The Night Whispers

Faye smiled at their hosts' thoughtfulness. She sat next to Jessica, who was happy to sit with Kuro.
The food was all brought out for the guests who were mortal and had to eat while the vampires in the attendence ordered specialized aged and types of blood to be brought out. Kuro smiled and let his hand slip down and take Jessica's in his own ans squeezed it. Kovo looked at Faye and smiled then ordered some very rare blood.
Faye blinked as he looked at her and wondered if something was bothering him again. She didn't think that now was probably the best time to ask with all of the guests around, but she would find out soon. As the food was set in front of her, she slowly started in on it, enjoying the differnt flavors there.

Jessica smiled when Kuro took his hand and squeezed it back. She gave him a squeeze as well and then politely started in on her food, almost surprised by the quality of the taste.
The foods were all cooked by hand chosen cheifs and were made to cook the food to perfection for the human guests. Kovo looked at the packet and opened it and poured it into his cup before drinking. "1713 a good year."
Kovo looked at Faye and smiled and set his cup down. "Tell me my pet, how do you like it here? Would you like to live in a manshion like this for your life?" Kuro looked over at Kovo then to Jessica and then his own parents wondering what Kovo was getting up to.
"Everything looks really nice here, and it seems homey enough. I suppose I'd like to live in a mansion, but it seems like a lot of upkeep to me," she said with a small smile. She was glad that he was speaking again. It wasn't often that Faye let it go unnoticed that he was being kind. Something about this, however, seemed different. Not like the Kovo she was used to. What was he up to?

Kuro's glance at her only made Jessica shrug. She took a sip of the wine provided for her and held her master's gaze for a few more moments before leaning over to kiss his cheek and whispering, "What's wrong?"

Esmeralda watched with great interest and listened very carefully to her son, wondering the very same thing that Kuro was wondering.
Kovo nodded and sat back. "It has come to my mind that perhaps it is time I return home, here and stay here." He looked at Faye and grinned. "Like I said Would you like to live here?" (also have a slight idea since Solid Dreams kinda flopped)
((Sorry about that. What's the idea?))

Faye blinked and smiled. "If that's what you want, I wouldn't mind living here at all. It would be something to get used to though," she said with a little grin.

Esmeralda was stunned. This was the first time she'd heard anything of the sort come from Kovo's lips. What was he planning? Still, it would be wonderful to be able to see her charming son again. Perhaps it would be good for him. "That's wonderful, darling. You're welcome to stay for as long as you like."
Kovo smiled and looked at Faye then nodded. "Then it is settled, I'll make arrangements to have our stuff brought over to move in here." He smiled and squeezed her hand. He stopped and looked around, seeing something in the distant future.

Kuro looked over at Kovo then their parents. "He's got that look in his eyes. We may be expecting unnwanted company."

(okay the idea is a future, what looks to be a perfect Utopia. Main Chars will be Ann Possible and Kim, Now everything seems perfect but The two have stumbled upon something that may very well change the course of the government. a secret, a cover up that the government would even kill to protect.)
(( just doesn't sound like my kind of thing. Sorry, hun.))

Esmeralda looked at Clopin and frowned. "Darling, why do they always choose the most inopportune moments to disturb us?" she asked, becoming increasingly annoyed with each thought of past dinner parties that had been ruined in much the same way this one would probably be.

Jessica didn't understand. "What do you mean, Kuro?" she asked sweetly. "What's happening?"

Faye smiled when she saw him look happy, but something about the tense way he was looking around the room worried her. "What is it?"
Clopin sighed and shook his head and stood up pulling his cloak around himself. "I shall never know, they always think that they will be able to break us so easily." He sighed and looked at Kovo. "Who is it this time?"

Kovo closed his eyes before nodding. "I am not sure.,someone new this time." and new it was. The man and woman marched together, he click of the woman's heels made notice. The man wearing a grey black uniform of a Wehrmacht officer. The man was unknown but the woman wore a tight fighting custom made uniform, Dark heels and dark silk stockings, metting up to the outfit. It was Daphne Blake, or it was till she married to the man and Became Daphne Keitel. The man looked at Daphne and smiled. "My Flower, that uniform fits you well."
Esmeralda stood by her husband and informed her guests that it may be a wise time to either leave or prepare for uninvited guests.

Jessica looked at Kuro, unsure of what she was to do in this sort of situation. Faye, in the mean time had decided that she should stop waiting for answers. She calmly finished the food on her plate before asking, "What would you like for us to do?"

Daphne grinned at her husband's words. Her choice of outfit, of course, had been made in hopes of pleasing him, but also had been especially careful to follow his instructions. "Thank you, dear. You look wonderful, as always."
Clopin looked at the guests, Those that could fight or would be a good help had stayed while those that couldn't left. "Well if its something new we may have to prepare for the worst."

Kovo looked at Faye then to Jessica. "Kuro, take the girls to the Safe room and Stay with them." Kuro nodded and looked at the two girls and got up. "All right you two follow me quickly."

(Captain) Hauptmann Isolt Keitel looked at Daphne and grinned, she looked great for a Wehrmacht Officer. He walked up the long hall and looked around. "This place would be great for the new Eagle's nest."
Esmeralda smiled at the two reassuringly and then said, "Be careful, my son." She stood strong beside her husband, her eyes glowing red as the intruders entered the mansion.

Faye and Jessica didn't waste time asking questions--they knew far better than that by now. Instead they quickly and silently joined Kuro and followed him wherever he led them.

Daphne smiled and looked around. "It does look like it could use a few touches, here and there, but I think it has wonderful potential, dear."
Clopin Smiled then nodded. "All with gifted powers up front, those with normal skills to the middle." Kovo looked at Faye then nodded as he kept his eyes on the intruders. "coming from east and west hall."

Kuro moved Jessica and Faye downstairs and into the Safe room. Once they were in he shut the door and locked it down.

Isolt laughed and began giving commands to his soldiers. "First the ones who helped to destroy the Reich then The Allied Powers. The Millennium Organization shall bring fourth the new coming of the Third Reich."
Jessica put an arm around Faye as the two of them sat together and waited for some sort of explanation, though they knew one might not come at all.

Esmeralda rolled her eyes. "Why is it that they always have some sort of agenda? It's really quite annoying, don't you think?" she asked, tilting her head to the side as she watched with her her husband. "Be careful, my love."

Daphne applauded Isolt's little speech and waited for some sort of command herself, though she was really there for more of a decoration than any hard battle. She could fight, but if she was in the middle of the fray, she wouldn't last very long at all.
Kuro sighed and shook his head. "Seriously, not again. First its the Templar themselves, then Iscariot, and now what...what are they calling themselves, Millennium Organization?"

Kovo nodded then looked at his parents. "Getting through first and Second defense with minimum losses to their side,from what I can tell they are wearing old WWII Era German uniforms."

Isolt looked at Daphne and grinned. "Then my flower I shall raise through the ranks and even rival the Fuhrer. I shall bring fourth the New Reich into this new age and bring the modern powers to their knees."
"But of course you will, my love," she said. Daphne had been a bit uneasy about this side of Isolt at first, but she found herself to be too madly in love with him to really care what society thought of his beliefs. She supported him and that was all that mattered for the time being.

Esmeralda nearly gagged. "Ugh...someone please, kill them."

Jessica raised an eyebrow. "I'm sorry, but what did you say?"

Faye merely watched the two of them, sitting patiently.
Isolt laughed, watching and hearing reports of his soldiers easily getting to the main doors which Clopin had Sealed and locked. He looked at Daphne and licked his lips. "This shall be our greatest hour."

Kovo grinned and looked at His mother and Father and grinned. "Gladly, but also perhaps we evacuate. I want to see what they may become...A challenge I may get, evacuate to the mountian house."

Kuro looked at Jessica. "The Templar themselves attacked us many years ago. then the Iscariot, which the Templar became when they were disbanded 1314 AD."
Jessica had difficulties believing that Kuro was so old, as did Faye. The two of them blinked and nodded in understanding.

"So, are we safe here, Kuro? I know it's called a 'safe room' for a reason, but it'd be nice to hear your opinion too."

Esmeralda frowned. "And what of your guests, my dear? We can't just leave them here. And frankly, I don't want a bunch of freaks roaming about in my house."

Daphne smiled and put her arms around Isolt, kissing his cheek. "Surely it will be."
Kuro nodded and pounded the walls. "Yup, solid concrete and steel reinforcement, nothing is getting through here." He smiled and looked around. "This is the safest part of the house."

Clopin looked at his wife. "Most have made a tactical retreat. I do think it may be safer. we'll take the route through the safe room and head out. This is a new threat."

The soldiers began pounding at the door trying to Ram it open. Kovo looked at them. "Go. I'll hold them back while you make it out of here..go!"
Esmeralda kissed her son's cheek. "You come as soon as you're able, understand? Don't even try to fight if you can help it." That said, she took Clopin's hand and the two of them made a hasty retreat toward the Safe Room.

Jessica and Faye smiled and waited for some sort of sign.
Clopin took Esmerelda's hand and headed to the saferoom and put in the code to open it. "Come on lets go we are heading to the mountian retreat, Kovo will meet us when he's done."

Kuro looked at his mother and father then nodded. "All right then lets go."

Kovo grinned as the soldiers burst through the door. He watched them and cracked his knuckles grinning. "This shall be fun."

Isolt Marched in seeing just the lone one. "Well my dear this is an easy victory.."
Esmeralda punched in the code for the passageway to the mountain pass and led Jessica And Faye through. "Have no fear, Faye. Kovo is a strong warrior. He will come back to us."

The former bounty hunter only nodded and held tighter to the woman's hand. Jessica watched and felt sorry for Faye, glad that Clopin and her own lover were near by, protecting them.
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