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The Night Whispers

Faye moaned loudly and gasped as he thrust into her so hard, so fast. She'd never had anyone take her this way before. Then again, she'd never been had by a vampire before.

Jessica performed a few more numbers before taking a break and heading to the bar to see if Kuro was as pleased as she thought he might be.
Kovo groaned and kept pushing against Faye more and more before he gripped her stocking clad thighs and pulled her as close to his body as he could as he began to release into her.

Kuro watched as Jessica walked over to the bar. He smiled and licked his lips. "Care for a drink my pet?"
"Yes, please, Kuro," she said with a little smile. "Did you enjoy the show, master?" she asked, leaning forward so that he could see her chest at his leisure.

Faye moaned louder as he pulled her further down on his cock until he came. She felt a little stretched out as he came into her. She came soon after, not able to hold it in anymore.

((Last one for the night))
Kuro nodded and poured her a glass of water before handing it to her. "I did my pet, I did." He smiled looking at her. "now its time for you to go out there and tease the crowd."

Kovo groaned and pulled out and looked at her. "Now come here and suck your master off."
Jessica smiled as she drank her water. She felt much better than before and slinked off, heading back to the backstage area. And then the glamorous redhead performed again and again, teasing members of the crowd just like Kuro wanted, before heading back up onstage.

Kovo's command didn't really shock Faye. Her will had been broken, however, and she did what he told her, crawling over to him and slowly licking off the cum on his shaft, sucking him when she started to go further along his shaft.
Kuro watched Jessica perform for the crowd, The company just loved watching her. He lauged abit and kept selling drinks but the hot ticket was still as always the sultry Jessica.

Kovo watched Faye and nodded. "good girl."
Jessica performed until her time slot was taken up, and then she headed backstage to relax a little in her dressing room.

Faye didn't pay much attention to his praise, just licking and sucking him off until he was clean.
And such the crowd came day in and day out that the club moved to more city life, the club was now in a rather large building while Kuro now moved to over looking everything while keeping Jessica as a main act, there was then a number that Faye and Jessica did together, but tonight the girls were going to get ready to head to a rather large party. it was where all the powerful vampires went to talk and meet with the council. Kovo sighed and tapped his foot. "Faye are you done yet?!"
Faye had borrowed one of Jessica's dresses for the event, and she was having trouble with keeping it up. Jessica had to come over and help her, finally finding the perfect way to keep it up. The former bounty hunter came out of her bathroom with the beautiful singer, who was dressed in a shorter version of the dress she'd worn on the night Kuro captured her for his own.
Kovo saw as she walked into the room in a dark blue almost purple dress.
He looked her over and nodded then looked at Jessica before heading off. "come on you two."
Jessica and Faye walked together on either side of Kovo, the redhead waiting for Kuro to appear and steal her away.
Kovo walked with the two girls before meting Kuro at the Car. Kuro got in and waited for Jessica while Kovo helped Faye in before getting in himself. The driver nodded and got in and started the car up and drove off. Kovo sat beside Faye, running a hand along her legs.
Jessica slid into the car after Kuro, smiling a sexy little smile at him as she did. She said nothing, however as Faye sat next to her, followed by Kovo, who wasted no time. Faye paid little attention to the hand that stroked her legs, used to his touch after such a long time. After all, she was in the back seat of a car with other people. If he wanted her to react, he would have done much worse.
The driver drove them off and down the road through the city, heading off into the country side. It was there they would be heading to a rather large manor house, very old style and expensive. Kovo watched Faye,slipping his hand up along her thighs enjoying the silk fabric.
Faye glanced at Kovo from time to time, mostly to show him that she knew who was in charge and that he was there. The scenery, however, also became boring after awhle.

Jessica held Kuro's hand for a while, enjoying the ride with her charming master.
The car stopped at the large manor house and Kuro stepped out helping Jessica out. He looked around before heading up and through the main door. there were many people there all dressed up. some vampires and others were familiars and servants. Kovo looked at Faye and helped her out getting into the house and looking around. He smiled pulling her close to his side.
Jessica smiled, staying perfectly close to Kuro, glad to be there with him. Faye, stayed close to Kovo looking pretty and smiling when her master smiled. Neither of the girls really knew what the party was for, or anyone there.
The guests were all greeted befor everything halted as he lord and Lady were about to make their Entrance. a man laughed abit before stepping out. "Ladies and Gentlemen, I welcome you to my humble home, may you make yourself welcome to it, and may I intoduce to you, the lovely lady of the house, the most beautiful woman in Paris, Vampiress, Esmeralda." It was lord Clopin introducing his lady.
Jessica and Faye joined the crowd in politely applauding the woman, smiling graciously as she came out into the open. She truly was a beautiful woman, her thick dark hair setting perfectly around her face and shoulders, her naturally tan skin shining from the care she bestowed upon it. Her outfit was a slim-fitting dress that looked truly fabulous on her and stopped a few inches above her knees, her legs a delicious sight. Her chest was shown off perfectly--not too much and not too little as she greeted everyone with a graceful bow of her head.
Kuro and Kovo quietly pulled the girls up but made them stop and let go of them before they kneeled down in front of her before kissing her hand. "Glory upon you, Mother." The two both stood up then bowed to Clopin. "glory to our father. Clopin looked at the two boys and smiled. "It is good to see my two boys could make it this year."
The girls looked at each other and shrugged before respectfully bowing to the hosts. Esmeralda smiled at the girls and nodded. "And this year, I see, you each have dates." She chuckled and motioned for her sons to rise. "Ah, my boys. Come to me," she said, holding open her arms for them.
Kuro and Kovo nodded and got up and walked over to their mother and hugged her and nodded. "for over 500 years old you are still looking as beautiful as ever mother." Kovo just rolled his eyes. "suck up." both brothers had different talents. Kuro was known for his wits and charm while Kovo was the one who handled all the problems should hunters or anyone else threaten the family.
"You shouldn't remind me of my age," Esmeralda said with a little chuckle. She embraced both of her boys and kissed their cheeks. "But I see you haven't changed. Just as handsome and beautiful as ever Kuro." She pet his hair before turning to Kovo and cupping his face. "And you are still as strong and straightforward as the best of us, my handsome son."
The brothers nodded and Clopin looked over at them and smiled. "I am so pleased you were able to make it this year, your mother was upset that you might not be able to make it." Kovo nodded. "there was some business we had to deal with last year but we wouldn't let mom down and miss this year."
((Kinda scraping for things to say now...what's the occasion anyway?))

Faye and Jessica stood back, watching the two men talk to their parents. Not having really been introduced the two merely watched, glancing at each other from time to time.

Esmeralda took the attention of her more charming son, while Kovo was occupied with his father. "Tell me, my son. Who are these women?"
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