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The Night Whispers

Kuro looked at his mother and smiled. "The one in the blue dress is with Kovo, strange how that could ever happen and the one in the Short red dress is Jessica, she is with me." Kovo spoke with Clopin, mainly wondering how their mother was doing and the manor. it had been a while since they were back in their old home. He looked around remember being young vampirechildren, running aorund the manor while Clopin and Esmeralda ran after them trying to pick up after them. Clopin looked at Kovo and smiled. "Strong on the outside,but you still have much anger on the outside. (its kinda like a huge party where other vampires go and meet each other and talk, hosted by two of the oldest, Clopin and Esmeralda, later i'll have the hunters to break up the party)
Jessica smiled and nodded as she heard her name, and Faye nodded when she was referred to as well. She kept an arm around her son and watched the two women. "Well done my son. And how are you treating your woman?" she asked petting his hair affectionately, careful to not mess it up.
Kuro smiled. "Only the finest, would have it no other way." He smiled and gently lead her down to the women to meet them and smiled. Kovo looked over the crowd but said nothing. Clopin looked at him and sighed. "You've done so well for yourself my son, you cant let the past still haunt you."
Esmeralda smiled as she was led to the two women and held open her arms. "Mmm...come to me, dears. How did my sons get their hands on such lovely young women?" The beautiful vampiress asked.

Jessica smiled and said, "Well, we met in his club. I work there as a singer, but that night I was just there for a little fun."

Faye nodded and said, "I met Kovo there as well. Before I knew it, he'd muscled his way into my life," she said with a chuckle. "I'm Faye, by the way."

Esmeralda smiled and nodded. "Well, you two are always welcome here. Feel free to look around."
Kuro smiled and looked at his mother then to the two girls. "I do hope everyone is having a good time with this party, Jessica, Faye, go out, mingle meet new people and." He fell Silent when he saw Kovo storming off away from Clopin. Kuro sighed and shook his head. "Always the hot head, even in front of guests.
Jessica looked at Faye who was watching Kovo. "I'm not sure if I should go after him or not when he's like this. It seems like it might be best to leave him be..."

Esmeralda frowned and excused herself. "Kuro, I'll expect a dance from you when I get back. I'm going to talk to your father...and then Kovo." That said, the beautiful woman made her way to her man.

Faye frowned and nodded to Jessica who took her hand. "We won't be far if you need us, Kuro."
Clopin sighed and shook his head watching Kovo storm off and down the hall. "He just will never let himself forgive or forget it, You would think even with him bringing someone that it would take his mind off of it. Perhaps i shouldn't of brought him here..i would of thought he would of forgotten it all."

Kuro nodded to his mother then shook his head before looking at Jessica and Faye. "Well how about i show you around?"
Esmeralda put her arms around her husband and kissed his neck. "What's happened to Kovo?" she asked, holding her husband tightly to her.

"Sure," Jessica answered, offering him her arm, Faye following suit. The bounty hunter hoped he was alright. Despite the way he'd obtained her, he'd grown on her quite a bit.
Clopin shook his head. "He still blames himself for draining his real sister dry, when you changed him when he was a young child, it hasnt left him and so he beats himself for it."

Kuro nodded and lead Jessica and Faye through the manor.
Esmeralda nodded and sighed. "Perhaps it was my fault...I should not have turned him when he was so young. But how, may I ask, did the conversation turn to such a subject?" she asked, frowning.
Clopin sighed. "Frankly Hun I don't know, I just mentioned that it had been a while since he was last here, he looked outside then got on the defensive and stormed out of here down the hall way, most likely to his room." He sighed and looked at his wife. "I'll go entertain the guests while you handle our son."
She kissed Clopin softly. "Please do. I'll be back not long from now." She smiled and left her husband to deal with their guests as she went after Kovo. She walked gracefully through the crowd, though it was clear that she had a purpose. And so, Esmeralda headed toward her son's room, hoping he would be there.
Kovo was just looking over things in his room before shaking his head. He looked at his hand where the scar for when he was turned was still there. Sure it saved his life..but when he became a newborn it was ahrd for him to control his hunger and he had killed someone very close to him. "Why must the memory still haunt me?"
Esmeralda didn't bother to knock as she came into her son's room. "You were not to blame for what happened to your sister, Kovo. I should have known better than to leave you alone when you were so young."
Kovo shook his head and looked at the window. "I drained her, My own sister, I couldnt even stop myself..I should of been able to, I was the first night I was changed, I was able to contain the hunger."
"Darling, the first night I was a vampire, I was lucky I didn't drain my entire village." She put a hand on his shoulder. "You couldn't have known how powerful your blood lust was. I should have been there to help you. If anyone is to blame, it's me." She kissed his cheek softly and hook his hand.
Kovo sighed and shook his head. "I attacked her, pinned her down and fed from her, killing her." He sighed and laid his head into his hands and sighed. "Thats all I can do is attack people."
Esmeralda took her son by the shoulders and hugged him to her. "My son, it is long past time that you forgive yourself. You must surely be capable of love as well, if you feel so much pain." She smiled and kissed his head. "After all, the woman who is here with you must be someone you care for. Surely you haven't attacked her."

Faye sneezed. "Oh...pardon me. So what's this room now?" she asked her guide as Jessica hung onto Kuro's other arm.
Kovo sighed then got up. "we'll See. Its best as well we go see what this crowd is up to and entertain the guests." He got up and headed out of the room and began to mingle with the crowd in the large hall.

Clopin smiled. "Well many years back this is where Kuro and Kovo used to play when they were little kids."
Esmeralda got the distinct impression that she'd said something wrong. She couldn't figure out exactly what was bothering Kovo about it, but she knew that the memory of his dead sister haunted him. The beautiful hostess left the room and closed the door behind her, wishing that she could do the same for Kovo's terrible memories.

Faye and Jessica looked around and smiled. "Really? What did you boys like to play?" the redhead asked.
Kovo walked out and looked around before finding Faye's scent and heading right to the old game room. He looked around before looking at his father and brother. "So it seems you've found this place. hasnt changed since we left." Clopin shook his head. "Nope. We knew one day you may want to return to this place and enjoy it once again." Kuro looked at His brother and nodded. "So how has it been brother, being home since so long ago?"
Faye frowned...something about Kovo wasn't right. He was different somehow, but she just couldn't put her finger on it. Still, she thought it better not to ask for the time being. He might get offended or even punish her if he was in the wrong frame of mind. So she ignored it for the time being, a soft smile coming back to her face.

Jessica smiled, not really noticing anything different about the other vampire. Then again, she wasn't his pet.

Esmeralda sighed as she went to find her husband. She knew he was with her sons, but it was better that way. Kovo wouldn't make a scene. Kuro wouldn't know what was happening, and she and her husband could make a clean getaway. They needed to talk about Kovo's sense of guilt. If he couldn't let it go, Esmeralda feared, he'd ruin himself. Too much anger and sadness would cloud him over and hide the real boy from the rest of the world. He would be a prime target for a hunter.
Kovo walked over to Faye and Pulled her close giving her rear a Squeeze. "So what have you been up to hmm?" Kuro looked at his brother then to his parents then their guest. "Well we should head in to the dining Hall, its almost time for the big feast." Clopin nodded and looked at everyone and gently took Esmerelda's arm. "Well then let us depart to the hall."
"Seeing the sights," Faye said with a little smile. "So where did you run off to?" she asked, staying close, figuring the question was safe enough for the moment. If he didn't answer, she wouldn't pry.

Jessica wondered what was going on between the two of them, but decided it was best to just follow her gracious hosts and stay close to Kuro. She smiled at him and kissed his cheek. "It was nice to see where you used to play. You must have really liked it here, huh?"
Kovo looked at Faye and kept her close,giving her rear a squeeze. "My room, you'll see it later." He followed his parents out of the old play room before heading back to the main room, going where everyone was seated for a big dinner. "For our Human guests we have a large meal for you, and the rest we have a wide selection of chilled and stored bloods, just pick your year."
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