smiled and sat down on his lap. "Excellent dear. Now, why don't you tell me where all of those friends and family members are now? I'd love to know."

Esmeralda frowned at the news and helped to put some things away. "I'm starting to worry about Kovo. He should have been back by now..." She looked worriedly at her husband as she continued to put things away. "Kuro, dear, why don't you go up to the girls? I'm sure they could use some comforting, and you could bring them the clothes.
Kovo hissed and shook his head. "No, Never, never would I ever betray my family. No amount of torture would make me give up where my friends and family were. No I would never do that."

Kuro nodded and headed up with the bags to talk to Jessica and Faye.
Esmeralda looked at Clopin and asked, "What if they have him? What will we do?"

Faye was talking to Jessica in her room, passing the time by talking about their act and how they might change it. They both looked up when Kuro came in, though only one really seemed to be relieved about it.

Daphne sighed. "Well, I suppose that is rather much to ask. As for your last statement, however, I sincerely doubt that. Everyone has a breaking point, little love. Now, if you won't tell me where they are, perhaps we can flush them out. If they knew we had captured you, I'm sure we could get someone here. Wouldn't it be wonderful? You could have some company, and I could torture them for information." She smiled deviously and kissed his cheek. "Now you just stay right here. I'll be right back." That said, she went to find Isolt and report on the things she already knew, not that it was much. Still, she wasn't sure what else to ask.
Clopin looked at Esmerelda and kissed her forehead. "Hun do calm down. Even if they do. There isnt much we can do. Kovo has been through worse and do remember we are immortal. He may face pain but he can get through it. And if we were to head over there. we may get caught as well. Have faith in him."

Kuro set down the bags and looked at the two girls. "Clothes for you." He looked at Jessica and smiled then looked at faye. "Dont worry I know my brother... Nothing can truely harm him, He'll be back."

Kovo watched Daphne walk off and shook his head. Isolt was giving troops commands on where to move things when he saw Daphne walk into the room. "Well my flower, what do you know?"
"As far as I can tell, they were just old money having a family reunion. Some titles like lord and lady, but otherwise I don't think there's anything particularly useful about him. Is there anything else you'd like me to find out for you, Isolt?" she asked, smiling softly.

Esmeralda frowned and nodded. "I can't help it though...You must know that...he's still my son, and I love him dearly. I know you're right, Clopin. I'll have faith in my son." She kissed his cheek and held him close to her.

Jessica smiled when Kuro smiled at her and Faye nodded. "Thanks, Kuro. I'm sure he'll be coming back soon...." She smiled and stood up, grabbing a change of clothes. "I'm just going to change and get a nap. Please come and wake me if I can do anything to help." That said, she left the room for her own and Jessica took his hand. "Thank you, Kuro. You're too kind."
Isolt looked at Daphne and grinned and kissed her. "Go and have fun babe, you know how it gets me. I'll be with you in a while." He smiled and gave her rear a squeeze before heading off to see the lareg golde statue of the same one that laid in the reichstag back in germany. "Almost complete."

Clopin looked at Esmerelda and nodded. "I know hun I know."

Kuro nodded. "Sure thing, would do nothing less." He looked at faye and smiled. "its the least i can do. But then this is somehting he always does. he always takes the damage so everyone else can get out."
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